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S11.E09: Opening Up Is Hard To Do

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Henry’s phone screen

ChristinaMAFS    <<<<hahaha

Henry: Hello, Christina.....

It’s Henry, your MAFS husband...the guy you sneer at with contempt Every chance  you get...

Just wanted to check in on you (and hope you get hit by Bennett’s pedicab crossing the street)


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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Can anyone with ADD give some insight on what Christina is experiencing? 

I have ADD. I hate the stigma behind the medication because it helps me function as a normal human adult.  Due to COVID I went 3 months without taking the medication. I personally don't get angry or easily frustrated when I'm not on medication. I just am super forgetful and impatient and can't focus on normal conversations. It's really embarrassing. It makes me super self conscious and have a lot of social anxiety. Everyone is different though! The fact that she has family members who have pressured her to get off the medication has me raising eyebrows. My older sister heavily abused her ADD medication and we all wanted her to get off it. She wasn't ever going to admit she had a problem though and had the same attitude as ChristinA. 

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Wow, Karen, you are an entitled snob. You're lucky Miles enjoys the occasional crumb you toss him. The guy is working his butt off to do things for you and to get you to acknowledge his existence. Yet you bring nothing to the table BUT you expect him to bring MORE so you can determine if you'll be able to consider him beyond the experiment?! 

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1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I think Miles should have started with asking for some first base action before trying for a home run. It would have made me uncomfortable though Karen is looking for a reason to permanently send him to the dug-out or trade him to another team. 

Yeah just when she was warming up to him, he throws her a major curve ball.....he should know better than that.

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Amelia and Bennett Twin outfits...adorkable with raspberry fingernails.

Christinhitting golf balls with Henry without sniping...those meds must be working!

Salsa dancing.....shades of Dave sweating through his shirt and pants getting angry and pissed off....

Henry looks like he did cotillion so salsa isn’t much harder...
he and Christinhad a fun time...those meds must be working!

ChristinA is realizing that Henry is her one and only friend...

Off camera these two probably get along well enough to pass each other In their Gotham Loft as Christinspends time in the master bedroom With her store bought comforter and Henry is in the second bedroom with the production issued comforter.


Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’ll do any chore if it doesn’t involve killing anything”. 

Vegetarian? Have we seen him eat meat or fish? Dumplings today over  sauteed greens, and that tray of vegetable lo mein the other night. He's such a kind soul. I'm crushing on him, dirty feet, stained nightshirt, and all. 

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“Lame dates are so much fun”

What’s up with Brett’s PDA?
What was with the camera close up of his arm around Ollie and hand digging into her coat? 
Those two bumping their uglies?

Cajun Swamp tour as the gateway to world travel for Brett....Sez  Olivia’s TH....

”I’m on a tight rotation of socks” says Amelia.

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Mostly a boring episode.

Christina and Henry are about the only interesting couple. I didn't come close to guessing her big secret. She at times appears a bit softer and more genuine. But it doesn't look like Henry is willing to do anything more than what he has to. I don't believe he has any long term plans with her. She wasn't his type from about 2 seconds on.

Karen is going overboard. Of course a guy wants sex with his wife at some point. Is she really going to toss him out because he wants sex? 

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4 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Bennett and Amelia might be the best match this show has ever seen.  They’re both just off-the-beaten-path enough to not be everyone’s cup of tea, but wow, are they compatible in personality and temperament.  It’s early days, but I feel like they’re going to make it.

Bret over thinks over analyzes everything and enjoys being contrarian.

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On Unfiltered, Henry said if Christina wants a kiss, she needs to tone it down. When she toned it down while they were playing golf, he said she was patient. If Christina would have kissed Henry on the golf course, he might have been receptive. 

If Olivia and Amani remain friends post MAFS, hopefully Woody and Amani invite her to game night and Olivia meets a guy that is better for her than Brett. 

Miles was right. Grocery shopping can be a date. He should have pursued some of that conversation off-camera.

I wonder what Miles/Olivia, Christina/Brett, and Henry/Karen couplings would have looked like.  

Edited by RaeSpellman
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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Karen wants an out she got it. He didn't cross a line. He was joking. She can never really banter. Just roll with it.

With the questions Miles was asking, you don't have to give a vulgar answer. His questions weren't out of line.

I agree with this! She could have ended the conversation earlier than it ended by either bantering or saying "can we talk about this later, over wine on the couch?" or ANYTHING other than acting like he was being inappropriate by even talking about having <whispering> s e x (gasp!) with his wife. He tried many different openings, to which she could have responded "I'm still not there yet, and I'm not sure what it's going to take, but I hear you" and he would have accepted it. He wanted to be on the record that sex with his wife is a goal of his.... she wanted to be sure that he knew that even talking about it was verboten. She got her out, but she's been looking for it to be sure.

I'm no more a fan of ChristinA than anyone else is, but I think her nose in the air move is an attempt to hide her double chin that she gets when she moves normally. It really shows up at the oddest times. Also, I've been on a half dozen ADD meds in my 30+ years of taking them, and going off them may change my patience and attitude, but it shows up in ALL things I do (meltdowns while housecleaning, chaos in the kitchen, shaving one leg and forgetting to do the other 😁 and, well, everything) so people know I'm "off" but maybe aren't sure how. But it's pretty much across the board, not just being a bitch to one person. Oh, wait, I forgot about how she treated production! Her friends would notice a difference, though, and hopefully question her about it. I prefer the stigma to being on meds over the reputation of being a flake. Her mileage may vary.

Who else wants to start a GoFundMe for Socks for Bennett and Amelia? 😎

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11 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

It bothers me that Christina always has her head up, hardly looking down, like she is royalty or something. Her nose is always up in the air in a conceited way.   I think Henry should have been matched with Bretts wife, the nurse.  She seems like she would be more sympathetic to his shyness and not belittle him.

Maybe Christina is self-conscious of her double chin? As to the date: Don't dance teachers normally pair the expert with the neophyte?

It pains me to say this, but Brett's sarcastic cracks made me laugh! 

Miles exhausts Karen with his need to help, to support, to make sure the other person is feeling helped and supported,... But for all his emotional intelligence, Miles ain't reading the room, regarding sex talk. 

I get the "natural" look sported by both Amelia and Bennett, but girl shouldn't confuse it with "uncombed hair" and "lack of concealer."

I still love Amani (fishnet stockings!) and Woody, and hope she keeps him!

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11 hours ago, VagabondDays said:


11 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Yeah, & I think ChristinA is full of shit. So many people, young & old, take ADD meds. I have a 50 something yo friend who just started them. She also wasn't bitchy & impatient before starting them.

If ChristinA's going after a sympathy lay from Henry that ain't happening.

Yes and yes!  I am 12 minutes into tonight’s show and ChristinA is a total liar face liar.  Gross.  Henry is responding well but deep down I am hoping he sees through it, as well.


I found it suspicious that it came up right after a night out with friends. Christina knows her baseline is being difficult, picking at people, and “impatient” (and believe me, her friends do too) and it feels like the group strategized a creative reason for it over margaritas — one that nice, supportive Henry would feel bad about either dissing her for or dismissing as the root cause of bitchiness. IMO her ‘real’ confession that all her relationships failed due to constant petty arguing and that she was the common denominator was WAY more revealing (and shockingly self-aware) and I don’t think adderall is a cure for that. Run, Henry!

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12 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Christina, just in case you couldn’t tell, Henry’s reaction to your news was what a lot of people view as kind and empathetic.  Say it with me slowly: k-i-n-d.  Medication or not, you treat him like shit and that’s not something that a prescription can cure.  I hope he leaves you cold when this is over.

Boy, she really switched her tune from last week.  Guess production read her the riot act.

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5 hours ago, Racj82 said:

The Miles/Karen thing

Karen wants an out she got it. He didn't cross a line. He was joking. She can never really banter. Just roll with it.

With the questions Miles was asking, you don't have to give a vulgar answer. His questions weren't out of line. 

You can say you like sexy music. Romance first. Feeling comfortable with my partner. Whatever. Also, just point out that these things will come in time.

The writing the sex thing. She could have had a sly comeback like it ain't never gonna happen if you write it up there. Or something to jokingly have fun with it because that's all he was doing.


7 hours ago, RaeSpellman said:

On Unfiltered, Henry said if Christina wants a kiss, she needs to tone it down. When she toned it down while they were playing golf, he said she was patient. If Christina would have kissed Henry on the golf course, he might have been receptive. 

If Olivia and Amani remain friends post MAFS, hopefully Woody and Amani invite her to game night and Olivia meets a guy that is better for her than Brett. 

Miles was right. Grocery shopping can be a date. He should have pursued some of that conversation off-camera.

I wonder what Miles/Olivia, Christina/Brett, and Henry/Karen couplings would have looked like.  

I think both Henry and Karen are coming from a place of being totally not attracted to their spouse...at all. Again, this does not mean their spouses are not attractive, just that they are not into them.

When this happens the other spouse has to almost dig themselves out of a hole. Where if you are very attracted to a person, you almost temporarily put them on a pedestal and they sort of have to "come down" for you not to like them. Both can happen since attraction often has no rhyme or reason, but chemistry is a powerful force.

Karen seems to treat Miles like a little brother. His naturally sweet and open nature is actually a bit of a turn off to her. When he came barreling at her like a puppy dog in bed...I was like no, Miles. It is not right, but she is reading this as needy and weak. If he toned it down a notch, she would really open up to him. Again, it is not right but Karen has some preconceived notions of manliness and Miles, as great as he acts, is just not fitting the bill.

On a shallow note, we all talk about how pretty Karen is...her friend, Felicia, from last episode was also quite stunning.

Henry, also has some preconceived notions of femininity, but he probably would not word it that way. He probably likes women like the petite/pretty brunette gal that is his close friend. Christina is does not fit that bill and she totally turned him off with her annoyed and impatient attitude. I do not think she really has a chance to turn it around at this point, but we shall see.

1 hour ago, TeapotWakeen said:

I agree with this! She could have ended the conversation earlier than it ended by either bantering or saying "can we talk about this later, over wine on the couch?" or ANYTHING other than acting like he was being inappropriate by even talking about having <whispering> s e x (gasp!) with his wife. He tried many different openings, to which she could have responded "I'm still not there yet, and I'm not sure what it's going to take, but I hear you" and he would have accepted it. He wanted to be on the record that sex with his wife is a goal of his.... she wanted to be sure that he knew that even talking about it was verboten. She got her out, but she's been looking for it to be sure.

I'm no more a fan of ChristinA than anyone else is, but I think her nose in the air move is an attempt to hide her double chin that she gets when she moves normally. It really shows up at the oddest times. Also, I've been on a half dozen ADD meds in my 30+ years of taking them, and going off them may change my patience and attitude, but it shows up in ALL things I do (meltdowns while housecleaning, chaos in the kitchen, shaving one leg and forgetting to do the other 😁 and, well, everything) so people know I'm "off" but maybe aren't sure how. But it's pretty much across the board, not just being a bitch to one person. Oh, wait, I forgot about how she treated production! Her friends would notice a difference, though, and hopefully question her about it. I prefer the stigma to being on meds over the reputation of being a flake. Her mileage may vary.

Who else wants to start a GoFundMe for Socks for Bennett and Amelia? 😎

I am very ignorant about ADD medication. I did have a very smart and kind friend in college who went on antidepressants.  He gained quite a bit of weight with the medicine.  He came off it and it was not pretty.

I wonder if the ADD medications caused her to gain weight and that is why she went off them before appearing on TV? Her mother being unsupportive probably did not help. 

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If Karen is so skeptical about everything concerning men, why did she come on this show?  Miles is doing everything right.  What is her problem?  She’s wound up so tight.  Have some wine and let loose.  He’s a good guy from what I’ve seen.


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14 minutes ago, qtpye said:


I am very ignorant about ADD medication. I did have a very smart and kind friend in college who went on antidepressants.  He gained quite a bit of weight with the medicine.  He came off it and it was not pretty.

I wonder if the ADD medications caused her to gain weight and that is why she went off them before appearing on TV? Her mother being unsupportive probably did not help. 

Adderall is a stimulant and a side effect is weight loss. I remember commenting to my daughter’s pediatrician that the pills reminded me of the old Dexatrim commercials. He said it had a similar effect. My daughter was a bit of a chunk when she started taking it in middle school. She lost all that baby weight after starting her meds. She’s an adult now btw and doesn’t take meds for ADD any longer. 

7 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

If Karen is so skeptical about everything concerning men, why did she come on this show?  Miles is doing everything right.  What is her problem?  She’s wound up so tight.  Have some wine and let loose.  He’s a good guy from what I’ve seen.


Someone somewhere said Karen must have always been the side piece and doesn’t know how to be anyone’s only woman. I kind of agree with that and with other posters who say she thinks of masculinity in very rigid ways and Miles ain’t meeting her standards.

Miles, with a smidgen more maturity) could turn out to be a Cliff Huxtable, affectionate and playful with the ability to be serious when the situation calls for it. Karen seems to want a Blair Underwood character. Handsome and manly, but will absolutely treat her like a piece of shit at some point. Maybe that dynamic turns her on. 

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56 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I wonder if the ADD medications caused her to gain weight and that is why she went off them before appearing on TV? Her mother being unsupportive probably did not help. 

On the contrary, usually ADD medication will supress the appetite and people often lose weight when taking it.

Color me impressed and relieved to see ALL the couples TRYING to get along and make it work, communicating, being open and "vunnerable" (LOL throwback from last season).  No cold shoulder, stomping out, saying "it's over".  I started out liking Amelia and Bennett the most but now I'm all about Woody and Amani.  I swear those two knew each other before the show and were already in love.  They go together like burgers and burkas, LOL!  I'm ready for their spinoff.  However, if Karen doesn't open up and appreciate Miles for all his wonderfulness, I'm just going to cry. 

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11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Shit Karen! The man is asking you what you like! Do you like your lady parts kissed, you like kisses on your back, having someone remove the stick out of your ass? What? What do you want? 

Miles indicating that he wants sex makes her feel "unsafe" and now she has her out.

Karen is really getting on my nerves. This man fixes her car, has his friend the chef come over and cook them a (yummy-looking) meal, and she's still talking about "we'll see if he's actually sweet." What more proof do you need?! And then she tells him she doesn't want him to feel pressure to be everything to her, but of course he does, because he's trying to woo her and she's giving no indication that it's working, AND she doesn't appear to be lifting a finger to show him she's interested (because she's not).

This "unsafe" thing is like the Atlanta couple where the husband asked someone else out during the experiment. The wife clearly hated him (he tried to kiss her cheek and she literally recoiled in horror) but the asking out gave her an out without having to look like the bad guy. Karen could have rolled with it - someone said she could have tossed back some banter, like "Boy, you're never gonna get it if you schedule it!" or something, but instead she is up! Set! and now she has her out.

10 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

Wow, Karen, you are an entitled snob. You're lucky Miles enjoys the occasional crumb you toss him. The guy is working his butt off to do things for you and to get you to acknowledge his existence. Yet you bring nothing to the table BUT you expect him to bring MORE so you can determine if you'll be able to consider him beyond the experiment?! 

Exactly. What is she bringing to the table for him? I see him bending over backwards to please her; I haven't seen her do anything to please him.

Bennett was sporting an unfortunate sparse 'stache this episode. When he said "I'm happy with our level of physical intimacy" I fell out. It was his delivery. Did they even eat that cake?

The whole swamp tour, I was thinking about Tiffany Haddish's story of taking Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith on a swamp tour. I noticed two things: Olivia looked miserable when she was talking to Amani about Brett, and Amani was very tactfully trying to tell Olivia that nobody likes Brett.

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1 hour ago, Soup333 said:


Adderall is a stimulant and a side effect is weight loss. I remember commenting to my daughter’s pediatrician that the pills reminded me of the old Dexatrim commercials. He said it had a similar effect. My daughter was a bit of a chunk when she started taking it in middle school. She lost all that baby weight after starting her meds. She’s an adult now btw and doesn’t take meds for ADD any longer. 

Someone somewhere said Karen must have always been the side piece and doesn’t know how to be anyone’s only woman. I kind of agree with that and with other posters who say she thinks of masculinity in very rigid ways and Miles ain’t meeting her standards.

Miles, with a smidgen more maturity) could turn out to be a Cliff Huxtable, affectionate and playful with the ability to be serious when the situation calls for it. Karen seems to want a Blair Underwood character. Handsome and manly, but will absolutely treat her like a piece of shit at some point. Maybe that dynamic turns her on. 

So, could someone gain a bit of weight after going off the medication?

This could explain Christina's double chins and why her clothes do not fit her correctly. I have a feeling she is used to being slimmer, though there is really nothing wrong with her figure the way it is now.

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Karen is honestly such a Karen . Holy moly , Loosen up !! Everything she says or responds to is a passive aggressive wise crack . I feel like she got married hoping her match would be an asshole . 

Olivia keeps saying she wants to have fun And be adventurous , but she has such a monotone , Not fun personality . Brett is annoying without a doubt , but she’s just so blah .

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Just finished watching...

Still thinking that Woody is fine with things as long as Amani doesn't do something without asking him first. He is all about image and if Amani wants a new hairstyle (bald or not), he wants to know first so he can assess whether or not it will embarrass him to walk down the street with her or to his friends. It's all about him. Amani does not seem like a powder puff that will go along with any of that.

Amelia saying that she's going to a "mysterious place." Come on. Fewer than 300 people failed to match last year and it was mostly because they were f- ups in some way. Considering the shortage of doctors, not matching is almost impossible. She knows what the possibilities are. I get that these two are cute and quirky to a lot of people but to see a grown man sitting on a couch wearing filthy socks and giggling weirdly about only having two pairs is just not someone I could deal with. 

Brett's attempt at humorous answers were all about avoiding all the questions. His views on love do not include Olivia. I can't say that I blame him. It's clearly driving Olivia batshit that she can't get a straight answer out of him. 

Henry and Christina are not a match whether or not she is on medication. They try to say all the right things to each other but it sounds so flat and unemotional. Henry's biding his time until he can get off the Christina train. 

I can see why Karen is put off by Miles. Even something as simple as him walking into the bedroom with that card and jumping onto the bed looked like it irritated her. She wants someone very straight faced and serious it seems. She does not seem to be into the most mild forms of silliness. Writing "sex with my wife" on the calendar sunk their relationship (if there was one) completely.

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Just finished watching...

Still thinking that Woody is fine with things as long as Amani doesn't do something without asking him first. He is all about image and if Amani wants a new hairstyle (bald or not), he wants to know first so he can assess whether or not it will embarrass him to walk down the street with her or to his friends. It's all about him. Amani does not seem like a powder puff that will go along with any of that.

Amelia saying that she's going to a "mysterious place." Come on. Fewer than 300 people failed to match last year and it was mostly because they were f- ups in some way. Considering the shortage of doctors, not matching is almost impossible. She knows what the possibilities are. I get that these two are cute and quirky to a lot of people but to see a grown man sitting on a couch wearing filthy socks and giggling weirdly about only having two pairs is just not someone I could deal with. 

Brett's attempt at humorous answers were all about avoiding all the questions. His views on love do not include Olivia. I can't say that I blame him. It's clearly driving Olivia batshit that she can't get a straight answer out of him. 

Henry and Christina are not a match whether or not she is on medication. They try to say all the right things to each other but it sounds so flat and unemotional. Henry's biding his time until he can get off the Christina train. 

I can see why Karen is put off by Miles. Even something as simple as him walking into the bedroom with that card and jumping onto the bed looked like it irritated her. She wants someone very straight faced and serious it seems. She does not seem to be into the most mild forms of silliness. Writing "sex with my wife" on the calendar sunk their relationship (if there was one) completely.

At this point, Karen will probably miss hanging out with Amani and Woody more then being around Miles.

Edited by qtpye
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13 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Karen has never been attracted to Miles and she certainly doesn’t respect him.  His “sex with my wife” was definitely a boneheaded misstep, but she has her easy out in hand now.  

But isn't that what she wants? "Manly" head of the house husband that tells her what to do and what he wants and she will obey?  The first time Miles tries that she makes it into this horrible thing he wants to do to her. Unsafe? Ffs. I think Miles was trying to be more that way after his talk with her friend in previous episode. I noticed also he told her what to cook in the grocery store. He is trying to tell her becouse she supposedly wants to be told instead of discussion.

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4 minutes ago, ava111 said:

But isn't that what she wants? "Manly" head of the house husband that tells her what to do and what he wants and she will obey?  The first time Miles tries that she makes it into this horrible thing he wants to do to her. Unsafe? Ffs. I think Miles was trying to be more that way after his talk with her friend in previous episode. I noticed also he told her what to cook in the grocery store. He is trying to tell her becouse she supposedly wants to be told instead of discussion.

Exactly. She says she wants an alpha male because she wants an out from emotional Miles, but then says Emo Miles is too aggressive for her. "Karen" is a clueless, walking contradiction. 

Plus, her "unsafe" response was so drama queen and a complete lie. Next we'll hear that Paris Hilton claims to be a "victim" during the filming of her sex tape. Oh wait.

Edited by LaLaLaLa
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8 minutes ago, ava111 said:

But isn't that what she wants? "Manly" head of the house husband that tells her what to do and what he wants and she will obey?  The first time Miles tries that she makes it into this horrible thing he wants to do to her. Unsafe? Ffs. I think Miles was trying to be more that way after his talk with her friend in previous episode. I noticed also he told her what to cook in the grocery store. He is trying to tell her becouse she supposedly wants to be told instead of discussion.

I’m not sure Karen knows what she wants. Other than Miles isn’t exactly it. And I’m positive she doesn’t know what she needs. 

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16 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Christina is complaining she has to do all the work, and it’s not 50/50.  So what?  I’m married forever and my husband never once planned a trip.  I plan where we are going, am the navigator as he is bad with directions, I do most of the housework, cook, bills, and don’t mind.  But, he built a room for our daughter in the attic, takes care of the car as I hate putting gas in, and does the things I hate to do.  I take care of certain things and he takes care of certain things, and everything works.  He has done things for me if I ask and is dependable

Pretty much the same here. It's called maturity. Something ChristinA doesn't posess. 

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Olivia keeps saying she wants to have fun And be adventurous , but she has such a monotone , Not fun personality . Brett is annoying without a doubt , but she’s just so blah .

Even when she was walking with Amani she was blah so it's not just Brett that she's that way with. She's a bore. I bet traveling the world with her would be non stop fun. 

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13 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Well, @Silver Bells, since ChristinA has said that all of her expectations and ideas about relationships come from TV and movies, she has definite ideas of rules and roles, starting with her husband coming home every day bringing her flowers and kissing her madly. She needs to watch Lifetime movies that feature abusive, creepy husbands and step away from the Hallmark channel.

OMG, what does this woman want?  She is scaring the hell out of him.  He’s a good guy.  Maybe he doesn’t like her either.

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Can anyone with ADD give some insight on what Christina is experiencing? 

I started ADD meds as an adult. I lost no weight, much to my great disapointment. They make a huge difference in my ability to focus and get work done but honestly, they don't change my basic personality. I'm not cranky or bitchy when I don't take them (I don't take them on non-work days). I wasn't cranky or bitchy before I started them - though perhaps I was a little more stressed because I was falling behind at work because I couldn't focus. But it wasn't the wholesale personality change that Christina seems to be experiencing.

Antidepressants are a different story. I've been on them for quite some time and fully expect to be on them for the rest of my life. If I were to go off them, I would likely experience a pretty severe depression that could, at times, manifest as annoyance/anger, as well as more "typical" depression symptoms (lethargy, feelings of hopelessness/helplessness). 

I don't really buy ChristinA's explanation though everyone does react to meds (and coming off them) differently. This "storyline" seemed to come completely out of left field. If she did actually take them prior to going on the show and then stopped, I can see her doing so because she wanted to be the "perfect partner" and saw taking the meds as a fault or weakness. 


I get that these two are cute and quirky to a lot of people but to see a grown man sitting on a couch wearing filthy socks and giggling weirdly about only having two pairs is just not someone I could deal with. 

I second this. I also second the call for a GoFundMe to get Bennett a few decent pairs of socks, a bar of soap, some clothes washing detergent and a razor (I hate that mustache though it does make him look a little older). Either that or get some sandals and stop wearing socks altogether. But then he's going to have to wash his feet and cut his toenails - and I don't want to see that onscreen.


OMG, what does this woman want? 

She told us what she wants - the fairy tale she sees in movies. She doesn't seem to realize that it's not reality so she can't have that. But she can have a great relationship (probably not with Henry) if she wasn't such a bitch about it.

To Miles - the grocery store absolutely can be a date. I miss going to the grocery store with my husband. We used to have a great time doing that. Stupid Covid/2020.

Edited by Elizzikra
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18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Even when she was walking with Amani she was blah so it's not just Brett that she's that way with. She's a bore. I bet traveling the world with her would be non stop fun. 

Olivia has to get rid of that bun.  

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14 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Karen has never been attracted to Miles and she certainly doesn’t respect him.  His “sex with my wife” was definitely a boneheaded misstep, but she has her easy out in hand now.  

Karen needs serious therapy.  She needs to figure out who she is and what she wants.  First she gets upset because she feels Miles is too emotional and not masculine, but then when he wrote the "sex with my wife" (and even an old lady like me saw that as a joke), she suddenly became...you got it, emotional!

Karen is a real "Karen."  Who the hell is she?  What does she even want?  Now she feels "unsafe" because Miles mentioned sex?  Oh, come the fuck on lady.  This is not a real nasty play like what Michael did, when he said he wanted to have sex with Meka, OFF CAMERA and then denied he ever said it.   

But seriously, Karen needs therapy because something happened to that woman.  I mean Woody jokes around and Amani isn't clutching her pearls.  She laughed when she said burka and he thought she said burger.  They laugh together.  Karen is too uptight.  Karen doesn't know who she is or what she even wants.

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This has to be one of the worst cast seasons I have seen. They never should have selected Karen with all her baggage. She is horrible and condescending to sweet Miles. Her "I don't feel safe" comment over and over is just ridiculous. She has never gotten over his age and is just plain awful. I don't even want her to relax and let herself be happy. She tells him that he needs to tell her what HE wants and he does (sex or to be intimate with his wife) and she attacks him for that or gives that standard "it will come in time" response to everything with that smirk on her face. RUN, MILES! And, I agree that grocery shopping can be a date. Or part of one when you come home and cook together. When Miles was telling Karen what he wanted for dinner, she looked like she was going to disagree with what he chose, but then said that she could cook that. Like he should be grateful. UGH.

Olivia, have you ever smiled - ever? I know you are miserable with your chosen husband, but at least give up on trying to make something work. You don't like him, anyway, so just get through the next few weeks. A swamp tour would not have been my choice of a fun date, either. I wonder if production assigns everything or if they get a choice? If it is assigned, they clearly don't like this pair! Amelia seemed to be able to design her own fun. I guess the other wives didn't want to?

ChristinA is another one who should not have been selected. And, yes, she could have given him a quick kiss if she wanted to during their golf or dance lesson. It wouldn't have gotten any farther because he really is not attracted to her or even like her, but he certainly is NOT going to take the lead.

We are now 3 weeks into the marriage. I assume people are back at work, so where are they getting all this time for these little trips and activities? 

I hope the scene for next week is as it was shown when ChristinA asked Henry if he saw them together.

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I get the swamp river tour is no Disney’s Jungle Adventure ride but if you’re there anyway, might as well enjoy it. It was probably a dirt cheap budget operation which should appeal to Brett based on that alone. 
Armani cooing over that baby alligator on her walk with Olivia cracked me up but the whole time I’m thinking, wouldn’t there be a mama alligator close by?
I’m totally crushing on Armani. I’d love to have her and Shawniece as my friends. 
I didn’t realize that Armani and Karen had met a few times before the show but I’ve heard in NOLA the degree of separation is a lot smaller. 


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3 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

We are now 3 weeks into the marriage. I assume people are back at work, so where are they getting all this time for these little trips and activities? 

You can do dance lessons in the evening and swamp tours and golf on weekends. I don’t think Amelia is working since she’s waiting to hear about her residency, and Bennett basically works odd jobs so his schedule is flexible. No idea how much Christina works.

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17 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

It bothers me that Christina always has her head up, hardly looking down, like she is royalty or something.

Well, when she puts her head down, she has a massive double chin, so..........

I have only watched half of last night's episode, but something has really started bugging me the last couple episodes since they returned from the honeymoon. I am really getting tired of them just going from couple to couple having them do the exact same activity. Last night it was answering the "how do you know when you are in love?" question. My God, this is lazy and boring editing! This whole thing is beyond staged now. They are all living in identical spaces doing identical activities! And after breaking the fourth wall with ChristinA last week, it is really obvious how closely the producers guide every interaction that we are shown. I mean, I knew they stage stuff, but it's really getting ridiculous now. Watching FIVE couples do the same thing is just redundant.

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11 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Bret over thinks over analyzes everything and enjoys being contrarian.

I bet he's been dumped a number of times (hence all the online dating) so he is being difficult to test her or push her away, as opposed to being...wait for it.... vunnerable! (yes, i know it's misspelled - but that's the MAFS way 😉 )

12 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

”I’m on a tight rotation of socks” says Amelia.

Dr Pepper should have been checking the sock drawer all this time, not the underwear drawer!

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Olivia is just a drag....zero joie de vivre....no zest for life, no sense of humor, a void in her personality....a cranky, dry husk Auntie Olivia...

The happiest we have seen her was talking about TacoBell.

Her Ma, Heather and Jo must dread her daily yammering on about her same ol' grievances.....

If her job is so physically and mentally draining then why get married if there is no energy at the end of the day to interact with a spouse?

Bet the married with kids staff at her clinic are laughing their asses off at her martyr act....

Brett is not her husband for life but he is good enough company to just have a goof and laugh  for the next 5 weeks....


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13 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I feel so bad for Woody that Amani is being so cautious when he just told her he loves her. 

Gotta remember there are producers behind everything!!

Remember when they zooned in on Jessica saying Austin did say he loved her?

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Miles continues to be more cringe by the week. His jokes were completely inappropriate given she’s only known him a couple weeks and is still trying to figure out of she likes him. He’s not listening To Karen and he lacks maturity.

It’s been offensive to hear that when a black woman says she wants a masculine man that must mean she wants a “thug” as if there aren’t masculine black men who are good men like a Barack Obama type. Assertive, confident, leader etc I’m not sure why “alpha” and “masculine” have become negative terms because of some bad apples. As if good men can’t be alphas. Good for those that do but not everyone likes beta males like miles and that’s ok.

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