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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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4 hours ago, 853fisher said:

 "Good Times" doesn't seem to be one of those shows that is always on somewhere so that it would seep into the consciousness of those too young to remember it when it was new.

I just read this and i started channel surfing. Apparently, "Good Times" is on GET TV at 2:30 AM.  LOL.

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11 hours ago, opus said:

I got as close as Sacramento and “the capital of Nevada”.

That’s exactly where I was at FJ, so I obviously didn’t have the answer. I was able to come up with bridge, Huey Lewis and the News, Good Times, and  Brie Larson. I’m getting used to the changes and about the time that I am fully so, they will be changing to a new guest host. 

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22 hours ago, Trey said:

eta: read on another board: Brad Pitt and Hermann Rorschach look very much alike. 

I didn't connect him to Pitt, but I was surprised at how handsome he was.

13 hours ago, illdoc said:

For FJ, I got "Carson City" right away and then "Sacramento" but then I thought "Sacramento is too far away", so I ended up with "Salt Lake City" as my second answer (maybe I thought it said "minerals" instead of "metals", maybe I thought "maybe salt is classified as a metal"). Oh well!

I got Sacramento right away, but then I was "Salem's too far" and finally went east and got Carson City (after a brief "Reno?"). I thought they weren't that close to each other, but I stuck with it.

12 hours ago, Katy M said:

I don't knw about them, but I think I was over complicating it.

I know I was overcomplicating it. I forget what I actually said, but it was something fancier.

10 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Have we seen a photo during the interviews before?  Between that and the prop comedy last week, they seem willing to try a few new things there.  OK, interesting!  Just don't get too crazy.  "Let's call the whole thing off" was worth a good chuckle.  A lot of those interactions are coming across very natural and cute.

It was a sweet tribute. Though I imagine she'd hoped to be able to meet him in person again, rather than show it as a tribute. I think Ken's very good with the contestants, because he was on that side of the stage for such a long time.

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Another good game.

I got the ts's of conquistador and Good Times.

I was pleased with getting blunderbuss too.  I said it just as my son was shouting it in from the other room.

For FJ I got Sacramento right away and then had to think a bit for the capital of Nevada but it came to me pretty quickly, as it should have, being Carson City😀

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I didn't connect him to Pitt, but I was surprised at how handsome he was.

If you google the two names you will find many pictures of the two side by side.  Remarkable resemblance to each other.

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So many of us had the same thought process on FJ. I got to Sacramento and Carson City pretty quickly, but figured there was no way they're that close together. But it was the only answer that really made sense, so I stuck with it. Glad I did, I learned something, and it makes me 3-3 on FJ this week! 

Loved the photo of Alex on the subway.

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26 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I forgot to ask, where in NYC is Alex’s son’s restaurant? I don’t know much about his family. Is it in Trebeka?

I’ll see myself out.

I was curious so I just looked it up; it's called Oso ("bear" in Spanish, "serving Mexico City street-inspired food") and is on Amsterdam Ave. in Harlem. 

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Something strange is happening to me while watching J! lately... I'm daydreaming. I've never done that before. It's happened a few times this week.

It's probably old age... there was a time not so long ago when I might have blamed my glass of wine while prepping dinner...

However... this never EVER happened with Alex. I'm tempted to blame Ken (his voice). LOL?

Happy to see him wearing black shoes today... for some reason, the shiny brown ones didn't work for me. Too picky?

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I got FJ but it was a complete guess.

I got the ts of the Hate U Give, girdle, New Brunswick, and larval.

I got the entire category of streaming wrong and the entire partial category of purple right.

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I can't believe I missed FJ today.  It's so obvious in hindsight!  I blame not having any clue (heh) when that author was alive.  

I am sad that no one knew "The Hate U Give" -- it's really good.  I just picked up the prequel, Concrete Rose, from my library yesterday.  I was as confused as the contestants about the Pocahontas question -- I very confidently said Virginia.  I consider Jamestown to be a settlement, not a colony.

I did get several other TS, including Sprint, Hailee Steinfeld (whose name I'm sure I misspelled), girdle, crystal, cane toad, and larval.

Ken's getting better with the interview, but I feel like he needs to cut them a little shorter.

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5 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ but it was a complete guess.

I got the ts of the Hate U Give, girdle, New Brunswick, and larval.

I got the entire category of streaming wrong and the entire partial category of purple right.

I got FJ; I knew Doyle was into the whole spiritual movement, so it was the logical guess.

I got all those TSs; helped that I live less than an hour from New Brunswick, NJ.

I think I got all the purple? I don't remember now.

Of course, now I have the Axolotl Song stuck in my head so I have to share.


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Sprint and larval were surprising TS.  New Brunswick and girdle a bit, too.

I had a rough first round!  I only got one each in YA Books and streaming TV and only two in Popes.  I got all the rest, but those categories were terrible for me (which is not surprising, it just sucked having three of them in one round).  I did much better in DJ, but didn't know FJ. 

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Boy, that FJ drove me wild!  Too often I can remember reading about something, what got me there (in this case a Doctor Who episode), but not the fact itself.  Anyway, maybe if someone had said “could it be Doyle” I would have remembered his interest in the Cottingley fairies or other little anecdotes and remembered it was him.  Alas, I think my subconscious thought he had died by 1926.  No, four more years left!

Brian is sort of sneaking up on me.  He doesn’t strike me as an unusually dominating player during the game, but then we get to the end and I see he has done very well.  Perhaps it’s because his manner is so understated.  Those two DDs in quick succession helped tonight, of course.  Good for him.

The Cleveland category was strange.  Did they owe someone at WOIO a favor?  I thought it added nothing to have the clues read by anchors the vast majority of viewers have never heard of before and will never see again.  Maybe it’s just not something I’m used to, but I can't say I hope that becomes a regular feature.

3 hours ago, Bliss said:

Something strange is happening to me while watching J! lately... I'm daydreaming. I've never done that before. It's happened a few times this week.

I have noticed myself drifting away more too.  I think I am not ordinarily a very disciplined TV viewer.  I'm too used to allowing myself to be distracted by the cats, a text from my parents when I know they're going to bed soon, the instinct to Google something that sounds interesting so I remember to read it later...

For me I think it's not anything Ken is doing "wrong" as much as that I mended my ways for a while when we realized we would definitely only have so many more episodes with Alex, and forced myself to pay rapt attention.  Now that sense of urgency is gone and I'm letting myself get back into bad habits.  I think this is one reason I prefer seeing movies at the theatre: there's no option to screw around there.

11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

[Alex's son's restaurant is] Oso ("bear" in Spanish, "serving Mexico City street-inspired food") and is on Amsterdam Ave. in Harlem. 

That sounds delicious!  Thanks for really looking it up after I was a smartass. 😉

Edited by 853fisher
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1 minute ago, 853fisher said:

For me I think it's not anything Ken is doing "wrong" as much as that I mended my ways for a while when we realized we would definitely only have so many more episodes with Alex, and forced myself to pay rapt attention.  Now that sense of urgency is gone and I'm letting myself get back into bad habits.  

Same here. There's a reason I often don't share how I did, because I honestly don't remember by the end of the game. Ocasionally I will keep score and I was definitely paying more attention during Alex's last several weeks.

4 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

That sounds delicious!  Thanks for really looking it up after I was a smartass. 😉

lol...maybe someday you'll get to go there.

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I got New Brunswick because of my 2019 Road Trip - from Maine, I went into NB two different times. All the sign are bi-lingual and while I knew they don't do MPH, it was a challenge to read the tiny KPH numbers on my speedometer. I kept seeing warning signs for moose, but I never did see one.

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On 1/19/2021 at 11:47 AM, 853fisher said:

Did we get a “thank you, Alex” today?

I really love this, and that Ken has done it for every episode so far. And done quite sincerely too. I wonder if the next guest host will follow, and make it a tradition.

Ken's got a quite a good at reading the Spanish clues as well. He's fluent in the language; I understood he learned it for his LDS mission trip to Spain. 

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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

Sprint and larval were surprising TS.  New Brunswick and girdle a bit, too.

I had a rough first round!  I only got one each in YA Books and streaming TV and only two in Popes.  I got all the rest, but those categories were terrible for me (which is not surprising, it just sucked having three of them in one round).  I did much better in DJ, but didn't know FJ. 

I almost missed New Brunswick and I went to Rutgers-New Brunswick!  I kept trying to think of a town in Jersey called Quebec because I was sure that was the bilingual province.

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Another good game for Brian.  He's okay in his low key way.

My ts's or missed dd's were golden triangle, girdle, New Brunswick and Jamestown.

For FJ, the only writer I knew of with an interest in the occult was Conan Doyle but I wasn't sure he was still alive in 1926. But that was all I had.

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I also got Final Jeopardy based on Doyle's interest in spiritualism.  It's sometimes surprising to remember how long Doyle lived.  Because Sherlock Holmes is associated so strongly with the Victorian era, we don't always realize that Doyle lived well into the 20th Century, and the final Sherlock Holmes story was published in March 1927.

Edited by MrAtoz
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When I first saw them at the Dias I saw Robert’s signature and thought he had lovely handwriting. really liked the almost rhymes with purple category and I think I ran it. I also got Golden Triangle, girdle, New Brunswick (there was a big horse show there), Jamestown, and larva. On the question about diamonds that Ken took the correct answer as “conflict diamonds”. I said blood diamonds, would the judges have accepted that? I missed FJ. It made perfect sense once I heard the answer that it was Doyle. 

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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

Sprint and larval were surprising TS.  New Brunswick and girdle a bit, too.

Missed everything but girdle - which I had some experience with in my early teen years. Never wore anything like it since. Can't stand being constrained like that.

12 hours ago, 853fisher said:

The Cleveland category was strange.  Did they owe someone at WOIO a favor?  I thought it added nothing to have the clues read by anchors the vast majority of viewers have never heard of before and will never see again.  Maybe it’s just not something I’m used to, but I can't say I hope that becomes a regular feature.

Seems to me this has been done before. It's a way of promoting their affiliates. I thought it was okay. Not my favorite, but okay.

9 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

When I first saw them at the Dias I saw Robert’s signature and thought he had lovely handwriting. really liked the almost rhymes with purple category and I think I ran it. I also got Golden Triangle, girdle, New Brunswick (there was a big horse show there), Jamestown, and larva. On the question about diamonds that Ken took the correct answer as “conflict diamonds”. I said blood diamonds, would the judges have accepted that? I missed FJ. It made perfect sense once I heard the answer that it was Doyle. 

I said blood too - and I was wrong because the category was "5 MORE "C"s OF DIAMONDS", so only "conflict" would have fit.

I had no trouble with FJ - "spiritual" took me to Doyle, and since I knew he and Houdini were once friends, the time period worked for me. Though it was the outer edges of that time period I guess - but ignorance is luck in this case.

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 I kept trying to think of a town in Jersey called Quebec because I was sure that was the bilingual province.

I know!  (Monica Gellar voice) In my family we all said "how can that be the only official bi-lingual province?!?!"  Will need to do some research.

I like Ken more than I thought I would, but one thing that bugs is "we were looking for ...".  I'd rather have him say "the correct answer is ..."

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1 hour ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

how can that be the only official bi-lingual province

Provincial language status is decided by the province, so Quebec is all French, New Brunswick is bi-lingual and the rest are English.

Federal language status is bi-lingual across the country.

Hope this helps - or at least makes sense🙂

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I knew FJ right away.  Had a college class where we studied doyle and houdini, their big feud, plus I read a houdini biography a few years back.  

That first ladies story about driving for .....one if the three tenors I think? Was far too long.   Really didn't need the play by play of how it all went down.  

Ken's foreign word pronunciation seems pretty good.  Thought he might struggle. We know that was alexs forte

The cleveland category And ones like them, just call them what they are, paid adds.  I don't like them, but they'll keep doing them.  

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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FJ was an instaget.  As was the tiebreaker.

I got the TS of conchologist and Pillars of the Earht.

I embarrassingly missed all of the Es.  The first one I had an excuse because I thought each clue had to have 5 Es. AFter that I don't know what my deal was.

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Another game where the third place contestant should have bet zero.  In the end, it didn't matter, of course, but if she'd gotten FJ right and the other two had missed, she would have won!  I'm good with Brian winning again, though.  Good thing he is fast on the buzzer!

Instaget FJ for me, though I wasn't 100% sure until the correct response was revealed. 

I also got the TS of John Quincy Adams, U2, and 12 Monkeys.


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52 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Deciding clue was pretty easy, so it came down to reflexes, I guess.

I think that's the point. If it's too hard they might not know it and they'll have to do more tie-breakers. (Though I guess they could edit out any missed questions and just keep the one that actually determines the winner, so maybe it has happened, but the handful I've seen have always been pretty easy.)

I did well with 9-letter words, Lit, British pantry, and movie quotes (despite the fact that I've only seen one of those movies). Could not come up with FJ.

3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got the TS of conchologist and Pillars of the Earht.

That was the one book I missed. I used to work in a bookstore and I could picture the cover, but the title wasn't coming to me.

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John Quincy Adams was a surprising TS, since there are so many mnemonics for the order of presidents and he was only the sixth.  Mercury surprised me, too, as did spoiler (with that one, I think they may got tripped up by the "Alert!" part of the clue).

I got everything other than Medal of Honor and conchologist in the first round, but I was terrible with the composers and literature in DJ (if someone judged me on tonight's performance alone, I'd come off like quite the philistine), and also missed a couple of Bruce Willis movies and D&D clues.  I didn't get FJ, but the tiebreaker was an instaget.

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Considering I got all the answers in the British Pantry and 9 Letter Word categories, I was very disappointed not to get any TSs or FJ. I knew 12 Monkeys, but it just was sitting on the edge of my brain and couldn’t make it down to my tongue. 

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14 hours ago, ams1001 said:
15 hours ago, Roaster said:

Deciding clue was pretty easy, so it came down to reflexes, I guess.

I think that's the point. If it's too hard they might not know it and they'll have to do more tie-breakers. (Though I guess they could edit out any missed questions and just keep the one that actually determines the winner, so maybe it has happened, but the handful I've seen have always been pretty easy.)

That's my guess. The better finger/thumb wins (as long as the get they answer, which at that point they probably would).

10 hours ago, nokat said:

I was killing it in a lot of categories today. I don't think I've every seen a tie like that before.

I was killing it in a lot of categories too. Unfortunately, the answers did not move from my brain to my mouth.

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45 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Unfortunately, the answers did not move from my brain to my mouth.

Sometimes my brain answers and I don't say it out loud. I consider that an answer. I do like to say the answers out loud usually.

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17 minutes ago, nokat said:

Sometimes my brain answers and I don't say it out loud. I consider that an answer. I do like to say the answers out loud usually.

I'd like to do that - but Mr Starling and I compete - so I lose if I don't say them out loud. Though he has plenty of those times too - so it evens out. 😆

Edited by Clanstarling
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8 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I'd like to do that - but Mr Starling and I compete - so I lose if I don't say them out loud. Though he has plenty of those times too - so it evens out. 😆

Is it cheating if you don't say it in question form? I get lazy with that. The show is about answering with the question.

Edited by nokat
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Wow, I still really hate the tiebreaker.  They were both excellent contestants, and I would have liked to have seen another game with them both.  (The contestant in the middle was sharp, too--good game all around.)

I was glad we finally had a day where none of the contestants did anything silly during their introductions.  It seems like we've had a major uptick this week in goofy waves, little hand signals, and other crap that sets me rooting against someone from the get-go.  

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Why can’t they just have both return? The tie breaker is so anti climatic. They both “won” and both deserve to return. The odds of both winning again are rare so just have them both back. 

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35 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Why can’t they just have both return? The tie breaker is so anti climatic. They both “won” and both deserve to return. The odds of both winning again are rare so just have them both back. 

Especially right now, as there are so many logistical problems with getting people to California, that's one less person who has to travel.  (Though I understand they are basically only taking people who actually live in driving distance.)  I get that they are trying to limit the times a contestant goes all the way to CA and puts up the money to travel and spend at least a night there, and then can't be on the show because they don't have enough slots, but given the current situation, that might be the lesser of two evils.

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2 hours ago, nokat said:

Is it cheating if you don't say it in question form? I get lazy with that. The show is about answering with the question.

House rules are we shout it out as soon as we get it (no waiting for it to be read) and we don't need to answer in the form of a question.





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5 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Especially right now, as there are so many logistical problems with getting people to California, that's one less person who has to travel.  (Though I understand they are basically only taking people who actually live in driving distance.)  I get that they are trying to limit the times a contestant goes all the way to CA and puts up the money to travel and spend at least a night there, and then can't be on the show because they don't have enough slots, but given the current situation, that might be the lesser of two evils.

I noticed they introduced people just as "from" wherever, instead of "originally from" like they were doing when they first came back, so I was wondering if they were still taking people in driving distance. Also wondering when the champ when they shut down will be back (he hasn't been, right?).

5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

House rules are we shout it out as soon as we get it (no waiting for it to be read) and we don't need to answer in the form of a question.

Same here.

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

They both should have comeback as co-champions, I seriously doubt this game show is hurting for money and I think there is little doubt that they are paying Jennings much less than they were paying Trebek.  Having co-champions would have added much more excitement to the next game, because it in essence, would have been an immediate rematch.

That's how it used to work. Not sure why they changed it.

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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Why can’t they just have both return? The tie breaker is so anti climatic. They both “won” and both deserve to return. The odds of both winning again are rare so just have them both back. 

Did they used to do that with ties?  

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Did they used to do that with ties?  

Yes, they started the tie-breaker question in November 2014. As the all-knowing wiki puts it, "Previously, if two or all three contestants tied for first place, they were declared "co-champions", and each retained his or her winnings and (unless one was a five-time champion who retired prior to 2003) returned on the following episode." Doesn't say why they changed it, though.

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I don't like the tie-breaker either. I used to love the games that had two returning champions because it was rare enough to be a fun novelty (like getting an egg with two yolks), and it gave me a better sense of which person was truly the better player.

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I watched the replay episode last night and it was an episode from last February with a Survivor category which I got 4/5 right.  However, Alex looked really really bad.  One thing he said that gutted me was, "I hope there will be a long break soon"  

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