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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)


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Thanks Sanjay for (not) brightening up your wardrobe Tuesday by wearing that super-dull TAUPE suit. And matching shoes. I know things come back in style, but I didn't know Beatle Boots had. Sanjay did push the boredom boundary with his pale, washed-out, barely maroon tie. But that would hardly save him from disappearing into the floor if he fell over in that grey/brown suit. At least "taupe" sort of went with the FJ color clue: "What is the most boring country named for a dull grey/brown color." Hoping he has a not-white shirt that he's bold enough to wear in the next eight days.

  • LOL 6
2 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I'm not sure I follow the logic of this statement.

Neither do I. How does Clark Kent/Superman differ from Bruce Wayne/Batman, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, or Peter Parker/Spider-Man? In all four examples, there is no physical transformation when one becomes the other.

It would make more sense to say that the Incredible Hulk is the only superhero with an alter ego (Bruce Banner). This argument at least holds water. 

21 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Batman/Bruce Wayne. Spiderman/Peter Parker. Wonder Woman/Diana Prince. Just to name a few. Don't those count or don't you consider them Super Heroes? If you don't consider them super heroes, just who do you consider a super hero?

You beat me to it. 🙂

40 minutes ago, The Wild Sow said:

Jeopardy Curse strikes again!

$600 clue in "Talking Heads" from 6-28-21.

"This Secretary of Defense during the Iraq War offered, "There are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."

Maybe they can have Bill Cosby be a question soon?  🤬

Why aren't you planning for the unpredictable? Hmmm? :D And Bill Cosby, there is outrage happening.

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I've never read the book, so I had no clue for FJ today.  Boo, hiss.  

I did get the TS of Jemima, Des Moines, goldbrick, and Carl Reiner.  It made me sad that Carl Reiner was a TS!  Also, I'd like to thank Radar O'Reilly and his hometown of Ottumwa for my being able to get Des Moines.  I said perfumery instead of fragrance for that clue, and I'm counting it as correct!

SA talked too fast for me -- I had a hard time understanding what he said sometimes.  

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I just read Brave New world last year, but did I get it?  No.  

The only missed clue I got was grey.

I got the entire category of arias (of all things ) right and the entire categories of awards and directors wrong.  

I did horrifically tonight.  I'm going to blame it on brain melt.

Whilst i did not know Jemima I did know that Peter Rabbit was not a bird.

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32 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Woohoo! I got Final Jeopardy! I have started that book at least twice and for one reason or another got sidetracked and didn't get past the first few pages.

Funny story. I read it last year.  I drove over a nail, actually two nails.  Ergo, I got a flat. I went to the garage.  I was there for a half hour when they came in and told me they were going to patch it.  OK.  Another hour and they said they couldn't patch it, i needed a new tire.  OK.  2 1/2 more hours and we were done.  I read the entire book of Brave New World while I basically waited for my tire to get changed.  Had no idea it took that long.

1 minute ago, Driad said:

I'm glad I'm a Beta, because people don't look so disappointed when I miss a question.

A Beta what?

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James Holzhauer would have been alternately yelling and groaning at his TV while watching this game's DD wagers.
Or at least I was.


42 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Woohoo! I got Final Jeopardy! I have started that book at least twice and for one reason or another got sidetracked and didn't get past the first few pages.

I read that book long ago, at least once, and as a librarian (albeit mostly not the book checking in and out kind) I am chagrinned to have missed this FJ. 

11 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I just read Brave New world last year, but did I get it?  No.  

Thanks. Now I don't feel so bad. 

And Jemima Puddle Duck was an instaget for me.



10 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

 It made me sad that Carl Reiner was a TS!

Especially since he died a year ago yesterday at 98 shortly before appearing in "The Dick Van Dyke Show: Now in Living Color!"


  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, Driad said:

I'm glad I'm a Beta, because people don't look so disappointed when I miss a question.


55 minutes ago, Katy M said:

A Beta what?

I apologize if you're being sarcastic and I'm explaining something you already know, but in Brave New World, people are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons (and can be plus or minus any of these) Alphas are the smartest and Epsilons are the stupidest. Early on, we hear Betas getting brainwashed to be glad they're not Alphas, because they don't want to work as hard as Alphas do, and at the same time they get to look down on the others.

I've always been a big fan of BNW. There was a huge George Orwell revival when 1984 finally arrived, but I always thought Huxley came much closer to predicting aspects of life today: artificial insemination, sexual promiscuity, drugs, mindless entertainment. Plus, he (and C.S. Lewis) had the misfortune to die on the same day as JFK.

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I am stunned, I tell you, STUNNED that I got Popular Mechanics. 

Got FJ.  I'd read it in high school, started it again pre-Covid, but wasn't in the mood, so I gave up on it.

I've never read any Beatrix Potter, but I knew Jemima PuddleDuck. And I knew Grey Eminence.  There were a few I should have known and groaned when the answer was revealed.  But it's getting harder for me to know if I "got" it or not - the closed captioning has become too fast - they're displaying the response just as the person rings in. It's getting so, I have to look away when Host is done reading the clue.

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That was a nice close game.  The Popular Mechanics TS surprised me just a bit, as did Harper's in the same category only because S.A. almost got it.  No one knowing Carl Reiner even with a picture would seem unexpected too, but I think maybe it was because the picture was from so long ago.

I missed two in bird books and one in awards (the fragrance TS stumped me too), but otherwise ran the first round, so I was back to form after last night.

I only ran directors and arias (not a category I had any hopes of running, so good for me) in DJ, but I still had a good round; I missed two in vocabulary (the two TS; I've never come across either term) and one each in the other three.

But, for the second day in a row, I had no idea for FJ.

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26 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

the closed captioning has become too fast - they're displaying the response just as the person rings in. It's getting so, I have to look away when Host is done reading the clue.

The too-fast captions were bugging me too, but reading your comment on them, I just realized that I've trained myself to not look at the bottom of the screen during Jeopardy! unless I want to. 

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9 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I apologize if you're being sarcastic and I'm explaining something you already know, but in Brave New World, people are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons (and can be plus or minus any of these) Alphas are the smartest and Epsilons are the stupidest. Early on, we hear Betas getting brainwashed to be glad they're not Alphas, because they don't want to work as hard as Alphas do, and at the same time they get to look down on the others.

hard to believe I just read it last year.  I clearly remember none of it. Or not much of it anyway. But,now it is starting to come back to me.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Can't remember the last time I saw someone bet only 5 bucks.

I remember that Arthur Chu did it, and it was one of the things that everybody criticized him for.  As I understand it, $5 is the minimum you can bet on a Daily Double.  I don't know; if you feel like you really don't know anything about a category, I suppose you want to limit the potential damage as much as possible.  Opera is certainly one of those categories that a lot of people seem to be afraid of.  But you always risk what happened to S.A.  Turns out you do know it, and you blew your chance to get a lot of money.

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7 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Thank god S.A. did not win. Every time he spoke it sounded like someone was running the tape at 2x speed. Slow the fuck down!! Half his answers I couldn’t even understand because he said them so quickly. 

heh...I didn't notice, but then I listen to podcasts at 1.25x or 1.5x (depending on whether I'm listening on my iPod or my computer or phone), and most youtube videos at 1.5x.

40 minutes ago, blueray said:
11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Can't remember the last time I saw someone bet only 5 bucks.

I was thinking that too. I'm not a gambler but I feel like when the game was that close and you get the double jeopardy, you should at least bet 1000. 

14 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

I remember that Arthur Chu did it, and it was one of the things that everybody criticized him for.  As I understand it, $5 is the minimum you can bet on a Daily Double.  I don't know; if you feel like you really don't know anything about a category, I suppose you want to limit the potential damage as much as possible.  Opera is certainly one of those categories that a lot of people seem to be afraid of.  But you always risk what happened to S.A.  Turns out you do know it, and you blew your chance to get a lot of money.

Except S.A. correctly answered 2 others in the opera category, and likely just didn't buzz-in soon enough on the other 2. I too thought S.A. should have at least bet $1K, and ever since I listened to the recent Planet Money podcast on James Holzhauer (npr.org/2021/06/15/1007007183/how-uncle-jamie-broke-jeopardy-update) I can't stop mentally computing what would have been the outcome if conservative wagerers instead bet a True Daily Double.
(It's an apparently my inherited blessing and a curse to be able to mentally add and average numbers.) 


About S.A.'s voice: One of my daughters speaks that way too. My mom used to complain that she spoke too fast to be understood, but it's more complicated than that (ankyloglossia). If we have a super-clear phone connection, it works. Enough said.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I am stunned, I tell you, STUNNED that I got Popular Mechanics.

I was equally stunned when I got it.

FJ wasn't quite an instaget - but it was the first book to introduce me to the concept of cloning (I'm old, people), and I've been reading science fiction ever since. I had no idea it was quite that old, though.

I missed all the Birds in Books clues except the Game of Thrones one, which seemed a gimme and not a $1,000 question. But then it's easy if you know it.

I managed to run Star Spangled Banter (see science fiction reader, above)

Every question I managed to answer in the Aria category I learned from Jeopardy. 😊

S.A.'s reaction to his answer of Peter Rabbit made me feel for him. I've often answered with the first thing that came to my head without fully understanding the clue.

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I would have only get $5 on opera.  Even if I did get 3 or 4 right.  Would not be confident at all and had a narrow lead right at the end.  For a category you're very weak in it's not a bad decision.  

The only reason I knew the ones I did was because of 30 rock and Seinfeld. 

I've actually seen The Marriage of Figaro at the Met. Though you really didn't need to know anything about it except that such a title exists (and I guess what the word "nuptials" means), and I would guess most Jeopardy players would at least know that title.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

But you always risk what happened to S.A.  Turns out you do know it, and you blew your chance to get a lot of money.

I would have done a lot of things differently in my life if I could have seen into the future.

There was so much outrage here when Mayim wore blazers, different ones every day, yet Sanjay can wear the same suit on Wednesday that he wore on Monday and that's okay. Alrighty then.  I'm hoping he comes out in a yellow suit on his last day. Of course, him being a man, THAT would be okay with everyone.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, nokat said:

You haven't seen me on the nickel machines in Vegas. I'm sure they no longer have the nickel machines or the $5 blackjack table. 

FYI I made $600 at a $5 Blackjack table in Vegas the summer before lockdown. First time there and playing it. I guess they didn’t figure out that I can count cards 😂

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If I were ever on, wagering would be the hardest thing for me. I've been to Vegas several times and never spent a dime on gambling (or anywhere else for that matter). I just don't bet money on anything I can't be sure of  - and since there's nothing I'm sure of - I don't bet. I don't feel superior or anything, I'm just extremely cautious and  tightly wound in that regard, after being raised by parents who were extremely poor when they were kids.

When it's with my husband, we bet silly or sweet things (like kisses) where no one loses. So I guess there's a touch of "I don't like to lose" in my mentality as well. 😉

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

FYI I made $600 at a $5 Blackjack table in Vegas the summer before lockdown. First time there and playing it. I guess they didn’t figure out that I can count cards 😂

Oh, they know the card counters and are watching.  $600 is not a big loss.

1 minute ago, Clanstarling said:

If I were ever on, wagering would be the hardest thing for me. I've been to Vegas several times and never spent a dime on gambling (or anywhere else for that matter). I just don't bet money on anything I can't be sure of  - and since there's nothing I'm sure of, I don't bet. I don't feel superior or anything, I'm just extremely cautious, I'm just tightly wound in that regard, after being raised by parents who were extremely poor when they were kids.

When it's with my husband, we bet silly or sweet things (like kisses) where no one loses. So I guess there's a touch of "I don't like to lose" in my mentality as well. 😉

I'm not much of a gambler as in Vegas, but I do gamble a bit on the stock market. I lived in Vegas and was only tempted by the free drinks and the $1 breakfasts. They also handed out cheap shrimp cocktails.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I would have done a lot of things differently in my life if I could have seen into the future.

There was so much outrage here when Mayim wore blazers, different ones every day, yet Sanjay can wear the same suit on Wednesday that he wore on Monday and that's okay. Alrighty then.  I'm hoping he comes out in a yellow suit on his last day. Of course, him being a man, THAT would be okay with everyone.

I'm loving your sartorial criticisms of Sanjay.

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57 minutes ago, nokat said:

Oh, they know the card counters and are watching.  $600 is not a big loss.

My nephew, who was a casino dealer for a while in the Midwest and a math genius. got thrown out of a Vegas casino for counting, and the casino that tossed him put out the alert to all the other casinos to not let him in. He had to give up gambling ... in Vegas anyway.

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I didn't keep score but I only got 3 TS (Hoyle, recombinant, anemia) and no FJ. Too lazy to go check my score. I brought my little aerobics step into the living room and am trying to use my Jeopardy time to get some exercise. Would have taken a walk earlier but it was stormy.

Pretty sure he shouldn't have accepted "Deadmau." It's spelled Deadmau5 and my (brief) google tells me that the 5 is pronounced as an S. But I guess it didn't affect the outcome of the game.

Edited by ams1001
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I said Wheeling.  I've never heard of a Wheeling river but when has that ever stopped an answer from being right. Alas, it was not to be.

I got the missed clues of up, Hoyle and reconnaissance.

I got the entire categories of movie and Boston.

I did great in the first round (the only category I missed more than one was nonfiction) and horribly in the second.

Before I finished the whole FJ clue, I said Shenandoah, but when "no longer in Virginia" registered, I went west, and ended up with the correct river.  

TS I got include Up, Hoyle, blowhole, coffee filter, recombinant DNA, anemia, and thymine.

I really didn't like Marciano's suit.  Gupta's barely registered, though I did like his tie.

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Anemia was a surprising TS.  The semicolon TS also surprised me a little; using them to make winking faces in text before emojis is before their time? ;-)  Blowhole, too, as did Up (at least that no one took a guess), pharmacology, and recombinant.

I usually do pretty well with non-fiction (it's almost all I read), but I missed three.  I ran the rest of the first round, though, so I was off to a good start.

I did well in DJ, too; I ran July, genes, and Shakespeare (not a category I tend to run), and only missed two in musicians, and one each in women (I, too, said Sister Sledge, but only as a joke!) and Rs (I could not come up with raspberries in time).

But, for the third day in a row this week, I did not get FJ.  Rivers are my weak point when it comes to geography, but I feel like that shouldn't have stumped all four of us.

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