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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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18 hours ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

Here's the full quote:

At the end of training camp, Hannah Anderson, who was a DCC for two seasons, wrote on Instagram that she was cut from the team and alleged that the reality TV show was prioritized over the safety of the women. Brennan Cook, who was a DCC for two seasons, also wrote on Instagram that she was cut and that she didn’t agree with that decision. Finglass says she understands and admires the women for speaking out.

“I understand that it’s an emotional environment at that point,” Finglass says. “There is success and there is disappointment and I respect that they want to and deserve to express themselves. I respect that. Their former teammates even reached out and expressed themselves. I understand and I admire that. I think part of being a leader is inspiring others and how they treat other people. It’s emotional, but they deserve that. And that just means that they were strong teammates and at the end of the day, I think that speaks volumes in itself.''

I think that what she's saying is BS and that it is not what she really believes. If she really understood and admired the women for speaking out, she should invite them back to the team for next year. I wouldn't be surprised if the other teammates that did speak up about this got a stern warning from her, that if you don't stop talking about this that you would be next as well. As Abby Lee Miller always says "Everyone's replaceable"

I'm probably reading into this WAY too much (but hey, thats what we do here 🙂) but I find it very interesting that she said FORMER teammates spoke out, like the current ones don't agree with H & B (hence why they are still on the team or something)??.  And then she goes on about leadership, inspiring others, being great teammates....that just pisses me off more.  It's just complete BS to me because if they spin it to be dance related, especially in Hannah's case, if she was a rockstar for two years & had all these😬 qualities, I would think they would give her the chance to stay on the team

Edited by GaveIn
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On 11/25/2020 at 4:20 PM, Weeklydcc said:

Sports Illustrated:  Kelli responds to the Hannah and Brennan controversy.  The last 2 paragraphs.


She just dances all around the issue. It's so disingenuous. All it does is frustrate me and make me not want to watch the show.




Edited by Muckypup61
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25 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:

She just dances all around the issue. It's so disingenuous. All it does is frustrate me and not make me want to watch the show.




I was thinking the same thing. Kelli answers the way a politician would. Not directly addressing the controversy at all. To Kelli it's just another year and another cut. Be quiet, smile pretty, dance, just say "yes ma'am" and the DCC organization will allow you to work with the best choreographers in the world. I still think DCC is the best squad out there. I just really think it's time for Kelli and Judy to retire...just don't give the job to Sam or Victoria! 

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2 hours ago, GaveIn said:

I'm probably reading into this WAY too much (but hey, thats what we do here 🙂) but I find it very interesting that she said FORMER teammates spoke out, like the current ones don't agree with H & B (hence why they are still on the team or something)??.  And then she goes on about leadership, inspiring others, being great teammates....that just pisses me off more.  It's just complete BS to me because if they spin it to be dance related, especially in Hannah's case, if she was a rockstar for two years & had all this qualities, I would think they would give her the chance to stay on the team

Was watching a bit of season 13 and Michelle Keyes called out Hannah as a real rockstar and the total package... But the spin/edit this season will show otherwise. We will for sure see Hannah making weird faces and jerky movements and messing up because all dancers mess up now and again in training camp. So they will highlight those I'm not looking forward to it. I'd much rather see them spin some other angle - really any other angle.

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Was watching a bit of season 13 and Michelle Keyes called out Hannah as a real rockstar and the total package... But the spin/edit this season will show otherwise. We will for sure see Hannah making weird faces and jerky movements and messing up because all dancers mess up now and again in training camp. So they will highlight those I'm not looking forward to it. I'd much rather see them spin some other angle - really any other angle.

Same here!  My fear with that would be the fact they still want drama so it would be some BS about her not getting along or working well with current teammates 😞 

If they really want us to lose our sh*t, they will just say she resigned or edit her out completely 🤬

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19 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

Hi I actually originally posted that ☺️ here is a version with the cut girls greyed out and showgroup with * by their names:

Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 5.25.07 PM.png

How on earth does Ashlinn get cut?! She had in my opinion one of the strongest auditions and they said she was among the strongest rookies that 1st audition night! 

29 minutes ago, GaveIn said:

Same here!  My fear with that would be the fact they still want drama so it would be some BS about her not getting along or working well with current teammates 😞 

If they really want us to lose our sh*t, they will just say she resigned or edit her out completely 🤬

That’s what I’m thinking that they might not show Brennan or Hannah’s cut since most of us already know the reason and they probably can’t spin it to their liking. If I was Hannah I would be upset if they made it seem like her cut was dance or weight related. Hannah really wowed me last season and even in the off season she really worked it on those dance classes and her own personal work outs she would post on Instagram stories.

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1 hour ago, lexie3248 said:

That’s what I’m thinking that they might not show Brennan or Hannah’s cut since most of us already know the reason and they probably can’t spin it to their liking. If I was Hannah I would be upset if they made it seem like her cut was dance or weight related. Hannah really wowed me last season and even in the off season she really worked it on those dance classes and her own personal work outs she would post on Instagram stories.

they could give a vauge reason like "not being a good veteran"  - one of Kelli's repetitive statements

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57 minutes ago, vivianspoetry said:

Does anyone know the Instagram accounts of the rookies? 

Here you go:

  1. Alora-Rose Morgan: alorarose
  2. Amelia Evans: _ameliaevans 
  3. Annabelle Afzali: annabellieeee
  4. Armani Latimer: ac_latimer
  5. Ashlinn Maze: ashlinnmaze
  6. Cassie Schroeder: cassieschroeder
  7. Claire Doolin: whoop_claire_it_is
  8. Claire Wolford: clairewolford
  9. Dani McGinnis: danimcginnis
  10. Darian Lassiter: darianlassiter
  11. Elli DiGiovanni: ellidigiovanni
  12. Jada McLean: jadaboo0203
  13. Jessica Bowman: jbo97
  14. Kelly Long: kellylongg
  15. Marissa Garrison:  themarissagarrison
  16. McKenzie Sherman: mckenziesherman
  17. Shannan Slattery: shannanslattery
  18. Sheridan McDowell: sheridangracemcdowell
  19. Sydney Hawthorne: sixpacksyd
Edited by Pau84
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It's quite frustrating how they toy with these girls' lives like pieces on a chess board for their reality TV show. These are real people; you'd think they'd have enough respect and compassion for these ladies who bust their asses and put their effort and time into this not to do something to disrespect the girls' legacy as DCC. Best case scenario for Hannah, they edit her out or don't give her screentime (i.e Erica treatment in a sense), but I'm fully expecting some shite edit to make her look bad. And I'm really not looking forward to that.

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1 hour ago, Trixi said:

Didn’t someone mention way, way back in this topic that they said she wasn’t good with pom style🙄

The funniest part with this angle is that they would practically have to admit that they were so dumb they didn’t realize they had on freaking SG for TWO years someone who isn’t good with pom style. You know, the only style SG performs nowadays. And the only style they perform in every game. Wow Kelli getting a but slower with age huh? Taking you two whole years to catch this mistake, daaamn!

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1 hour ago, Pau84 said:

Here you go:

  1. Alora-Rose Morgan: alorarose
  2. Amelia Evans: _ameliaevans 
  3. Annabelle Afzali: annabellieeee
  4. Armani Latimer: ac_latimer
  5. Ashlinn Maze: ashlinnmaze
  6. Cassie Schroeder: cassieschroeder
  7. Claire Doolin: whoop_claire_it_is
  8. Claire Wolford: clairewolford
  9. Dani McGinnis: danimcginnis
  10. Darian Lassiter: darianlassiter
  11. Elli DiGiovanni: ellidigiovanni
  12. Jada McLean: jadaboo0203
  13. Jessica Bowman: jbo97
  14. Kelly Long: kellylongg
  15. Marissa Garrison:  themarissagarrison
  16. McKenzie Sherman: mckenziesherman
  17. Shannan Slattery: shannanslattery
  18. Sheridan McDowell: sheridangracemcdowell
  19. Sydney Hawthorne: sixpacksyd

Thank you!

9 minutes ago, PhoebeKelly1992 said:

I spotted this online...This year's Star Magazine swimsuit issue featuring Ashlee on the cover! 


Interesting angle pose position whatever you call it, it goes not look very comfortable. But she does look quite beautiful!! I do love the excessive Rachel W promotions I am glad they are switching it up. !Go Ashley!

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UK VIEWERS 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

if you have sky sports the Dallas half time shoe is about to be broadcast on there do you’ll be able to watch the girls 🙂


been watching the game on there and they just announced it 


edit: watched it, liked it, shouted at the tv for Marissa to get off my screen when it showed her even though it was brief 

Edited by Manc.UK.DCCfan
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Don't know about anyone else but I just can't get into watching this season.  I didn't watch the episode live when it aired and couldn't make it through the entire episode online just now.  Don't know if I'm just so over the season/show already or if stuff going on in my personal life is making me just "not care" about the season.

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On 11/25/2020 at 5:20 PM, Weeklydcc said:

Sports Illustrated:  Kelli responds to the Hannah and Brennan controversy.  The last 2 paragraphs.


Kelli is very redundant in her response.  She provided zero information to say if what Hannah and Brennan was true.  I am not surprised by her response.

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17 hours ago, MeeMee2 said:

I was thinking the same thing. Kelli answers the way a politician would. Not directly addressing the controversy at all. To Kelli it's just another year and another cut. Be quiet, smile pretty, dance, just say "yes ma'am" and the DCC organization will allow you to work with the best choreographers in the world. I still think DCC is the best squad out there. I just really think it's time for Kelli and Judy to retire...just don't give the job to Sam or Victoria! 

Look at you, such an optimist... Sam was already gifted a position, even if it’s not directly with dcc but in mtt -we know she got it thanks to her last name. Hayley got already her position so why would VK be left out? I mean, of course they would hire the first dcc to have cheered for 10 years straight, if only to get her out of the squad.

19 hours ago, GaveIn said:

I'm probably reading into this WAY too much (but hey, thats what we do here 🙂) but I find it very interesting that she said FORMER teammates spoke out, like the current ones don't agree with H & B (hence why they are still on the team or something)??.  And then she goes on about leadership, inspiring others, being great teammates....that just pisses me off more.  It's just complete BS to me because if they spin it to be dance related, especially in Hannah's case, if she was a rockstar for two years & had all these😬 qualities, I would think they would give her the chance to stay on the team

Honestly at first I thought it was a dig, as in calling the current dccs her former teammates as you know, she isn’t a dcc anymore. No matter what she says, almost all current dccs commented on both posts and considering that normally they’d keep their distance to appease Kelli, I think it speaks volumes.

3 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Alanna did the IG takeover today for the DCC IG account.  If you watch the stories, you will see VK starting a sideline dance.....even though no one called one:)


I didn’t want to be first to comment on this... that was hilarious. poor Caroline turned around and looked at her and then stepped back but VK didn’t even notice. And looks like Savannah was going to follow but stopped immediately. I’m sure that any other girls would get away with doing something like that... and no it couldn’t be a mistake considering all girls were just chilling and normally the GLs/2GLs would go first.

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6 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Alanna did the IG takeover today for the DCC IG account.  If you watch the stories, you will see VK starting a sideline dance.....even though no one called one:)


Honestly, I’ve been to 2 games this year and this isn’t VK starting a sideline dance.   Many of the girls do different big movements when crowd cheering. Savannah did almost the exact moves and Kelcey did a couple high kicks while cheering to the crowd when some girls were facing the field and some girls turned around to cheer to the crowd.  It’s kinda nice to see they’re not robots where they all just do the same exact thing when the music is off but the crowd is cheering.  They get to have moments of non-choreographed individual “cheering” style. 

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6 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Alanna did the IG takeover today for the DCC IG account.  If you watch the stories, you will see VK starting a sideline dance.....even though no one called one:)


I don't know....to me it looked like she was trying to hype up the crowd. But I don't know anything about the sideline dances so I could be mistaken.

Edited by TheGenuineBeauty
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8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Alanna did the IG takeover today for the DCC IG account.  If you watch the stories, you will see VK starting a sideline dance.....even though no one called one:)



1 hour ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

I don't know....to me it looked like she was trying to hype up the crowd. But I don't know anything about the sideline dances so I could be mistaken.


5 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I didn’t want to be first to comment on this... that was hilarious. poor Caroline turned around and looked at her and then stepped back but VK didn’t even notice. And looks like Savannah was going to follow but stopped immediately. I’m sure that any other girls would get away with doing something like that... and no it couldn’t be a mistake considering all girls were just chilling and normally the GLs/2GLs would go first.

Im glad someone posted this because when I saw it yesterday it looked really odd. And I thought at first maybe it was her way of hyping up the crowd, but then when I went back to watch again after Dreamcatcher's post, yeah it looked like Savanah was going to join in, and it doesn't look like any sideline dance that I remember but it was just weird. The fact that it was posted, shade hehe. 

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1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said:



Im glad someone posted this because when I saw it yesterday it looked really odd. And I thought at first maybe it was her way of hyping up the crowd, but then when I went back to watch again after Dreamcatcher's post, yeah it looked like Savanah was going to join in, and it doesn't look like any sideline dance that I remember but it was just weird. The fact that it was posted, shade hehe. 

I’ve never seen any videos of the girls doing stuff like that during that part of the game and it didnt look like anyone else in the row didnt anything other than shake their poms. Considering that Savanah started doing the same thing then stopped, it doesnt look like they get to do whatever they want.

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5 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:


I’ve never seen any videos of the girls doing stuff like that during that part of the game and it didnt look like anyone else in the row didnt anything other than shake their poms. Considering that Savanah started doing the same thing then stopped, it doesnt look like they get to do whatever they want.

That wasn’t savannah the girl left of her is Alora 

Edited by Holly85
2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Im glad someone posted this because when I saw it yesterday it looked really odd. And I thought at first maybe it was her way of hyping up the crowd, but then when I went back to watch again after Dreamcatcher's post, yeah it looked like Savanah was going to join in, and it doesn't look like any sideline dance that I remember but it was just weird. The fact that it was posted, shade hehe. 

It most definitely looked odd.  Like WTF odd.

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2 hours ago, go4luca said:

This is not a Miranda Lambert look-alike.

As long as I live I will never understand how she made the team.  Yeah, she can dance but she. just. isn't. pretty.  She looks like she's in pain in this smile.  More like a grimace.

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 10.58.29 AM.png

From now on I will only say: Bless her heart. 

It must be said: she is not unlikable. And she is starting to fascinate me:

  1. What will her interaction with Victoria be like?
  2. Will she talk with Rachel Wyatt about her pageant success?
  3. What will her panel interviews be like?  Boring with pageant answers or all over the place?
  4. Will she faint when she finally gets some facetime with Kelli?
  5. Will she get 'inside her head'?
  6. How will Kitty Carter kick her behind?

I can't wait to find out!

P.S. Marissa looks like Miranda Lambert as much as a Pauly Shore looks like Albert Einstein

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5 minutes ago, Erinbridget said:

wait, I remember a while back people were saying they didn't like Alora Rose; how come? After watching the first episode she seems really sweet and pretty, unless I'm missing something. 

I don't like her because she constantly promotes a toxic MLM product on her Instagram. Monat is diiiisgusting. Promote something healthy without lawsuits, Alora.

Bless Marissa's dumb heart for buying it, too. 


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26 minutes ago, Erinbridget said:

wait, I remember a while back people were saying they didn't like Alora Rose; how come? After watching the first episode she seems really sweet and pretty, unless I'm missing something. 

I agree. Seems to have been a bit of the premature misjudgment on a few of the ladies.  I know forum folks hate hearing it, but there are some really talented and likable TCCs this year.  It’s making sense and I can see why 4 vets were cut. 

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Interesting deets from the NYT article @dccfangirl posted on Cowboys home games this year. All Jerry Jones wants is his money. The 'Boys are dead last in their division with only 3 wins and not one team has lost more games than they have. Per the NYT:

Jones’s “aggressive approach” runs counter not just to what other N.F.L. teams have done in recent weeks, but to what medical experts say is prudent public health. The number of cases in the county has jumped more than fivefold since the start of the regular season in early September, when there was an average of 1,500 confirmed infections a day. The number of people hospitalized with the coronavirus has more than tripled over that period.

And last week, health officials in Tarrant County said that eight residents who tested positive for the virus told contact tracers that they had recently attended Cowboys home games. It is unclear whether they were infected before, during or after the games. The actual number may be higher because of how difficult it is for contact tracers to determine the source of an infection where the virus is spreading rapidly. . . .

Dr. Sonja Bartolome, a critical care doctor and an infectious disease specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, called attending games in large stadiums a medium risk relative to the parties, weddings and funerals in indoor venues to which she has traced positive cases. “We’re lucky the stadium is huge because it allows them to put people at a safer distance and there’s a lot of air circulation,” she said.

Still, with another 17,000 projected deaths among Texans between now and March 1, other experts were more skeptical.

On 11/26/2020 at 10:13 AM, Holly85 said:

Given some of these numbers, it's good that the DCC are wearing their masks the entire games, even if it is more for optics than consistent protection. Even if it is more for optics, I think that it's important they are modeling proper mask wearing for others watching (on TV, that is, since apparently, someone has been drawing masks on many of the people sitting in end zones in pictures at games). And with those many people at the games, with some of the maskless spectators sitting pretty close to the touchdown decks, I'm glad they're protecting themselves and others.

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12 minutes ago, M1977G said:

Interesting deets from the NYT article @dccfangirl posted on Cowboys home games this year. All Jerry Jones wants is his money. The 'Boys are dead last in their division with only 3 wins and not one team has lost more games than they have. Per the NYT:

Jones’s “aggressive approach” runs counter not just to what other N.F.L. teams have done in recent weeks, but to what medical experts say is prudent public health. The number of cases in the county has jumped more than fivefold since the start of the regular season in early September, when there was an average of 1,500 confirmed infections a day. The number of people hospitalized with the coronavirus has more than tripled over that period.

And last week, health officials in Tarrant County said that eight residents who tested positive for the virus told contact tracers that they had recently attended Cowboys home games. It is unclear whether they were infected before, during or after the games. The actual number may be higher because of how difficult it is for contact tracers to determine the source of an infection where the virus is spreading rapidly. . . .

Dr. Sonja Bartolome, a critical care doctor and an infectious disease specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, called attending games in large stadiums a medium risk relative to the parties, weddings and funerals in indoor venues to which she has traced positive cases. “We’re lucky the stadium is huge because it allows them to put people at a safer distance and there’s a lot of air circulation,” she said.

Still, with another 17,000 projected deaths among Texans between now and March 1, other experts were more skeptical.

Given some of these numbers, it's good that the DCC are wearing their masks the entire games, even if it is more for optics than consistent protection. Even if it is more for optics, I think that it's important they are modeling proper mask wearing for others watching (on TV, that is, since apparently, someone has been drawing masks on many of the people sitting in end zones in pictures at games). And with those many people at the games, with some of the maskless spectators sitting pretty close to the touchdown decks, I'm glad they're protecting themselves and others.

One of my nurse friends who follows everything to the t wears a mask washes her hands ect ... still ended up catching covid !!! You can literally catch this virus anywhere 

Edited by Holly85
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On 11/27/2020 at 1:31 AM, scorpio1031 said:

Alanna did the IG takeover today for the DCC IG account.  If you watch the stories, you will see VK starting a sideline dance.....even though no one called one:)


The cheerleaders do big, varied movements like this all the time. There’s a video of Gina as game day girl last season doing the exact same thing. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_V5u6ADA8_/?igshid=15mhs5qpbo8kf

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