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I would never cut Alanna...she's rock solid, dependable and a good leader. She isn't a sparkly 'front row' girl...doesn't need to be. My first choice to cut would be Kristen. She seems fake to me like she can turn it on & off. Her dance improved this past year, but, eh. Meredith would have never made the team...period. 

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45 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

Lisa, Alanna and Kristen all baffle me, because none of them seem to have the "DCC look" and I personally don't think any of them are stand out dancers. Briana is gorgeous but I forget she is even on the team. 

I was surprised that Lisa made the team just because she's not the typical body type they choose.  I can say the same for Taylor (the girl who quit after her rookie season last year).  Sweet girl, but there was nothing about her dancing or looks/personality that made her stand out.  If Julia hadn't done the unthinkable and express ambition to possibly use DCC as a career move (gasp) I think she would have definitely been chosen.  She had the looks and despite nothing but negative comments from Kelly once she was alerted by a snitch of Julia's "gaffe", I thought she was a pretty good dancer and head and shoulders above Lisa and Taylor as an all around package.

Speaking of snitches, they sure have a lot of them at the DCC, don't they?  That weatherman/tv personality guy, Kitty, Judy's daughter, even the 4-5 leaders that Kelly calls in for opinions on who they should pick for the team.....if you want to be a DCC you have to glue your mouth shut so you never express any teeny tiny concern or criticism for fear it will get back to Kelly.  

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22 hours ago, JapMo said:

IF you had to cut one veteran based solely on everything BUT dancing ability (looks, personality, how they "pop" in front of an audience) I would cut one of the following:  Tess, Amber, Madeline (not Maddie) or Alanna.  To me they are practically interchangeable in looks.  And as far as personality/pop, none put out any more or less than the others. 

I don't know what it is about some of the brunettes that are currently on the team, but I find most of them incredibly boring to watch.  Just my opinion of course, and remember that I didn't base my opinions on their dancing ability.  

Taylor J, Madeline M, Briana, Kristin. All blenders IMO

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18 minutes ago, dccfan204 said:

Taylor J, Madeline M, Briana, Kristin. All blenders IMO

I forgot about Taylor J! She'd totally be on my list too. Isn't she friends with Kelli's daughter? 


26 minutes ago, JapMo said:

I was surprised that Lisa made the team just because she's not the typical body type they choose.  I can say the same for Taylor (the girl who quit after her rookie season last year).  Sweet girl, but there was nothing about her dancing or looks/personality that made her stand out.  If Julia hadn't done the unthinkable and express ambition to possibly use DCC as a career move (gasp) I think she would have definitely been chosen.  She had the looks and despite nothing but negative comments from Kelly once she was alerted by a snitch of Julia's "gaffe", I thought she was a pretty good dancer and head and shoulders above Lisa and Taylor as an all around package.

Speaking of snitches, they sure have a lot of them at the DCC, don't they?  That weatherman/tv personality guy, Kitty, Judy's daughter, even the 4-5 leaders that Kelly calls in for opinions on who they should pick for the team.....if you want to be a DCC you have to glue your mouth shut so you never express any teeny tiny concern or criticism for fear it will get back to Kelly.  

!00% agree with everything you said about Julia. She definitely should have made it. Shaina should have too in my opinion. 

That weatherman guy is awful! Every season he has nothing but super critical harsh stuff to say about the girls. I feel like he purposefully tries to trip them up in interviews too. He bates them with questions to try to see them fail. 

I wonder if group 4 had a few snitches in it.. every veteran cut this season came from that group.. 

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3 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

I wonder if group 4 had a few snitches in it.. every veteran cut this season came from that group.. 

You're right...I never realized that.  Was Gina the leader of that group?  Doesn't look good for the leader that so many of the members of the group were eliminated.

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1 minute ago, JapMo said:

You're right...I never realized that.  Was Gina the leader of that group?  Doesn't look good for the leader that so many of the members of the group were eliminated.

Gina was second leader of group 4 last season 

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12 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

That weatherman guy is awful! Every season he has nothing but super critical harsh stuff to say about the girls. I feel like he purposefully tries to trip them up in interviews too. He bates them with questions to try to see them fail. 

It's his job to be awful...the candidates are supposed to NOT rise to any of the bait...I just saw media training from S1 last night...the question was "how many players can you date" (or something similar)...Dulce looked straight at her and said clearly 'we're not allowed to date the players'...It's about maintaining poise & confidence in an uncomfortable setting...

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18 minutes ago, JapMo said:

You're right...I never realized that.  Was Gina the leader of that group?  Doesn't look good for the leader that so many of the members of the group were eliminated.

I think Tess was the leader of Group 4 and Gina was her second. 

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The Making the Team account posted an unseen clip about boot buddies on Twitter. You can briefly see Victoria and Brennan talking to Marissa (more accurately, Victoria acting like she’s a fifth year veteran with tons of boot buddy experience). Makes me sad for Brennan all over again, especially in light of earlier rumors of her talking to Marissa and Victoria about their attitudes and that not going over very well.


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21 hours ago, JapMo said:

Your comment is interesting in that I think the exact opposite.  I would not be surprised if Kelly/Judy told several veterans through the years do not embarrass yourself by trying out again or you will be cut.  Retire gracefully and keep your dignity.  

Fans get tired of seeing the same people all the time.  And they also get tired of seeing the same routine.  I know it's their signature, but is anyone else tired of seeing that one where they pound the grass and do the kickline?  The name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember.  Anyway, I'd like that to be retired and be replaced by something new and fresh.  

Do you know whats weird? They did a different entrance for one of the christmas shows a few years ago, where they were coming in from 4 corners and I loved that and and I said I liked that and that they should do that routine with thunderstruck to the video on youtube and some idiot told me off for saying it and for not understanding that the thunderstruck performance was their signature routine and had me flaming them for (them) not understanding that they used to do different routine to thunderstruck when the show first started and now they been doing it for 10 years lol


But damn that squad photon, I actually cannot undo seeing Cici's arms (if that is Cici, the first person to our left on the second row)


3 minutes ago, MonaMechelle said:

The Making the Team account posted an unseen clip about boot buddies on Twitter. You can briefly see Victoria and Brennan talking to Marissa (more accurately, Victoria acting like she’s a fifth year veteran with tons of boot buddy experience). Makes me sad for Brennan all over again, especially in light of earlier rumors of her talking to Marissa and Victoria about their attitudes and that not going over very well.


And who does that remind you of? If VK did it? That Amy or Robin making the comment that Gina did the same thing in TCC her rookie season .... LOL. Its VK she thinks she is an entitled child. Was it Madeline Salter, the other legacy that tried out the year Dayton first tried out, who said her mother was a DCC and she didn't consider herself a legacy until she made the team herself and I was like "GIRL I LIKE HOW YOU THINK and give that to info to VK too". I mean wasn't VK also the one who had the twitter handle "dcc_victoria" LONG before she even tried out and made the team? (and this was after Victoria the dentist retired?

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23 hours ago, JapMo said:

IF you had to cut one veteran based solely on everything BUT dancing ability (looks, personality, how they "pop" in front of an audience) I would cut one of the following:  Tess, Amber, Madeline (not Maddie) or Alanna.  To me they are practically interchangeable in looks.  And as far as personality/pop, none put out any more or less than the others. 

I don't know what it is about some of the brunettes that are currently on the team, but I find most of them incredibly boring to watch.  Just my opinion of course, and remember that I didn't base my opinions on their dancing ability.  

Tess is pretty but bland. Daphne has always looked old in the face to me. Maddie, Lisa, Lexie are all bland looking to me. There's something about Lexie in particular that I just can't warm too. If they could sort out Rachel W and Caroline's hair colour so it doesn't blend with their skintone, that would be good too. I'm not a VK fan either (looks, personality, dance style, ambassador risk) but go figure.

I think Madeline is cute but not spectacular. I really like Amber (her and Bridget were interchangeable in the first year for me but then Amber blew her media interview) but she does have a peculiar face. Alanna is a doll, she's cute, a solid dancer, looks like a lot of fun and great on appearances. Including recent cuts, Lily and Brennan were neither incredible dancers nor beauties but both were pretty and dependable dancers as well as beloved by teammates. 

I think a few of them are there on looks alone: Kristin, Savannah, Cianna and Kat are all average (some below average) dancers but are there because they're pretty or unique looking. Meredith was too. 

If I was in charge, I cut anyone who wasn't either an incredible dancer or ambassador. I'd have a team of about 16, 14 current vets + Hannah and Brennan back! But then again, K+J always says more women looks better on the field. 

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15 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

Tess is pretty but bland. Daphne has always looked old in the face to me. Maddie, Lisa, Lexie are all bland looking to me. There's something about Lexie in particular that I just can't warm too. If they could sort out Rachel W and Caroline's hair colour so it doesn't blend with their skintone, that would be good too. I'm not a VK fan either (looks, personality, dance style, ambassador risk) but go figure.

I think Madeline is cute but not spectacular. I really like Amber (her and Bridget were interchangeable in the first year for me but then Amber blew her media interview) but she does have a peculiar face. Alanna is a doll, she's cute, a solid dancer, looks like a lot of fun and great on appearances. Including recent cuts, Lily and Brennan were neither incredible dancers nor beauties but both were pretty and dependable dancers as well as beloved by teammates. 

I think a few of them are there on looks alone: Kristin, Savannah, Cianna and Kat are all average (some below average) dancers but are there because they're pretty or unique looking. Meredith was too. 

If I was in charge, I cut anyone who wasn't either an incredible dancer or ambassador. I'd have a team of about 16, 14 current vets + Hannah and Brennan back! But then again, K+J always says more women looks better on the field. 

Savannah and Kat are almost definitely there on looks.. but they also both are smart and give good interviews. I get why they keep them. 

23 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

Kristin may not the best dancer and she might not have an extrovert personality but Kristin is drop dead gorgeous and curvy. She could be in Charlie’s Angels!

Kristin has the DCC look, perhaps more than anyone on the team!


I get what you're saying & this is a super cute pic of her. Her figure has always been great.. I just think she looks sad and sleepy sometimes when she dances. Everyone finds different features attractive. Beauty is super subjective. 

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1 minute ago, NC-CFD09 said:

Savannah and Kat are almost definitely there on looks.. but they also both are smart and give good interviews. I get why they keep them. 

Savannah seems to work well on appearances and they value her military background. Kat seems like a huge risk as an ambassador as she's very over the top and doesn't always think first! I certainly don't hate her, just not her biggest fan. Her dancing definitely improved during her rookie TC. 

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Curious if people have publicly commented on whether or not the touchdown deck thing is distracting. From the videos, I know I'd love to be sitting and watching the dances. But if I was trying to see the game through all those legs--- that would be challenging. Anyone have experience- is it as distracting as it looks?

Yes there are definitely girls there just for looks - or just for 'I'm a loyal soldier' type of vibe. Brennan wasn't the prettiest or the best dancer but she was appreciated by her teammates and was a fan favorite (thanks to the show ironically) - much like Brianna or even Alanna.  Lily was pretty, sweet and a good representative - no different than Savannah or Kristin really. Hannah was talented and unique, but also tall and maybe a bit bottom heavy -- but no worse than a Taylor, or even Daphne (who has an angular/worn looking appearance to her), or even some of the more bottom heavy new recruits.

I guess I can sort of understand these cuts in any other year ---  it happens. But I don't really understand them given the circumstances  After a one week training camp in the midst of a pandemic - you make vets "dance for your life?" Read the room.

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1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

Tess is pretty but bland. Daphne has always looked old in the face to me. Maddie, Lisa, Lexie are all bland looking to me. There's something about Lexie in particular that I just can't warm too. If they could sort out Rachel W and Caroline's hair colour so it doesn't blend with their skintone, that would be good too. I'm not a VK fan either (looks, personality, dance style, ambassador risk) but go figure.

I think Madeline is cute but not spectacular. I really like Amber (her and Bridget were interchangeable in the first year for me but then Amber blew her media interview) but she does have a peculiar face. Alanna is a doll, she's cute, a solid dancer, looks like a lot of fun and great on appearances. Including recent cuts, Lily and Brennan were neither incredible dancers nor beauties but both were pretty and dependable dancers as well as beloved by teammates. 

I think a few of them are there on looks alone: Kristin, Savannah, Cianna and Kat are all average (some below average) dancers but are there because they're pretty or unique looking. Meredith was too. 

If I was in charge, I cut anyone who wasn't either an incredible dancer or ambassador. I'd have a team of about 16, 14 current vets + Hannah and Brennan back! But then again, K+J always says more women looks better on the field. 

I agree, I’d cut Tess because she bores me now. She’s just not grabbing my attention anymore 😕 
I’d also cut Lisa because 1) I don’t think she has the “look” and 2) she looks like the most eager puppy dog whenever she’s being talked to by someone of a higher power. Even if she isn’t being directly talked to, she’s being over-enthusiastic and it looks way too fake. I saw it in S14 and it just made my skin itch. Like, girl why are you nodding with your mouth open when Julia is being talked to??? Buuuttt they’ll keep her because “she’s a powerhouse 😍” Another thing is the toxicity rumor from other teammates both past and present, someone doesn’t play well with others.


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2 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:


There are some really bad kicks in here. Marissa, Cassie, Amelia and Claire D don't look great here. Maybe this is where it changes for Alora Rose? Her kicks are pretty. Jada's kicks are Holly/Lacey level but she needs to be snappier with them. Ashlinn and Dani's are pretty too. 

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3 hours ago, NC-CFD09 said:

wonder if group 4 had a few snitches in it.. every veteran cut this season came from that group.. 

I don't wonder about a snitch because all the vet cuts came from Veruca's group, and that tells me everything I need to know about why they were fit. Look at the cuts, extremely popular Brennan, and Superstar Hannah, and beautiful Meredith, and also lilly, close friends with most of the vets. These are all things that Veruca could only wish she was!!

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4 hours ago, JapMo said:

You're right...I never realized that.  Was Gina the leader of that group?  Doesn't look good for the leader that so many of the members of the group were eliminated.


3 hours ago, NC-CFD09 said:

I think Tess was the leader of Group 4 and Gina was her second. 

They don't play "red rover" to pick who's in each group.  Kelli &/or Judy are the one that select each group. Group 4 was weak because they chose to put Kat, Lily and Meredith all together.  Don't forget, Victorrhea was in that group, too...

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Does anyone else think the Boot Buddy scenes got cut because of how it made the vets look and it would be harder to justify the cuts? Especially if they're going for the "not a good veteran / not a good teammate" angle.

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3 hours ago, NC-CFD09 said:

Savannah and Kat are almost definitely there on looks.. but they also both are smart and give good interviews. I get why they keep them. 

I get what you're saying & this is a super cute pic of her. Her figure has always been great.. I just think she looks sad and sleepy sometimes when she dances. Everyone finds different features attractive. Beauty is super subjective. 

I get also what you are saying about Kristin’s demeanor. She sometimes looks disconnected. She is definitely not a KaShara!

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3 hours ago, go4luca said:

Except this year, they aren't on the field. 😉

Yet they were on the field for the Thanksgiving halftime show.  They were on stage, then on the actual turf.  I'm surprised the NFL allowed it.  

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1 minute ago, Weeklydcc said:

Yet they were on the field for the Thanksgiving halftime show.  They were on stage, then on the actual turf.  I'm surprised the NFL allowed it.  

That was pre recorder it wasn’t live 

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1 hour ago, Kitkatkitty said:


I think the other judges pick the girls who can't kick or even dance.  K&J have to weed them out in camp.  Maybe it's time for a new judging process.

1 minute ago, Holly85 said:

That was pre recorder it wasn’t live 

A Ha!  Now it makes sense.

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4 hours ago, DCCOracle said:


Tess was the first leader in Group 4 last year and Gina was her 2nd. That group also had Kat as well as VK and Taylor J. - both whom are close to Kelli. Coincidence?

KaShara spoke about how VK can't keep her mouth shut and (oddly enough) that was her last year on the team. Coincidence?

I always wondered if that had anything to do with her departure. I was like ‘O girl, no!’ But then again, KaShara now has a position behind the scenes so who knows🤷🏼‍♀️

Edited by Trixi
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40 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

Yet they were on the field for the Thanksgiving halftime show.  They were on stage, then on the actual turf.  I'm surprised the NFL allowed it.  

Definitely pre-recorded.  😉

7 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Yep, next to fun girl Amanda, which might be the real reason VK was moved

Supposedly it was to help weaker dancer Meredith too?

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3 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Supposedly it was to help weaker dancer Meredith too?

Up her performance, as well as Lily's - even though Hannah and Gina were in that group already????  I say to make VK look better by putting her next to the two weakest dancers.

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42 minutes ago, go4luca said:

IIRC, group 4 wasn't Vic's original group though.  Wasn't it group 1?

You are correct... but she was with group 4 once the season started.  VK and Kat both were in Grp 1 during TC.  At some point they were switched to Grp 4.  I can't remember exactly, but that 1st game (when Rachel A sat out...) VK might've been in group 1 for that game, but she spent most of the year with 4.  When they went on their campout, VK is in the Group 4 picture (minus Molly) and also when the squad photos were taken.

VK's grp journey.jpg

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1 hour ago, Weeklydcc said:

I think the other judges pick the girls who can't kick or even dance.  K&J have to weed them out in camp.  Maybe it's time for a new judging process.

A Ha!  Now it makes sense.

Or perhaps, the "weatherman", the "news anchor" and the "boot-maker" aren't the best people to judge "dancers!"

Edited by ClassicPegg
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10 minutes ago, ClassicPegg said:

Or perhaps, the "weatherman", the "news anchor" and the "boot-maker" aren't the best people to judge "dancers!"

I think you need a mix of judges - they are looking at more then just how a gal dances

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Entire thing leaves a bad taste.  I have not brought myself to watch the show.  The team picture should be an embarrassment to the organization.  I cannot get over H&B and they leave the likes of Savannah, Lisa, Maddie and on and on 

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5 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

Daphne has always looked old in the face to me.

I like Daphne because she seems interesting, and as though she has thoughts and opinions (maybe even dissenting ones) behind her pleasant cheerleader face.  With some of the DCC women who look younger, I have my doubts about how much thinking they do.  

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7 hours ago, JapMo said:

 If Julia hadn't done the unthinkable and express ambition to possibly use DCC as a career move (gasp) I think she would have definitely been chosen.  She had the looks and despite nothing but negative comments from Kelly once she was alerted by a snitch of Julia's "gaffe", I thought she was a pretty good dancer and head and shoulders above Lisa and Taylor.

Julia had zero chance at ever making the team because she was working for a TV network that Is NOT the one the Cowboys have a deal with. She would have had to quit working for that station to have a shot. So she was set up to make it look like she’s not so great at broadcasting, and the result ended up better than any of the producers ever hoped. That she then clearly stated profanity directly to the cameras and shoved a veteran was icing on the reality TV cake. They dragged out her cut to let her think she actually had a chance despite the non compete clause.

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Out of an "unprecedented number of applications" - "over 1500" - "top dancers from around the globe vying to be part of this world class organization" -- ...-- you couldn't find 20 pretty girls that could dance AND kick?

And who are we kidding,.. do the other judges really have any say here?

Kelli picks who gets into TCC - and the "made for TV drama"  factor is a huge part of her consideration. 

Edited by Tuxcat
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7 hours ago, NC-CFD09 said:

I think Tess was the leader of Group 4 and Gina was her second. 

I am not sure why you would think Tess had anything to do with so many of her group not making it back (sarcasm font). Even though Judy had the team complete mid year surveys, asked for honest feedback, including feedback for their leaders, and then gave the feedback to the leaders. Which Tess then stopped her group’s practice the next practice and made each woman in her group individually answer whether or not they had said negative things about her in their survey and then got to Lily and accused  her to the point she almost cried. Cannot imagine why that would be even be a thought. True story.

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10 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

I am not sure why you would think Tess had anything to do with so many of her group not making it back (sarcasm font). Even though Judy had the team complete mid year surveys, asked for honest feedback, including feedback for their leaders, and then gave the feedback to the leaders. Which Tess then stopped her group’s practice the next practice and made each woman in her group individually answer whether or not they had said negative things about her in their survey and then got to Lily and accused  her to the point she almost cried. Cannot imagine why that would be even be a thought. True story.

Poor lily 

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22 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

I am not sure why you would think Tess had anything to do with so many of her group not making it back (sarcasm font). Even though Judy had the team complete mid year surveys, asked for honest feedback, including feedback for their leaders, and then gave the feedback to the leaders. Which Tess then stopped her group’s practice the next practice and made each woman in her group individually answer whether or not they had said negative things about her in their survey and then got to Lily and accused  her to the point she almost cried. Cannot imagine why that would be even be a thought. True story.

Sad. Who are Tess' friends on the team? You know how they all form little groups - Who is Tess closest with?

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16 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

I am not sure why you would think Tess had anything to do with so many of her group not making it back (sarcasm font). Even though Judy had the team complete mid year surveys, asked for honest feedback, including feedback for their leaders, and then gave the feedback to the leaders. Which Tess then stopped her group’s practice the next practice and made each woman in her group individually answer whether or not they had said negative things about her in their survey and then got to Lily and accused  her to the point she almost cried. Cannot imagine why that would be even be a thought. True story.

OK THAT’s IT!!! I was ok with Tess being a blender. She was on the team for “10-15” years so whatever. I was upset with the Ozarks news but realize there were three other brats involved. 

But halting practice? Accusing teammates? Tess, it’s time to retire! 

And Kelli? Judy? Charlotte? If you knew any of this I’m even more disappointed than you than I was before ... and I had thought that was impossible. 

Absolutely gutted for Lily. 😢 


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1 hour ago, Pennstate94 said:

Julia had zero chance at ever making the team because she was working for a TV network that Is NOT the one the Cowboys have a deal with.

Wasn't it said that Julia was fired from that job???  So much tea when all of that hit the fan:)

32 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

I am not sure why you would think Tess had anything to do with so many of her group not making it back (sarcasm font). Even though Judy had the team complete mid year surveys, asked for honest feedback, including feedback for their leaders, and then gave the feedback to the leaders. Which Tess then stopped her group’s practice the next practice and made each woman in her group individually answer whether or not they had said negative things about her in their survey and then got to Lily and accused  her to the point she almost cried. Cannot imagine why that would be even be a thought. True story.

Is Tess close to VK - as in she tells her things since she knows she will run to Kelli with it?

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On 11/29/2020 at 8:00 PM, Trixi said:

Her video was something else. The popping on the floor, the half jumping jacks, some weird arm movements. I was laughing hard. The cow bit was cute but not her dancing🤷🏼‍♀️

Yeah but K&J liked it. I mean, they saw all of that and still ranked her at the top. The dancing in the video was clearly not related to her cut, so there must have been something else. 

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