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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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I’m telling you, Production isn’t gonna try to save Jaysar. Grodner doesn’t give a shit about them lol.

Memphis and Enzo talking. Enzo talks about how there’s totally not a guys alliance and what if there is a girls alliance bro. They decide if they win safety they’ll save a random girl to throw off suspicion. There you go Memphis, there’s your reason to pick Janelle lol.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I’m telling you, Production isn’t gonna try to save Jaysar. Grodner doesn’t give a dick about them lol.

Memphis and Enzo talking. Enzo talks about how theta totally not a guys alliance and what if there is a girls alliance bro. They decide if they win safety they’ll save a random girl to throw off suspicion. There you go Memphis, there’s your reason to pick Janelle lol.

Who would be random? Unless it's Janelle, you have an alliance with all of them! FFS.

I'm listening to RHAP's Taran's Daily Update and he does make a good point about Tyler. I forgot that he DID try with Kaysar early in the game and it was Kaysar who rejected working with him. So, in hindsight, can you blame Tyler for deciding to put them up, even if it makes us, as the audience, pissed off? It's a good move for Tyler, unfortunately for us. But I'm hoping that Tyler turns on the Cody/Enzo/Memphis/whatever alliance soon. I'd be down to see Tyler, Day, Bay, Christmas and Ian work together against the others. 

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This whole "no one knows we're in an alliance" reminds me of the time a gay friend of mine told me "none of my family have any idea I'm gay." Literally a week later the guy's family had a huge sit down with him where the mom was like "we're so hurt, we've given you your own time to come out but this is ridiculous ..."

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I have to guess BB originally wanted some all stars to be real pairs. Tyler / KC, Derrick / Cody, Josh / Xmas, ect., but when that fell through it left Janelle / Kaysar one of the only obvious true pairs in the game on top of all the weird pre-game shenanigans.

They were playing from their back foot since they came in the house. Too many personal feelings against Janelle, plus they aren't really strategic or sneaky players and that's not helping them. I'll just enjoy them while I still can as I imagine this is it for them on BB. 

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Tyler's got his BB20 A-game on as HOH. He's talking to Kaysar, and his whole schtick is, "It's hurts my feelings you thought I was in an alliance! Our friendship is real, man! Nobody was after you until you made us go after you!" 

He's been able to lay relatively low, but these instances where he has to play remind me why he was so good this season. The only HGs that have called him out are Janelle/Kaysar. I do wish that this HOH would somehow out some of his secret partnerships (Christmas/David) because I think it kind of sucks that they were pre-game, so of course nobody knows. 

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Nicole says conversations all week made her think J & K were on her side.  BS! You were still blaming them this morning!

Yeah I caught that too. She said the past couple of days are what tipped her off but I know from this forum she was still trashing Janelle that very morning. I wonder if someone in the diary room tipped her off just to get a reaction shot out of her. Notice they never included this revelation on the show.


Now the fake Four Prime alliance is discussing bringing Tyler in to their alliance, as a designated fifth wheel.

Honestly at this point I wish we could just fast forward to Janelle, Kaysar and Kevin being gone to see who this multitude of alliances will finally have to target when those three aren't there anymore.

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A random thought, this All Stars season would have been much netter served by starting out in "teams". Any pre-gaming would have to be "rethought". Sure you would still need cross alliances but, they would be in more immediate jeopardy. Your team is your survival. It would have been much more interesting to watch. Especially now that everyone plays this as a numbers game.
I am a little disappointed BB did not come up with a more divisive twist

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Tyler would make a great cover boy for Lisa Simpson's Non-Threatening Boys magazine.

I was just about to buy a ticket on the Tyler hate train, but then some intel in Lady Calypso's post above has made me rethink it. Because I couldn't understand why a fan of the game wouldn't desperately want to team up with the most beloved duo in BB history. Turns out he tried. And Kaysar, sigh.

I think the secret to watching this show is twofold: lower your expectations and abandon all hope. And maybe pick about four of the people you just can't stand and go in knowing they'll be around until the end.

I'm going to need a Platinum Veto, where the winner can veto both noms, and I'm going to need it this week, not the fucking week that Cody and Franzel are on the block together.


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34 minutes ago, iMonrey said:


Honestly at this point I wish we could just fast forward to Janelle, Kaysar and Kevin being gone to see who this multitude of alliances will finally have to target when those three aren't there anymore.

For sure Day, Bay and David would be picked off sooner rather than later. Which is unfortunate for some reasons but they aren't really known for being great players. 

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

For all this talk of getting Janelle out before she gets chosen for something by America do they not realize that if she's gone everyone will vote for Kaysar? 

I really need Memphis to win this safety suite and save Janelle. That'd be ultimate chaos. 

I don't get this either. I expect it from Cody, but it surprises me from Tyler who is a fan of the show. Even if both Kaysar/Janelle are evicted. I would expect Ian to be the new favorite granted I don't get it because I don't like Ian. 

6 hours ago, Victim Noises said:

I was wondering about this. Dani seems the type to have had a planned or "emergency" C-section on her birthday so her precious spawn and her would forever share the same special day. The chances of having the same birthday as one of your parents naturally is statistically very low.

Dani mentioned that it took her and Dom two years to conceive. They had gone through testing and attended an adoption seminar the next week she found out she was pregnant. 

17 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I really need Memphis to win this safety suite and save Janelle. That'd be ultimate chaos. 

On this year's Aussie BB when the favourite houseguest was evicted;

They put her in a secret room, gave her access to the feeds and let her control the other houseguests for 24 hours (it was a challenge). Then they let her walk back into the house.

Can we have that if Janelle is evicted?

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25 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dani mentioned that it took her and Dom two years to conceive. They had gone through testing and attended an adoption seminar the next week she found out she was pregnant. 

I mean, I wasn't at her obstetrics appointments or in the delivery room.. I'm not saying that their daughter's conception was timed to give birth around her birthday. But once they did conceive and it happened that her daughter was due in mid/late August, she had the birth scheduled on her birthday.

Edited by Victim Noises
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1 minute ago, Victim Noises said:

What does that have to do with picking her birthday to have her daughter?

It sounded like from the conversation she had a rough pregnancy. She might have planned it like you said she might not of. The bigger red flag she doesn't know if she wants a second child because she doesn't know if she could love that child as much as her first. 

4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

It sounded like from the conversation she had a rough pregnancy. She might have planned it like you said she might not of. The bigger red flag she doesn't know if she wants a second child because she doesn't know if she could love that child as much as her first. 

Sorry I clarified my previous post if that makes it any clearer lol

It's sort of a millennial thing to plan births complete with detailed "birth plans," astrological charts, tarot card readings, and the like. My big red flag with Dani is that she says she hasn't been apart from her daughter for more than 3 hours. As babies grow they have to gain some independence and also explore the world. I could Dani thinking that because her own parents abandoned her, that her response is to literally NEVER be apart from her daughter.

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

It's sort of a millennial thing to plan births complete with detailed "birth plans," astrological charts, tarot card readings, and the like. My big red flag with Dani is that she says she hasn't been apart from her daughter for more than 3 hours. As babies grow they have to gain some independence and also explore the world. I could Dani thinking that because her own parents abandoned her, that her response is to literally NEVER be apart from her daughter.

I know. She was talking about how she is nervous that Dom's mother is coming to help him out and that Dom wouldn't even tell her the details so she wouldn't worry. She said Dom's family is very close and she trusts them, but they've never spent time with her daughter without her. It was really strange. It sounded like Dom's family lives in the Bay area. 

3 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I know. She was talking about how she is nervous that Dom's mother is coming to help him out and that Dom wouldn't even tell her the details so she wouldn't worry. She said Dom's family is very close and she trusts them, but they've never spent time with her daughter without her. It was really strange. It sounded like Dom's family lives in the Bay area. 

She was also worrying that since Dom isn't vegan he'd eat meat without her and give Tennessee non-vegan stuff. As I said, I appreciate her not duplicating her own parents' mistakes but not "abandoning" your children doesn't mean you never leave their side.

She was also hating on Janelle for having a nanny. She was working as an art teacher but once Tennessee was born she stayed home. If Janelle works to support her family and has a nanny helping out what's wrong with that?

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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Like Dani, I can't. I can't listen to her talk to Tyler in the HoH about how super evil Janelle is and super awesome all of them are. Her whiny ass voice makes me want to throw something and the only things nearby are my wine glass and my cat so. 

Gonna miss that cat.

12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

There was one nomination once upon a time (I want to say it was Brendan trying to nominate Britney) and he outright said it and Production pulled some rule out of their ass that you can't outright name your noms before the ceremony so she was now ineligible from nominations, please choose another. Someone tell me I didn't dream this up. I remember for seasons afterwards that people would talk circles to purposely not name their nominations by their actual names so that they didn't get nailed by it, too. It only happened once. 

As I recall, the rule is the HoH cannot make any definitive statements of Block nomination choice names prior to the nom and/or PoV ceremony.  Mention of names is permitted in questions and hypotheticals - “what happens if I nom Janelle and Kaysar”, or “Let’s say I were to nom Janelle and Kaysar” - but the moment any kind of specific decision (“I am nominating Janelle and Kaysar”) is voiced pre-ceremony, however, the HoH is over the line; the so-named HGs are disqualified from Block consideration and the HoH must pick somebody else.

Assuming, of course, TPTB choose to enforce the rules equitably..... 🤣🤣🤣


2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Bayleigh says "It's the butt-crack of dawn."

Homer should have used that image in the Iliad and Odyssey instead of the "rosy fingers of dawn."

Reminds me of a line from Pass the Ammo about a philandering preacher: “The crack of dawn isn’t safe around that man.”

26 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dani mentioned that it took her and Dom two years to conceive. They had gone through testing and attended an adoption seminar the next week she found out she was pregnant. 

Must’ve been one helluva seminar.

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33 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

It sounded like from the conversation she had a rough pregnancy. She might have planned it like you said she might not of. The bigger red flag she doesn't know if she wants a second child because she doesn't know if she could love that child as much as her first. 

Let's hope Tenessee remains an only child, then. I'd hate to see an Ordinary People scenario play out with Dani, where she's full of love for the first born but a total ice queen towards the second.

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8 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think Dani is a big fan of the show and in her mind thinks she is one of the best to never win. I know it's been known that she has wanted to play again for a long time. She wants to be the new Queen of Big Brother.

I can't remember if it was on the feeds or somewhere else... but she seemed to be jilted by the fact that she thinks she would have won IF "America's player" wouldnt have had the task of getting Dick to win. I really can't remember what Eric was suppose to do - was he just told who to vote for or was he told to persuade the jury? But her statement was pretty much "I lost because American told Eric to turn the jury against me"


I think Dani is a big fan of the show and in her mind thinks she is one of the best to never win. I know it's been known that she has wanted to play again for a long time. She wants to be the new Queen of Big Brother.

Which demonstrates how oblivious she is to the fact that she is so disliked. Or does she think she's one of the more popular HGs? These people are so delusional, they're able to filter out any negative comments and bask in the (comparatively low) ass-kissing.

I mean, people like Tyler, Cody, Paul, even Josh - they have a fan base. Does Dani? Really?

Edited by iMonrey
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10 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I can't remember if it was on the feeds or somewhere else... but she seemed to be jilted by the fact that she thinks she would have won IF "America's player" wouldnt have had the task of getting Dick to win. I really can't remember what Eric was suppose to do - was he just told who to vote for or was he told to persuade the jury? But her statement was pretty much "I lost because American told Eric to turn the jury against me"

Were there 7 people on the jury that season? (I checked and indeed there were.) Eric did have to sway the jury towards voting for Dick per America IIRC. And if America had chosen Dani instead, then Eric could have at least gotten Amber + himself (no choice). Jen and Jameka already voted for her, so she would have won. But there was also one Veto that Eric won that Production wouldn't let him use, otherwise he would have gotten Dani out then. The less I try to scramble my brain thinking about the logistics of S8, the better.

But if there was no Final Task for Eric to have to convince anyone and controlled his own vote, I think Dick still wins. He had a better social game.

Edited by Victim Noises
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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tyler: Big Brother fans don’t want a lying, cutthroat game. That’s old school. 

So forming multiple alliances and telling each alliance that they’re the only one is not lying? Voting out members of alliance #2 in favor of your preferred alliance #1 is not cutthroat? Okay, then.

New schoolers are so enlightened.

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13 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I can't remember if it was on the feeds or somewhere else... but she seemed to be jilted by the fact that she thinks she would have won IF "America's player" wouldnt have had the task of getting Dick to win. I really can't remember what Eric was suppose to do - was he just told who to vote for or was he told to persuade the jury? But her statement was pretty much "I lost because American told Eric to turn the jury against me"

So Eric was suppose to make the case for Dick and persuade them. I think she would have lost because even though Dick was a horrible person he would socialize with people and have solid conversations with everyone while Dani didn't really interact with people besides Nick. I think if she kept Kail in the game she would have had a better chance. Granted Dick is the first prejury boot if we don't have America's player and Dani is probably not making the final 2 with Dick not in the game.

11 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Which demonstrates how oblivious she is to the fact that she is so disliked. Or does she think she's one of the more popular HGs? These people are so delusional, they're able to filter out any negative comments and bask in the (comparatively low) ass-kissing.

I mean, people like Tyler, Cody, Paul, even Josh - they have a fan base. Does Dani? Really?

Dani was pretty popular after season 13 among the internet crowd because she went after the vets. I would say she was more popular than Cody and Josh going in to this season. The closest comparison is probably Diane from All-Stars people were excited to see her play again, but once she got into the house she was miserable not fun to watch. It's also similar to Nicole F who was pretty popular on BB16.

Edited by choclatechip45
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22 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

Let's hope Tenessee remains an only child, then. I'd hate to see an Ordinary People scenario play out with Dani, where she's full of love for the first born but a total ice queen towards the second.

Same, but she also said one sentence later she doesn't want Tennessee to grow up alone like she did because she only had her grandma and was lucky to have Dom when her grandma passed away. She also mentioned she considers Tennessee her miracle baby. 

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I think Dani's bitchiness and whining was forgiven in BB13 because she went against the villains Rachel and BRENNAAAN! She's always been whiny and bitchy and entitled. It's just that BB13 was 9 years ago, she's gotten married and had a kid, and I think we all expected that she would have grown up and maybe mellowed a bit? But no. Same bratty teenager energy as last time. And the time before that.  

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11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dani was pretty popular after season 13 among the internet crowd because she went after the vets. I would say she was more popular than Cody and Josh going in to this season. The closest comparison is probably Diane from All-Stars people were excited to see her play again, but once she got into the house she was miserable not fun to watch. It's also similar to Nicole F who was pretty popular on BB16.

I was a fan of hers during season 13 because she was the underdog.  She wasn't the majority alliance (well she was, until she turned 🤣) that ran the game.  She was the underdog that went after the villains and did what "America" wanted.  Here, she's just playing a nasty BB19 game of bitching about people WHO AREN'T IN POWER! 

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think Dani's bitchiness and whining was forgiven in BB13 because she went against the villains Rachel and BRENNAAAN! She's always been whiny and bitchy and entitled. It's just that BB13 was 9 years ago, she's gotten married and had a kid, and I think we all expected that she would have grown up and maybe mellowed a bit? But no. Same bratty teenager energy as last time. And the time before that.  

This! I was excited to see her because I thought she had grown up. I was super wrong. If I had known she would be the same I would have chosen Dom over her because he had a lot of potential in BB13. 

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think Dani's bitchiness and whining was forgiven in BB13 because she went against the villains Rachel and BRENNAAAN! She's always been whiny and bitchy and entitled. It's just that BB13 was 9 years ago, she's gotten married and had a kid, and I think we all expected that she would have grown up and maybe mellowed a bit? But no. Same bratty teenager energy as last time. And the time before that.  

 I also think Kalia/Porsche were much better partners for her than Nicole F. I do wish Kalia got another shot at the game this season. They were super-duper twist screwed.

Did Memphis even check in with Tyler/his supposed alliance to see what the plans were? Apparently he considers Janelle is one of his closest allies, but it's clear doesn't really care about Kaysar - maybe he just assumes he can convince everyone to vote out Kaysar over her? Yeah, right.

Edited by mooses
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2 minutes ago, Slider said:

I was a fan of hers during season 13 because she was the underdog.  She wasn't the majority alliance (well she was, until she turned 🤣) that ran the game.  She was the underdog that went after the villains and did what "America" wanted.  Here, she's just playing a nasty BB19 game of bitching about people WHO AREN'T IN POWER! 

Same. I was a big Jeff and Jordan fan in season 11 because I couldn't stand Natalie and Jessie (Kevin is reminding me why I rooted for Jeff this season) and I wanted both of them out in season 13. I would put Jordan as my third worst winner. I still can't believe Dani went along with Lawon plan. I think that is more painful than Janelle losing this HOH by one point. 

2 minutes ago, mooses said:

 I also think Kalia/Porsche were much better partners for her than Nicole F. I do wish Kalia got another shot at the game this season.

Did Memphis even check in with Tyler/his supposed alliance to see what the plans were? Apparently he considers Janelle is one of his closest allies, but it's clear doesn't really care about Kaysar - maybe he just assumes he can convince everyone to vote out Kaysar over her? Yeah, right.

 I loved Kalia in BB13. I would have rather have her come back then Dani because of Kalia I liked Dani which is why I thought it was super interesting that Dani was sort of defending Jeff to Cody. It sounded like he apologized to Kalia after the season and she accepted the apology. I don't know what the rules are, but she worked for Robyn Kass after BB13 for a little bit. I think Erika worked for her between BB4 and All-Stars. 

5 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Same. I was a big Jeff and Jordan fan in season 11 because I couldn't stand Natalie and Jessie (Kevin is reminding me why I rooted for Jeff this season) and I wanted both of them out in season 13. I would put Jordan as my third worst winner. I still can't believe Dani went along with Lawon plan. I think that is more painful than Janelle losing this HOH by one point. 

I remember Daniele trying really, really hard to convince everyone otherwise, but at some point she just had to throw up her hands and give up. 

But, yeah, I remember how painful that was to watch in real time.

Edited by mooses
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Just now, mooses said:

I remember Daniele trying really, really hard to convince everyone otherwise, but at some point she just had to throw up your hands and give up. 

But, yeah, I remember how painful that was to watch in real time.

Yeah I remember that too. Honestly, if I were Dani I would have self evicted. I still can't believe they went along with it. 

52 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

She was also worrying that since Dom isn't vegan he'd eat meat without her and give Tennessee non-vegan stuff. As I said, I appreciate her not duplicating her own parents' mistakes but not "abandoning" your children doesn't mean you never leave their side.

She was also hating on Janelle for having a nanny. She was working as an art teacher but once Tennessee was born she stayed home. If Janelle works to support her family and has a nanny helping out what's wrong with that?

Nothing. It's Fucking Fabulous.

Edited by nkotb
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2 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Nothing. It's Fucking Fabulous.

Do you know what else is Fucking Fabulous? The fact that Franzel is absolutely terrified of Janelle to the point that she can't go to the bathroom if Janelle is hanging out on the couch there. Cody had to promise last night that he would sit on the couch to, I dunno, protect her whenever Franzel needs to tinkle. Was she planning on holding it the whole week if he wouldn't? I need Janelle to turn the bathroom couches into her favourite lounging spot all week. 

I know, this is how Franzel plays the game, by pretending to be the sad, scared little victim that needs protecting before she convinces someone to stab you in the back. But still. Scared to pee? 

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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

This is how Franzel plays the game, by pretending to be the sad, scared little victim that needs protecting before she convinces someone to stab you in the back. But still. Scared to pee? 

So Nicole F is basically Johanna Mason, but without the awesome moment where she drops all pretense and kills viciously. I guess her game is more Tina Wesson? (I'm Dani's age so I'm an old who only cares about old school reality players.) More recently, Lisa Whelchel?

Edited by methodwriter85
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