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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

What did Britney say to boogie??? 

Britney's the second one but I chose this one because you also get to see Ian's goodbye message. "This week, I masterminded your demise."

ETA: This really goes to show how dull the show has gotten. BB14's exit interviews and goodbye messages were top tier. Now it's so sanitized and boring and we don't get moments like this. Of course, we haven't gotten anyone as funny as Britney since... well, Britney. 

Edited by Callaphera
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8 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

I have been trying to figure out this house dynamic. I completely understand the whole...make someone the enemy in order to vote them out. But the way house opinions have swung on a dime, with absolutely no consistent narrative is fascinating to me. Essentially, what The Committee plus Enzo seem to have bonded over is their almost pathological ability to lie to themselves and each other on a regular basis in order to justify every move they make. And then, when the person is gone, to almost block out their malevolence they felt. It is almost stunning the way they just take on these extreme feelings, then wave them away and then repeat the process again. 

Dani wasn't as good at this (she had problems shifting the target) as these remaining people...which is probably why she was the first to go. I also think Tyler isn't as good at it, which is why he is struggling a bit socially. What really benefited Tyler in his season was he played with a team that he enjoyed spending time with and he was also able to use the opposition to take out some members of his team without having to resort to all the name calling and judgemental stuff these other guys thrive upon. Having Angela while it was narrowing down was also helpful, even though that distraction is probably why he lost in the end.

Anyway...with this week a done deal, who gets nominated next week and who goes home? Any ideas?


What really never ceases to surprise me is how these people are willing to be so effing ugly and mean as shit to other human beings even ones who didn't do anything to them or their game.

The levels of ugliness that Paul, Christmas, the little pug faced girl (can't recall her name) and a couple others displayed and went out of their way to be nasty was shocking.

Even in this season Xmas has said she'll just go into hiding while it blows over..... Ummmm how about just playing the game and not participating in the extreme ugliness on a personal level.



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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Britney's the second one but I chose this one because you also get to see Ian's goodbye message. "This week, I masterminded your demise."

ETA: This really goes to show how dull the show has gotten. BB14's exit interviews and goodbye messages were top tier. Now it's so sanitized and boring and we don't get moments like this. Of course, we haven't gotten anyone as funny as Britney since... well, Britney. 

Omg I love it!!! Yessssss I remember it now... Back when BB was fun and exciting!!

The good old days. ❤

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Even in this season Xmas has said she'll just go into hiding while it blows over..... Ummmm how about just playing the game and not participating in the extreme ugliness on a personal level.

Christmas believes that she's not ugly and personal in her gameplay but that the fans misread the situation and see ugliness and personal attacks where there are none. So she's convinced herself that she's not doing anything wrong and if she weathers the storm for awhile, the sunlight will eventually peak through the storm clouds or some toxic positivity Instagram bullshit like that. It's amazing to see just how delusional she is. She probably shares those "Just be kind!"/"Good vibes only!" memes unironically on her social media platform(s) of choice and then goes and yells at some customer service rep behind the returns counter at grocery store because she's a full on Karen who swear she didn't buy the organic apples that are three dollars more even though she totally did so now she wants them for free. MINIMUM WAGE WORKERS ARE PEOPLE, TOO.

That ended in a place I didn't think it would go. I really don't like Christmas. Thank God I'll forget about her before the actual holiday rolls around unless she tries to audition for the monster truck driver position again. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Christmas believes that she's not ugly and personal in her gameplay but that the fans misread the situation and see ugliness and personal attacks where there are none. So she's convinced herself that she's not doing anything wrong and if she weathers the storm for awhile, the sunlight will eventually peak through the storm clouds or some toxic positivity Instagram bullshit like that. It's amazing to see just how delusional she is. She probably shares those "Just be kind!"/"Good vibes only!" memes unironically on her social media platform(s) of choice and then goes and yells at some customer service rep behind the returns counter at grocery store because she's a full on Karen who swear she didn't buy the organic apples that are three dollars more even though she totally did so now she wants them for free. MINIMUM WAGE WORKERS ARE PEOPLE, TOO.

That ended in a place I didn't think it would go. I really don't like Christmas. Thank God I'll forget about her before the actual holiday rolls around unless she tries to audition for the monster truck driver position again. 

Nicole also. She's been do dramatic about Tyler and Christmas these last few days. They are dead to her. They are scum. "I hate them sooooo much."  And today with her ripping Tyler to shreds  - how he's sooo bad at this game and how he lies but is soooooo bad about lying.... I mean it's just over the top. She truly believes she does nothing wrong, says nothing bad and is soooooo nice. That one little lie Nicole told to Davonne was because Daniiiiiii made her do it.


5 minutes ago, himela said:

I read in Taran's twitter that as things stand Tyler is staying but things can change.

They flipped it to Tyler after the veto. Taran isn't updated yet. Of course it could always change back again.


34 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

have been trying to figure out this house dynamic. I completely understand the whole...make someone the enemy in order to vote them out. But the way house opinions have swung on a dime, with absolutely no consistent narrative is fascinating to me. Essentially, what The Committee plus Enzo seem to have bonded over is their almost pathological ability to lie to themselves and each other on a regular basis in order to justify every move they make. And then, when the person is gone, to almost block out their malevolence they felt. It is almost stunning the way they just take on these extreme feelings, then wave them away and then repeat the process again

Well said!

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8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Nicole also. She's been do dramatic about Tyler and Christmas these last few days. They are dead to her. They are scum. "I hate them sooooo much."  And today with her ripping Tyler to shreds  - how he's sooo bad at this game and how he lies but is soooooo bad about lying.... I mean it's just over the top. She truly believes she does nothing wrong, says nothing bad and is soooooo nice. That one little lie Nicole told to Davonne was because Daniiiiiii made her do it.

I think the difference between Christmas and Franzel is that Christmas is fucking delusional and believes that she's in the right/not wrong without question and Franzel says those things to convince the fans that she's sooo nice and ends up believing it herself in the end. I mean, I guess they're both delusional but one just believes her shit doesn't stink while the other one accidentally convinces herself of the same. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

The "banana bread" was definitely the prize money, they often talked about it as 50 loaves or 500 loaves.... Which was ridiculous because everyone knew they were talking about the prize money and how they could split it.

Of course Boogie never would have followed through so it annoyed me when the others thought he was sincere.... You can bet he would have thrown a fit if someone else didn't follow through.

He's such a disgusting person I hate it that he won and he also won a car... Blech!

Boogie also spent the entire season 7 promising people jobs at his restaurant and promises of moving into management and running all the other restaurants that boogie bragged about as his expansion plans....James Rhine and a couple others fell for his bullshit.

I'm not an Ian fan but I loved it when Ian shit on boogie after boogie gave him the cash prize during the game. I laughed my ass off when Ian told him to get stepping.  😂


I know in the house banana bread was the money sharing. I think I mixed up the Dan story with the banana bread story lol. I remember boogie promising Diane and James jobs probably more. I remember everyone Will brought it up to Janelle all she wanted to talk about was their relationship outside the house lol. 

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28 minutes ago, himela said:

I read in Taran's twitter that as things stand Tyler is staying but things can change.

I guess Taran isn't up to date... They flipped after veto and Tyler is the target

On another subject.. I'd love to see franzel when she finds out that Oil of Olay and others have dumped her.

The thing about franzel that puzzles me is she seemed like such a nice person during her first season.... I couldn't believe what a bitch she was when she came back to play... It was like night and day.


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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Just to toss in a couple more pennies... Nobody will ever know for sure if there was a financial agreement, but I think it’s important to note that such an arrangement wasn’t necessary.  

Recipe for success: 1) Create a large alliance. Make sure said alliance includes several comp beasts, as well as people you know you can work with. 2) Create smaller alliances within the large alliance, so everyone feels they have a shot at F2 and are more likely to stay loyal. 3) Create fake sub-alliances, so people not in the actual alliance will be demotivated to start a real alliance of their own. 4) Start winning comps, and GO.

We know this works, because it’s exactly what happened. The reason it worked is because it was carefully mapped out in advance. And none of it requires financial incentive. It just takes people who are eager to believe they are part of the inner circle, and someone with enough charm and persuasive power to help them maintain that belief. So why split the cash if you don’t have to?

Another reason I don’t think Cody set out to share any money is, I think he really wants to prove to himself and others that he can win. Getting to the end by splitting the prize is cheating; it’s not a valid win. I think Cody has too much pride and too much of a competitive streak to ever agree to anything like that.

Now, Franzel on the other hand...😉

Cody has a huge chip on his shoulder. Derrick always says he couldn’t have won the game without Cody being as good as a social player as he was in season 16.

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3 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I guess Taran isn't up to date... They flipped after veto and Tyler is the target

On another subject.. I'd love to see franzel when she finds out that Oil of Olay and others have dumped her.

The thing about franzel that puzzles me is she seemed like such a nice person during her first season.... I couldn't believe what a bitch she was when she came back to play... It was like night and day.


She had some moments in 16 like with Amber on the feeds she would say some rude things about her.

I do agree with you I don’t see this version of Nicole being close with Donny or Jacosta. 

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2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

She had some moments in 16 like with Amber on the feeds she would say some rude things about her.

I do agree with you I don’t see this version of Nicole being close with Donny or Jacosta. 

Exactly, I guess I was shocked that someone could change that much but I guess I shouldn't be because the players are rarely the same the 2ND or 3RD time they play.

This season I thought Ian would be amazing because he was so good the first time around and now he's older and will be even better but he wasn't and I've noticed a lot of players aren't the same and are typically worse when they come back.

I loved Jordan her first season but I could barely stand her when she played the 2ND time. 

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2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I just don't see Cody doing any of those deals because of his ego/financial situation. People who do money share deals are usually well off financially since they can afford to give up a cut of the prize. I definitely don't see Enzo doing it. 

Depending upon how personally risk-averse Cody is, his financial situation might be exactly why he would make such a deal; he would be guaranteed a $100K minimum if he makes it to F2, which could cover a lot of bills.

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I ... I .... I just feel some type of way....


Any chance this mess turns into something interesting?  Game play?  A week of ..... something?

What I truly am amazed at is that typically I have people I really root for, root against, even say I’m done with BB if it goes against what I’m rooting for (which is always) but I don’t even have that in me.   

ummmmm ....

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7 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole played with Cody and they were friendly in the house and she also played with Paulie. If Marcellas could tell the house week 1 in BB7 that he thought Danielle was a race traitor to being super close to her when he was voted out. I don't see why Nicole and Cody couldn't have started talking pre season and start being friendly again in the house. There is something familiar about aligning with someone you played with before.

Yes. Cody and Nicole have been good friends outside the game since their season. Nicole mentioned on her podcast, way before all stars was ever a thing, being close to his whole family. He himself was literally on her podcast in June. I think guessing that someone else set this all up for them is over complicating things. They have their own relationship and friendship and didn’t need a middleman. If they do have a money sharing deal, there’s no reason to think they couldn’t have set that up themselves. And Derrick being annoyed with Nicole doesn’t fit into this narrative of him setting them up. If Derrick did any setting up it seems much more likely to me that it was with Cody and Memphis, and that Nicole being on the season without Derrick’s knowledge threw a wrench into this given Cody and Nicole’s preexisting strong friendship, hence his annoyance. 

That said, money sharing deals are discussed a lot and while I’m not saying they don’t happen, I think they happen less frequently than people believe. Every time we have a season where people seem to be playing really badly, or don’t seem to care to make moves that would help themselves in the game, or seem to be playing for someone else to win, everyone talks about how it must be because they’re going to share the money. But I think people don’t give enough credit to truly lousy reads, egocentrism, and wanting to be in with the cool kids, all of which cycle on each other and intertwine to lead to multiple players doing dumb things. Everyone is the hero in their own story, and most of these people believe they can win if they get to the end, because in their mind the game is playing out just the way they want. They also believe that they are the one in the “real” alliance and everyone else is being lied to, up until the moment they realize they are the targets. This happens every single season. No one ever thinks they’ll be a zero vote finalist on Survivor, either.

I think Tyler’s Instagram follower count has actually gone up this season, and in the world of influencing, that’s all that really matters.  The Tangela fans are pretty intense, so I doubt they will break with Tyler over anything that happened this season. And I’m sure they will return to YouTube when this blows over a bit. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an engagement shortly, though, to redirect the conversation. 

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6 hours ago, himela said:

I think I'm the exception who hates Dani less after this season than I used to. The reason is, now I can see that the woman has some mental issues that need to be solved and I can't hate her as much as I used to.

I hate the entire Committee+Enzo alliance but I hate Dani the least for this same reason. She is just so damaged. She's certainly convinced herself she isn't though so she'll probably never seek help. She needs therapy and honestly her and Dom should probably seek some couples therapy as well.

Tyler being the target delights me. Seeing him whine yesterday about having to go to jury and now seeing that he quit the veto and cried about losing is just the type of good news I need in these shitty times! Fucking loser lol. Cody better not change his mind again. He controls this vote (like always duh) and I need him to keep his eyes set on that ramen haired bitch.

I can't believe the winner is gonna be Cody, one of his bitches, or Christmas. How embarrassing.

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13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She's certainly convinced herself she isn't though so she'll probably never seek help. She needs therapy and honestly her and Dom should probably seek some couples therapy as well.

I agree she needs it, but I read many years ago that the people least likely to respond to therapy are the ones who don't think they need it, and who are are convinced that everything else is someone else's fault. Sadly, this has almost always proved to be true. 

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just realized, Grodner isn't gonna let Tyler go, so I guess she'll be working on Cody this week. Fuck me, let me have this one damn thing!

I got Nicole A. Wow.

I keep getting Ian who is last so that is more about my horrible reflexes I'm hoping. I wouldn't want to form an alliance with anyone. I'd pull a Keesha and check out with 40,000 for the week.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just realized, Grodner isn't gonna let Tyler go, so I guess she'll be working on Cody this week. Fuck me, let me have this one damn thing!

I don’t much like Tyler but I really want Christmas gone this week. I could tolerate a Tyler win much more than smug Christmas face after she survives this week.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate the entire Committee+Enzo alliance but I hate Dani the least for this same reason. She is just so damaged. She's certainly convinced herself she isn't though so she'll probably never seek help. She needs therapy and honestly her and Dom should probably seek some couples therapy as well.

I used to think Dani was the most damaged but now I think Tyler is a very damaged person as well. It's not obvious at first but it is once you think about some of the things he's said about himself. It's like he has no sense of self beyond his brand of Tangela, Inc. Without Angela's constant watchful gaze he's barely functional -- he has issues sleeping, eating, working out. Angela dictates to him what he does, when he does it, and so forth and so on. He never thinks about anything other than how it relates to Angela. When he sprung for the 5k prize he immediately thought he had to give the money to Angela. His once close relationship with his mom now sounds non-existent -- doesn't see her anymore. This sounds like a toxic relationship. Add to that the fact that he's completely financially dependent on her ... yikes. 

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I know it's been discussed to death, but I just wanted to add a few thoughts on the Cody/Nicole/Derrick debate.  While it's true that Cody and Nicole could have come together on their own pre-show, I think it's also probable that it was strongly encouraged by Derrick (if not outright set up.)  I think the pre-show Derrick/Nicole beef was a red herring to make people think that Cody and Nicole weren't set up to work together--much in the way that Derrick staged a fight with Victoria toward the end of 16.  The vagueness of his comment about her and her distinct lack of reaction to that comment in the early days of the house just seem off.  If she thought Derrick was angry with her, you'd think she'd be a little hesitant about latching unto Cody knowing that he's Derrick's best bud.   At the very least you'd imagine that she would whine to him ad nauseaum about how she didn't dooooo anything to Derrick.  I also think Cody was encouraged to work with Memphis but not take him to the end because a small part of this is Derrick VS Dan and how sweet would it be for not one, but two of Derrick's castmates to make it to the final 2 while edging out Dan's #2.

All of this is speculation, obviously and I'm not normally a conspiracy nut.  The pact between Nic/Cody just seemed too solid coming in and there haven't been many cracks considering they are both fairly paranoid people.  These are my thoughts and with them and $1.06 you can get a coffee at McDonalds.

***I was this many year's old when I realized there isn't a "cent" symbol on a qwerty keyboard.  😉

Edited by leocadia
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A number of posts have been removed for talking about politics.

Politics seems to be all over these days but the rules of the board are that


We do not allow mention of elected political figures (past or present), current political candidates, political bodies (Congress, Parliament), political movements or political parties, including jokes and asides, unless those entities are specifically mentioned on an episode of the show being discussed, or in editorial content about that episode. Even when this applies, they may be discussed ONLY in the context of the show. This means no elaboration, speculation or using what was said as a springboard to voice your political thoughts generally. Anything outside of this is considered off-topic and subject to moderation measures.

Please try to be mindful of the rules when posting to avoid losing your post or getting a violation.

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Britney's the second one but I chose this one because you also get to see Ian's goodbye message. "This week, I masterminded your demise."

ETA: This really goes to show how dull the show has gotten. BB14's exit interviews and goodbye messages were top tier. Now it's so sanitized and boring and we don't get moments like this. Of course, we haven't gotten anyone as funny as Britney since... well, Britney. 

This was great, I enjoyed watching it! I forgot how fun this show used to be.  It also reminded me how much an audience contributes to the vibe.  Man I miss normalcy (havent had it since March, being very careful in real life) PS this was a very different Ian, huh?

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So I can’t think back to every final 3, but Enzo who I guess will make it, has got to be the worst. He can’t win competitions, he doesn’t do any game playing, doesn’t even try, just rides coattails as Cody’s bitch. Yeah I’m bitter because I hate pretty much everyone who’s left, and even though I know people say he’s the least objectionable of who’s left, I think  the constant yo ing and bro ing gets on my last fucking nerve, along with non existent game play. He’s definitely who you take to final 2. I know David was an awful game player but I think Enzo is just as bad. The only difference is he’s protected.

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30 minutes ago, parrotlover said:

So I can’t think back to every final 3, but Enzo who I guess will make it, has got to be the worst. He can’t win competitions, he doesn’t do any game playing, doesn’t even try, just rides coattails as Cody’s bitch. Yeah I’m bitter because I hate pretty much everyone who’s left, and even though I know people say he’s the least objectionable of who’s left, I think  the constant yo ing and bro ing gets on my last fucking nerve, along with non existent game play. He’s definitely who you take to final 2. I know David was an awful game player but I think Enzo is just as bad. The only difference is he’s protected.

Gina freakin' Marie came in second once!

Heck, Josh WON a season!

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Nicole -"Tyler is poison." "Tyler is the slimiest snake I've ever played with."

She's telling Cody she's going to record a nasty goodbye message.

What is her deal?

Standard new-school play; anybody not actively playing for the direct benefit of your game is obviously Satan, and must be demonized and vilified as much as possible.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I mean, that was bad. But the cringefest of a speech she gave was the best. "You know me, I'm GinaMarie. I'm just GinaMarie and I can only be the best GinaMarie that I can be!" Bless, at least she knows her name. 

Ginamarie was the perfect Goat, aka someone you knew the jury was never going to vote for. I'm surprised Christmas doesn't have final 2's with everyone as she's also a good Goat.

Edited by methodwriter85
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19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I miss those days. Remembering. I'm not even in my 40s yet and I put my house keys in the freezer when I got home. I don't even know.

ETA: I found them in there when I went to put my wine glass in the freezer. I meant to do that one.

My son has a friend from high school who was, shall we say, challenged with materials management.  I found his phone in my car more than once.  But once they were both visiting a third pal, and at the end of their get-together J couldn't find his car keys, and had to call his parents to come get him, and some time later the host opened his freezer and found the keys in there.  And J was probably 17 or so.  So you're not doing too badly after all.

I'll take this chance as a non-feed-watcher to express my annual thanks to all of you for this topic.  


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27 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

It is 9:30 pm their time, why is she in bed so early?  I thought they forced them to stay awake until a certain time.

The 10 AM - 10 PM rule kinda went out the window after the first week or so. Production probably couldn't take Memphis yelling at them to turn off the fucking lights already anymore. 

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