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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Does he genuinely not understand why "no one listened to me and threw that comp." Yeah okay Memphis - they are just going to hand you another comp for your resume. Or is that all part of his act? Hmmm.

Memphis seems to think that as HOH, he should be able to control everything. Like the last time he was HOH and told everyone they should do the Safety Suite and used that as the reason to nominate Nicole A.

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2 minutes ago, springbarb said:

Memphis seems to think that as HOH, he should be able to control everything. Like the last time he was HOH and told everyone they should do the Safety Suite and used that as the reason to nominate Nicole A.

Except last time he didn’t want to listen to anyone because all he did was put up the nominations and said everyone else had to figure out the rest. 
he wanted people to play the safety suite so he had less competition for the last one. 

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1 hour ago, Christina said:

You may have to click on the photo to see Kat's comment. I won't know until it posts:



Upon seeing this image, before reading the text, I swear I thought this was JC. And found the idea utterly delightful, more amusing than this season. Time to take a yatus from BB!

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Flopmas is bitching that if Day goes home this week she won't get to put Day on slop.

There is something seriously wrong with this woman. She seems to be intelligent, she can be charming, she's fairly pretty. But the pettiness and meanness that she exhibited in BB19 and this season -- serious cluster B personality.


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Was there actually a zingbot in the house? Dani and Nicole were discussing how mean the comments were. Tyler was described as “greasy and full of pimples”. Xmas was called “cold” and some other stuff that hurt her feelings. 

Day is taking the flat iron to her hair and it’s making me cringe because of all the steam. That’s some serious hair frying going on.

Day was telling Kevin that America must be hating this season because of the monolithic power structure. Kevin disagrees.

Nicole was saying this is the most bored she’s ever been, in any season. Maybe she shouldn’t have booted all the interesting players, then. But at least we finally agree on something.

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5 hours ago, lilabennet said:

Memphis can't be HOH next week and he is the only one in The Committee who would be truly upset that David wasn't backdoored as planned (LOL). 

Depends - isn’t next Thursday is the last chance Dani has to play the Replay Power she won in the BB Basement?  If Dani thinks she can manipulate a second Memphis HoH to her benefit, she might be inclined to play it on Memphis.

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Day is convinced she’s the target this week.

Dani to Nicole: We need to convince Tyler to use the veto and help backdoor David. He is telling everyone you voted to keep Ian and making you look bad. We can’t trust David, but we’re safe with Day.

Nicole visits Memphis to get his take on things. Memphis is frustrated at Tyler for winning the veto. He takes it as a slap in the face and a lack of trust. He is also mad at Dani and doesn’t believe she threw it because her time was too good. He is Committee Strong and thinks people are starting their individual games too early.  But he probably won’t ask Tyler to use the veto because ultimately, he doesn’t care what order people go home in, as long as Committee members go last. Either the camera angle is skewed or Memphis has tiny feet.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler was described as “greasy and full of pimples”. Xmas was called “cold” and some other stuff that hurt her feelings. 

I would enjoy Zingbot a lot more if his zingers were actually clever and witty. But his remarks to Tyler sound like something a mean 10 year old might laugh at. I can tell I'm not going to enjoy this. 

2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Day is taking the flat iron to her hair and it’s making me cringe because of all the steam. That’s some serious hair frying going on.

Can anyone enlighten me on Dani's hair situation? I assume she has massive extensions.  Probably less.)

How long do these last? How are they attached? Can you really flat iron them? (I know as much about hair extensions as I do about nuclear physics. Probably less.) 

ETA. Oops. Due to it being 3:30 am, I just misread the post which I now realize is about Day not Dani. But my questions about both of their... hairs (?) still apply. 

2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Nicole was saying this is the most bored she’s ever been, in any season

Wow, so it's not just us. They're trapped in a house with a bunch of mopey people. Some of us out here can relate 😁

Edited by Melina22
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Kevin and Nicole discussing the zings. Dani was called old, Cody was called dumb, Xmas was called stress-inducing, annoying and cold. Nicole didn’t say what hers was, but she thought it was mean and is proud of herself for not crying about it. Kevin says that would have been funny, so I’m guessing the zing was about her crying all the time. 

5 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I would enjoy Zingbot a lot more if his zingers were actually clever and witty. But his remarks to Tyler sound like something a mean 10 year old might laugh at.

I agree. These all sound really dumb. And Dani=old? What is she, 35? If you want to call someone old, at least pick on Grampsphis.

Kevin is telling Nicole that it seems like all the evictions have been planned out and there’s nothing the nominees can do about it. Like, Ian never had a chance. Nicole pretends to be surprised and taken aback by this insightful theory. They are rocking the hammock back and forth and somehow nobody else is having a stress attack.


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3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Kevin is telling Nicole that it seems like all the evictions have been planned out and there’s nothing the nominees can do about it

The boredom of this season in a nutshell. Kevin seems to say a lot of really insightful things. That doesn't seem to translate into him being a great player but still. He could do well in a season that wasn't set in stone. 

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I haven't listened to these, but here are three videos where they mention Zingbot, at least, that is what the captions say:





This one is also Krampus being petty


More petty Krampus


Also, David made a comment on being Black in the BB House



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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Can anyone enlighten me on Dani's hair situation? I assume she has massive extensions.  Probably less.)

How long do these last? How are they attached? Can you really flat iron them? (I know as much about hair extensions as I do about nuclear physics. Probably less.) 

I'm pretty sure those are extensions.

I have a little knowledge about hair extensions.

1) The length of time they "last" is a little hinky. They are attached to your hair so as long as you take care of them they will stay attached, i.e. if you pull on them they will come out a lot easier than regular hair. Second, they will "last" until the base of the hair grows out enough that you want to take them out so that the extension is close to the scalp. (I hate to bring race into this, but this is more of and issue with black people as the texture of their hair extensions tends to be different from the texture of their natural hair -- this is not in all cases, just the cases of friends that I know).

2) Hair extensions can be attached by multiple methods. The three I'm familiar with are sewing, heating and gluing. Different methods for different reasons and contingent on what kind of "hair" you're using for extensions.

3) Again, this depends upon the type of "hair" you are using for them, but pretty much you can treat them like natural hair. You can curl them, flatten them, hell you can krimp them! I'm sure the timing is slightly different, but just like natural hair, if you apply heat for too long, it's going to burn off.

Edited by grandmabegum
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Nicole says she drags out her words and that makes her sound whiny. She says Tyler does it too; it’s a midwestern thing. Kevin imitates her: “Cooodeeee, stahhhhp iiit!” She laughs and tries a clipped, non-whiny version: “Cody! Stop it!” Keep practicing, Nicole. You actually sounded like an adult for a moment.

Nicole says Ian was so innocent and kind and she just felt this impulse to protect him. So I guess she’s also practicing being a mommy.

Enzo’s full name is Vincenzo. Huh. I always assumed it was Lorenzo.

43 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Kevin seems to say a lot of really insightful things.

He does; he just doesn’t know what to do with the insight he has. So many times, I’ve seen him pick up the right puzzle pieces, place them side by side, and he’s...almost...there... but just can’t snap the pieces together to form a complete picture. It’s a shame, really. And very frustrating to watch.

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10 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

Hair extensions can be attached by multiple methods. The three I'm familiar with are sewing, heating and gluing. Different methods for different reasons and contingent on what kind of "hair" you're using for extensions.

Gluing? Huh. Thanks for the info tho. I appreciate it.

I've noticed that although extensions can look great, there's always something going on in the scalp area that just seems a bit off. That said, I remember having long hair just once, years ago, and it's the best feeling. I understand why women get extensions. 

Wait, this convo is triggering memories of being 5 and swanning around with a crinoline on my head  pretending it was long hair. Good times, good times. 


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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler was described as “greasy and full of pimples”.

Isn't that exactly what Zingbot said last time he was on the show? Lol

Day is trashing David again...honestly, I think she's just a bad listener. It seems like Kevin is holding back and isn't saying what he really feels. I think that Kevin is at least aware that there's a possibility that they weren't betrayed by David, but he strongly believes that they were. She still thinks that Nicole is on her side and wouldn't lie to her...I don't understand how she can think that. 

One thing that kind of annoys me about Day is that she repeats herself a lot. Like she'll repeat the same phrase like three times a row...and it's not like it's some profound phrase. Idk, a lot of people talk like that, it just annoys me. 

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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Gluing? Huh. Thanks for the info tho. I appreciate it.

I've noticed that although extensions can look great, there's always something going on in the scalp area that just seems a bit off. That said, I remember having long hair just once, years ago, and it's the best feeling. I understand why women get extensions. 

Wait, this convo is triggering memories of being 5 and swanning around with a crinoline on my head  pretending it was long hair. Good times, good times. 


Yeah, gluing seems weird. It's a special kind of glue, but I just keep thinking of all the different kinds of glue I use (glue stick, Elmers, craft, hot/cold glue) that I can never get to stick to what I want, just to my fingers.

I have the same feeling about long hair. When I was in high school and college it was long. It sounds super dumb, but I really liked the way it swished when I ran. Then sometime after college I chopped it off for Locks for Love. Eventually, I switched to a lopsided shaved and like, ear length flop (I don't know how to describe it). Every once in awhile I'll think about growing it out, but then I remember all I ever did with long hair was braid it or put it in a ponytail so I keep it short and at least it looks like I put effort into it.

Most importantly, I have never heard the word "crinoline" and now I want to use it all the time.

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25 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

It sounds super dumb, but I really liked the way it swished when I ran

Totally. Having shiny, healthy long hair is like having a power. I miss it. 

25 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

Most importantly, I have never heard the word "crinoline" and now I want to use it all the time.

When I was very young I'd sometimes wear one under a skirt or dress for a special occasion or party. It made a rustling noise when I walked and made me feel fancy and dressed up in a way I haven't felt in years. (I just realized this makes me sound like Scarlett O'Hara. I promise I'm not quite that ancient and hardly ever go to balls.) 

On this shallow note, I thought Dani looked amazing Thursday night with her bright red lipstick, long blond extensions, and weird stripey gown. There, I said it. 


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Day truly believes that Nicole believes that Nicole owes her for Nicole winning her season.  Not so much, Day, as this is a new game. 

@Tuxcat  Lol I’m never right when it comes to BB.  Though I ask a lot of questions ....

What are the chances that Tyler/Memphis are Renegades 2.0?   The ultimate trust in each other with minimal contact (that we see) with each other. Well, unless it’s an open or staged disagreement they want all to see.

When Memphis talked with Ian about whether his vote would be for Ian or Tyler to stay, he told Ian that Ian was too smart (smarter than Memphis himself) to keep.  

Ian is actually an excellent first juror aside from his behavior earlier in the week.   He will actually rationalize the game play.   May even be able to get Day/Kevin to see things differently.   

If Tyler/Memphis are truly working together, I’ll find it interesting to see how they work it. Basically Memphis might think he lost since he thinks he didn’t show that he was actively involved enough in getting the Renegades to the end and Tyler might focus more on the social side since he lost to KC.   It might be the reason Memphis is being so, well, Memphis and Tyler appears to be not himself.  All my bs falls under the Helen rule. It’s too soon. 





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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Kevin and Nicole both want to play Survivor. They are enticed by the shorter season.  Enzo has also mentioned wanting to be on Survivor. I would love to see a BB edition of Survivor. But I don’t think any of these pampered babies would last more than a week. 

Imagine Nicole's  rude awakening when she has to compete every time.

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9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Flopmas is bitching that if Day goes home this week she won't get to put Day on slop.

There is something seriously wrong with this woman. She seems to be intelligent, she can be charming, she's fairly pretty. But the pettiness and meanness that she exhibited in BB19 and this season -- serious cluster B personality.

And in the real world when she committed the act that has earned the pet name from me of National Victims of Vehicular Violence Day.

Edited by Victim Noises
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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Day is convinced she’s the target this week.

She is lol. She is Cody's target and Cody gets what he wants every week so!

Are we sure they weren't just discussing the zings they got on their original seasons? Because that was Tyler's original zing and I don't know why they'd just use the same one. Plus, Julie always plays up that Zingbot is making an appearance and she didn't in the last live ep. 

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3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

On this shallow note, I thought Dani looked amazing Thursday night with her bright red lipstick, long blond extensions, and weird stripey gown. There, I said it. 



I can't fucking wait until Day finds out that she was once again screwed over by Nicole.  She is sickening with the way she's treating David, I hope she goes this week.

Question....can Dani use her power before or after a new HOH is announced?

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3 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

[Day] is sickening with the way she's treating David, I hope she goes this week.

She will. It's what Cody wants!


Question....can Dani use her power before or after a new HOH is announced?

She has to tell the DR but 10 AM on Thursday.

I guess they really did do Zingbot. So, Julie didn't even hype it and they reused zings. Production gave up on this season too lol.

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26 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She will. It's what Cody wants!

She has to tell the DR but 10 AM on Thursday.

I guess they really did do Zingbot. So, Julie didn't even hype it and they reused zings. Production gave up on this season too lol.

That zing was Dani telling Nicole Tyler’s zing from BB20 about the pimples and being ugly. She was telling Nicole it could be personal and way worse than your voice is annoying and not to worry about her zing from zingbot. Nicole was horrified hearing Tyler’s zing from BB20. That was definitely not his zing again this year. I haven’t heard them mention what his was this year. When it comes to Tyler, everyone is talking about Memphis being pissy that Tyler didn’t try harder to throw the veto to him.

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42 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She is lol. She is Cody's target and Cody gets what he wants every week so!

Are we sure they weren't just discussing the zings they got on their original seasons? Because that was Tyler's original zing and I don't know why they'd just use the same one. Plus, Julie always plays up that Zingbot is making an appearance and she didn't in the last live ep. 

Zingbot was there. Dani said DR s were taking longer because they all had to give their reactions to zingbot. Kevin said it was his first zingbot since it wasn't a thing back in season 11.

24 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

I could see her doing it this week, unfortunately.

Yeah, we could have a double Memphis... Dani might leverage the power to try to convince Memphis to BD David. But ultimately the power is in Tyler's hands. Memphis has already said that "one of them have to go" this week and then for the double - "the other two."

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Kevin is awake and all alone talking to himself in the backyard. He's planning on lying all day today and throwing David under the bus as much as possible so Tyler will use the veto. He's debating on whether or not he wants to be 'that person.'

He's trying to think of the right lie. His brilliant idea is to deny that he voted to evict Tyler. "I talk to Davonne, and say 'you need to take a hit. We need Tyler to use the veto. You go to Tyler and you admit  that you actually lied to him and voted Tyler out . You need to tell Tyler that Kevin had nothing to do with it.'"

Uhhh. problem Kevin. a) DAvonne isn't going to do that b) Tyler already knows who voted to evict him. 

31 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Is Dani’s power good for three HOH’s or weeks?   That can be a game changer if the third week us a double eviction. 

This is the last week she can activate it. If she doesn't it will expire. 

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6 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:


I can't fucking wait until Day finds out that she was once again screwed over by Nicole.  She is sickening with the way she's treating David, I hope she goes this week.

Question....can Dani use her power before or after a new HOH is announced?

Her power is to let the outgoing HOH play in the next HOH competition, so she would need to use it before the HOH competition takes place.

wtf... Nicole was hoping to be fairly decent with speaking/understanding spanish by the time her and vic got married. But since Vic "runs all their stuff" his email is connected to their amazon account. So when Nicole went and purchased the subscription to help her learn spanish, the purchase confirmation went to vic's email. BUT nicole wanted it to be a surprise so when vic got the email and told her, nicole was irritated it was no longer a surprise so now she doesn't want to do it and she may have cancelled the subscription.  she says she'll go back and do it again but still wants it to be a surprise.  part of the reasoning she was wanting it to be a surprise just in case she was unable to learn it and then he wouldn't know she failed. which is fine.. but to not even try after he found out?? lame. 

16 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Was there actually a zingbot in the house?

I think he was the 'neighbor' moving in this week. They showed a little outdoor balcony area. So it was likely social distanced ZingBot  lol

3 hours ago, Ellee said:

Kaysar’s FBI hat is being auctioned and it’s up to about $3300. Lol didn’t somebody give it to him?


He's giving the money to charity. I think the same one Janelle sold her necklace for $18,000 and gave the money to.

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So is it true???  The BB Legend .... is it really AG?

Rumor has it that she wants to ensure that BB22 All Stars continues to be the bessssst seeeeeason eveeeeear and the way to do that is for her to be onsite at all times.    The source, on condition of anonymity, went on to say her being there will not affect the well established integrity of the game.  


ETA  Can you tell I’m bored?

Edited by Ellee

Kevin does understand that Memphis didn't win the veto and therefore doesn't choose whether it is used or not, right?

So, how did Memphis get convinced into not wanting to backdoor David? Was it Cody or Tyler? Or both?

Has Cody told Dani that Day is the one going? I'm just wondering if she'll put up any fuss at all or just blindly follow him again like she did last week when he told her they weren't getting rid of Tyler.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kevin does understand that Memphis didn't win the veto and therefore doesn't choose whether it is used or not, right?

So, how did Memphis get convinced into not wanting to backdoor David? Was it Cody or Tyler? Or both?

Has Cody told Dani that Day is the one going? I'm just wondering if she'll put up any fuss at all or just blindly follow him again like she did last week when he told her they weren't getting rid of Tyler.

Nope. No one has told Dani that Day is the one going. Dani is trying to get Tyler to use the veto on Day.

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