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21 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

these women are so pathetic going gaga over these shallow, cheesy gestures from their men.

You weren't impressed by the Dollar Tree bear holding a heart? Nobody has given me anything like that since I was 14. 

I wonder how the Bulgarian Rose Oil smells when mixed with the cloud of Angel that Darcey already was wearing? I felt so sorry for that poor Uber driver. He probably headed straight to the car wash. 

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On 8/17/2020 at 4:04 PM, aimlessbird said:

I had never seen Florian before last night and my first though was werewolf or wolf boy.

With the dark circles around his eyes he looks like he needs to suck somebody's blood for vitality. He's also obnoxious with a short temper. No wonder no Albanian women want him. Shhhh, Shhhhh, Shhhhhh.  Both of their boyfriends would be better looking with bags over their heads.

Edited by deirdra
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5 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

Both of Darcey’s daughters would benefit from orthodontics but that would mean spending the money and shuttling them back and forth to multiple appointments. They don’t need anything major, I guess she just thinks they can get (fake) porcelain veneers like she did but that doesn’t address the physiological problem.

There you go, thinking about someone other than Darcy. Get your priorities straight!

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Another cringeworthy hour.  Same old thing with Darcey, she said all the same things about Georgi as she did about Jesse and Tom.  How many times are we going to see her packing and dragging that bag into NYC.  Singing the praises of this guy right away including in 45 years that is the best date she ever had.  Every little thing was Ewwwwwww, so wonderful.  The topper was her laying in the bed like Scarlet O’Hara, smirking and cooing after her night with Georgi.  Then we have Stacey and Florian engaging in a make out session complete with strawberrys and a teddy bear.  Any minute I expected the Dad to show up and announce they had to leave the light on.  Once again I got a good laugh out of this show.  

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On 8/24/2020 at 9:25 PM, DanaMB said:

Everything in their lives has to be an over the top moment. Exhausting. 

I have wondered about most of these couples, "What do they talk about?"  Their online communications seem to consist of telling each other how sexy they look and what they'd like to do with/to each other.  When they meet they hit the sack.  When they go out to eat they sit there and make eyes at each other.  Then what?  Do they talk about politics, or movies, or books, or music?  What are their jobs?  They sometimes mention their families (my children are the world to me) but never anything about their kids' ambitions or interests, much less their own.

I watched this show last night because I couldn't find the remote (I was sitting on it--sorry, remote!) and guess what?  This show treats its viewers just like the characters treat each other!  They show us how sexy they are, and how horny they are for their partner.  They worry about whether their partner will find them sexy.  We are treated to watching them get sexy in preparation for meeting their partners.

While I think Darcey and Stacey could be interestingr to watch, the way they are presented on this show is a real drag.  A hard no.

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OMG! These gals never cease to amaze me with their “ romance novel” way of looking at life.  They are setting the woman’s movement back 40 years.  I was surprised that there was literally no blow back from the two teenaged girls about having their whole young lives uprooted by this new whim of Mom and Auntie. I suspect that they really don’t even live with her full time and see her only when the cameras are rolling. By the way, Georgi literally said he needs a woman to help support him and I guess getting him on TV is an extra boost.  What is this great connection of which she speaks?  One double entendre after another. And if that is her best date in 45 years - too bad for you, Darcy.

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I'm sorry, have a spent the majority of my life confused on what a masseur is? I thought it was that thing where people got paid poverty level wages to rub strangers? Have I been confusing it with like a doctor where you can afford to send dozens and dozens of roses to someone you went one date with and go to fancy dinners and gift rose oil that cost more than gold and stay at fancy hotels?

Edited by John M
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I recognize that I’m not exactly their target audience (a fact that I’m proud of), but this House of 11 “fashion” looks like a style whose time has come and gone.  Like, 20 years ago.  There are only so many bejeweled, strapless jumpsuits one can wear these days without looking like a doofus.

Fortunately, her daughters seem like good girls.  The best thing they can do is get good grades, go to college and get some distance from their incredibly vapid cool mom.  LA is probably the absolute last place on earth they should be. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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1 minute ago, LilaFowler said:

I think Darcey's daughters are gorgeous.

Is anyone watching the Inside the Episode show? Stacey just revealed that all of the votive candles that Florian lit melted all over the floor. They had to scrape the dried wax off of the floor of the Airbnb. LMAO.

I just put it on and that is the first thing I heard. Too funny!

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I’m only a casual 90 Day Fiancé watcher (but this could all change because.... Hulu!)

I feel like Darcey was drunk through the whole Tom courtship (caught some eps on a flight to Vegas last Labor Day.... this one was better....NOT!!!)

ok, so I *want* to like them.  They actually almost seem sweet, and intelligent...but...WHY is their entire life an SNL skit?  They’re real-life Romy & Michelle, like someone said, “we showed ‘em!”

yet they still have old hometown friends, and their kids seem like nice, ordinary people.  So maybe the “human blow-up doll” aesthetic is pretend?   Hopefully????


Edited by teapot
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Can anyone tell me what in the sweet name of Baby Jesus was Darcey doing to her car?   Where did all that hair come from?   She was using an entire roll of paper towels. 

Is she going back to therapy or I she cured?

And i hate the "Girls. Mommy needs to talk to you"   who is she Elmo???

I was repulsed by the making out scenes and sex related conversations 


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Does Georgi have a speech impedement?  I thught I heard it, he seems to have a hard time with the letter S.

20 hours ago, Mothra said:

have wondered about most of these couples, "What do they talk about?"  Their online communications seem to consist of telling each other how sexy they look and what they'd like to do with/to each other.  When they meet they hit the sack.  When they go out to eat they sit there and make eyes at each other.  Then what?  Do they talk about politics, or movies, or books, or music? 

No, no, no and again, no.

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Has Darcey ever cleaned anything or seen anything cleaned? She was rubbing a wadded up bunch of dry paper towels all over random bits of her car, (ugh, dry paper towels on her car paint!), why did she have a head full of weaves in the back of her car, does she change them as she drives?  She was so out of breath, it became such a physical thing to take stuff out of her car.  Also, no more shower scenes please, did not need that.

Can anyone please tell me why some young unemployed/penniless guy from a European country is a good option?  It cannot just be the sex, I do not believe it, the way they all fight with their supposed "soulmates," I would be too mad to have sex with that person.  Haven't either of those Silva Twits realized they will keep having the same shitty relationships if they do not change their methods?

Darcey wears a backless turtleneck, (her back looked like a trussed up ham), disappears in to the bathroom and reemerges still in the body suit but no pants and gets in bed...Georgi the Bulgarian Boy, (ick) ravages her, right, sure Jan.



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I have to say that I enjoy Stacey a lot more than Darcey. However, she has as many issues with men as Darcey. I'd like to know more about their upbringing, and their relationship with their Father. Both women lack self-esteem and put up with abusive relationships. Stacey lets Florian berate, yell and demean her and then he buys some flowers and "strawberry" to make up. 

The sex stuff is cringeworthy. 

  • Love 8

That headboard in Bulgarian Boy's hotel reminded me of a plastic laundry basket, at the right angle it looked like they were in a laundry basket.

The feeding each other has to stop.

Why does Darcey have to fish for a compliment? Standing in front of her latest victim she asks, "How do I look?" "Do I look snatched?" and bats her eyelashes begging for an answer...the Bulgarian Fabio barely answers.  Darcey is made of insecurities, desperation and cheap perfume.

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Darcey's insecurity is as palpable as can be, and her jealousy of Stacy is just cringeworthy. ("go ahead, enjoy your fiance," she says, with barely concealed disgust).  I get so fatigued at her over-the-top exclamations over every little thing (her kids dancing- "yeah, go girl!", the roses Georgi gives her - "ooh roses! I've never been treated so well!", the immediate "fixing" of her life after one short therapy session -"I'm in a good place! Time to start a new chapter!") The whole speil about her senses being so heightened- the food was so flavorful! Georgi smells so good!- was pure Nicholas Sparks on steroids. She is just full of phrases right out of a self-improvement book. But every action, every tear, every sneer belies her phony happiness.  

If her kids are "her world," she sure doesn't show it. If she has to say she's a "cool Mom," she isn't. And if she is truly over her disastrous relationships (really only disastrous because she expected a fairy-tale filled with roses, diamonds, and endless affection) then she doesn't need to talk about them.  Ever. Ever again. But they come up, over and over and over. She was hurt, she was crushed, she was deceived.  She is EXHAUSTING.

Stacy is a little less tearful but another version of the same thing. Every little moment that doesn't go perfectly is a crushing disappointment. Florian is tired- she hoped he'd be more excited to see her.  She forgives him- uh-huh- for the suspicious pictures, but she is going to have access to his phone (a gift from her!) and monitor his every move.  

I think Daddy Silva's protective act is staged. I can't imagine feeling like his "little girls" need him to monitor and coddle them is real. However, he does put a roof over their heads so there's that.

The whole California move was odd.  "Girls, Mommy wants to go to CA to work on the business.  What do you think?" "Sure. I would like a warmer climate." OK! Done!  The kids have to be acting. That's just not teenager behavior.

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26 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

And i agree, Darcey is not a cool Mom.  IMO, she's not a Mom at all.   Her girls are more mature than she is.    I was dying of second hand embarrassment during the skating scene.   


Sure Mom, I'll leave my high school in the middle, leave my friends behind.

I thought Darcey was going to take that rose her daughter had gotten, thinking it was meant for herself.

Why does Darcey need to bond with her girls? Don't they live under the same roof?  Aren't they the most important things in her life, she puts them first, etc...oh, right.

Every time Darcey says she is the cool mom I always think of Tina Pohler from Mean Girls, lol.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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I do applaud Darcey for wearing reasonable shoes when she met up with Georgi in NYC.

Georgi's hair is absolutely heinous. No, no, no.

I am not sure how these women can really believe that their men friends "get them," are their "soulmate," and "understand them" when a) they speak limited English, b) their main concern is that "he's hot" and c) they've literally spent about 10 hours total with them.

I was kind of hoping for a drunk Darcey scene because she's one of those blatantly obviously inebriated people who just gets sloppy and slurry once the alcohol hits and everything falls apart.  In other words, a sloppy drunk.

The reason their company fell apart: "we were following love." awwwww

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During dinner with what's his name I wanted to reach out and shake and scream at Darcy: Stop acting like a simpering fool for one second! Just eat your dinner for Pete's sake! Act like a normal human being for once in your life! You do not have to be a simpering fool everytime a man looks your way!  Gaaah!

I need a drink.

Edited by linthia
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So I thought Darcey said she would take it slow with Georgi, but obviously he was not having it, he was all over her the minute they got in the hotel room and she just went along with it.  He was having sex with her that night and it was not up for discussion.  Only the second time she sees him and she is staying overnight in a hotel in NYC with him.  Cooing, smirking and being submissive, what a role model she is for her daughters.  

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I'm rewatching Darcey cleaning her car.  I'm just as baffled.

Even more baffled that one 50 minute therapy session and she has clarity??   Hmm.   I went for 1.5 years and have started back.   My therapist doesn't sugar coat things either.. that is exactly what she needs!

Edited by Azanscrazyhair
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On 9/7/2020 at 2:29 PM, LucyEth said:

Same old thing with Darcey, she said all the same things about Georgi as she did about Jesse and Tom.

She actually said Georgi was different than her past relationships because he was a "gentleman". I am POSITIVE she said the same about Tom! 

6 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Stacey lets Florian berate, yell and demean her and then he buys some flowers and "strawberry" to make up

Don't forget the bottle of chocolate syrup

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7 hours ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

And i agree, Darcey is not a cool Mom.  IMO, she's not a Mom at all.   Her girls are more mature than she is.    I was dying of second hand embarrassment during the skating scene.   

During Mommy's talk with the girls at the skating rink, the older daughter's eyes were darting everywhere, probably hoping she wouldn't spot anyone she knows watching the sh!tshow.

3 hours ago, magemaud said:

or was it "Can you see my snatch?" 

No, but your cottage cheesy thighs are in clear view.

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I finally broke down and watched an 

episode of The Darcey/Stacey Shit Show tonight.  I thought I would die when Darcey talked about the girl in the pics with Florian. She had the fucking nerve to say the girl had her boobs showing and looked like she was wearing lingerie. Does Darcey not own a mirror? 

I’m finding Stacey a tiny bit more tolerable than Darcey. It must be exhausting for Stacey putting up with the constant crying and jealousy and misery.  

I’m invested in the comic relief now so I’ll probably commit to watching the rest of the episodes. 


Edited by nytonc
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I'm also very confused, Darcy and Stacy go on and on about their special twin bond and being each others best friend and supporter and yet, they seemed consumed with jealousy, sniping, cutting each other down at every opportunity like they are in constant competition for the last man on earth that will fulfill them. 

Maybe they should just get their own fucking lives, none of this seems healthy.

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, linthia said:

During dinner with what's his name I wanted to reach out and shake and scream at Darcy: Stop acting like a simpering fool for one second! Just eat your dinner for Pete's sake! Act like a normal human being for once in your life! You do not have to be a simpering fool everytime a man looks your way!  Gaaah!

I need a drink.

THIS! You said it perfectly... Darcey's bimbo "sex kitten" act is so embarrassing.

Her daughters must be mortified... I can't imagine my mother acting like that for the world to see.

and for the love of God can they all QUIT feeding each other food and trying to look sexy... It's not working.. You look like SLOBBERING IDIOTS!

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I cannot wait till Darcey brings Georgi the Bulgarian Fabio with High Pony Tail to meet the family, watching them watch him and trying to take any of it seriously.  

At some point, and I predict soon there will be a pissing contest between the Silva Twits in front of their men just like they did in Albania.

Why does Darcey have trouble with the English language, she was excited about meeting Georgi of Bulgaria and said how nice it will be to be "treated out," has she had so much foreign dick she can no longer think and speak in English?

Does anyone know if all that fake tan stuff Darcey was brushing all over her would come off on the hotel sheets?

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