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I get secondhand embarrassment watching Darcey on a date. 

On 9/7/2020 at 1:08 PM, magemaud said:

You weren't impressed by the Dollar Tree bear holding a heart? Nobody has given me anything like that since I was 14. 

I wonder how the Bulgarian Rose Oil smells when mixed with the cloud of Angel that Darcey already was wearing? I felt so sorry for that poor Uber driver. He probably headed straight to the car wash. 

The most romantic thing my husband's done for me all year was last week when he brought a whole bag full of bras home to me. The dollar store was having a $.01 sale. 

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Darcey's cringeworthy date with Georgie was just... so Darcey. Loving everything, even the tiniest gesture is like, "ooh! How amazing! You opened my door! You touched my hand! oooh!" She seriously acted like she was on a date with a real prince and going to a ball. No Darcey. You met in some dreary corner in NY, he brought you flowers (nice), he looked like he hadn't taken a shower in a few days and was clearly exhausted, you went to an Italian restaurant that is only cool because Sinatra? ate there, and you acted like you had ever heard of the place. You gasped when you got your average plate of pasta, and then decided you should take your smelly, hungover, and, frankly, ugly guy to the hotel to bang because you felt this connection.

It's all laughable. I feel like this is what Darcey does on every first date-- acts like very tiny thing is super gasp worthy amazing, has sex, and then wants a relationship. 

It's great entertainment for me. Darcey makes me thrilled to be married.

Stacey has a different personality than Darcey, thankfully for Stacey for love. Her boyfriend, to me, seems like a loser. I don't find him attractive at all, with his deep sunk eyes with super dark black circles, messed up teeth, and anorexic body. Plus, he's moody and pissy like a hungry toddler. I can't even fathom what she likes about him. He looks  like he just got out of a concentration camp, plus has no personality, is mean, and controlling. Oh, and broke with no job. Uhg.

This show really should be called "Sugar Momma." It would make a ton more sense, and the narrative would fit much better. 

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15 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I can't take Georgi's high ponytail. Where did he get the idea that is a "look"?  At least put that shit in a man bun which isn't much better but at least one can understand it. This stupid pony is not understandable at all. 

When Darcey was talking to him on the phone, he DID have a man bun but it was also high on the very top of his head, like this.  image.png.a9be303f5633f15e0410d8cb5b6e9b59.png

91E1A0E5-73B6-4B11-A9FD-AAFFD77C6783.jpegHe seems to opt for feminine hairstyles 

Edited by magemaud
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This shit is so awful I couldn't make it through 5 minutes. Its like watching someone make bad life decisions in slow motion over and over and over again. Plus both sisters are wretched excuses for human beings. TLC needs to end this shit show.

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I can't believe I caved and am watching this. UGH. So my question is, does Darcy have adult ADD or something? Like when she and Georgie are in the restaurant and she asks him about his last relationship - he is calmly explaining that the girl was younger and didn't know what she wanted, but he knows where he wants to be, etc. A NORMAL person would be sitting there taking in what he is saying, making eye contact, using the same calm tone to perhaps ask him questions, and showing interest in what he's sharing. But Darcy? Just about the entire time she's got this stupid, inappropriate smile on her face and looks like she's listening to an entirely different conversation. Then she just jumps in with, "I just want you to know that I'm very grateful for you." Then she scrunches her nose and whispers to no one, "Don't do it." Then says she's getting choked up and thanks him for being by her side and letting her enjoy life. Uh, WHAT???? This is their second date! I wonder if this is what Tom was talking about when he said she never listened to him. She's got all sorts of stuff rolling around in her head and she's just waiting for him to stop talking so she can blurt it out.

And I'm kind of disappointed that Stacey seems to be more like Darcey than I thought. I always thought she was the stable one with her shit together, but after seeing how she lets that neanderthal Florian treat her and throw temper tantrums, and then she tries to smooth it over and calm the waters for him, I'm seeing just another emotional doormat.

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On 9/8/2020 at 4:08 PM, linthia said:

During dinner with what's his name I wanted to reach out and shake and scream at Darcy: Stop acting like a simpering fool for one second! Just eat your dinner for Pete's sake! Act like a normal human being for once in your life! You do not have to be a simpering fool everytime a man looks your way!  Gaaah!

I need a drink.

LOL!! This times a hundred. And the way they were feeding each other in Patsy's. PATSY'S??? I've been there a few times. Don't get me wrong the food is amazing but it's the kind of place you go to with your parents. Yes Sinatra was a regular and the place was hip but that was 60 years ago.

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I think I have gotten the key to understanding all of this..

Do Darcey and Stacy not understand that like normal boring couples in undramatic long term relationships still have sex and enjoy it?

This whole thing feels like a high school cheerleader debating if anal counts with her vapid friends.

Edited by John M
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I haven’t watched the show yet and after reading this thread, I am not going to watch it. 
Darcey posted this on her IG last week. She obviously needs professional help if she thinks that “photo” looks good.5DE48E68-4FAB-46A6-BFA0-EDC7E162BCD0.thumb.jpeg.7b9b5d5c52ab0e389504dd148d390664.jpeg

Edited by Cini
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12 minutes ago, Cini said:

I haven’t watched the show yet and after reading this thread, I am not going to watch it. 
Darcey posted this on her IG last week. She obviously needs professional help if she thinks that “photo” looks good.5DE48E68-4FAB-46A6-BFA0-EDC7E162BCD0.thumb.jpeg.7b9b5d5c52ab0e389504dd148d390664.jpeg

Well, she looks fake and plastic, so my guess is she thinks she looks fabulous,  or is it Snatched?

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I first heard the term on "Say Yes to the Dress" a couple of years ago and looked it up then. According to the Urban Dictionary, it means: 

"Looking really good- makeup on point, perfect outfit, perfect hair

[as in] Damn, she's looking snatched"

However, don't confuse it with the verb "snatching" because that means:

"The act of concealing items in your vagina to avoid detection. Carla has really strong kegal muscles. That bitch can snatch a kilo of cocaine."

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15 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I first heard the term on "Say Yes to the Dress" a couple of years ago and looked it up then. According to the Urban Dictionary, it means: 

"Looking really good- makeup on point, perfect outfit, perfect hair

[as in] Damn, she's looking snatched"

However, don't confuse it with the verb "snatching" because that means:

"The act of concealing items in your vagina to avoid detection. Carla has really strong kegal muscles. That bitch can snatch a kilo of cocaine."

Am I the only one here who’s extremely glad that they’re old?


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On 9/12/2020 at 11:36 AM, magemaud said:

When Darcey was talking to him on the phone, he DID have a man bun but it was also high on the very top of his head, like this.  

Reminded me of Mrs. Timbertoes from Highlights magazine.

Edited by GrammyPammy
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On 9/12/2020 at 1:30 AM, bravofan27 said:

Darcey's cringeworthy date with Georgie was just... so Darcey. Loving everything, even the tiniest gesture is like, "ooh! How amazing! You opened my door! You touched my hand! oooh!" She seriously acted like she was on a date with a real prince and going to a ball. No Darcey. You met in some dreary corner in NY, he brought you flowers (nice), he looked like he hadn't taken a shower in a few days and was clearly exhausted, you went to an Italian restaurant that is only cool because Sinatra? ate there, and you acted like you had ever heard of the place. You gasped when you got your average plate of pasta, and then decided you should take your smelly, hungover, and, frankly, ugly guy to the hotel to bang because you felt this connection.

It's all laughable. I feel like this is what Darcey does on every first date-- acts like very tiny thing is super gasp worthy amazing, has sex, and then wants a relationship. 

It's great entertainment for me. Darcey makes me thrilled to be married.

Stacey has a different personality than Darcey, thankfully for Stacey for love. Her boyfriend, to me, seems like a loser. I don't find him attractive at all, with his deep sunk eyes with super dark black circles, messed up teeth, and anorexic body. Plus, he's moody and pissy like a hungry toddler. I can't even fathom what she likes about him. He looks  like he just got out of a concentration camp, plus has no personality, is mean, and controlling. Oh, and broke with no job. Uhg.

This show really should be called "Sugar Momma." It would make a ton more sense, and the narrative would fit much better. 

OMG. I know I shouldn't laugh, but the concentration camp comment cracked me up and it is sooooo true! I kind of like the father. I'm sure deep inside his eyes are rolling out of his head at their stupid antics. Glad he told them that they can't have their idiots sleeping in his house. Where are Stacey's kids?

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In the 5 years Stacey has been with Florian she never witnessed his anger and temper.  Is she that desperate?  He is awful looking, dull and anger prone.  I do have to agree with Florian that Darcey is bossy and trying to control Stacey.  These two blather on about how they are twins, have each other’s backs, no one is going to treat my sister that way, but truth be told, they are jealous of one another and really don’t want to see the other one happier them themselves.  Just the sight of the wedding gown pissed off Darcey so she had to insult it.  Their whole lives revolve around wanting to make men happy and having men “want” them.  They are past their prime and will not accept it.  In one breath Darcey says the dad was never really there for them, in the next when talking about going forward with their business she says, he will be there for us, he always has???  This show is bunch of BS, but it’s like an accident, sometimes you can’t look away, even though you know it is horrible.  

Also, is Darcey’s hair falling out by the clumps?

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

OMG. I know I shouldn't laugh, but the concentration camp comment cracked me up and it is sooooo true! I kind of like the father. I'm sure deep inside his eyes are rolling out of his head at their stupid antics. Glad he told them that they can't have their idiots sleeping in his house. Where are Stacey's kids?

Same.  I imagine Papa Silva’s thought bubble, “Lord, help me, these two are idiots....”

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Snatched really means that your body is looking on point. Think of Halle Berry in a body hugging dress. Somebody might say, “Halle, that waistline is snatched, honey or Halle is snatched.” Darcey and urban dictionary are probably two of the worst sources for anything.

Edited by charmed1
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Darcey reminds me of an old Mae West with all the sexy little growls, comments, fake hair poured into a sequined dress that's too small.... Ugh!

The bed scene with Darcey and Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie... Was soooooo cringy..the awkwardness made my skin crawl.

Darcey was determined to get the idea out there that Georgie is hung like a horse and knows how to use it but the problem is she also raved about Jesse and Tom's sexual prowess the morning after.... We were supposed to believe that Tom sprained his ankle because they were so frisky!

Georgie has a homely horse face but at least so far he seems easy going and was nice to Darcey.... I have absolutely no idea what Stacey sees in Florian, he's a bitchy, moody, sourpuss asshole with a bad temper who looks like a zombie... His teeth are all jacked up and his eyes are sunken and dead.. Wtf?



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On 9/7/2020 at 2:38 PM, Mothra said:

I have wondered about most of these couples, "What do they talk about?"  Their online communications seem to consist of telling each other how sexy they look and what they'd like to do with/to each other.  When they meet they hit the sack.  When they go out to eat they sit there and make eyes at each other.  Then what?  Do they talk about politics, or movies, or books, or music?  What are their jobs?  They sometimes mention their families (my children are the world to me) but never anything about their kids' ambitions or interests, much less their own.

I have said on more than one occasion that Darcy needs to find a guy like Zied. Long texts filled with heart emojis. and conversations like: 

Darcy: I love this place, its so romantic!

Zied: So mash romantic, baby

Darcy: I love being here with you. Your hands are so strong!

Zied: You are so sexy baybee. So mash I love you

Darcy: Oooh, you treat me so well! 

Zied: You are so beautiful baybee. So mash beautiful, I love you. 

And so on, forever. The end. 

On 9/8/2020 at 9:40 AM, Azanscrazyhair said:

And i hate the "Girls. Mommy needs to talk to you"   who is she Elmo???

She talks to her girls like they're preschoolers. Because a hot young mama like Darcy can't have teenagers! I'll bet Darcy tries to hang with them and their friends, flirts with the boys, and lets them drink at her house.

The day will come when she looks at the beautiful, youthful faces of her daughters and sees them as competition, just like she does her sister. Then the toxic shit will really hit the fan.

On 9/8/2020 at 3:05 PM, Azanscrazyhair said:

And i agree, Darcey is not a cool Mom.  IMO, she's not a Mom at all.   Her girls are more mature than she is.    I was dying of second hand embarrassment during the skating scene.   

Those poor girls must be rigid with embarrassment 24 hours a day. "Hold Mommy up!"  Her antics at the dance class were cringetastic. 

7 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Darcey reminds me of an old Mae West with all the sexy little growls, comments, fake hair poured into a sequined dress that's too small.... Ugh!

The bed scene with Darcey and Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie... Was soooooo cringy..the awkwardness made my skin crawl.

Darcey was determined to get the idea out there that Georgie is hung like a horse and knows how to use it but the problem is she also raved about Jesse and Tom's sexual prowess the morning after.... We were supposed to believe that Tom sprained his ankle because they were so frisky!

Georgie has a homely horse face but at least so far he seems easy going and was nice to Darcey.... I have absolutely no idea what Stacey sees in Florian, he's a bitchy, moody, sourpuss asshole with a bad temper who looks like a zombie... His teeth are all jacked up and his eyes are sunken and dead.. Wtf?

Cosign 100%. Of course, Mae West was in on the joke, she knew she was a caricature. Darcy thinks she's some little sex kitten, not a pathetic, needy wreck. 

Georgi seems pleasant enough, true. Of course his Hidden Evil will be revealed in due course, I'm sure. 

Florian! Oh, he's going to be the gift that keeps on giving, isn't he? There is nothing whatsoever attractive about him. Looks, personality, intellect, general grubbiness.....he's going to provide all the fun this season and I am here for it. 

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I absolutely cringed when Stacey held up that ridiculous bedazzled wedding gown and told Darcey that she wanted to "feel like a princess on her wedding day." Ditzy 20 Somethings say that exact same thing on "Say Yes to the Dress" every...damn...episode. I thought she would go with the other more obvious option, that she wanted to look "sexy," but I guess that explains why Darcey didn't like the dress. 

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37 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I absolutely cringed when Stacey held up that ridiculous bedazzled wedding gown and told Darcey that she wanted to "feel like a princess on her wedding day." Ditzy 20 Somethings say that exact same thing on "Say Yes to the Dress" every...damn...episode. I thought she would go with the other more obvious option, that she wanted to look "sexy," but I guess that explains why Darcey didn't like the dress. 

I must be the lone person who did NOT want to feel like a princess on her wedding day.  (Days, really)  Funny, I like being a college and grad school graduate who can support herself.


5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I have said on more than one occasion that Darcy needs to find a guy like Zied. Long texts filled with heart emojis. and conversations like: 

Darcy: I love this place, its so romantic!

Zied: So mash romantic, baby

Darcy: I love being here with you. Your hands are so strong!

Zied: You are so sexy baybee. So mash I love you

Darcy: Oooh, you treat me so well! 

Zied: You are so beautiful baybee. So mash beautiful, I love you. 

And so on, forever. The end. 

This!!!  100% this!!


5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Of course, Mae West was in on the joke, she knew she was a caricature.

And Mae West was a brilliant businesswoman who made A LOT of money outside of show business.

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25 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I must be the lone person who did NOT want to feel like a princess on her wedding day

I didn't either. I just wanted to look like I was getting married. That was also the unoriginal "theme" for my wedding. 

Edited by magemaud
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So if Daddy lost his investment on House of 11 because these two choose love 💘 💕 💗 over work,  how are the bills paid?   I know they get TLC money,  but certainly that's not enough to survive on.   Shame on him if he's supporting two middle aged, YES MIDDLE AGED wanna be teenagers

Ugh!!!  FTR, I'm 49 and have no desire to act like a teenager, raising one is plenty.

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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

I absolutely cringed when Stacey held up that ridiculous bedazzled wedding gown and told Darcey that she wanted to "feel like a princess on her wedding day." Ditzy 20 Somethings say that exact same thing on "Say Yes to the Dress" every...damn...episode. I thought she would go with the other more obvious option, that she wanted to look "sexy," but I guess that explains why Darcey didn't like the dress. 

They're both so immature and stunted. What middle aged woman says "I want to look like a princess"?  "I want to look beautiful" "I want to look my best" "I want to look like a movie star" even. Further, this is her second marriage. I'm sure she had a lovely, princess-y wedding the first time around. 

But what do I know? When I got married I wore a white cotton peasant dress I got at Filene's Basement, borrowed a hat, wore crocheted gloves I got a Windsor Button Shop for something like $5. I did my own makeup and got a perm a few weeks before so I wouldn't have to mess with my hair!

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Oh vey these women are exhausting. Trying to act, dress and look like they are in their early 20’s. So focused on one upping each other, spending so much time and money on altering their looks. They both have children and these two run around searching for their knights in shining armor. They keeping on dredging up foreign frogs.

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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

But what do I know? When I got married I wore a white cotton peasant dress I got at Filene's Basement, borrowed a hat, wore crocheted gloves I got a Windsor Button Shop for something like $5. I did my own makeup and got a perm a few weeks before so I wouldn't have to mess with my hair!

Municipal court house, the groom and the groom wore polo shirts and jeans, with three of our parents, one of our siblings and two of our closest friends, I cried and put the ring on the wrong finger.

The wedding was followed that night by a party, not a wedding reception, a party, with around 40 of our closest friends at our house. Absolutely don't fucking bring us gifts, if we want something we can easily afford to buy it ourselves, we are middle aged men with established careers. There happened to be champagne and cake where our friends said some wonderful things about us and about us as a couple but I repeat, it is not a wedding reception, by weird coincidence we happened to get married earlier that day.

It was wonderful and I wouldn't have changed a thing.


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D&S needed Daddy to tell them about COVID?  If they are too busy with love and "beauty" treatments to look at or listen to the news for a few minutes a day, how are they going to relaunch and keep H of 11 running?  

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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

D&S needed Daddy to tell them about COVID?  If they are too busy with love and "beauty" treatments to look at or listen to the news for a few minutes a day, how are they going to relaunch and keep H of 11 running?  

does it really take that much to keep it running? 

From what I've seen it's a basic website stocked with some cheap crap from china with their dumb logo stamped on it

It's not like their running an actual brick and mortar haute couture fashion house with a lead designer and a team of seamstresses etc... and they do their own modeling.


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Omg...I had to rewind the Darcey/Georgi morning after scene to make sure I heard it right. Yep, I did.

Allow me to set the stage: Darcey and Georgi are in bed, after having what Darcey described as yet another “amazing” and “magical” night, this time with a self declared sex crazed, top-head pony tail wearing Bulgarian. Darcey is still reveling in her night of passion, dreaming of a life in LA with Georgi (and yes, she did ask if he’d go to LA. On their second date. Classic Darcey. Georgi’s apathetic response to that was also pretty funny...something along the lines of “I have considered moving there before so I suppose that option still exists”...he was basically saying Darcey’s presence in LA would be totally irrelevant to his decision to ever move there. Nice.)

But my favorite exchange was when Georgi turned to Darcey and said “so, I will TRY to find time to meet you again”. 

What? You’ll “try“? He hasn’t even gotten out of bed yet and he’s already hedging on whether there will be a third date? Is the massage therapy business really sucking up that much time, Georgi? Meanwhile Darcey is telling the camera that she’s falling in love with this guy. Of course. But at least he’ll “try” to see her again. 

And the best part was Darcey‘s response. She didn’t share my outrage at all. Rather than being offended or concerned that he might not be that into her she seemed quite pleased. She said  “Oh, that’s so sweet of you”. And she was totally sincere. Zero sarcasm. 

huh??? She’s not only satisfied with Georgi’s lukewarm, low effort sentiment, but she actually finds it sweet???

I have to wonder, how disrespectful have men been to Darcey in the past for her to think that was sweet? Yikes.

Oh Darcey Darcey Darcey. (Head shaking)

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14 hours ago, Dustbunny said:

does it really take that much to keep it running? 

From what I've seen it's a basic website stocked with some cheap crap from china with their dumb logo stamped on it

It's not like their running an actual brick and mortar haute couture fashion house with a lead designer and a team of seamstresses etc... and they do their own modeling.


Do I really need t-shirts with Darcy quotes?


Darcey T-Shirt.jpg

Darcey T-Shirt 2.jpg

Edited by Teri313
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I like that you can buy replicas of their "engagement" rings as well as camo jumpsuits and mink eyelashes

image.png.c608bdbac59c797c0ae23826b6d7972e.pngThe Darceyimage.png.69dc12c72e003b20302b155584027e88.png The Stacey. BTW, I don't for a minute believe that rock she's wearing from Florian is a real diamond! 

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I like that you can buy replicas of their "engagement" rings as well as camo jumpsuits and mink eyelashes

image.png.c608bdbac59c797c0ae23826b6d7972e.pngThe Darceyimage.png.69dc12c72e003b20302b155584027e88.png The Stacey. BTW, I don't for a minute believe that rock she's wearing from Florian is a real diamond! 

Nobody does! I bet she bought it herself and he put it on her finger...that guy does not have the money for even a good fake.


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And ladies, the Fall Collection is out! 

image.png.f0fcfa654a296a9edd106586a7cd2d69.pngThis can be yours for $ 100! 

"This simple dress is perfect for any occasion. Featuring a sage green satin fabric with an on-trend cowl neckline, thin straps, and midi length, what's not to love? Style with sexy heels for a look we're loving."

Oh no! It's SOLD OUT! What a blow we've been dealt...

This is still available for $ 150: 



Floaty sleeves an utterly romantic look of this boho-inspired maxi. Take its flirty feel another step further by leaving a couple of buttons undone

Gorgeous crochet lace details

Hand wash cold. Hang or lay flat to dry

Made in Los Angeles

Front button closure

Model Wears Size Small

Ultra Soft Cotton-Polyester Blend Fabric


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On 9/15/2020 at 12:37 AM, Joan of Argh said:

The bed scene with Darcey and Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie... Was soooooo cringy..the awkwardness made my skin crawl.

I keep thinking Georgi might be a "man for hire," sort of guy, he delivered the appropriate responses the morning when Darcey was saying how she could be falling in love, he didn't even open an eye and told her to just enjoy the last few minutes they had together and after as Darcey stood there wrapped in a sheet (right after she told him not to look because she had two kids and has flaws), begging to be called hot as in "I still got it, right?" he answers a beleaguered "yes baby," it was pitiful.  

My question is does Darcey insist on total darkness and missionary position only?  He would have seen her naked if they had the wild, amazing, earth shattering sex she says they have.  

Oh geeze, I am over thinking Darcey and Georgi's sex life.

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17 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I like that you can buy replicas of their "engagement" rings as well as camo jumpsuits and mink eyelashes

image.png.c608bdbac59c797c0ae23826b6d7972e.pngThe Darceyimage.png.69dc12c72e003b20302b155584027e88.png The Stacey. BTW, I don't for a minute believe that rock she's wearing from Florian is a real diamond! 

Can you buy a replica of the key that Tom gave Darcy?

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