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"The View": Week of 6/22/2020


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12 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

  And it took them long enough to talk about Abby having covid. I read about that at least a week ago. And I'm not so sure it's true what Meghan said about them doing everything possible to not be exposed. It was reported Abby's father had been out campaigning.

Former cohost Jedidiah also had COVID back in April, and she has a baby at home. I'm surprised they never ever mentioned her, either.


BTW, with the ass-kissing Meghan was doing to Loni Love and saying a dozen times how much she loves their show - did anyone else get the feeling she was kind of asking Loni for a hosting job on that show ?  I honestly thought she was going to say "The only thing that would make your great show even better is to HIRE ME as a cohost, and get me out of this shark tank!"

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10 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

BTW, with the ass-kissing Meghan was doing to Loni Love and saying a dozen times how much she loves their show - did anyone else get the feeling she was kind of asking Loni for a hosting job on that show ?  I honestly thought she was going to say "The only thing that would make your great show even better is to HIRE ME as a cohost, and get me out of this shark tank!"

Unless Meghan pulls a Rachel Dolezal, she's probably never going to get a full time job with the Real. Maybe a day co-host, sure, but even then the amount of times they've hand a white woman be a guest co-host has been small.

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15 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Former cohost Jedidiah also had COVID back in April, and she has a baby at home. I'm surprised they never ever mentioned her, either.



I thought they mentioned Jed had covid but I could be wrong.

18 minutes ago, Haleth said:

She likes to go last so she can disagree with whatever Joy and Sunny say.  How can she know what her (opposite) opinion is if she goes first?

I agree with this. Meghan likes to be contrary just for the sake of being contrary. If she goes first and the others agree with her then it will take the sting out of what she says.

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I loved Sunny’s face after  MeeAgain’s  incoherent non response when called on out of order.  Her “it’s an ongoing conversation “ is like Whoopi’s  “this is not  going away “  On a superficial note I’m very distracted at Sunny’s make up application today.  At first I thought it was my tv but it is terrible.  
l love Loni Love and wasn’t worried about any questions regarding her show. 

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34 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I loved Sunny’s face after  MeeAgain’s  incoherent non response when called on out of order.  Her “it’s an ongoing conversation “ is like Whoopi’s  “this is not  going away “  On a superficial note I’m very distracted at Sunny’s make up application today.  At first I thought it was my tv but it is terrible.  
l love Loni Love and wasn’t worried about any questions regarding her show. 

I was distracted by sunnys appearance as well. Was it the makeup? I thought maybe Botox but she’s probably not going out to do that. Now that I’m looking closely, I think it’s the lighting on her contouring makeup areas...the contouring shows up more clearly.

Edited by Rainyhawk
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5 hours ago, lusinia said:

Wow.  Meghan's thrown for a loop just because Whoopie asks her to respond first.  You'd think she just started doing this tv thing.

professional jennifer lopez GIF


MeAgain fancies herself as a prepared, professional talk show host.  She gets paid to talk!


the view GIF by Splinter

Edited by bannana
not sure if the tweet was okay so deleted it.
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Meeagain - Oh I thought I was going third. I wanted to hear what the ladies had to say.

Whoopi - I have you first. 

Meeagain - rambles incoherently 


Good. I hope they continue to shake up the order in which the cohosts speak. It's bullshit that Megan gets to have the last word on every topic. 

Also, it's annoyingly obvious that everyone is reading off a teleprompter lately. 

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40 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Or maybe it was a lack of foundation and/or concealer?  I'm not sure, but the the color of her face was blotchy and uneven.

There was a square  between her eyes on forehead then same color Triangle from inner eye across cheeks ending where blush would start.  Ok I just reviewed and her neck is blotchy in same  2 colors which are matt . If she’s watching YouTube makeup Tricks there’s good ones out there. MM  also used the spot of white in corners of mouth.   Guess we are doing the best we can  I managed to remedy orange hair dye ( third try) that Joy did at first.    

Edited by athousandclowns
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Loni Love was a great guest. I'm sorry that story of being arrested happened to her. Hard to believe that kind of thing is real. :( Also sad to hear about Abby and her family! I'm sending my prayers out for them.

Why does McCain think she deserves to speak last on every topic? More importantly, why does she think she should get to speak last on the subject of race over Whoopi and Sunny??? I guarantee you she didn't say what she had planned to if she'd been allowed to go last. Most likely she was planning to attack and smear one of the others, but didn't get the opportunity. Too bad, so sad, princess!

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When Meghan replies with "it's an ongoing conversation"  she means, "I haven't figured out yet how to say something that isn't either agreeing or disagreeing with the conservative view point."  

Meghan got the last word in the first hot topic segment, and she went on and on and on.  So Whoopi asked her to go first for the next topic.  Meghan wasn't happy, and after Sunny, Joy and Whoopi all said what they had to say, Meghan TRIED to speak again, but Whoopi cut her off. 

Sunny's makeup issue is something I've seen before -  it's when you use contouring makeup, and then move to different lighting.  What looks good in your makeup mirror doesn't necessarily look good when you've got a higher intensity light shining on you for TV.

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

When Meghan replies with "it's an ongoing conversation"  she means, "I haven't figured out yet how to say something that isn't either agreeing or disagreeing with the conservative view point."  

Meghan got the last word in the first hot topic segment, and she went on and on and on.  So Whoopi asked her to go first for the next topic.  Meghan wasn't happy, and after Sunny, Joy and Whoopi all said what they had to say, Meghan TRIED to speak again, but Whoopi cut her off. 

Sunny's makeup issue is something I've seen before -  it's when you use contouring makeup, and then move to different lighting.  What looks good in your makeup mirror doesn't necessarily look good when you've got a higher intensity light shining on you for TV.

Sunny makes the tragic mistake of not blending when contouring. Plus, women who have nose jobs often continue extreme contouring, and it makes the nose look overly pared down. 

She’s gorgeous. She doesn’t need to cake it on. 

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14 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

BTW, with the ass-kissing Meghan was doing to Loni Love and saying a dozen times how much she loves their show - did anyone else get the feeling she was kind of asking Loni for a hosting job on that show ?  I honestly thought she was going to say "The only thing that would make your great show even better is to HIRE ME as a cohost, and get me out of this shark tank!"

NOOO!!! What I literally always say about The Real is how much I like all the women and thank God there's no Meghan McCain type of person on there. She would destroy the feel-good girlfriends chatting vibe of the show. 

Anyhow, I adore Loni Love. She's kind, intelligent, and funny. What happened to her in college is messed up. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

NASCAR is now saying that the "noose"  found in Bubba Wallace's  garage, had been there since October (he wasn't the only one who used that garage)  and that it was actually a pull-rope for the garage door, not a noose. 

I saw a similar report from Pete Williams also. I wonder if that's CYA from Nascar. 

In any event,  the presence and historical symbolism of the noose is still shocking. 

Mehgun takes up too much time in all categories...with obfuscation, droning on her word salads, and stupidly describing to guests their own bio or info they ALREADY KNOW.  The latter is so moronic and a waste of guest's time. 

But then it's all about Me-again, isn't it? 

So tired of her.  

I found her "concern" for Abby so fake considering she was a bitch to her several times to her face.

AGAIN, STFU Nutmeg, you Hypocritical jerk. 

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I saw his face...I knew he was going to be on today, but his face is just so punchable. Ugh! I can't stand Bolton.

5 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Missy sat there looking like she'd been shot with a dart gun while Joy was discussing black & white sheep.  I don't think the poor girl understood the conversation ... LOL.

That reminds me of what Muhammed Ali said


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14 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan wants to take a beat and see where we land. Translation: She wants to see how her tribe reacts before she commits to her own reaction.

Yes, she needs to hear their views so she knows to say the opposite.  I think originally Whoopi had MeAgain go last so that she would not take over the whole segment, ensuring that nobody else got a chance to speak. But Joy, Sunny, guests & viewers are sick of MM having the last word on everything.  Keep mixing it up, but cut MM off when her time is up (usually before she gets to her point).  She needs to learn how to make a point in the time allotted, like a professional (or a 16-yr old in debate class).

Edited by deirdra
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*paraphrasing here*

Joy: So you'll testify if called?

Bolton: Well it depends.

Joy: But if it will help the country you'll do it, right?

Bolton: I just don't want to be stuck in partisan politics.


They should have ended the interview right then and there. He's such a joke and doesn't seem like he likes being questioned about his ethics, but just to talk badly about Trump since he thinks that it makes him look better.

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

You mean she didn't pull out the "Well, I wasn't born then" to him, like she did to Begala in 2009?*

*That will NEVER NOT be FUNNY or give me EXTREME JOY at Begala putting her in her place!

No, she was pearl clutching on behalf of Lin Manuel Miranda. She was offended, offended I tell you, that Bolton titled his book with a phrase from a Hamilton song. 

Edited by Haleth
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2016?  Even with all her notes Meghan can't get the year right.

Okay, so now Meghan just throws out there that we should defund the FBI.

Who's Tom?  And Whoopie talking about his "Great White Way" comment at the end of that segment was so odd and out of nowhere.

8 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

His not committing to testifying makes him be part of the partisan politics he says he wants to avoid.

Exactly!  Bolton's excuses for not testifying are paper thin. 

"I have to be true to my philosophical convictions".  "I live in Maryland.  My vote won't make a difference'.  "My testimony wasn't going to make any difference".  He said 'the Democrats committed impeachment malpractice', while the Senate, under Republican control, is let off the hook with a simple 'they decided not to call witnesses'. Does he think most people won't see through his sanctimonious, holier than thou attitude? 

17 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I'm glad Sunny and Joy went off on him.

Me, too.  Sunny and Joy did a great job. 

Thank goodness that's over with.   

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I think he has a point about the Senate, but, it would show that the Fiona Hill, George Kent, Lt. Col. Vindman, Gordon Sundland and all the others were truthful in the hearings. And the abuse that they took at the hands of the GOP was obscene.

He may have been in the room, but he is still an A1 Conservative, Tunnel Vision Jerk!


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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

By refusing to participate in the hearings he stuck himself right in the middle of partisan politics. He says he didn’t think his testimony would make a difference?  He didn’t even try to make a difference.

And saying he’d leave it to the voters to decide dismisses all the damage that has been done to the country since the impeachment hearings. 

does he not think that, even if the impeachment was not successful, the American people would have gotten more insight into what went on

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2 hours ago, HerkyJerky said:

Me-Again: "I wouldn't know.  I don't exercise outside."

Me: "Do you even exercise inside, Megan?"

Yeah.  The elliptical is right over there next to the crib lol.  Bolton didnt curry favors today thats for sure.  They all laid the smack down imho except one who was kinda light.  But they were tough on him

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