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S01.E15: You Snooze, You Lose

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Jenna and Adam try to move forward in their strained relationship; when Jenna joins Adam for a nap on her break, Madison and Ciara pick up the slack in service, and Glenn takes notice; Chris gets injured handling a heavy water toy.

Airs May 11, 2020.

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Is this the final episode of the season or are we going to have to persevere (because I don't have a DVR) through more episodes AND a renunion? 

I'm really getting repulsed by the sight of Adam & Jenna holding hands and/or arms around each other in staff meetings. They're gross and it's very unprofessional. Is Captain Glenn blind? A pushover? A fame whore? He just seems spineless. 

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Jenna is one of those obnoxious assholes who is never, ever, wrong.  She's going to threaten Glen to fire her?  Right.  She'll kiss his ass.  And toes.  All hat, no cattle.

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I was eagerly anticipating Captain Glenn’s sit down with Jenna.   Of course, yet again the previews were misleading.  Will have to wait another week.

Edited by tabloidlover
Huge typo..
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5 minutes ago, JAndy said:

Jenna is such a bitch. I can’t believe she can’t see that she did anything wrong.

People like Jenna never think that they do anything wrong. They feel superior to everyone else and think they are entitled to do anything they want and to hell with everyone else.

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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I am liking Chris a lot - he has a great outlook on life - I hope his back isn't too badly injured.  When he was up in that winch at the top of the mast, all I could think of was how badly Parker would have screwed that up.  

Me too.  Parker would have called Katie or Mommy

My dad had back trouble forever and he taught me how to properly lift stuff.  Chris seems to have missed those lessons.  The way he's yanking on those things, one armed, off balance, with previous injuries is just asking for trouble.

He's got a great outlook, I hope he didn't foolishly do any long term damage.

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3 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Me too.  Parker would have called Katie or Mommy

My dad had back trouble forever and he taught me how to properly lift stuff.  Chris seems to have missed those lessons.  The way he's yanking on those things, one armed, off balance, with previous injuries is just asking for trouble.

He's got a great outlook, I hope he didn't foolishly do any long term damage.

Yes - even without back problems, bend at your knees to lift - don't bend over from the waist.  That is the quickest way to actually injure your back, or aggravate a back injury.  Chris was lifting all wrong, as you said.

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Why couldn't they just have hired Chris in the first place? He's way more entertaining.

Who thought it was a good idea to make us sit through 75% of the season with Parker?  Who?  


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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Me too.  Parker would have called Katie or Mommy

I think she goes by “Kaiti” which is even better.

Also, Jenna’s probably spent most of her life in yachting because she can’t hold down a job anywhere else, unless that job was being a self-absorbed bitchy kissy leech with the most obnoxious accent ever.

also I’ve been trying to finish this damn episode for the past 2 hours but my power keeps going out. Thanks fallen tree limb and slow-ass PG&E!

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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I can’t like Chris because he has done a lot of defending Ashton’s actions as just being drunken antics and defending the douchebros. Of course that doesn’t mean that I want him to do serious damage to his body but you would have thought he would have learned how to mitigate putting so much pressure on his back. 

I get that you shouldn’t be fighting like this so early in a relationship but the fact that Adam doesn’t think their should ever be any conflict in a relationship is so immature for someone in his mid-30s. Seriously, dude get some therapy. 

I would love to have to never heard Adam talk about his “man essence”. 

But seriously WTF is wrong with Jenna, when Madison was making drinks all of the dishes from breakfast were still behind the bar.

I would ask for a refund for every minute I had to listen to Georgia and Paget sing.

Edited by biakbiak
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What a great group of charter guests. That pajama night looked like fun for everyone. Except Jenna. Her walk was ridiculous.

Why wasn’t Byron the one to go up the mast?

I get uncomfortable whenever Jenna discusses feelings with Adam because she just seems so, I don’t know, impersonal, robotic? Like she’s ticking things off a checklist for relationships. The way she was at that dinner when she wanted to fuck Adam was weird, plus I haven’t sensed any real chemistry between them at all. They just seem intent on manipulating each other.

Forgot to add how disgusted I am to hear Jenna and Adam refer to Madison and Georgia as Jenna’s minions. As if they’re there to do Jenna’s work for her. Ugh. 

Edited by dangwoodchucks
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3 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Are pajama parties a thing?  I haven't owned any since I was about 8.

Probably a producers' idea to get the crew to prance around.

Also suspect the Adam and Jenna PDAs were encouraged for the show, until at some point they decided to make it an issue. Because this can't be the first time Glenn noticed it, though Jenna said something about him alway on the computer.

Can you imagine, first they tell Glenn it's good for the show and then they tell him to lay down the law.

Because on a normal yacht charter, there may be crew dating but can't imagine they're openly affectionate in front of other crew.  Or sleeping in the guest cabins between charters.

The show obviously wants to film those scenes and Glenn has to acquiesce because they chose it to be one of the big stories of the season.

Jenna's point that none of the charter guests objected is ridiculous because the charter guests are part of the reality show.  Anyone who signs up for camera isn't going to burn the crew too much and they're always going to leave a good tip, though that money may come from the show as well.




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What was that weird captioned line with Ciara telling Paget he’s not a father?  A pregnancy-scare storyline that ended up on the cutting room floor?  Either way I’m glad she’s the one who went to Glenn about Jenna’s negligence.  You know the problem is bad when the other department takes notice.

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10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Glen was such a mensch.  Wiping tables, carrying dirty glasses…


9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

On the other hand, Glen needed to confront Adam and Jenna together about the inappropriateness of their behavior.  He should have had a meeting with them already.  It's too late now, I think.

Glen is so docile & timid.  Imagine Captain Lee/Sandy in the same situation. They would've immediately radioed Jenna out of bed & up on deck. Neither would be running glasses or wiping tables.  They wouldn't have waited to have the discussion the next day. Glen wants everyone to like him and sometimes that's a bad quality in a Captain., especially with assholes like Jenna & Adam.

Good for Sierra for speaking up. She watched Jenna take advantage of Glen's kindness and finally got sick of it.  I can't imagine any of them are comfortable with the PDA, especially in those close quarters while they're eating. It's uncomfortable watching it on TV,  They act like teenagers who just discovered the opposite sex.

1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

What was that weird captioned line with Ciara telling Paget he’s not a father?  A pregnancy-scare storyline that ended up on the cutting room floor?  

I understand it as her way of telling him she started her period.  He followed by asking if she was in pain, so she must get bad cramps. 

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Man, Jenna went from 1st date to "how deep is your love" in like 10 seconds. Any person, male or female, should run for the hills with this level of "I don't think you have the deep level of commitment that I do." That said, she should see the signs that he is not relationship material to begin with. She is wasting her time with this one.

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3 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

What was that weird captioned line with Ciara telling Paget he’s not a father?  A pregnancy-scare storyline that ended up on the cutting room floor?  Either way I’m glad she’s the one who went to Glenn about Jenna’s negligence.  You know the problem is bad when the other department takes notice.

I don't think it was a pregnancy scare. She was telling him her period had started and she had cramps, lol.

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So right before the last charter, Jenna finally gets called on her bullshit.  It's about damn time.  Good on Ciara for telling Glen.  Jenna needs to have her ass kicked up and down over leaving Madison alone to wait on the charter guests while Georgia is on break so that Jenna can relax with Adam and then take an hour nap.  I didn't think it was possible for her to get any more unprofessional and lazy so congrats, Jenna.

I hope that Glen speaks to Adam as well because they're both guilty and they both need to cool it on the PDA.  

Add me to the Chris love train.  He's a hard worker and seems like an easygoing, nice guy.  No wonder Georgia is ignoring him for Paget.  

Previews look interesting -- a charter guest actually bringing coke on board?  

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12 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Adam isn’t just a dick.  He’s a bag of dicks.  Jenna is so pathetically needy while polishing her tiara for best gurl ever.  Blech.  Nice job bitching at GA, humping in the galley while mismanaging your stews.

I still have never gotten over the whole onion thing from his Med season-he is awful. And Jenna is 100% the kind of girl who says she "isn't like other girls", which is so insulting. I would blame youth, but isn't she in her 30s? She is a jerk on Instagram too-and she totally deletes negative comments (and I learned our twitter handles are similar and this is upsetting to me). I was also giving her the side eye when she was acting all tough in front of Adam. Oh ok Jenna-there is zero evidence of you being tough without Adam there to fight your fights. Why don't you go write apology notes and put them in a plastic baggy for Glenn-that seems more your speed and maturity level.

9 minutes ago, politichick said:

I don't think it was a pregnancy scare. She was telling him her period had started and she had cramps, lol.

That made me laugh because that is exactly how I told my college boyfriend I was on my period to let him know he was out of luck that week. 

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I'm glad Ciara finally spoke up about Jenna and Adam's unprofessional behavior.  I'm also glad that Glenn saw for himself what Ciara was talking about.  Now it's time for him to drop.the hammer on those two. I only hope they don't blame Madison. 

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13 hours ago, JAndy said:
14 minutes ago, spunky said:

I'm glad Ciara finally spoke up about Jenna and Adam's unprofessional behavior.  I'm also glad that Glenn saw for himself what Ciara was talking about.  Now it's time for him to drop.the hammer on those two. I only hope they don't blame Madison. 

Of course they will blame Madison. Jenna will say that no one else cares that they are all over each other in the galley and Madison is just causing problems and like to play victim.  I am not holding my breath that Glen is repremanding Jenna when he said this stops and it stops now. He may not even be talking to Jenna. Bravo like to play  sneaky little tricks on us. Looks like a  repeat of season 1 on Below Deck episode with the guests having drugs on the boat. The behavior exhibited by Adam and Jenna is beyond the pale.

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7 minutes ago, 65mickey said:


Jenna needs to be on Med next season.  I want to see how she'll handle Sandy breathing down her neck at all times for 6 weeks. She also needs to have June and Rocky as stews throughout the 6 weeks. 

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Previews look interesting -- a charter guest actually bringing coke on board?

That happened in the first or second season of OG BD.  Can't wait to see if Glenn goes the same route as Lee did.

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13 hours ago, dosodog said:

Why couldn't they just have hired Chris in the first place? He's way more entertaining.

Who thought it was a good idea to make us sit through 75% of the season with Parker?  Who?  


I think Parker and Chris were interviewed as 1 and 2, and Parker was cast because he was obviously a mess. Chris was the alternate. I’m sure there’s a 3 out there somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

That happened in the first or second season of OG BD.  Can't wait to see if Glenn goes the same route as Lee did.

It was the very first charter of season 1! 

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

Not to be a nanny, but shouldn't they have been wearing life jackets on the hotdog boat?

I think the same thing when 10 people pile into the tender, not a life jacket to be seen.

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2 hours ago, dleighg said:

I'm am not only face blind, but clueless about pop culture, but who was the woman on the guest's T-shirt (that the captain complimented)?

Looked like Michelle Visage . She's on RuPaul's drag race.


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Paget and Ciara show a good balance of professionalism and romance. (They've been together long enough, I suppose.) 

Adam and Jenna just suck. Good on Ciara for calling out their behavior - but it should have happened 3 charters ago.

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1 hour ago, AnnieBananie said:

Paget and Ciara show a good balance of professionalism and romance. (They've been together long enough, I suppose.) 

Adam and Jenna just suck. Good on Ciara for calling out their behavior - but it should have happened 3 charters ago.

I didn’t see a seconds worth of romance between Paget and Ciara in the entire season.

On the other hand I didn’t see any romance between Jenna and Adam either. Just blind misplaced lust.

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8 hours ago, OnceSane said:

That happened in the first or second season of OG BD.  Can't wait to see if Glenn goes the same route as Lee did.

I remember.  Captain Lee shut the charter down immediately and brought the guests back to dock.  I presume Glenn would do the same, if only because what choice would he really have? 


23 hours ago, njbchlover said:

And, yeah, Jenna, maybe the guests aren't unhappy, but that doesn't mean that service isn't slipping - it just means that others are picking up your slack.  Don't get mad at the captain because he is noticing what is so obvious - maybe it looks like he's on his laptop, but maybe that's just a ruse to observe you and Adam surreptitiously.  On the other hand, Glen needed to confront Adam and Jenna together about the inappropriateness of their behavior.  He should have had a meeting with them already.  It's too late now, I think.

 I don't pretend to understand Jenna and Adam's relationship.  Any normal person could look at those two and realize a relationship that is already this volatile a few weeks in is doomed to failure.  Adam sounds like he has some serious emotional problems, and Jenna is just the wimp who takes it. 

And yeah, it says everything that Jenna's reaction to Glenn's comment about service slipping is to try to turn it around on him.  

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I can't get over how these people working on the boat aren't trying their best to make this trip the most unbelievable and fun adventure for this poor dying woman!!  I really can't.  It's like Jenna and Adam have sucked the feelings out of them all and they're focused on how miserable THEY are instead of trying to make the guest happy.  They should be coming up with special treats and excursions.  Wow, a blow up banana toy-- that's a memorable life event.  Jenna should be ashamed of herself-- she should have taken the lead here and really made the tables pretty and done her best.  Adam should have made over the top cakes and there should have been beautiful flower arrangements-- anything to celebrate life. This was pathetic and the guests were all SO nice! This captain is so weak and afraid to get on to anyone-- he said he saw what was going on in that tiny kitchen and hated to say anything.  I know a few episodes back he confessed the main reason he likes being on a boat out at sea is he likes the life of solitude so maybe he's not the 'captain' type.  He's probably a really nice guy in real life, but on this show you need someone who is a leader.  They can still be nice.  Shame on this whole cast!  I hope the lady with cancer is doing okay still-- what a wonderful attitude she has!

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