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"The View": Week of 5/11/2020


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12 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

I guess I need a better accountant.  I am a sole proprietor of my own business and I always show a profit and have to pay taxes.  

Seriously, you shouldn't.  Find an accountant who can help you - especially for this year. Every small business owner should be taking a huge loss for 2020 (and they should have in 2008 - 2012).

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2 hours ago, lusinia said:

So after Sen. Duckworth talks about how she is focused on getting Joe Biden elected, Sunny brings up Tara Reade's call for Biden to withdraw from the race, and asks Duckworth if she agrees, which, at that point, was a dumb question to ask.

Joy really is pissed about something.  She's not smiling at all during the Magic Johnson segment.  Neither she or Sunny asked him a question, either.  Why they were even included.  Then, in an attempt to smile, at the close of the show, Joy slightly lifted one corner of her mouth.  I wonder what happened.  Show-related or bad day?   

i agre on Joy.  I got the impression that she's beyond done with Trump...like she's at the end of her rope finally. Some days, between politics and quarantine, I can empathize.

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22 hours ago, OnTime said:

Shouldn't any loan have to be paid back?  Do you mean, if they don't follow the instructions they have to "give" it back?

If it is money they don't have to pay back, is not a loan.

The owners have to comply implicitly or it has to be paid back.  They have to use if for keeping 100% staffed and thing anything left would be for overhead to stay open.  They must stay open and 100% staff.  No layoffs, furloughs, etc.  I think thats how i understood it.  Roundabout way of getting there heh

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18 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Interesting article about the entitled hairdresser.


things that stood out to me:

apparently the bulk of that money should be for employee salaries.



Also, there are armed people protesting lock downs (and supporting her) outside her shop.


knew I didn't like her!

Oh my.  Yeap she was just wanting the publicity for her shop.  Didnt think that one through did ya dar'lin 🤪

Edited by Tammee
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23 hours ago, lusinia said:

Whoopie mentioned that we lost several icons (which she used appropriately) over the weekend - Roy Horn, Little Richard, music executive Andre Harrell, singer Betty Wright, and Jerry Stiller, and then she just went right into talking about how her family celebrated her daughter's birthday (on Zoom, I think), and they had a twerking contest, and she didn't want to see her daughter twerking, so she put her mask over her eyes.  And then, oddly, she brought up the deaths again.   

Oh wow that is cringe worthy.  Timings definitely off on that one.  put a period in there people!   You know what was weird though...  I was watching the sunday news talking about all the deaths that weekend and none of them said Little Richard.  They gave all the others, just not his.  I found it odd.

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22 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I, too, had the same reaction to her. Why should she be above the rules, while every other small business stays closed? If they all decide to follow her logic, then every hairdresser, barber, local gym, local restaurant, etc, deserves to open their doors, too.


I don't like this entitled lady. It also sounded to me like she was trying to get out of paying her hairdressers any money.

Oh i know.  She definitely played the fool that day.  I wish they had given her the business, not more business lol.  And i hope the stylists and crew band together and file a class action if need be.  Their kids are starving and she's there sitting on a couple jackpots. 

I just thought about something else she said.  That she had just recd the check for 18k into her acct the day before and that was too late to cancel the view appearance.  Thats what she said.  This is me adding, she should have started with that and admitted the deposit instead of trying to dance around it and your many reasons.  Shadddddde Ms Thang shaaaaaade!

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I’m just gonna back up so I can beat a dead horse... MM says, on one hand that people are complaining about the appearance of (whoever) because they do not have professional makeup people tending to them?   (Did I get that right). At the same time, she keeps complaining about people on tv who seem to have makeup people?   I think Megaphone is upset because she has to brush her own hair.!!  And btw, I also think most of these gals look better without the “professionals”.  Most of the time, they are over the top made up!

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4 hours ago, OnTime said:


Exactly, she knew. Sunny exposed her!!! But I wished they would have asked about her Go Fund Me account.


I'm sure she also got unemployment benefits.... Her kids haven't missed a meal.

Wowza!  This woman is definitely shady and it is hilarious that gov't officials are touting her as a hero.

marilyn monroe idgaf GIF

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5 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I disagree with the notion that Joy needs to take a break.

In these times we need her justifiable anger

I get it, but I really worry about Joy when she gets to this point.  She was super upset and angry today.  She seemed like she has reached her breaking point, again (I've only seen her like this a half dozen times, maybe).  

Joy also seemed very frustrated with the technology today  - especially when she was trying to make a counterpoint, and Whoopi didn't pick up on her cue quickly enough and then went to a commercial while Joy started talking.  


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50 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

Most of the time, they are over the top made up!

We've got a local talk show and even though the female hosts are doing the whole remote thing, there is one, in particular (Melissa) who still spackles it on. I call it the full-on RuPaul drag queen look so I guess not everybody is happy with the new "relaxed" standards!

Dear Mags....your look was being criticized long before the pandemic, as was your dreadful manners and personality. Remember some of the monstrosities that the wardrobe people put her in?!!! 

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20 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I get it, but I really worry about Joy when she gets to this point.  She was super upset and angry today.  She seemed like she has reached her breaking point, again (I've only seen her like this a half dozen times, maybe).  

Joy also seemed very frustrated with the technology today  - especially when she was trying to make a counterpoint, and Whoopi didn't pick up on her cue quickly enough and then went to a commercial while Joy started talking.  


I don't  think Joy should take a break either.  She needs to vent and this is the outlet.  Let it out Joy!!  Plus she's great with the guests.  She gets right to the point and wont let them off the hook.  Not take'n any Bull!  Ok that's the pro, heres the con...dot dot dot lol

I am also worried about her health.  She's got to find a way to release some of that angst before it does some serious damage healthwise.  There is no one more in need of anxiety meds.  Seriously.  No shade.  If it would help release some of that stress I'm all for it.

To add, I thought todays show went much smoother with the smaller panel.  No MM, no Sunny in the beginning.  There was less crossover and everyone could talk.  It started to diminish when Sunny joined.  Cant they do something about that echo?

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34 minutes ago, Tammee said:

I don't  think Joy should take a break either.  She needs to vent and this is the outlet.  Let it out Joy!!  Plus she's great with the guests.  She gets right to the point and wont let them off the hook.  Not take'n any Bull!  Ok that's the pro, heres the con...dot dot dot lol

I am also worried about her health.  She's got to find a way to release some of that angst before it does some serious damage healthwise.  There is no one more in need of anxiety meds.  Seriously.  No shade.  If it would help release some of that stress I'm all for it.

To add, I thought todays show went much smoother with the smaller panel.  No MM, no Sunny in the beginning.  There was less crossover and everyone could talk.  It started to diminish when Sunny joined.  Cant they do something about that echo?

I don't think Joy should take a break, unless she feels that she needs one.  I was just concerned for her today, as she seemed extremely angry (rightly so) and distraught - it just disturbed me, because I really like Joy and appreciate what she says.  Usually, Joy tempers her anger with some kind of one liner, joke or snide remark.  Today, I just saw anger and frustration.  She was undeniably outraged and it seemed to reflect in the remainder of the show.  Oftentimes when Joy is outraged, she speaks her piece and she can get past it for the remainder of the show.  Today just felt different, imo.  

I think that, much like all of us, the lockdown may be getting to her, and unfortunately, I think that exacerbates her anger - just as much as it does many people, including me, except we are not on TV being observed every day.

But, then, I was thinking that maybe something else happened before the show (or after yesterday's show) that may have added to her frustration.

Who knows??  


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13 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Oftentimes when Joy is outraged, she speaks her piece and she can get past it for the remainder of the show.  Today just felt different, imo.  

This, 100%. 

I don't think Joy needs a break for our sake, and that she shouldn't be expressing any anger.  Joy might need a break for her sake and well-being.  Maybe only a day or two.  A mental health break.  

She was in a really good mood yesterday.  But today it just wasn't like her to be so visibly angry for the entire show, and that's not healthy.  If she was this upset about something at any other point in the day, she could leave the room, ignore the problem for a while by sitting by herself and reading a book or watching tv.  But that's obviously not possible when you're on live tv for the next hour.  Hopefully something specific caused it and it was a one-time thing.   


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Watched this morning's show on my DVR today, and all I can ask is : "What the hell is happening to this show ?" 

It doesn't help that Whoopi greets the home viewers by letting them know she doesn't give a damn about the criticism she's getting for wearing the same flannel red plaid work shirt every day. WOW! That's a nice, warm "welcome to the show" to kick things off with in the first thirty seconds. Then she lets everyone know she's not sure what day it is, and they're having trouble with audio and video on each of their ends. OK ...who wouldn't want to stick around for an hour with all this pleasantry in the first five minutes?

Whoopi is joined by Joy and Anna  on-screen and it looks like they're all sitting shiva.  Sunny shows up to sit shiva with them, albeit a few minutes late - and angry. Each of them looks so depressed and despondent - maybe they're mourning the death of this show. This is day 2 of this 'new depressing View' and we have more days of shiva ahead, because I don't see them perking up anytime soon. 

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On 5/11/2020 at 1:15 PM, OnTime said:

Sunny said she got $18k (which I assume was a govt loan?). The salon owner says she didn't know how she was to spend the money. Well, if she applied to get the money shouldn't she have known how it was to be used?

If I heard her correctly, what she said was that she did not know what the money was for when “it dropped” on her bank account. Is she trying to say she did not apply for it?  It was just sent to her because she owns a business?  This reminds me of The Greatly Celebrated Joe The Plummer, who was neither.*.

*in case you’ve forgotten, he was neither “Joe” nor “plumber” but was greatly celebrated by the right. Ask MM about him. 

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1 hour ago, ThePurpleArcher said:

It doesn't help that Whoopi greets the home viewers by letting them know she doesn't give a damn about the criticism she's getting for wearing the same flannel red plaid work shirt every day.

I kind of agree with her there. Criticizing her for wearing a fav shirt a few times while in quarantine?  Screw ‘em.  Who cares what people are wearing?

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8 hours ago, lusinia said:

  Neither she or Sunny asked him a question, either.  Why they were even included. 

I'm thinking Ana stepped on Sunny's question for Magic. He was telling a story and towards the end of it, Sunny started her loud fake laugh so as to transition into a question, but before she got a word out, Ana asked something. Sunny stayed open-mouthed for a few seconds. It was quite obvious and funny what happened.

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I think it’s pretty safe to say Joy might be in a much better mood tomorrow since it’s been announced that a judge has opened the door to legal challenges over the DOJ’s dismissal of the charges against Michael Flynn.

And, oh yeah, Ana Navarro’s headgear homage to Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard was fabulous. Or did Norma just wear the turban in the stage musical?

Edited by TimWil
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Ha, Ana. I just caught a sec of today's show and it was Ana yakking with Magic and there was some energy there, so nice for a change. Almost stuck around because no Meghan! 

If Joy was super upset, she might have been monitoring the Senate hearings and caught a frustrating moment. There were a couple of doozies. Doozies! Long time, no use.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I kind of agree with her there. Criticizing her for wearing a fav shirt a few times while in quarantine?  Screw ‘em.  Who cares what people are wearing?

And she wears it over another shirt, which she changes.  Nobody ever criticizes male hosts for wearing only 3 suit jackets over and over again per year. I have a few fleece and flannel shirts that I wear over a t-shirt or turtleneck, and often one gets worn more than others because it is the perfect weight for a drafty house/car/office/plane.  Other times of the year a different one gets priority treatment. They are comfy and I don't care what anyone thinks. I do wear a bra when I leave the house, however.

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16 hours ago, Tammee said:

The owners have to comply implicitly or it has to be paid back.  They have to use if for keeping 100% staffed and thing anything left would be for overhead to stay open.  They must stay open and 100% staff.  No layoffs, furloughs, etc.  I think thats how i understood it.  Roundabout way of getting there heh

I believe they have to operate at 75 percent staffing levels.

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16 hours ago, bannana said:

Wowza!  This woman is definitely shady and it is hilarious that gov't officials are touting her as a hero.

Bird of a feather.

15 hours ago, Sam Spayaid said:

Dear Mags....your look was being criticized long before the pandemic, as was your dreadful manners and personality.

She will never accept people criticize her because of her own behavior. In her mind haters going to hate.

12 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

If I heard her correctly, what she said was that she did not know what the money was for when “it dropped” on her bank account. Is she trying to say she did not apply for it?  It was just sent to her because she owns a business?

I don't know about Texas but here in my state money can't just be deposited in someone's account without it being for a legitimate reason. They changed banking laws after 9/11. So money couldn't be laundered for terrorism.  

4 hours ago, MsTree said:

Some may think Joy needs to vent, but IMO she's starting to sound like a broken record.

Well when things that are bad continue to be bad it only makes sense to continue to draw attention to the bad things.


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10 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

And yes, Joy does seem more agitated lately, and I don't blame her.   I'm roughly in her age category; seen some things in my life; seen some of those things handled so differently.     I'm hoping (aside from catching the 'rona) that I don't leave this world in these times of fear, angst and social distancing.   My heart breaks for all those who have, and also for their families for all the obvious reasons.  (If any of that makes sense.)

I'm 51. So the same as Sunny.  Sad to say a lot of days I'm happy I'm closer to the end of my life than the beginning of my life. I've been seeing things I have never in my life thought I would see. I keep hoping we are just in a tailspin and we pull out of it and continue on the right path.


12 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Joy may also be fearing for her grandson's future and the world that he'll be growing up in going forward.  

My granddaughter is seven and I hope this whole thing will just be a distant memory when she is an adult. Hopefully the long term changes that come from this will be good things.

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13 hours ago, Haleth said:

I kind of agree with her there. Criticizing her for wearing a fav shirt a few times while in quarantine?  Screw ‘em.  Who cares what people are wearing?

Well, I guess I do.  I don't tune in to see angry or slovenly people who don't care enough to put on a fresh blouse and a smile.  I can get that at home!

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13 hours ago, Haleth said:

I kind of agree with her there. Criticizing her for wearing a fav shirt a few times while in quarantine?  Screw ‘em.  Who cares what people are wearing?

I don't blame her for wearing what she wants to be comfortable, but I am blaming her for the rude way she starts a show to millions of viewers choosing to spend an hour with them. We're here to enjoy our time with Whoopi - not be scolded as soon as the show starts.

It's like inviting a group of friends over for dinner, and upon opening the door to them you warn:  'Don't be criticizing how filthy my house is - I really don't care 'cause I live the way I do'.  Not exactly a warm, welcoming gesture to your guests who are willing to beak bread with you. 

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10 hours ago, buttersister said:

Ha, Ana. I just caught a sec of today's show and it was Ana yakking with Magic and there was some energy there, so nice for a change. Almost stuck around because no Meghan! 

If Joy was super upset, she might have been monitoring the Senate hearings and caught a frustrating moment. There were a couple of doozies. Doozies! Long time, no use.

Can you give us the cliff notes of the doozies?  For once they didnt preempt us but now i kind of wish they had LOL

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:
14 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

If I heard her correctly, what she said was that she did not know what the money was for when “it dropped” on her bank account. Is she trying to say she did not apply for it?  It was just sent to her because she owns a business?

I don't know about Texas but here in my state money can't just be deposited in someone's account without it being for a legitimate reason. They changed banking laws after 9/11. So money couldn't be laundered for terrorism.  

I’m always surprised and annoyed when “good people” show their willful ignorance regarding their own use and misuse of government benefits .  I’m glad it was Whoopi who asked the Patriot Texan Hairdresser about the 18k loan that “dropped” in her bank.  So in fact she she had to have filed for the benefit (yes, it’s a benefit just like “welfare”), she does not employ anyone-just collects rent, and she filed for unemployment benefits.  So it appears she Is doing just fine feeding her kids. 

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re the salon wench, business owners have to use at least 75% of the money to keep 100% of their pre-pandemic staff. Any who were furloughed or laid off have to be brought back or replaced by June 30. 

Borrowers can receive two and a half times their average monthly payroll costs incurred 12 months before the date the loan is made.

For example, if your monthly average payroll in the last 12 months is $10,000, you may borrow up to $25,000. (She borrowed $18,000). 

More at link but none of it pertains to her because there's no way she is underwater for vacation, parental, family, medical and sick leave; group health care coverage; retirement benefits and payment of state and local taxes assessed on employees’ compensation.

Her stylists pay her, she doesn't pay them. They are not employees, they are tenants. She is a straight-up crook. I think Sunny will keep an eye on her situation and gladly keep us updated. 


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2 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

She can't go shooting, she can't drink, she's trapped 24/7 with Ben and she has no live audience to play to. She's DEFINITELY miserable. 

Yup. That’s why she’s changed her tune about quarantine. A few weeks ago she was outraged about people not following directions, now she’s with Rand Paul and Elon Musk about ending the stay at home rules. She’s bored and sick of staying home. 

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22 minutes ago, suomi said:

Her stylists pay her, she doesn't pay them. They are not employees, they are tenants.

This is EXACTLY what I've been saying since Monday. She doesn't qualify for the program, because she has zero employees. She is a lessors - not an employer. 

It would be the same as the person who owns the property she rents her storefront from. as well as the other store-fronts. Those are his tenants - not his employees. He can't collect money from Payroll Protection if they are not paying their rents. 

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I guess they've been planning to have Sara back, since she has the green screen background, unless they rushed it to her yesterday or this morning.  (She apparently can't see the other hosts, though, like they're able to do now.)  It's nice to see her.

Yeah, let's trust a video shown on Tucker Carlson's show.

Meghan - "flatten the curb" - twice, at least!

"Different states benefitting in different ways".  Benefitting?

"Overdoses of all kinds, specifically opioid".

Does Meghan ever hear what she's saying?    

You know, if she would spend as much time thinking about what she's saying as she does trying to look and sound serious and smart there might be some improvement.

Meghan thinks she gets to talk again right away since her question couldn't be answered.  She just barged in and interrupted someone; not sure if it was Sara or Sunny.  Entitled, entitled, entitled!   

Oh!  "I'm happy to continue talking"  So it's up to her to fill the time.  As if no one else is capable of doing this.  Meghan to the rescue.  She just wanted to take up more than her share of time, as usual.  Because she's Meghan McCain and what she has to say is important.

Today, it was Sunny who looked grim at the end of the show.  Something's going on here.  Or maybe everybody's reaching the end of their rope.

Edited by lusinia
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30 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I think Gov Whitmer decided to ignore Meg’s dumb question. 

I am so proud to have her as my governor.

And I liked her answer about the Joe Biden allegations too. Although I'm wondering why no one is addressing the elephant in the room of the suspect timing of the allegation -- you know, that the accuser is coming forward in THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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3 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

Well, I guess I do.  I don't tune in to see angry or slovenly people who don't care enough to put on a fresh blouse and a smile.  I can get that at home!

Hear, hear!

I mean, really, many of us in this forum have complained about Whoopi's clothes. Mainly about its unprofessional look AND the frequency in which she wears them...white, baggy shirt, anyone? How about dingy gray, flag-print scarf?

I'm glad someone called her on it. Hopefully, it was a producer.

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I am so proud to have her as my governor.

Me too!  

Now that MM has, wrongly, discussed Michigan's shelter-in-place I can make comments?

You could always cut your own grass.  You COULD NOT enforce a contract with a landscape company.

You could always fish from your own boat that YOU put in the water.  You COULD NOT rely on a marina's staff to tend to you.  You COULD NOT violate the closed boarders between the US and Canada.  If you live on an inner lake, knock yourself out.  Want to wander in Canadian waters?  Nope!

You could always paint your house and plant your garden.  The stores like Lowes, hardware stores etc have always been open for they are essential workers.  Once again, you can't enforce a prior contract with painters or landscapers.

The original couple who set up the first rally wanted everyone in cars, windows closed, no getting out and complying with all traffic rules.  What happened is that the rally was taken over by the Michigan Militia with them bringing fire arms, confederate flags etc.  They are the ones that pushed people to block all the roads.  The Militia got further "help" 3 brothers who are helping in any state protests around the country. 

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1 minute ago, OnTime said:

What was Meghan blathering on about "millennials have been screwed over and over for the past ten years" or something like that?

I just don't have the energy to watch it again. Did anyone remember what she said?

Meghan was just saying) (I think) that all the problems of the last 10 years have been hardest on the millennials.  The reason why she thinks this is, I'm sure, because she herself is a millennial.  And nothing is important unless it's about her, you know.  Never mind that whatever she was thinking of undoubtedly affected everybody.

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