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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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How is it possible that Angela is walking around with only ace bandages around her chest.  Don’t they usually have them wear a special bra for a while.  I also cannot believe she is talking about a facial surgery before she loses the weight.  I didn’t even understand having the breast surgery pre-weight loss.

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1 minute ago, hookedontv said:

Why the fuck is Angela out buying stuff in a juice bar? She’s such an ass. You just had weight loss surgery. 

I hope she shits herself. 

I’m sure her plan does not say juice.  Sugar free protein shakes, sugar-free flat waters, water-water, plain broth, etc. no juice. Certainly no fruits and veggies yet...smoothie or not

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Him being so dismissive of how fucking shitty her friend was to attack her at their first meeting is disgusting. Have I mentioned that I hate this gaslighting jerk too?

(patting sofa) you come right on over and sit next to me. We will plot our rescue of Julia. 

2 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

Why the fuck is Angela out buying stuff in a juice bar? She’s such an ass. You just had weight loss surgery. 

I hope she shits herself. 

And she has no one there to wipe her ass! 

2 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I love water! Especially with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Otherwise I take an unsweet tea with lemon.

I drink water too, all the time. Occasionally I have iced coffee. I am from Boston after all. 

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Just now, tvrox said:

Angela is still smoking, jeez. And that terrible mask she is wearing is not protecting anyone. 

There’s nothing better for surgical incision healing than cigarettes. Supposedly.

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1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

Angela doesn't realize Michael is from another culture, the only thing they had in common was her boobs. I hope that man never makes it to the U.S. his life will be miserable with her.

If she has JOJO wiping her cooch, it's unimaginable what she will expect from Michael.

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Just now, Armchair Critic said:

I looked up the calories for a fruit smoothie I had, it was no better than a milk shake!

Damn it, now I want a McD's chocolate shake.

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7 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Dee Snider IS Divine in the new "Pink Flamingos"!

Dee's a survivor.  He found a way to remain in show biz after hair metal went the way of the dodo.  Apparently he wrote scripts for Lifetime for a while!

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Angela getting all these surgeries to 'look younger' while ignorning her hair which looks dryer then the sand dunes that Nichol fell all over.

Edited by LEILANI2
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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Hahahahahaa he hung up on her. Hilarious!

And good save with the "you're beautiful like you are" BS when she got him back on the phone! 

But as soon as they get in the next fight she's going to throw the "you hung up on me" right at him, multiple times.

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5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Because it sounds more impressive than day care or babysitter, like they’re Kardashians. If all the siblings work for the family business, why can’t they pool their resources and have one person watch all the cousins? 

Right? Each sister could take the kids for a day. Not hard. 

3 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Outside smoothie bar...lighting up a cancer stick. Good job Angela.

Not to mention the free entertainment she's providing for passers-by, airing her dirty laundry in public. No one wants to hear about your boob surgery, Angie. 

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Does Angela realize that these doctors just want to spend her money or insurance or whatever covers these surgeries? She doesn't have all of these procedures at the same time.

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I'm glad Michael hung up. She treats him really terrible and then talks shit about him to everyone.

Ditto Kalani and Tiffani.  They need to rename this show 90 Day Cuck Fest.

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8 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

Well today I found out that David has a big dick and eats good pussy from the new 90 Day Foody Call, so I'm sure eventually we will find out if Asuelo is.

David who?

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28 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I KNOW! I'm sitting here thinking about what we're having for our Memorial Day picnic tomorrow.

What's on the menu? 

I just put Loren & Alexei's roasted chicken (from 90 Day Foody Call) in the oven for dinner tonight, served with lemon infused couscous and broccoli.

Because food is much more interesting than most of these chucklefucks.  

Food > HEA

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Just now, Floatingbison said:

Dee's a survivor.  He found a way to remain in show biz after hair metal went the way of the dodo.  Apparently he wrote scripts for Lifetime for a while!

Good for him but I’ll bet those scripts are like limericks...single career woman in x career, engaged to rich professional but in love with x rugged guy in a small town...insert x# of quirky townsfolk no wait add one murdering babysitter 

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