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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

She said earlier that her ex from Morocco ( Dr Jekyll )turned into Mr Hyde as soon as vows were exchanged.  She needs 89 days in which to ascertain whether that will happen with her 27 year old fiance from Tunisia.

As far as I can figure,  if he is going to transform into the evil person role, he will do it regardless of whether she marries today or a year from now or on the 90th day.  Postponing the wedding is not going to help her see a transformation that only will occur after she marries him.

I hope that explanation makes sense. 

WIthout her using logic, yes it makes perfect sense.  If he turned in to an asshole on day 70 would she have called it off?

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26 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Rebecca is working my LAST nerve. She is terrible. It is none of her business how Zied practices his religion. Her snotty tone is really something. 

Yes and why is she surprised that he only is a strict Muslim during the most holy month? That's common in a lot of religions. 

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

@kacesq, spill the details! Congrats on the new pup.

I have better pix but they're too big to upload. He's a rescue from Texas and a parvo survivor. 14 months old, dachshund mix. So incredibly sweet and playful. Only bump in the road is pur other pooch is not too happy.

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5 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

They're not on this week.

for some reason I thought this was the last episode of the season.   

I saw part of this already on the sneak peak and then I get confused because I think they are using stuff from the last episode.

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

The psychic shouldn't need to ask Harris any questions, right? Shouldn't she just read his mind and see what he is thinking or planning?

He can be thinking anything right now. 

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49 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

No one in Michigan will go near her. The word is out. 

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a good week. I'm not hammered and I'm not going back to Ukraine. @sainte-chapelle, @mamadrama, I hope things are getting better! @Hotel Snarker, fuck 'em, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. Love it or hate it, Facebook can really show people's true colors, makes it easy to cull the herd. 

Does anyone have any swanky watches? I have a mighty need.

No swanky watches but I DO still have some Swatches left over from the 90s...

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This Stephanie situation is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.  All of these people are so boring.  I barely pay attention anymore.  The snark is better than the show.

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2 minutes ago, kacesq said:

I have better pix but they're too big to upload. He's a rescue from Texas and a parvo survivor. 14 months old, dachshund mix. So incredibly sweet and playful. Only bump in the road is pur other pooch is not too happy.

Good luck with your new little guy!   So cute.

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

Oh, there's a baby mama. Interesting. Harris is annoying me now. "Oh I'll take care of her yard." Yeah, sure you will.

He's going to graze the lawn, nudge, nudge.

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I must confess that since my hair has gotten really long I have started wearing it in two tails.  I hope I don't look as ridiculous as Stephani, but other than taking the trash bin to the street, I don't go out in public with it that way. 

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Harris is sweating bullets.

Who is surprised that the psychic said there could be trouble with one of his baby mama's?  You don't have to be psychic to know that would happen.

Now we see a pleasant Rebecca using her love language on Zied and he is giving her his full attention, lol.  How would she have lost her precious engagement ring in the sofa?


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