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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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3 minutes ago, Brodicea said:

Maybe Tarik has hidden depths. He seems to have really nice friends.

But none of them have any fashion sense. They keep letting him get suits either in, or paired with, powder blue.


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It's a shame Julia doesn't have the language skills to tell Brandon "I'm not asking you to fake being happy, I'm asking you to empathize with my happiness. You want to make me happy? Then quit acting like you resent the things that make me happy, like having a church wedding."

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20 minutes ago, Grifter Lives said:

Yara has some nerve, slipping and falling on her back, sober, on the day of Non Jovi's bachelor party.

I hope the baby is ok. Jovi is an ass. 

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

"You want me to be someone I'm not" Brandon's cri de coeur. Dude. Get the fuck over your dumbass self. 

I think everyone wants him to be someone he's not.  And, not to be Betty or Ron, Jr.

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2 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

It's a shame Julia doesn't have the language skills to tell Brandon "I'm not asking you to fake being happy, I'm asking you to empathize with my happiness. You want to make me happy? Then quit acting like you resent the things that make me happy, like having a church wedding."

Surprisingly, she did not pull the, "I gave up everything for you," line, even though she has it the worst.  She has true grace.

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Just now, FrancescaFiore said:

It's a shame Julia doesn't have the language skills to tell Brandon "I'm not asking you to fake being happy, I'm asking you to empathize with my happiness. You want to make me happy? Then quit acting like you resent the things that make me happy, like having a church wedding."

What I'm getting from Brandon is, he thinks being involved in any way in his own wedding wouldn't be "manly."  So he'd rather act like he's totally over it on TV because... he doesn't want to be a "pussy?"  Or something?  Anyway, he doesn't care about actually making Julia happy.  He is going to make a really shit husband.

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Run, Julia.   

Stupid Brandon.  The bride walks  up the aisle to you.   Then after the ceremony, you walk down the aisle with her.

Mike is a saint compared to Brandon.

Brandon may also be one of these people with zero emotional IQ.  He says he wants to make her happy.  A church wedding would make her happy, but he doesn't want it because it doesn't make him happy.

Tonight I officially hate Brandon the most.   I would like to think he realizes what a jerk he is when he sees himself on the show, but I doubt it.  Stupid Brandon.  Stupid, stupid , stupid.    I hope his parents are proud of the insensitive jerk they have birthed.


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Dang it. I missed the whole live viewing chat. 

Thanks @Angry Moldovan   it's been...something. Final quote on damages is $49,000. That's before we get to any of the stuff well have to replace-beds, clothes, sofas, etc. Not looking like insurance will cover much, if anything. I shouldn't complain because some people in my town have no houses to return to at all, but it still sucks. The fact that it all came down on my birthday was just so extra. 


I still hate Brandon. Seriously, what a twat (no offense to twats). 

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4 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

So his girlfriend is hurt and is crying and Brandon's reaction?  Be a sarcastic twat and talk about the "FEMALE FANTASY OF THE WEDDING DAY."  

This guy does not deserve Julia.  I hate him.

The way he used the word "female" gives me pause. That's a MGTOW thing. I would not be surprised if Brandon was into that shit. He is SUCH a dick. I would cheerfully head butt him at any opportunity. 

1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

cri de cœur. . . I'm using that at work this week.


(Looks down modestly) My work here is done. 

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Ewww why?!?!

Probably in order not to fight over custody of the cat.   That's all I got.   Also I had to rack my poor brain to remember who they were.

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