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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

Tonite’s La Leche moment.

Only the first.

It's also the subplot of Kalani-Asuelo: Will they go to Samoa?  Can Kalani breastfeed in every scene?  

And, for Pillow Talk: How will Tim relate it back to himself?

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For once Kalani is right. He's being a jerk to sabotage the weekend because he's mad about not going to Samoa which they can't afford anyway. 

I try not to comment on people's bodies but holy guacamole Kalani in that yellow top. 

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

If this doesn’t convince Kalani to get foolproof birth control, nothing will.

Kicking him out is the best birth control. 100% effective.

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Asuelo is playing for the camera - I think this is producer induced. I don’t think he’s the brightest tool in the shed but it seems as though he’s dropped several IQ points since moving to this country.

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Just now, LilaFowler said:

If he calls her a "lying bitch" in front of the cameras and in front of her mother, imagine what he says to her when they are alone.

Exactly this. And wow, the happy simple islander facade just dropped right off didn’t it?

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2 minutes ago, Toodleoo said:

Was I right or was I right. Jesus. 🤣

 "Come to California, we'll have some laughs. What could go wrong?"

Edited by Gobi
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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

Question. Why can't Asuleu go alone back to Samoa and bring pictures?? Or why can't the grandparents come up???

The grandparents can't visit because we need to have scenes of the flyblown, filthy, disease ridden streets of Samoa. complete with feral animals, ragged beggars, filthy children, and flies crawling on the food at the ramshackle marketplace. Then of course we need to be treated to the primitive conditions of Asuelu's family home--no indoor plumbing, chickens wandering through the house, leaves for clothes. If the grandparents come to the US we don't get treated to these lovely scenes.  

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Kareeny has completely lost whatever looks she had.

and Pole is a complete loser, but Kareeny sitting around pouting and rolling her eyes is silly. She knew what he was. She married him and popped out a kid. So...yeah.

ha at Pole’s mom taking off the key.

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1 minute ago, JennyMominFL said:

Karine has the Rona

That’s exactly what I thought, too! Wonder if we’ll ever get to a time where I hear someone cough and don’t think about Corona?

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