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S10.E14: Fight or Flight?

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I do think at this point, Meka is probably not trusting/believing Michael on things he may be telling the truth about...but I mean, who can blame her, really? It's like the boy who cried wolf. With someone like that, I'd be so on edge and on guard all the time. I know she comes across super harshly, but my nerves would be FRAYED at this point, frankly, what with constant lying from my husband combined with the stress of filming and the underlying embarrassment of knowing that everyone you know (and lots of strangers) is going to watch you be lied to every week on national television in a few months. It's bad enough to be made a fool by your partner, but a fool in front of millions of strangers?

And if she already has an edgier, somewhat more aggressive, straightforward personality, it's got to be just sending her spiraling. It started with the honeymoon sex ultimatum (which I 100% believe happened), and he NEVER admitted he said it...it's just been downhill from there. After that, she could just never believe anything he did or said. 

Yes, I think she starts at a higher baseline of irritation and pushiness than other people. But at this point, she essentially must be showing audiences the very worst version of herself. Like with Mindy, when people said she acted like a doormat...being treated like Mindy or Meka has been treated on this show has to exacerbate your worst qualities. If Mindy is already on the too-passive and too-forgiving or somewhat insecure side, being treated like that has to ramp that flaw/tendency up to 100. I tend towards anxiousness and neuroticism, and I have to imagine I'd be acting *cray* on a show like this at this point, when Michael has gaslit her so much that she literally still doesn't even know WHAT HIS JOB IS. 

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Jessica and Austin will work it out; I think some of their arguments were producer-driven or blown up to be a lot more than what they were. It would be a little upsetting to learn that your husband's traveling for work was so frequent and lengthy when you only had eight weeks to get to know him. Is that his fault, though, absolutely not.

I could see Austin downplaying things (not outright dishonesty, but just deescalating them a little) a bit if he knows his partner won't like them. He seems very anti-confrontational and people-pleasing, both of which are good qualities, but I could imagine him being a little conflict-avoidant at times--especially with someone who tends towards the type-A, perfectionistic side, like Jessica. I could totally see him saying something like "yeah, sometimes I travel for work" and sort of sidestepping the details at first so he wouldn't make her unhappy, and then it being frustrating later when it comes out. I do think they'll fairly easily find a way to meet in the middle with their communication. 

My interpretation is that Jessica is just freaking out a bit because she knows Austin needs quality time to grow to love someone, and she's worried that due to his traveling, he won't have the time he needs to make an absolute "yes" decision on Decision Day. And she's super, super into him, so that scares her. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Meka almost had to bring out her machine-gun mouth on Jessica. At dinner, when Jessica almost said "the L-word," Meka called her on it real quick! At first Jessica tried to play it off, but she admitted it pretty easily and Meka was forced to put her machine-gun mouth back in its holster.


I can imagine, "But i HEARD the 'l' come out of your mouth! What were you gonna say if it wasn't 'love'?"

Edited by Blissfool
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I am having a hard time understanding why Taylor insists on being with Brandon.  He is clearly over the whole thing.  Based on the fact that he was raised by his mom and grandmother, I was surprised to see how rude and disrespectful he was to the female African-American producer.  

She's there for camera time and still trying to make herself out to be the nice girl and the victim. 


Why did she even go and sit on his lap? That was so weird.

To stir shit up. She knew he was angry and she knew that she had given him good reason (I'd be pissed too if my husband fell asleep in an random hotel room and disappeared overnight). She was forcing a confrontation.

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As for the other couples- I was on Brandon's side (and don't like Taylor in general) until he pulled out that nasty attitude with the producers. Holy shit, that was terrible. I think Brandon has an underlying drinking problem, and I think Taylor never stopped seeing other dudes or planned to do so. 

Derek/Katie- Katie drinks a lot. I think that drives some of her brattiness. Derek was drunk at that dinner, too. Katie sucks so badly (one of the worst people ever on the show, if you ask me), but Derek seems genuinely into her, not just resigned like Meka/Mindy. I'm assuming they have great sex. 

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What I would really really like (using the word correctly) would be if it was in their contracts that every time anyone uses the word 'like' as a filler, they would be docked a fine. It could be small - even a nickel or dime - and by the time the show was over, I would bet almost every one of them, especially the women, would OWE money. It has become too annoying to watch. (And that is not including the many other grammatical errors that are also noted). I am not too thrilled with the future of our country if these are the future leaders.

Edited by Retired at last
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 Well we know the producers may have even suggested to him that he would get a mate of the ethnicity that he mostly dated.  I just know he made it clear that he dated all kinds of women and he didn't make any statement about some of them being black.  

How do we know that? Even if the producers strongly implied he would not be paired with a black woman — which I don't believe —  his behavior doesn't get a pass. There has never been an interracial pairing on this show. They were just going to switch everything up for him since he's so charming?


 I just think that Brandon was put into a situation where he was going to be disappointed because he wrote those vows to a different kind of woman than the show married him to.  Brandon was hostile to production from the first night - maybe he felt they had lied to him by not taking his preferences into account.

So he was forced into this? Brandon is an adult who like all of us is responsible for his own choices and behavior, regardless of what he encounters with Taylor or production. The show is Married at First Sight, not Married at First Sight to your Requested Physical Type (in fact, part of the idea is that if you are selecting who you date based on looks, you may be doing it all wrong).

When he took off out of the van down the driveway he looked like an 11-year-old throwing a fit because Mom wouldn't take him to McDonalds for his Happy Meal. It's not like Taylor, Katie and Michael are well-adjusted, mature or even authentic, but at least they treat the crew (as far as we know) decently. The whiny little bitch tantrum he unleashed on the producers was horrible — entitled, childish, snotty. 


What WEIRD PEOPLE,  man. I wouldn't talk to any one of them besides Jess and Austin. These are the people in the world today?! Holy crap we're doomed.  

I am far removed from "normal," whatever that is, but I find myself thinking the same thing every time I watch this show. On the flip side, all this dysfunction makes quarantine seem not so bad. At least none of us have to live with these bozos. 

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2 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

What I would really really like (using the word correctly) would be in it was in their contracts that every time anyone uses the word 'like' as a filler, they would be docked a fine. It could be small - even a nickel or dime - and by the tine the show was over, I would bet almost every one of them, especially the women, would OWE money. It has become too annoying to watch. (And that is not including the many other grammatical errors that are also noted). I am not too thrilled with the future of our country if these are the future leaders.

Katie says "f***" in every sentence. I'm a swearer, so I'm not usually picky, but...it's a lot. A LOT.

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Besides signing up for this, Brandon I assume is getting paid.  Hey, you don't follow the rules of the contract (being filmed, yanking equipment off) you shouldn't get paid!  Why would Taylor consider staying with him if he is acting like this now.  It will only get worse.

Plus, her social media and friends are way more important to her than Brandon anyway.  There is no way that is not going to be a continuing argument.

Katie wants Derek to be just like her "bad boy" ex.  She's definitely constantly comparing them.  

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2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Meka/Taylor and Brandon/Michael would've been better pairings at this point.

Perfect!  Meka and Taylor said in the car that they could be wives to each other for the weekend.

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Michael was a silent toad on the ride up to the Hell House...so no F*cking way is Meka going to offer her car..... why didn't Pants on Fire  just stay in town using the morning to deal with funeral and memorial plans for his deceased uncle then drive himself out or catch the production van to the retreat in the late afternoon when the crew were done with Brandon's boozy ambassadorship festival...No one has any damn sense....

Mikey's Rat-a-tat-tat talking makes me want to punch him in the throat....

His self soothing rituals of closing his eyes and massaging his temples is what we see most often when he and Meka have conversations confrontations...  missing is him sucking his thumb, rocking back and forth curled into a fetal position.

Very startling to see him wide eyed and making eye to eye contact with Brandon as they chit chatted outside on the patio...

Derek's doofus blurting out of Katie's "6 to 8 days periods"..he accounted for "the don't poke the bear" pre-period days

Haughty Missy says "Married people have sex during periods, Derek"  either he was aroused or queasy with his weenus crawling up into his scrotum...

TayBray's  histrionic theater was farcical  with Brandon carrying it too far by being a tough guy with the production crew... baiting the producer in the vest.

Katie's ire was piqued by booze with her panties getting bunched as she watched Derek charming Tay while she gets the burper who announces his farts.

Derek, how about gagging Katie (for the audience's sake) calling it foreplay....

Meka/Tay's paranormal outing was better than the garishly lighted cavern...anyone else hoping Ghost Adventures crew would have crashed the EVP session?

Jess/Aus took the smaller queen bed because it had a private bath while Meka had a king bed because it shared a bathroom. 

Considerably LESS drinking in this season's couples' retreat....


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It struck me that every time he brought up the fact that he did initiate sex with her and was shot down, she would shout "I'M DONE" and stomp off.

They need the 'DONE' police to be brought in.

I'm very confident Derek will drop Katie. He's seen enough of her in 7 weeks.

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Speaking of drinking, I really did not like Taylor egging Brandon on to drink when he clearly said NO. Many joined in, but she was really pushing it. Again, she knows how to trigger him. I just thought it was interesting since many people suggested that he may be an alcoholic, but he managed to not drink with this crowd.

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1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

But wasn't that Meka sitting there eating BREAKFAST?! With nary a word of negativity or a pout! Ok, I get it...its only when MICHAEL makes her breakfast.

Good catch!  Plate with eggs, sausage, and something like potatoes, and her fork is busy digging in.  She is yes...eating!

Edited by MajorNelson
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54 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

As for the other couples- I was on Brandon's side (and don't like Taylor in general) until he pulled out that nasty attitude with the producers.

I think Brandon's purpose was to "end" the association with the show.  Removing the microphone etc are no doubt certain kinds of contractual violations.  The rest of his antics MAY have been for them to fire him...so that he can get full contractual $ rather than whatever he gets for just quitting.  Not sure.  Ofc, he could just be an ass.

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6 hours ago, cinsays said:

she tries?  staying out all night with her friends? nope, especially since she has done this before and he was rightfully annoyed about it.  she is not what she is trying to portray

I just meant that at least she's there for filming and hasn't walked out. I don't think she's a good wife by any means.

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I don’t get all the hate against Taylor . Look who she’s married to . Since day 1, Brandon has been an aggressive , bratty asshole . Is she the vision of perfect ? No I’m sure she loves Instagram more than life , but I think ( besides the video ), she’s been more than patient with Brandon .. much more than I would’ve ever been . I do think she’s very attention craving but I think anyone who signs up for reality tv is so the rest of them are no different . 

katie is an absolute witch and will never have a lasting marriage with anyone . Is there anything that doesn’t make her mad ?  
maybe stop calling your husband weird and a loser , and he’ll like you . 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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Rating the couples by desirability.




That must have been an awful situation for Austin and Jessica...they get the least TV time because they don't have drama on camera. Personally I would sit back with my woman glass of wine in hand and enjoy the drama taking place.

I didn't mind Jessica interrogating Michael his explanation once again he can't seem to stick to the same story. Jessica provides a nice balance to Austin's live and let live approach. I thought her laugh was phony but apparently not.

Looks like out of 5 only one couple will stick. Derek and Katie might but probably not for long...





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1 hour ago, Mrs. Button said:


When he took off out of the van down the driveway he looked like an 11-year-old throwing a fit because Mom wouldn't take him to McDonalds for his Happy Meal. It's not like Taylor, Katie and Michael are well-adjusted, mature or even authentic, but at least they treat the crew (as far as we know) decently. The whiny little bitch tantrum he unleashed on the producers was horrible — entitled, childish, snotty. 

Especially with his hoodie and his backpack.

He's a BOY, dad!

35 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Good catch!  Plate with eggs, sausage, and something like potatoes, and her fork is busy digging in.  She is yes...eating!

Are you kidding! I want to confront her. "oh, so this breakfast is ok, but not the one that Michael made the other day?!...So did you LIE when you said you're not a breakfast person, because I clearly see you eating THIS breakfast!...I wish you would just tell us the TRUTH!"

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8 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I don’t get all the hate against Taylor . Look who she’s married to . Since day 1, Brandon has been an aggressive , bratty asshole . Is she the vision of perfect ? No I’m sure she loves Instagram more than life , but I think ( besides the video ), she’s been more than patient with Brandon .. much more than I would’ve ever been . I do think she’s very attention craving but I think anyone who signs up for reality tv is so the rest of them are no different . 

katie is an absolute witch and will never have a lasting marriage with anyone . Is there anything that doesn’t make her mad ?  
maybe stop calling your husband weird and a loser , and he’ll like you . 

I don't loathe Taylor like I do Katie but Taylor is just as phony as Brandon is. She sat down with Brandon to supposedly bond and have a conversation. As soon as he spoke what was on his mind she did the cut off routine by talking over him. Two things that are despicable being yelled at (total disrespect) or being cut off the moment you speak. Makes any communication impossible. I believe though the situation of being filmed the entire time ruined any chance for them to work things out. 

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I am totally on Brandon's side on this shit show. I think from very early on in the season the producers decided to make him the villain in their relationship, even with Taylor pulling all that crap about being single, her previous reality TV auditions, staying out all night, and generally portraying herself as the victim. She has never been properly called out on that by any of the so-called experts. Instead it's been bounced back on Brandon as if it's all his fault. He's not totally blameless - he has a bad temper - but I think he realised on Day 1 of the marriage that Taylor was only in it for the publicity. From there, the producers have manipulated the narrative to portray him as the bad guy.

There was a lot we didn't see (obvs) in this week's episode, but my guess is that the producers made it clear how they wanted the Brandon/Taylor storyline to go while they were filming at the retreat, and Brandon did not want to play along with it. I don't think the scene with him arguing with the producers came out of nowhere, but as they have all the control, they could edit it any way they wanted once Brandon decided he wasn't going to co-operate with their desire to show Taylor as the blameless one in their marriage.

Katie is just vile. I expect she reads this forum because, well, she's an attention whore. I'm sure it's been a huge shock to her to see how unpopular she actually is outside her own little bubble of entitlement. I don't think she's said one kind word to Derek in the last two or three episodes we've seen.

I don't care about Meka and Michael any more (they were always my least favourite couple anyway).

Austin and Jessica are still adorable. The CrockPot scene was so funny.

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Katie drinks a lot.

Does she need to be reminded she is a Type I diabetic?

Maybe she needs to listen to her wedding again when it was mentioned at the altar!

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I was just thinking that maybe the reason that Jessica seems like the mother or adult in the room is because she is a little older than the rest and has a real profession and is more mature. I think having these kids in their 20s who have not really exhausted all of their options for relationships should not be on here. They are too immature and just come off as fools, which I guess is what the show wants.

But, it is possible for older couples to have drama - remember when Dallas Dave and Amber were talking about how they would be able to move into a senior village in a few years, and Dave had to point out that they would still have teenage children? Sure, she was older, but not real bright.

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Katie says "f***" in every sentence. I'm a swearer, so I'm not usually picky, but...it's a lot. A LOT.

That and her VOICE!!  OMG!  No words!   I noticed the pitch of her voice varies but in all cases it's a verbal cringe!  She also looks disheveled most of the time and I attribute that to her incessant drinking (have never seen her without some alcohol in her hand).

I wonder (don't know) if her medical condition permits such an excessive use of alcohol.

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Last night’s episode was certainly…interesting, but not really in a good way.

I don’t think Michael, Brandon, Zach, Taylor or Katie should have been picked for the show.  Michael and Zach are liars, Brandon is a spoiled manchild, Taylor wants to be on reality TV and Katie is still hung up on her ex.  These people were picked for the drama factor alone, I’m sure of it now.

I’m trying to figure out who is shadier, Taylor or the producers.

The most interesting part of the show, for me was Brandon basically breaking the fourth wall, telling the producers that he didn’t want to do the show anymore.  How could that producer tell Brandon not to touch the equipment when it’s on his body?  WTF?  And what was up with Taylor not wanting Brandon to leave the bathroom?  I thought she was done playing victim/martyr, I guess now.

Here’s what I think happened.  By the time of the “Couples Retreat” the producers knew this season was toast.  One couple was done, two couples were very close to done and one was teetering.  Only Ashton and Jessica were okay but the show could not continue with only one or two couples.  They had to get the others there somehow.  Taylor keeps saying she wants to move forward, all that means is she wants to stay on the show, maybe she hopes that some baller will see her and fall in love, or that she’ll get a part on Love and Hip Hop, if they ever decide to do a DC franchise.

Brandon and Michael looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there.  Very interesting.  I wonder if the producers tell the men that most of the viewers are women and they’ll look like jerks if they’re the ones who say they don’t want to be in the marriage anymore.  Maybe, maybe not, but I do remember that when Keith told Iris the Virgin that he wanted a divorce, some folks were mad AT HIM.  WTF, I mean what kind of fucked up show would pair a man like Keith who was not a virgin with Iris the Virgin who was saving herself for marriage?  Cruel for both parties.

I also think that the producers and the “experts” convince or manipulate the participants to “just keep trying” even when everybody in the universe can see the marriage is toast.  Maybe that was why it took Mindy so long to pull the plug.  If Taylor complained about Brandon to me as much as she complains to everybody else about him, I’d ask her, “Why the hell are you still there sis?”  TV?  Fame? 

The one person I feel for in this is Meka, because I can see her getting smaller and smaller each day as the marriage is wearing her down (notice Taylor isn’t worn down at all, even though she had on the old wig last night).  I think. Meka really, really wanted to get married, she really thought the show would do for her what she could not do for herself, instead she got stuck with a liar and a jerk who had no business being on the show in the first place.

And another thing.  Why didn’t anybody call bullshit on Michael when he made the statement, “I’m the first one in my family to get married?”  That itself was such bullshit.  Really Michael, the first one EVER?  See, he started off the whole thing with a lie.

One more thing.  I think Taylor called Brandon the "b" word, but I also think she called him the "N" word.  Funny she was back to wearing the busted wig.  I'm glad Mindy got the hell away from that circus.


Edited by Neurochick
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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I don’t get all the hate against Taylor . Look who she’s married to . Since day 1, Brandon has been an aggressive , bratty asshole . Is she the vision of perfect ? No I’m sure she loves Instagram more than life , but I think ( besides the video ), she’s been more than patient with Brandon .. much more than I would’ve ever been . I do think she’s very attention craving but I think anyone who signs up for reality tv is so the rest of them are no different . 

katie is an absolute witch and will never have a lasting marriage with anyone . Is there anything that doesn’t make her mad ?  
maybe stop calling your husband weird and a loser , and he’ll like you . 

I do get the hate. Like most of these couples, it's not either or. There are no sides here. Not for me. Brandon has been basically every shitty thing he's labeled as except for not wanting a black woman since that's all broad assumption.

But, I don't like Taylor's trying to play the victim, gunning for camera time crap either. 

I don't care about which one is worse. I just generally don't like either of them.

I'm glad the show is showing that Brandon's issues with Taylor aren't fabricated nonsense at the very least. She's shady in a different way than him.

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16 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Brandon was hostile to production from the first night - maybe he felt they had lied to him by not taking his preferences into account.

In the first season, Vaughn, who was married off to Monet said that his celebrity crushes were Halle Berry and Paula Patton.  Monet looked like neither woman. 

Like I said in my previous post, these people are selected for drama period.  Which is really cruel because they are messing with real people's lives here.

14 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

After Taylor made that Instagram video about her being a single women and Brandon moved out, he had a talk on camera with Michael...and told us that he had learned Taylor had been up for several different reality shows.  She just missed being on one, I think Naked and Unafraid, and so she signed on for this one.  He hates that this is a game for her, when he was being serous.  Imo, he has been "out" practically from the reception onwards due to this.

In this episode, in one of his semi-tirades, he refers to Taylor's and his marriage as a charade.

I think she tried to get on Temptation Island.  I'd LOVE to see her and her wig on Naked and Afraid.  She'd probably tap out on day 1.

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The past seasons had some stinker couples, Season 2 had dismal pairings but the cast of Season 10 will go down as foul and craptastic with the exception of  Jess, Austoon, Meka and Derek and *... you pick your salvagables...the rest of them can be put on an ice floe and pushed out to sea.....

*outraged Mindy fans ...the addenum to add the long suffering, much maligned fan fave, pinata puncher is below....begging your mercy

Edited by humbleopinion
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1 minute ago, humbleopinion said:

The past seasons had some stinker couples, Season 2 had dismal pairings but the cast of Season 10 will go down as foul and craptastic with the exception of  Jess, Austoon, Meka and Derek, you pick your salvagables...the rest of them can be put on an ice floe and pushed out to sea.....

Don't forget Mindy.  Though I wonder why she took so damn long to leave Zach.  I just wish Meka would tell the experts that they should take her sham marriage and shove it.

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27 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I was just thinking that maybe the reason that Jessica seems like the mother or adult in the room is because she is a little older than the rest and has a real profession and is more mature. I think having these kids in their 20s who have not really exhausted all of their options for relationships should not be on here. They are too immature and just come off as fools, which I guess is what the show wants.

But, it is possible for older couples to have drama - remember when Dallas Dave and Amber were talking about how they would be able to move into a senior village in a few years, and Dave had to point out that they would still have teenage children? Sure, she was older, but not real bright.

I think Jessica ( or anyone for that matter ) would have been in the same position as Mindy  , Meka or Taylor had she not lucked out with Austin . I feel like on this show , part of it is putting work into it , but a majority of it is if you luck out with a good/ not famewhore narcissist partner . Brandon would have had a horrible temper with anyone , Michael would have been a liar with anyone and Zach would have been a narcissist who’s only in it for promotion with anyone . Jessica completely lucked out with how mild mannered and sweet Austin is because the rest of these guys are horrific 

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4 hours ago, Blissfool said:

This whole show is just so producer-driven.

I ALWAYS wonder if they are handing out scripts.

Now I'm wondering if the producers had an agenda and picked couples to match??

1) Shoe In couple- Jessica/Austin (we don't want other Bobby/Danielle boring level but someone has to stay together)

2) Quit Early couple -Mindy/Zach (hey we haven't had  a good one since Miami season but there was Molly/Jon --about time for one?)

3) Toddler couple- Taylor/Brandon (do we need one that can act like children and not play nice in the sandbox? AJ didn't like get along with the producers, can we top that?)

What else? Let roll the dice with two more couples.

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25 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Don't forget Mindy.  Though I wonder why she took so damn long to leave Zach.  I just wish Meka would tell the experts that they should take her sham marriage and shove it.

*I did forget Mindy to be saved (out of sight, out of mind)....He-who-won't-be-named gets an ice floe seat....

Edited by humbleopinion
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7 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I think Jessica ( or anyone for that matter ) would have been in the same position as Mindy  , Meka or Taylor had she not lucked out with Austin . I feel like on this show , part of it is putting work into it , but a majority of it is if you luck out with a good/ not famewhore narcissist partner . Brandon would have had a horrible temper with anyone , Michael would have been a liar with anyone and Zach would have been a narcissist who’s only in it for promotion with anyone . Jessica completely lucked out with how mild mannered and sweet Austin is because the rest of these guys are horrific 

Good point about a lot of it being sheer luck.

If Jessica was paired with Zach, or last season's Luke, she'd have suffered the same fate as Mindy or Amber.

If you've listened to "Dirty John", there's a segment at the very end of the podcast with his first wife, who is now happily married to a really good guy for 15 years.  When asked how she "found" Dirty John, she said she put a lot of it down to sheer bad luck.  Note:  I'm not comparing these guys to Dirty John, but just the fact that so much of it is luck.

There HAVE been many awesome guys on this show.  This season, Austin and Derek both seem to be great guys.  In prior seasons, Greg (of Greg & Deonna), Anthony (with Ashley), Bobby (Danielle), and I'm sure I'm missing more.

This season, there are 3 hot mess guys:  Zach, Michael, Brandon, and our hot mess girl award winners are Katie and Taylor.

I think the other girls are great:  Mindy, Jessica, Meka.  

Poor Meka has been given such a bad situation, that it's brought out the worst in her.  But look how she lit up when she was having fun with Taylor.  She just needs a great guy to bring out her light.

Plus, I loved that Meka sat down with Michael's sister for some insight.  Shows true character, and a true willingness to work it out.  But ya can't do nothin' with a lyin' piece o' crap.

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6 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Good point about a lot of it being sheer luck.

If Jessica was paired with Zach, or last season's Luke, she'd have suffered the same fate as Mindy or Amber.

If you've listened to "Dirty John", there's a segment at the very end of the podcast with his first wife, who is now happily married to a really good guy for 15 years.  When asked how she "found" Dirty John, she said she put a lot of it down to sheer bad luck.  Note:  I'm not comparing these guys to Dirty John, but just the fact that so much of it is luck.

I am very glad that luck has been brought up.  You could be the greatest human being ever, and still end up with a jerk.  Two people go to a party, one meets their soulmate, the other meets a serial killer.  It's all about luck, good and/or bad.

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3 hours ago, Retired at last said:

What I would really really like (using the word correctly) would be in it was in their contracts that every time anyone uses the word 'like' as a filler, they would be docked a fine. It could be small - even a nickel or dime - and by the tine the show was over, I would bet almost every one of them, especially the women, would OWE money. It has become too annoying to watch. (And that is not including the many other grammatical errors that are also noted). I am not too thrilled with the future of our country if these are the future leaders.

Hopefully our actual future leaders are out there doing better things than famewhoring on low-rent reality shows 😄 

3 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Speaking of drinking, I really did not like Taylor egging Brandon on to drink when he clearly said NO. Many joined in, but she was really pushing it. Again, she knows how to trigger him. I just thought it was interesting since many people suggested that he may be an alcoholic, but he managed to not drink with this crowd.

He managed not to do shots with them because he doesn't want his drinking problem out there; he was swilling from that red solo cup all night.  The producer even mentioned it when Brandon was acting like an ass to production.

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At first I thought Brandon was acting like an ass to production, then I saw production and that changed my mind.  Production is fucking shady.  What would have happened to their little show if Brandon, Taylor, Michael and Meka went the way of Mindy and said, "get me out of this bullshit marriage?"

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42 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I ALWAYS wonder if they are handing out scripts.

I think they do. And I think Derek is a bad actor. His stilted, "Are. You. O....k?" As Katie angrily left the dining area.😂

Also, Taylor was borderline smiling during the fight in the bathroom.

42 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Now I'm wondering if the producers had an agenda and picked couples to match??

1) Shoe In couple- Jessica/Austin (we don't want other Bobby/Danielle boring level but someone has to stay together)

2) Quit Early couple -Mindy/Zach (hey we haven't had  a good one since Miami season but there was Molly/Jon --about time for one?)

3) Toddler couple- Taylor/Brandon (do we need one that can act like children and not play nice in the sandbox? AJ didn't like get along with the producers, can we top that?)

What else? Let roll the dice with two more couples.

The angry black woman couple. Although, I understand this stereotype is wrong, the show seems to edit the show in such a way that portrays one black wife per season as being angry/unreasonable ...Sheila, Jasmine, Meka.

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I don't know who is scarier -- Brandon and his anger management issues or Taylor doing her best acting during his outburst to secure her next reality show role.  Both of them may be sociopaths.  

Imagine what Brandon would be like if there were no cameras?  

Katie is fucking exhausting. It's clear.  What she wants from Derek is to be the bad boy.  Derek, just act like a fucking jerk and all is good.

Michael just can't stop lying.  It was to see Jessica picking apart his lies.

Meanwhile, Austin loves her.  I feel like production made him not use those words b/c there just isn't drama.

EDITED to remove "violent."

Edited by sasha206
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21 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Meka and Taylor trying to match?

The jilted twins.

Why the hell is this show 2 hours? We don't need this excursion shit. It's not interesting on any level.

Hmm. I kind of like the excursion stuff. If I’m ever allowed out of the house again I might visit the Shenandoah Valley. 😊

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4 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Good catch!  Plate with eggs, sausage, and something like potatoes, and her fork is busy digging in.  She is yes...eating!

If Michael had sat his ass at the table and watched her eat instead of walking off with Brandon, he could have revenge grilled her.  I would have loved to see her explain herself.

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1) Shoe In couple- Jessica/Austin (we don't want other Bobby/Danielle boring level but someone has to stay together)

2) Quit Early couple -Mindy/Zach (hey we haven't had  a good one since Miami season but there was Molly/Jon --about time for one?)

3) Toddler couple- Taylor/Brandon (do we need one that can act like children and not play nice in the sandbox? AJ didn't like get along with the producers, can we top that?)

What else? Let roll the dice with two more couples.

This is fun! How about

4) Slow Implosion Couple - Katie/Derek (starts off ok — hey, they might make it! — then tiny chinks appear with increasing frequency until everything crashes and burns, over and over, ad nauseum. Extra points for ironic job titles.)

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8 hours ago, sometimesjennifer said:

It struck me that every time he brought up the fact that he did initiate sex with her and was shot down, she would shout "I'M DONE" and stomp off.

Actually, she said "I'M DONE-A!"  Why do people add extra syllables to words like that?

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I don't know who is scarier -- Brandon and his anger management issues or Taylor doing her best acting during his violent outburst to secure her next reality show role. 

I am confused.  What is so scary about a person expressing anger?  Anger is a normal emotion.  True, Brandon is a man-child, but still.  I don't see Brandon as being violent at all.  What has happened that expressing anger, even if it's yelling has become scary? 

As for how Brandon would be with no cameras, I assume he's living right now with no cameras. 

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