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S04.E07: Who's Crying Now

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7 hours ago, Spike said:

I bet even hookers reject him as too creepy.

He’s horrible, just horrible.  Poor desperate Rose.  

4 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Ed is saying leg hair is "gross.". Ed is saying that!  Ed!!

Yes, it’s almost impossible to believe.  Does he not see himself at all?  

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It is entirely possible to have the condition that Ed has (missing cervical vertebra e) but not be horrible.  If he had normal proportions he would look ok as his face is acceptable.  But he is Such A Skeeve!!!

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Just now, Granny58 said:

Watching someone waiting for a phone call is not must see tv 😴

This has been going on since the beginning.  Waste of time and just a filler.  Darcy looks terrible.  Gained weight, face bloated, lips overdone.  She brought her suitcase for overnight hoping.  Connecticut is only one hour away.

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Darcey at the start of the episode: "Fuck Tom. I'm gonna give him what for and tell him that he can take his little trollop and get out of my life."
Darcey towards the end of the episode: "But... but... I thought we were going to see where we stand and if we can move forward? That's why I came to New York!"

Oh, Darcey. Never change. 

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Shoutout to whomever said on the live chat thread “smells like grease and freedom”.  My 600 lb life is my other favorite show 💜

Darcey is so embarrassing. She’s like a 14 year old.  And those boobs.  Put them away, you’re too old for that.  I feel like at one point Tom complimented her on them. 

Yolandas story is so fake.  She is hamming it up for the cameras.  So fake.  

Nasty Geoffrey can get off my screen with his barely-leashed anger and crazy eyes. And Ed needs some help for the sweating.  

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Yolanda's story is certainly following a script of what happens with catfishers, isn't it? Right down to the extortion when the relationship lie falls apart. 

Oh well, she and David can get together. They both live in Vegas and both exist. Although, I saw a post suggesting David and Debbie, since they are close in age and both love cats. Maybe Yolanda and Debbie can fight over him.

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So I am amazed that RM  convinced little ed to shave his facial hair in exchange for her shaving her legs. But then in all the interviews, his face is all hairy again. Does that mean they broke up already?

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Yolanda's story is just boring. I don't know how she can keep a straight face when talking about his "British" accent. I've wondered if TLC dubbed a Nigerian voice over the guy's real voice to make her look even more ridiculous. 

I'm sorry, Graves Disease or whatever aside, I can't look at Ash's face. It jolts me every time. My husband walked into the room tonight at one pivotal scene that I'd happened to pause it on and he jumped three feet in the air hollering, "Jesus Christ!" Unlike the others, though, I think this may be a legit relationship (or as legit as this show gets). 

It was nice of Usman to invite his favorite elementary school teacher to his talent show, but taking her home with him is a bit much. 

I hate this word, HATE it, but Tom "triggered" me. He reminds me of every asshole I've ever dated. He clearly wants to extend his 15 minutes and it's obvious that he thought he could on his own but now realizes he needs Darcey for it. When he asked her if she'd lost weight, I was hoping she'd ask him if he'd grown a dick yet. That fucker gets under MY skin and I don't even know him. 

Bad Egg needs to take a chill pill. I can't stand the way he asks her to do something and then nods. It's manipulative. Asking her to shave her legs when homeboy reeks of spoiled egg salad and body odor. Yeah, Rose is poor. We know. Her poverty does not excuse your rudeness, though. Her family had dressed nicely and prepared food. You thank them, show your appreciation, and then privately write about how sad it all is in your diary. 

Also, in a lot of countries "homely" means the same as our "homey." I remember the first time I was on the Dingle Peninsula and ate at the "Homely Cafe." I was totally confused. And how all the pensions and inns advertised themselves as "homely." At first I was like, you know, that's cool. They OWN their crap. Then I realized that it had a different meaning. Oops. For a year I thought I just had weird taste and actually liked the ugly places. 

Geoffrey not going there with a gift. We're from the same part of the world, dude. You know better than that. 

Wish Varya's cab driver had just made a run for it while Geoffrey was on the side of the road climbing through weeds in Siberia. You had your chance girlfriend. You could've had a clean break right then and there. 

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2 minutes ago, Colfrmb2 said:

So I am amazed that RM  convinced little ed to shave his facial hair in exchange for her shaving her legs. But then in all the interviews, his face is all hairy again. Does that mean they broke up already?

i was thinking that very thing 

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So, um, I wasn't the only one that noticed that Yolanda's texts weren't going through because "Williams" disconnected that number, right? 

There was something weird about the email, too, but I haven't seen a screencap yet.

Also, rules don't apply to Big Beluga Visa:

No man will ever take control of Darcey again heheheh:


and Rose saves the episode with her facial expressions:


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How fucking long are they going to drag out this Williams shit? Yolanda is dumber than dirt. If I was her daughter, I’d call him to let him know that I’ll be sending a hit man to find him and he”d better leave Yolanda alone and never contact her or answer his calls ever again

Ed is such a pervy little troll. I was actually nauseated from watching the leg shaving!!






Edited by nytonc
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31 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Tom... reminds me of every asshole I've ever dated. He clearly wants to extend his 15 minutes and it's obvious that he thought he could on his own but realizes he needs Darcey for it.

Jesse did the same thing. Will BOTH of them show up for the Tell All?

Yolanda is wearing graham cracker earrings  

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39 minutes ago, Colfrmb2 said:

But then in all the interviews, his face is all hairy again. Does that mean they broke up already

All the Talking Heads appear to be filmed at the same time, probably at end of the season. But I’ll bet Ed can regrow a beard practically overnight 

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I don’t blame Rose for wanting to give her boy a better life.  Where she lives is in shambles.  God, we are so lucky.

I'm with you. She can endure this for 2.5 years and will have figured out America by then. I think Ed is her best bet, no matter how repulsive he is. My God, the greasy comb-over when he was lying on his side. But God knows what she's been through, although her father seemed quite decent.

1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

Yolandas story is so fake.  She is hamming it up for the cameras.  So fake.  


Oh, I really hope so!

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quite clearly, all these couples are fake. However, the one that gets under my skin is Avery-Ash, whom I do not believe are a real couple, but I do think they have sex when they see each other. what skeeves me is Avery casually mentioning that Ash plans to have his son move to the US with him, despite her never having met Ash, his son, or his son's mother. What I do see is that both Avery and Ash have some entreprenureal hustles - she with her "dope" cooking blog, he with a relationship coaching book he is currently trying to hawk. He lives with his dentist brother, whom Im pretty sure foots most of the rent and lets Ash stay. 

Im just curious if anyone else (if you are a mom) saw this, imagined your S/O who is now your ex wanting to move your child across the world permenantly to live with some :dope" cook


Edited by Lily247
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3 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

quite clearly, all these couples are fake. However, the one that gets under my skin is Avery-Ash, whom I do not believe are a real couple, but I do think they have sex when they see each other. what skeeves me is Avery casually mentioning that Ash plans to have his son move to the US with him, despite her never having met Ash, his son, or his son's mother. What I do see is that both Avery and Ash have some entreprenureal hustles - she with her "dope" cooking blog, he with a relationship coaching book he is currently trying to hawk. He lives with his dentist brother, whom Im pretty sure foots most of the rent and lets Ash stay. 

Im just curious if anyone else (if you are a mom) saw this, imagined your S/O who is now your ex wanting to move your child across the world permenantly to live with some :dope" cook


The "dope" part doesn't bother me. I think marijuana should be legalized everywhere. But the taking of my child to the other side of the world? Yeah, not gonna happen. 

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Is pot legal is Australia? I sure know you shouldn't fly with it! (Assuming any of us will fly again...) 

I'm enjoying the little glimpses of the foreign journeys...places I'll likely never go. The Australian side trip looks gorgeous (although why would she need a getaway when she just got away from the US)?

I don't know if everyone gets the same ads, but we're off Princess Toast and onto the Geico road service ad with the cute dorky girl and her hilarious howling little dog. The lower, out-of-tune howl at the end slays me! Owooooooooooo!

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