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S16.E20: Sing It Again

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Owen and Link treat an older woman who wakes up from surgery and can't stop singing, while Teddy helps Koracick stay afloat after an estranged loved one from his past comes to the hospital looking for help. Meredith, Bailey and Maggie focus their efforts on a difficult patient with a tricky diagnosis.


Original air date: 4/2/20

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Catherine is telling Jackson to work harder to figure this out?  She does know he is in plastics, right? A plastics surgeon has no expertise in what's going on with Richard. This is a job for Amelia and Korasic only, as this is most likely neuro. Nothing related to cardio, general surgery, or plastics. It might be a nice touch trying to bring everyone together to save him, but it would be nice if the show tried to stay in the realm of possibility.

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On 3/28/2020 at 4:11 PM, statsgirl said:

Meredith:  Richard, I can fix you.

Of course it's going to be something that St. Meredith can fix by operating.

As it should be.

The show isn't called Grey's Anatomy for nuthin!

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Even after the scene with Bailey I spent most of the episode wondering if DeLuca was really there or was it another of Richard's hallucinations/delusions. And then I was irritated with Bailey all over again that she is treating DeLuca like he is a nuisance. And I was doubly irritated that there was, of course, no follow-up to anyone at least telling poor DeLuca that he was right about the human trafficking girl from two weeks ago.

I honestly have no idea what the show is trying to do with Teddy. I like her and Tom better than her and Owen, or at least the version of Teddy/Tom we got last season when Teddy was pregnant, but this Teddy? Tom and Owen deserve better.

Edited by LexieLily
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Grey's is twisting itself to make Deloser the most smartest. (Tm: Drop Dead Gorgeous, 1999) It'd be sad if it wasn't so ridiculous. They are clearly trying to save face for pairing the leading lady with such a dud. 

Teddy is terrible. 

Richard deserves better. Got a kick out of him calling Catherine "Adele", though! Adele was the much better wife/character. 

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I actually liked this one. And don't think there was a crossover, don't watch station 19 but it didn't seem like any bleed over cases. Teddy/ Owen is so not going to end well. I am still loving Amelia and Linc their scenes together are so sweet..

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9 hours ago, nokat said:

You are all making me think I should stop the upcoming recording.

Also, isn't it a Station 19 crossover?

I have no idea since I pay no attention to S19 but there were a bunch of patients in the ER with smoke inhalation or burns or... something fire-related, with no explanation (that I heard, anyway) of where they came from, so I'll guess yes, there's some crossover. It was more a vehicle for a subplot about Glasses expecting his new roomie Jo to not treat him like the colossal fuck up he is at work (and being sorely disappointed) than anything to do with S19, though. Oh, and also him obsessing over his ex's social media like a seventh grader. (And why are a surgical attending and a surgical resident assessing smoke inhalation in the ER? Who the hell knows?)

Oh, and whatever your hangups are, Tom, expecting the woman having contractions to do brain surgery on a little kid is just...what?

Edited by ams1001
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This really should have been a standalone episode for Richard.

But no, he gets relegated to the C plot, in favour of dumbass Singing Patient (which got more air time, btw). 

Teddy.... *sighs* Honestly, I used to really like Teddy but now she's fairly insufferable. I know Tom actively encouraged Teddy to cheat and he sucks for that...but I STILL think he deserves better than Teddy, who is justifying her cheating and continuing to do it with no regard for Owen's feelings. Same with Owen, who has actually been alright this season. Granted, they've given as little to him as possible in terms of an actual story, which is a smart move, since I can tolerate him better this way. But even Owen doesn't deserve having his fiancee cheat on him for months with the guy she was originally with before she left him for Owen. 

Back to Tom, this was an excellent episode for him. His ex wife is a total asshole, perhaps even worse than him. She brought Not David to Tom, pretending that she had no idea that bringing him there would hurt him, acting butthurt when he was having a difficult time, AND then decided to still hug him and pretend that everything's fine....and I vaguely recall a story about her cheating on him after their son's death.

Also, I assume that the kid isn't actually Tom's second kid and that the ex was lying; I assume that because not even Tom had the question about if that was his kid since he looks so much like David, their son who died. 

So, Catherine can say that she can't be on the case because she's Richard's wife...but Maggie can be on the case. I mean, I'd get it if Catherine said that she had no experience because she operates on penises and the issue clearly isn't there (or is it? Dun dun duhhh!), but Maggie and even Meredith are just fine to be on the case? And also, the two completely dismiss the clock stuff without letting Richard finish the test? 

I assume there will be a miracle cure, just because the show is treating Richard's case so casually, as if there's no rush to be worried. When they put Richard's medical mystery as a C plot, it's clear that they have a plan that will cure him of the sudden onset of delusions and hand tremors that literally just appeared four episodes ago. 

So Amelia's in labour! LOL, jokes, never mind! She's not in labour! But they have her screaming like a banshee, like all TV women in labour do, acting like she was in active labour and two hours away from giving birth. Although I laughed at Amelia/Link screaming at each other, I'm tired of the screaming woman in labour trope that so many TV shows go to. 

Schmitt...shut up. He's an absolutely useless resident. Jo, I wouldn't trust him to help out in trauma if he was the only resident around. We've seen that Schmitt is incapable of leading anything or being of use in a trauma situation unless someone is there to hold his hand. They're fine as roommates, but I don't want that bleeding over into their work life. 

Hi Deluca! You got back from your week long motorcycle trip! And either they're going to pretend that Deluca just had a mental breakdown and he's fine, or these people are further enabling whatever mental illness that he does have just to get results. Which....whatever, Deluca still needs some psychiatric help, no matter which direction they go, and Bailey/Meredith blatantly ignoring the issue (as well as Carina, who conveniently is off with Maya at some resort) isn't going to help matters...again, granted they aren't just going to dismiss his arc by saying "LOL, he's fine! He cured Richard (probably)". I totally expect them to go that route, as well. With how they set up Meredith/Deluca to sit in a room for hours, they'll likely find the answer, whether it's a cure or whatever, and Deluca will be a hero who gets back together with The Sun, despite the fact that even Deluca should be saying Hell to the No after how they both treated each other.

*sighs* That was clearly a rant I needed to have.

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This episode reminded me of why I liked Koracick in the first place and made me realize how Greg Germann has been criminally wasted since they've made him a regular. I really liked his storyline tonight. 

Am I suppose to hate Teddy? Because I do. Both Tom and Owen deserve better than her. What the hell are they doing with her character?

I cannot even handle all of the ridiculousness involved with Richard's storyline. No, the PLASTICS guy shouldn't be on a team for what is clearly a neurological condition. Honestly? Meredith, Maggie, and Bailey shouldn't be on his team, either. It's all so ridiculous. And am I the only person who is confused as to where the hell this storyline even came from before last week? Richard had a tremor in his hand, and all of a sudden he is having hallucinations and has no idea that he's married to Catherine? What?????? The only reason this storyline even has a shot in hell of working is due to James Pickens, Jr.'s acting. 

What the hell are they doing with DeLuca? He was suspended and now he's back at the hospital helping? Is no one going to bring up his breakdown a couple of weeks ago? WTF?

Glasses...I don't care.

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Glasses spent the episode complaining to Jo that his ex was happy. Seriously, Levi? Do you know what just happened to Jo?

Did the singing lady ever get cured? Or was that just dropped once Owen decided to marry Teddy right now.

Koracik's story was good although since he was saying how much Guthrie is like David, I wondered if she had used frozen fertilized eggs from her ex like Izzie had.  I'm glad Koracik had a adult win finally.

Amelia suddenly not being in so much pain when she found out that they were just Braxton Hicks was funny and very realistic.

So those were the good parts of the episode. Now to Richard's story and his lightning speed dementia. No

29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Catherine can say that she can't be on the case because she's Richard's wife...but Maggie can be on the case. I mean, I'd get it if Catherine said that she had no experience because she operates on penises and the issue clearly isn't there (or is it? Dun dun duhhh!), but Maggie and even Meredith are just fine to be on the case? And also, the two completely dismiss the clock stuff without letting Richard finish the test?

Catherine badgering everyone while not working on the case just proves how useless she is. When my father was sick, my mother was his most useful diagnostician becuase she paid the most attention (She also reported a problem with a drug that was taken off the market.)

Maggie and Meredith did end the clock test before it showed anything specific about Richard's problem but it's not like Maggie, the cardio-thoracic surgeon, or Meredith, the general surgeon, had a clue how to interpret it.  What a mess-up.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Koracik's story was good although since he was saying how much Guthrie is like David, I wondered if she had used frozen fertilized eggs from her ex like Izzie had.  I'm glad Koracik had a adult win finally.

My mom had that exact same reaction and commentary!

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Did the singing lady ever get cured? Or was that just dropped once Owen decided to marry Teddy right now.

I have no idea and I was a little put off by how cavalierly Owen (and also Linc, but mostly Owen) treated the singing problem and essentially threw up his hands, said they didn't know what called it, and pretty much told the husband he might have to learn to live with it.

Though that storyline did give me one of the best lines of the night. "This hospital broke my wife!"

Edited by LexieLily
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On 3/31/2020 at 12:24 AM, WinJet0819 said:

Catherine is telling Jackson to work harder to figure this out?  She does know he is in plastics, right? A plastics surgeon has no expertise in what's going on with Richard. This is a job for Amelia and Korasic only, as this is most likely neuro. Nothing related to cardio, general surgery, or plastics. It might be a nice touch trying to bring everyone together to save him, but it would be nice if the show tried to stay in the realm of possibility.

Reality like having your trauma surgeon assist in an orthopedic surgery.  One that the ortho should have been able to do with one hand tied behind his back

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Isn't Jo's place a studio? Where is Glasses sleeping? On the couch? Also, how long are two adults (I use that term loosely with this show, and especially with Glasses), especially ones who are not a couple, going to want to share a one-room apartment? I don't even want to share a one-room apartment with myself!

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9 hours ago, PepSinger said:

This episode reminded me of why I liked Koracick in the first place and made me realize how Greg Germann has been criminally wasted since they've made him a regular. I really liked his storyline tonight. 

Am I suppose to hate Teddy? Because I do. Both Tom and Owen deserve better than her. What the hell are they doing with her character?

I cannot even handle all of the ridiculousness involved with Richard's storyline. No, the PLASTICS guy shouldn't be on a team for what is clearly a neurological condition. Honestly? Meredith, Maggie, and Bailey shouldn't be on his team, either. It's all so ridiculous. And am I the only person who is confused as to where the hell this storyline even came from before last week? Richard had a tremor in his hand, and all of a sudden he is having hallucinations and has no idea that he's married to Catherine? What?????? The only reason this storyline even has a shot in hell of working is due to James Pickens, Jr.'s acting. 

What the hell are they doing with DeLuca? He was suspended and now he's back at the hospital helping? Is no one going to bring up his breakdown a couple of weeks ago? WTF?

Glasses...I don't care.

So much of this. Tom has been wasted on this stupid piece with Teddy at this point, just have her go: "originally I loved women and the love of my life died in 9/11, I can't be with anyone because I'm betraying her." I love to see both Owen and Tom go: "WTF?" 

As for Richard, just what the hell is this? It's like the writers threw every neurological disease in a hat and its symptons and then wrote it in page by page. I was waiting for Richard to then have a seizure followed by his slurring of words. I also like how he just got up, walked into the OR and grabbed a scaple and no one stopped him or went: "Oh there goes Dr. Webber, wonder why he is listed as a patient and has a gown in and is now walking into an OR with no patients when we have a hella of a lot in the ER now. Nah, he's fine!" 

  Same with Deluca with: "You are suspended." WHY IS HE NOT WITH A SHRINK? He has a family history of bipolarism, he had a major break down and Bailey and Meredith just magically forget: "Oh by the way, you were right about the human trafficking, our bad." 

Same with Tom's ex-wife's second son. Who looks like his brother, slightly sounds like him and has apparently a similar cancer as his brother. So, unless everything is carried on his mother's side. Sounds like it's Tom's kid that HE NEVER KNEW ABOUT! The drama!

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2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Isn't Jo's place a studio? Where is Glasses sleeping? On the couch? Also, how long are two adults (I use that term loosely with this show, and especially with Glasses), especially ones who are not a couple, going to want to share a one-room apartment? I don't even want to share a one-room apartment with myself!

Or could you know start looking for a new one until the lease is up or just put it on the market. Plus, my GOD! They have made Schmitt even more pathetic with him talking about how his mother folded his underwear to the fact she can't "talk about his life" no matter what. So, apparently Schmitt had: his father leave, his uncle who was closeted gay and had his "wife" pretend all these years he was straight, who also paid for his medical school. Who apparently couldn't stand the sight of blood, and wanted to be a sugerion and only got contacts because he was "in love" followed by him magically being in love with lying Nico and is now even more pathetic. Makes us want to care? If anything, I know it's a paycheck but I think the actor should be going: "This is bullshit!" "This is worse than Teddy's character." 

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Ugh, Maggie's complete lack of professionalism when Richard was doing the neuropsych test was SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I know it's upsetting to see someone you love like this, but newsflash - this is one of the reasons why doctors aren't supposed to treat family members. If you can't keep your shit together then you should politely excuse yourself and leave the room. What you should NOT do is grab the test and take it away while he's still working on it. Gawd.

Similarly I know that Catherine is upset about Richard but she needs to stop berating the doctors. Does she think insulting them and belittling will somehow help them figure out what's wrong with him? I was especially annoyed when she started in on Jackson. I mean, yes, he's a doctor so he has medical knowledge but do you really expect your plastic surgeon son to diagnose what's wrong with Richard? Give me a break. If that's the game we're playing then Catherine should have figured out what's wrong with him already since she's a doctor too. I just laughed and rolled my eyes when she said she couldn't work on his case because she's family. You know, because that's stopped the doctors at GS from working on each other so many times in the past.

Schmitt is so immature that he was going to sleep at the hospital because he thought Jo was being mean to him at work. It never crossed his pea brain that the reason she was yelling at him was because he was staring at pictures of his ex instead of, you know, WORKING. And way to be entirely self centered - feel free to go on and on about how happy your ex is to a woman whose husband just left her.

Koracik FINALLY gets a storyline that doesn't revolve around Teddy (yay!) once again proving that he has been absolutely wasted on all the Teddy/Owen drama for the last year.

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Man.. Some of y'all really can't stand the show huh... I really enjoyed the epi... Minus the teddy stuff... Didn't she have all of Maggie's cases for the day how'd she have all that time to pine with Tom... Only to turn around and rush into owen.... I really liked owen and Link together ( both have been good all season)  I liked their interactions and the case... 

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14 hours ago, dmc said:


Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away

^^^^ Shout out to Bill Withers who just passed away....

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I knew there was no way the singing wife couple would make it out of there without something going really wrong

I do wish shows could have a pregnant woman in labor not yell so much. It didn't hurt but I didn't yell. I did start trembling after it wore me down. 


I've never been a fan of Jo and certainly not Glasses. But Jo interacting with Glasses and knocking him into reality is Best Jo. I'm ok with this Jo (though I'd still be fine with Glasses stepping in front of a bus, etc)

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The highlight for me was Jackson calling out Catherine about how they thought Richard was depressed because she was divorcing him and forced him out of a job.  

When Richard mentioned Adele to Catherine and called Meredith "Ellis," that was heartbreaking.

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Ugh, Maggie's complete lack of professionalism when Richard was doing the neuropsych test was SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I know it's upsetting to see someone you love like this, but newsflash - this is one of the reasons why doctors aren't supposed to treat family members.

I know right? When they said they were waiting for Dr. Pierce I thought "Oh, surely they're not going to let Maggie operate on her own father after she just went into a tailspin over killing her cousin." Besides, Meredith has known Richard all her life, presumably, whereas Maggie has known him for a few years. And Meredith was able to hold it together and talk to him like a professional. 

I think enough has already been said about Glasses but ye Gods, between him and Maggie this hospital is staffed with doctors who behave like small children.

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7 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

I thought she was going to call Owen “Tom” in that scene!

That was literally what I was waiting for that entire scene, honestly. If this show insists on being a soap opera they might as well go all the way with it. 

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So this kid looks and sounds exactly like Koracick’s dead son did at the same age... what’s next on the cliche list?! One of the docs has an evil twin? (BTW did anyone else think the ex and her husband both looked way too old to be parents of a 10-year-old? They looked like they were in at least their mid-60s.)

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17 hours ago, PepSinger said:

This episode reminded me of why I liked Koracick in the first place and made me realize how Greg Germann has been criminally wasted since they've made him a regular. I really liked his storyline tonight. 

Am I suppose to hate Teddy? Because I do. Both Tom and Owen deserve better than her. What the hell are they doing with her character?

I cannot even handle all of the ridiculousness involved with Richard's storyline. No, the PLASTICS guy shouldn't be on a team for what is clearly a neurological condition. Honestly? Meredith, Maggie, and Bailey shouldn't be on his team, either. It's all so ridiculous. And am I the only person who is confused as to where the hell this storyline even came from before last week? Richard had a tremor in his hand, and all of a sudden he is having hallucinations and has no idea that he's married to Catherine? What?????? The only reason this storyline even has a shot in hell of working is due to James Pickens, Jr.'s acting. 

Couldn't agree more with all this.

Tom's storyline was the best thing about this episode, minus Teddy, a cardio surgeon, constantly hovering around Tom when she had no business being there. That was pretty much all she did for the episode, despite supposedly taking Maggie's case load for the day.

And maybe the show can try to invest in bringing in more attendings in different fields. The show makes it seem like Amelia and Tom were the ONLY available neurosurgeons at the hospital. So when Amelia has contractions, the only option is Tom. And of course, the only two in the country that can handle the kid's tumor. Not to mention how the hospital is supposedly short-staffed for the pit because five attendings are working on Richard.

It's like I said before, it's sweet that everyone wants to help Richard, but this is a neuro case for Shepherd and Koracick to work. Has nothing to do with cardio, general surgery, or plastics. He's having hallucinations where he thinks Catherine was with him in LA, and he's thinking he's doing surgery on a patient when he's actually working on himself. Really, what can Jackson be possibly researching on Richard's condition when his expertise is plastics? And it's silly for Catherine to be demanding he do more, when it's out of his wheelhouse.

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On 3/31/2020 at 12:24 AM, WinJet0819 said:

but it would be nice if the show tried to stay in the realm of possibility.

That ship sailed a long time ago.

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13 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ugh, Maggie's complete lack of professionalism when Richard was doing the neuropsych test was SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I know it's upsetting to see someone you love like this, but newsflash - this is one of the reasons why doctors aren't supposed to treat family members. If you can't keep your shit together then you should politely excuse yourself and leave the room. What you should NOT do is grab the test and take it away while he's still working on it. Gawd.

Maggie running off didn't bother me as much as the idea that Maggie and Meredith could administer and interpret neuropsych tests. It's harder to give a psychoanalytical test than it is to take it; it takes a lot of practice to give the tests as well as to interpret them.

I could have suspended my disbelief if it were Amelia or Koracik although it's not their job. But as soon as I saw that it was Maggie and Meredith doing the testing, I checked out of looking for any semblance of reality.

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I thought it was a pretty absorbing episode (unlike last week!), but wish they'd spent less time on the single couple. I got the sense maybe she was meant to be some sort of comic relief, but then the crash sort of did away with that. I liked Koracik in this. And the scene where Teddy talks him through being able to operate was really good, as was them holding hands in his office. I felt like her being with Owen after, she was probably just thinking of Tom. And apparently the stuff with her past relationship that was revealed last week was just forgotten? It felt like that never happened.

As for Richard, agreed that it felt like they threw every neurological symptom into the pot. It's happening too quickly for something like Alzheimer's, I think. They can't go to brain tumor again. I wonder about something like B12 deficiency, as that can cause neurological symptoms, plus is easily curable. Or, wait, hey, maybe they'll discover a new disease!


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10 minutes ago, LisaM said:

Perhaps Richard has a form of rapidly progressing dementia similar to Creutzfeld Jakob? 

They would have seen something on the brain scans if it was that. (Side note, one of my high school classmates died from that in his early 50s. What a horrible way to go.)

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53 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

They would have seen something on the brain scans if it was that. (Side note, one of my high school classmates died from that in his early 50s. What a horrible way to go.)

How true, I had a friend who's father turned into that he went in less than a year after diagnoise. 

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9 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

They would have seen something on the brain scans if it was that. (Side note, one of my high school classmates died from that in his early 50s. What a horrible way to go.)

Plus - it is not a disease which can be "fixed" so, if the plan is to have Meredith or one of the other doctors try to save Richard, the disease needs to be something which either medication or surgery can achieve. 

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So this kid looks and sounds exactly like Koracick’s dead son did at the same age... what’s next on the cliche list?! One of the docs has an evil twin? (BTW did anyone else think the ex and her husband both looked way too old to be parents of a 10-year-old? They looked like they were in at least their mid-60s.)

I suppose it's technically possible, but the odds of a woman having two identical children by two different fathers are astronomical. Unless Koracik and the other father are twin brothers, that is.


That was pretty much all she did for the episode, despite supposedly taking Maggie's case load for the day.

Maybe she has a lot of free time because Maggie doesn't actually have any patients. I sure as hell wouldn't want her to be my doctor.

Gun to your head: you are dying, and your only option is Grey Sloan. Which doctor do you want? I think maybe I'd choose Bailey, although I'd want to know what kind of day she's having first. Her kill rate is pretty low.

Edited by iMonrey
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On 4/3/2020 at 7:49 PM, statsgirl said:

Maggie running off didn't bother me as much as the idea that Maggie and Meredith could administer and interpret neuropsych tests. It's harder to give a psychoanalytical test than it is to take it; it takes a lot of practice to give the tests as well as to interpret them.

I could have suspended my disbelief if it were Amelia or Koracik although it's not their job. But as soon as I saw that it was Maggie and Meredith doing the testing, I checked out of looking for any semblance of reality.

I'm a post doctoral fellow in a pediatric neuropsychology private practice. I'M more qualified to give those tests than either Meredith or Maggie were, and I work primarily with kids and adolescents!

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No way someone could roll the kid in the wheelchair in for a second opinion and:

see a doctor immediately, undergo tests requiring time with big machines that are booked weeks in advance --and already strained with a full ER, have a surgery lasting hours (that dummy was looking especially plastic this week), and right away know that everything will be fine. Arghhh.

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On 4/5/2020 at 2:20 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I liked the singing patient storyline better when it was on Scrubs. 

THAT'S where I saw it before!  I kept trying to think of what hospital show it was on.  And you're right, Scrubs did a better job with it.

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On 4/2/2020 at 9:06 PM, statsgirl said:

Maggie and Meredith did end the clock test before it showed anything specific about Richard's problem but it's not like Maggie, the cardio-thoracic surgeon, or Meredith, the general surgeon, had a clue how to interpret it.  What a mess-up.

I thought the the clock test would show loss of bilateral conception, something anyone can observe. Apparently not, but yeah, we needed the drawing to be finished to see if there was a clue.

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On 4/3/2020 at 7:24 PM, LisaM said:

Perhaps Richard has a form of rapidly progressing dementia similar to Creutzfeld Jakob? 

We'd need a bit of foreshadowing. Like Richard reminiscing about the time he went to New Guinea with the Peace Corps.


Once again, Shondaland hates happy, stable couples.

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10 hours ago, PepSinger said:

that dummy was looking especially plastic this week),

At first, I actually thought she was practicing on a dummy, before doing the actual surgery.  I was quite surprised to find out that it was supposed to be the actual kid.  


On 4/4/2020 at 12:43 PM, iMonrey said:

I suppose it's technically possible, but the odds of a woman having two identical children by two different fathers are astronomical

I don't think they meant that the kids were identical, just that they looked a lot alike, which would be possible if they took after the mother with no features from the fathers.  Neither of my kids look like either hubby or I but they were spitting image of each other at birth.  We used to joke that my oldest was switched at birth since he didn't really look like either of us, until his sister came along and was a carbon copy.  Genetics are freaky!!

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On 4/3/2020 at 12:06 AM, statsgirl said:

Amelia suddenly not being in so much pain when she found out that they were just Braxton Hicks was funny and very realistic.

I loved her line read on that and the sheepish little grin she threw at Linc.  I've done that, gone to the doctor thinking I've got some horrible incurable disease only to find out it's something simple.   Suddenly my symptoms are so much better!!!

Although the amount of pain/expression on her face when she was in the OR, yelling at Tom that she couldn't continue with the operation, made me think that the doctor/nurse/whoever it was that told her it was Braxton HIcks was wrong.  I was sitting here thinking, are you sure it's just braxton hicks?!

Amelia has been one of my least favorite characters, but this season, she's been my favourite.  Clearly hooking her up with sweetheart Linc was what was necessary

Edited by perkie1968
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12 hours ago, PepSinger said:

It kept taking me out of the scene! It was terrible!

me too. Worst dummy ever. I really thought she was doing a trial run/practice surgery on a dummy. Then I thought oh, it's supposed to be the actual surgery, no wait--maybe it is practice after all... so bad. What the heck happened? it's not like doing TV surgeries just got invented this year. I've never seen such a bad dummy and that includes ER episodes from the 90s 

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3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

At first, I actually thought she was practicing on a dummy, before doing the actual surgery.  I was quite surprised to find out that it was supposed to be the actual kid. 

I totally thought they were doing a practice as well. I thought Amelia was doing a walkthrough over what she'd do before doing the surgery. Even after Korasick came to take over, I didn't know it was the actual kid until the monitor started beeping indicating he was arresting.

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