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S03.E11: Seize the Day

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The 118 responds to a skydiving trip gone wrong, a bank rep injured in a home repossession and a lovestruck assistant whose lunch run ends in disaster. Meanwhile, Athena and the family come to terms with Michael's difficult health decision and Chimney's half-brother from Korea unexpectedly shows up at his doorstep.

Airdate: 03/16/2020

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I am glad to have this back too.  I didn't watch 9-1-1 Lone Star, even though it was funny because the bumper said "9-1-1 Lone Star will return in one minute."  Oops.

I don't want Michael to die so I hope there's a miracle recovery for him.

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What a solid premiere back.

I actually was into Chimney's storyline with his brother. Even though Chimney was DEFINITELY projecting his feelings about his father onto Albert, he had some good points to make. Plus, his friends were being way too pushy with Chimney about Albert. Chimney was obviously uncomfortable so his friends should have dropped it immediately. 

I liked all the cases this week. I could have done without the case with the guy trying to take the house from the other guy in favour of more with the other characters. 

Michael's storyline was sad to watch, but I'm a bit disappointed that he opted against surgery. With this show, I know the chances of his tumor shrinking are quite high...but still. I did like his scene with May, though. I thought it was sweet and well done.

Hen and Karen get their first foster kid! What a cute kid, as well!

Buck also gets his leg issue resolved with a clean bill of health, which is great. Now I wonder where his storyline will take him. I did like his conversation with Maddie. Also, Maddie finally mentions their parents! That's a first for this show to even mention the Buckley parents. 

Not a lot of Athena or Bobby...but honestly, I'm glad. It's good for them to take more of a backseat, even for just one episode. It's good to focus on the other characters.

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This show is light years better than the Texas knock-off. 

I really liked Albert and wouldn't mind seeing him stay around and become a recurring character.  I knew Maddie and Chimney were expecting the Lees at the end, but was I the only one expecting her to open the door and find Chimney's father standing there? 

I'd like to see the lunch place become sort of an unofficial hangout for the 118 just so we could see more of the cashier.  I really liked her in just the short snippet we saw. 

Liked the foreclosure storyline solely because we got the "I don't have the guts for it" punchline from the victim. 

I think the writing is on the wall for Michael.  Refusing cancer treatments usually doesn't end well for TV characters.  (See Smurf on Animal Kingdom).  Speaking of Michael, looked like Dunbar hit the gym quite a bit during the hiatus.  He was probably the healthiest looking cancer patient I've ever seen.  Or, maybe wardrobe just shrunk his shirts. 

2 hours ago, TVForever said:

That was My Two Dads and Shari Belafonte on the fishing trip, am I right?

I'm old.  I first thought of BJ and the Bear.  

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11 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

 Chim’s brother looked really young which is amazing since I remember him from “The Librarians.”

JLH looked pregnant. She made all the classic moves like putting a pillow in her lap and standing behind counters. 

Thought the same thing.

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I'm from Bizarro Universe, I liked 911 Lone Star so thought I would give this a try after recommendations from posters on the LS thread. I made it half way through before  turning to another channel. Being three seasons behind and not knowing any of the players doesn't make it easy to start a new show. I didn't give a care about any of their personal stories. Yeah, I'm heartless I guess.  I did like the opening segment with the sky diver, but the fish segment made me look away. Not a good time to be eating dinner while watching.

I'll try again next week.

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11 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

 Chim’s brother looked really young which is amazing since I remember him from “The Librarians.”

JLH looked pregnant. She made all the classic moves like putting a pillow in her lap and standing behind counters. 

I was trying to figure out how I knew the brother.  Thanks for the heads up, the non accent threw me off.

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I thought the skydiver rescue was ridiculous. I'm used to absurd cases -  it's sort of the hallmark of this show. But that was just silly. The second they grabbed the guy to undo his harness it was as though the plane above them froze in place for an instant to give them time to do that. There's no way on earth they would have been able to pull that off, and they weren't even able to make it look believable. 

I did enjoy the story with Chim's brother, he was kind of adorable. But I guess it's just going to be a running joke that they never tell us why Chim is called Chim. Could chimney be some sort of phallic reference?

I thought JLH was pregnant too but in that last scene they made a point of showing us her belted waist. Maybe it was CGI. Who were the people Chim introduced her to? At first I thought it was his mother and stepfather, but he introduced them as the people who raised him. ?


Yes!  Greg Evigan

It makes me sad when TV stars who used to be a big deal and had their own shows are reduced to making small guest appearances on other shows. 

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15 hours ago, Bulldog said:

I'd like to see the lunch place become sort of an unofficial hangout for the 118 just so we could see more of the cashier.  I really liked her in just the short snippet we saw. 

I loved this rescue storyline.  She was great.  And the whole thing was just background or a Cyrano de Bergerac (thanks Hen) ripoff was lighthearted fun.  It was charming.  I think I grinned through the whole thing.

The fish storyline... first good call on Greg Evigan.  I was like... he looks soo familiar.  Second, ick.  I had to look away as soon as he dangled it above his mouth.  No.

I thought they completely overdid the everybody loves Albert stuff so immediately. 

Nice comeback.  And even though I generally liked Lonestar, I miss the OG and I especially miss bright, natural light!!!

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Then the other moron who didn't have the sack to ask someone out on a date.  He walks right into copper pipe.  That entire scene was incredibly stupid.  Not even high school level stupid.  Have some balls ask the dude out.

Yeah I forgot about that groaner of a story. Actually the least believable part for me was that the guy he was crushing on agreed to ride in the ambulance with him. WTF? You don't even know the guy and he can't even talk right now. Exchange numbers and meet up later. Sheesh.



 Being three seasons behind and not knowing any of the players doesn't make it easy to start a new show. I didn't give a care about any of their personal stories. Yeah, I'm heartless I guess.  I did like the opening segment with the sky diver, but the fish segment made me look away. Not a good time to be eating dinner while watching.

I appreciate that it's hard to jump in when you don't know any of the characters. But for my money, this show has done a far better job of developing those characters than Lone Star did with theirs. I think that's why I much prefer this version, the characters feel more real to me. With Lone Star it just feels like there's an agenda behind every one of them. Doesn't make you heartless, though - you just don't know any of them.

But neither version is a show you'd want to watch while you're eating, frankly.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I thought JLH was pregnant too but in that last scene they made a point of showing us her belted waist. Maybe it was CGI. Who were the people Chim introduced her to? At first I thought it was his mother and stepfather, but he introduced them as the people who raised him

They were the people he moved in with after his mom died. They are Kevin’s parents. They were in the episode that had Chims backstory on how he became a firefighter/paramedic

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I, too, worried about the fish the entire time and wished we had seen it thrown back into the lake. The fact that it survived that man's throat and but died after being removed makes me too sad. 

@saber5055 - I only started watching this show at the start of Season 3 because I had nothing much else on Mondays and I kept seeing the promo for the Tsunami. It honestly didn't take me very long to understand who all the characters were and how they were related to one another. That being said, it's definitely more difficult to get into it in the middle of the season like you are, but I hope you'll give it another try. 

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12 hours ago, anna0852 said:

Yeah I thought for sure Maddie is pregnant. She totally looked it.

I've noticed since JLH was on the show they frequently camouflage her hips and stomach as if she's pregnant, and she wears loose clothing in that area.  I'm thinking maybe she has some post-natal baby weight but it still seems unlikely to me that they would hide it on this show.  Maybe it's her choice because she feels self-conscious?

Also, why doesn't Chim's brother speak with an accent since he just arrived from Korea where he grew up, what did I miss there?  

Edited by JasminePhyllisia
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7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Actually the least believable part for me was that the guy he was crushing on agreed to ride in the ambulance with him. WTF? You don't even know the guy and he can't even talk right now. Exchange numbers and meet up later. Sheesh.

I thought only family members get to ride with the injured person, no?



24 minutes ago, JasminePhyllisia said:

Also, why doesn't Chim's brother speak with an accent since he just arrived from Korea where he grew up, what did I miss there?  

He spoke with an accent a couple of times --which made no sense.

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Also, why doesn't Chim's brother speak with an accent since he just arrived from Korea where he grew up, what did I miss there?  

I don't know if they have said where exactly in S. Korea he lived, but I'm assuming Seoul since his father looks to be successful and well off. Many Koreans speak English so well they have no Korean accent, especially those who learn from an early age and speak it as often as they do Korean, if not more often.

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Am I misremembering? I though in season one his brother was a little kid. 

Maybe his brother attends an international school? I wish his excellent English was explained better. His "accent" (which was really just speaking without contractions and strong d's and t's) was in and out.  

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17 hours ago, JasminePhyllisia said:

I've noticed since JLH was on the show they frequently camouflage her hips and stomach as if she's pregnant, and she wears loose clothing in that area.  I'm thinking maybe she has some post-natal baby weight but it still seems unlikely to me that they would hide it on this show.  Maybe it's her choice because she feels self-conscious?

Also, why doesn't Chim's brother speak with an accent since he just arrived from Korea where he grew up, what did I miss there?  

It's because she is short, has huge real, breasts that sag,  and even an extra 10lbs makes her look "fat". And she has more than 10lbs extra. She needs to reel in those babies too. It was bad on Ghost Whisperer but she was  young and thin then. Now it's time for a support bra, minimizer (she can afford a good expensive one), and better fitting clothes. You ain't 25 anymore. It happens to the best of us. 

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Many Koreans speak English so well they have no Korean accent, especially those who learn from an early age and speak it as often as they do Korean, if not more often.

My college had several students from Hong Kong. They all spoke perfect English, very precise, but with a British accent since they learned English from Brit instructors. I dated one fellow for a while, but quit because he kept making fun of how I pronounced certain words with a Midwestern accent. It was a little too much to take.

I will try watching again Monday night and hope to gradually learn who everyone is. It's weird seeing JLH since Ghost Whisperer reruns are on here; it's difficult to see her older and not seeing apparitions. I also remember Rockmond Dunbar as Prison Break's C-Note. So much deja vu. I need Rob Lowe to drop in and straighten things out for me.

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1 hour ago, msrachelj said:

It's because she is short, has huge real, breasts that sag,  and even an extra 10lbs makes her look "fat". And she has more than 10lbs extra. She needs to reel in those babies too. It was bad on Ghost Whisperer but she was  young and thin then. Now it's time for a support bra, minimizer (she can afford a good expensive one), and better fitting clothes. You ain't 25 anymore. It happens to the best of us. 

Yeah, I noticed in her final scenes in that green dress that her boobs were sagging and she needed a better fitting support bra.

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Chims brother is Ezekiel Jones from The Librarians! I miss that show so much, but its fun seeing him here, I would be cool with Albert showing up again. Chim yelling at Albert in the bar was brutal, but I can get why Chim was so uncomfortable with him. He saw his brother as having this charmed life and that he was always the favorite son/person so when he saw Albert charming his friends and girlfriend, he saw himself being replaced again. Its not Albert's fault that their dad is a jerk, and, as Maddie pointed out, Albert probably dealt with a lot with that crappy father too, but its a reaction that made sense, even if it was hard to watch. 

We also get some confirmation on what I assumed for awhile, that the Buckly parents arent going to win any parent of the year trophies. I mean, how many horrific near death traumas have Maddie and Buck been through without so much as a call from mom and dad? Presumably they arent awful people, like Maddie said, just they weren't very good parents and are probably not that interested in what their adult children are up to. 

I really hope that Michael not getting treatment wont mean that he is going to die soon. Thats normally how that goes in TV land, and I dont want to lose him, I really love the whole extended family he has with Athena and Bobby and the kids. 

Great to have this show back, nonsensical rescues and all!

The assistant with the crush was silly, but also quite sweet, and I admit I grinned like crazy when his crush revealed that he has noticed him as well. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Yeah, I noticed in her final scenes in that green dress that her boobs were sagging and she needed a better fitting support bra.

That dress didn't do her any favors. Made her boobs look terrible.


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That green dress was extra frumpy, and unnecessarily so.  Long flowing sleeves down to her wrists, buttoned up to her neck, horrid color, unflattering length....jeez, I have no idea what look they were going for, but that was Golden Girls frumpy.  The only thing they did right with it was give her a fitted waist. 

I think she has a nice figure, and would have looked a lot better with a different dress that wasn't so British mumsy.  I'm surprised they didn't give her a hat and gloves and call her Queen Mum.

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On 3/18/2020 at 1:45 PM, saber5055 said:

 I dated one fellow for a while, but quit because he kept making fun of how I pronounced certain words with a Midwestern accent. It was a little too much to take.

I'll take Quickest Ways for a Boyfriend to Become an EX-Boyfriend for a hundred, Alex!

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On 3/17/2020 at 3:31 PM, iMonrey said:

 Actually the least believable part for me was that the guy he was crushing on agreed to ride in the ambulance with him. WTF? You don't even know the guy and he can't even talk right now. Exchange numbers and meet up later. Sheesh.


On 3/18/2020 at 7:10 PM, tennisgurl said:

The assistant with the crush was silly, but also quite sweet, and I admit I grinned like crazy when his crush revealed that he has noticed him as well. 

I thought it was very clear that they had been equally crushing, which also explained why he (Kyle) was so careful to make sure the message got to Justin that Kyle was moving to a new job.  I thought they were pretty adorable, and I could see how excited Kyle was that Justin had written him that note.  Kyle was, if anything, worse than Justin, because Justin at least did write the note.  But I liked that segment.

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Chim yelling at Albert in the bar was brutal, but I can get why Chim was so uncomfortable with him. He saw his brother as having this charmed life and that he was always the favorite son/person so when he saw Albert charming his friends and girlfriend, he saw himself being replaced again. Its not Albert's fault that their dad is a jerk, and, as Maddie pointed out, Albert probably dealt with a lot with that crappy father too, but its a reaction that made sense, even if it was hard to watch. 

He was also drunk, but it still seemed a bit childish to me. Assuming the character is roughly the same age as the actor portraying him, Chim is pushing 50. That's pretty old to still be harboring daddy issues. A good therapist might be in order. I speak from experience FYI. Chim knows what his father is like and even spoke to him about Albert in this very episode. He heard for himself how demanding and controlling he is, it's no wonder Albert took off. Being jealous of that is irrational.


I really hope that Michael not getting treatment wont mean that he is going to die soon. Thats normally how that goes in TV land, and I dont want to lose him, I really love the whole extended family he has with Athena and Bobby and the kids. 

I'm not sure they know what to do with Michael at this point though. They've already explored him having a new relationship and that ended. He's neither a cop nor a fireman so he's pretty tangential to the show overall. At this point I'm afraid he's little more than drama fodder.

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm not sure they know what to do with Michael at this point though. They've already explored him having a new relationship and that ended. He's neither a cop nor a fireman so he's pretty tangential to the show overall. At this point I'm afraid he's little more than drama fodder.

IMDb shows Rockmond Dunbar as the lead in both a new TV series and a new movie, so, yeah, likely he’s “drama fodder” on this show. Michael said that the doctor told him he had something like 6 months to live without the surgery, right?

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On 3/16/2020 at 5:21 PM, TVForever said:

That was My Two Dads and Shari Belafonte on the fishing trip, am I right?

I recognized Shari, but not Greg.

On 3/16/2020 at 8:01 PM, The Ringo Kidd said:

 Chim’s brother looked really young which is amazing since I remember him from “The Librarians.”

Oh for goodness sake. I spent the entire show wondering where I'd seen him. I guess it was the lack of snark and attitude.


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On 3/16/2020 at 11:01 PM, The Ringo Kidd said:

 Chim’s brother looked really young which is amazing since I remember him from “The Librarians.”

JLH looked pregnant. She made all the classic moves like putting a pillow in her lap and standing behind counters. 

I have been scouring the net to try and find anything about JLH being w/child but can not find anything. However I agree with the others who feel she looks pregnant; especially The Ringo Kidd who in addition stated “She made all the classic moves like putting a pillow in her lap and standing behind counters.”

Great episode!~

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On 3/18/2020 at 5:00 AM, icemiser69 said:

I thought this episode was incredibly stupid on about every level. 

Those two cases alone made this episode absolute garbage.

   I have to agree. That was pathetic, even for this show. What have they done to my show!?

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On 3/17/2020 at 10:52 PM, JasminePhyllisia said:

I've noticed since JLH was on the show they frequently camouflage her hips and stomach as if she's pregnant, and she wears loose clothing in that area.  I'm thinking maybe she has some post-natal baby weight but it still seems unlikely to me that they would hide it on this show.  Maybe it's her choice because she feels self-conscious?

According to Wikipedia, she most recently gave birth in January 2015. 

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This show is very tolerant and inclusive, their characters include gay, disabled, many different ethnic groups and people in interracial relationships to name a few.  I think they can make room (no pun intended) for a female who may be carrying a few extra pounds.

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4 hours ago, JasminePhyllisia said:

I think they can make room (no pun intended) for a female who may be carrying a few extra pounds.

But not for those big-ass puffy 80's sleeves on everything this episode. 

Isn't there supposed to be some kid-in-a-well thing happening? We've been seeing teasers for it for weeks.

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On 3/18/2020 at 4:29 PM, msrachelj said:

It's because she is short, has huge real, breasts that sag,  and even an extra 10lbs makes her look "fat". And she has more than 10lbs extra. She needs to reel in those babies too. It was bad on Ghost Whisperer but she was  young and thin then. Now it's time for a support bra, minimizer (she can afford a good expensive one), and better fitting clothes. You ain't 25 anymore. It happens to the best of us. 

What gives you the place to body shame her? Just because you are uncomfortable with your body doesn't mean she is or has to be and being as how her check and popularity is far more than yours, I'm sure she could get more than a pushup bra if she wanted to, but she is comfortable with her body and not only that but shows representation for the normal woman body type and facial aging especially those who have kids instead of pushing the unnatural narrative. She doesn't need better fitting clothes, also those are her CHARACTER's clothes! Not hers. Like what???? 

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