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S16.E18: Give a Little Bit

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What a trainwreck.  The only thing missing from this episode was Oprah showing up and screaming "You get a surgery and you get a surgery and you get a surgery." 

Surely, The Sun is self aware enough to not lecture Koracik on ethics.  Why no, no she's not.  

Speaking of The Sun, the schtick with Helm's undying adoration of her is wearing so very old.  She even copied her hairstyle tonight.  Is there a more pathetic character in all of television than Helm? 

Why, yes.  Yes there is.  There's Schmidt.  Run, Nico, run.  Get that team job.  (And I don't even care for Nico all that much, but I would never wish a relationship with Schmidt on anybody.) 

So, Koracik wasn't just a port in the storm for Teddy.  She actually loves him.  Whatever. 

Can Dr. Leprechaun please hop the next flight back to Ireland? Well, probably not considering COVID-19.  Just another reason to hate the virus. 

Speaking of COVID-19, you just know they are frantically trying to come up with an episode addressing that. 

The Resident did the human trafficking storyline better last week. 

That human chain thing cannot be an actual hospital protocol. 

Did they use stock Batwoman footage for that last shot of DeLuca on the motorcycle?     

  • Love 12

DeLuca may or may not be bipolar or going through a manic phase, he is clearly going through something, but Bailey was dismissive at best of his concerns in the beginning and determined he was wrong via a five-second superficial conversation with the minor patient where the adult was present. And at the end, she still didn't look very concerned that he might have been right all along.

I wonder if that aunt/niece or whoever that pair is to each other will be returning.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 21

Yeah, this episode was pretty much a disaster from start to finish. 

Honestly, it's not that I'm a fan of Deluca or his arc right now, but if they all truly thought he was going through some sort of manic episode...after what he did with the patient and how the doctors needed to literally circle around him in order to protect her, you'd think that it would get Bailey to automatically force Deluca into a psych ward. If not to protect others, but also himself, but she seemed to not really care. Suspending him isn't going to fix whatever is going on with him, and it does seem like he's bipolar. Or he's not bipolar and something else is underlying, because god knows this show would pull a Mysterious Illness out of their ass and cure him of it.

Either way, how Bailey handled things was pretty bad. How Meredith handled things wasn't great either.

I'll get back to Meredith in a second but to conclude with this weird human trafficking storyline, I knew it would lead to Deluca being right because everyone was convinced he was wrong...so obviously it was going to end with a twist. So we're going to even see that storyline pop up again. I thought maybe he was only partially right and it was a kidnapping storyline, sans trafficking, or a plain old abuse storyline. 

Now, back to Meredith. AKA, The Sun. Who can apparently give Tom the middle finger while promising pro bono surgeries indefinitely every month by some mysterious donor who she has no contact with. So, from what I gather, Meredith will blackmail Tom because she knows his secret of how he got the donor. Which makes Meredith look shitty. I get it, it's all for a good cause and blahblahblah, but Meredith's ethics aren't really better than Tom's.

Speaking of Tom, he breaks things off with Teddy, coupled with the baby news being revealed. So Teddy gets off the hook for now. Sure, she gets to cry for a minute with her guilt but, until the big secret comes out in a couple of episodes or next season, she gets to go back to her life with an unaware Owen. I can only hope Maggie spills her secret if Teddy is going to keep her mouth shut about her affair. 

Schmitt/Nico break up. Please tell me this was the end of Nico. Please tell me he won't show back up. And now he moves in with Jo because she now has zero storyline, especially with Link busy with Amelia. 

Hayes...was around. I guess he said some stuff but I think I tuned out. 

Jackson/Richard get talking again, which....ok. Jackson needs some male friends. I thought Hayes was going to be that guy for a second. I guess not...at least, not right now.

  • Love 8

Is it human trafficking awareness month or something? I have seen three storylines on it in the last two weeks (The Resident, All Rise, and now Grey's). As soon as that woman started answering for the girl I knew that is where they were going.

I know it is a real problem, but seems kind of strange they would all have the same idea at the same time. 

I am finding the Deluca storyline hard to watch. I don't know if he is really bipolar, but something must have caused the personality transplant.

Shouldn't Meredith have promised less than pro bono surgery to anyone who needs it? Because that is not actually going to be possible, and people will start delaying treatment to wait for the pro bono days. 

  • Love 11

I've never minded a social justice cause unless it interfered with the series' ability to tell unique, engaging, character-driven stories. Grey's has officially jumped the proverbial shark on that front -- this episode was overstuffed with messaging. "Krista, don't preach." 

Also, this used to be a show with ridiculous writing but phenomenal acting. With players like Williams, Gianniotti, and Landi among the regular cast, that's no longer true. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I am finding the Deluca storyline hard to watch. I don't know if he is really bipolar, but something must have caused the personality transplant.

I can only surmise that they're making DeLuca bipolar/crazy to make Our Lady of the Sun look retroactively better since she was such a bitch to him and he was basically really good to her while they were together.  Now, they can frame it as OLotS dodging a crazy bullet and obfuscate the fact that she was so shitty to him.

I haven't been watching the last five episodes or so, but I still think my guess is right because this whole show exists now to prop up OLotS.

I see you, Krista and Ellen.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Bulldog said:

Speaking of COVID-19, you just know they are frantically trying to come up with an episode addressing that. 

I most seriously wish they don't.

I'm confined alone at home worrying a lot (and especially about my elderly parents which I can't even visit). I welcome a lot of distraction. What I don't need is GA's take on this right now (and even more given how ridiculous GA has become now).

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I can only surmise that they're making DeLuca bipolar/crazy to make Our Lady of the Sun look retroactively better since she was such a bitch to him and he was basically really good to her while they were together.  Now, they can frame it as OLotS dodging a crazy bullet and obfuscate the fact that she was so shitty to him.

I haven't been watching the last five episodes or so, but I still think my guess is right because this whole show exists now to prop up OLotS.

I see you, Krista and Ellen.

The problem is, they also paint the entire staff as: "Well, you go home and think about what you did, Andrew." The man was having a breakdown, even worst, even his sister Ms. "Masturbation Cures Everything" while in tears is not taking him immediately to the hospital psychologist or something. Instead he is suspended and then goes flying on a motorcycle over 100 mph like he is Woliverine or Batwoman. Then even worst, it was all true on the human trafficing. Hell, Bailey even just acted like it was stupid, when she knows it's true. They could have thrown some lines such as: "Most HT avoid hospitals because of being found out." or even "did you just google her?" Oh no, then they walk out, everything is true and Bailey is: "Oh well, opps!"

Then let's add in everything with Teddy, not only does she come across as a moron, Mr. "I got tons of money from a guy by saying he was sick" NOW feels guilty. Sorry, you don't do that and then magically say this is what happened to his own marriage. If anything, that means to NOT DO IT! Dumb! 

  Only good thing, Nico, never come back and I hope your Netflix series stays a hit.

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I knew Deluca was right... I imagine we may see the aunt/pimp again... Dunno what  was up with Teddy but I'm ready for it to be done... My biggest surprise was hearing the old theme song when the credits ran... Made me remember the old days and my fav old doctor Addison 

Yeah, and no preview for next week.  I had to check to see that there was a new episode scheduled for next week (keyword being scheduled). Station 19 did the same thing, interesting.

32 minutes ago, readster said:

The problem is, they also paint the entire staff as: "Well, you go home and think about what you did, Andrew." The man was having a breakdown, even worst, even his sister Ms. "Masturbation Cures Everything" while in tears is not taking him immediately to the hospital psychologist or something. Instead he is suspended and then goes flying on a motorcycle over 100 mph like he is Woliverine or Batwoman.

When DeLuca was speeding on the motorcycle, I just knew we were going to hear a screech and a crash as they faded to black.  Glad that we didn't, of course that doesn't mean something didn't happen afterwards.  We shall see.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, transitfan said:

Yeah, and no preview for next week.  I had to check to see that there was a new episode scheduled for next week (keyword being scheduled). Station 19 did the same thing, interesting.

When DeLuca was speeding on the motorcycle, I just knew we were going to hear a screech and a crash as they faded to black.  Glad that we didn't, of course that doesn't mean something didn't happen afterwards.  We shall see.

I was thinking the same thing about DeLuca. I was waiting for a car or a bus to slam into him. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Sarnia said:

I most seriously wish they don't.

I'm confined alone at home worrying a lot (and especially about my elderly parents which I can't even visit). I welcome a lot of distraction. What I don't need is GA's take on this right now (and even more given how ridiculous GA has become now).

Same. I haven't seen my parents since Monday and didn't dare risk hugging them. My dad had surgery a few weeks ago and still goes to physical therapy; he had a tooth pulled a couple weeks before that and now he has something going on with that and has to go back to the dentist. I just want them to stay home safe. Working from home, alone. Worried all the time. Spent most of my shower this morning on the edge of a panic attack. My "local" news is NYC (I'm a couple hours drive away, with normal traffic) and the tone of the newscasters is dire. I don't need the Covid crisis on every medical show.

1 hour ago, readster said:

The problem is, they also paint the entire staff as: "Well, you go home and think about what you did, Andrew." 

When Bailey told him to call another resident to take over for him and then wait in her office, and then just walked away, I was like, "Why? You should know he's not going to listen to you! You call another resident! And walk him to your office yourself!" 

1 hour ago, readster said:

Then even worst, it was all true on the human trafficing. Hell, Bailey even just acted like it was stupid, when she knows it's true. 

I missed something; how did we know it was true?


  • Love 7

Ugh, and so it begins - Debbie Allen's daughter is getting lines and more screen time. I love Debbie Allen but I'm not a fan of nepotism.

I try to separate the characters from the actors but Kevin McKidd is now on my shit list after directing this episode. That stupid rotating shot that went on and on and fucking on when Meredith and the doctors were standing in a circle before they started all the pro bono surgeries was THE WORST. I also hated the way he framed a lot of the shots. I'm not some pretentious film student either so for me to notice that these shots suck means it was really obvious. It's not artsy. It's annoying.

Meredith's patient's daughter was obnoxious. There's advocating for your mom and there's being rude to the hospital staff. And it was especially egregious to yell at Meredith about how long it was taking to get her mom into surgery. The surgeons do not control the ORs. They can put surgeries on the schedule, but shit happens. I'm not saying it's fun to wait, but whatever caused the delay (the instruments not being sterilized, Deluca stealing an OR by lying to Helm) was not Meredith's fault so yelling at her doesn't fix anything or get the OR cleared out any faster.

It was a little bit unfair of Maggie to say that Jackson doesn't like to do anything by himself. True as that may be, we're not talking about going to the grocery store by himself. He already bought the tickets and it was some sort of big deal game. If I were in his position, I would hate to waste a ticket to a playoff game (or whatever it was) or other popular event just because the person who was going to go with me flaked.

I understand Deluca being concerned because that girl kept looking at her aunt and the aunt was answering all of his questions. But to call security on her, especially after Bailey told him not to? There was no way that was going to end well. I don't know what the exact protocol is in a hospital but where I work, there is a procedure for who to report suspected abuse to. I know the show likes to pretend that Bailey as the chief of surgery is the highest ranking person in the entire hospital but I'm pretty sure there was someone else in the hospital that Deluca could have gone to.

I get that being in a relationship means sacrifice and compromise, but how long have Schmitt and Nico been dating? Again, I know it's hard to ever know how much time has passed on this show because of their ridiculous timelines, but Nico made it clear that he wasn't ready to move in with Schmitt. If you're not ready to live with someone, then I don't think you're serious enough to make major career choices around whoever you're dating. And who would give up their dream job for someone they've been dating for a few months?

Or to flip the situation, Nico is a resident which means when his residency is done, he has to look for a job or a fellowship. Was he only planning to look at opportunities in Seattle (which are apparently limited to Grey Sloan and defunct hospitals) so that he could stay with Nico? What if no one in Seattle hired him? Would he give up being a doctor so he could stay in Seattle with Nico?

I'd also like to add that some people are fine (happy even!) to have partners who travel a lot. My sister's friend's husband was a firefighter and she said that she loved that he was gone for a few days, which gave her time to do whatever she wanted, and then when he came home they were super excited to see each other because they'd missed each other. I'm not one of those people, but people like that exist!

I get that Schmitt was disappointed Nico didn't discuss taking this job beforehand, but they're not married. They don't seem like they're in a very serious relationship either so I don't think Nico really needed to take Schmitt into consideration when Linc recommended him for it. If they were in a serious long term committed relationship, then fine, there should have been a conversation, but that's not what their relationship seems like to me.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, transitfan said:

Yeah, and no preview for next week.  I had to check to see that there was a new episode scheduled for next week (keyword being scheduled). Station 19 did the same thing, interesting.

I wondered about that as well!!!! Coupled with the original theme song on the credits, I definitely was wondering WTF. Glad it wasn't just me. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I missed something; how did we know it was true?

The ending showed the aunt and niece walking out, and the aunt was reprimanding her niece, or "niece" about how they almost got caught. So, they didn't outright say that it WAS a trafficking situation but the aunt was definitely not a good person. 

47 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I get that Schmitt was disappointed Nico didn't discuss taking this job beforehand, but they're not married. They don't seem like they're in a very serious relationship either so I don't think Nico really needed to take Schmitt into consideration when Linc recommended him for it. If they were in a serious long term committed relationship, then fine, there should have been a conversation, but that's not what their relationship seems like to me.

Well, it's been very clear that Schmitt and Nico have had different expectations out of their relationship. I think they've been together for about a year or so? Again, Grey's timeline is very wonky but it's been at least more than a few months, so it should be serious enough where they can discuss these things without Nico calling Schmitt an idiot or a nag or a complainer. 

Which...ok, it IS Nico's choice, but he's also in a relationship so he DOES need to talk to Schmitt about his plans. Because, like it or not, Schmitt is still involved in the decision. And, quite frankly, Nico's eye rolls at Schmitt wanting to talk to him just made it clear that Nico doesn't even like or respect Schmitt on a romantic level. Which is not a good thing for a long term relationship.

Plus, it really does seem like the show realized that they needed to get rid of Nico so...very abrupt relationship drama, ending them altogether within a few episodes. It's unclear if the show simply let the actor go or if the actor decided to leave. 

  • Love 7

*Helm is so annoying. Shut up with all the legend stuff. It's just so dumb.

*Glasses, please get hit by a truck or something.

* I actually like Jo better now than ever before. May she continue to be somewhat interesting.

* I find it odd that people don't think "maybe there is a health issue; maybe he's noticed a drop off in his mental sharpness" re Richard stepping down. They all act like there is no possible reason for it. He's older; the odds of a health concern are higher. 

* Amelia just walking in an announcing the baby is Linc's was just funny to me. 

* I noticed the music and wondered if they do that every week and I just didn't notice before. Thanks all for pointing out it was different. 


  • Love 12

Oof, how the mighty have fallen. Meredith damn near begging the petulant child not to end their "relationship"... I have to laugh. 

Also, Deloser being right about the trafficking doesn't excuse his abhorrent behavior. He could fly off his motorcycle into the parking lot of no return and I wouldn't blink. Matter of fact, please take Glasses and Single White Female (Helm) with him. 

I'm starting to think the writers are using Single White Female's continuous and incessant praise of "the sun" as a Greek chorus. Please stop. 

Koracick sucks. Teddy sucks harder. (that's what she said) 

Including the original theme at the end of the episode - while I love it and it makes me nostalgic for the show that was - is almost insulting being associated with the current product. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 5

you'd think that it would get Bailey to automatically force Deluca into a psych ward. If not to protect others, but also himself, but she seemed to not really care. Suspending him isn't going to fix whatever is going on with him, and it does seem like he's bipolar.

This is just weird. His sister was standing right there. She should have had him committed for observation. Clearly they all think he is experiencing a manic state from bipolar disease. If he refuses treatment, they can get him committed. I mean . . . they are right there at a hospital. They're really that sure he's manic and they just send him home?? What kind of incompetent doctors are these people? Never mind. Sixteen seasons now, I know that's rhetorical. 


I can only surmise that they're making DeLuca bipolar/crazy to make Our Lady of the Sun look retroactively better since she was such a bitch to him and he was basically really good to her while they were together.  Now, they can frame it as OLotS dodging a crazy bullet and obfuscate the fact that she was so shitty to him.

I don't get it either. I've never seen a character do a 180 like this before, not even on this show. It's like the show is just torpedoing this character all of a sudden. My guess is that they really want to pair Meredith up with Dr. Irish so they need to take DeLuca out of commission to silence the fans who liked the Mere/DeLuca pairing.


I understand Deluca being concerned because that girl kept looking at her aunt and the aunt was answering all of his questions.

Here's the thing, though: there's no reason to immediately jump to "human trafficking!" just because of that behavior. Anyone who works with teens and young adults can tell you there is so much helicopter parenting going on today that's practically normal behavior. I have a friend who works in college admissions, she says half the time the parents answer all the questions and the students just sit there in silence.


Which...ok, it IS Nico's choice, but he's also in a relationship so he DOES need to talk to Schmitt about his plans.

But . . . the only thing that happened was Linc telling Niko he was recommending him for the job. That's it. And Andrew overheard and then immediately got up in Nico's face about it. Geez, he hasn't gone on an interview yet! He didn't even have a chance to talk to Schmidt about it at that point before Schmidt went all bunny-boiling obsessive on him. 


Amelia just walking in an announcing the baby is Linc's was just funny to me. 

WTF. If I were Amelia I would be furious that Maggie blabbed to Teddy and Owen about the paternity situation. But it was like she couldn't care less, all's well that ends well!


Debbie Allen's daughter is getting lines and more screen time. 

Who is Debbie Allen's daughter?

  • Love 7

There was a list on MSN the other day, talking about shows affected by shutdowns.  Grey's did all but the last two episodes before closing down.  

I wonder how many cliff hangers will happen if this season won't be completed with the last two shows?      This episode was not impressive at all. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Useful 6

What I disliked most in the episode was Meredith thanking the other surgeons for rearranging their schedules for the day rather than thanking them for donating their services for the day. These people make tons of money, probably some of them half a million dollars a year. They can donate one day to help people who can't afford surgery otherwise.

Also, I hate Helm constantly saying how wonderful Meredith is so that she can reply that she's not really. It's fake humility on the part of the show and nauseating.

McWidower: In Ireland, every day is free surgery day. (And in the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, ....)

Is Gianotti leaving the show?  I thought with Deluca riding off into the night, he is going to disappear forever.

What I liked in the episode:

  • Amelia and Linc working things out in the end. For a few minutes there, I thought she was going to break up with him so that he can go to his dream job.
  • Owen's relief at knowing that he is not the father of Amelia's baby.
  • Nico disappearing forever (I hope)
  • The child and the woman trafficking her were both light-skinned Caucasians. It's too easy to assume that the trafficked women and children are from other countries
  • Koracik having somewhat of a conscience both in terms of Teddy and the money for the surgeries.
  • Jackson going to the game with Richard. Richard needs more supportive relationships in his life and it's good that he's not going to lose this one. (But hopefully will lose Catherine.)
  • The vet getting the surgery he needs and hopefully not ending up in jail because of a physical problem.
  • Schmidt moving in with Jo. Hopefully this will open up some stories for them both that isn't about their love relationships.

With all the notifications to keep physical distance from others, everyone on the show hugging and standing so close to each other seems very strange.

15 hours ago, LexieLily said:

DeLuca may or may not be bipolar or going through a manic phase, he is clearly going through something, but Bailey was dismissive at best of his concerns in the beginning and determined he was wrong via a five-second superficial conversation with the minor patient where the adult was present. And at the end, she still didn't look very concerned that he might have been right all along.

I wonder if that aunt/niece or whoever that pair is to each other will be returning.

As far back as I can remember, Bailey has been a terrible boss, playing favourites and making huge management mistakes. I see that they're keeping it consistent.

Deluca should have skipped Bailey and gone straight to the police to report a possible child trafficking. At least that's the law where I live.

  • Love 3

If that's the way DeLuca's leaving Grey's, I think it's kinda cool to go out blasting away on a motorcycle.  I do hope in the future there's a reference to him being alive and getting help though.  I thought it was shitty of his masturbating genius sister to just stay back with the crowd instead of going to comfort her brother.   

I'm sick of Teddy's story of switching back and forth between Koracik and Owen.   And this might be a UO but I'm also sick of Koracik gloating about how many women he's slept with.  Those women must have been pretty desperate.  

  • LOL 2
  • Love 4

What I disliked most in the episode was Meredith thanking the other surgeons for rearranging their schedules for the day rather than thanking them for donating their services for the day. These people make tons of money, probably some of them half a million dollars a year. They can donate one day to help people who can't afford surgery otherwise

But the doctors are paid an annual salary. They don't charge by the surgery. It's no skin off their noses if they do them for free for a day once a month.

In fact I'm not sure why they need some benefactor to donate money for these pro bono jobs. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Useful 2
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, LisaM said:

If the girl was a human trafficking victim, why did she run across the room into the aunt's arms? She was clear across the room.

Also - didn't she need surgery?

Fear / Stockholm syndrome.

When they were leaving the girl did say but my stomach still hurts and the pimp responded well that’s your own fault.  So yes, she needed surgery but pimp don’t care.  

  • Useful 2
  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, h8omb said:

My main takeaway from this episode was that GSMH apparently doesn't have or follow proper protocols on reporting suspected abuse, managing aggression and violence in the workplace, or addressing mental health concerns in employees.

Or doing any follow ups on continuing problems. Richard's is the biggest WTF? I mean, his age, life going the way it is and everyone is: "What do you mean you want to cut back and stop?" Umm... come on folks. Deluca has been out of it for several episodes and hasn't come back down after the "mysterious disease" from a while back. Yet, his sister is too busy pursuing another bi-relationship and talking about masturbation. Plus, the biggest problem is, most human trafficers avoid hospitals to make sure not to five themselves away. They usually hit free clinics or private practices that can do things quickly and with less questions. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

*Helm is so annoying. Shut up with all the legend stuff. It's just so dumb.

*Glasses, please get hit by a truck or something.

* I actually like Jo better now than ever before. May she continue to be somewhat interesting.

* I find it odd that people don't think "maybe there is a health issue; maybe he's noticed a drop off in his mental sharpness" re Richard stepping down. They all act like there is no possible reason for it. He's older; the odds of a health concern are higher. 

* Amelia just walking in an announcing the baby is Linc's was just funny to me. 

* I noticed the music and wondered if they do that every week and I just didn't notice before. Thanks all for pointing out it was different. 


RedbirdNelly, I absolutely consciously thought every single one of your comments! Will you accept this stethoscope (cross-plugging)?

  • Love 4

WTF. If I were Amelia I would be furious that Maggie blabbed to Teddy and Owen about the paternity situation. But it was like she couldn't care less, all's well that ends well!

Good grief, if these “sisters” don’t know by now that Maggie blabs everything, they’re  dumber than Helm.  Speaking of which, I was hoping she would disappear down the highway with DeLuca. Odious character.  At least The Sun shuts Helm down when she starts adoring.

This show has been preaching as long as I’ve watched it.  My eyeballs are frequently stuck in the eye roll position. And yet I watch. Like a train wreck.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

This is just weird. His sister was standing right there. She should have had him committed for observation. Clearly they all think he is experiencing a manic state from bipolar disease. If he refuses treatment, they can get him committed. I mean . . . they are right there at a hospital. They're really that sure he's manic and they just send him home?? What kind of incompetent doctors are these people? Never mind. Sixteen seasons now, I know that's rhetorical. 

It's actually not that easy to have an adult committed. She's his sister, but that doesn't give her legal authority. You have to really prove the person is a physical danger, and I'm not sure his speech about wanting to save a young girl does that. It shows he's not stable, but it is a big jump. 

They could have told him he needed to be cleared by a therapist to return to work though. Or did they already try that and I forgot already?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Some are Fee For Service

Even if GS surgeons are paid an annual salary, it would have been nice to have Meredith say that they were donating some of their salary for this.

Honestly  - that would make this whole "the health care system is so horrible" platform Meredith is on more believable. You think people deserve better health care, you want to be the change that people see in the world, why not charge so much yourself . start with that.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

you'd think that it would get Bailey to automatically force Deluca into a psych ward. If not to protect others, but also himself, but she seemed to not really care. Suspending him isn't going to fix whatever is going on with him, and it does seem like he's bipolar.

This is just weird. His sister was standing right there. She should have had him committed for observation. Clearly they all think he is experiencing a manic state from bipolar disease. If he refuses treatment, they can get him committed. I mean . . . they are right there at a hospital. They're really that sure he's manic and they just send him home?? What kind of incompetent doctors are these people? Never mind. Sixteen seasons now, I know that's rhetorical. 

It's REALLY infuriating to me. I had a friend in college that asked his classmates to touch him in the middle of class, and he wouldn't calm down until they all did it. He was soon after diagnosed with bipolar disorder. To watch that scene with DeLuca was difficult, and to watch them let him LEAVE the fucking hospital? Maddening. If he hurts himself or someone else, it's on them. What they did was inexcusable, IMO.

  • Love 7

So human trafficking girl goes to hospital because it must have been bad enough to go but then after exposing themselves they just leave? I’m guessing next ep we see her back in the ER all beat up and almost dying and everyone realizes Deluca was right. At least I hope so? 

So everyone thinks Deluca is having a breakdown but they just let him leave. And Bailey get the f out, since when does yelling/threatening a mentally ill person clear up the problem? Ugh.

And I pray the Nico character is gone, the actor is very handsome but there is something very wooden about him, it creeps me out. Please end this terrible storyline. 

  • Love 14
33 minutes ago, sadie said:

So human trafficking girl goes to hospital because it must have been bad enough to go but then after exposing themselves they just leave? I’m guessing next ep we see her back in the ER all beat up and almost dying and everyone realizes Deluca was right. At least I hope so? 

So everyone thinks Deluca is having a breakdown but they just let him leave. And Bailey get the f out, since when does yelling/threatening a mentally ill person clear up the problem? Ugh.

And I pray the Nico character is gone, the actor is very handsome but there is something very wooden about him, it creeps me out. Please end this terrible storyline. 

Problem is both Bailey and Grey at the end, DID realize it was true. Even after everything, it wasn't like the girl didn't still need surgery. Even after everything happened, to just walk out like that was extremely WTF? 

Deluca has been showing signs for the past few episodes and everyone has just been saying: "Get some sleep." "Take a few days off." Yet, the sister goes on how these are the same signs of their father. Who is diagnosed bipolar and even more, it was stressful situations that triggered it. Yet, she decides to just go to bars, pick up bi-fire fighters and once again talk about how masturbation is the best thing ever. Again, WTF?

As for Nico, seriously, just officially end this. He has NEVER been portrayed as ALL IN and he is also busy on his Netflix series too. So, really, go never come back. 

  • Love 6

My main takeaway from this episode was that GSMH apparently doesn't have or follow proper protocols on reporting suspected abuse, managing aggression and violence in the workplace, or addressing mental health concerns in employees.

Please tell me you're not just now realizing that. 😉


I’m so sick of Camilla Luddington never being able to do a believable laugh. It always sounds incredibly fake.

I don't think I've ever noticed it before if it's been a long-running issue, but boy, when she laughed at Schmitt in the bar, I was like "WTF was that?"


As for Nico, seriously, just officially end this. He has NEVER been portrayed as ALL IN and he is also busy on his Netflix series too. So, really, go never come back.

Do we know for sure they're writing this guy off the show? They have done a crap job developing this character. They've put some effort into fleshing out Schmitt but Nico is like a prop for Schmitt. We only just found out that Nico wasn't out to his parents, and then they just dropped that. Never saw the parents, never got an explanation. If they write him out now it'll be like "who the hell was that anyway?"

  • Love 4

In the case of DeLuca, what could have simplified this whole thing is if he just called the child trafficking hotline as soon as he suspected trafficking. They would have told him to keep the patient from leaving, and he could have easily done that by having the tests done and prepping her for surgery. That would have bought them all the time they needed for an investigator to get there. Calling Bailey was sure to fail because she was going to take everything he said with a grain of salt and relate it to his illness. And then trying to force the girl onto the surgery floor with no real plan was sure to backfire, which it did in grand fashion. And though he was right, everybody assumed he was having a breakdown, when in fact he might have just been very concerned about the girl.

What also bugs me to death about this show is how there are no actual ER physicians. Everyone in a form of power has to be a surgeon. And it's nothing new for this show, but for instances like this, it would make sense to actually have physician doctor. DeLuca, a surgeon, working in the clinic, had to call the Bailey, a surgeon, away from a surgery  for a potential child trafficking case. That just makes no sense. If anything, you'd call the head of the ER or an attending physician (not surgeon). I'm pretty sure an attending physician would have know how to subtly handle this type of situation with possible human trafficking.

As for everything else, it's about time Levi dumped Nico. It was obvious Nico was just using him, and not going to commit fully. It was stupid he kept the relationship going this long. And Teddy just gets more stupid. Hypotheticals have consequences, too? Probably for you. You slept with another man twice based solely on the possibility that Ethan could be the father. You're raising two kids with him and you're wearing his mother's heirloom ring, and you didn't think to act like a grownup and talk to him. And I'm pretty sure since she still hasn't come clean to Owen, it's going to come out at their wedding, as only Grey's drama can do.

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