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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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This is repulsive... this is so a transparent AG manipulative move. The two TA options were set up knowing that the first option to f**k with the votes would be chosen and she did it so Amber would be saved when Derrick, Frankie, and Donny flipped their votes. 


Donny is right to refuse this task. If he doesn't go along with it he has integrity and they all lose the task and then should vote how they want. 


I call bullshit on this show and productions' interference under the guise of "TEAM AMERICA." What it is is BRIBERY to manipulate the game in productions' favor as evidenced by the way the choices are designed. 


Production wants Amber in this game fo the Caleb/Amber drama. When they caught a whiff that she might be leaving, they scrambled to create an irresistible choice for the voters that could save her. Production manipulated the eviction votes.

Edited by DakotaLavender
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I really don't see production allowing Donny to get voted out anytime soon. What if they are manipulating the danger of Donny being voted out so they can manipulate his 11th hour pardons just to boost ratings?

Yes, after all the hinkiness of Evil Dick's season, I am that paranoid.

Edited by Runningwild

I think the guys look cute in their backwards/slanted hats. But the actual hats, the floral or hot pink or snake skin, are really awful.

I'd rather get called a kid than a bro, I don't really get the appeal in talking like everyone else when it comes to popular slang. "Epic" always bugs me, but I do like Cody's use of smokin' because it makes me laugh. Cody really over uses "obsessed". I use kid a lot, but usually about someone younger than myself. I think it's just one of those words that have has evolved in it's meaning, kinda like the word girl, and no longer always has to do with age.

Edited by Morbs
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If Amber does leave tonight, my sick,twisted self would love to see her give Caleb a big ol' kiss on the lips as she exits and then watch the thermonuclear explosion afterwards.


I'd like to see Caleb go in for the kiss, and get the hard pushback from Amber, not even a hug. Since she's been evicted, she knows she doesn't have to play nice with him anymore.

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This is repulsive... this is so a transparent AG manipulative move. The two TA options were set up knowing that the first option to f**k with the votes would be chosen and she did it so Amber would be saved when Derrick, Frankie, and Donny flipped their votes.


Unless there is a tie, Frankie cannot vote as HOH.  Even if Caleb switches his vote and decides to keep Amber, the vote would still be 6-3.  Amber would need at least two other people willing to risk changing their votes.

 Production wants Amber in this game fo the Caleb/Amber drama. When they caught a whiff that she might be leaving, they scrambled to create an irresistible choice for the voters that could save her. Production manipulated the eviction votes.

It's only 2 votes though. Who else besides Caleb will vote for Amber to stay?


Vic hangs out in the KT because Derrick is there. She's taking a page out of Caleb's book.


Why yes because of course there is no other reason to sit in the kitchen. This shit with them saying all Victoria does is follow Derrick and Hayden around it driving nuts. It just isn't true. And why doesn't everyone whine about how Zach follows Frankie around or how Cody is literally Derrick's bitch? Oh, I forgot, they're men.


Donny doesn't want to do the TA task, and he told Frankie and Derrick that he doesn't really want to be on TA. He sounded over it. When they heard that, Frankie and Derrick immediately decided Donny had to go. I thought the mission would cause some drama, but not like this!


This pleases me! If Donny stops giving a fuck about TA then he'll totally go after Derrick/Frankie! The only reason he's gone away from that is TA. I hope he just says fuck it and refuses to do the TA task, wins HOH, and noms those 2!


I was just skimming updates on Joker's and it sounds like Frankie realizes that he doesn't have any tight allies other than Zach and is trying to rope in Christine and perhaps Donny and Hayden. Does anyone know what Christine is thinking? Does she trust Frankie at all? 


It's hard to read where Christine's loyalties really lie because she throws every single person UTB at any opportunity. I think she was initially most loyal to Frankie, but her game is really to just do whatever everyone else (meaning Derrick) is doing, so if Derrick decides to get rid of Frankie, she'd go along with it.


Production wants Amber in this game fo the Caleb/Amber drama. When they caught a whiff that she might be leaving, they scrambled to create an irresistible choice for the voters that could save her. Production manipulated the eviction votes.


I don't believe that was the intent, but even if it was, it won't work, so meh. But honestly I am all for Amber staying over Jocasta. Jocasta is completely useless and her DRs drive me insane. Where does she get off ever talking about Victoria crying or doing nothing? Like really is she serious?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This is repulsive... this is so a transparent AG manipulative move. The two TA options were set up knowing that the first option to f**k with the votes would be chosen and she did it so Amber would be saved when Derrick, Frankie, and Donny flipped their votes. 


Production wants Amber in this game fo the Caleb/Amber drama. When they caught a whiff that she might be leaving, they scrambled to create an irresistible choice for the voters that could save her. Production manipulated the eviction votes.


Yes, I agree.  Production is very likely reading the fan sites, including here.  The most talked about talking points are the Caleb/Amber drama, Frankie, Derrick, and Zach.  The one that has the most emotional charge is obviously Caleb's obsession with Amber, and her attempts to play the game while keeping Caleb and arms length.  His increasing aggression is just a draw to the sociopathic types that seem to be running this show.


I wonder if production is going to keep all of the above in the game as long as possible, while keeping Donny there as Plan B in case all the other drama's play out.

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I agree that Donny overreacted on that.  I get that it was the middle of the night and he was woken up, but goodness he needed to be a bit more savvy  with  those two than flat out saying no.  He already knows they are snakes and would love to drop him.


Expect the unexpected Donny.


As far as TA messing with votes, sure it's shady but hardly anything new.   I guess I'm kinda immune to it now.  This still doesn't even remotely come to Evil Dick's season for me.




This is how I see it.  I think production wants Jocasta gone because she doesn't bring any drama and she's sick a lot.  They want to keep the Amber/Caleb story line as long as they can.


Not to mention, there's  a decent argument to be had on whether she's actually even playing.  I think she's certainly more out of the loop than even Victoria.

Edited by vb68
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"No Penis = No Game" & "No Balls = No Backbone"

Conversely,  no game, no backbone would = no balls, etc?  Which would apply to at least one or two of the guys, especially Caleb.  Amber is the only "game" he is hunting for. 


As for the 4skin, I too read it to mean.......um.....uncircumcised?


The few times I've been up late enough to watch BBAD have rendered me completely over pool/billiards/whatever. OMG - it's like watching the fake grass grow - numbing.  But I did LOL when one of the (interchangeable) guys "accidentally" poked a hole in the tabletop. It looked more like goofing around that got away from him,  than any kind of accident.

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If Donny doesn't want to do the challenge and I was on team America I'd want him out too. Do not mess with my money no matter how nice you are. He can sit outside outside game snug with his integrity. Integrity has no business in Big Brother.

Of course the manipulation doesn't bother me either, especially since the players go in the game knowing it's going to happen. It's a game and if people could understand that we wouldn't have these unanimous votes all the time. Personal feelings do not belong on a game where the objective is to vote people out.

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As for the 4skin, I too read it to mean.......um.....uncircumcised?

<DINGDINGDING>. Yes, folks, we have a winner!!! :D

The few times I've been up late enough to watch BBAD have rendered me completely over pool/billiards/whatever. OMG - it's like watching the fake grass grow - numbing. But I did LOL when one of the (interchangeable) guys "accidentally" poked a hole in the tabletop. It looked more like goofing around that got away from him, than any kind of accident.

Way back in my college days I used to shoot eight-ball to keep gas in my tank, so I've been enjoying the billiard play. At the very least, it's been more interesting than anything else going on in the House at the time. Plus, I think the bowahs got more worked up over the which-ball-got-hit-first argument than they have in half this season's competitions. They were arguing - passionately - over the shot when BBAD went to commercial. My wife said I was crazy when I said, "Just watch - they'll still be arguing when they come back" - then busted out laughing when upon return the cameras were focused on Frankie and Amber's conversation, but you could still hear them shouting at each other in the background. She said, "What's the big deal? It's just a game", to which I replied, "It's a guy thing." :)

Zach's tear of the felt was an accident born of ignorance, pure and simple. He was trying a shot with some radical English - I couldn't see the table lay good, but I think the cue ball was pinned behind another ball, and he was trying to hop the cue ball over the obstruction. Kid needs a LOT more practice before attempting a shot like that, tho. I didn't even see him chalk up good beforehand. :P

ETA: format cleanup

Edited by Nashville


Of course the manipulation doesn't bother me either, especially since the players go in the game knowing it's going to happen.

Jrae9233, although I don't disagree with your basic point I often wonder how accurate this is.  They frequently cast "big fans" who have never watched the feeds or read forums.  These people may have never heard anyone talk about manipulation of the game or the players.  They also have their fair share of recruits who have only seen seasons that they were given in sequester.  Of course, the show's motto is "expect the unexpected."  Ultimately they should know that they have no way of knowing exactly what they will need to face.

If they're going to set up situations with America that have that degree of meddling in peoples' games, Grodner should just go whole hog - have America be the second HOH in the dual version, or have America get to cast a vote to evict, with the players not knowing who we voted out. Something that directly impacts the game without the possibility of tanking individual players. Just be straight up about the game not being entirely in their own hands. But that would be even more boring and insufferable that it is now, as everyone tries to curry favor with "America" by being either a "character" like Frankie/Zach or a do-nothing like Jocasta.

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If they're going to set up situations with America that have that degree of meddling in peoples' games, Grodner should just go whole hog - have America be the second HOH in the dual version, or have America get to cast a vote to evict, with the players not knowing who we voted out.



It may come to that.  I can only imagine that she must be furious that they refused this task.

Has anyone noticed that Brittany's Twitter is @britt4skin?


I'm not really opposed to that.

But then again, I'm a bit of a pervert [who thought Brittany was the hottest of the female HGs]; so that might explain my being OK with that handle. I do have to say though, other than her legs, we never really got to see too much of this skin she's 4........

I'm ashamed my perverse mind is not picking up what you're laying down here, but I don't think I am getting where you're going with it.

.... unless, you are referring to something non-perverse, and my sick mind can't grasp it for that reason. lol


A foreskin (4 skin) is part of a penis. By having that as her screen name it makes her should like a chick with a dick.

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BMBB is back in action, re Joker's

Thu 11:15 AM BBT Caleb: She asked Hayden if she knew where the bunny slippers are. I hid them in the bottom of my suitcase. NT

Thu 11:14 AM BBT Caleb tells Derrick Amber came looking for bunny slippers but he said he hid them in the bottom of his stuff NT

Great. He's completed the transition to Bitchy Moany Bunny Boiler.

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A foreskin (4 skin) is part of a penis. By having that as her screen name it makes her should like a chick with a dick.


which may explain Cody's interest....

Caleb is planning on giving the pickle, tenderly and lovingly wrapped in the banana, to Amber as she walks out the door, accompanied by a speech.

I would love for Security to be waiting just inside the door, pick up Amber's suitcase and escort her out of the house.  A bonus would be Security pushing the banana/pickle back at Caleb along with a restraining order.  Also the command: "Hand over the bunny slippers, Doofus!"

Awww, so he isn't gonna go crazy when she gets evicted?  Booo

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A foreskin (4 skin) is part of a penis. By having that as her screen name it makes her should like a chick with a dick.


Ohhhh.  Duh.  I (naively) took it to mean that she likes seeing, or displaying, skin - on non-male appendages - body parts.


But if it really is in reference to "that", well; I'm not quite as unopposed to it as I once was.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I canNOT wait for tonight.  Eh, maybe I can.  This group talks big, but then consistently fails to deliver.  I mean, back when Zach said he was going to "tear this house up," his nomination speech was so tame, not even an expletive like "fruit loop dingus" could save it.  Ditto for the big Veto speech.  <yawn>  That's basically what his target--Amber--did after being so disfunctionally railed at.


So the whole "Caleb is going to effing blow!" anticipation will probably lead to a single tear, manfully wiped from his face, while he cradles his pickle in his bathrobe pocket.


I absolutely hated Evil Dick, but at least when he shook up the house, he really did as promised.

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Ohhhh.  Duh.  I (naively) took it to mean that she likes seeing, or displaying, skin - on non-male appendages - body parts.


But if it really is in reference to "that", well; I'm not quite as unopposed to it as I once was.

I think she sells skin care products or something and just chose a very unfortunate name.

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I think she sells skin care products or something and just chose a very unfortunate name.

Or maybe she works for H.O.O.P. ?

What's it going to take for Caleb to get the hint? At this point Ambers going to need a banner plane spelling it out while she fucks another man on his front lawn for him to realize. Hell probably not even that, she could marry another man and he'd just claim is to make him jealous or because she's afraid of admitting her love. I think even at this point Gina Marie is shocked at his obsessive delusion for Amber.

Edited by Petunia13
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AG has already done the ultimate saving, a couple times. When they basically voided Chima's HOH and then when they got wind that Booger's lil butt monkey Frank was gonna be voted out. If I could believe that saving Amber tonight would unleash an avenging fury the likes of which Xena Warrior Princess would approve and be proud, I'd be all for AG using her hellish powers for good for once instead of for evil and saving Amber.

As it is, I have to resign myself to being glad that Amber will at least be out of the disturbing, crazy-as-a-bag-of-cats gaze of Big Scary Ass Baby.

And what the blue dilly fuck has this window licking mother fucker been wearing around the house? As my granny used to say, clothes just don't care who wears them, do they?

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OMG. Caleb is giving the banana speech to Amber in the Beehive Room. Amber said "That's the worst banana speech I've ever heard" as Caleb talks about how bananas have different textures and insides, and Donny tastes differently from Caleb, and how bananas bruise, and this banana has some tattoos, but inside is perfect and white, and I wish I was fucking kidding. 

Caleb is now saying to Derrick that Amber hated his banana speech, that she needs to get to know the banana. I'm dying.

ETA: He did not show or give Amber the Franken-Nanner. He used a normal banana in his hand, which Amber called an old man banana. The Franken-Nanner is still in the freezer.

Edited by Callaphera
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OMG. Caleb is giving the banana speech to Amber in the Beehive Room. Amber said "That's the worst banana speech I've ever heard" as Caleb talks about how bananas have different textures and insides, and Donny tastes differently from Caleb, and how bananas bruise, and this banana has some tattoos, but inside is perfect and white, and I wish I was fucking kidding.

Caleb is now saying to Derrick that Amber hated his banana speech, that she needs to get to know the banana. I'm dying.


I actually hope that there are no shenanigans tonight and that Amber really does go. Based on their pre-show bios, I expected to hate her, but I feel bad for her now. She was truly dealt a shitty hand this season. The Caleb situation basically defined her entire existence on the show and destroyed any chances she had of actually playing the game. It sucks, but I'm glad she'll finally be able to get away from these awful, awful people. Too bad there is no chance she'll be brought back for a future season, unless Caleb is brought back with her.


I will say, though, that this banana/pickle situation is perhaps the most absurd thing I have ever seen on this show, and I am thoroughly enjoying it, and I hope they show all of it tonight, because how could they not?

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Thu 11:09 AM BBT Caleb just touched his eyes with the Icyhot fingers and now his eyes are watering NT

It's very annoying that I am empathizing with Caleb. I posted this on Facebook back in 2009: "I suggest that after using IcyHot, you don't forget to wash your hands and absent-mindedly rub an eye. Ow." At least I knew it was incredibly stupid and that I deserved any mockery.

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I feel bad for Amber too, and I don't know why since I don't particularly like her, whenever I've watched she never had much to offer. I guess I just really hate people like Caleb who think they are superior to others based on absolutely no data to support their theory. I realize he has self esteem issues and probably a severely low I.Q, but I like to have people called on their shit and so far I get no such satisfaction with these people who only do it behind his back. I think he hams it up occasionally too, but it is absolutely relentless the way he talks about Amber 24 hours a day, so I think there is definitely an unhealthy obsessive behavior going on too.

I'm hoping Julie throws some shade at him, especially when he tries to mess with her live T.V schedule.

Edited by Morbs
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Christine might, she said so on last night's show. She might get Nicole to vote with her, and Nicole might get Hayden to vote likewise. 


There isn't a chnace in hell Hayden would not vote to evict Amber. He's hated her with a fury for weeks.


Given how much Derrick mugs to the camera and says he's all about TA, it's going to be interesting what he says in the DR and "to America".   I have a feeling he'll just blame Donny.  He's probably boiling on the inside.


This makes me even more happy with Donny's refusal. Anything to piss Derrick off! And honestly, this mission is dumber for Derrick than Donny. Derrick is basically walking away with the win and he shouldn't be dumb enough to risk that for $5000.


If they're going to set up situations with America that have that degree of meddling in peoples' games, Grodner should just go whole hog - have America be the second HOH in the dual version, or have America get to cast a vote to evict, with the players not knowing who we voted out. Something that directly impacts the game without the possibility of tanking individual players. Just be straight up about the game not being entirely in their own hands. But that would be even more boring and insufferable that it is now, as everyone tries to curry favor with "America" by being either a "character" like Frankie/Zach or a do-nothing like Jocasta.


I wish they'd do 'America's HOH.' They did it on BB Canada and it was awesome. I too was worried that it would affect how people played, but it really didn't. Just imagine Frankie getting nommed by America. It would be so delicious! Or better yet, Derrick!


But normally 'America' really lets me down, so they'd probably nom Victoria and Jocasta.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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