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S11.E07: Why Not One Home?

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3 minutes ago, suomi said:

I about gagged when Robyn listed her successes from her earlier vision board. 

" ... and I wanted to write a best selling book, and I did."

Nope, nuh uh. We're gonna need to see a receipt for that wish, you bullshitting hag. 

Wasn't there some other lofty goal about changing the laws regarding polygamy, "and they have nearly accomplished that"?

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well, I don’t blame Janelle for not finishing her board. What’s the point? She gracefully gave in about the Big House and has yet another move to deal with in reality life. She strikes me as the most open of the women and she seems easy going. She probably just shrugged, opted for a reasonably sized house for her crew, and will show up soon with that RV Kody teases her about. I think she’s living her life.

if Robin is worried about the nightmare of Inheritance for all if they did go ahead with the Big House because she’s the only legal wife, she might want to think about that being true ANYWAY. The house would make an incredible mess of Kody’s estate, but wherever his assets are, it’s the same problem. Surely they aren’t expecting simply to pass on the individual houses to each wife’s kids to share and call that fair?

Why, at this point, does anyone need to be a legal wife? It must be for income tax filing somehow. Maybe. I guess. Sound like they need to get some estate planning advice soon. Surely they can find one that isn’t rigged toward monogamists. Heh

Christine, this ideal life you envision for yourself and Kody is called MONOGAMY. I’m so sorry you were raised to believe there’s anything wrong with it. I’m pretty sure that after all the pain you’re enduring in this life, you’re not going to find yourself on an eternal planet with Kody the God. Or, if he DOES morph into a god, I imagine you’ll have to stop flipping him crap and just toe the line. Does eternity with this crew really sound worth striving for?

(The following actually just occurred to me; serious question for any who know.  @Kyanight, maybe? — is part of working out the jealousy etc in this life considered necessary or desirable so that these negative feelings are not carried into eternal life? Is that why there was mention last night is the family “failing” or not being capable of being together? I hope I’m making sense, and I promise I’m not being rude or snarky. Just trying to understand.)

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1 minute ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

well, I don’t blame Janelle for not finishing her board. What’s the point? She gracefully gave in about the Big House and has yet another move to deal with in reality life. She strikes me as the most open of the women and she seems easy going. She probably just shrugged, opted for a reasonably sized house for her crew, and will show up soon with that RV Kody teases her about. I think she’s living her life.

if Robin is worried about the nightmare of Inheritance for all if they did go ahead with the Big House because she’s the only legal wife, she might want to think about that being true ANYWAY. The house would make an incredible mess of Kody’s estate, but wherever his assets are, it’s the same problem. Surely they aren’t expecting simply to pass on the individual houses to each wife’s kids to share and call that fair?

Why, at this point, does anyone need to be a legal wife? It must be for income tax filing somehow. Maybe. I guess. Sound like they need to get some estate planning advice soon. Surely they can find one that isn’t rigged toward monogamists. Heh

Christine, this ideal life you envision for yourself and Kody is called MONOGAMY. I’m so sorry you were raised to believe there’s anything wrong with it. I’m pretty sure that after all the pain you’re enduring in this life, you’re not going to find yourself on an eternal planet with Kody the God. Or, if he DOES morph into a god, I imagine you’ll have to stop flipping him crap and just toe the line. Does eternity with this crew really sound worth striving for?

(The following actually just occurred to me; serious question for any who know.  @Kyanight, maybe? — is part of working out the jealousy etc in this life considered necessary or desirable so that these negative feelings are not carried into eternal life? Is that why there was mention last night is the family “failing” or not being capable of being together? I hope I’m making sense, and I promise I’m not being rude or snarky. Just trying to understand.)

Yes.  Although negative feelings aren't carried into eternal life, working through jealousy and other negativity is necessary to become the best version of you in this lifetime.  It's part of your earthly "work".  I must add that I was not born into a plural family - my husband was.  And I didn't think I was going to have a plural marriage, it was thrust upon me later - and the "church" we attended was in my husband's family's homes and was lead by his father... so.... I don't know how much was skewed for these people's benefit and how much was actually "scriptural" from other sects.  Hope that makes sense!  I just kind of went with the flow until I couldn't any longer.  

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2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Four of my kids had(have) asthma and two of them were on Prednisone fairly frequently as children.  I don't remember them ever swelling up - but to be fair, my kids were only on it for 10 day cycles - not long term.  It was a wonder drug for us.

if you get hit with poison ivy on an annual basis, it's a miracle drug for that too.  But long term...different story I guess.  My MIL has been on it for years and is pretty puffy all over. 

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1 hour ago, suomi said:

I about gagged when Robyn listed her successes from her earlier vision board. 

" ... and I wanted to write a best selling book, and I did."

Nope, nuh uh. We're gonna need to see a receipt for that wish, you bullshitting hag. 

I guess posting her Victoria's Secret bill paid in full by her hard work never made it to her vision board.

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Just now, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I guess posting her Victoria's Secret bill paid in full by her hard work never made it to her vision board.

As IF ANY of her debts were ever paid in full by Robyn. Nope.  Never happened.

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Just now, TurtlePower said:

Christine is looking really good this season. Meri, on the other hand, is so big she can barely cross her legs. 

More baby crap to come—I could really do for a season without weddings or babies. 

The ONLY fun wedding was Tony and Mykelti  - because it was so different from the usual.  An hour of watching labor is NOT entertainment.  We could tune in every week to the "Counting On" show for that.

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4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Sooo, this is the seventh episode and we're still beating the dead house horse?  That's all they have for this season?  Please, for the love of all that is holy, end this shitshow.  What a waste of airtime.

Be careful what you wish for.  They could drag out Maddie birthing in the tub again or Mariah's VSE of her "love story".  Shudder.

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11 hours ago, suomi said:


During the first 10 minutes or so, during the house conversation, Meri hadn't said anything and one of them asked her about her opinion and she said (paraphrasing) "Cut the crap, it's not about the parking or the garage." And immediately, Robyn went to "Rowrrr, pffftt." I forget exactly what she said but it was real snotty, in a heartbeat. 

Robyn was all “psh well if you wanna get real Meri, let’s get real then”

Like was that not the point??

It seems to me that Meri may be climbing a bit up the totem pole simply because while Janelle is more practical financially, often Meri is more practical emotionally particularly with regard to the emotional state of the family and her relationship with Kody. Once she finally just kinda gave up and said it is what it is oh well...she has been kinda point blank about some issues. Christine and Robyn are by far the most emotional and I think that often bugs Kody.

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

When Robyn said, "I'm the legal wife but it's not like it rilly matters or anything....," it was the best laugh I have had in quite some time, let me tell you.  

And COME ON.  Her latest sob-fest?  How can the other adults not see what a horrible, fake human she is?  "You can't....(pause) tell me (pause, gasp) that what we had (snort, sniffle, gasp, pause) in Vegas (sob, eye-booger check, dramatic hand motions, even longer pause) wasn't perfect (sob, sob, booger, pause, sob, lather, rinse, repeat)."  It took her like two full minutes to spit out that sentence because of all the theatrics.  I think that was the second time I laughed out loud. 


Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I just cannot with these people.  WHY are they hashing out their deep-seated issues on social media for all to see?  They are essentially holding a private conversation on a megaphone in a crowded venue.  Why, I ask you?  And where does Meri suddenly get the cajones to come after Kody?  I think, after last night's episode (even though it was filmed 147 months ago), that Christine is firmly back on the bottom of the totem pole and Meri might just be sliding her way up a tiny bit.  Note that she was actually sitting next to him in one of the couch sessions - when's the last time that happened?  But what does it gain either of them to air their plague-filled laundry to the public?  It's gross.

And raise your hand if you're surprised that Janelle's vision board is STILL in a paper bag shoved under the dining room table.  Let's see, let me count the hands......ZERO.   

It takes Janelle a week to decide if she wants to take a walk or not.  Making a vision board?  Hoo boy.  That's a good one.

2 minutes ago, toodles said:


For the record, I think that no one over the age of 15 should make a vision board.  I can't believe that I watched an episode of TV featuring grown-ass women doing just that.

Edited by toodles
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1 hour ago, Onceafan said:

Christine's main problem with the one house is with Robyn and her children.

When Christine kept saying in the one house there would be no privacy, and one of the wives or anyone could walk in, while she is with Kody, she really is referring to Robyn's children. They are the youngest and actively seek out their father.


Make no mistake it was a very aggressive move from Christine last night, when Kody was crossing off her mom mojo on the board, and she piped up, if he want to push her  buttons, I can go up there, and cross off never moving again, knowing that was Robyn's "button." to cause tension between Robyn and Kody. She has some real resentment and jealousy there with Robyn and Kody.

That's a good point - I can totally see them all living in Kody's Dream House, and it being Christine's turn for some snuggle time with Kody (ew)....and Robyn trying to keep her little ones from hunting Daddy down but eventually just shrugging and saying, "whatever, go find Daddy."  I think this makes sense that Christine probably wouldn't be so concerned over privacy if she knew for a fact that stealth-mode Robyn wouldn't somehow sabotage that private time by encouraging her kids to play "Where's Waldo" with their dad.  Interestingk.

And I too was a bit floored when Christine took Kody on during the writing of the Why/Why Not lists.  She never would've done this until very recently, which again - because I am so interested in their hierachy - makes me wonder why she'd do it now.  With Robyn holding Kody's man-parts in her purse, Janelle being all, "I would LOVE one house!" and Meri being entirely non-commital, I have to say - from what we know of Christine - I'm surprised she is being so vocal about squashing this stupid one house idea.  But good for her, I guess? 


Edited by laurakaye
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Here is what I have to say about Kody and his         
misogynistic, contemptible, shitty attitude - 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Edited by Kid
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7 minutes ago, Kid said:

Here is what I have to say about Kody and his         
misogynistic, contemptible, shitty attitude!   🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I wish I knew what you said... All i got was a bunch of hieroglyphics 😂

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Funny how Kody said Christine came to the realization about 10 years ago that pologamy isn’t what she hoped it would be. Isn’t that the time Robyn came in contact with the family?

You are not just rejecting living with your sister wives Christine you are rejecting living with the other children as well.

A mother is not going to reject living with her minor children. Just goes to show you that they really don’t feel like a mother to Robyns children, they are more like aunts.


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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

What the heck was Robyn rambling on about in her talking head about having one more kid? 

Did she and the Kodster want one more or did they not? Did we get a clear answer on that? Her comments made no sense. Go figure. 

I think Kody's been trying to convince her to have one more, but I can't tell if she's on board or not. 

31 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

That's a good point - I can totally see them all living in Kody's Dream House, and it being Christine's turn for some snuggle time with Kody (ew)....and Robyn trying to keep her little ones from hunting Daddy down but eventually just shrugging and saying, "whatever, go find Daddy."  I think this makes sense that Christine probably wouldn't be so concerned over privacy if she knew for a fact that stealth-mode Robyn wouldn't somehow sabotage that private time by encouraging her kids to play "Where's Waldo" with their dad.

See, I see Robyn intentionally sending them in to interrupt. 

Like others have said, this magical mythical house, makes no sense. In like 2 years how many kids will Jeanette have at home? Any at all? Meri's already at none, and Christine will just have one. Robyn will have 2 unless she pops out another one, but sure let's pretend to build a giant ass compound for the whole place to be empty. Once the show gets cancelled, I see Meri and Jeanette going their own ways, maybe coming around for holidays, Christine sticking around, but living her own life when it's not her time with Kody, and Robyn hanging on till the bitter end while she fake cries. 

Not that any of it matters, they will never get the money, the approval, the ambition to do anything with that property. Just the cost of running utility lines out there has to be outrageous. Electric, gas, water, that doesn't come cheap. 

Edited by Fostersmom
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I think the reason Janelle LOVED the old house is because all the cooking, child rearing, "house" things fell to Christine.   Janelle worked from early morning to late evening- so she wasn't forced to interact with the others.   No wonder Christine isn't on board.

Now the new house.   1.  No way would Building Dept. allow one entrance to a house that size. Several other exits would be required for safety and to conform to fire safety laws.   2.  How does Kody know Planning won't allow 4 smaller single story homes, possibly with a large "community" space that has a kitchen?  3.  Who would buy  this single house  in a resale?   That would have to factor in any loan issue.   4.  Why would you purchase property that wouldn't allow flexibility in construction? 

Is Kody seriously that stupid to think that the actual house would resemble ANYTHING like the sketches?  Has he not been in any of the wive's homes?   Yeah they are all modern, and all white. 


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6 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

Robyn is really beyond stressed out now that she has to run her home without her niece picking up the slack in the nanny role. (Poor thing can't even travel because her schedule is so vastly different from the rest of everyone's)

I'm so glad you brought this up - I wanted to comment on this but had forgotten all about it. Robyn whining and jealous because everyone ELSE can travel but she has ALL these little children (camera shows a photo of her two youngest that was taken THREE years ago) and so she can't.  Her youngest are EIGHT and FOUR.  If she didn't coddle and baby them so much there would be no problem traveling with children of those ages.  I know (of) two families who traveled all over the world with infants - REAL infants - you know, babies from birth to one year.  The babies adapted beautifully to all of the different situations they met wherever they went, and it was a fascinating read!!  So stay home and sleep all day Robyn.  You are only depriving yourself and your offspring of life changing experiences by your sense of entitlement and laziness.

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Christine likes her new life. She has a house just for her and her children. When they had one home, she was taking care of her kids and Janelle’s kids. She’s had enough and loves the independence she now has. She loves being able to see Kody in her own space. The one home won’t happen as long as she has a say.

It is honestly as if she just wants to live in a world where she’s in a monogamous relationship. Isn’t that something...

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10 minutes ago, Roslyn said:


Yes, Christine only seems to feel "safe" to blurt out her kinda sorta maybe true feelings if she is buffered by the group (and cameras), and hidden within "joking" or "teasing" or "snarking".  However I think she knows that she has to be very careful how she picks and chooses her words because if she does say that she needs a very solid rule of no (other wives kids) kids wandering in her private area when she is lovin' on Kody with that quiet private time...he will let her have it.  He won't tolerate her trying to keep him away at any moment of any day from his kids seeking him out, no matter where he is.

Kody is the heart of the problem.  If he could climb down off his high horse of Supreme God and overseer of "The Family" to actually make sure that his wives are each and every one satisfied with their relationships and roles with in the family...but validated as individuals...he would have more harmony within the whole.

Kody uses his attention and caring as a weapon.  Christine picks and chooses words because if she goes after him and calls him out too close to the truth he will shut down on her, ignore her and deny her caring and kindness and attention. In turn she will have to then deal with her children when THEY are also ignored as a consequence. This treatment is mean, and it is cruel.  I have seen it done to others and I have had it done to me, it is flat out abuse.  Christine is trained that she must conform to his ideals, yet she is obviously suffering from never receiving what she needs to be solid and satisfied within herself and then within the whole unit.  

Meri is shut down and has found herself with the travel, the B&B, people outside of the family and her online presence.  Janelle is seemingly more happy and settled now that her boys aren't constantly punching each other in the face and she has some peace and quiet in her home. Robyn is really beyond stressed out now that she has to run her home without her niece picking up the slack in the nanny role. (Poor thing can't even travel because her schedule is so vastly different from the reast of everyone's) She seems like a hot mess at this moment (last years time).  Christine is cracking.  She obviously was just making it work back in Utah and keeping her Rose Colored glasses permanently glued to her face, smile glued on, keepin sweet, when she now can look back and see how overwhelmed she was and unhappy. She tries very hard to get Kody to just talk about their relationship as a one/one and he shuts her down with that great and memorable line "YOU love the family, and I will love you"

Kody did NOT like, in any way, shape or form, being called out about his rambling spewing during his Christmas "presentation" on how he was going to have a get away cabin to get away from all those children he produced, and then in the next minute says he wants MORE children to then get away from. He must be a nightmare to live with. He can call out the wives, but they have to put up and shut up. He comes up with cockamamie ideas and they had damn well better get on board. Keep an "open mind" means "you go along with my ideas. period."

I certainly hope that they have more real talks and put REAL discussions on the table when the cameras are gone, but I am starting to doubt it.  Meri puts out a "lets get real" and Robyn seems to agree...but then bam...cameras switch to something else. 

There was the marriage counseling episode with the rock building on the beach.  Kody told Christine that love the family or else.

I can't imagine living that life.  No one is allowed to grow or change or want something more than the faaaaaaaaamily.   Christine raised the kids and that was her role.  If she didn't like it so much, too bad.  She has had enough and who can blame her.  

Sucks to be Robyn.  Christine is not about to raise her kids too.

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7 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

I think the reason Janelle LOVED the old house is because all the cooking, child rearing, "house" things fell to Christine.   Janelle worked from early morning to late evening- so she wasn't forced to interact with the others.   No wonder Christine isn't on board.


Exactly! And not only was Christine raising Janelle’s kids, she was doing it in a home that was smaller than Janelle’s. Christine wants to raise her own kids and I don’t blame her.

It still irks me that Janelle has all of those children with no plans to be hands on. If the rumors are true and Logan doesn’t want any children, I get why. He’s already raised children just like Christine.

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4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I'm so glad you brought this up - I wanted to comment on this but had forgotten all about it. Robyn whining and jealous because everyone ELSE can travel but she has ALL these little children (camera shows a photo of her two youngest that was taken THREE years ago) and so she can't.  Her youngest are EIGHT and FOUR.  If she didn't coddle and baby them so much there would be no problem traveling with children of those ages.  I know (of) two families who traveled all over the world with infants - REAL infants - you know, babies from birth to one year.  The babies adapted beautifully to all of the different situations they met wherever they went, and it was a fascinating read!!  So stay home and sleep all day Robyn.  You are only depriving yourself and your offspring of life changing experiences by your sense of entitlement and laziness.

I traveled with my kids when they were infants through pre teens a LOT.  It just takes planning, but I suspect that Robyn doesn't like traveling in general because it means rocking the boat on her schedules with the kids. Yes, even staying up until 2am and getting up at noon is still a schedule.  If traveling with the family she will need to switch established routine to the families routine, and she doesn't seem to be willing to do that.

The age differences is pretty steep with her kids.  She has older teens that can easily clean up after dinner, toss a load in the machine, even prep things for the next day etc.  When Christine was juggling all the kids in Lehi their ages were really close and so she was dealing with a herd of kids, constantly in and out. She was obviously jealous about squeezing 5 kids (and then little Truely) into 3 bedrooms.  So that means only 2 bedrooms for 5 kids, and all the space was just that one side of the house in the basement.  Janelle had the same space that Christine had for JUST her kids bedrooms.

Of course Janelle looks at the Lehi house with fondness.  She was off to work and everything was done for her with meals and child rearing.  She got to be surrounded by the community she wanted, but not dealing with screaming kids and organizing meals day in, day out. Janelle is just as clueless about Christine's issues as Kody is.  She was there, but lived a very different life.

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2 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Exactly! And not only was Christine raising Janelle’s kids, she was doing it in a home that was smaller than Janelle’s. Christine wants to raise her own kids and I don’t blame her.

It still irks me that Janelle has all of those children with no plans to be hands on. If the rumors are true and Logan doesn’t want any children, I get why. He’s already raised children just like Christine.

My oldest two did not have children.  In large families like this the older ones HAVE to step up and help with the younger ones.  I think they get burned out.. they feel like they've already been/there and done/that.  I've always felt guilty about this.  Although it didn't seem to affect the Duggar kids.  Maybe the religious importance of having (according to their personal beliefs) children was pounded in their heads very effectively or something.

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5 minutes ago, toodles said:

Sucks to be Robyn.  Christine is not about to raise her kids too.

Poor, poor Robyn. Her youngest kids are constantly asking "where is daddy"?. Well, she bought in to the polygamist lifestyle and decided to procreate with Kodouche, now look at what it's done to your children. She made her bed, now she has to deal with it. Nobody is going to babysit her kids, either. The other sister wives are older now and looking forward to their freedom, they don't want to take care of her brats. I detect a little jealousy from her about the rest of them being free to come and go while she's stuck at home. I bet she is missing her cousin right now. Isn't she the one that did most of the work while living with Robyn in Vegas? 

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Poor, poor Robyn. Her youngest kids are constantly asking "where is daddy"?.

I call bull on that.  I doubt there are very many nights when he's not in her home.  She's clutching his ball hairs much too tightly for him to be gone very often.  Not to mention she can't take care of her two younger children without a village of help.

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2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

if you get hit with poison ivy on an annual basis, it's a miracle drug for that too.  But long term...different story I guess.  My MIL has been on it for years and is pretty puffy all over. 

I have a seafood allergy and one time I accidentally got into some ahi tuna (Core Life steamed my veggies in water they had used for fish), the urgent care doctor prescribed prednisone along with benadryl to boost the effectiveness of the benadryl.

Christine was the mother figure in the Utah house for years. She watched all the kids, which includes Mariah, not just Janelle's. She described herself as having to be the mediator between Meri and Janelle when she married into the family and I think she fell into that role for a number of reasons. Janelle said she was more comfortable working than being at home and dealing with Meri's shit. I don't think Meri would have EVER stayed home to raise Christine and Janelle's kids while she only had Mariah and was struggling to pop out more babies for Kody. 

I don't blame Christine for not wanting to step back into that role when her youngest is older than both of Robyn's babies. She and Kody aren't having any more kids and it's time for her to enjoy a new stage of life. 

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This episode was really funny to me for several reasons.   The way that Robyn was so pleased with her accomplishments so far in life, OMG.......lol. Right. And then that breakdown about her idea of Vegas being a good PLACE for their family.  Oh, PLEASE admit that we were a real plural family in Vegas, she begs!  She can't bear to hear otherwise......!, Yeah, right?  It really hit me that she is really a very.....................hmmmm.....low information person. Her plus, about the big house was that it says that they ain't low class hillbilies!  They are high class people! lol (Let's keep working on those insecurities.  Are they still in group therapy?)

  I'm not saying that she's my least favorite wife, because, the others have perturbed me too over the years, but, for some reason, Robyn is getting the dim witted edit this year or she's just letting her naivete flag fly.  I think the biggest laugh I got was when she went into describing THE BROWN'S WHOLE NEW WORLD, down on Coyote Pass.  Man, I may want some of what she's having......lol. 

Maybe, I'm just too busy, but, what grown woman has time to prepare a vision board? But, I suppose that it gave them a reason to get together and something to hold in their hands.  

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I think that Kody now wants his own space because ever since he married Robyn she has gone out of her way to make "quiet time" for him and her to be together.  That was one of the reasons she has always needed a nanny.  It's very difficult to give your husband your undivided honeymoon attention when your children are around.  She had Mindy raise her children and she and Kody could escape and pretend they had no responsibilities as far as children and time demands etc.  So for Kody his quiet place used to be Robyn's.  She has taught her children to fawn all over Kody and treat him like he is a king.  Robyn having to shoulder more of the child rearing has given Kody less honeymoon time and now he probably even questions if he is Robyn one and only main concern.  From the very first episode Robyn has always seemed overwhelmed by child rearing.  The facades are all starting to crack and Kody is resentful are real life intruding on his make believe life.



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Just now, Kyanight said:

My oldest two did not have children.  In large families like this the older ones HAVE to step up and help with the younger ones.  I think they get burned out.. they feel like they've already been/there and done/that.  I've always felt guilty about this.  Although it didn't seem to affect the Duggar kids.  Maybe the religious importance of having (according to their personal beliefs) children was pounded in their heads very effectively or something.

Oh yes, that happens a lot. I think that is why the two major child/housework minders, Logan and Aspyn are not having, or putting off children of their own. I was the youngest of two, but I was the household Cinderella.  I was cooking and cleaning by the age of 7/8, helping my Grandmother with everything and my older brother pushed a lawn mower around the yard a few times a year.  Yet when I hit university I had a long list of life skills and he was clueless about how to even sort clothes to put into a dresser drawer...

I have two of my own and they are both adults on their own.  They both understood the sacrifices that both my husband and I made to make the family as a whole work.  They both have decided to not have children, but my daughter might at some point.  She recently seemed to have softened on the idea, but she is firmly in her career field now, so who knows.  I have made it known with the kids that I would prefer Grand-Puppies or Grand-Kittens over babies.....

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41 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

Kody uses his attention and caring as a weapon.  Christine picks and chooses words because if she goes after him and calls him out too close to the truth he will shut down on her, ignore her and deny her caring and kindness and attention. In turn she will have to then deal with her children when THEY are also ignored as a consequence. This treatment is mean, and it is cruel.

This is very true. He is very manipulative.



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I think that it's difficult to get Robyn to understand a lot of things and that it frustrates Kody, so, he seeks refuge. That's why he and the others, except for Meri, were doing better. I would imagine it's frustrating.  I do think that she is very stubborn and that all the things the other wives complained about, are now things that she sees and has to deal with on a daily basis and she's pissed about it.(Shocker, Kody can be exasperating!)   It looks like the newness wore off and it's not what she really wanted. Now, she's got to fix Kody.  Good luck with that. 

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They are correct in that the older children absolutely have a better sister/brother bond. They raised them as one. Since Vegas, they've been raised more like cousins. Not a bad thing  but absolutely a difference. However, moving into "one house" NOW won't change this at all. It should have been done years ago to see any impactful change. I don't understand why there is any discussion here? The "why column" is empty.

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27 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I traveled with my kids when they were infants through pre teens a LOT.  It just takes planning, but I suspect that Robyn doesn't like traveling in general because it means rocking the boat on her schedules with the kids. Yes, even staying up until 2am and getting up at noon is still a schedule.  If traveling with the family she will need to switch established routine to the families routine, and she doesn't seem to be willing to do that.

The age differences is pretty steep with her kids.  She has older teens that can easily clean up after dinner, toss a load in the machine, even prep things for the next day etc.  When Christine was juggling all the kids in Lehi their ages were really close and so she was dealing with a herd of kids, constantly in and out. She was obviously jealous about squeezing 5 kids (and then little Truely) into 3 bedrooms.  So that means only 2 bedrooms for 5 kids, and all the space was just that one side of the house in the basement.  Janelle had the same space that Christine had for JUST her kids bedrooms.

Of course Janelle looks at the Lehi house with fondness.  She was off to work and everything was done for her with meals and child rearing.  She got to be surrounded by the community she wanted, but not dealing with screaming kids and organizing meals day in, day out. Janelle is just as clueless about Christine's issues as Kody is.  She was there, but lived a very different life.

And diapers.  OMG the diapers.

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I wonder if Robyn was counting on the "lifestyle" of "plural families" to basically shift a lot of the work of raising a family to someone else - like, she pictured everyone living close together or even in one house so that it would be someone else's job to cook dinner, clean, watch the kids, etc. Plus I'm sorry but she knows she's "the favorite" so I imagine she wasn't worried about HER alone time with Kody getting interrupted, as others have said her kids are the only ones young enough to go be going into the others' space uninvited, nobody is going to be going into Robyn's "section" of a big house. Robyn never lived like that so she has no idea of the reality of it, which is probably why she entertained the idea.

I am surprised at how easily Janelle kind of gave up the idea, I was expecting her to push more for it to happen and she basically came out with "yeah there are pros but we already figured out there were more cons than pros, so I'm fine with it not happening." 

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If the big house happened, which i know is a slim to none chance, although for entertainment purposes I SO want it to actually happen - I wonder if when the time came to sell it, could an organization buy it to use as some sort of group home or rehab facility? 

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31 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This episode was really funny to me for several reasons.   The way that Robyn was so pleased with her accomplishments so far in life, OMG.......lol. Right. And then that breakdown about her idea of Vegas being a good PLACE for their family.  Oh, PLEASE admit that we were a real plural family in Vegas, she begs!  She can't bear to hear otherwise......!, Yeah, right?  It really hit me that she is really a very.....................hmmmm.....low information person. Her plus, about the big house was that it says that they ain't low class hillbilies!  They are high class people! lol (Let's keep working on those insecurities.  Are they still in group therapy?)

  I'm not saying that she's my least favorite wife, because, the others have perturbed me too over the years, but, for some reason, Robyn is getting the dim witted edit this year or she's just letting her naivete flag fly.  I think the biggest laugh I got was when she went into describing THE BROWN'S WHOLE NEW WORLD, down on Coyote Pass.  Man, I may want some of what she's having......lol. 

Maybe, I'm just too busy, but, what grown woman has time to prepare a vision board? But, I suppose that it gave them a reason to get together and something to hold in their hands.  

Wasn't Vegas just so bad!!?!!!!  Now she wants it back and it was a Utopia.  Oh please.

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40 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

 When Christine was juggling all the kids in Lehi their ages were really close and so she was dealing with a herd of kids, constantly in and out. She was obviously jealous about squeezing 5 kids (and then little Truely) into 3 bedrooms.  So that means only 2 bedrooms for 5 kids, and all the space was just that one side of the house in the basement.  Janelle had the same space that Christine had for JUST her kids bedrooms.

In all fairness, Janelle used an inheritance and withdrew money from her 401K to buy the Lehi house. That is why she had one half for her and her children.  

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I wish the other wives would call Robyn out on her BS

If they did I guess she'd turn on the tears so what's the use... they all tippytoe around Robyn cause they know she's Kooties favorite.

She came to the fambly with a bunch of kids, a mountain of debt and shitty credit rating yet now she's running the show... Wtf did she ever contribute to the family other than King Sol and Arreola?

Now she has a million dollar home and surrounding property, easy money from TLC, a nice new vehicle to drive and the entire family has pulled up roots for her kid to go to school where she wants.

I'm flabbergasted by the shit they put up with from her. 🙄

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I can’t believe I’m still watching this train wreck of a show. There are YouTube bloggers that make more interesting content than the Browns ever have. Clearly this show has very little to do with reality. 

The Oscar goes to...... Robyn! She is so full of crap, and the crying on command is ridiculous. 

Christine is downright pathetic. I understand why she doesn’t want the polygamy condo, but I’m not a polygamist. Get with the program sister wife!! 

Not one of them was being honest in their discussion about one house. Meri would probably be the first to agree to it if Kody put her bed back into the regular rotation! 

Enough with the fairytale about being persecuted for your beliefs. No one cares! ( I even heard there was a “ throuple” on house hunters !)


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