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Quotable Quotes: Lines from TV You've Made Your Own

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"We dug coal together"........from "Justified" and uttered by both Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder, explaining how they knew each other. 


A friend of mine from High School and I use this when we're socializing.....we're female, live in Florida and we're both 49 years old....*LOL*

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There's a line from an episode of Haven that my best friend and I cannot let go of. God bless Emily Rose, she did the best she could on the delivery, and it made sense in context, but it was still a line that nobody could possibly have saved, and it has entered into our lexicon. Whenever we cannot possibly fathom the reasons somebody would do something, or whenever a killer on one of our TV shows is taking body parts from the victims (and we watch Criminal Minds, so this is not an uncommon occurrence), that's the cue for one of us to turn to the other and say, in a tone of intense dread, "WHAT IF HE'S BUILDING A WOMAN?"

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I hear stuff all the time that I swear I'm going to make my own but I never do. The only ones I ever remember to use are "Why so difficult" from Farscape, and "No kitty, bad kitty that's my pot pie" from Southpark. However, I'm going to find a way to use "I believe that's a Kraken, Bruce" somehow. (Geico commercial)

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I hear stuff all the time that I swear I'm going to make my own but I never do. The only ones I ever remember to use are "Why so difficult" from Farscape, and "No kitty, bad kitty that's my pot pie" from Southpark. However, I'm going to find a way to use "I believe that's a Kraken, Bruce" somehow. (Geico commercial)


South Park is so very quotable! "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" "They took our jobs!" "I hate you guys...."

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South Park is so very quotable! "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" "They took our jobs!" "I hate you guys...."

I use "Screw you guys, I'm going home." at the end of a long work day all the time.

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South Park is so very quotable! "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" "They took our jobs!" "I hate you guys...."


Years later, I'll still break out the underpants gnomes shout outs.

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I wish more people watched Miranda Hart's sitcom "Miranda" because that thing is a non-stop catchphrase machine:   "Bear with...", "What I call", "Such fun!", "Kindest regards henceforth to you", "Weird!".

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Has anyone seen the Hyndai/NFL commercial where a young couple is watching a Texans' game while cradling their not-sleeping-but-still-very-calm newborn? The next time any of my teams pulls out a big or exciting win I must remember to start yelling "Barbara! We won!"

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Omar from The Wire definitely had me using the word "Indeed" more often. I loved his various uses and inflections of it...he even made it sound threatening, and that shit is impressive

Edited to add Sen. Clay Davis' infamous "Sheeeeeeeit!"

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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From Rome when something is expensive- "I could have had half the whores in Nabo for that....AND THEIR MOTHERS." Or when discussing gift ideas like the upthread poster, "Large penis is always welcome." Of course when it's hot, "It's hotter than Vulcan's dick."

From Mad Men, "THAT'S WHAT THE MONEY IS FOR" when anyone demands cossetting even though they're being justly compensated. When displeased with something- "NOT GREAT BOB!"

Edited by Melancholy
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When my father was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, and my sister wanted me to help him clean his dentures when I was going to visit, this line from "Frasier" popped out of my mouth: "you're my sister, that entitles you to bone marrow and one of my kidneys. But THIS is an imposition!"

I use "moo point" from "Friends" a lot.

And one of my favorites from "The Office" that my son and I say from time to time. Michael: "you do respect dibs, don't you?" Dwight: "I'm not a barbarian."

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Bumping up this thread because I just realized that this line I say when the moment strikes me, "Too precious for this world," is from a season 2 episode of Supernatural. It's been so many years since I saw that the episode that I never even realized I picked the line up from TV.

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My entire family still says "I don't know who that is, Reege!" whenever one of us starts talking about a person the other family member doesn't know.  It's from when Amy Poehler used to play Kelly Ripa on SNL.  She'd say that whenever Regis (Darrell Hammond) would bring up an entertainer from back in the day.  

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29 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:
On 9/4/2015 at 6:15 AM, DeLurker said:

"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" - Art Carlson, Turkeys Away, WKRP


Said whenever I have done something inexplicable.

Oh, the humanity!

While I remember WKRP's take, in an iconic episode, on the "Oh, the humanity!" quote from the radio journalist witnessing the Hindenburg disaster, the pop culture reference that has stuck in my mind ever since it aired is Newman on Seinfeld -- whenever I quote that line, it's as him.

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On 2/20/2017 at 1:13 AM, Bastet said:

While I remember WKRP's take, in an iconic episode, on the "Oh, the humanity!" quote from the radio journalist witnessing the Hindenburg disaster, the pop culture reference that has stuck in my mind ever since it aired is Newman on Seinfeld -- whenever I quote that line, it's as him.

Watching the TV movie about the Hindenburg scarred me as a child. My husband and I have reworked it to "Oh the cat-manity!"  when my cats act indignant.

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I have taken a couple of things from I Love Lucy.  I will quite frequently say "Oh, honestly!" or Oh, for Heaven's sake" with exactly as much exasperation in my tone of voice as she had in hers whenever she said either of those phrases.  And there's her "Ewww!," which I have down pat, complete with the appropriate facial expression, whenever I need a shorthand expression for "Well, isn't THIS a fine mess I've gotten myself into!"

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I must say this about once a month when I am stuck in a large crowd, or sick of people in general. From The Office, Dwight says "There's too many people on this Earth. We need a new plague." I usually just shorten it to "We need a new plague."

Also, anytime someone says "Here's the situation." I say, "My parents went away for a week's vacation." Which is Leslie Knope singing/rapping Parents Just Don't Understand. But I never heard that verse outside of the Parks universe, so it's a TV quote not just me singing a song. 

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On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 7:49 PM, legaleagle53 said:

I have taken a couple of things from I Love Lucy.  I will quite frequently say "Oh, honestly!" or Oh, for Heaven's sake" with exactly as much exasperation in my tone of voice as she had in hers whenever she said either of those phrases.  And there's her "Ewww!," which I have down pat, complete with the appropriate facial expression, whenever I need a shorthand expression for "Well, isn't THIS a fine mess I've gotten myself into!"

I mostly say "'splain" instead of "explain." I just love it.

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MeTV shows a promo of Ethel saying "I have to go, I think I hear my mother calling me," but I said that for years not knowing she had said it, too. Little kid sayings are a lot of fun when you are clearly an adult. Like, "I can't go out, it's a school night."

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On Mad Men when told she looks sad Betty replied "I'm not.  Its just that my people are Nordic."

I use this line when an annoying person or someone who doesn't really know me makes a declarative like "You look really mad" or "why don't you smile more" (which GOD I just hate).  I put on a deadpan face and say "No, I'm not mad, it's just that my people re Nordic." 

Which is hugely funny because I am African American.  And Most of the time they get the most confused look on their faces.  Once, though I was in a Starbucks and said this to someone and someone must have been listening to to the exchange because there came this loud guffaw from behind me.

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4 hours ago, DearEvette said:

On Mad Men when told she looks sad Betty replied "I'm not.  Its just that my people are Nordic."

I use this line when an annoying person or someone who doesn't really know me makes a declarative like "You look really mad" or "why don't you smile more" (which GOD I just hate).  I put on a deadpan face and say "No, I'm not mad, it's just that my people re Nordic." 

Which is hugely funny because I am African American.  And Most of the time they get the most confused look on their faces.  Once, though I was in a Starbucks and said this to someone and someone must have been listening to to the exchange because there came this loud guffaw from behind me.

This is fantastic and I may have to adopt it.

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I probably shouldn't share this ... In Moonstruck, there's a line from Nicolas Cage, "Chrissie, bring me the big knife, I'm going to cut my throat." I have modified this for a really bad day at work, "Bring me the big glass" (of wine).

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I can't claim I've made this my own because it will never belong to anyone but Phylicia Rashad but whenever someone mentions the city of Baltimore I don't think "Oh, Baltimore."  I think "Baltimore!  For BIIIIIIIG FUN!"

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I keep hoping I will be presented with an opportunity to use a line from Frasier sometime. It was from the episode where Eddie is depressed, and Martin is very worried about him and says, "Maybe we should take him to a dog psychiatrist. Do you think that's the answer?" And Frasier replies with, "Only if the question is, 'What is the most asinine thing we could do?'" 

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Just said this one today, in regarding to someone realizing that health insurance is complicated. From Will & Grace, Grace is in the ER, I can't exactly remember why. There's this nurse and who's really young. She says "Oh, I don't drive. I keep trying to take the test, and I'm all like 'this is hard'!" It was made even more funny when we saw the behind the scenes of the outtakes. Debra Messing kept losing it. We say the "this is hard!" all the time.

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Wasn't that from the episode where Stan is rushed to the ER and Will, Grace, Jack, and Rosario have a bet going to see which one of them Karen will break down to?  I haven't watched Will and Grace in ages but I remember loving that one.

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I love this topic! When I started thinking about it, I quote famous lines more than I thought.

The Andy Griffith Show: "Call the man. Just call the man." (Andy said this to Aunt B several times. The freezer was failing and needed repair, but she kept trying to get around calling the guy. Every time she'd argue, he said "call the man, just call the man".)

The Big Bang Theory: "Bazinga!" 

I Love Lucy:

  • "Wha' happen'?" I say this one a LOT! (Said by Ricky when he didn't have a clue as to why Fred hit him in the eye in the hall.)
  • "lousy susan"


  • "I'm in the mood for love... thump thump thump... simply because your near me... thump thump thump" (I'll sing this one in an awkward moment of silence.)
  • "Off you go"
  • "Should I draw you a picture?" followed by "it's cherry Garcia". 
  • "Flesh is burning, na na na na nana, flesh is burning, na na na na nana"
Edited by TexasTiffany
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I may have posted this here before, but thanks to Moonlighting, whenever I hear anyone say, "You could've fooled me," I have to engage in a split-second analysis to determine whether circumstances will let me get away with replying with what immediately became my ingrained response:  A gnat with a lobotomy could fool you.

I also adopted Maddie's "Stop reasoning with your underwear" for when I need a less crude version of "Stop thinking with your dick."

I have a couple of friends equally obsessed with the show, and we break into quotations regularly when we're together, but those are the ones I've made part of my general vocabulary.

I've not yet been able to integrate this one, but I yearn for someone to tell me they "want some answers" under circumstances in which I can get away with responding, "Delaware.  All of the above.  Ninety degrees."

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19 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

Just said this one today, in regarding to someone realizing that health insurance is complicated. From Will & Grace, Grace is in the ER, I can't exactly remember why. There's this nurse and who's really young. She says "Oh, I don't drive. I keep trying to take the test, and I'm all like 'this is hard'!" It was made even more funny when we saw the behind the scenes of the outtakes. Debra Messing kept losing it. We say the "this is hard!" all the time.


Oh my sister and I use that too! We love that moment, especially with the outtakes -- we're laughing just as hard as Debra Messing by the end of it.

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Another one we use in my family when one of uses a term wrong or has trouble explaining what we mean: "Oooh, you mean symbolic." Courtesy of this moment in The Amazing World of Gumball (first minute of the clip) --

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