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S11.E04: Four Wives, One House

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6 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Also, interesting that they are only getting 135K a year for the show?

I don't believe that has ever been established as fact.  TLC keeps all of that close to the vest with an ironclad non-disclosure contract.  I would wager that figure comes from some tabloid and has no basis in fact.  If someone can provide proof, I'd love to see it.

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9 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

When is someone going to address the elephant in the room?   Robyn’s eyebrows are killin me!!!   I can’t dill with her choppy, lopsided brows for another minute.   Ya’ll have let me down, I can’t be the only one bothered by this 

Is that what was going on? I did notice it looked like she had a dent over one eye.

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9 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

When is someone going to address the elephant in the room?   Robyn’s eyebrows are killin me!!!   I can’t dill with her choppy, lopsided brows for another minute.   Ya’ll have let me down, I can’t be the only one bothered by this 

Wait - WHAT THE HECK?  Robyn has EYEBROWS?   I can't ever look up past that Robochin!

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I don't believe that has ever been established as fact.  TLC keeps all of that close to the vest with an ironclad non-disclosure contract.  I would wager that figure comes from some tabloid and has no basis in fact.  If someone can provide proof, I'd love to see it.

Exactly!  It DID come from one of those online tabloids.  I vaguely remember something like "Kody begging for another season" so he agreed to less money and then those weirdly specific numbers per episode.  No one gets to know how much the Browns make except for the Browns, their tax person (probably that lawyer we see on the show) and who ever signs the documents for the production company.  Over and over I see on Reddit these numbers pop up and occasionally here.  It just isn't true and I'm quite surprised how many people assume that if it is written on those "celebrity tabloid" websites it is automatically fact. I would not be surprised if it was one of those posts that had Kendra feeding the tabloids weird "facts" because she couldn't accept not being relevant anymore.

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No way are they only making $137,000 a season.  It has to be around $1 Million for the whole season for the 5 of them. There is no way they moved to Flagstaff and went through all that for $137,000.  

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13 hours ago, mayvenne said:

Don't throw anything at me but I was honestly legitimately confused that this plig family is not wanting one house to all live together. I thought that they were not all in one house because when they fled to LV no such kind of house existed.

I don't understand how Christine in particular is so against living under one roof with her family. What did I miss? ( I am not saying wrong or right but it seems to inconsistent with what I understand their beliefs to be).

It's not that you missed anything, it's more like something they really haven't disclosed with any real discussion. Watching the show as they were "fleeing" Utah they all seemed to want one big 10,000 square foot house with multiple kitchens...in Las Vegas.  🙄 Kody even said later on to a group that he honestly thought he would find a huge mansion from a defunct gambler in a short sale and be able to just sweep in and move his family in.  He was "shocked" that even a 10,000 square foot home only had one kitchen and 5 bedrooms.  Just imagine!!??  🙄

The cul de sac became the "dream" and everyone seemed happy with the arrangement.  However on camera when they were moving into the new built houses Meri made one cryptic statement that has never been explained or expanded on.  Something like "we are so used to living apart now and so used to having our privacy, wives will be able to see what the other wives are doing and that can cause an issue when we are close again.  That's all I'm going to say about that." And then she did that weird little kid face like "I know something you don't know..."

Kody let a tiny slip out a long time later that he "now realizes that not all the wives were happy in the Lehi House". What ever THAT meant...but now we can kinda guess that it was Christine that wasn't happy. And then Janelle mentions about how Christine lived directly under Meri in Utah...because of noise and "different schedules" there were issues.  However, if you go back and look at the layout of the Lehi house, Meri and one child gets the upper level with light and space and then Christine with 5 kids/1 baby and all the kids piling into her unit when she had low ceilings and a real cave like basement feel to her unit.  It's never been said on the show, but I can imagine it couldn't have been easy for Christine in such a dark and cramped space.

Christine is in a unique position tho.  She already has her mountain view and she purchased her home.  Technically she CAN tell Kody to shove it if he can actually bend space and time to get that massive house built.  She has her house already and it is only a mile across the valley to the family property. If he would move forward and actually pony up the dough for the architect and a structural engineer ($$) Christine needs to look closely at his plans because her unit doesn't potentially face the angel singing mountain.  However, that was just a CGI rendition. The actual layout would be determined with the codes, structure of the property etc. But I suspect that house is Kody Brown fantasy land as well.

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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I also caught where Janelle said she was up in Vegas every weekend to sell the homes, then Kody said every other weekend. It alluded to if any perspective buyer wanted to see the houses, would they have to wait until Janelle was back up there? I would assume there were lock boxes. Again, their thought process boggles my mind.

Yes, it really does boggle the mind. If the properties were listed in the MLS, then any realtor with interested buyers would show the homes. Janelle does not have to be there. The buyers agent would do the showings and only has to call Janelle with any questions.  The paperwork can all be done long distance. Honestly, these people are idiots. 

If Janelle is so stupid that she did not put the properties in the MLS then no wonder they took so long to sell. There would not be enough exposure for the properties. Then again, she would possibly do that to save having to split the commissions with another agent. Hence, driving her own fat ass to LV every weekend to show the properties herself and have open houses. 

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1 hour ago, KariLois said:

Those “jerk” children would be in Miss Hannigan’s orphange if Sobbin’ had her way.

No kidding!  Between Kody telling his kids that they're too needy and Robyn calling them jerks on television, I can't imagine those kids aren't seething.  The audacity of that broad is incredible, given that she was the last one to join the family.  She really wants to lord the whole "maybe there's one more spirit baby waiting to enter my womb" over not only her sister wives, but over every single kid in that family.  She is AWFUL.

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6 minutes ago, eskimo said:

What is it exactly that they do that they think would be so scandalous to the other wives?  I never understood why it would be a big deal to anyone ever if the other women knew Robin wasn't home, or that Christine is home.  "Oh Lawdy, Meri is gardening again!" or "I can't believe my sister wives might see me vacuuming through the window, what shall I do?!"  Do they have sex with Kody on the kitchen island in the evening with the lights on and the curtains open?  Freebasing crack, maybe?  Someone please tell me what is the big fucking deal if your sister wives know the boring-ass mundane crap you do all day?!?  I'm sure they already know that Kody is with *fill in the blank*, soooooo...... 

Exactly.  Try living in a house where the wives only have their own bedrooms and have to share everything else, including a bathroom perhaps.  That's a different story.  Kody's honking polygamansion has reinforced steel and 6 feet of rock and sound proof boarding between each wive's section so that they can scream out during sex and no one else would even know.  BFD.  I don't understand their whining whatsoever.

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Why did Christine have to drive to Phoenix to get a dog?  Don't they have rescues and pounds in Flagstaff?  And, what type of dog was that puppy?  It appeared to be one that is going to get large and heavy.  Nothing wrong with that, but, if you're going for an indoor dog who is primarily for girls, why not go for a smaller breed?  I've known people who get big hearty breeds who want to hunt, run, jump, etc. and the little girls want a dog they can pamper, cuddle, dress up and not have jumping on them, scratching their skin, and ruining their clothes. I don't get it. 

I wonder which children Robyn was talking about being jerks.  I do get it though.  I can imagine those she might be talking about. lol  Robyn does seem to be over it.  She seems done with the sister wives, the moving, and most of all KODY.  She really seemed annoyed.  AND, so did Christine.  Wouldn't it be funny if Kody ends up with just Janelle!  

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8 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Exactly.  Try living in a house where the wives only have their own bedrooms and have to share everything else, including a bathroom perhaps.  That's a different story.  Kody's honking polygamansion has reinforced steel and 6 feet of rock and sound proof boarding between each wive's section so that they can scream out during sex and no one else would even know.  BFD.  I don't understand their whining whatsoever.

Can you just imagine what it must have been like for Janelle when she was jammed into the mobile home with Meri and Kody.  Meri was a proper bitch to her, snuggling under a blanket with Kody watching TV, while Janelle sat possibly in her peeling pleather chair looking on.  Then there were meal times, where Meri cooked for herself and Kody and left Janelle to her own devices.

The walls in those places are paper thin and I can just imagine the hootin' and hollerin' emanating from the bed chamber of M & K, all for Janelle's benefit.

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5 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Can you just imagine what it must have been like for Janelle when she was jammed into the mobile home with Meri and Kody. 

Yes, as a matter of fact.  I can imagine it perfectly.  : /

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4 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Can you just imagine what it must have been like for Janelle when she was jammed into the mobile home with Meri and Kody.  Meri was a proper bitch to her, snuggling under a blanket with Kody watching TV, while Janelle sat possibly in her peeling pleather chair looking on.  Then there were meal times, where Meri cooked for herself and Kody and left Janelle to her own devices.

The walls in those places are paper thin and I can just imagine the hootin' and hollerin' emanating from the bed chamber of M & K, all for Janelle's benefit.

Yeah, but, I don't think those women noticed, at least at first, because, they REALLY seemed to be impressed with Kody as their husband.  Even now, I'm astounded by the way they seem to think that Kody was the PRIZE! lol  Christine and Janelle have always seemed VERY pleased that they got their man, KODY BROWN.  lol  Only lately, does it seem that Christine is fed up.  And, of course, so is Robyn.....I don't know about Meri.....rather desperate.  And, Janelle is still happy!

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I don't know if anybody else caught this but either this episode or last Janelle said that she and Robyn have opposite schedules. She likes to go to bed early and wakes up at 5am and Robyn goes to bed late and doesn't wake up till noon. Ummmmm who can sleep in till noon when they have 5 kids? Who gets them breakfast and ready for school? WTF? Robyn must have off camera live in help which is why she needs so many bedrooms. I thought her cousin wasn't moving with them. I always thought she was lazy now I know for sure! 

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know if anybody else caught this but either this episode or last Janelle said that she and Robyn have opposite schedules. She likes to go to bed early and wakes up at 5am and Robyn goes to bed late and doesn't wake up till noon. Ummmmm who can sleep in till noon when they have 5 kids? Who gets them breakfast and ready for school? WTF? Robyn must have off camera live in help which is why she needs so many bedrooms. I thought her cousin wasn't moving with them. I always thought she was lazy now I know for sure! 

Dayton and Aurorabreanna are old enough to handle breakfast for the troops but I wonder if Robyn rouses herself from her nest to look after Ari when the school bus arrives to pick up the older kids and Sol.

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15 hours ago, Roslyn said:

I thought it was interesting when he specifically gave the speech about how his fridge will be stocked with snacks, and when kids want snacks they will take them from his fridge...to allow the wives to have their "autonomy". 

Possible translation: someone is bitching and moaning to Kody about how all the "other" kids are raiding the fridge and "taking" food and snacks from "their" grocery budgets...? It was a really specific and weird thing to put into his presentation speech. 

At the point we are in their timeline (Christmas Eve 2018) her website was still active.  It went quiet around March 2019, the same time Robyn went quiet from all social media.

Years ago the camera showed  the front of Robyn's refrigerator.  It had a sign on it that said that all children had to ask either Robyn or Mindy for permission  before taking any food.

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4 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Dayton and Aurorabreanna are old enough to handle breakfast for the troops but I wonder if Robyn rouses herself from her nest to look after Ari when the school bus arrives to pick up the older kids and Sol.

Even with the older two, you can't trust them to get up and out of the house on time. Well, Dayton is in college now so he can handle it but all the others I say get your lazy ass up and make sure your kids are ready for the day. 

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13 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

You can bet if Kody sires an imperfect child he'll have nothing to do with it and all the blame will be placed on the mom. 

I don't see him traveling to the Carolinas to visit his second grandchild. 

Honestly, I don't see him traveling anywhere to visit his kids or grandkids. I'm sure he just waits at home for them to come and pay homage to him. 

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1 hour ago, eskimo said:

What is it exactly that they do that they think would be so scandalous to the other wives?  I never understood why it would be a big deal to anyone ever if the other women knew Robin wasn't home, or that Christine is home.  "Oh Lawdy, Meri is gardening again!" or "I can't believe my sister wives might see me vacuuming through the window, what shall I do?!"  Do they have sex with Kody on the kitchen island in the evening with the lights on and the curtains open?  Freebasing crack, maybe?  Someone please tell me what is the big fucking deal if your sister wives know the boring-ass mundane crap you do all day?!?  I'm sure they already know that Kody is with *fill in the blank*, soooooo...... 

Right, or Janelles car is gone, I bet she is at the Wendy's drive through again... (at least that is what I would be thinking)

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14 hours ago, deirdra said:

Caleb's sister married Kody's brother Curtis, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2013.  Caleb & Koty's bromance started when Caleb was helping his sister care for Koty's nieces & nephews.  Curtis looked a lot like their brother who went to see the plyg palace plans with Kody last season - half bald, but with the sense to closely clip the rest, as Kody should.

Curtis' obituary also mentioned that he was greeted in heaven by his beloved dog Belle. It is interesting that Kootie's siblings stayed in Wyoming, near "home", and liked pets, but Kootie left and blames his wives for not having a home.

Kootie did meet little Vanga in NC when she was about a month old, probably for the show.  Janelle included a pic on IG.


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54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know if anybody else caught this but either this episode or last Janelle said that she and Robyn have opposite schedules. She likes to go to bed early and wakes up at 5am and Robyn goes to bed late and doesn't wake up till noon. Ummmmm who can sleep in till noon when they have 5 kids? Who gets them breakfast and ready for school? WTF? Robyn must have off camera live in help which is why she needs so many bedrooms. I thought her cousin wasn't moving with them. I always thought she was lazy now I know for sure! 

She doesn't work - her house is a sty  - so what DOES she do all day?  Watch Doctor Phil and soap operas, play games on facebook?  Try on Lularoe tights over at her best-ex-bff's house?(Meri).  I mean... seriously!

1 minute ago, Granny58 said:


Evangalynn.  Name of the Maddie's baby.  I know I didn't spell it right.

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I'm not a Kody fan by any means, however I do feel that this plan is probably the best one for a polygamist family. Most don't get anything even close to this good of a deal.

I'm not sure what Christine's hang up is seeing as she is the royalty of the group. I think Robyn is turned off at the idea of all wives having an equal share and that they're all on an even playing field. I don't think that appeals to her at all. Her jealousy was on full display at Meri's house and then shocker, she got a $900,000 house. She also seemed to really not like Kody having his own house. She didn't seem to understand it was a mock up and everything didn't have to be white just because it was in the pictures. She also did not like him saying his house. I don't think she likes him putting out there that he would actually like his own space and that she isn't his safe place. If this house were to happen she would totally be in 'his' house and leaving little bits of her decor and marking her territory.

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Right, at this point with the TLC paycheck drying up, why aren't all of them working day jobs ?  I get Meri is doing ok with her shilling of craptastic clothing, but Christine probably isn't that successful, she could work a 9-5 job, Janelle as well. Even Robyn with the little ones can get them to daycare and work a few hours out of the day to help out. Kody is another - do we even know what he did before the TLC bus rolled through Lehi ?  The more the years go by without them having actual employment, it will be harder to find anyone to hire them. Do we know if they are trying to collect AZ food stamps yet ?


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Just now, MrsPatrickBateman said:


I'm not sure what Christine's hang up is seeing as she is the royalty of the group. I think Robyn is turned off at the idea of all wives having an equal share and that they're all on an even playing field.

I have to respectfully say that you are wrong in this instance.  Each wife has their own little "house within the house", but they are SOOOOOOOO not EQUAL!!  Robyn's is the size of a football field....well.. more or less (ha ha!) because she has younger kids at home and is waiting for other spirits to float down from heaven and nestle in her womb.  Also because she feels she is a princess and needs the biggest chunk of the pie  - always.  The other wives also have smaller yet different sizes of living space.

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I don’t know why I can’t quit this bunch. But I’m so irked with Kody. He creates all this unnecessary stress and pressure because of his ready-fire-aim approach to life. Then he has the nerve to bitch that he needs to get away from everyone sometimes because his life is just so hard. I’m surprised the wives didn’t go for his throat. 

he needs to be a much better and kinder husband and father. I wouldn’t want to share a house with him. 

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Why the hell does Kody need his own apartment. It even has its own kitchen, just a waste of more money.  Can't he just have one private room.  He is extra annoying these past two seasons. That will only cause trouble.  I bet all the wives will be on watch to see if anyone one of them comes out of his apartment and wondering what she was doing in there.  Robin is just plain dumb, most of what she says makes little sense.  For someone who didn't just want the man and wanted the family I find it strange she is so against one big house.  Meri is insignificant and Janelle just doesn't give a shit what happens.  

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10 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I don’t know why I can’t quit this bunch. But I’m so irked with Kody. He creates all this unnecessary stress and pressure because of his ready-fire-aim approach to life. Then he has the nerve to bitch that he needs to get away from everyone sometimes because his life is just so hard. I’m surprised the wives didn’t go for his throat. 

I can't get past this.  Pretty much every parent wants to escape sometimes.  But that's all Kody does - escape!  He has no real responsibilities.  Case in point - he spent months working on a house design that he KNEW his wives were going to shoot down.  That involved travel, time away from home, hanging out with his buddies who were all "yeahhh boiiii!!" when Kody explained the sound-proof walls, and time spent perfecting his Christmas Eve Powerpoint presentation.  The man has FOUR WIVES and at least 8 kids still at home.  Where does he find time for any of this nonsense?  It's because none of his jellyfish wives take him to task.  Because if they do, they'll find that their kids will see even less of their dad.  It's just so freaking twisted and gross.  He's not the family leader, he's the family escape artist/time waster/very part-time dad.  

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5 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I also caught where Janelle said she was up in Vegas every weekend to sell the homes, then Kody said every other weekend. 

I'm enjoying how TLC is including these passive-aggressive "offhand" comments/jabs that puncture the way these clowns are trying to represent themselves.  Like Janelle commenting that Robyn sleeps in. They are the best part of the show.

Edited by deirdra
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Hmm....I just had an idea.  It's highly unlikely, but, what if the apt that Kody is calling HIS apt, is actually, a backup home for a potential FIFTH wife???  I've never thought there was a strong possibility of that before, BUT NOW, that Robyn doesn't seem to be up for more baby birthing and they may need another main baby to keep TLC interested in them.......IDK....I'm now wondering. 

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3 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Kody let a tiny slip out a long time later that he "now realizes that not all the wives were happy in the Lehi House". What ever THAT meant...but now we can kinda guess that it was Christine that wasn't happy. And then Janelle mentions about how Christine lived directly under Meri in Utah...because of noise and "different schedules" there were issues.  

Meri always wears clodhoppers, so she was probably stomping around on purpose.

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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hmm....I just had an idea.  It's highly unlikely, but, what if the apt that Kody is calling HIS apt, is actually, a backup home for a potential FIFTH wife???  I've never thought there was a strong possibility of that before, BUT NOW, that Robyn doesn't seem to be up for more baby birthing and they may need another main baby to keep TLC interested in them.......IDK....I'm now wondering. 

Did it have a bedroom? I thought he presented it as a kind of convention center/event venue for the family. Ugh 

I bet one reason some wives are objecting is that they would all share an entrance to the home. What if they run into Kody exiting another wife’s quarters with a big smile on his face? Or Kody and the other wife, BOTH smiling that smile? No thanks. 

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Someone please tell me what Kody actually does all day? They say how busy he is -always rushing from wife to wife. And we know it's only 3 wives really. Maybe only 2.  I don't see how that takes up ALL his time.  Really, he needs to be working regularly if he wants that dream house. This reality show is on its last breath. He's got to know that right?

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hmm....I just had an idea.  It's highly unlikely, but, what if the apt that Kody is calling HIS apt, is actually, a backup home for a potential FIFTH wife???  I've never thought there was a strong possibility of that before, BUT NOW, that Robyn doesn't seem to be up for more baby birthing and they may need another main baby to keep TLC interested in them.......IDK....I'm now wondering. 

I think that Kody wants that subliminally penile shaped kingdom all to himself and the occasional kidlet that wants to drop by for a snack.  I would be just too awkward if a kid dropped in while Kody and a new wife were in the throes of whatever........

If he is planning a 5th edition, he's probably counting on Meri to vacate before she even moves in.

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2 hours ago, eskimo said:

What is it exactly that they do that they think would be so scandalous to the other wives? 

Meri probably kept a spreadsheet of how much time Kody spent in Robyn's house.  When they were spread out over LV, Kody could tell them he was travelling for "work" or going to Home Depot or whatever to explain his absences, when it was clear that he was at Robyn's most of the time.  In the cult-de-sac the other wives and children would have to witness Kody avoiding them.

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2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Kody is busy doing nothing. He’s like that person who walks around with a clipboard in their hand. Little secret, they are also doing nothing. I’ve worked with many.

Same. And they speed around instead of walking normally so they look extra busy. And they develop a grouchy look a la Kody so they’re less likely to be approached or challenged. 

despite all my bitching about this episode, I kind of can’t wait till next week. When are they going to have the fight about table scraps?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I don’t want to spoil a “spoiler” from upthread but I am interested in learning more about Maddie’s daughter.  Was this information revealed on her Twitter or Instagram pages?  (Obviously, I don’t follow any of these people on social media.). Thank you.

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3 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

Was this information revealed on her Twitter or Instagram pages?  (Obviously, I don’t follow any of these people on social media.). Thank you.


Her 2nd pregnancy hasn't even been revealed yet on the show.

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1 minute ago, tinderbox said:

I don’t want to spoil a “spoiler” from upthread but I am interested in learning more about Maddie’s daughter.  Was this information revealed on her Twitter or Instagram pages?  (Obviously, I don’t follow any of these people on social media.). Thank you.

Yes, it was revealed on IG that Evie has FATCO (Fibular aplasia, tibial campomelia, and oligosyndactyly) syndrome, which involves transverse defects of the ends of limbs associated with congenital heart malformations.  She is missing some fingers and toes, a tibia or fibula in one leg and possibly a radius or ulna in one arm. We do not know the extent of her heart problems.

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17 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

But I’m curious about the TMI Realty signs. 

I was too. My initial thought was it was a made up name, like ACME Realty, lol. I Do not see Janelle's name listed as an agent. Maybe she was until the houses were sold. I do recall a Mona in previous episodes, so maybe the Mona listed is the same Mona.


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13 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

I don’t want to spoil a “spoiler” from upthread but I am interested in learning more about Maddie’s daughter.  Was this information revealed on her Twitter or Instagram pages?  (Obviously, I don’t follow any of these people on social media.). Thank you.



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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Meri always wears clodhoppers, so she was probably stomping around on purpose.

Clodhoppers... lol! That’s what my 87 year old dad calls  all comfortable women’s shoes v 

39 minutes ago, ginger90 said:



She is a beautiful baby. 

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3 hours ago, aimlessbird said:

Years ago the camera showed  the front of Robyn's refrigerator.  It had a sign on it that said that all children had to ask either Robyn or Mindy for permission  before taking any food.

Really ?  Wow, how sad is that. I am one of 6 kids, came from middle class - never once was there a sign to ask to eat food, but then again. my mom never referred my siblings and I as jerks 

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