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S24.E03: Week 3


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What the heck difference does it make if two of the girls know each other before coming on the show?  Is there a disclaimer in the contract that says you cannot know someone else in the pack?

And what is this nonsense in the previews for next week that half the show tonight is now an enormous waste of our time?

And who the heck were half the women he sent home?  Did we even see them out of the limos?

These questions and more on the next installment of ‘As the Stomach Turns’!!!!

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Watching Peter just absolutely in his element at the cowboy bar I felt kind of sick about this whole thing.  Why am I watching this bullshit.  I'm having one of those crises of conscience that all of us have every other week or so.  Good-looking, straight, white guys like Peter (okay he's not my type) have nooooooooo trouble finding women to date.  He probably picks up 5-20 women every time he goes to that damn bar.  Nobody like him in America would have even 1% of trouble finding a woman.  This show is all bullshit.

24 seasons of this.  Have mercy.  

Peter's jeans were way too tight. This look is not hot to me.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 21

Well, that was weird. The whole episode. I don't for one minute believe any one of those girls really believes they are already "falling in love" with Peter. Doesn't look like he believes it either by the way he seems to want  plant himself in the gossip parlour with the girls and their girl talk trying to figure out what's/who's real or not, instead of just trying to enjoy all the bathing beauties at the pool party. He's hearing the words, but not sensing the "Love".  A tip for Peter, : If it doesn't feel like love... it isn't.

  • Love 7

I know we joked about most of the women not wanting Colton and arie their seasons but I feel we’ve really hit a low this season. The lawyer woman peter knew before and Madison are the only ones I buy having even a little interest in Peter. The fight between Sydney and alayah holds no weight because neither wants him. At least in the Hannah b vs caelynn fued, Hannah b was actually into Colton.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Watching Peter just absolutely in his element at the cowboy bar I felt kind of sick about this whole thing.  Why am I watching this bullshit.  I'm having one of those crises of conscience that all of us have every other week or so.  Good-looking, straight, white guys like Peter (okay he's not my type) have nooooooooo trouble finding women to date.  He probably picks up 5-20 women every time he goes to that damn bar.  Nobody like him in America would have even 1% of trouble finding a woman.  This show is all bullshit.

24 seasons of this.  Have mercy.  

I disagree with you. Peter is very average. I noticed they didn’t even bother having him take his shirt off at the pool party.  I do not think in real life he was able to date women as good looking as these contestants. The Hannah Anns, Sydneys, and Alayahs of the world don’t go for him in real life. 

all these women signed up for Tyler or mike 


  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Watching Peter just absolutely in his element at the cowboy bar I felt kind of sick about this whole thing.  Why am I watching this bullshit.  I'm having one of those crises of conscience that all of us have every other week or so.  Good-looking, straight, white guys like Peter (okay he's not my type) have nooooooooo trouble finding women to date.  He probably picks up 5-20 women every time he goes to that damn bar.  Nobody like him in America would have even 1% of trouble finding a woman.  This show is all bullshit.

I don't disagree. I wonder if its always been like this, though, and it's just me who's matured and/or become more cynical. I highly doubt Andrew Firestone had issues meeting women, but I bought into his journey and did not want him choosing Kirstin or whatever her name was with the bf back home. 

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

He still would have zero issue finding women to date, period.

Well that’s every person that comes on this show. But he doesn’t have women who look like these contestants falling all over him. They needed to cast some average looking, out of shape women like him. Colton despite being a crier looked like a man, had his shirt off all the time, had NFL checks, and came from money. Arie was super rich. The bachelor is supposed to be desirable.  More desirable than peter who is all of 12, acts and looks like it.

Edited by dirtypop90
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Peter made no effort to give the women a fun pool party, he would rather gossip in the corners. I don’t even get why he was so upset because someone was “fake”. He is just very dull. Still don’t like Demi and wonder if she is still engaged to Kristen? I would guess probably not. Like most of you I keep seeing women I can’t remember and I can’t stand the way they talk with every word either like or and “ and I really like you and I’m happy to be here and I’m falling for you ... and, like, and. 

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2 hours ago, leighdear said:

There's a Deandra?

  The producers are really slacking this season.   They're not putting the names on the screen, and half the time, there's a voice-over of a woman talking and there's no way to tell which one it is.  

1 hour ago, JenE4 said:


I really need to learn how to “put on a face of makeup.” I put on makeup and I look the same—maybe a little less reddish for an hour or two. Alaya puts on makeup and she’s a completely different person!

Oh, jeez, I’m going to have to learn Aliysha’s name after all.

Kelsey, after crying, washed all or most of her makeup off, and looked MUCH younger and more attractive.  

I'm with you - I put makeup on, and my eyes stand out a bit more .  some of these women are unrecognizable when they take off their makeup. 

And, I have to ask -  did I hear Hannah-anna say the "champagne FINASCO?"  That's what I heard, and honey, that's not a word.  

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I see that the transformation into Rock of Love is coming along nicely.

So, how many more dates are we going to see at Ye Old Country Saloon, yee haw!  And no way in hell was that anything but a casting call for extras at the local college to show up for a 'spontaneous' daytime country concert and 'line dance'.  The whole thing was fake as shit. That said, I prefer it to the skeezy 'let's put the women in lingerie and force them to go into a ring and fight each other for Peter' schtick.  And boy was he into it. His hard on for the catfight scenario gave me the icks.

There was a move Juan Pablo(?) made all the time where when a woman would talk to him he'd just dive in and kiss them and it seemed clearly a move to get as much as he could as well as just shut them up. I see the same moves with Peter. When someone has talked for a little bit, he just dives right in and shuts em up with a make out session.

Victoria. Poor Victoria. She gave her sob story and demonstrated for Peter things I don't think she realized.  Damaged, disastrous family to marry into, codependent, needy, low self esteem. If she had instead told him how she had a difficult past and how she overcame it to be a healthy adult who is worthy of love it would have been more attractive IMO. Instead she just told him why she was going to be a relationship trainwreck over the long haul.

When Alayah was 'crying' to Peter about how hurt she was there was not a single bit of moisture in her eyes. And her final gaze at Sydney made me think Sydney ought to lock her door at night.

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Is this a new record for the lead to be so upset so early in the season?  

He bailed on a group date to cry over Hannah B,  he cancelled a cocktail party, he's walking away, going back to his room, every time one woman confesses that she dislikes another woman.  Can't he model maturity by telling them he doesn't want to hear this trivial bullshit?   "she stole my champagne!"   "She talks in a fake voice when there are cameras!"  Are these things that any previous bachelor would have given a moment's thought to?   But Peter CRIES over this stuff.  

  • Love 18

The Most Depressing Pool Party Ever. 

And when the women just huddle together to talk about Peter instead of trying to interact with Peter I just don't get it. They do this all the time and then complain they didn't get enough time with him. Just grab onto him and go talk to him for a change! 

This guy is not a catch. The whole idea of The Bachelor is that the guy is great enough to fight for. This guy is constantly getting all emotional over some shit or other and walking away from the women. Canceled dates, canceled cocktail parties, the pool party of doom, etc. If the women had any self-respect left they'd walk out on him for a change. Mr Drama Queen is so not worth it.

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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8 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Aliyah is horribly manipulative, but even worse, she is one of those people who thinks no one can see through their BS.  We all see you, Aliyah, and it's clear that you are full of shit.

and ner "Oh Ive hel many titles" please I watched toddlers and tiaras. <eyeroll>

but the worst is how peter runs out to grab a girl everytime theres a rumor. so whenver he has a fight with his bride, he will go running home to Mommy. ugh.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

I agree.  So tired of Demi and no, they broke up.


no big shocker here she is dating Nick Vaill. the perfect match.

7 hours ago, kazza said:

I don't disagree. I wonder if its always been like this, though, and it's just me who's matured and/or become more cynical. I highly doubt Andrew Firestone had issues meeting women, but I bought into his journey and did not want him choosing Kirstin or whatever her name was with the bf back home. 

andrew firestone was one of the great bachelors and he put real feelings into what he did. this guy Peter says the same lines to every woman"I cant beleive im attracted so early, I see your heart, blah blah blah. he must have practiced all these lines because he has every bs trite line in the book. ugh.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Katie111 said:

How many times has he walked out on the ladies because he was overwhelmed or upset about something.   Imaging being married to that?  Anytime anything gets hard, he’d just walk out on you.   He is such a downer.  Isn’t he required by contract to spend a certain amount of time with them?   He gets an awful lot of “alone time” for someone who is supposed to be the lead. 

and hell tattle on you and run to mommy. the worst.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Peter made no effort to give the women a fun pool party, he would rather gossip in the corners. I don’t even get why he was so upset because someone was “fake”. He is just very dull

If Alayah had an ounce of self-respect she would have got straight up and walked out to the limos after Sydney made her middle-school accusation of "she's fake"  and Peter went along with it. Every woman there is being fake and anyone human is going to sit up a little straighter when the cameras roll in.  But sadly Alayah does not have any self-respect or she wouldn't be devoting her young life to paying entry fees to beauty contests so she can walk in her bikini and heels on a wooden stage at the county fair  while the  judges inspect her thighs for cellulite.  And she worries we'll think she's too prim and proper.

Line dancing?  Really?  I thought that was for the groups of girls who don't get asked to dance but want a chance to get up and show off their outfits.

Peter is just the worst. Absolutely no swagger, conversation or even ordinary kindness.  He has nothing nice to say after the requisite sob stories, just a perfunctory "thanks for sharing," then a kiss.  I know the producers encourage the women to tell their most personal stuff but Peter clearly wants an uncomplicated girl from a perfect family who will be just like his mommy.

Why aren't we getting any final comments from the women who are cut?  I wanted to hear Alexa say how boring she thought he was, you could see it in her face a few times.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 20
2 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

If Alayah had an ounce of self-respect she would have got straight up and walked out to the limos after Sydney made her middle-school accusation of "she's fake"  and Peter went along with it. Every woman there is being fake and anyone human is going to sit up a little straighter when the cameras roll in.  But sadly Alayah does not have any self-respect or she wouldn't be devoting her young life to paying entry fees to beauty contests so she can walk in her bikini and heels on a wooden stage at the county fair  while the business  men judges check her thighs for cellulite.  And she worries we'll think she's too prim and proper.

Line dancing?  Really?  I thought that was for the groups of girls who don't get asked to dance but want a chance to get up and show their outfits off.

Peter is just the worst. Absolutely no swagger, conversation or even ordinary kindness.  He has nothing nice to say after the requisite sob stories, just a perfunctory "thanks for sharing," then a kiss.  I know the producers encourage the women to tell their most personal stuff but Peter clearly wants an uncomplicated girl from a perfect family who will be just like his mommy.

Why aren't we getting any final comments from the women who are cut?  I wanted to hear Alexa say how boring she thought he was, you could see it in her face a few times.

:::::::::::cheering:::::::: to think I thought he would be a great bachelor. ugh--one of the most disingenuous, tattling, boring, mama's boy to ever be bachelor. even worse than that prince of dogfood and Travis Stork.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

If Alayah had an ounce of self-respect she would have got straight up and walked out to the limos after Sydney made her middle-school accusation of "she's fake"  and Peter went along with it. Every woman there is being fake and anyone human is going to sit up a little straighter when the cameras roll in.  But sadly Alayah does not have any self-respect or she wouldn't be devoting her young life to paying entry fees to beauty contests so she can walk in her bikini and heels on a wooden stage at the county fair  while the business  men judges check her thighs for cellulite.  And she worries we'll think she's too prim and proper.

Line dancing?  Really?  I thought that was for the groups of girls who don't get asked to dance but want a chance to get up and show their outfits off.

Peter is just the worst. Absolutely no swagger, conversation or even ordinary kindness.  He has nothing nice to say after the requisite sob stories, just a perfunctory "thanks for sharing," then a kiss.  I know the producers encourage the women to tell their most personal stuff but Peter clearly wants an uncomplicated girl from a perfect family who will be just like his mommy.

Why aren't we getting any final comments from the women who are cut?  I wanted to hear Alexa say how boring she thought he was, you could see it in her face a few times.

Yaaaassss!! I came here to post this same thing about Alayah... the proper response to his hmmming and hawing over whether he believes Sydney or not should be to say if you’re going to believe every bit of trash talk from a woman you don’t know any better than me right now, without getting to know me on your own then see ya later - walk out and show some dignity. Instead it’s this anxiety ridden drama fest over whether it’s ruined their relationship or not. And let’s face it she IS fake (like the rest of them) because she’s not crying over Peter.. she’s crying over missed Instagram dollars. 
I know that every year I watch this I get older but the girls stay the same age (alright, alright, alright) but this year in particular they all seem SO young and so immature. I wish there was a way to recruit women of actual substance instead of Instagram shilling wannabes. 

Edited by GracieK
  • Love 19

I have never actually considered not watching the bach / ette, but this year I am tempted.  This is so bad and so boring.  I feel every season is getting worse, and I don't think that I am tiring of the original formula--I think the issue is that they brought in new formulas that are so boring.  I wish they would go back to having a show that was set to have a group date, a single date, and a rose ceremony. 

Bring back the wackiness that happens, and minimize focusing on the boring drama.  They drag it out for several episodes, and NOONE CARES.  It is not remotely interesting.  I took a nap during the show, and then fast forwarded through the rose ceremony and clearly didn't miss much.  I guess I will get a lot of reading done on Bachelor night this season.... 

Yes, and Peter really sucks as the bachelor.  All he does is kiss everyone and acts interested, but has nothing to say.  


Editing to add, I just went to the bachelor facebook page and it is full of people fed up with the boring drama, incomplete shows...many people said they need to stop with the boring cliffhangers, have the rose ceremony each episode and be done.  There is noone over there exclaiming they love the Bachelor right now.

Edited by alexa
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How is it that in the millions of people that live in the US (and even a few they get from Canada) they find 2 people that know each other and 1 person that has met (and probably hooked up with) Peter before?   It just makes no sense to me.   And lots of them seem to already know people who were on previous seasons, this always seems to come out on Bachelor in Paradise.  

And what is with all the beauty queens?  I kind of liked Victoria but once I heard she was Miss Louisiana, I just lost interest.  Aren’t pageants expensive?  How does someone who is splitting a potato with her sister afford all those dresses, coaching, makeup, etc?   And she said her & Alayah has only ever met for about 3 hours.  Alayah said they were “good friends”.  Big difference there. 


And the dates this year are just so boring.  And cheap.  Where’s the bungee jumping or scaling a building?  Oh wait, Peter would probably cry if had to do that. 

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10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Aliyah was one of the most beautiful woman there.  I was surprised that he let her go so soon.  I thought she would at least last to the Fantasy Suites. Truth be told, she was my front runner to be the next Bachelorette.  Oh well!

I thought she was odd looking when she talked or made expressions.  She had the make-up perfected though along with $50,000 teeth and fake boobs.  

I’m usually reading when this is on so last night towards the end was when I actually looked at them all.  The one who went on the family date looks like Maria Shriver who married Arnold swhartzhenegger (?).   The one with the first impression has a pig nose and odd shaped eyes.  The tall Asian woman is beautiful and seems to have personality. Although good luck to her because it looks like he’s going for the white bread basic. 

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I'm starting to think Peter is a little dull.  Not Arie-level dull, but more dull than you'd expect from him.

And I'm not really feeling his connection with anyone. Maybe Madi, but I have to take a lot on faith.  I would personally follow Victoria P around like a puppy, but the sparks between them are like theoretical particles.

And for me, Sydney came off looking way worse than Alayah.  But it looks like we'll get a do-over, which will make Peter look worse than either.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:



I could just see the interest dying in Peter's eyes right then. 

Yeah but she inspired him More than ANYONE EVER In his WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE

10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Aliyah was one of the most beautiful woman there.  I was surprised that he let her go so soon.  I thought she would at least last to the Fantasy Suites. Truth be told, she was my front runner to be the next Bachelorette.  Oh well!

She WILL be on Bachelor in Paradise, don't fret!!!

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, clubsauce said:

Vocal fry. Whyyyyyyy????? It’s, like, so not cute??
History will look back on this period with great shame and confusion. 

I want to make a video comparing the way these women talk to the way the movie stars in the 1940's and 1950s spoke. I want to see if I could find clips of them saying similar things. It's so shitty sounding to my ears. This batch seems the worst, and that's saying something. 

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23 year old: Oh my god!  A muumuu! The horror! 

Me, a 41 year old: Hmmm.... I wonder where production got that.  Looks comfy.

Lord spare me the histrionics of this group.  Even the "older" ones are acting like 12 year olds.  I know we are only a few episodes in but I can't seem to gel with this group.  Everyone seems so calculated.

I agree with the other posters that Peter is not that great of a bachelor.  I think it is because he seems to have never fought for anything in his life.  Grew up comfortably upper middle class and had everything handed to him.  That's not necessarily a bad thing but it makes for a very  boring human.   One legit question: does he still live at home?  Or just close to where he grew up?

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56 minutes ago, Katie111 said:

How is it that in the millions of people that live in the US (and even a few they get from Canada) they find 2 people that know each other snip

And what is with all the beauty queens?  I kind of liked Victoria but once I heard she was Miss Louisiana, I just lost interest.  Aren’t pageants expensive?  How does someone who is splitting a potato with her sister afford all those dresses, coaching, makeup, etc?   And she said her & Alayah has only ever met for about 3 hours.  Alayah said they were “good friends”.  Big difference there. 


I think you answered your own question with the beauty queens.  Alayah (Miss Texas) and Victoria P (Miss Louisiana contestant) would have probably met at some pageant or other.  Alayah tried 4 times for Miss Texas before she won. Sometimes they try in a neighboring state.  Last year Hannah B, who had tried 3 times for Miss Alabama was in the same pageant with little Hannah G. and in Miss USA with Miss North Carolina (I forget her name.)  So that was three who knew each other last year.  Why would Victoria and Alayah have ever thought they wouldn't be allowed on the same Bachelor show after that?

Yes pageants are expensive and it sounds like it's just the same group of shallow girls giving each other bragging rights about their number of little tiaras and ribbons.

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