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S10.E10: Mama Drama

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12 hours ago, Miss Slay said:

This. Total armchair psychologist but I feel like Joe calls at special moments ie. picking out a prom dress or mother's day and he tries to ruin them so the girls don't have special moments without him. 

Yea, I don't know what his deal is. I don't know if Bravo tells him to call at certain times. Can they even have contact with him? Or does he just call A LOT? I get that he's sad that he's missing all of this stuff.....but this was all totally preventable. 

And while Teresa is certainly no angel, I feel like Joe always kinds of "starts it". He asks what they're doing and then when they tell him he either has to turn it negative ("how much do those dresses cost?") or make it about him ("*I* once got you a name necklace"). 

I wonder if it's not so much about making sure the GIRLS don't have a good time, but maybe more punishing TRE - because he's all bitter that she's out and he's not. Either way the kids suffer. I really really don't like Teresa, but I do feel for her when the kids she's raising on her own instantly jump to defend their father, who is being an asshole.

5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Jennifer needs to stop dragging her mother in to the gay conversation, it is hard to watch, her mother may be fine with her son being gay because he is happy and doing well, she might not want to talk about it on TV.

I agree. I actually think her mother is trying. She was raised in a very different culture and a strict religion. She didn't know any other way. She has not disowned her son or refused to be around him or anything like that. She's trying. And I feel like it's kind of gross that Jennifer is using her family issues as a storyline. Let them figure it out on their own.


4 hours ago, mandymax said:

The girls cooking Mother's Day breakfast for Teresa was touching.  But what's with all the name necklaces?  I don't know that I'd wear a necklace that says my name, like a name tag.  I know my own name.

I don't really like name necklaces at all; but I think if I WERE to wear one, it would bear my children's names or my husband's or something. No offense to anyone, but it seems a bit narcissistic to go around with your own name on your chest.

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

David is going to string Delores along until his house is finished.  No sense in pissing off the contractor before it's done.  Even then, he's probably worried about retaliation, "old school" style.

Seems to me like that whole relationship is driven by Delores. He seems like he doesn’t give a damn either way. I don’t think it will go anywhere. 
Frank was in her bedroom when she was packing to go to Jackie’s. Weirdos.  

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4 hours ago, mandymax said:

The girls cooking Mother's Day breakfast for Teresa was touching.  But what's with all the name necklaces?  I don't know that I'd wear a necklace that says my name, like a name tag.  I know my own name.

I got a name necklace as gift when I was 13 or so, it was a long time ago and I never wore it, it did not make sense to wear that, what I wanted was a boyfriend's ID bracelet...that made more sense!

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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't really like name necklaces at all; but I think if I WERE to wear one, it would bear my children's names or my husband's or something. No offense to anyone, but it seems a bit narcissistic to go around with your own name on your chest.

Its very 80s - I got one for my high school graduation in 1987! back in the day when you wanted the double name ankle bracelets to signify your "serious" high school romance.image.png.30cf12b06d5c3d2e2901cf1fe91bfe91.png

Edited by MV713
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5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She hasn't talked about finances at all up until Jennifer did her digging and made it a big deal  its everyone else that is talking about her money ...

I see what you mean.  I always respected Jackie for her candid attitude and humility.  I think what bugged was that WWHL appearance and indicating she's wealthier than Jenn (which with a plastic surgeon spouse, IDK how it's possible) then the buying a ring from her former suitor so she could escape his proposal. Next week though, Jackie looks like she brushes off Jennifer's insults RE: the kid's party so I like that. IDK whose side I'll land on by end of season. 

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Would Teresa have actually enjoyed going to the Mother's Day brunch? I would think it would have been tough for her, since she would be the only one there without her mother.

Frank and Delores just need to get back together at this point

I laughed at Melissa suggesting opening a bottle of wine as soon as Teresa started going in on Margaret.

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4 hours ago, janiema said:

Some years back (I think in the season of the Napa Valley trip), Caroline Manzo said that Juicy was coming apart due to the pressures that Tre was putting on him. The way Tre’s daughters are acting toward her seems to indicate that they may think Joe’s legal issues are the result of Teresa pressuring him to come up with money. Milan is in particular has looked as if she is seething and about ready to explode in almost every scene.

If this is true, then Caroline is even more of an idiot than I originally thought. It's amazing the lengths these people will go to vilify anyone they don't like on these shows. According to Margaret, Marty is some innocent pawn in Danielle's evil game, and I guess according to Caroline, Joe Giudice was driven to criminal ends by demanding Teresa. Do they not realize that people are responsible for their own actions? I swear most of these cast members have the emotional maturity of high school kids.

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Tre and Jennifer are the only housewives on the Jersey franchise who don't need their housewives paycheck.

I doubt Tre has any investments so she is essentially living from paycheck to paycheck. While she might be earning the most from RHONJ, she is not wealthy - she just gets a high salary for a finite period of time. And if she isn't living above her means, she is spending it all to support her lifestyle.

As others have posted, renting your home in the Hamptons doesn't mean that you are scraping by. You rent it out for a month or so because many people don't want to be at the beach 24/7. Apart from the house being in the Hamptons, it looked as if it were ocean front property which is a huge premium. The Gorgas and Guidices had these really tacky homes on the Jersey shore which weren't even on Long Beach Island or any of the real beachfront towns. 

FWIW, the name necklaces were a huge thing back in the early 2000's because Carrie Bradshaw in Sex & The City worn a "Carrie" necklace for several seasons. I think I have even seen them being resurrected on some trendy fashion spots so everything that is old is new again.



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24 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am not surprised that Jennifer wanted to know how much Jackie's Hampton's house cost, she is very much in to money, she got in the car to go on the trip and asked if everyone liked her glasses then let everyone know that they cost $900.  


I was having Dana/Pam flashbacks, except hers were $25k.

ETA:  Jinx, @heatherchandler


Edited by walnutqueen
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8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Can I be skeptical for a moment, I am re-watching the scene with Delores and David having dinner at the hospital and I am getting the feeling that David does think that he and Delores are exclusively dating Delores and here is why...Delores asks David to tell her about Sniper School, he gives not details but says it was great and he cannot wait to go back.  My cynical side thinks he did not go to Sniper School but saw his other girlfriend instead.


that was the strangest dialog I have heard among supposedly adult love-birds.

I'm still stuck on why the avg person ( a person who brings life into the world at that) want to attend sniper school... Local gun range -fine, gun convention, sure.. but "sniper" - for what exactly? Seems a little overkill for self-protection. 

Then the man says " he cannot wait to go back". And he said it quick. Odd response w/o giving any supporting details. Delores at once up a time can shoot a firearm - given she was a police officer. She knows basic "gun language". No comments like "I hit the bull's eye ,1000 yrds away, in 3 different positions, at night with my M-16"...

Delores should have asked, "what was so great about it, that you want to go back " - as opposed to going on about housewives bullsh*t. Then I would have asked "why do you need to go back?" -" is there some certification/license he's trying to keep up?"

That made me too think he didn't go to "sniper school". I just did a quick google, and yes there are millions of courses, but the first couple I selected are M-F ( link ). most likely the fashion show would have been on a late Friday night (ie get on a early fight), Saturday/Sunday to get kids/Frankie Jr. there.



I would have dragged his ass to the gun range for him to show off he newly learned skills. Miss too many targets - that would have been the last straw.

Edited by sATL
found out when fashion show was
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20 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Her husband is a partner at a private equity firm - he most DEFINITELY makes more than a plastic surgeon!



Also while the doctor might make a lot of money, it doesn't necessarily translate into wealth. Wealth is having assets versus supporting oneself on income - unless that income is from the tremendous amount of assets one has. 

Unless her husband is a complete financial nincompoop like the rest of the Jersey crew, he would have used his presumed financial acumen to build their personal wealth. 

While many rich people do live like "rich people", there are a lot of extremely wealthy people who live relatively modest lives like Jackie. Of course it's all relative since Jackie's home is quite lovely and not inexpensive but it's not one of the McMansions like the Gorgas, Guidies and Jennifer live in. 

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21 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Margaret did look cute at the Mother’s Day event and that’s really saying something.  Don’t get me wrong she is a pretty women.  She just needs a good stylist, hair dresser and makeup artist.  A few episodes ago when she was in bed after Danielle pulled her hair she was makeup and lash free and she looked great!  

And, a very good foundation garment expert!!  Truth be told, almost all the Housewives could use a good bra fitter and actually WEAR a bra, but I notice it with Margaret a lot, for some reason!  

But, don't even get me started on the RHOA, or some of the young women on Vanderpump Rules!!  

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't really like name necklaces at all; but I think if I WERE to wear one, it would bear my children's names or my husband's or something. No offense to anyone, but it seems a bit narcissistic to go around with your own name on your chest.

I grew up in NJ  and the name necklaces were so 1980's ( I had one back then ) didnt know they made a comeback.. although mine was not the sparkly diamond kind.  

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2 hours ago, MV713 said:

Its very 80s - I got one for my high school graduation in 1987!

I've seen one someone had since the early 1970's.  It wouldn't surprise to me to learn they go back earlier than that.  

1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Do they not realize that people are responsible for their own actions?



2 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I always respected Jackie for her candid attitude and humility.  I think what bugged was that WWHL appearance and indicating she's wealthier than Jenn

Humility my ass.  I saw WWHL last night too. That woman oozes smugness and superiority.  I'm not sure what her reason is for being on this show, but she's just as much a jerk as any one of them, just in a different way.

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21 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Did Joey and Gino really need to hear about their dad's 3 lone sperm? 

Of course Juicy had to start a fight with Tre on Mother's Day. And then her kids jump in to defend him. He can't ever just ask how they're doing. He's got to comment. So immature.

At this point, I think David only continues with Dolores because Frank is building his house. I can see them having a totally different kind of "talk" when it's done.

Marge SR. wants to give her dusty stilettos to was vets??

What exactly does Tre think Margaret has done to her? Margaret was attacked at Teresa's event, by Teresa's friend, and Teresa didn't really defend her. So Margaret is taking a step back. Can't say I blame her. 

Jackie's house is lovely. Who knew she was a secret baller?

Now, of course, my mind goes to some kind of major conspiracy theory - that Joe and Teresa decided between themselves that Joe will do this, so that he will look like the douche that he actually can be (sometimes a lovable douche, but a douche, nonetheless).  This way, Teresa can continue to garner audience sympathy, and Joe never seemed to have a problem with looking bad on TV.  Now that there was a 99% chance he was going to be deported and not be back on TV, he is only sounding bad, and chances are, he won't be coming back to the U.S. anytime soon.  So, when Teresa decides to legally call it quits and divorce him, she will look like a saint for putting up with sooo much from him.  As I said, just an idea that popped into my head, but it could be an actual scheme from those two half-brains!

I still don't understand why is it that ALL of Joe's on-air phone calls are placed to Gia's phone and not to Teresa's?  Seems to me that he should be calling his wife's phone and not his daughter's - I just don't understand this.

Edited by njbchlover
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Marty said that Margaret was jealous because she was ugly and Danielle was so hot. And Margaret likes him why? Didn't see also push him in the pool? And now she cares about his relationship with Danielle?

Margaret is causing her own misery, IMO. She needs to stop trying so hard to be on this show-- she's more seeped in the storylines than the viewers!

RE Joe calling Gia-- I think from prison or ICE or wherever, each caller needs to set up an account. So maybe he already called on Teresa's account, or maybe there isn't money in Teresa's account.. who knows. I think calls are like 50 cents a minute, and the money has to be preloaded into the account. Also, Gia might be logged on-- so when Joe can talk, he logs in to his account, and he can see who is available to talk. It's not like he is just making a random phone call, it's sort of like Skype. So Gia may be waiting for his call, and waiting for her dad to log on. Once he logs on, he sees she is logged in, and then he can reach out to her. 

Edited by bravofan27
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8 hours ago, mandymax said:

And Chanel shows up AGAIN, this time as Teresa's shoes at the nail salon.

Pretty sure Chanel (or some other brand initials) were on Jackie's accessories during a recent episode too.  Maybe a belt?  Those logo accessory items make me laugh the most.  They are nothing more than overpriced costume jewelry.  The fact that Jennifer's family is in the jewelry business and she wears that crap instead of precious jewels and/or metals says a lot. Might as well buy your jewelry at Claires.  Those signature items are only good for announcing you can afford to buy them.  

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15 hours ago, zenme said:

I’m surprised Joe didn’t spin it like, “That’s how potent my swimmers are! 3 are  equal to 15 million!” 

Joe is not smart enough to have thought of something like that quickly!!  But....don't be surprised if you hear him say this at the Reunion or elsewhere, because I'm convinced that the ladies read everything here!  🙂 

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I love name necklaces and anything with my name!  I have like 30 pieces of name jewelry and still have my school girl jewelry.

Back then the quality was so much better. 

If you want a name plate necklace....you gotta get it made with thick gold. Cost like a $1,000........Vs the $300 bubble gum machine quality they sell at stores.

My friend just had a little girl and I already bought her one. Gave it to my friend on Mother’s Day. I wanted to make sure.....they were naming her what my friend said. 

For Christmas....I got her another name jewelry.  I told my friend she can wear the pieces and then pass them on  when she is older.


But....she got her name jewelry collection already started...by me! 🥳


I think Joe calls every day at the same time.  Then Teresa and production schedule filming her scenes during the phone calls.


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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I don't know what his deal is. I don't know if Bravo tells him to call at certain times. Can they even have contact with him? Or does he just call A LOT? I get that he's sad that he's missing all of this stuff.....but this was all totally preventable. 

And while Teresa is certainly no angel, I feel like Joe always kinds of "starts it". He asks what they're doing and then when they tell him he either has to turn it negative ("how much do those dresses cost?") or make it about him ("*I* once got you a name necklace"). 

I wonder if it's not so much about making sure the GIRLS don't have a good time, but maybe more punishing TRE - because he's all bitter that she's out and he's not. Either way the kids suffer. I really really don't like Teresa, but I do feel for her when the kids she's raising on her own instantly jump to defend their father, who is being an asshole.


I agree - I think that Joe is definitely lashing out at Teresa because he is mad about being stuck in a detention center and Teresa is "free".  I also think that in his ridiculous thought processes, he does blame Teresa for him never getting his citizenship.  (Hell - could he even PASS a citizenship test??  I doubt it - just as I doubt that Teresa could pass one either, and she IS a citizen!)

I also think that if Joe was home, and sitting around the kitchen table, the conversations about money and spending would be the same.  He would be pissed that Gia/Teresa spent so much (no matter how much) on a prom dress.  He would have had zero interest in any shopping or any prom activities at all.  

Regarding the name necklace - that was a really shitty thing to say to Teresa, even if he DID buy her one - back in the 80's/90's when they were originally popular.  The girls were very proud of that gift - and he basically let his daughters know that their gift to their Mom was "second fiddle" to the one he already gave her.  And who knows - Teresa may not remember it because maybe they sold it at one time or another when they needed money.

Also, I'm not a big fan of Teresa for many, many reasons, but I do feel badly for her when her girls, especially Gia and Milania, defend Joe and put her down.  She's doing the best she can for those girls, and they don't seem to appreciate it at all.

Edited by njbchlover
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Whoo boy. This Joe stuff is seriously pissing me right the hell off. 

I do think that he's pissed that she's out with the family while he's rotting away in ICE, but dude, she ALSO did her time. I don't remember her doing this to him.

Plus, the idea that Teresa is somehow responsible for pushing him into spending all that money and cheating the government makes me NUTS. That is vintage Manzo blame the woman shit and I will not have it. First, Joe is responsible for his own actions. Second, I follow him on Instagram where he posted a video of a bunch of giant GUCCI bags before Christmas and bragged that his "girls" Christmas presents were waiting for them. So, yeah, I'm pretty sure he is just as responsible for wanting expensive things as his wife is. 

I'm tired of him calling and ruining everything. It was SO nice of the girls to make her that brunch and he shat all over it and turned her into the villain at her own Mother's Day brunch. As a divorced single mother, can I just say? Been there. Teresa has to be the bad cop to his good cop and I find it really disturbing that their daughters seem to think that Teresa should shut up and take it. Also, his girls were proud of the necklace they got for her, so he decides to shit all over their gift by saying he got her one too however the fuck many decades ago? Fuck this guy. Also, name necklaces scream Sex in the City to me, but they are very much back. My tween daughter is crazy about them. I do think Teresa would remember, so I almost wonder if he got it for a girlfriend and just forgot. Wouldn't doubt it.

Anyway, Teresa is no angel and is emotionally and mentally stunted, but she did her time and is now a single mom to FOUR girls, paid off all the freaking debt with HER books and HER tv show and HER appearances and probably also managed to wrangle whatever Bravo-related screen time pay Joe got while she was in prison. Not to mention that she is also responsible for her ailing and also emotionally stunted father. I wouldn't wish that stress on anyone. In conclusion, fuck you Joe, you old troll.

Could Jackie not have just broken up with the guy instead of making her mother spend 15k? That whole story was bizarre and I think something very weird is going on in her family, in general. 

Re: David and Dolores. I honestly think that if she stopped calling David, she'd never hear from him again. He is just not that into you, D.

Totally agree that the best part of this episode was Joe G. finding out that he only had 3 swimmers out of 15 mil. Amazing payoff to an otherwise tiresome storyline!

Edited by Otherkate
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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I grew up in NJ  and the name necklaces were so 1980's ( I had one back then ) didnt know they made a comeback.. although mine was not the sparkly diamond kind.  

Yup....I had a name necklace (sparkly diamond kind) back in the 80's, when I was in my 20's - sold it in the early 2000's.  Probably should have kept it, but I think I'm too old for that now!  😂

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Her husband is a partner at a private equity firm - he most DEFINITELY makes more than a plastic surgeon!



Her husband is probably making $20,000 a day.....easily. Plastic surgery is paid upfront and requires very little follow-up.  💰💰💰

Just saying they are BOTH  rich! 🙌🏻

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45 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Marty said that Margaret was jealous because she was ugly and Danielle was so hot. And Margaret likes him why? Didn't see also push him in the pool?

She did indeed push him into the pool - and yet this very episode she said that she would never do anything to cause bodily harm to someone! I get that shoving someone into the pool will most usually be harmless, but it is a gesture that could go wrong - and someone could get potentially injured from it. Margaret gets away with a lot of nasty behavior. Remember when she mocked Jennifer's brother for getting a mail order bride? And then she had no understanding why Jennifer was offended?

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3 hours ago, sATL said:

that was the strangest dialog I have heard among supposedly adult love-birds.

I'm still stuck on why the avg person ( a person who brings life into the world at that) want to attend sniper school... Local gun range -fine, gun convention, sure.. but "sniper" - for what exactly? Seems a little overkill for self-protection. 

Then the man says " he cannot wait to go back". And he said it quick. Odd response w/o giving any supporting details. Delores at once up a time can shoot a firearm - given she was a police officer. She knows basic "gun language". No comments like "I hit the bull's eye ,1000 yrds away, in 3 different positions, at night with my M-16"...

Delores should have asked, "what was so great about it, that you want to go back " - as opposed to going on about housewives bullsh*t. Then I would have asked "why do you need to go back?" -" is there some certification/license he's trying to keep up?"

That made me too think he didn't go to "sniper school". I just did a quick google, and yes there are millions of courses, but the first couple I selected are M-F ( link ). most likely the fashion show would have been on a late Friday night (ie get on a early fight), Saturday/Sunday to get kids/Frankie Jr. there.



I would have dragged his ass to the gun range for him to show off he newly learned skills. Miss too many targets - that would have been the last straw.

Yes, 100%, yes! I just don't understand why she does not ask any questions!  But she also had no idea that Frank was disbarred so there is that...not curious enough.

You get a gold star for your research.

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29 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Could Jackie not have just broken up with the guy instead of making her mother spend 15k? That whole story was bizarre and I think something very weird is going on in her family, in general. 

She told that "story" so she can let everyone know that 15k was chump change for her family. 

Edited by druzy
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1 hour ago, ichbin said:

I've seen one someone had since the early 1970's.  It wouldn't surprise to me to learn they go back earlier than that.  



Humility my ass.  I saw WWHL last night too. That woman oozes smugness and superiority.  I'm not sure what her reason is for being on this show, but she's just as much a jerk as any one of them, just in a different way.

Yep!  Name plates have been around forever.  All the women in my family had a set of diamond studs, gold hoops, tons of gold bangles and nameplate jewelry. It is a very Latina thing. A lot of mine came from Turkey & Kuwait because my parents were in the military. It is 24K and handmade....instead of mass produced on a machine.

AA girls also wear name jewelry.  Like the hoop earrings.


Carrie Bradshaw wore one because Patricia Field wanted the character to have a vintage feel since she was not supposed to have a lot of money.  She specifically named the nameplate necklace and gold  Raybans.  Then after around the 4th season.....it all went out the window when she started dressing her in fantasy couture costumes. 

A lot of rich girls wore Cartier love bracelets & the Tiffany necklace & bracelet. That became a thing for middle class girls in the last decade.


Girls just like jewelry!


I spent years searching for the perfect jade bracelet.  Now, I am scare to wear it.....because, I had another one and it broke.  😩

A lot of Asian women wear a jade bracelet! 

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35 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Could Jackie not have just broken up with the guy instead of making her mother spend 15k? That whole story was bizarre and I think something very weird is going on in her family, in general. 

Re: David and Dolores. I honestly think that if she stopped calling David, she'd never hear from him again. He is just not that into you, D.

Yes OTHERKATE, that was odd! It really summed up as she bought the guy off for $15,000 so he would get lost.  How did she know how much the ring cost?

David wakes up each day thinking about everything else in his world, from his car needing an oil change to what he wants for breakfast or what his first surgery is that day, then the phone rings and he hears Delores's voice and he probably rolls his eyes a little and says, "hello."


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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Now, of course, my mind goes to some kind of major conspiracy theory - that Joe and Teresa decided between themselves that Joe will do this, so that he will look like the douche that he actually can be (sometimes a lovable douche, but a douche, nonetheless).  This way, Teresa can continue to garner audience sympathy, and Joe never seemed to have a problem with looking bad on TV.  Now that there was a 99% chance he was going to be deported and not be back on TV, he is only sounding bad, and chances are, he won't be coming back to the U.S. anytime soon.  So, when Teresa decides to legally call it quits and divorce him, she will look like a saint for putting up with sooo much from him.  As I said, just an idea that popped into my head, but it could be an actual scheme from those two half-brains!

I still don't understand why is it that ALL of Joe's on-air phone calls are placed to Gia's phone and not to Teresa's?  Seems to me that he should be calling his wife's phone and not his daughter's - I just don't understand this.


Is it possible you can't call felons from ICE? Though Gia's phone is probably in Tre's name. Or maybe  Nonno's for the calls?


I think Joe and Teresa have come up with some of their story but I don't think they've bothered to tell the kids and this is their actual reactions. 

Edited by Gigi43
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Y'all? I'm feeling triggered.  This whole "necklace name" thing is bringing up horrible memories. 

Horrible memories from my childhood.  Standing in front of the key chain kiosk, the bicycle license plate kiosk, any kiosk filled with name stamped trinkets. 


You dont know!  You just dont know. TM Tamra....




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31 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Y'all? I'm feeling triggered.  This whole "necklace name" thing is bringing up horrible memories. 

Horrible memories from my childhood.  Standing in front of the key chain kiosk, the bicycle license plate kiosk, any kiosk filled with name stamped trinkets. 


You dont know!  You just dont know. TM Tamra....




Same here!  


Yea....F!!  All the Mary’s & Maria’s!  😜


Dolores means ‘pain’ in Spanish.


If you were an annoying talkative fresh kid like Milania or Jennifer’s daughter....your nickname was.....Dolores.  

(headache....pain in the a$$) 🤣


And, nobody wanted to babysit you in the family. 

But, Dolores the Housewife.....is very boring.

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I for one quite enjoy Joe's calls to Tre and the girls. He always gives some not very subtle but funny pokes at Tre. 

Tre insists she would've remembered if Juicy had given her a name necklace. Hmm,this is the same woman who Willy nilly  signed financial papers and claims she didn't know what she was signing. I think she'd forget about one of many many jewelry gifts she received from her husband. And the girls have always liked Juicy more than Tre. It's awesome.

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9 hours ago, janiema said:

Some years back (I think in the season of the Napa Valley trip), Caroline Manzo said that Juicy was coming apart due to the pressures that Tre was putting on him. The way Tre’s daughters are acting toward her seems to indicate that they may think Joe’s legal issues are the result of Teresa pressuring him to come up with money. Milan is in particular has looked as if she is seething and about ready to explode in almost every scene.

Of course the reason Joe is sitting in Italy is his fault alone. I have also always wondered why only Joe was convicted of failing to file tax returns. Don’t they file jointly?

Juicy Joe is no shrinking violet, so I don’t buy that Tre made him fraudulently bring home the bacon.

I take Caro’s words with a grain of salt. She’s still pissed that Tre became the breakout star of a show that was supposed to center the Manzo family. 

Milania has been seething and ready to explode in anger since she was a 3 year old.  Her home life is super fucked up now especially. And while Tre is there for her to take her anger out on, I can’t rely on hot takes from Tre’s kids on who’s to blame.

I mean, Gia thinks it’s a wife’s duty to take verbal abuse (and cheating) from a husband to keep the peace. Sometimes, things seem from a child’s eyes aren’t the full picture.

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Yes OTHERKATE, that was odd! It really summed up as she bought the guy off for $15,000 so he would get lost.  How did she know how much the ring cost?

Jackie didn’t buy the ring, her mother did. So no indication really that she knew how much the ring cost or even if that was the cost. We only know that’s how much her mother bought “the ring” for.

2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Her husband is probably making $20,000 a day.....easily. Plastic surgery is paid upfront and requires very little follow-up.  💰💰💰

Just saying they are BOTH  rich! 🙌🏻

Maybe, but Bill Aydin also has sky high malpractice insurance costs. Plus, I think there’s some family money, either on Jackie or Evan’s side. I will say that it seems like Bill is a great plastic surgeon and probably does make lots of money. If Jen leaves the show, the repo man is not coming to their house. But I’m leery of Jennifer flaunting their money while having nothing but cheap, tacky shit to show for it: knockoff furnishings, a “Re-done” mansion that overlooks a mall (poor zoning), and Chanel merchandise that’s reminding me of Karen and that damned belt on RHOP.

I’m way too lazy to Zillowstalk Jen and Bill’s house to see it’s value, but in general, I’m surprised at how big the NJ houses are, but how little they cost. I know Mel’s house had a whole fake powder room, so maybe there’s lots of that going on?

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1 hour ago, dosodog said:

Y'all? I'm feeling triggered.  This whole "necklace name" thing is bringing up horrible memories. 

Horrible memories from my childhood.  Standing in front of the key chain kiosk, the bicycle license plate kiosk, any kiosk filled with name stamped trinkets. 


You dont know!  You just dont know. TM Tamra....




I have a not-actually-a-name name and it sucks!  I’ve never gotten a bike license plate or name sticker.  I share your pain.

Edited by heatherchandler
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9 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Maybe, but Bill Aydin also has sky high malpractice insurance costs. Plus, I think there’s some family money, either on Jackie or Evan’s side. I will say that it seems like Bill is a great plastic surgeon and probably does make lots of money. If Jen leaves the show, the repo man is not coming to their house. But I’m leery of Jennifer flaunting their money while having nothing but cheap, tacky shit to show for it: knockoff furnishings, a “Re-done” mansion that overlooks a mall (poor zoning), and Chanel merchandise that’s reminding me of Karen and that damned belt on RHOP.

I’m way too lazy to Zillowstalk Jen and Bill’s house to see it’s value, but in general, I’m surprised at how big the NJ houses are, but how little they cost. I know Mel’s house had a whole fake powder room, so maybe there’s lots of that going on?


Taxes in Jersey -especially North NJ because of Manhattan proximity ) are some of the highest in the country. Alpine neighborhood was the most expensive in the US at one point, I'm not sure about now. In New York when you cross from Queens to Nassau and then Nassau to Suffolk you get more for your money in terms of House price but the taxes skyrocket (of course you have your rich areas where both skyrocket. ) The taxes on Casa Juicy especially must be crazy. ...and probably won't be paid at some point.

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3 hours ago, Otherkate said:

Could Jackie not have just broken up with the guy instead of making her mother spend 15k? That whole story was bizarre and I think something very weird is going on in her family, in general. 

This is where I’m coming from on the issue too.  I have been liking Jackie a lot this season so far, but I didn’t like the way she talked about her money on WWHL, the $15k ring story, or the fact that her dad went to prison and her mom was under house arrest for financial shenanigans.  I think more is going to come out about this.  Someone said something about family money on Evan’s side...

I guess, when I said I was “suspicious” about Jackie’s Hamptons house—and maybe I didn’t express it as well as I could—was that as soon as she said she had a home in the Hamptons, I didn’t think it was “just” a second home, the way Larry David—estimated worth $200 million—has a second home on Martha’s Vineyard.  Clearly the Goldshneiders had to have money to afford that house in the first place though (or they’re committing fraud like the Giudices did).  I should have acknowledged that off the bat.

My sister’s best friend from grad school came from a family with money, and they lived in the Hamptons.  In the summer, they rented out their home and lived in a different, smaller home in the Hamptons, closer to Sag Harbor.  That was probably a smart monetary decision, but it doesn’t scream that the family had “fuck you money,” the way that Jackie was sorta trying to make it seem on WWHL.  

The low-key Jackie I was beginning to like would have said, “I’ve got this house in the Hamptons that I usually rent out, but it’s free this weekend if you want to come stay.”  She would have outed herself before Jenn could out her.  I think Jackie was planning to show her hand about being wealthy this whole time, and this wasn’t the best way to do it.  I think a better strategy would have been to bring them to her investment property that she rents out, and let the women ask questions and let the answers come out organically.  Let Jennifer ask whether it’s true you get $50k to rent this place out, and kind of shrug.  To me, that’s “wealth whispering.”  Not saying, “well, I don’t want to brag!” when asked who is the richest NJ Housewife, or telling the $15k ring story, you know, in an effort to advance how “liberal” you are.

I don’t care, I still like Jackie and Jennifer the most.  This just bothered me, because it seemed planned to a T, right down to dropping that box of party favors in the driveway, which she mentioned on WWHL.  She was like, “they think I just drop boxes in my driveway, but meanwhile...” and she went on to talk about how rich she was.  I’d prefer someone to just be obvious about the fact that they are rich, and they have the greatest fucking sunset in Paramus, than to dangle it before us and purposely and methodically reveal it in drips and drabs.  Either tell us or keep it hidden until someone else “exposes” your wealth, but this deliberate slow reveal isn’t something I respect or understand.

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22 minutes ago, Axie said:

Does anyone else thing it’s kind of odd that a doctor would go to sniper school?  I mean a snipers purpose is the opposite of a doctor’s.  

Yeah.. I mentioned that earlier..doesn't really fit..regular gun training for self protection /carry permit, sure...

I really wish Dolores dad, a former Marine, and chief of police,  would have been part of this "sniper school " conversation

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