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How do you know that Terry & Heather are lying? Were you there to hear them say they would take the Beador's down? So, that's speculation. I'm glad you're not on a jury. Shannon said to Vicky that Heather kicked her out of her house, that is a lie. Being asked to leave is not being kicked out. She then said that Heather said "zip it" & "get out of my house" Heather didn't say those things but that is what Shannon said to Vicky. Not what Vicky repeated to Heather. 

Since I gave several examples of Heather being caught lying I won't repeat them.  What I didn't say is that is anything about the alleged comment about Tamra saying Terry said anything about taking the Beadors down.  I never said that Vicki repeated the zip it and get out of my house to Heather.  I believe someone saying they were thrown out is pretty common description of being asked to leave and don't consider it an exaggeration.  I never envisioned it as Heather physically throwing Shannon out of her house.


In the "take the Beadors down" allegation.  I believe Tamra did tell Shannon and Vicki that Terry said something to that effect.  I also believe Terry, and rightfully so, should be angry with David and Eddie for comments they made at the Hoedown when Heather mounted the mechanical bull in her dress.   Interesting in re-watching the scene originally when Terry repeated what Tamra said-he said 'tear down' not take down.  I personally think Tamra and the Dubrows are playing a game of semantics regarding Terry's statement about the Beadors. 


I have no problem with jury instructions and if you have ever sat on a jury you would know that one of the sua sponte instructions is that a juror may draw inferences from evidence presented and a juror may weigh the truthfulness of a witness in whole or part.   I don't disbelieve everything Heather says nor do I believe everything Shannon says.

Edited by zoeysmom
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It will be interesting to see if the two big liars, Heather and Tamra, turn on one another.

Unfortunately they do not turn on each other. Last night on WWHL Tamra said that she and Heather are fine and that she was upset with Vicki.  How disappointing. I always thought Heather was an entitled bitch but I never thought she was stupid. 

Edited by demarti
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Exactly, zoeysmom. If Heather "feeling" like she was being "yelled at," video footage to the contrary on multiple occasions, why is that, too, not legitimize Shannon's account of "being kicked out"? It "felt" like it to her! The big distinction is this: Shannon has apologized, on multiple occasions, to Heather for speaking to her in a confrontational tone at the party. She has not specifically engaged with Heather to chastise her for her grievances. In fact, it appears as if she made a conscious effort to disengage from Heather. Terry's outburst was the first instance of direct aggression between the Beadors and Dubrows. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. In that same vein, I'm actually unimpressed with how Christian and Lizzie handled the situation. A man chiding a female guest at a dinner party should elicit no other reaction from the host/ess than, "i'm sorry if you're upset, but you are not going to make any of my other guests uncomfortable. You may address it later, or leave." As for Shannon's lack of discretion, yeah, she's an idiot for confiding in Tamra in the first place and David should be displeased with her. I don't see how that validates Heather disseminating information that was not relayed to her firsthand to the community. Stupidity does not legitimize malice; if I go walking in a bad part of town at night, I should know I'll likely encounter violence; doesn't mean any subsequent perpetrators of violence on me are behaving in a way that shouldn't garner opprobrium. Likewise, maybe it's just the circles I've been fortunate enough to travel in, but almost everyone with whom I'm acquainted would know that marital problems generally fall under the umbrella of Emotional Trauma and Other Subhects One Doesn't Repeat, Even If They're Common Knowledge. If I heard someone I don't like was struggling with addiction problems or had been sexually assaulted, yeah, there's no reason for me to share that with mutual acquaintances. Which highlights what Heather has not done that Shannon has- apologize. In fact, she seems to want some sort of commendation for "shutting down" a thread of conversation to which she contributed/started.

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Listening to the arguments really are like listening to children.  Most of their arguments are on semantics.  Shannon yelling, Shannon being kicked out.  They'll never seek resolution until they get beyond what the words mean and instead discuss the action.  Did Shannon "yell" at Heather?  Or did Shannon admonish Heather?  They are arguing terms and not what actually happened.  Perhaps Heather would have more success if she said, "No, you did not yell at me, but I am tired of being admonished by you because you feel I am condescending."  "No Heather, you didn't physically remove me from your house in a kicking action but you did shut down communication and tell me to leave the premises."

I used to work with inmates. I notice that some of this verbal play-doh sounds a lot like inmate thinking. "Oh no! I did not tell them you drank too much vodka!" When what she might have said was, "She drinks too much Bourbon." Splitting hairs is just a-okay with them.

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All I know is that I'm tired of ShannonandHeathergate and lets bring on Tamruh running away barefoot already!


Barefoot fleeing Tamra and Aviva's prosthetic leg fling is what I live for these days.  ;-)

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I'm team Heather and Terri.  I like them.  I don't know why I like them but I just do.  I think Shannon is a raving lunatic.  I don't like her one bit.  I believe Heather on her lunch gossip story.  

Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one...  All of the above! 

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She kicked her out. That is not a lie or exaggeration.


As much as I loathe the idea of even sounding like I am defending Heather, I have to say that I think this is exactly what Heather described to Shannon about it being a matter of perception.


On RHNY, Ramona politely asked George to leave her event after he grabbed her arm. When he refused, she had security escort him out. No matter what he did and how Ramona spoke to him, he will always claim that he was kicked out of her party. And, he was. He was kicked out AFTER refusing to leave.


On this show, Heather politely asked Shannon to leave because they weren't getting anywhere in the conversation, and  Shannon left. Shannon's perception was that she was kicked out because that is what it felt like to her.


Shannon chastised Heather in front of a group of women while Heather was having a conversation that didn't involve her. So, her perception was that Shannon was yelling at her. Shannon didn't yell at her, but when you are chastised or admonished in front of a group, it can feel as though the person is yelling even if that isn't an accurate account of what happened. 


So, I will say that Shannon was kicked out the same way that Heather was yelled at. They both see the situation differently because they were both put on the spot and things seemed more intense in the situation than they actually were in reality.

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As much as I loathe the idea of even sounding like I am defending Heather, I have to say that I think this is exactly what Heather described to Shannon about it being a matter of perception.


On RHNY, Ramona politely asked George to leave her event after he grabbed her arm. When he refused, she had security escort him out. No matter what he did and how Ramona spoke to him, he will always claim that he was kicked out of her party. And, he was. He was kicked out AFTER refusing to leave.


On this show, Heather politely asked Shannon to leave because they weren't getting anywhere in the conversation, and  Shannon left. Shannon's perception was that she was kicked out because that is what it felt like to her.


Shannon chastised Heather in front of a group of women while Heather was having a conversation that didn't involve her. So, her perception was that Shannon was yelling at her. Shannon didn't yell at her, but when you are chastised or admonished in front of a group, it can feel as though the person is yelling even if that isn't an accurate account of what happened. 


So, I will say that Shannon was kicked out the same way that Heather was yelled at. They both see the situation differently because they were both put on the spot and things seemed more intense in the situation than they actually were in reality.

There was nothing polite about Heather's manner when she asked Shannon to leave.  The finger pointing and failure to acknowledge Shannon's apology or even register Shannon's plight.  Plus Heather lied through her teeth about Shannon's apologies.  Heather's words to Shannon were concrete she asked an invited guest to leave-and yes Heather knew Shannon was coming over.  Shannon spoke to Heather, as an invited guest, in a manner that Heather didn't appreciate.  Heather not liking the words does not raise the volume of the speaker of those words.

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She kicked her out. That is not a lie or exaggeration.

This. Ten thousand percent.  If someone was angry with me and told me to leave their house - hell's yeah I'd say I was kicked out.  Cause I was just kicked out.

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Heather did admit it. She said it on WWHL & to the others. She didn't use the term "gossiping" but she said she said it. I don't know what more Shannon wants from her. At her house she said to Shannon "I'd like you to leave" & "it's time you leave now" . She NEVER said "get out of my house" or "zip it". That's a lie. So it's ok for Shannon to make up lies & exaggerate but Heather can't exaggerate & say she was yelled at? She didn't lie & say things Shannon didn't say? I know when I'm stern with my kids or husband, they say I'm yelling when I'm not. So if Heather felt she was being yelled at that's how she felt. The difference she NEVER said the things Shannon is accusing her of. She asked her too leave multiple times but never said anything disrespectful when it came to asking her to leave. People who don't like Heather refuse to look at the facts. Shannon is lying about what was said & how it was said. Heather said she repeated what Tamra told her. Why does Shannon need to beat it to death, move on,, don't talk to her, they were not friends in the first place. She needs to grow up & realize she put the story out there & can't blame others for talking about it. Should she be mad at everyone on the internet for talking about it too? We are gossiping about it.

Heather said "leave" and pointed to the door.  This was a scene that was scheduled.  Heather ended it early and dramatically.  If you want to call Shannon a liar for interpreting that as being thrown out, then Heather is a liar for interpreting Shannon as yelling at her.


I don't like either woman.  To me, they are very similar.  Both beat their heightened slights to death.  No diff.

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I wish with all of my heart that just once when Heather says that Shannon ruined her Christmas or "colored" her holidays, someone would shout, "YOU'RE JEWISH!" (Oh, yeah...and Buddhist.)

I can't imagine how her holidays were ruined when Hanukkah was in November and New Year's was a week away.

Question from a foreigner : do kids in US have Christmas to New Year vacation time from school and if so, could have she been referring to that ?


What I mean is in my country, everybody, whatever is your religion and even atheists like me, mostly refer as those as Christmas holidays*, force of habit even if technically, in a secular republic, we should refer to it as "end of year holidays". 

* depending on the calendar, it's between December 23th and January 2nd.


I'm not trying to make a point or something, I ask just out of cultural differences curiosity. Like I would ask : why do the Americans seem to hug so much ! 

Edited by Pollock
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Question from a foreigner : do kids in US have Christmas to New Year vacation time from school and if so, could have she been referring to that ?

What I mean is in my country, everybody, whatever is your religion and even atheists like me, mostly refer as those as Christmas holidays*, force of habit even if technically, in a secular republic, we should refer to it as "end of year holidays".

* depending on the calendar, it's between December 23th and January 2nd.

I'm not trying to make a point or something, I ask just out of cultural differences curiosity. Like I would ask : why do the Americans seem to hug so much !

Yes most schools in the USA are in break from right before Christmas to sometime after New Years and that break is often referred to as Christmas break regardless of any individual's religion or lack there of, although Winter Break is becoming a more common phrase. It's very possible that's what Heather meant. She also mentioned once that their family celebrates some Christmas traditions just as culturally American things. Still a bit of a dramatic reading of Shannon's influence.

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Thank you for your answer @FozzyBear ! Always something to learn on those boards !

I'd also like to add that it's not that uncommon for non Christian Americans to do some Christmas stuff like a Christmas tree or stockings. It didn't strike me as that odd that Heather referred to the Christmas holidays. Some people do consider it to be a cultural holiday at this point. Now Heather claiming that Sharon ruined whatever holiday she was trying to celebrate, that's a stretch.

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I'd also like to add that it's not that uncommon for non Christian Americans to do some Christmas stuff like a Christmas tree or stockings.


It's the same here in France. Not stockings because to my knowledge I think it's really an anglo-saxon thing to have but Christmas tree and feast yes.


Obviously, there is no reference to Jesus during the process but it's still an occasion for families to reunite, futhermore if they are from all over the country (which as not the same meaning for Americans given the size of your country compared to mine but you see my point!).

... And mostly an occasion for everybody to get presents of course !


Now Heather claiming that Sharon ruined whatever holiday she was trying to celebrate, that's a stretch.


Totally agree on this. But it's the RH. You forget to say hello one morning and you become the devil who tries to belittle whomever you forgot to say hello to !

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This. Ten thousand percent.  If someone was angry with me and told me to leave their house - hell's yeah I'd say I was kicked out.  Cause I was just kicked out.

Honest question: If you wanted someone to leave your house, especially someone you do not like/get along with and are fighting in circles, how do you ask them to leave? Or do they get to stay indefinitely? Cuz from what I saw, Shannon came unannounced (I know, I know...but I'm playing along here), Heather welcomed her in, poured her a drink, and they talked. It's not like she kicked her out immediately. They were arguing , it was getting acrimonious, Heather didn't want her kids listening to this, so she said "We're done. Please leave". (Amy Phillips as Heather just did a parody of this on WWHL tonight and said this verbatim).

My theory is that Shannon didn't expect it to go down the way she did...she's very needy and self-centered, and people with this personality trait are always waiting for you to have that aha moment to validate their point of view. But of course this wasn't going to happen with Heather, who never gives in and who is not easily manipulated. So I think Shannon was shocked that the talk/argument was cut short the way it was, and probably embarrassed, because I'm guessing that's never happened to her before.

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I'm so ready and excited for Tamra to run away crying.  I might just make popcorn for that shit.



I'm so excited too.  I'm not smoking anything until she runs off screaming.  Then I'll celebrate and hope for all hope she's right, we'll never see her again!

Honest question: If you wanted someone to leave your house, especially someone you do not like/get along with and are fighting in circles, how do you ask them to leave? Or do they get to stay indefinitely? Cuz from what I saw, Shannon came unannounced (I know, I know...but I'm playing along here), Heather welcomed her in, poured her a drink, and they talked. It's not like she kicked her out immediately. They were arguing , it was getting acrimonious, Heather didn't want her kids listening to this, so she said "We're done. Please leave". (Amy Phillips as Heather just did a parody of this on WWHL tonight and said this verbatim).

My theory is that Shannon didn't expect it to go down the way she did...she's very needy and self-centered, and people with this personality trait are always waiting for you to have that aha moment to validate their point of view. But of course this wasn't going to happen with Heather, who never gives in and who is not easily manipulated. So I think Shannon was shocked that the talk/argument was cut short the way it was, and probably embarrassed, because I'm guessing that's never happened to her before.


Good points.  I still wish Shannie would have punched devil eyed Tamballs in the throat flying her off the gorgeous balcony and she caught on fire from the fire eater.  I'm obviously not as nice as you :)  I giggled at "let's have another toast"  Yes!  Tamballs is burning!  Let's toast!  Give lil nugget her ashes he can tattoo with and spread some on Jeana's house.  I have my hand basket all decorated with Vickster's fake diamonds, I'm wearing A tamballs shirt from Ebay, Gretchen's nasty shoes (no, don't bury me with a Gretchen Christine handbag that Slade lugged around) but you can stick in the Lynn Curtin girls porno movies.  Don't want to be bored, my nana (RIP) would get a giggle.  Okay, throw in some tequila, not Simon's, David's.

Edited by Lablover27
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^^ Don't forget to throw in a dress by Alexis Couture. My favorite parts of this is that a) she didn't know what the word couture meant; and b) a drag queen was already going by the name Alexis Couture! You can't make this stuff up!

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David is hot. And a real gentleman, especially next to Terry. David seems like the only grownup in the room among the entire OC cast, women and men. 


He is a classic example of when some men who get older and a little gray at the temples, how even much more handsome they are.


That's all I got.


Oh and Shannon is good TV. I want her back next season.   


Oh and that husband of Lizzie's....what a mess. Dishoveled, unshaven, and sloppy. And dopey. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Shannon spoke to Heather, as an invited guest, in a manner that Heather didn't appreciate.  Heather not liking the words does not raise the volume of the speaker of those words.

Shannon inserted herself in a conversation between Heather and Tamra and lambasted her for being condescending. A conversation that did not concern her and in which she had no say. I have already said that Shannon didn't yell at her, but in the heat of the moment, it could have easily felt like Heather was being yelled at. 

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My point over & over is what does Shannon want or expect from Heather?


I think she wants Heather to stop insisting, over and over, that Shannon yelled at her at the restaurant, at Shannon's house, at the groundbreaking, at Heather's house, etc., when Shannon has apologized to the moron several times (even though she didn't yell).  Obviously, Heather doesn't know the difference between talking and yelling; give me five minutes with her and I guarantee she'd know the difference.  I'd relish a chance to shut her superior, condescending ass down.

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Shannon said to Vicky that Heather kicked her out of her house, that is a lie. Being asked to leave is not being kicked out. She then said that Heather said "zip it" & "get out of my house" Heather didn't say those things but that is what Shannon said to Vicky. Not what Vicky repeated to Heather.


Yes, but then Heather told Shannon that Vicky said that Shannon said (wow, my head is spinning) that Heather didn't even allow her in the house. And that is not what Shannon told Vicky, nor what Vicky told Heather. Heather did tell Vicky that she didn't ask Shannon to leave until after she'd invited her in for a drink and talked with her, and Vicky simply stated that she didn't hear about that. But Heather made it seem like Vicky had been told by Shannon that Heather never even let her into the house, which is not how Shannon related it at all. 

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I'd also like to add that it's not that uncommon for non Christian Americans to do some Christmas stuff like a Christmas tree or stockings. It didn't strike me as that odd that Heather referred to the Christmas holidays. Some people do consider it to be a cultural holiday at this point. Now Heather claiming that Sharon ruined whatever holiday she was trying to celebrate, that's a stretch.

She just said Holidays, she didn't say Christmas.

Honest question: If you wanted someone to leave your house, especially someone you do not like/get along with and are fighting in circles, how do you ask them to leave? Or do they get to stay indefinitely? Cuz from what I saw, Shannon came unannounced (I know, I know...but I'm playing along here), Heather welcomed her in, poured her a drink, and they talked. It's not like she kicked her out immediately. They were arguing , it was getting acrimonious, Heather didn't want her kids listening to this, so she said "We're done. Please leave". (Amy Phillips as Heather just did a parody of this on WWHL tonight and said this verbatim).

My theory is that Shannon didn't expect it to go down the way she did...she's very needy and self-centered, and people with this personality trait are always waiting for you to have that aha moment to validate their point of view. But of course this wasn't going to happen with Heather, who never gives in and who is not easily manipulated. So I think Shannon was shocked that the talk/argument was cut short the way it was, and probably embarrassed, because I'm guessing that's never happened to her before.

If you are asking someone to leave your house in the m idle of a conversation, you are kicking them out.

Edited by psychnurse
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Yes, but then Heather told Shannon that Vicky said that Shannon said (wow, my head is spinning) that Heather didn't even allow her in the house. And that is not what Shannon told Vicky, nor what Vicky told Heather. Heather did tell Vicky that she didn't ask Shannon to leave until after she'd invited her in for a drink and talked with her, and Vicky simply stated that she didn't hear about that. But Heather made it seem like Vicky had been told by Shannon that Heather never even let her into the house, which is not how Shannon related it at all. 

Yes, I agree.  For me, Shannon's emotions are leading her to either exaggerate a bit, but she is not making stuff up wholesale -- and Heather is.  The manner in which Heather portrayed what Vicki said was, I believe, a complete lie.  I'm sure Heather will eventually blog and lead in with some crap about how her super-busy-super-mom-and-actress schedule prevented her from touching on what happened blah blah blah, but I am amused that she's clearly at a loss about how to make herself look good after this bunch of mess.  Really hard to seem compassionate when next week she's widening her eyes with 'Should we call an ambulance?  Is she having a psychotic break?'  See, Heather's blown a plastic surgeon (amazed his dick didn't freeze and snap off) so by osmosis she also has the training to make legitimate psychiatric diagnoses on camera, nothing shady about that!


None of that is to say that Shannon doesn't have serious issues, and wouldn't, maybe, be a much happier woman with more structure in her life, like a job or a serious volunteer schedule, and therapy with someone not named Dr. Moon.  But I think Heather is just such a shit.  She takes these venial things (Alexis and the Nordstrom bullshit, the Beadors being late to her ridiculous groundbreaking party) and makes them into mortal sins and gathers her team to help her hammer at particular victims.  Bitch is a bitch, and worthy of Tamra's 'friendship.'  What a nightmare. 

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Shannon inserted herself in a conversation between Heather and Tamra and lambasted her for being condescending. A conversation that did not concern her and in which she had no say. I have already said that Shannon didn't yell at her, but in the heat of the moment, it could have easily felt like Heather was being yelled at. 

Agreed. Heather may need to find a new way to phrase this, but I get why she was upset. It was really the fact that Shannon was inserting herself in a conversation that didn't involve her, and she was taking Heather to task for what she was saying. She might not have been yelling, but saying "you have to stop talking to people so condescending" was extremely rude, especially to a guest in your own home. A guest who just walked into find their hostess and the other folks were apparently talking about them when they were not in the room. 


I like Heather, but both she and Shannon are in the wrong to an extent and they need to let it go. I don't see Shannon "yelling" at Heather, but I get that her extremely tense and rigid body language and the look in her eyes sometimes makes it appear as those she is unhinged. I can see Heather feeling like she is being yelled at, but in reality she is not. At the same time, Heather didn't kick her out of her house. She asked her to leave and explained why she was asking her to leave. She didn't tell her she drinks too much, which Shannon claimed she said to her when they were going over the events out on the patio. Heather never said this. Tamra did, but Shannon has attributed this remark to Heather, which I think might play into her anger. She also said in her TH that she has started to wonder if the Dubrow's did talk about "taking them down" because they cannot stop talking about her marriage. To my knowledge, Heather has not spent a lot of time talking about Shannon's marriage, but that is the way it feels to Shannon.  All we know is that she repeated this one thing on one occasion, but Shannon has it in her head that Heather is fixated on it. 


They both need to move on, but there is little doubt they can, because Tamra is back there spinning shit to keep it all going. 

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I'm gonna venture a guess that Heather had the scene in her rented living room all planned out.  This scene was booked.  Heather nor Terry were surprised with Shannon 'dropped by' all mic'd up. But Shannon sure was surprised to hear that there was a party the DuBrows had to attend. 


As soon as Heather got out her preplanned points of 'yelling', she was done and so was the scene.


Heather never admitted in the scene to gossiping.  I don't recall her admitting to it on WWHL.  Heather's spin about dishing the dirt has remained that she was simply trying to 'shut it down' meaning the conversation of the Beadors marriage troubles.  Pure bullshit. 


And Heather does know what yelling is.  She's on a show with Vicki and Tamra.  Both their voices have been known to get so loud so high, it's like a rabid fax machine.

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Both Heather and Shannon have distorted what actually went down at Casa DuBrow.  Not surprising - - they are both emotional about it and both want to come off in the best possible light.  I don't fault either for what happened.  Shannon wanted clarity, although I think she should still be angriest at her supposed friend Tamra.  Heather didn't want to have the elevated discussion in earshot of her kids (if ever).  She asked Shannon to leave.  I don't think it was rude but I also don't think Shannon was screaming/yelling at Heather.  They both need to admit they have misread/perceived the situation differently and call it a day.  And then they need to look at film and see Tamra sitting smugly and grinning at the shitstorm she's created. 


Please Baby Jesus, let Tamra be ROASTED at the reunion.  Andy better not pull his usual shit and tiptoe around what happened. 

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If you are asking someone to leave your house in the m idle of a conversation, you are kicking them out.


Especially if that person clearly has more to say and feels unresolved in the conversation. My problem with Heather is that she is a stealth bitch, and knows how to do things that outwardly seem totally reasonable but are in fact incredibly passive-aggressive power plays. Did Heather outright claim that Shannon drinks too much? No, she did not. She "simply" repeated that Tamra mentioned that Shannon reminds her of her four years ago when she was drinking too much. Girl, please. Heather knew exactly what she was doing when she lobbed that tidbit out there - she is keeping the "Shannon is a drunk" narrative going under a pretense of simply reporting what Tamra had said. It's the same thing Jill Zarin and Luann did to Ramona on RHoNY - "let's pretend to be 'concerned' so that we can really plant seeds in the viewer's head about Ramona being a drunk." Lisa V also did this with her "jokes" to Kyle about Mauricio on RHoBH. This is my problem with Heather - and why, ultimately, I will always side with Shannon - Heather plays to be right and to win - and she will do crappy stuff like passive-aggressively provoke someone with "innocent" comments about what Tamra said about her drinking too much, and then, when Shannon has a reaction to what Heather is doing, Heather will point the finger at her for getting aggressive and then kick her out - er, ask her to leave (because of "the children!" - of course). For all her hysteria, I don't think Shannon cares about winning. I think she is honestly trying to navigate a crazy-making situation and she is doing it only half-successfully.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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When Shannon dropped by Heather's house, she barely got out a word when Heather started with the "I thought you were here to apologize." Heather proceeded to take over that conversation. I don't think Heather was concerned about her children hearing anything, because Heather was the aggressor that evening. When Heather was ahead in score, she wanted Shannon to leave. That was my impression.

Both should be angry at Tamra, but her only punishment seems to be her butchered face.

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My problem with Heather is that she is a stealth bitch, and knows how to do things that outwardly seem totally reasonable but are in fact incredibly passive-aggressive power plays. Did Heather outright claim that Shannon drinks too much? No, she did not. She "simply" repeated that Tamra mentioned that Shannon reminds her of her four years ago when she was drinking too much. Girl, please. Heather knew exactly what she was doing when she lobbed that tidbit out there - she is keeping the "Shannon is a drunk" narrative going under a pretense of simply reporting what Tamra had said. It's the same thing Jill Zarin and Luann did to Ramona on RHoNY - "let's pretend to be 'concerned' so that we can really plant seeds in the viewer's head about Ramona being a drunk."




It's like an extension of her humble brag routine.  Heather is smart enough not to take ownership of anything and it is always second hand and sometimes under the guise of concern.


I remember when Lizzie was talking about how her marriage proposal was very spontaneous and not what she expected.  Heather had to talk about how her proposal was not good, because it was on the plane as supposed to fabulous vacation to Paris that Terry had just took her on.   I wish she was on Beverly Hills with Lisa, because then she would have gotten a "Really darling, did he not even charter a private plane?" or "You do not have your own personal plane...how do you get by?" which would have shut her pretentiousness down.


Heather and Shannon really belong on BH with their wealth ( I hear that Newport Beach is a very pricey and exclusive area).  However, in comparison to this crew pre-Shannon, Heather was the smartest, richest, most successful (as she has had modest success with her acting career) one with a lovely family and a rich surgeon husband that seemed to adore her.  If Heather would have just sucked up her pride and accepted Shannon's apology before the house breaking hoedown, then she still would have been still sitting pretty.


Lizzie's husband seems nice, but a little disheveled and dorky.  I feel like they might get assistance from Lizzie's, now what I realize must be wealthy family, more then we were lead to believe.  Of course, who would not want to take advantage of their in law's fabulous beach condo.  I wonder if Lizzie's family also helped them buy their house or helped finance Christian business? I think he is also an entrepreneur, but I am not sure, as I really do not remember what he does for a living.

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In all this discussion about Heather V Shannon and who yelled or kicked whom out of the house and if it was all planned something occurred to me...according to Shannon, she (Shannon) dragged a TV crew to Heather's house on purpose to have it out about gossiping about her wonderful marriage (why do people think they have problems?) with the ONE cast member who has not yet gone out of her way to discuss the state of Sharon's marriage on camera. Oh, girl. Heather's a bitch, but Sharon you need to have a seat. Please take a time out and get your shit together!

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When Shannon dropped by Heather's house, she barely got out a word when Heather started with the "I thought you were here to apologize." Heather proceeded to take over that conversation. I don't think Heather was concerned about her children hearing anything, because Heather was the aggressor that evening. When Heather was ahead in score, she wanted Shannon to leave. That was my impression.

Both should be angry at Tamra, but her only punishment seems to be her butchered face.



Heather seems to take over most conversations her passive aggressive "conversation" attacks. When watching and listening to her I get the impression that she isn't actively listening as much as she is formulating what she is going to say next.  She doesn't shout but she never shuts up, she insists on speaking and will cut others off when they are trying to speak. When one tries to make their point she becomes accusatory.


I liked her the last two seasons.  I really did but not now. 

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In all this discussion about Heather V Shannon and who yelled or kicked whom out of the house and if it was all planned something occurred to me...according to Shannon, she (Shannon) dragged a TV crew to Heather's house on purpose to have it out about gossiping about her wonderful marriage (why do people think they have problems?) with the ONE cast member who has not yet gone out of her way to discuss the state of Sharon's marriage on camera. Oh, girl. Heather's a bitch, but Sharon you need to have a seat. Please take a time out and get your shit together!

The purpose of the visit was to confirm that Tamara was spreading information. That's why she went there at least in theory. Heather was immediately on the defensive because she knew she had disseminated the information to the "world".

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The purpose of the visit was to confirm that Tamara was spreading information. That's why she went there at least in theory. Heather was immediately on the defensive because she knew she had disseminated the information to the "world".

I guess. I'm just saying that for someone who can not understand why people are talking about her she's sure doing her best to make sure no one ever gets a chance to talk about anything else.

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In all this discussion about Heather V Shannon and who yelled or kicked whom out of the house and if it was all planned something occurred to me...according to Shannon, she (Shannon) dragged a TV crew to Heather's house on purpose to have it out about gossiping about her wonderful marriage (why do people think they have problems?) with the ONE cast member who has not yet gone out of her way to discuss the state of Sharon's marriage on camera. Oh, girl. Heather's a bitch, but Sharon you need to have a seat. Please take a time out and get your shit together!

Shannon did not drag a crew to Heather's house-nor did Shannon ever write that.  Shannon said Heather knew she was coming. Once Tamra out and out lied to Shannon production needed Heather's side of the story.


Heather did engage in gossip with Tamra about the Beadors marriage further proof of it being Heather has admitted to talking about it with another group of people and with Vicki on camera. Heather talked about Shannon's marriage at Tamra's spooky party.  So she does seem to have a vested interest in discussing it.



Shannon inserted herself in a conversation between Heather and Tamra and lambasted her for being condescending. A conversation that did not concern her and in which she had no say. I have already said that Shannon didn't yell at her, but in the heat of the moment, it could have easily felt like Heather was being yelled at. 


The conversation was started by Lizzie who insisted the women in the room fill Heather in on what had been said about her.  Once Tamra confirmed the "pick a side" comment and Heather became defensive is when Shannon called her out for being condescending.  Heather obviously wasn't too offended she stuck around for a bit.


At the house Shannon was trying to get Heather to confirm the source was Tamra and Heather was trying to get out of Shannon who her source was at Heather's lunch.  The conversation was not going round and round and if Heather was so worried about her kids overhearing-why not dispatch her husband, Deputy Dog Dubrow, to round up the kids and take them to another part of the house?  Because Heather was busted gossiping, Shannon had apologized twice and Heather was beginning to look like a big steaming pile of dog poo.


Of interest to me is we are to that part of the season, where after being a lying, raging shrew, Tamra begins her path of redemption.  Last year she secretly apologized to Alexis and did the "My Mommy Didn't Love Me", speech before the women's group and of course there was her wedding.  I am curious what Tamra is pulling out of the bag this coming week with her-"that is just so unfair!!!!", proclamation.  I am wondering if it is the fact that the mother of her soon to be grandchild, is the daughter of the murderer in a murder or suicide or that the woman had a contentious marriage involving a restraining order?  Or that Ryan's girlfriend described herself as volatile in the moving papers?  Or is it perhaps the fact that the Court would not override Simon's refusal to let the minor children film?  Is any of it enough to give Tamra a pass?

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I still don't get this. Sharon could not have declined going over to Heather's or simply told production she did not want to discuss this on camera? It's all her prerogative and she is on a TV show so reality fame away, I'm just saying it does take a little wind out of her poor me sails.

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Shannon did not drag a crew to Heather's house-nor did Shannon ever write that.  Shannon said Heather knew she was coming. Once Tamra out and out lied to Shannon production needed Heather's side of the story



Shannon didn't have to drag the camera crew over there, but certainly she knew they would follow? She was at home after just bitching at David for daring to eat chips and salsa before dinner (while being filmed) and then decided to run over to confront Heather and Terry. Did she think that production would just sit that one out? Of course not.  She went over to see them to confront them on camera about something that had occurred off camera. Something we would have never known about had she not decided to talk about it (I don't blame her one bit for that). I am not sure if she is naive, or doing it on purpose, but for someone who hasn't been on the show very long, she already has a couple of instances of making her storyline about things that happened off-camera. We do see that from time to time, but I think it is unusual to have it happen twice so quickly. She is the one making the decision to make sure these things get discussed with a camera crew around. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I still don't get this. Sharon could not have declined going over to Heather's or simply told production she did not want to discuss this on camera? It's all her prerogative and she is on a TV show so reality fame away, I'm just saying it does take a little wind out of her poor me sails.


Fozzy I made a cookie game out of each time you've referred to Mrs. Beador as "Sharon".  I'm down a pack and a half of snackwells, so I have to stop you now.   Shannon.  Lol.

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Shannon didn't have to drag the camera crew over there, but certainly she knew they would follow? She was at home after just bitching at David for daring to eat chips and salsa before dinner (while being filmed) and then decided to run over to confront Heather and Terry. Did she think that production would just sit that one out? Of course not. She went over to see them to confront them on camera about something that had occurred off camera. Something we would have never known about had she not decided to talk about it (I don't blame her one bit for that). I am not sure if she is naive, or doing it on purpose, but for someone who hasn't been on the show very long, she already has a couple of instances of making her storyline about things that happened off-camera. We do see that from time to time, but I think it is unusual to have it happen twice so quickly. She is the one making the decision to make sure these things get discussed with a camera crew around.

Thanks. You made my point much better than I did. I just think Sharon is doing at least some if this on purpose to keep in the limelight. 1. I don't really buy her "oh this is how a TV show works? They film stuff and then air it?" act. 2. I think this is sort of a personality trait of gets. She does a similar thing with David all the time. She brings something up and then get mad at him when the conversation doesn't go according to plan. At their anniversary dinner David complimented her dress and then she said he wanted her to get a boob job and got mad at him when he said that would be ok. At their super fun dinner party Sharron brought up something about their signs being a bad match and then got mad at David for making a joke about it. I think Sharron has a long history of getting mad about conversations that never would have happened if she hadn't instigated them. She comes across as less of a deer in headlights to me and more someone with a very low tolerance for being disagreed with

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okay, I know I harp on Heather but none of these women are innocent sacrificial lambs. Why do I watch? I don't know but I do. Here is another dose of my brain.

Shannon: Old money, a professional nag, and needs help.

Tamra: A runtelldat pot stirrer that I hope gets her just desserts and FAST.

Heather: Needs to stay in her world of nannies, "yes men"' and champs. I hope she gets what she deserves.

Lizzie: Meh. Her husband is hot and I felt sorry for the dude. That's all for her.

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I'm sure Heather will eventually blog and lead in with some crap about how her super-busy-super-mom-and-actress schedule prevented her from touching on what happened blah blah blah, but I am amused that she's clearly at a loss about how to make herself look good after this bunch of mess.


Maybe she got what happened confused with one of the plots from her many soon-to-be cancelled televisions shows?

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The RH shows are not really based on cameras following people around.  There is a production schedule and lights and cameras are put into place so filming can occur.  Obviously, the camera crew wasn't just lounging around the Dubrows one evening when Shannon suddenly rang the doorbell.  There is a little bit more to it. There was one crew at Beadors' home and one at Dubrows' home or Shannon waited for the crew to set up over at Dubrows.  There is also a production person making notes of the conversation for further use or reference.  So it involves a few people to get through a scene.  Many times they have to re-shoot the scene for technical purposes but not necessarily for content.


I am quite certain that shortly after Tamra's lie to Shannon either Tamra or a producer told Heather about the conversation.  I am not even certain that a friend of David's told David of the conversation at Heather's private lunch or if it was a producer.  Heather seemed genuinely surprised  that word got back to Shannon so quickly.


If one believes Heather-she claims the scene we saw with she and Tamra at the restaurant where they gossiped about Shannon (actually Heather didn't say gossiped) took three hours to shoot.  She had arranged a luncheon in the same restaurant immediately following filming.  I am certain Heather wanted to brag a little to her good friends about shooting a TV show.  So either she invited a producer who  told Shannon and they cooked up the "friend" of David's story or there was a person unwilling to be identified.  Whatever the situation neither Tamra or Heather want to linger on about what happened at the lunch.


When one watches RHOBH it is fairly obvious there are permanent over head lights set in Kyle's bedroom and Lisa's closet and bedroom.  When they film in other rooms of the house the quality of the lighting isn't so hot.  Kyle confirmed this on her home tour when she showed her home, pointed out the lights and you notice Lisa has a large number of events outdoors.  So I do believe this wasn't some spur of the moment idea of Shannon's to go to the Dubrows' but it sure was awkward. 

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