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S07.E10: Choose Me

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4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Is it wrong that I just hate Michael's ex's face?  I feel like I'm looking at the female version of Michael.  I do appreciate that she seems to genuinely like Juliana. 

Mike from Sequiem, glad he has some balls, even though I'm sure he was hoping she would run, grab him, tell him she loves him.    

I can't help it but I think Angela's Michael is cute.

Syngin is becoming as dumpy as Tania.  And Tania really needs some makeup to look attractive.  


Sarah’s a phony just as much as Juliana is. She tells Juliana not to be the house servant but also says  how great it is to have Juliana bring CeCe’s cheer crap over( on her bike no less!!)  after Sarah forgot it the night before. If the houses are close enough to bike over why  didn’t Sarah go get the cheer stuff herself... ? If anything Sarah is going to turn Juliana into glorified nanny, hauling  the kids around and doing all the inconvenient stuff moms usually do. Especially now with a new hubby who probably makes appearances in various bars in and around CT. Sarah reminds me of Claire Dunphy, opening a bottle of  wine well before noon. 


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16 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


I have zero problem with Jazmin at the club.  I would have a hard time getting up and dancing to that musical performance.   She sat there, looking at the band, talking with her sister.  That was enough for me.  Blake lose the mask.  Please. 

AND when asked if she was having a good time or if she liked it, she said "yes it's good!" with a smile (a small one but it was a smile). She could have said 'no, this isn't really my thing' and then been a huge bitch. But at least in her mind she was acting like she enjoyed it.  And then Blake's friend still had to go and bitch about her. 

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8 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

AND when asked if she was having a good time or if she liked it, she said "yes it's good!" with a smile (a small one but it was a smile). She could have said 'no, this isn't really my thing' and then been a huge bitch. But at least in her mind she was acting like she enjoyed it.  And then Blake's friend still had to go and bitch about her. 

I try not to assume producer intervention, but Blake and Jasmine are such a snooze that I could see production trying to force a confrontation/fight between Jasmine and blake's friends.  

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21 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I don't even know where to start with this train wreck of an episode.  If all of the scenes showing Anna and/or Morsel crying were added up, it probably comprised at least half of this 2 hour episode. It was less emotionally painful than it was actually cringey painful watching these two intellectually stunted people try to navigate around a breakup using a translation app. Anna was saying things half in broken Turkish, half in broken English (why does she do that? She sounds like she's talking to a pet, not a person. "You no pick me, you me finish.") Morsel was saying things in half broken English... but neither of them were saying anything meaningful. It appears that their entire relationship was built on uttering monosyllabic words to each other. And UGH.. the airport scene. 

I've noticed that there's something off about Blake and Jasmin, but wasn't able to put my finger on it until last night's episode: they're both stupid, self-centered people. The first and only time we've ever seen Jasmin show any emotion other than irritation with Blake is when she was laughing about how she doesn't care about the thing he's passionate about. I realize that Blake's friends (especially Rosie Rita - I got confused because Rita is nosy, so I called her Rosie!) are uber judgmental about Jasmin, but I also think they're spot-on about what a complete dud she is. It's not just that she doesn't drink, it's that her idea of a good time seems to be shitting on everyone else's good time. Plus, there was something about the way she said her sister was her best friend that really made me think that her sister is her ONLY friend - and that there's a good reason why. Her not supporting Blake's music should be a dealbreaker. Not because Blake's music is good (oh, it SO isn't) but because she's supposed to be supportive as a significant other. I have yet to see anything from her that would indicate she's in love with Blake.

Tania needs to be slapped. Hard. Repeatedly. Not that Syngin is being as responsible as he could be (he could've looked for an apprentice woodworking gig, for instance, rather than paying to take classes) but neither is Tania. She's acting like she just went away to medical school instead of abandoning her fiancee in a shed with her bitchy, boozy mom. Tania being so naggy about Syngin's future is the height of hypocrisy, given that her idea of planning responsibly for her future is going to Costa Rica to learn how to be a witch doctor. Not sure how she expects that to pay the bills, but I seriously doubt that she's ever done an hour's worth of work that's as hard as what Syngin did, working in a mine. When she whined that "That was soooooo long ago!" I really wanted him to slam her face into the steering wheel. He said he had friends DIE because of working in the mine. It's not like he just had a bad day at work, he was clearly traumatized by the harsh realities of being a miner and she could clearly not care less. I wish she had heard him say, "Go ahead and jump off then, you might be setting me free," but she was too busy listening to herself talk, as usual. I genuinely can't imagine what Syngin loves about Tania. She's pushy, she's difficult, she's obnoxious, she's entitled and she's only marginally self aware. "I know I'm a little bit extra." A little bit? Girl, please. You triple extra.


I can't even imagine the horrors of mining.  I would die of claustrophobia alone.

I am wondering if Tania's personality matches Syngin's mother and that's why he is with her.  It's the only thing that makes sense!

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I hope Mursel goes back to Turkey. He doesn't have anyone if the relationship doesn't work out. Her kids don't care and hate him, her mom hates him, everyone hates him because she keeps telling everyone things that aren't their business. She's expecting him to sacrifice everything for her while she keeps everything. 

Jasmine seems fine. Blake is completely unsupportive of her with how he keeps pushing his judgy friends on her. She showed up and lied about liking it. I wonder if she might not be as fluent in English as she seems or might be selfconscious about her English. She said she can't understand his music. Maybe she seems so closed off because she's worried about how she sounds or understanding people. Especially when they make their disdain so obvious. She didn't seem to judge them. She just doesn't like the same stuff. She never tried to stop anyone else from enjoying it. 

I hope Juliana and Michael work out. They all seem nice. Not too much drama. 

I don't know about Angela. She and Michael might work. They seem to love each other. They seem happy together. I don't know.

Tania is still awful. I get being into new age type stuff, but she doesn't really seem to be. Syngin seems nice enough. I hope he finds someone that actually likes him. 


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It seems like Natalie keeps pulling drama stunts with Mike and he keeps standing his ground and being the mature one. She doesn’t seem to learn after her drama has backfired on her a few times already that the childish games are not going to work. But she cannot seem to stop and that is when the crazy comes in. I bet it the relationship is not over though. 

The only part of the Blake/ jasmine scenes I was interested in seeing was the rapping - to see if it was any good. It reminds me of a few “rappers” I have known that may have been known by a few people in the local community but never really made it. They would do these little shows mostly put on for each other in tiny bars or basements practically. One of them also apparently went on public access TV. 

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1 hour ago, StitchPunk said:

I hope Mursel goes back to Turkey. He doesn't have anyone if the relationship doesn't work out. Her kids don't care and hate him, her mom hates him, everyone hates him because she keeps telling everyone things that aren't their business. She's expecting him to sacrifice everything for her while she keeps everything. 


I'm sorry, what?  

He entered into a relationship with a women who has 3 kids.   He knew his parents would not approve.  Yet he still CHOSE to leave his country so he could be with a woman whose kids HE wanted her to deny ever existed to his family. 

Whatever sacrifices he made were of his own choosing.  He expected her to live a very serious lie.  He even made comments of her moving to Turkey with him.  Guess what he expected her to sacrifice:


I find her absolutely appalling, and clearly complicit in lying or lying by omission in Turkey.  But he came over here on his own volition knowing that he would chose his family over Anna because of her children he KNEW ABOUT before entering into a romantic relationship.

Edited by sasha206
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5 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:


And what's up with her talking about his parents moving out? Is that his apartment?? I was under the assumption that it was his mom's. 

I will marry him!  I loved that he didn't get loud or aggressive with her pushing. Did she not say she loved him when they got engaged?? I mean maybe she was looking to sabatoge the relationship after she found out that he wasn't interested in being religious. but it was just so bizarre.

Re: "Finnish Robot Girl & Rap Label VP Guy", from what I remember,  his parents are buying a house and living in the apartment while waiting for it to close.  Their son & GF will take over the apartment.  

Re: "Big Mike and Nutty Ukraine Girl", I agree with you,  DMarie019!  He is one of those guys who you fall in love with for their personality.   I think he's adorable! 

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Anna lives in a suburb of 50,000 people that's part of metro Omaha, with almost 1 million inhabitants. She doesn't live in the middle of a cornfield. This producer laziness is why my Nebraska-bred, current-NYC resident daughter gets asked all the time if Nebraska has restaurants or paved roads. 

I've cried more than once in that exact same spot in Omaha's airport (saying goodbye to said daughter), but hopefully I've never made quite the ass out of myself that Anna did. There's a bathroom right down the hall - lock yourself in a stall until you pull yourself together, woman.

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20 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I'm sorry, what?  

He entered into a relationship with a women who has 3 kids.   He knew his parents would not approve.  Yet he still CHOSE to leave his country so he could be with a woman whose kids HE wanted her to deny ever existed to his family. 

Whatever sacrifices he made were of his own choosing.  He expected her to live a very serious lie.  He even made comments of her moving to Turkey with him.  Guess what he expected her to sacrifice:


I find her absolutely appalling, and clearly complicit in lying or lying by omission in Turkey when she was in Turkey.  But he came over here on his own volition knowing that he would chose his family over Anna because of her children he KNEW ABOUT before entering into a romantic relationship.

All of this. Plus, he won’t go down on her. 

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39 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

All of this. Plus, he won’t go down on her. 

Since when was anyone required to do that? A lot of people have absolutely no interest in it. 

Edited by StitchPunk
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3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I was curious about this, because I used to make and sell handmade soap years ago (in another state) so I looked up the Connecticut regulations.

It depends upon whether the type of soap falls under the definition of "cosmetic". As long as it's a soap which mostly consists of the alkali salts of fatty acids (fats/lye) - and you don't make any claims for it other than it's "soap" and it "cleans" - then it's exempt from the cosmetic regulations. IOW, you can't say it's moisturizing, fights acne, etc..

Now it may be goat's milk soap IS considered a cosmetic because of the addition of goat's milk - I don't know. But as long as Tania sticks to what most handmade soapers do - make soap through the process of saponification (mixing various fats and oils with lye, adding essential oils and/or herbs for scent, and natural or synthetic colorants) then she would not be subject to the regulations.

Edited to add:

BTW, the FDA only allows soap made through the process of saponification to be labeled "soap". When you're browsing the soap aisle in the grocery store, note that any bar not labeled "soap" isn't soap! 

Why does it matter? Because the process of saponification creates a really neat molecule that has a unique ability to clean. One end of a soap molecule is oil and dirt loving, and the other end is water loving. Soap cleans because the dirt and oil loving ends of the soap molecules attach to the dirt and oil on you, then the water loving ends of the molecules suspends them in water to carry that dirt and oil down the drain.

Bars that aren't real soap are not as effective at removing dirt and oil from your skin as real soaps are.


There may also be issues with hygiene and health with goats milk soap since people may use expired or dated goat's milk for soap and that seems potentially....gross.  I purchased some goat milk for an overly ambitious inaugural foray into soapmaking.  I have since frozen the rest into goat milk cubes. 

I'm hoping this will keep the goat milk from going bad and I can try another method of pouring the lye over frozen goat milk cubes.  But, if it doesn't work, the only person who will suffer is me, since I'll be stuck with a bad batch of soap.  

I ALSO think that goat milk sellers sometimes make claims about the health benefits of goat milk soap such as it being good for acne and other things (I have a brochure from the goat milk soap company I buy from).  I don't rely on the health benefits claims and consider them ancillary, but some people may rely on them, so perhaps that's it. 

Question since you're experienced in this area.  I just made a lard based soap and while I like the soap, I think it smells kinda meaty - is there a lard brand that won't result in meaty smelling soap?

Anyways....soaping....what a fantastically expensive hobby I happened to stumble into ☺️😉 

1 hour ago, StitchPunk said:


Since when was anyone required to do that? A lot of people have absolutely no interest in it. 

Well, she doesn't like it.  But for me, I certainly wouldn't be doing all that caterwauling over a man who wouldn't eat at the Y and pees all over the toilet seat and can't have a basic conversation with me.  

Edited by RealReality
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WTF!   Tania is still not wearing her seat belt!  I know I know it’s stupid but even though I can’t stand her, the thought of her going through the windshield in  an accident is awful.

Well at least Angela and Mychul arent arguing about him lying.

Julianna voice annoys me. She sounds like a 3 year old . She will be playing dress up in her wedding dress.

I don’t know what to say about Jasmine. She’s fake and has no warmth whatsoever .  


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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

What a blow we have been dealt with last night's excruciatingly dull episode! Even the edited Pillow Talk version went on interminably to me. Mursel and Anna's blubbering alone could have been cut by about 90% and we'd still get the idea. After a two week hiatus, this is the best TLC/Sharp could do? We tax paying viewers should demand our rights! 

Was the scene of Sarah picking up Julianna for her dress fitting in Pillow Talk even in this episode?

Okay, I am going to make a bold statement, as we are all friends here.  Anna is worse than Leida.  There.  I said it.  Why?  Leida was HORRID - beyond horrid to Erik's kids (not acceptable AT ALL) but at least to her beloved Alless (sp?) she was normal.  Anna sacrificed her own kids, allowed them to see her being treated less than honorable by a man, then will see her groveling to ask him to choose her.  So......worst female in this show?  Anna.  Worst Male?  Erik for not defending his daughters to that horrid woman.

I agree with poster who said the problem with Jazmin is not only is she kinda dull, she wants to crap on everyone else's good time.  Lots of people don't drink, fine, but have a club soda and make an effort.  And his friends need to STFU.  You are NOT the Beatles, she is not Yoko Ono.  We have all had friends who you can see is just in a disaster of a relationship.  All you can do is smile and nod and be supportive.  He is a big boy, thinking with his lower brain and well......just be cool when/if it implodes.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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12 hours ago, RealReality said:

The most interesting thing about Blake and Jasmine last night was the fact that.you can get the Dr. Huxtable sweater print in an entire sweatsuit

But can you get it in a prison jumpsuit?

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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

LOL, neither Tania or syngin are interested in doing anything that isn't immediately interesting and fun.  

They just haven’t yet found that high-paying job where you bungee jump half the day and then attend a naked rave. 

11 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I have to laugh, absolutely cannot picture Jasmine jumping onto any stage to dance if her life depended on it.  Even on her home turf, to music she loves.

How can she abhor the smell of sweat if she was a personal trainer?

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10 hours ago, sasha206 said:


Is it wrong that I just hate Michael's ex's face?  I feel like I'm looking at the female version of Michael


She looks like that comic strip character Cathy.

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16 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Ok ok I'll go with this but if we don't call his man purse a "Murse" are we even trying? 😆😆😆

And this was the beginning of the famous Mursel Murse formerly known as The Bagilinni 💼 🙃💁🏼‍♀️

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2 hours ago, John M said:

I think Tania's biggest problem (besides her awful personality) is that she doesn't understand the difference between a plan and an idea. She criticizes Shenzhen because he just lets things happen to him instead of planning for them but honey, what are you doing? You couldn't even pick up your own damn shed.

Like, what is her alleged "plan"? That a witch doctor headhunter calls her up and places her in witch doctor position in the local hospital after hearing about her completion of her certificate of witch doctoring?

Does she even have a certificate at this point?  

And yes I suspect that Tania is expecting that she will put up a linked in and various hospitals will approach her with offers of a six figure salary and 12 weeks paid vacation.  

1 hour ago, Spike said:

She looks like that comic strip character Cathy.

OMG, that's brilliant.  She absolutely does!  

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10 hours ago, Boston said:

LOLOLOL.. He certainly looks and acts like there is something stunted there.  Good lord, Anna.. GET A BACKBONE AND A HINT.. this guy is a p...y and wimp and baby and just UGH.  If a guy was crying a river in front of me like that, I would have booted his ass out the door, locked it, and changed the locks.  She is desperate (I watch it going "really Anna? this is what you want?")


Let's say that mursel changed his mind and stayed.  If his parents have so much sway over him, they are going to be SUPER INVOLVED IN YOUR BUSINESS!  

They will constantly be pressuring him and letting him know what a mistake it is to stay with Anna.  They will be guilting him and constantly shittalking her.  Since mursel is a worm, he will never disabuse them of the notion that Anna blindsided him with those kids.  Anytime there is a fight, he will be calling them to cry, and they will happily tell him to come home.  

Anna will have to put her kids even lower on her list of priorities because they will have to do whatever it takes to keep mursel happy, because mursel will be under constant pressure to ditch Anna and Anna knows it.  

Is this the life she wants?  Does it sound fun?  Is he worth it?  

And JFC, she will have to live her life in constant fear that someone accidentally plays Turkish music in a public place and mursel goes off like a one man flash mob.  

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Not too much excitement on this episode. Anna and Mursel both having tantrums because they didn't get what they wanted, and then trying to make the other feel guilty by more crying became ridiculous. Even though it hurts, Anna will be better off without Mursel in the long run. Given it's real that he left.

Mike and Natalie. I hope it's over. They have nothing in common, she's controlling, and she would be miserable at his farm. My husband scoffed when she wanted him to apologize for making her throw the ring. I didn't even know he was paying attention, but he sure picked up on that. 

Jasmin and Blake. Neither seem to be big talkers. They are both really into image and looks, so maybe it will work out. Jasmin's botox/fillers must be wearing out because she is starting to smile a little bit. I think she almost laughed once, too. Her face even moved a little. But there are lots of articles about how people in Finland don't do small talk and only speak to close friends, and even then minimally, so maybe it's normal. I don't know.

Julianna saying how she felt free with her bike, was a set up. I was excited to see her go interact with people and do something on her own, but nope. She just rode her bike over to the ex-wives house with the daughters cheer clothes. Her Mike looks just like Charlie from Charlie and Chocolate Factory, the original one. Sarah's comment about getting married in Toledo (Ohio) makes me think she's hiding jealousy. Mike and Sarah are treating her more like an au pair than a stepmom.

I did miss Anny who never fails to say something completely off the wall. I also missed Sasha whose snide comments about American food (to a chubby American) would never be said aloud by anyone else. And that gigantic kid is always a sight to behold.

Methinks the only way Angela and Michael will be together is if she moves to Nigeria.

Syngin. Oh dear. You don't want a job and will pout about it? That Tania is the responsible one in that relationship spells doom. I know there are people that live off the grid and live as simply as possible, but I didn't peg Syngin as one of them. Good luck with that Syngin.


Edited by bravofan27
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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

Let's say that mursel changed his mind and stayed.  If his parents have so much sway over him, they are going to be SUPER INVOLVED IN YOUR BUSINESS!  

They will constantly be pressuring him and letting him know what a mistake it is to stay with Anna.  They will be guilting him and constantly shittalking her.  Since mursel is a worm, he will never disabuse them of the notion that Anna blindsided him with those kids.  Anytime there is a fight, he will be calling them to cry, and they will happily tell him to come home.  

Anna will have to put her kids even lower on her list of priorities because they will have to do whatever it takes to keep mursel happy, because mursel will be under constant pressure to ditch Anna and Anna knows it.  

Is this the life she wants?  Does it sound fun?  Is he worth it?  

And JFC, she will have to live her life in constant fear that someone accidentally plays Turkish music in a public place and mursel goes off like a one man flash mob.  

If I were Anna I'd not only be pissed that he wanted to hide my kids, but also that he threw me under the bus to his parents. Loyalty is the very least of what he should show her.

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

Let's say that mursel changed his mind and stayed.  If his parents have so much sway over him, they are going to be SUPER INVOLVED IN YOUR BUSINESS!  

They will constantly be pressuring him and letting him know what a mistake it is to stay with Anna.  They will be guilting him and constantly shittalking her.  Since mursel is a worm, he will never disabuse them of the notion that Anna blindsided him with those kids.  Anytime there is a fight, he will be calling them to cry, and they will happily tell him to come home.  

Anna will have to put her kids even lower on her list of priorities because they will have to do whatever it takes to keep mursel happy, because mursel will be under constant pressure to ditch Anna and Anna knows it.  

Is this the life she wants?  Does it sound fun?  Is he worth it?  

And JFC, she will have to live her life in constant fear that someone accidentally plays Turkish music in a public place and mursel goes off like a one man flash mob.  

I have a feeling that he is coming back from the airport.. JMO.. and I worry about her children.. Anna is desperate for some reason.  I always wanted a strong guy who could stand up to me, same values, morals, etc.  This guy is a CHILD and I truly think something is wrong with him.. Like I said before, if a guy was crying and sobbing in front of me, I would kick his ass out the door.. Just me.

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12 hours ago, StitchPunk said:

Jasmine seems fine. Blake is completely unsupportive of her with how he keeps pushing his judgy friends on her. She showed up and lied about liking it. I wonder if she might not be as fluent in English as she seems or might be selfconscious about her English. She said she can't understand his music. Maybe she seems so closed off because she's worried about how she sounds or understanding people. Especially when they make their disdain so obvious. She didn't seem to judge them. She just doesn't like the same stuff. She never tried to stop anyone else from enjoying it. 

This is exactly the issue that I have with Blake’s overly involved/overly wanting-to-be-on-tv friends - has anyone stopped to consider that English is not her first language? Never mind that some people are naturally more shy than others and there are also cultural differences. She also knows like two people in LA, one of whom is her sister (who shares her native language) - why wouldn’t she gravitate toward things that are familiar? 

And not for nothing, but I have no language barrier and am not overly shy around new people (or can at least fake it from years of customer service work) and I would not want to hang out with his nosy friends either.

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1 hour ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

This is exactly the issue that I have with Blake’s overly involved/overly wanting-to-be-on-tv friends - has anyone stopped to consider that English is not her first language? Never mind that some people are naturally more shy than others and there are also cultural differences. She also knows like two people in LA, one of whom is her sister (who shares her native language) - why wouldn’t she gravitate toward things that are familiar? 

And not for nothing, but I have no language barrier and am not overly shy around new people (or can at least fake it from years of customer service work) and I would not want to hang out with his nosy friends either.

Why aren’t his friends grilling him about still living with his parents at 30?  Does he have a day job or just chasing that rap pipe dream? I guess he could use the ski mask to knock off a 7-11.

6 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:
9 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:


Tania’s “classes” in Costa Rica was more like spending a month at sleepaway camp than an educational endeavor. She and her newfound besties all shared Cabin 4 (that’s where they put the big bosomed gals)

If only it were a cabin at Camp Crystal Lake.

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I try not to assume producer intervention, but Blake and Jasmine are such a snooze that I could see production trying to force a confrontation/fight between Jasmine and blake's friends.  

Jazmin and Blake are like watching an awkward blind date between two people who met online and have zero chemistry in person. But it's the blind date that never ends. There is no affection between them. Jazmin appears to have no emotions about anything at all, really. But I can't imagine how these two went from talking to online to being engaged. 




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12 hours ago, RealReality said:

Question since you're experienced in this area.  I just made a lard based soap and while I like the soap, I think it smells kinda meaty - is there a lard brand that won't result in meaty smelling soap?

Lard based soap is one I never made. 

At the time I was making soap, I did a lot of research and there's much discussion as to whether any of the beneficial properties of the fats/oils one uses in soapmaking survive the saponification process. 

IOW, is a soap made with a combination of olive oil and emu oil more moisturizing than one made with hydrogenated vegetable oil (Crisco)?

In comparing the two side by side - washing my face one day with the olive oil/emu oil soap, and the next day with the soap made with shortening - I couldn't detect any difference in the way my skin felt after using either soap.

I experimented with other combinations of fats/oils and I could never detect any difference between those and the shortening soap. 

Which is why I stopped making and selling soap.

In my heart I believed a soap made with hydrogenated vegetable oil was just as good at cleaning and moisturizing the skin as one made with oils costing 5X as much, and I couldn't find any hard scientific evidence to the contrary. But people believed the bars of soap made with the more expensive (and often "exotic") oils were "better" and were willing to pay twice as much per bar than I would charge for mine. (We still think less expensive = inferior and more expensive = superior).

I suggest you perform some of your own tests. Make a batch of soap using hydrogenated vegetable oil. Then make a couple of batches using other oils. Color each batch differently but keep the scents (if using) the same.

Give samples of each to your friends (without identifying the types of oils used in the soaps) and ask them to use each soap X-times/day for a week. Give them a simple questionnaire to complete for each soap at the end of each week, multiple choice, asking questions about lather, cleansing ability, how their skin felt after using, etc..

It might be enlightening to give each person four samples, two of them being soaps made with hydrogenated vegetable oil (same recipe/different colors) to see if they scored both shortening soaps the same way (they should, but I suspect they won't).

You may be surprised at the results.

Getting back to Tania (because I had another thought about her making soap):

What Tania cannot do is use essential oils in her soap and claim any other benefits for those essential oils other than "makes the soap smell nice".

If, for example, she uses tea tree oil in a soap, she cannot then claim the properties of tea tree oil are beneficial in the soap for fighting acne. If she does, according to the Connecticut regs, I think that puts the soap into the "drugs" category (she's claiming the soap treats a skin condition) and she'll be facing a whole lotta problems.

Whatever Tania decides to do, she has to educate herself on the Connecticut regs and ensure none of her products fall under the definitions for "cosmetics" or "drugs". IF she is able to do that, she'll be exempt from the regs and will be able to make, and sell, handmade soap.

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15 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

All of this. Plus, he won’t go down on her. 

You must admit it's challenging. There are surely other moles and one other round fleshy protuberance that might be difficult to tell apart.

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7 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Lard based soap is one I never made. 

At the time I was making soap, I did a lot of research and there's much discussion as to whether any of the beneficial properties of the fats/oils one uses in soapmaking survive the saponification process. 

IOW, is a soap made with a combination of olive oil and emu oil more moisturizing than one made with hydrogenated vegetable oil (Crisco)?

In comparing the two side by side - washing my face one day with the olive oil/emu oil soap, and the next day with the soap made with shortening - I couldn't detect any difference in the way my skin felt after using either soap.

I experimented with other combinations of fats/oils and I could never detect any difference between those and the shortening soap. 

Which is why I stopped making and selling soap.

In my heart I believed a soap made with hydrogenated vegetable oil was just as good at cleaning and moisturizing the skin as one made with oils costing 5X as much, and I couldn't find any hard scientific evidence to the contrary. But people believed the bars of soap made with the more expensive (and often "exotic") oils were "better" and were willing to pay twice as much per bar than I would charge for mine. (We still think less expensive = inferior and more expensive = superior).

I suggest you perform some of your own tests. Make a batch of soap using hydrogenated vegetable oil. Then make a couple of batches using other oils. Color each batch differently but keep the scents (if using) the same.

Give samples of each to your friends (without identifying the types of oils used in the soaps) and ask them to use each soap X-times/day for a week. Give them a simple questionnaire to complete for each soap at the end of each week, multiple choice, asking questions about lather, cleansing ability, how their skin felt after using, etc..

It might be enlightening to give each person four samples, two of them being soaps made with hydrogenated vegetable oil (same recipe/different colors) to see if they scored both shortening soaps the same way (they should, but I suspect they won't).

You may be surprised at the results.

Getting back to Tania (because I had another thought about her making soap):

What Tania cannot do is use essential oils in her soap and claim any other benefits for those essential oils other than "makes the soap smell nice".

If, for example, she uses tea tree oil in a soap, she cannot then claim the properties of tea tree oil are beneficial in the soap for fighting acne. If she does, according to the Connecticut regs, I think that puts the soap into the "drugs" category (she's claiming the soap treats a skin condition) and she'll be facing a whole lotta problems.

Whatever Tania decides to do, she has to educate herself on the Connecticut regs and ensure none of her products fall under the definitions for "cosmetics" or "drugs". IF she is able to do that, she'll be exempt from the regs and will be able to make, and sell, handmade soap.

Thanks for the thoughtful response!  I was reading about Crisco based soap, so maybe I'll see if I can find a recipe and give it a whirl.  

As for Tania, i feel like it's a stretch to expect her to do any meaningful research into statutes and laws.  She seems more likely to set up a stand and protect herself by being "judgement proof"

If she does any research and cares, maybe she sells online or in neighboring states.  If she sold online she may not be able to sell her products to residents in state but I would think she'd still be able to produce the product in state.  

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18 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I thought they looked alike, too - long lost cousins, lol.

I have zero problem with Jazmin at the club.  I would have a hard time getting up and dancing to that musical performance.   She sat there, looking at the band, talking with her sister.  That was enough for me.  Blake lose the mask.  Please.  

Mursel does have short little arms!!!  I agree with the poster upthread:  Talk about mixed messages:  "Choose me!"  "I am going to punch you!"  "Let me kiss you!"  "Mursel choose ME!"

Anna, go take a year off, focus on your bees, your kids and your career.  Go on Farmer's Only and see what pops up!!!  In a year.  Block all contact with Mursel.  

I am single again..long story.. I am looking for a dude with an IQ of about 80, short arms, a crybaby, and mommas boy, and hates kids.. NOT.. this is what Anna wants?  go on eHarmony girl, state what you really want, not some schlub from another country

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12 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

the notion that Syngin should have gone on ride-arounds with the local cops or become a "wood-worker" while Tania was off learning witch-doctor'n and fresh dance moves in CR is comical.  The guy is alone in a foreign country with no real resources and not a lot of money.  I agree with him totally!  She's a nut!  What does she expect him to do - come up with and enact a career path in the 30 days she's away?  He can't even be certain he's going to be in America in another 30 days!  lol.  He seems like a pretty good guy and I bet he's going to figure something out and do quite well for himself.  He strikes me as the kind of person who is good at what ever he decides he wants to do.  Tania on the other hand, does not strike me that way.  

Just to be clear being a witch doctor is not a real job! There are no existing businesses seeking out witch doctors, I live in one of the largest metro areas in the US and Yelp and Google come up empty when searching for witch doctors.

Now I know she is speaking colloquially about being a witch doctor and what she means is some sort of spiritual adviser that throws some herbs and spices on you and cleanses your aura with crystals but again, that is not a job, that is a business. And starting businesses require follow through and planning that is far more difficult than CLEANING YOUR DAMN SHED which takes like a day tops.


Edited by John M
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