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14 minutes ago, ramurphy2005 said:

Actually, in Austen's original fragment, Charlotte is somewhere in the middle of 14 children. So, the show even cut out a couple of siblings, lol. 

!!!  Holy smokes!  So for Austen’s time period, would 14 kids be considered a lot, or would folks generally not bat an eye at that many kids in one family?

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Slightly before Austen's time period, but Emily Fitzgerald, Duchess of Leinster, had 22 children, although many did not live to be adults:


Queen Charlotte, prior to her Bridgerton fame, had 15 kids, 13 of whom made it to adulthood:


Jane Austen's brother Edward had 11 children:


Fanny Price of Mansfield Park is one of 10 kids, as is Catherine Morland of Northanger Abbey.

Most of the families in Jane Austen's novels are much smaller, though, so I think 14 kids would be considered a large family.

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23 hours ago, norcalgal said:

wonder what the story is with the Colbourne brothers.  Hopefully, Show will explain soon. 

There seemed to be some hints in the recent episode's dialogue. I got the impression that Sam and Zander hadn't seen each other in years. 

Also, if he argues cases, isn't he a barrister rather than a "lawyer"? In England I believe you're a barrister if you argue or present cases in court and a solicitor if you do legal paperwork like wills and deeds. I think they changed the term to "lawyer" for the U.S. audience.

Edited by RedHawk
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I loved the second episode too!  It seemed like it was over so quickly, and that is how I rate shows.  Does it keep my interests fort the whole time.  Less about whether it is historically accurate.  I am especially enjoying some of the minor characters, loving Beatrice, the Duke and even the duke's sister, Sam, (the other Colbourne) looks entertaining and Augusta and Leo are still quite the pair.  I like their dynamic.  Mrs. Wheatley is adorable and Authur is a doll.  I love that I am enjoying every story line and can't wait for next week.  


Unfortunately, I Googled Sanditon on YouTube to see what type of coverage they have and saw a lot of spoilers in the titles of the videos. So, I would not recommend that if you want to stay spoiler free.   :)

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1 hour ago, MaryHedwig said:

Isn't Augusta Zander's niece. So, is she related to Sam? Sam is not her father, is he? Also, Leo is the product of Zander's deceased wife's affair, and not his biological child, am I right?

I recall Augusta's and Leo's mothers being sisters. And yes, Col Lennox is Leo's father. 


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On 3/27/2023 at 7:18 AM, shapeshifter said:

Regardless, Rowleigh Pryce seems to be ignorant of the consequences of tearing down the homes of the local workers and trades people in order to build a fancy hotel. Tom Parker should know better by now, but…?

Money is dictating the location (location, location), all Tom can do is try to change his direction or talk him out of it. But, alas, poor Tom is hardly persuasive.

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On 3/27/2023 at 3:27 PM, norcalgal said:

just because he’s the first guy to tell her she’s pretty.

I think many men in Bath told her she was pretty, but she didn't like any of them. So I agree her infatuation with Edward makes no sense.

Regarding the Duke, his sister and mother, I love the duke and sister rolling their eyes at mother and all the compliments that are really insults. However, the mother is right that they need to marry into some money post haste. I find it unrealistic that duke and sister don't understand this. They are not in a class to go out and find work if they run out of money. While we all love the Austen quote “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife,” it is true that women (of this class) depended on marrying well.

Edited by smartymarty
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4 hours ago, smartymarty said:

I think many men in Bath told her she was pretty, but she didn't like any of them. So I agree her infatuation with Edward makes no sense.

Regarding the Duke, his sister and mother, I love the duke and sister rolling their eyes at mother and all the compliments that are really insults. However, the mother is right that they need to marry into some money post haste. I find it unrealistic that duke and sister don't understand this. They are not in a class to go out and find work if they run out of money. While we all love the Austen quote “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife,” it is true that women (of this class) depended on marrying well.

Because they are in the highest level of nobility (Dukedom), wouldn't they own land worked by others?  Why wouldn't their land be a continual source of income? And what about all their jewels/paintings/etc. which they could sell...what happened to all that stuff?  I wish Show would tell us how they became so poor (lots of bad investments?  lived way beyond their income?). 

And by "poor" does this mean they just don't want to live as the lower/middle class of the time period lived, or are we talking "poor" as in have to beg in the streets? 

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Regarding the duke being poor, I’m guessing he is heavily in debt due to living beyond his means. Sure, he collects rents from his family’s properties, but if he and his family live lavishly he might have had to borrow a lot of money to do so. That wasn’t uncommon. Plus their estates would be extremely expensive to maintain. 

Edited by Haleth
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8 hours ago, smartymarty said:

While we all love the Austen quote “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife,” it is true that women (of this class) depended on marrying well.

That was the point Austen was making with that quote. She was being snarky about how all the mothers of unmarried daughters believed that the single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife as she described all the local women freaking out about the single, wealthy man moving into the neighborhood. He didn't really need them, but he was an excellent prospect for all those women who needed to marry someone who could support them.

4 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Because they are in the highest level of nobility (Dukedom), wouldn't they own land worked by others?  Why wouldn't their land be a continual source of income? And what about all their jewels/paintings/etc. which they could sell...what happened to all that stuff?

A lot of the time, they did sell all that stuff. And they might even rent out the manor house to someone with money who wants a fancy house for the summer, someone who has cash from "trade" who wants to play nobility (like Bingley in P&P). Given that the duke and his family are staying in Sanditon, that might be what they're doing. The nobility were in a tricky position. They couldn't earn money by getting a job. All they could do was make investments that would earn money and collect rents on their property. A lot of those leases were written very long-term, covering generations, so they couldn't just raise the rent. Some of the rents might have been in a percentage of the crops on that land, so if prices dropped, their income dropped. If they made bad investments, they could lose their cash. Then there were things like gambling debts and general living beyond their means because they had no concept of money. That's why later in that century the "dollar princesses" became such a thing. The cash-poor people with titles married American heiresses who could inject some cash into their estates, in exchange for the daughters of tycoons getting to have fancy titles. A Vanderbilt daughter ended up a duchess, for example.

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On 3/29/2023 at 4:33 PM, Haleth said:

Regarding the duke being poor, I’m guessing he is heavily in debt due to living beyond his means. Sure, he collects rents from his family’s properties, but if he and his family live lavishly he might have had to borrow a lot of money to do so. That wasn’t uncommon. Plus their estates would be extremely expensive to maintain. 

I don't think the current Duke is the reason the family is cash poor. I'm guessing it was the father who was the problem. I imagine that there was enough money that the Duke and his sister were raised with wealth but then poor money management, bad speculation, and/or lavish spending habits meant that all the late Duke passed down was a title and a large property in heavy debt. (It could have been a couple generations or more of lavish spending and living above their means eroded the original wealth and land holdings.) The great house (like the family manor house in "Persuasion") might be currently rented out so that the widow and children are able to rent fancy digs and live well in Sanditon (as the Elliots did in Bath) but the Duke can't continue to live in and maintain the great house life without acquiring a wealthy wife.

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On 3/26/2023 at 7:22 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

Jolly Parker and the Duke seem to be heading towards something. Arthur deserves the world and more so I hope he gets his happy ending.

Right! I'd like to see Georgiana have a marriage of convenience with either the Duke OR Jolly, and have an understanding that the gentlemen may carry on discreetly within their rooms in the home, and Georgiana can do the same behind closed doors. That would give her control of her inheritance and allow her to do whatever she pleases.

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12 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Right! I'd like to see Georgiana have a marriage of convenience with either the Duke OR Jolly, and have an understanding that the gentlemen may carry on discreetly within their rooms in the home, and Georgiana can do the same behind closed doors. That would give her control of her inheritance and allow her to do whatever she pleases.

Besides her vast fortune giving her leeway in society, if she were a duchess, that would just add to her social standing. Thus, it’d be better for Georgiana if she’d marry the Duke in the scenario above (as compared to the minimal social leg up marrying Jolly would give her).

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40 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Besides her vast fortune giving her leeway in society, if she were a duchess, that would just add to her social standing. Thus, it’d be better for Georgiana if she’d marry the Duke in the scenario above (as compared to the minimal social leg up marrying Jolly would give her).

Yes, you are absolutely right! I wasn't thinking social strategy...Jolly can remain a confirmed bachelor, and the Duke and he can have their own rooms within Georgiana's fabulous manor house.

Just now, Cetacean said:

The Duke is kind of growing on me.  Helping Jolly was really a kind thing to do.  I see a connection there.

Same here. I see the Duke as the gay son of an overbearing, social climbing mother, who has no clue, or doesn't care that her son isn't interested in women. And thus he is snarky and snide to protect himself from others. But I can see Jolly's jolly personality thawing him.

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13 hours ago, gingerella said:

Right! I'd like to see Georgiana have a marriage of convenience with either the Duke OR Jolly, and have an understanding that the gentlemen may carry on discreetly within their rooms in the home, and Georgiana can do the same behind closed doors. That would give her control of her inheritance and allow her to do whatever she pleases.

This is very not Jane Austen.  If she marries the Duke, he will have control of her money, she'd better hope he doesn't run through it.  Also Mama & Sis will be living with them, so no live in lover for  the Duke.   And, what if Georgianna falls in love in a year or two?   Her heart would break not to be able to marry and openly be with him. 

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My mom's favorite thing to do this season:

Pointing out the same team of horses being shared by a variety of people. I hope those horses charge per appearance lololol.

Super brief trial but I'm glad it's over. Congrats Georgiana!

Also Otis!!!

Tom slipping into his season 1 ways. Good for Mary for speaking her mind! Way back in season one I mentioned how Tom was like one step away from being a decent villain only for them to try and cement him as a good guy. This season I am once again reminded of those feelings. 

Augusta messed up by telling Edward to announce his intentions to Xander. How does one civil comment equate to "warming up" to him????

Duke trying to shoot his shot with Jolly Parker. Oof. :(. Don't take Arthur's reaction too personally Duke, I don't quite think Arthur has connected the dots concerning himself quite yet.

Leo's defeated "At least she likes dogs" comment got a chuckle out of me. Nice line delivery. But like, the Duke's sis likes horses and dogs??? Sounds like good potential step mom material to me. That lady is low-key cool and I'm still disappointed she's gotten so little to do compared to her brother.


Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Samuel’s crack in court about enjoying his “research” reminded me of Lost in Austen’s Wickham (who turned out to be a good guy).  He’s already my New Favorite Character, though I also adore that stick-up-the-ass brother of his.  I reallyreally wish I hadn’t watched any of those YT vids now, because I’d’ve been yelping at that kiss on the cliff.

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Whatever my feelings about Edward, I quite like Jack Fox and enjoyed this behind the scenes article about the show.

I was happily surprised that the trial came to a speedy conclusion.

I can't fathom how the Augusta/Edward relationship is going to go without coming across like he is taking advantage of her, now that it is looking like he may be sincere. Of course I also thought the artist was sincere at first and look how that turned out... In any case I think Edward must make a sacrifice and give her up before things go further.

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The phrase 'she's not married yet' keeps getting bandied about but wasn't an engagement during that era considered legally binding?  I know that in the US people brought legal cases against those who broke off such relationships. Does anyone know what English law was regarding these things? This show tends to see the past through modern eyes quite a bit so I'm not sure anyone writing this is paying attention to that kind of detail.

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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6 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

wasn't an engagement during that era considered legally binding? 

From an article about regency-era betrothals:

“Occasionally, a woman would break the engagement, but it was frowned upon for a gentleman to break the engagement. (Society’s disapproval of his breaking the engagement is why Edward Ferrars keeps his word to Lucy Steele in Sense and Sensibility.)”



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Another good episode.   Regarding breaking the engagement - a woman could do that at the time, but a man was obliged as a "gentleman" to see it through to marriage.   Probably the only time a woman had more power than a man.

Regarding Edward's accceptance by Zander.  The only way I see that happening is:  he does something heroic, saves someone at great danger to himself and/or his Aunt makes him her heir and he comes into the estate.

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I'm a hard 'No' on reforming Edward. The only way to believe it is if he acknowledged the wrong he did to Clara and his 'sister' they're both conveniently off the show so he can't be held accountable. 

Plus, it's only been six months since he tried to drug Lady Babington to get her committed ( and abandoned all responsibility for his own child). I don't care how emo he gets about this teenager, or how many time he gets blasted with a fire hose,you don't forgive that, not in the Regency era.

Edited by sacrebleu
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9 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Also Otis!!!

About Otis:
I'm confused.
I thought Otis sold out Georgiana to save himself? 


Thanks to those above who explained that Charlotte's engagement is not legally binding. 
Maybe they deliberately didn't include mention of Charlotte having the legal right to call off her engagement to emphasize that for women, what is de facto law often goes beyond what is legal?
Not knowing Charlotte had the legal right to call off the engagement makes her unwillingness to call it off out of her stated sense of duty to her family and to her fiancé much less heroic, IMO.  


Speaking about heroics: 

32 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Regarding Edward's accceptance by Zander.  The only way I see that happening is:  he does something heroic, saves someone at great danger to himself

1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

it's only been six months since he tried to drug Lady Babington to get her committed ( and abandoned all responsibility for his own child).

If Edward does something heroic, I hope he dies doing it, because I don't see the writers of this show being skillful enough to make it believable for those who know Edward from the earlier seasons.

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Who is Otis? Have we met him before? I don't remember him.

For a minute there I thought this might be the last episode! Georgiana's trial already over? Colbourne already declaring his love to Charlotte? If they'd just run off together there and then they could have ended the show.


Plus, it's only been six months since he tried to drug Lady Babington to get her committed ( and abandoned all responsibility for his own child). I don't care how emo he gets about this teenager, or how many time he gets blasted with a fire hose,you don't forgive that, not in the Regency era.

Yeah, I get it, a lot of people watching this will have a hard time accepting any kind of redemption of Edward. But at least he hasn't murdered anyone. Because, believe me, I've seen my share of TV shows that have actually tried to redeem actual murderers because the show likes the actor and/or the actor has a big fanbase the show doesn't want to lose. 

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Not knowing Charlotte had the legal right to call off the engagement makes her unwillingness to call it off out of her stated sense of duty to her family and to her fiancé much less heroic, IMO.  

And I think it's more heroic.  She's doing it to please her parents at her own expense which was the norm back then.  Plus she is taking into account the farmer's feelings.

Although her family would certainly be better off if she hooked up with Mr. Moneybags.

I  honestly don't get any chemistry between them.  All the mopey staring is just so teen crush.

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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

If Edward does something heroic, I hope he dies doing it, because I don't see the writers of this show being skillful enough to make it believable

I saw this, and my mind went immediately to Rochester in Jane Eyre.  (I know, wrong author we're stealing ideas from, but...)  A disfigurement would make or break the character.  (Kinda feel awful suggesting somebody needs to be disfigured, even if it's a fictional character!)

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I actually like the duke's sister, I don't want her sacrificed on the altar of Colbourne/Charlotte.

Maybe Edward ought to do a Sidney Carton - and I say this as someone who never believed Sidney Carton deserved that fate.

If anybody should have a happy ending it is darling Arthur.  I am not sure the duke is good enough for him.

How old is Augusta?

Edited by magdalene
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18 hours ago, Clawdette said:

Relief abounds that Georgiana's inheritance saga was solved in this episode so no drawn-out affair. And, no waiting until the last episode for Charlotte and Alexander to come together, kinda.

Color me shocked that Georgiana's case was resolved so quickly!  I guess I'm just too used to soap opera timelines.  

And I was also surprised that Colbourne declared himself to Charlotte, but maybe I shouldn't be, because I suppose he learned his lesson about waiting too long.

18 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Leo's defeated "At least she likes dogs" comment got a chuckle out of me. Nice line delivery. But like, the Duke's sis likes horses and dogs??? Sounds like good potential step mom material to me. That lady is low-key cool and I'm still disappointed she's gotten so little to do compared to her brother.

Yeah, the Duke's sister is a fairly decent and likeable character.  Too bad Show has made it obvious Charlotte/Colbourne are Endgame, as she should also have a happy ending. 

17 hours ago, JustDucky said:

Anybody pick up shades of "Pride and Prejudice" in Xander's asking his brother to help Ms Lambe for the sake of Charlotte?

Yep - I thought this as well. 

6 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

I'm a hard 'No' on reforming Edward. The only way to believe it is if he acknowledged the wrong he did to Clara and his 'sister' they're both conveniently off the show so he can't be held accountable. 

Plus, it's only been six months since he tried to drug Lady Babington to get her committed ( and abandoned all responsibility for his own child). I don't care how emo he gets about this teenager, or how many time he gets blasted with a fire hose,you don't forgive that, not in the Regency era.

AMEN AMEN AMEN!  I don't want him redeemed. And I really don't understand Augusta's fascination (infatuation?) with him, when she KNOWS about all the bad stuff he did. C'mon girl - you're supposed to be too smart for that!

Can I just say that based on the preview for next week, this Show is taking pains to make up reasons why Charlotte keeps staying/returning to Sanditon!?!!?  We know the In-Show reason she has to be there, but it's getting ridiculous, given her family AND fiance are in Willingden, and she's expected to plan her wedding already! 

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While she comes across as quite intelligent, I think Augusta is essentially a sheltered young woman who will "fall in love"with the first guy that looks her way. Unfortunately, it's the Snidely Whiplash of Sanditon.  And he will never, in my opinion, change his spots. If you have truly forsaken your evil ways, you don't need to say it to everyone you meet.

I feel badly for the Duke's sister - her mom is a harridan and she hasn't got a prayer in hell since we know that the final outcome will be the mopey couple.

Great recap from WGBH.  The nicknames are hilarious.


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If anybody should have a happy ending it is darling Arthur.  I am not sure the duke is good enough for him.

Realistically in this time period a happy ever after for Arthur isn't very likely. He was actually tearing up at what the Duke was insinuating. From what I can gather, there are rumors out there about the Duke, I believe the mother said something about it in the first episode, so any close associate of his is going to get talked about.

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1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

While she comes across as quite intelligent, I think Augusta is essentially a sheltered young woman who will "fall in love"with the first guy that looks her way. Unfortunately, it's the Snidely Whiplash of Sanditon.  And he will never, in my opinion, change his spots. If you have truly forsaken your evil ways, you don't need to say it to everyone you meet.

I feel badly for the Duke's sister - her mom is a harridan and she hasn't got a prayer in hell since we know that the final outcome will be the mopey couple.

Great recap from WGBH.  The nicknames are hilarious.


Sorry didn't mean to say anything here!


1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

Color me shocked that Georgiana's case was resolved so quickly!  I guess I'm just too used to soap opera timelines.  

And I was also surprised that Colbourne declared himself to Charlotte, but maybe I shouldn't be, because I suppose he learned his lesson about waiting too long.

Yeah, the Duke's sister is a fairly decent and likeable character.  Too bad Show has made it obvious Charlotte/Colbourne are Endgame, as she should also have a happy ending. 

Yep - I thought this as well. 

AMEN AMEN AMEN!  I don't want him redeemed. And I really don't understand Augusta's fascination (infatuation?) with him, when she KNOWS about all the bad stuff he did. C'mon girl - you're supposed to be too smart for that!

Can I just say that based on the preview for next week, this Show is taking pains to make up reasons why Charlotte keeps staying/returning to Sanditon!?!!?  We know the In-Show reason she has to be there, but it's getting ridiculous, given her family AND fiance are in Willingden, and she's expected to plan her wedding already! 

Augusta doesn't know anything about what he did to his Sister or about Clara and the baby - no one else (except Dr. Fuchs and the Minister) knows either.  She knows he owed a lot in Sanditon and probably had a reputation with the girls in town.  She has met a lot of young men in Bath and at the shooting party who were very interested in her, but she likes Edward.   Maybe he'll rescue Leo and injure himself?  He's got to redeem himself somehow.

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I think I’m the only person who doesn’t want to see Arthur get with anyone. I found it refreshing in an earlier season  when he basically said he enjoyed being by himself. Although that could have been a cover and hinted to him being gay, I was hoping he truly meant that he likes being single. This show is trying to pair everyone up, but not everyone wants to be in a romantic relationship.

I think Edward is sincere in his feelings, but he’s going to have to do something a lot more than shoot 16 birds to show he’s changed. 

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