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S10.E08: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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8 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I actually do blame Teresa for Joe's troubles.  He wouldn't have been forging documents and lying to banks to get millions if it wasn't for her.  I get the feeling he likes to have nice things, and he is obviously the mastermind behind it all, but I think Teresa was the guiding force.  She wanted nice cars, the big house, etc.  She knew he had to resort to illegal measures to get the stuff.

I would say she bears some part of the burden but at the end of the day, in the old school Italian household, the man makes the decisions and he could have said no. We have seen years of footage indicating Joe only does what Joe wants to do so I wouldn't expect this to have been any different. He controlled the finances and I suspect he wanted to live a life where it appeared his wife and kids could have anything they wanted at any time.  He may have not wanted as much for himself but he is as guilty as wanting his family to keep up with the Joneses, so to speak, as anyone else. I have no doubt he lives in a world where the size of your house and your SUV are direct reflections of your manhood. Same with what you are able to give your family. What I will say for him is that I think he is better off divorced and can live a more simple life. Having spent so much time in "camp" and ICE detention, I'm sure he cares much less about what he can give and will simply take what he can going forward. Tre is a moron but Tre when this show started, or even before, would in no way challenge her husband about money. 

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If Jennifer's husband is supposedly this prestigious plastic surgeon, aren't his surgeries scheduled?  Why is he being "called to the clinic" during the family Orthodox Easter meal?  Are there emergency face lifts, tummy tucks or breast implants coming in on Sunday?

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Scratching my head over why, when Marge started pouring and dumping and shaking that bottle of water on top of Danielle, Danielle just stood there and let her do it instead of stepping out of the stream.

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16 minutes ago, luvgoldens said:

If Jennifer's husband is supposedly this prestigious plastic surgeon, aren't his surgeries scheduled?  Why is he being "called to the clinic" during the family Orthodox Easter meal?  Are there emergency face lifts, tummy tucks or breast implants coming in on Sunday?

He’s probably getting “called to the clinic” because his mistress is tired of waiting for him to show up.

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27 minutes ago, luvgoldens said:

If Jennifer's husband is supposedly this prestigious plastic surgeon, aren't his surgeries scheduled?  Why is he being "called to the clinic" during the family Orthodox Easter meal?  Are there emergency face lifts, tummy tucks or breast implants coming in on Sunday?

Lots of specialists have their own clinics and work at hospitals. So while he might not have an appointment at the clinic - he might get called into the hospital. Plastic surgery isn't always for vanity projects - plastic surgeons sometimes have to be on hand for surgery. 

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19 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

Lots of specialists have their own clinics and work at hospitals. So while he might not have an appointment at the clinic - he might get called into the hospital. Plastic surgery isn't always for vanity projects - plastic surgeons sometimes have to be on hand for surgery. 

like gunshot wounds, car accidents, yep. Even dentists get called in for emergency reconstruction, etc. To be honest, I can't see him voluntarily dealing with the riff-raffiness of an ER on a weekend, but who knows. 

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21 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I find it hard to believe that anyone living in Patterson back in the 90's would need a prenup.  

I agree with @LibertarianSlut that with her 17 bathrooms, two of her boys had to share a bedroom. 

I also think that Beverly Danielle is a compulsive liar.  I wish Marge would have given her a right hook to the chin after she grabbed her hair. 

We don't know how it plays out yet. To be continued and all.

15 hours ago, snarts said:

Margaret tries to do damage control regarding her Vineyard Vines lawsuit; Melissa & Joe share their baby news with the kids; Teresa invited all the ladies to a shopping event; Margaret & Danielle's feud reaches new heights.

Airs Wednesday, Jan 1, 2020

Did we see this?

I don't know why, but I had several laugh out loud responses in this episode. Not sure that was the intent, but suits me perfectly.

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And she started to travel with her "bodyguard" Danny!  That guy was the biggest loser, following her around, starting fights at charity dinners.


Ahhh, memories!  Danny "Provolone"!  Good times on the show.  🙂

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Oy Vey! Where to begin? 

Jennifer: Too many kids, no discipline, unplugged and absent father. Again, Jennifer is decked out in Chanel, flawless make up and hair done...her daughters? Clothes are disheveled and their hair looks like a brush has never touched their heads. 

The Gorgas: Joe continues to be the most unwoke, chauvinistic male on the show. I'm so sick of these "old school" Italian guys. Guys like Joe are just sad relics of a by gone era...despite all his bravura about his virility and what a sex machine he is, he is just a short guy with a Napoleon complex. 

Teresa/Joe/Gia: Joe Guidice back to being the nasty bully he has been forever. I'm not a fan of Teresa...actually I can't stand her but that phone call from Joe made me angry for her. Joe isn't grateful to her for everything she has had to navigate since he's been incarcerated...he's resentful and angry. His absence has changed Teresa and made her more liberated from living under his thumb. She actually talked back to him and stuck up for herself...something she would not have done three years ago. As for Gia....I get the anger about her parents arguing and bickering but Gia has been in the middle of all of this for a long time. Some of this is on Teresa and Joe but Gia has inserted herself into a lot of grown up issues since she was a pre teen. She treats Teresa like crap and puts her father on a pedestal...Daddy isn't being combative...you are Mom! Her disrespect for Teresa was sad...if Gia had spoken this way to Teresa in front of her grandfather he would have gone "old school Italian" on her and smacked her for it. She's pretty full of herself.

Danielle/Margaret: Ugh...why is Danielle on this show? Her behavior borders on psychotic. Her put downs of Margaret to Teresa was middle school stuff...Teresa laughing and agreeing with the put downs...typical. Danielle is just so trashy and whorish it's hard to watch her manipulate Teresa so easily. Margaret bites the bait every time. She seems way too invested in Danielle and Marty's ridiculous relationship. Marty really doesn't have much money...he inherited some and works for his mother. He's basically a loser who hung around the RHONJ location shoots, etc...if he's so desperate and dumb to see how he's being played by psycho Danielle...then that's his problem. Let it go Margaret..move on.

Jackie: I find her boring.

Delores: Glad to see her let loose about Teresa's weird infatuation with friending Danielle.

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16 minutes ago, kicksave said:

She treats Teresa like crap and puts her father on a pedestal...

I get it! just think about having an embarrassingly dumb fucking meatball for a mother. That same dumbass that is subjecting us viewers to the POS that is Danielle.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I find it hard to believe that anyone living in Patterson back in the 90's would need a prenup.  

That is funny when you think about it, maybe he wanted to keep his gold chain and Camaro should things go south. 

Since the pre nup had a "no cheating clause," (which should not even have to be spelled out, lol), Joe has been caught on camara talking to some side piece when they were in Napa. So is he throwing rocks at glass houses?  Besides, what assests could he possibly have at this point. 

Could Juicy Joe get spousal support from Tre?

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3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

That whole conversation was just so wrong on so many levels, starting with having it in the dress boutique.  This is supposed to be a happy time in Gia's life, and her parents' bickering ruined it.  Second, the whole conversation NEVER should have taken place within Gia's earshot.  I get the feeling that young woman has been witness to many, many arguments/discussions like this over her lifetime, even before Joe went "away".  

Joe did start the argument, but Teresa should have had the sense to either take the call off speaker (oh, wait - Teresa having sense, and also not putting her life on display for reality TV - what was I thinking?? LOL) or not take the bait that Joe was throwing out.

I get that Joe is probably extremely frustrated at his life at this point, and he will and does seem to place blame at everyone else's feet except his own.  His lack of accepting self responsibility for not becoming a citizen is so beyond belief.  I don't know what the reasons were for him not becoming a citizen, and we can speculate all day long and never know, but whatever it was, it was his own responsibility for not taking care of his own stuff.  If he had, he would not have been stuck in the ICE center, and would be back home living with his wife and daughters.  So maybe he's pissed at himself for his past bad choices and stupidity and is taking it out on Teresa?  I don't know.

I also think that hearing they have a pre-nup is pretty interesting because that doesn't seem like a normal thing in old-school traditional NJ Italian families such as theirs...unless Joe already had something to hide as far as finances and money.  

The last thing about that conversation that bothered me was hearing (and Gia also hearing) that Joe didn't want to get married in the first place.  If I were Gia, that would have upset me beyond everything else.  Who wants to know that they are a product of an unhappy or unwanted marriage?  That was sad.

I always felt that Teresa was more invested in the marriage than Joe was, and I guess we now know that to be true.

What I don't understand is, if he was so unhappy and didn't want to be married in the first place, why did he stay?  Was it because he was unfaithful, and Teresa could prove it, so the pre-nup would become void?  Was it a "cheaper to keep her" thing?  

Whatever the case, Gia was wrong to place the blame for the whole thing directly at her Mom.  I think that Gia is putting Joe on some type of victim pedestal because he is her father.  She maybe should think twice about that - especially when her Mom is buying her a prom dress that probably cost over $1,000.00 and is walking around with a Louis Vuitton backpack purse and other designer clothes that her Mom has probably purchased.  

Was it a shotgun wedding?!😄

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16 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Dolores's dad is my new favorite. "I had a bagel, but I toasted it." I wonder if I can start toasting my ice cream and make it healthier?

This is literally every conversation I have with my father! He is 92 with a multitude of health issues and any healthy food conversations usually end with that sort of non existent logic.  

When did Delores sneak in to the normal, voice of reason catagory? And here is something I thought I would never say...I think I could hang out with her.

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15 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I really wish they wouldn't film with Jennifer's kids.  The oldest girl is OK, but, the other 23, I just can't.

This is so funny. I seriously have no idea how many kids they have. I know the older, sensible girl. And the super bratty little girl. But there seem to be several more running around there, acting all feral.


15 hours ago, snarts said:

Hearing that Jackie's husband has never gone down on her helps explain why she's so rigid & uptight. 

Right? Poor girl. And she said SHE didn't like it. Reminded me of Ariana on Vanderpump Rules. I've never heard of such a thing in real life. I'd think there must be some issues there.


15 hours ago, goofygirl said:

It's on AGAIN and the fight's just about to start.  I noticed Danielle and Tre had plenty to say about Margaret!  Then Danielle starts with the "mean girl" business and Tre says "Danielle's my friend, show some RESPECT!"  Then the shit show begins!  SOOOO DUMB!

I just hate how Tre and Danielle were clutching the pearls because the girls were over there talking about Danielle. Like, how many Housewives events have featured one group talking about someone else across the room? Like both of them haven't done it? It's par for the course.

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1 hour ago, Lastwaltz said:

To be honest, I can't see him voluntarily dealing with the riff-raffiness of an ER on a weekend, but who knows. 

I would. If it meant getting out of that depressing mausoleum filled with crazy kids.


25 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

This is literally every conversation I have with my father! He is 92 with a multitude of health issues and any healthy food conversations usually end with that sort of non existent logic.  

When did Delores sneak in to the normal, voice of reason catagory? And here is something I thought I would never say...I think I could hang out with her.

Same! I am really loving her without Siggy. there was something so off about that friendship. At least with Tre she seems willing and able to call her out when she's being delusional - i.e. Danielle.

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Me at the beginning of the store party:  Who the hell buys $600 candles?!?!  WTF?

Also me at the end of the episode when Danielle started knocking things over on the table:  Gasp!  Not the candles!

Danielle was just so pleased with herself when she convinced her guard dog, Theresa, to go attack the other girls, while she just sat backed and watched with a shit eating grin on her face.  It was really disturbing.  Actually, everything Danielle does is disturbing and has been since season 1.  Like, I fully believe Danielle has literal bodies buried in every city she's lived in.  

14 hours ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:

What was Danielle doing with the contents of Marge's purse? Was she dumping them in a container?

I originally thought she was trying to set them on fire, then realized neither candle was lit so it ultimately made no sense.  

16 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Yeah. For some reason, I believe it.  Some of them may have been blow up dolls or dead, though.

Or on their death beds....


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5 hours ago, Axie said:

Weren’t Teresa and Joe high school sweethearts?  What could either one of them have possibly had to require a prenup?

My guess in a previous post was his gold chain and his Camaro.

BTW, someone really exaggerated the price of the candle, it is not $675 it is only $580! Such a deal!  

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Like, I fully believe Danielle has literal bodies buried in every city she's lived in.  

Someone might want to check on the whereabouts of her previous 19 fiances...just sayin'.

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6 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

After 10 years of defending Joe.........Teresa is willing to air her dirty laundry with Joe to exploit this divorce.

yep. She's getting us ready for what will be her single self complete with boy toys next season.


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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Right? Poor girl. And she said SHE didn't like it. Reminded me of Ariana on Vanderpump Rules. I've never heard of such a thing in real life. I'd think there must be some issues there.

After hearing that, I honestly wondered if she had been a victim of sexual assault at some point. It might explain that and the weight obsession. 

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9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I actually do blame Teresa for Joe's troubles.  He wouldn't have been forging documents and lying to banks to get millions if it wasn't for her.  I get the feeling he likes to have nice things, and he is obviously the mastermind behind it all, but I think Teresa was the guiding force.  She wanted nice cars, the big house, etc.  She knew he had to resort to illegal measures to get the stuff.

And yeah she's taking care of everything now, and she can only do that because she is on a tv show and makes WAY more than she should be making.  Her life is full of lunches, dinners, and fashion shows.  No one who isn't on tv gets to do this and get paid for it.

And I imagine she won't be able to keep up this lifestyle for that long.  Even tv doesn't pay as well as grifting.


They were both in on it.  Like Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker.

Joe, of course, was running his scams out of his office.  Then came home and would tell Tre about them and why her name was on all the paperwork.


One of their thing was filing false IRS to get loans at the banks.  Then it came out....they never even filed their taxes.


Tre knew they never paid their taxes.  She knows about taxes....because, she worked as a merchandiser before having Gia. 

This is the reason why he never filed for citizenship.  He didn’t pay his taxes. I am sure this is paperwork you need to apply for citizenship.


Tre scammed as soon as she made her own dime on HWs.  In the bankruptcy, she did not disclose her book deal payment which was $250,000. 

The website where she sold hair bows made $100, 000. Cannot remember if she claimed this income.

They were pretty bold filing for bankruptcy! Especially, after they started making a legit income.


There is a good chance something like this would still happen......bc, not paying their taxes was going to catch up with them.


Only difference..........Tre would not have gone to prison.

Only him and still deportation.



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4 hours ago, esco1822 said:

After hearing that, I honestly wondered if she had been a victim of sexual assault at some point. It might explain that and the weight obsession. 

I know several women who don't like oral.  However Melissa and her "you can't neglect the kitty cat" comment cracked me up.  

I don't understand why these women engage with Danielle anymore.  Just refuse to film with her.  Simple as that. It can't be the the Tre and Danielle show.  And as for Jennifer and Jackie, you have no history with this woman, keep your mouth shut and your distance great.  There is no reason beyond being in the same room for filming to engage with her.

As for the little gossip circle in the store.  Save that shit for elsewhere.  It was legitimately bitchy, and I can't blame Tre for being annoyed.  And i can't blame Danielle for being upset.  However...

Danielle's brand of upset is so above and beyond the normal levels of upset that she is fucking scary.  It is like she has been a caged abused pitbull and it is only a manner of time before she outright mauls somebody.  I sadly wouldn't be surprised if she pulls a knife on somebody one of these days, that's how fucking damaged and insane I think she is.  

Margaret would get a lot more mileage if she just fucking ignored her.  Stop poking the fucking pitbull.  I'm getting scared to watch her.

LOL to the customers and staff tiptoeing to a safe corner in the store.  




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9 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I find it hard to believe that anyone living in Patterson back in the 90's would need a prenup. 

Me too! 

This episode in particular seemed blatently scripted to me. Joe just happens to call while the cameras are rolling? Jennifer's kids run from the dining room every year when the lamb's head reaches the table? Jennifer's daughter just decided to question Grandma about her uncle?  That whole fight in the boutique seemed unreal. Did anyone else see Thresa grinning while it was going on?  Even the people with the boutique just stood there watching and madeno attempt to prevent Danielle from causing any damages. In no way do I think that was a legitimate fight.  Is it at the direction of production?  Is it the cast getting together on their own to make themselves "interesting" for ratings?  I could believe either scenario. It's like they're not even trying to pretend it's real anymore.  I think there are a few members of this cast who would sorely miss their Bravo salary if they were dropped or the show were canceled. I think some have other reasons for wanting the attention the show brings them. I think that would be incentive enough to "put on a show" for the viewers.  Things seem too unreal and over the top for real life these days as far as I am concerned.  I really wonder who besides Theresa and Melissa or Theresa and Dolores have any contact outside of filming.  The only person who I think comes close to being genuine is Nono. 

Edited by ichbin
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I think a bunch have contact outside of filming.

Margaret and Jackie were friends prior to the show.  And she introduced Jackie and Melissa off camera, and I think that's a legitimate off camera friendship as well.

And I do think that Jackie and Jennifer are somewhat friendly, or at least have tried to be.  Didnt the season start with pictures of their girls on a playdate together, outside of filming?  

Melissa probably sees Dolores via Teresa although without that common denominator there would be no friendship there.  

And Jennifer and Tre seem to be friendly off camera as well.

As for everybody standing around while the fight unfolds, doing nothing, I just kind of assume, that from a liability standpoint, and based on lessons learned from past filming, that if you agree to your place of business being used as a filming location, that you agree to stay out of any fray that might transpire?  The women are no doubt insured.  The locations is insured.  Bob smith, boutique owner and Sally Sample champagne girl?  Probably not covered.  

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6 hours ago, Lady of nod said:
12 hours ago, Dance4Life said:


yep. She's getting us ready for what will be her single self complete with boy toys next season

That’s totally what she’s doing. For years she’s played the dutiful wife because as gross and disgusting as Joe is, there are many fans who were totally into the Giudice clan and Tre knew that. So staying together was to her advantage with her fandom and pocketbook.

Joe has fallen off in popularity, plus the writing was on the wall that he was going to be deported, so now Tre can get shed of him without taking heat from her fans. And the worse he appears, the better for her. That’s why she wanted that phone call aired and I’m guessing that was also part of why Gia was so angry. Not only does she not want to hear that kind of stuff between her parents (who could blame her?), but she also probably knows her mom was making sure it was filmed.

Tre has always and will always look out for number one, herself.

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Regardless of who did or didnt cause their issues, Tre's marriage to Juicy has made her life like a game of freaking Jumanji. She might not have ever thought it would happen when she was pulling out cash for the furniture that would go in her non used therefore not gross house but it did. All of the dominos of her life were going to fall it was just a question of when. She chose Juicy and fame but lost her freedom, time with her mom, money, and now she's a felon. 

Oh and Gia? Shut...your.....mouth! In the dress scene what I would have done is NOT say a bloody word and if necessary, remove myself from the room until the convo was over.

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On 1/1/2020 at 10:53 PM, breezy424 said:

Could the ice cream outing been any more staged?

I felt like the entire episode was staged. Except Juicy Joe losing his shit on Teresa. That was for real. What a horrible, horrible little man. 

"The talk" with Jennifer, her daughter and grandma. C'mon now. The kid just happens to be sitting in the kitchen alone when Jen and grandma walk in? And then out of nowhere starts talking about the gay uncle? On camera for the world to see? Staged. 

The fight in the store with Marge and Danielle was so staged. Like the store owner is gonna stand there with his mouth hanging open and let them trash his store like that. 

Joe and Melissa, we know you're not having another kid so stop with your staged conversations with your kids about it. 

Teresa pretending to actually like Danielle. Staged. She's doing it because the suits at Bravo are telling her that is her role for the season. She needs the paycheck. Who else is gonna pay for Joe's apartment in Italy?  

Oh, and Jackie saying her husband has never gone downtown on her because she doesn't like it and the other women with their shocked looks on their faces. So funny and NOT staged! Best little scene of the night!


Edited by bichonblitz
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11 hours ago, ghoulina said:



Right? Poor girl. And she said SHE didn't like it. Reminded me of Ariana on Vanderpump Rules. I've never heard of such a thing in real life. I'd think there must be some issues there.


Poor girl?  What?  Not everyone likes it, it’s not weird, and the person doesn’t have to have issues!  I don’t like it, never have, and yes I’ve tried it many times.  

Edited by heatherchandler
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17 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

First thing I looked for and she did do it wrong.  Also, this Greek has had a lamb's head at probably 50 Easter tables - it was ridiculous that Jenn's kids were running around like they never saw one.  Its just something you grow up with, its at the table your entire life - like a gravy boat - its just there.  Also, and her explaining to her family what dolmades are......really?  So fake!

We hold our index finger, middle finger and together (the trinity) and do forehead, heart, right shoulder, left shoulder,  we do that move three times.  


17 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

First thing I looked for and she did do it wrong.  Also, this Greek has had a lamb's head at probably 50 Easter tables - it was ridiculous that Jenn's kids were running around like they never saw one.  Its just something you grow up with, its at the table your entire life - like a gravy boat - its just there.  Also, and her explaining to her family what dolmades are......really?  So fake!

We hold our index finger, middle finger and together (the trinity) and do forehead, heart, right shoulder, left shoulder,  we do that move three times.  

I’m Greek (Australian ) Orthodox and we all sign the cross exactly how you describe it . Been doing it all my life (43 yrs) how would you get it wrong if this is how you’ve grown up ? It’s been ingrained in me since a little kid and now is just automatic . It looked to me like she signed the cross the catholic way!! My Syrian and Lebanese Orthodox friends sign it the same as us !!!!

We also cook a whole lamb on the spit every Easter , including the head !!! My 4 kids who are similar age to Jen’s would never eat it but it’s something that they’re used to seeing and don’t bat an eyelid .

her kids reactions seemed staged ? Or are all her displays of religious and cultural traditions staged ?? 

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5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Poor girl?  What?  Not everyone likes it, it’s not weird, and the person doesn’t have to have issues!  I don’t like it, never have, and yes I’ve tried it many times.  

Same here lol.  No issues, other than being impatient and just wanting to get to the ‘main event’.  

I do agree with the stagy-ness of this episode.  I got the feeling that Jennifer had encouraged her kids beforehand to freak out about the lamb head.  And the Gorgas outing to the ice cream shop was Kardashian-esque it was so scripted.

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8 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

there are many fans who were totally into the Giudice clan and Tre knew that. So staying together was to her advantage with her fandom and pocketbook.

I find this to be very disgusting, the many fans part.

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16 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Me at the beginning of the store party:  Who the hell buys $600 candles?!?!  WTF?

Also me at the end of the episode when Danielle started knocking things over on the table:  Gasp!  Not the candles!

Danielle was just so pleased with herself when she convinced her guard dog, Theresa, to go attack the other girls, while she just sat backed and watched with a shit eating grin on her face.  It was really disturbing.  Actually, everything Danielle does is disturbing and has been since season 1.  Like, I fully believe Danielle has literal bodies buried in every city she's lived in.  

I originally thought she was trying to set them on fire, then realized neither candle was lit so it ultimately made no sense.  

Or on their death beds....


Anyone that buys a $600 candle should be ASHAMED! Buy a $50 candle, there are beautiful scented one out there. Floris, etc. and donate the rest to a charity. DISgusting!

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5 hours ago, Skala said:

her kids reactions seemed staged ? Or are all her displays of religious and cultural traditions staged ?? 

Her kids are always "extra" for the cameras so the hysterics over something that they supposedly see every year seemed "extra."  What bothered me most was that youngest girl's reaction to Jenn when she asked her to do her homework, that seemed genuine, like it plays out that way everyday. 

It must be exhausting to be in that household.



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15 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I wondered that too. If it was it's even worse to have said it in front of Gia.

I suppose she would have done the math by now anyway. I just can not conjure up any compassion for any of the spawn of the Joe and Teresa. All the $$$, being completely spoiled and self serving will get them through life, good for them bad for everyone they come in contact with. 

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22 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Remember when Danielle was actively going after Jacqueline's daughter because she didn't feel "safe" after getting attacked at that fashion show? And she was trying to sue and press charges and how Ashlee was an animal that shouldn't be around people and the Danielle couldn't leave her house because she thought her or her daughters would be attacked again? LOL

And the patch of hair she was missing 😄

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If I hear Danielle’s decrepit ass ask Tre to have her grown ass back one more time 🙄 

21 hours ago, njbchlover said:

While the other women were 100% wrong for talking about Danielle while she was within earshot (like a bunch of mean girls in high school), I don't get Danielle with this "have my back" mentality, always.  Why does she always have to have someone to back her up?  Can't she confront a group of gossipy women on her own, in a mature way?  Of course she can't, because she is certifiably nuts, and needs constant affirmations that she is a normal person.

Danielle is beyond damaged and needs extensive therapy to get past her upbringing, the choices she made as a young adult, and get to the root of what is troubling her.

On the other hand, Margaret can be a not nice person, also.  She can throw out some really nasty insults, slurs and digs - we've seen it before, not just with Danielle.

BUT....everything out of Margaret's mouth was apparently the truth.  WHY did Danielle accuse Marty of abusing her daughters and herself?  WHY did she take out a restraining order on him?  And WHY is she now living in the same house with him?  I wish that the other women would have just shut up long enough for Danielle to answer those questions.  I wish that Teresa would have stopped defending Danielle for a minute and tried to comprehend the questions being asked of Danielle.  Teresa is really just so not bright in so many ways.  She does not get nuance or innuendo (she probably doesn't even know what those words mean, let alone detect when a nuance or innuendo is apparent), and unless someone sits her down when she is completely calm and explains things to her in simple terms, she just doesn't see it.  

I was wondering about throwing Margaret's things in the $675.00 candle - was the candle burning at the time, so that Margaret's things would be covered in expensive, scented wax?  What was the purpose of that?  


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10 hours ago, ichbin said:

Me too! 

This episode in particular seemed blatently scripted to me. Joe just happens to call while the cameras are rolling? Jennifer's kids run from the dining room every year when the lamb's head reaches the table? Jennifer's daughter just decided to question Grandma about her uncle?  That whole fight in the boutique seemed unreal. Did anyone else see Thresa grinning while it was going on?  Even the people with the boutique just stood there watching and madeno attempt to prevent Danielle from causing any damages. In no way do I think that was a legitimate fight.  Is it at the direction of production?  Is it the cast getting together on their own to make themselves "interesting" for ratings?  I could believe either scenario. It's like they're not even trying to pretend it's real anymore.  I think there are a few members of this cast who would sorely miss their Bravo salary if they were dropped or the show were canceled. I think some have other reasons for wanting the attention the show brings them. I think that would be incentive enough to "put on a show" for the viewers.  Things seem too unreal and over the top for real life these days as far as I am concerned.  I really wonder who besides Theresa and Melissa or Theresa and Dolores have any contact outside of filming.  The only person who I think comes close to being genuine is Nono. 

I agree. But let's not forget, Reality tv is not really reality. It IS scripted. Let's not let them make fools out of all of us and start believing it is all just the way we see it unfolding and just watch it for the sheer delight of seeing and hating on these horrible women and hoping Teresa gets what's coming to her someday! 

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12 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

They were both in on it.  Like Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker.

Joe, of course, was running his scams out of his office.  Then came home and would tell Tre about them and why her name was on all the paperwork.


One of their thing was filing false IRS to get loans at the banks.  Then it came out....they never even filed their taxes.


Tre knew they never paid their taxes.  She knows about taxes....because, she worked as a merchandiser before having Gia. 

This is the reason why he never filed for citizenship.  He didn’t pay his taxes. I am sure this is paperwork you need to apply for citizenship.


Tre scammed as soon as she made her own dime on HWs.  In the bankruptcy, she did not disclose her book deal payment which was $250,000. 

The website where she sold hair bows made $100, 000. Cannot remember if she claimed this income.

They were pretty bold filing for bankruptcy! Especially, after they started making a legit income.


There is a good chance something like this would still happen......bc, not paying their taxes was going to catch up with them.


Only difference..........Tre would not have gone to prison.

Only him and still deportation.



I agree that they were both in on it for many years. I think Joe is pissed because he believes that if it wasn't for Tre being on the show, paying tens of thousands in cash, bringing attention, that the IRS wouldn't have come down on them and he wouldn't have gone to prison or been deported. Whether that's true, I have no idea.   

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25 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Tre being on the show, paying tens of thousands in cash, bringing attention, that the IRS wouldn't have come down on them

I thought Caroline Manzo called the feds on them? at least that's what dumbass Tre accused her of doing.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

I thought Caroline Manzo called the feds on them? at least that's what dumbass Tre accused her of doing.

Who knows? The feds could have had Joe and Tre on their radar for a long time. Maybe Caroline called, maybe some agent watches the show and decided to look into it after Tre flashed a few huge wads of cash around on camera. It was pretty obvious from day one that something was going on with those two idiots. They surely didn't get so much $$ from being brilliant.

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I'm not a fan of Danielle but it's obvious the true fight is about having Danielle on the show. Margaret is fixated on the situation because she wants her off the show and the rest of the women have agreed not to film with her. Teresa is the last hold out - and because of that Danielle still gets invited to things and gets to be on the show with the rest of them.

Margaret lashes out at Teresa because she continues to invite Danielle to everything. If it weren't Danielle, and it was some other woman, people would be more outraged that all the husbands watched her sex tape as group. YUCK. No matter what they say, the housewives and house husbands, feel they can denigrate because whatever her past is. If they don't like her fine - but IMO, Margaret goes way over the top in what she says to her, excluding her, ect.


Edited by Miss Slay
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I'm not defending Joe, but to me he came across as a man still trying to be relevant to his family. He's no longer the breadwinner. And he's not around to be a parent. But he doesn't want to be totally sidelined either, so he tries to assert his authority in this clumsy way.

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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

"The talk" with Jennifer, her daughter and grandma. C'mon now. The kid just happens to be sitting in the kitchen alone when Jen and grandma walk in? And then out of nowhere starts talking about the gay uncle? On camera for the world to see? Staged. 

And they used a young girl in the process. 

I don't know what to do with Gia. She has my sympathy because the deck was stacked against her having a normal life from the get go (same for all the kids on these shows). And I think she's had to assume adulthood very early just to keep her head above water. But she could not be more aggravating.  I hope she goes far away to college and never looks back.

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58 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I agree that they were both in on it for many years. I think Joe is pissed because he believes that if it wasn't for Tre being on the show, paying tens of thousands in cash, bringing attention, that the IRS wouldn't have come down on them and he wouldn't have gone to prison or been deported. Whether that's true, I have no idea.   


This is how the cookie crumbled.  

They were both in on it,  but he is the one that paid the price....at the end.

No house, no wife, no kids, no USA! 

Teresa gets everything at the end.

She is still on the show........making big bucks.


Joe has lost control of the family. 

The deportation is the game changer here.  

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