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S05.E07: From Monogamy to Polygamy

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As to whether the Richard/Von Trapp family share a bedroom, I couldn't care less--if they're consenting adults, that's their little red wagon. What I most assuredly do get irritated about--and extremely creeped-out by--is the strenuous attempt to whitewash their choices by cloaking the desires and decisions in religious terms.


When Mr. Richard/Von Trapp made that first "joke" while his wife was baking cookies, he wasn't just randomly popping off a cute-but-innocent remark. He was consciously WORKING her--testing the water for her reaction. And notice that he didn't say, "Golly-gosh, honey, I wish that while YOU were making cookies I could be snuggled up with some other woman." No, no. He made it more palatable: "I wish there were two Rebeccas, tee hee."




And he KNOWS its a lie, even now. When Rebecca was recounting that story at the restaurant, that dude's face was twelve shades of RED. If someone had sprinkled some water on him, they'd have been in a steambath. Richard/Von Trapp can dress up his notion in ruffles and lace, but at its heart it was a plot to bed multiple women under the guise of biblical "correctness." If you want to screw multiple women, have the guts to just do it. I absolutely despise the hypocrisy of making up the rules as you go along and pretending that some deity has sanctioned your choices. The Browns irritate the shit out of me, but the Richard/Von Trapps are pathetic and CREEPY.

Edited by NewBaku
  • Love 14


The dark haired girl was lovely and sweet, and I'm sorry that kids give her a hard time.  I expect it will get worse, though.

She told Christine she had to hide the fact that her half sisters were her sisters. Then we find out that all the kids are from the same mother. There was a reason she was struggling with that conversation, it was completely scripted. Shame on Christine for using her to further the Persecution Agenda.


The "getting worse" part will probably happen now, especially with the whole first-bite thingy.

  • Love 6

Yeah, I think he's seen The Sound Of Music one too many times!


It seemed pretty obvious that the Richards' share a bedroom without actually wanting to come out and say it! Is that everyone else's impression as well?


"Hypothetically, we have these polygamist "friends" who share a bedroom.  Not, us, of course..."  Yeah, I totally got the same impression that you did!


The "Previously on Sister Wives" showed Robin's threat about not having time to have another baby right now, so I totally thought we were getting a baby announcement this week.  Maybe next week?



I don't remember exactly  which blessing he was trying to say, but I think it was the second one on this page (hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz).

It was the borai pri hagofen over the wine, and he totally botched it. He even botched the beginning part that's the same in every blessing (Blessed art thou, O Lord, King of the Universe).


It really bugs me that this group was appropriating the Seder that way and calling it a Passover Seder (as opposed to a reenactment of the Last Supper or something). If you want to experience a Seder to understand Christian history, do it with Jewish allies who want to help you get it right and understand what this means as a living tradition and commandment to a surviving group of people. This isn't just historical artifact, like a re-creation of a lost Babylonian ritual or something. I think it would be pretty obnoxious for me to buy some crackers and a Missal and say I was performing transubstantiation in my living room. That's more or less what they were doing.

Edited by IvySpice
  • Love 15

She told Christine she had to hide the fact that her half sisters were her sisters. Then we find out that all the kids are from the same mother. There was a reason she was struggling with that conversation, it was completely scripted. Shame on Christine for using her to further the Persecution Agenda.


The "getting worse" part will probably happen now, especially with the whole first-bite thingy.

I also thought that whole thing was scripted. She loosened up a little towards the end, but when that little girl started talking to Christine it was very obvious that she was repeating or reciting something that someone told her.

  • Love 4

To me, that scene between Christine and the little girl was disturbing. Christine seemed to be taking waaaay too much pleasure in telling that girl that anyone outside of polygamy is scary. That's always been her message. People that leave polygamy are dangerous and life off the compound is scary. It's cult mentality and subjecting children to it is even more cruel than Christine thinks the outside world is, toasters notwithstanding, of course.

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Granted, I didn't look up every Scripture that he mentioned and think that some are a big stretch to support polygamy but some are very convincing.

I am so sick of this group justifying polygamy “because it’s in the Bible”.  Well apparently they just pick and chose because other rules are conveniently ignored.

Any person who curseth his father or mother must be killed ~Leviticus 20:9   How much to you want to bet at least one of the teen boys should have been offed by now?


If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be cut off from their people ~Leviticus 20:18   Does Kadoofus work his schedule around the menses of the harem to avoid being cast out?


The eating of fat is prohibited forever ~Leviticus 3:17  How about that 40 pounds of steak they tried to force down?


Stubborn children were to be stoned, and the stoning was to be instigated by their parents ~Deuteronomy 21:18-21  I can totally see Kadoofus using that one on the teens who refuse to toe the line.

  • Love 5
And he KNOWS its a lie, even now. When Rebecca was recounting that story at the restaurant, that dude's face was twelve shades of RED. If someone had sprinkled some water on him, they'd have been in a steambath. Richard/Von Trapp can dress up his notion in ruffles and lace, but at its heart it was a plot to bed multiple women under the guise of biblical "correctness." If you want to screw multiple women, have the guts to just do it. I absolutely despise the hypocrisy of making up the rules as you go along and pretending that some deity has sanctioned your choices. The Browns irritate the shit out of me, but the Richard/Von Trapps are pathetic and CREEPY.


I don't even think his wife believed it really. It is just a front for "I bullied my wife into poly and three in a bed". I have much less of a problem with 100% consenting adults in whichever version of secular polyamory they all want than I do than religiously mandated polygamy but yeah the pretence was creepy. Hey dude why not get yourself a slave girl at the same time? That would also be biblically correct. And it seems like they were only half hearted kidding themselves. I think a lot of "Biblical correctness" insisters have kinks or fetishes of one sort or another that they are trying to justify to themselves and society. There are so many sites around that fundamentalists would consider disgusting except the people involved are proverbially "doing it for Jesus" .


As annoying as Christine's "polygamy is the only way" staged conversation was I can't help but reflect that it shows a lot about how far the Browns have pimped themselves out over the show. I don't think early season Browns (esp) Christine would have so supposedly enthusiastically embraced a family who are clearly um, more intimate than they are, that was one of the stereotypes they were annoyed at early on. The weirdest it got was the Dargers and the twins and cousin all married to Joe. And I don't think its because they've embraced a more liberal view of relationships either.  

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First... how would Christine know if monogamy is boring?  She wasn't raised in it, never lived it. 

Second... how dare this entire crew tell me I MUST accept them. and be friends with them, and not judge them... while she and Robyn are judging me all over the place for monogamy and I don't even have a reality show.  She won't even tolerate my lifestyle, let alone accept it.  Calling it boring, describing Christians as scary and sharks, barely tolerating her own Mom and Aunt who left  polygamy. Does she think their family has a monopoly on games like Red Rover and tag?.. go to any elementary playground during recess. 

Third, whoever did the number on the little girl was a horrible excuse for a human being.  All 9 children were born of the first wife, who is legally married to the husband... exactly who is the little girl denying relationship too?


Hubby wasn't religiously motivated for this.  He just wanted this woman on the side.  And I think first wife finally went along with it because she had 9 kids in 10 years (they've been married 13, youngest child is 3), and wanted a break.  She figured that if she shared wife duties, she might avoid pregnancy more often. New wife is going to wake up one day and discover she's been scammed into babysitter duties.  Just because the bible doesn't specifically state that polygamy was out of style doesn't mean  it was still being practiced by the time of the new testament.... which is what Christians specifically follow.  As others have said, we don't stone people, allow parents to take their children out in the desert and attempt to kill them,  condone people invading other countries because they want their land, send people into slavery in Egypt, and so forth. 


Edited to add:  This guy is even more controlling than Joe Darger... all eating at the same time, calling from work to eat at the same time, lining up the kids by height, all with stupid smug reasons for it.

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 9

When Mr. Richard/Von Trapp made that first "joke" while his wife was baking cookies, he wasn't just randomly popping off a cute-but-innocent remark. He was consciously WORKING her--testing the water for her reaction. And notice that he didn't say, "Golly-gosh, honey, I wish that while YOU were making cookies I could be snuggled up with some other woman." No, no. He made it more palatable: "I wish there were two Rebeccas, tee hee."



You 100% nailed it.

I would love to know if Kody's Hebrew blessing was said correctly.  Somehow, I think he was likely to screw it up in some way.


It was not, and yes, he did.


I don't remember exactly  which blessing he was trying to say, but I think it was the second one on this page (hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz).  




He had already screwed up by the time he got to "adonay," however, so I was too busy snorting to pay close attention to the rest.

As a "Jew" (as Kody called me), I can tell you, as WerWerWer said, that his attempt at hebrew was embarrassing and not even close to getting it right. So I don't blame you for not understanding which prayer he was attempting -- it was the blessing over the wine. (Notice how he mangled the word "hagafen" at the end - hebrew for wine).

  • Love 2

Or just give her a pair that are too big for you now.


I would love to know if Kody's Hebrew blessing was said correctly.  Somehow, I think he was likely to screw it up in some way.



It was the borai pri hagofen over the wine, and he totally botched it. He even botched the beginning part that's the same in every blessing (Blessed art thou, O Lord, King of the Universe).


It really bugs me that this group was appropriating the Seder that way and calling it a Passover Seder (as opposed to a reenactment of the Last Supper or something). If you want to experience a Seder to understand Christian history, do it with Jewish allies who want to help you get it right and understand what this means as a living tradition and commandment to a surviving group of people. This isn't just historical artifact, like a re-creation of a lost Babylonian ritual or something. I think it would be pretty obnoxious for me to buy some crackers and a Missal and say I was performing transubstantiation in my living room. That's more or less what they were doing.




As a "Jew" (as Kody called me), I can tell you, as WerWerWer said, that his attempt at hebrew was embarrassing and not even close to getting it right. So I don't blame you for not understanding which prayer he was attempting -- it was the blessing over the wine. (Notice how he mangled the word "hagafen" at the end - hebrew for wine).


Kody didn't just get it wrong.  He got it OFFENSIVELY wrong.


He didn't say "Baruch ata Adonai".  He said "Baruch ata Yahweh" (the name of G-d which is forbidden from ever being said).  I was floored to hear that!  Never have I heard that from someone attempting to say a simple blessing. In fact, I registered for this forum just to post about this issue because I was shocked.


Granted, the man is no religious scholar, and most non-Jewish people wouldn't know that either -- but then don't appear on national TV bragging about how you're so up on Hebrew when the words that come out of your mouth are essentially a big "screw you" to Jewish people.

  • Love 12

I agree, jellybean - his hebrew was not only wrong, but offensive. If you're going to preach another religion or say a prayer, I have no problem with that, but at the very least, get it right. Otherwise you're offending something that other people hold important, even sacred to some. Bottom line - he was just showing off. I can't stand the guy.

On another note - I'm sure Robyn's big announcement next week is that she's pregnant. I'll reserve my "mazel tov" for when she announces the closing of My Sister Wife's Closet.

  • Love 5

Wow. WOW. As a card-carrying member of the Tribe - a "Jew" to Kody - I can't describe how offensive that Seder scene was. You don't yell and scream about the plagues during a Seder. Despite the Egyptians' cruelty to the Israelites, you are still supposed to be aware of the suffering God brought down upon them. The tradition is to put a drop of wine from your glass on your plate for each plague as it is announced, thereby diminishing your own happiness in deference to the Egyptians. Reciting the ten plagues is not a loud, boisterous joke.

Don't get me started on the Hebrew. Others have already noted that it was incorrect. I was disgusted not only by the butchering of it, but by Kody's cavalier statement that he thought it would be funner to pray in another language! Because he's just a well rounded guy! And his Jew friend wrote it down for him! I tweeted to him that it was offensive and gross.

If you aren't Jewish and you're not recalling your own ancestors' escape from slavery, please don't call it a Seder. Those people probably had a nice ham dinner to celebrate.

  • Love 18

RagingPixie remember they did the same thing with Hanukkah a couple years ago when Kody decided for whatever reason that they shouldn't celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday so it's like they just picked a holiday at a Hallmark store without caring about its significance. Oh and it bugs the crap out of me that Kody refers to Jewish people as "Jews" complete with quotes.  He seriously needs to get his head out of his ass, unless of course he's doing this on PURPOSE.

Kody didn't just get it wrong.  He got it OFFENSIVELY wrong.


He didn't say "Baruch ata Adonai".  He said "Baruch ata Yahweh" (the name of G-d which is forbidden from ever being said).  I was floored to hear that!  Never have I heard that from someone attempting to say a simple blessing. In fact, I registered for this forum just to post about this issue because I was shocked.


Granted, the man is no religious scholar, and most non-Jewish people wouldn't know that either -- but then don't appear on national TV bragging about how you're so up on Hebrew when the words that come out of your mouth are essentially a big "screw you" to Jewish people.

KODY thinks he's a religious scholar.  And I bet the "friend" who taught him that prayer doesn't exist.  He probably learned it on YouTube, phonetically. 

  • Love 4

Re: Christine glaring at Robyn when Robyn was joking about looking into her eyes while she ate... does anyone know why Christine was upset about it? Didn't she just finish making fun of the whole thing herself? And Robyn was just joining in? That was really weird to me. I rewound a couple times trying the see if Christine was smirking or playing along, but no, it really looked like she was pissed. Why???

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I see by the lack of chatter that everyone is equally as unexcited about the Browns' road trip as I am.  The idea of non-Mormon Christian plygs is kind of interesting but two hours of hook up the RVs, drive a few hundred miles, hook up the RVs, meet and greet/picnic, picnic, picnic....eh.  And next week's finale...gee, I wonder what Robin's announcement could be? 

This just came to mind, it's been such a long time ago it was in the back of my memory.  But I think it's the main reason why Kody's "Jew" friend remarks bug the crap out of me.


My first (much older) husband was Jewish.  His father escaped from Austria as a teen to the US to get away from the Nazis.  Not all of his family was as lucky, at least a couple died in the concentration camps.


I was at a family dinner party, and some of his surviving family was there - one chilling moment was meeting one of my then-husband's aunts and her showing me her concentration camp tattoo, still on her arm.


Persecuted Kody?  Grifting, making a living off your "lifestyle"?  multiple bankruptcies, bleeding the beast aka us working Americans supporting you and your family?  Pretending to have an agenda when it's really all about keeping the TLC checks coming in?


Kody and Christine and Robyn (the worst of the adults) - you don't know what "persecution" IS.  You talk about it, but you don't know SHIT.  And I hope you read this, although I'm sure that you will just listen to your mindless fans who say you have nothing to apologize for.  Screw you Browns.

  • Love 15

Kody didn't just get it wrong.  He got it OFFENSIVELY wrong.


He didn't say "Baruch ata Adonai".  He said "Baruch ata Yahweh" (the name of G-d which is forbidden from ever being said).  I was floored to hear that!  Never have I heard that from someone attempting to say a simple blessing. In fact, I registered for this forum just to post about this issue because I was shocked.


Granted, the man is no religious scholar, and most non-Jewish people wouldn't know that either -- but then don't appear on national TV bragging about how you're so up on Hebrew when the words that come out of your mouth are essentially a big "screw you" to Jewish people.


Thank you!  I thought that was terribly wrong but couldn't put my finger on it.  My father is Jewish and we've done our fair share of secular and religious Seders but rarely enough in Hebrew that while I knew it was wrong I couldn't articulate WHY it felt SO VERY WRONG.


Kody and Christine and Robyn (the worst of the adults) - you don't know what "persecution" IS.

Well, that brings up an interesting layer of irony/hypocrisy. His Mormon ancestors really were persecuted, genuine persecution, right here in America. When they left for Utah, it was because Utah wasn't part of the United States, and the United States had issued an extermination order against the church and its members. The Mormons literally wandered in the wilderness like the Israelites until they got to their Zion. There are a ton of parallels between Utah and the land of Israel in terms of cooperative work turning the desert into a land of milk and honey. Which might add a lot of richness and empathy to Mormons' experience of a genuine Seder if they attended as guests wanting to learn...but adds an extra smack to this circus of disrespect. He SHOULD know what persecution is.


It's a lot like how the LDS church had the unmitigated gall to spend its money fighting same-sex marriage in California after it was more or less banished from the United States for redefining marriage. Really, you don't think other people should have the freedom to do what they think is right and their religious leaders endorse? How interesting.

  • Love 4

Kody didn't just get it wrong.  He got it OFFENSIVELY wrong.


He didn't say "Baruch ata Adonai".  He said "Baruch ata Yahweh" (the name of G-d which is forbidden from ever being said).  I was floored to hear that!  Never have I heard that from someone attempting to say a simple blessing. In fact, I registered for this forum just to post about this issue because I was shocked.


Granted, the man is no religious scholar, and most non-Jewish people wouldn't know that either -- but then don't appear on national TV bragging about how you're so up on Hebrew when the words that come out of your mouth are essentially a big "screw you" to Jewish people.

Agreed, agreed in spades. The Browns are EXTREMELY secretive about the parts of their faith and their lives that they consider the most sacred, yet Kody tramples on the sacred aspects of another faith simply to draw attention to himself. Which is Kody's actual religion, if you ask me.

  • Love 6

Well, that brings up an interesting layer of irony/hypocrisy. His Mormon ancestors really were persecuted, genuine persecution, right here in America. When they left for Utah, it was because Utah wasn't part of the United States, and the United States had issued an extermination order against the church and its members. The Mormons literally wandered in the wilderness like the Israelites until they got to their Zion.




Well, it wasn't the US government: it was the state of Missouri, and they did so because Mormon and Missouri state militia had been skirmishing and there were rumors that the Mormons were going to attack imminently, and while it said "extermination" nobody got killed but the Mormons did get run out of Missouri (sometimes in the dead of winter, which wasn't good), and the Mormons apparently knew that they were going to the Great Basin (then part of Mexico) when they set out from winter camp in Nebraska, but yeah.


Then again, to a lot of people, "respect of religion" only applies to THEIR religion.  I remember one of the tattoo guys in "Miami Ink" who wouldn't tattoo Jewish symbols, because he thought that it was disrespectful to his religion, and yet he was constantly tattooing Buddhist and Shinto and other Eastern religious symbols without a qualm.  Presumably because it wasn't his ox being gored, after all.

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DakotaJustice, how could I forget? Christine was slightly less offensive than Kody, or maybe it's just the fact that I like her more in general, but I just don't get the whole "playing around with other religions" thing and calling it being observant. Maybe it's because there's still an air of mystery to some people about the Jewish religion.


Not to mention "God's chosen ones" ... that perks up other religions' ears every time.

My hell! <lol> With all of the disrespect towards the "Jews" and bashing of monogamists it sounds like they want everyone to respect them but they care little about offending others. tThey even bash their likeminded people. ITA with Marky Snark, no wonder that they don't have many *friends.


*Except for Meri, she seems to want to hang out with everyone but her Plyg family.

  • Love 2

Well, that brings up an interesting layer of irony/hypocrisy. His Mormon ancestors really were persecuted, genuine persecution, right here in America. When they left for Utah, it was because Utah wasn't part of the United States, and the United States had issued an extermination order against the church and its members. The Mormons literally wandered in the wilderness like the Israelites until they got to their Zion. There are a ton of parallels between Utah and the land of Israel in terms of cooperative work turning the desert into a land of milk and honey. Which might add a lot of richness and empathy to Mormons' experience of a genuine Seder if they attended as guests wanting to learn...but adds an extra smack to this circus of disrespect. He SHOULD know what persecution is.


The key word in the above quote is "ancestors".  They were Kody's, Christine's, et al's ANCESTORS.  I too have ancestors in my family background (Native American) who were persecuted and lynched and hunted down and made to dig their own graves and then shot to death.  There are very few Americans who do not have ancestors who were slaves/hunted down/discriminated against in their background. 


The thing is that was 150+ YEARS ago.  They talk about it like it JUST happened, and won't let it go for anything, because without that, they're just a bunch of adults who all sleep with the same guy and a guy who has a wife and three less-than-stunning babymamas.  But the "polygamy" aspect makes them "special" perhaps to some. 


They need to just GET over it.  Maybe their ancestors WERE persecuted, but as has been said above, there was plenty of bloodshed and violence coming from their ancestors as well.  But Christine's whole life is wrapped up in her persecution complex.  I doubt they were discriminated much in Utah, since they lived in a plyg town and their kids went to plyg school.

  • Love 3


But Christine's whole life is wrapped up in her persecution complex.  I doubt they were discriminated much in Utah, since they lived in a plyg town and their kids went to plyg school.

Agreed.  She herself has admitted that she is plyg royalty. It doesn't sound like these folks really socialize outside their church and family, so I have to wonder how many monogamists she really is close to.  I'm sure since the show has started that she has met quite a few, but is she really truly close friends with any monogamists? 


I have to admit, I did smirk a little bit at Meri admitting that jealousy and feelings of inadequacy were pretty much a daily struggle.  Finally, some truth coming out!  I felt bad for the 2nd wife in the new family. The Richards family was an interesting story, and the first wife seemed kind of fun, but I just did not care for the husband at all.  He seemed like a whiny crybaby who needs a wife and a mama.  That being said, Kody was still the most obnoxious adult by far followed closely by Christine and her judgy attitude.  Fuck you, Christine!


And I was offended by proxy at the Seder. I'm not Jewish, but I found it extremely distasteful and I am disgusted that something sacred was turned into a ridiculous VBS hour.  Especially coming from a group of people who refuse to admit non-church members into their temples for weddings and are so secretive about their own beliefs because they are "so sacred".   I have long enjoyed the Brown trainwreck, but now I'm starting to get really bored.  I don't like the trips and the birthday parties and all that bullshit. This might be the last episode for me unless I hear of a divorce or another wife.

  • Love 6

To be fair, the Seder is all about remembering our (Israelites') persecution and escape, and it's been over two thousand years. I wouldn't say we're "over it," because we still think it's very important to who we are today and our mission in the world. We are commanded to teach our children to feel that they, personally, were slaves in Egypt and that God freed them. So I'm not going to fault any Mormons/fundamentalists for wanting to embrace their history, or for letting it inform their understanding of their place in the world. I DO fault these Browns for having their heads up their butts as far as failing to recognize that their religion/history is not the only one that counts.

  • Love 3

I am American Indian. We are currently persecuted to the point that tribal land cannot establish services for sewer or water on sovereign lands because the US government threatens to cut off all aid and services. This is in direct violation to all establish treaties and laws. This is happening right now and is just one example. Please try to avoid using American Indians as an example. We are a living people that struggle everyday to live like Americans. It's a real thing, not something that happened in the pioneer days. Right now. Not the past.

Edit: I do understand the reference to persecuted ancestors. That's anyone's right to claim. I always feel obligated to point out it never ended. Indian people have been cutoff from society so the ongoing abuse is reported less often.

Edited by wrestlesflamingos
  • Love 5

Then again, to a lot of people, "respect of religion" only applies to THEIR religion.  I remember one of the tattoo guys in "Miami Ink" who wouldn't tattoo Jewish symbols, because he thought that it was disrespectful to his religion, and yet he was constantly tattooing Buddhist and Shinto and other Eastern religious symbols without a qualm.  Presumably because it wasn't his ox being gored, after all.

Just another perspective - Judiasm forbids tattoos, so maybe the tattoo artist was referencing that? (as opposed to jewish symbols vs. other religious symbols).

  • Love 1

Just another perspective - Judiasm forbids tattoos, so maybe the tattoo artist was referencing that? (as opposed to jewish symbols vs. other religious symbols).


Considering how much this guy was tatted up himself, I doubt he was much worried about that.  It was fairly clearly articulated that he wouldn't tattoo these special symbols that someone didn't really understand onto their body, rather like how people are (IMO justifiably) unhappy that the Browns are inappropriately appropriating Jewish ceremony. But he had no problem tattooing other religion's symbols willy-nilly when there was no guarantee that that particular symbol was being used "appropriately"; that's the hypocrisy that pissed me off.


With the Browns, it's probably related to the "You must accept and not say anything negative about my choice in marriage, but I can say nasty things about your choice all I want" thing with polygyny/monogamy they do.


A lot of religious ceremonies are centred around "commemorating" an event in some way, many from hundreds or thousands of years ago, the effects of which are still being felt in the world today. It's not necessarily a bad thing for anyone to remember the persecution of their ancestors or religious forebears. But I believe it also has to be put into context with the reality of life to day for every religion, good or bad. Something are going to have inherently more immediate/drastic meaning for the same groups in different parts of the world, as wrestlesfamingoes has said.


For the purposes of remaining somewhat on topic Mormons were persecuted. Having read "Under the Banner of Heaven" etc I think its insanely complicated and doesn't look good for Joseph Smith under any definition  but theoretically a lot of this happened within 100 years of many current LDS living today in Utah.


Christine (and maybe Meri and Robyn) grew up hearing stories about how their immediate grandparents had been forced to flee to avoid being imprisoned and murdered for their beliefs (sometimes by different sects of their own religion) so I do semi get the paranoia after only 50 years. But this show is so scraping the dregs with this "different" poly family and they've never had an honest discussion about their actual basic and day to day religious beliefs so it all rings false for the show anyway.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 2

Re: Christine glaring at Robyn when Robyn was joking about looking into her eyes while she ate... does anyone know why Christine was upset about it? Didn't she just finish making fun of the whole thing herself? And Robyn was just joining in? That was really weird to me. I rewound a couple times trying the see if Christine was smirking or playing along, but no, it really looked like she was pissed. Why???


This is my best guess... Christine probably does not like Robyn all that much.  So when Robyn joined with Christine saying what they were saying, Christine was probably offended thinking Robyn was making fun of her, whether she was or not.  When you don't like someone, you tend to think irrationally around that person.

These are people who think having many women serve and satiate one man is god's way. They think they will live on a planet with Kody after their deaths. They were pretending to be at a seder.


They are fucking insane, and someone needs to tell their kids that they are fucking insane, so those kids can understand their options.


What was done to that little girl in her talk with Christine, the psycho, was disgusting. Just disgusting. 


I am so sick of these morons preaching about family and love whilst selling their kids for a schilling. 

  • Love 5

I'm just in awe of the ridiculousness of this.

I like when people make me cookies... Should I be seeking out sisterwives? Because if that's the deal I'm not sure it's a bad situation. (I being completely sarcastic).

I agree with someone above (sorry I was playing catch up and hadn't read in a while, I don't remember who) who said that when Christine proclaims how much better life is with 25 people in your house, about they were an introvert...Quite frankly I live with 1 person (my sister) in a 3 bedroom house and sometime that's too much. I couldn't handle not having a space of my own or the constant busyness.

I just don't understand the leap from "your busy and I want to cuddle" to "let's add another person".

I am not Jewish, but I was fairly confident the moment Kody proclaimed "I can pray in Hebrew" that we were in for a real linguistic treat. I know the words to "estot aqui" by shakira... Does that mean I can proclaim I know Spanish? I highly doubt even had the words been said correctly, that he knew what he was saying, he memorized the words, but didn't know the meaning.

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The "Christian" polygamist family just cracked me up. It was almost like they were playing a joke on the Browns. They reminded me of the Duggar kids. Whenever someone asks them to explain their beliefs, they can't and seem to see how absurd those beliefs are. None of them were convincing as to why they felt the need to add a wife. At least with the Browns, I believe they believe that this part of their faith. To me, it seemed that the husband in the other family just wanted a new sex toy. It was obvious that the first wife did not believe nor want to take on a second wife. I wonder how low her self-esteem had to be to allow herself to be talked into it.


I agree that Christine's conversation with the little girl was staged. It was as though the little girl was reading her lines off a cue card.


On a separate, totally superficial note, I cannot help but notice that none of these polygamist men are the least bit attractive. At least Kody seemed to be somewhat attractive in his youth. The other man that was on was so far from hot, I cannot understand why a woman would allow herself to be talked into thinking it was a good idea to become his second wife. He sure didn't have any charm as seemed like a controlling jerk. One can at least argue that the first wife thought she was stuck because of so many kids. I just don't get what the second wife is getting out of it. If you am going to be dumb enough to be talked into becoming a second wife, the guy better be crazy hot, sensitive and all-around awesome. At least get yourself something pretty to look at. Then again, a guy with those qualities would be unlikely to be a polygamist.

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I ended the Red Rover segment angry (getting pretty tired of these smug yahoos knocking my "lifestyle"). But I started it feeling a little sad.

If I'm remembering correctly, it began with one Brown child (Maddie, I think) gazing wistfully at the big, open field and basically begging them to do something so they could all enjoy it. I couldn't help thinking that that's another thing their idiot parents took from them.

Yes, I know they have that patch of grass - that must cost a fortune to maintain in Las Vegas - in the joint back yard. But that's not the same as being able to roll and run and play in a big, open field (or a big, open yard in Lehi).

It was a small moment that reminded me of the many ways the kids' needs get lost following the big dope's grand dreams.

RagingPixie remember they did the same thing with Hanukkah a couple years ago when Kody decided for whatever reason that they shouldn't celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday so it's like they just picked a holiday at a Hallmark store without caring about its significance. Oh and it bugs the crap out of me that Kody refers to Jewish people as "Jews" complete with quotes. He seriously needs to get his head out of his ass, unless of course he's doing this on PURPOSE.

KODY thinks he's a religious scholar. And I bet the "friend" who taught him that prayer doesn't exist. He probably learned it on YouTube, phonetically.

I'm not even Jewish and I was insulted by that entire scene. The know-it-all is a know-nothing who lives for a spotlight he doesn't deserve. The melon head hosting him was equally appalling. Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Well, that brings up an interesting layer of irony/hypocrisy. His Mormon ancestors really were persecuted, genuine persecution, right here in America. When they left for Utah, it was because Utah wasn't part of the United States, and the United States had issued an extermination order against the church and its members. The Mormons literally wandered in the wilderness like the Israelites until they got to their Zion. There are a ton of parallels between Utah and the land of Israel in terms of cooperative work turning the desert into a land of milk and honey. Which might add a lot of richness and empathy to Mormons' experience of a genuine Seder if they attended as guests wanting to learn...but adds an extra smack to this circus of disrespect. He SHOULD know what persecution is.


I know they like to claim they were persecuted, but the historical facts tell a different story. Early Mormons declared war on the people of Missouri, claiming the state as their inheritance from the Lord. They attempted a political takeover, and harassed and threatened non-Mormons to keep them away from the polls. Early Mormon leaders were the ones who called for extermination of the citizens of Missouri. Retaliation by those citizens was inevitable. If you're interested in reading about those times, it's called the Missouri War of 1838.

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I just had to share that my THREE children ran around our backyard playing tag last night, having a blast. I guess it never occurred to them that they couldn't enjoy this game because I don't share their dad with another woman.

They couldn't possibly have had much fun in your boring monogamous family! I swear, Christine is brainwashing me. Does she not get that her repeated bashing of monogamy makes people less likely to support her choices?

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