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For those of you who are interested in the Bravo Blogs, I just realized something interesting when I went over there to view the clip for next week. They still have the comments enabled for all the videos. Folks are commenting like usual for each week.  For instance, you can look at the videos for show we just saw (there are about 5 videos), and the folks are commenting like they use to on each gal's blog.  I wonder why they are still letting folks comment in this way, but not on the individual blogs?

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Was he convicted of violence? If not, I don't think it is fair to jump to conclusions. People's lives have been ruined by crimes they were charged with yet not convicted of, so I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt on that. There is a reason there was no conviction.

I too was under the impression there was no conviction.  I guess I was misinformed.


According to this article http://starmagazine.com/2014/04/18/real-housewives-orange-county-shannon-beador-husband-domestic-incident/ David was convicted (plead guilty) to misdemeanor assault and battery of a cohabitant.  He served three years of probation, 10 days in a work program and attended a voluntary batterer's class.  Strange Shannon now claims no violence.  At some point Shannon or some other person in the home must have been fearful of David's behavior to have to call the police.


After the OJ Simpson murders, it was quite common in California that if a party called in a DV complaint it was prosecuted.  The party, if they later changed their mind, was not allowed to withdraw the claim.  It was very controversial as the "victim" was threatened with criminal charges and sometimes loss of custody of their children if they refused to cooperate with the prosecution. Obviously, they worked things out as it was eleven years ago.  I still think if a person changes their mind they should be allowed to work things out and not have to go through the criminal justice system.  It is very expensive and can add further stress to already stressful situation.


As to Heather -I am sorry but Heather so exaggerated the tone and even the content of the conversation at the Mexican restaurant that I don't believe Heather's 'perception'.  I think Shannon is wrong to get so flustered by Heather's behavior as it makes her an easy mark.  I don't think Shannon 'screamed' at Heather at her home-I do think she somewhat ridiculous to bring Tamra's accusation's up.  When describing the event Heather refers to it as "ruining her Christmas Eve",  the party was on December 20th and Heather and Terry as practicing Jews, probably don't celebrate Christmas Eve, but most who don't celebrate Christmas still know Christmas Eve is December 24th. 

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Was he convicted of violence? If not, I don't think it is fair to jump to conclusions. People's lives have been ruined by crimes they were charged with yet not convicted of, so I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt on that. There is a reason there was no conviction.


Oh, I'm not jumping to any conclusions, which is why I said I'm not hopping on Team David because we will never know what really happened between them.  I can't get behind the "David's such a good guy" theory and Shannon is a shrew without knowing more details, so I'm not on either party's side in this case.  I just am of the opinion that there was possibly something there other than an accusation on Shannon's part if the DA was willing to move forward without her cooperation.  

For those of you who are interested in the Bravo Blogs, I just realized something interesting when I went over there to view the clip for next week. They still have the comments enabled for all the videos. Folks are commenting like usual for each week.  For instance, you can look at the videos for show we just saw (there are about 5 videos), and the folks are commenting like they use to on each gal's blog.  I wonder why they are still letting folks comment in this way, but not on the individual blogs?


How bizarre that they would do that.


I wonder if the comments are moderate as heavily as they were on the blogs.  I understood a lot of people would post comments on the blogs to have them go into moderation and never be published.


Either way, it should make for good reading.  

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I ran across this story that has a sidebar about Vicki and Brooks http://www.breathecast.com/articles/real-housewives-of-orange-county-news-shannon-beador-seeks-divorce-advice-from-vicki-gunvalson-video-16977/  I t seems the relationship guru's relationship has hit a snag.


No wonder Vicki is waxing poetically about her marriage to Donn.  http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/07/vicki-gunvalson-divorce-amendment/  Maybe Donn draws the line at $95,000.00.


Brianna had her baby a week early 4th of July.  Apparently, Vicki wasn't there for the delivery.

Well, well, well I wonder if this is true, though they do seem to like their relationship drama. Vicki and her abyss of a love tank.

And how does one accidentally withdraw $95,000 that doesn't belong to them? Oh Vicki, no you dint.

Thanks for the links.

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I get the feeling that David just doesn't like the fancy lifestyle they live. He grew up blue collar. She has old money. He has talked about the kids and their lessons and cotillion etc. Just seems he is uncomfortable in his own life. And on top of that he has a wife that nags him every chance she gets. 

Men are simple creatures.  How does it go?  Feed him, fuck him and fuck off?  Shannon's pitiful, overdone chicken breast "dinner" from the first episode leads me to believe that she's not much of a cook.  They don't sleep in the same bed and haven't for years.  She nags him constantly.  Shannon is 0-for-3.

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I'd love it if someone pointed out to Ms. Dubrow that a truly confident person doesn't have to talk down, correct anyone else, or act superior to everyone.  Shannon, Vicki, and Tamra might be insecure but at least they own it unlike Miss Fancy Pants.  When Lydia basically said Lisa was an actual celebrity and had a higher IMDB/Q rating then Heather, you could see the veneer crack a bit for Ms. Dubrow.


Today I was at lunch and suddenly I'm wondering if David is trying to pull a Kelsey by having Shannon appear on the show. 

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I can totally see Heather and Terry bailing b/c they couldn't get away with potraying themselves as they wished.

I could see them bailing because bitch ass Terry got exactly what he wanted - another opportunity to do yet another reality show. If it is true that Terry used guilt and the silent treatment to get Heather to do the show, I could see how she would want out now that Terry has his own show. 

Full disclosure: I am not nor have I ever been a Heather fan. I hated her since her very first season because she had already decided who she should befriend and who she should hate. 


That said, I have always gotten the impression that Heather was just trying to play along with what Terry and the producers wanted - which is another reason I never liked her. I always felt like Heather's dislike of Alexis was because as a "friend of" Vicki and Tamra, she was supposed to dislike her. I only say that because, there is no way that Heather would give plenty of leeway to the likes of Vicki and Tamra, but not overlook Alexis's stupidity.


So, I suspect that if Heather is actually considering calling it quits, it is because she feels like she has done her job and is ready to be done with this circus.

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I think the reason Vicki and Tamra like Shannon is because she is so miserable.

Nothing like someone else's misery to make you feel better about your own lot in life.

Absolutely.   Shannon makes Vicki look like the Queen of Thehappylifebomb.com in comparison.  For once, someone other than Vicki has a miserable personal life for her to feel superior to.   Actually, it seems to be working.   Vicki seems to be almost thriving in her shack up arrangement with Crooks or whatever it is, while Shannon is the most miserable shrew in shrewdom.   If she is staying in the marriage for the kids, all she is doing is making them just as miserable as she and David are.     I wonder which parent they would prefer to live with?    

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I'd love it if someone pointed out to Ms. Dubrow that a truly confident person doesn't have to talk down, correct anyone else, or act superior to everyone.  Shannon, Vicki, and Tamra might be insecure but at least they own it unlike Miss Fancy Pants.  When Lydia basically said Lisa was an actual celebrity and had a higher IMDB/Q rating then Heather, you could see the veneer crack a bit for Ms. Dubrow.


Today I was at lunch and suddenly I'm wondering if David is trying to pull a Kelsey by having Shannon appear on the show.

Everything you say is true, but I fear it would be impossible for the average person to do with this group of clowns. You have to talk down to them in order for them to understand what you are saying, you have to correct them because they are embarrassing and say stupid stuff about everyone including you, and since everyone is superior to them (except Ramona), they deserve for people to point it out on each and every occassion for being so fucking dumb.

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When Tamra told the world that Eddie made a $30,000 mistake with the floors, I was shocked. I know she's a bitch and an idiot, but that was really cold and something you don't do when you are in business.

I think the reason that Vicki hit it off with Shannon in the beginning was because even though I think Shannon is very attractive, she isn't young and sexy like Alexis and Gretchen were when they joined the show. Vicki wasn't threatened by Shannon.

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When Tamra told the world that Eddie made a $30,000 mistake with the floors, I was shocked. I know she's a bitch and an idiot, but that was really cold and something you don't do when you are in business.

I think the reason that Vicki hit it off with Shannon in the beginning was because even though I think Shannon is very attractive, she isn't young and sexy like Alexis and Gretchen were when they joined the show. Vicki wasn't threatened by Shannon.

I agree. I think Vicki, who is very jealous by nature, was able to relax around Shannon because even she could see Shannon's life isn't great. Shannon is a nice looking woman, but she looks her age and she doesn't have a sexy bone in her body. Her marriage is pretty bad. Despite all her "I get along with everyone" talk, I doubt she has many friends because she takes things so personally and is very quick to become nasty and sarcastic when she feels threatened. Shannon basically presents herself as a brittle little old lady hen-packing her husband to death. By comparison Vicki's life looks exciting and cool.

I just don't know what to do with David and Shannon. The DV conviction tells me that at the very least David has a bad habit of not walking away from Shannon when she's picking a fight, and probably worse. But I couldn't even get through lunch with her. Honestly, I think I would have to leave to avoide asking her to kindly shut the fuck up. The woman never lets up. And she never really takes responsibility for anything. She's always being misunderstood or yelled at or some other behavior "that she has never experienced in her life". I feel like she says that once a day. I can't even imagine what sort of sheltered bubble you have to spend your life in to achieve that lack of self-awareness. I think David is done with that shit, but not necessarily her. I got from the conversation that he's over trying to placate her issues and make her feel loved enough when that's not possible and apologizing for every fucking thing he does and being treated like a child. I agree that David has one foot out the door, but I think it's in a "deal with your shit because I am done" kind of way.

I can't wait until next week when we see Shannon screaming about how she never screams at Heather. I don't even like Heather, but really Shannon? Has no one ever held you accountable for your own behavior in your entire life? Maybe it's because I have never managed to pull off the delicate princess thing, but I don't get her reasoning at all. What is wrong with her?

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I agree that David is a looker and has a truly magnificent head of hair,


Something about the way he has his hair combed back and gel--it makes it look widely spaced.  Is that just an illusion?


I think he just looks like Tyler on Teen Mom (Caitlynn and Tyler who put their baby up for adoption).  Something about the baby face and maybe the nose.

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Here is my take on the Beadors. I think Shannon is the main problem and I made that decision when they were horseback riding and David asked if anyone knew any western-type/horseback riding songs and Shannon said "NO" right away, then Vicki chimed in with Home on the Range. Shannon's reflex reaction to almost anything David says or does is negative. Despite that, he still manages to reach out to her, hold her hand, put his arm around her, apologize, ask how she is doing. She is lucky he has just not walked away and sent her divorce papers already.  He seems right that she needs to be happy on her own before they can be happy together. She needs a therapist, or a new hobby, or hey, maybe she can build a new house across from Heather's to give her something to do.


As for Heather Dubrow, I love how her husband refuses to play along with the little story Heather likes to tell about herself when the cameras are rolling. Guess Terry knows that he has to mix it up and that's why he threw in that "you are going to buy a pedigree." The look on her face was awesome. It also looked a little late for Collette to be eating out. She's so young and probably needs to eat dinner at 5:30.  



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And what "breed" did Heather get?

I'm pretty sure they are poodles (one red, one apricot).  Mine looked exactly like that as a puppy. They're cute, but the family played with them for about 30 seconds, then they went off to eat.  I'm assuming some kind of nanny will be feeding/walking/picking up the poop.  Puppies are a LOT of work!!! 

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So financial genius Vicki "inadvertently" moved nearly $100,000 out of Donn's bank account.  Nobody inadvertently takes that much money from their estranged spouse.  She probably felt entitled to it and simply took it.  Or did it as an act of revenge when he requested alimony.  She's lucky she didn't end up in the slammer.

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Heather's dogs are Goldendoodles which are poodle and Golden Retriever mix. The dogs are good for those with allergies as I know several families who would not be able to own a dog if it weren't a poodle or one of the poodle blends - cockatoo; labradoodle; goldendoodle for those who don't want a garden variety poodle which is also good for those with allergies.


I realize that rescue dogs are the politically correct choice but at least in Southern California, it's not that easy to find a dog if you need fairly specific traits. I occasionally will track what is available and there are a lot of pit bull mixes; German Shepherd/Rottweiler type mixes. 

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I must have missed it, the show wasn't keeping my attention in their scenes.  What exactly did Eddie do to fuck up the floors?  And what "breed" did Heather get?

Apparently, Eddie thought it would be a good idea to install wood or laminate flooring over a cushion material.  Unfortunately, with people dropping heavy weights on the floor, the planks started separating.  As Tamra described it, it was like placing a jigsaw puzzle on a pillow and then pushing down on part of it.  She seemed to take great pleasure in announcing that Eddie screwed up big time. 

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Heather's dogs are Goldendoodles which are poodle and Golden Retriever mix.

Oh really?  Sorry, I was wrong then.  So they're a mix.  I thought Heather's whole song-and-dance about NOT rescuing was to ensure she had a purebred hypoallergenic dog.  I have really bad allergies (like she claims she and her kids do) and I'm allergic to labradoodles and goldendoodles because of the labrador/golden retriever part of them.  Hopefully those little dogs will get to stay in the house and the kids won't wake up with welts on their face like Kennedy.   



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I wonder if David married (and stays) with Shannon because he married his mother?  If his mother was the domineering type, it explains the longevity of the relationship.


Because it would be really difficult to be with a woman who demands to have crystals buried in the foundation, inexplicably drawn to holistic new age bullshit sales jobs, doesn't want you to drink tequila yet seems to have a drinking problem, doesn't want you to have fun with anyone other than her even though you make having fun difficult, complains that all you do together is have dinner but doesn't seem to want to fuck, and on and on and on.  


But oddly enough, even with all that, there is something about Shannon I like.  Maybe he's got the same problem!

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I get the impression that David did something bad years ago and she has been grinding him down about it ever since. Now he's at the point where he's just bloody fed up with her; she's gone too far


Agree with this. My speculation is he had an affair. Shannon wanted to forgive him and save the marriage, said she forgave him and that they would move forward, but really can't/hasn't forgiven him so she picks at him constantly. Passive aggressive behavior - I love you, I forgive you, BUT you WILL pay for it for the rest of your life. I too think he's trying to stick it out for the kids. He's probably realizing how long it will be before all their kids are grown and out of the house at which point he will be too old to really start over. I think this is why he said he was getting older and didn't want to waste any more of his life being unhappy.


I hope and pray Heather  gets off this show. I've hated her from day one. I don't think she's getting an "evil edit", I think she's being the same uppity b#*^h she's always been but now Tamra and Vicki are calling her out on it - now that the two of them have another wealthy friend in Shannon. I didn't even watch most of last season because I could not stand Heather. Her behavior towards Alexis made me sick. I didn't agree with Alexis's religious/marriage views and she wasn't the brightest bulb but she was harmless and didn't seem mean spirited. Watching Heather and Tamra attack her was like watching someone abuse a cute little bunny rabbit. I expected more from Heather since she's so, you know, classy, LOL! The fact that Heather is even on this show demonstartes to me that she is low class despite her herculean efforts to make the viewers believe she sooo above everyone, not just the other women on the show, but all the women in Orange County. I think the reason she has disliked Shannon from the start is because she is jealous of Shannon's family money, jealous of Shannon's house. She gossiped about Shannons marital problems, IMO, because she had to find something to diminish Shannon in the eyes of Heather's friends and make herself look better than. Why else woud she be talking about her? Shannon has "real" money. If Terry's business goes south they don't have the kind of family money to sustain their lifestyle. Which makes me wonder why Terry would want to be on this show. I would think this would hurt his business, showing himself to be such a gossipy little hen, unprofessional, petty, purring on airs. I would never go to any doctor who I saw behave as he does. And if his wife's looks  are an example of his work? Pfft! I'd never even consider him as my surgeon.


I fast forwarded through all the Tamra baby scenes. I hope she's fired too. Her mean girl act, which I've always hated, has grown tiresome and she's a bore.


The woman in the shop who was looking at the bathing suits did not seem impressed by what she saw. Seemed like she was bored and faking interest - but wasn't very convincing to me. I think she agreed to a showing just to get free tv advertising for her shop.

Edited by happykitteh
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Apparently, Eddie thought it would be a good idea to install wood or laminate flooring over a cushion material.  Unfortunately, with people dropping heavy weights on the floor, the planks started separating.  As Tamra described it, it was like placing a jigsaw puzzle on a pillow and then pushing down on part of it.  She seemed to take great pleasure in announcing that Eddie screwed up big time. 


My first thought on this is do they do any research on anything they've done for the business or do they just go with what they thought sounded great.  I mean, sounds like the location was flawed.  They probably got the space because it was cheap without factoring in all the benefits and reasons why you pay to get a good location?  Did they research pricing?  Did they do any market research to find some unique niche they could fill because it sounds like they are running a business with hours so they can have a life beyond the business.  And anyone who own a business will tell you you have to sacrifice time to make it successful.


I truly think they just figured that their celebrity was going to bring in people, no matter where they plopped the gym and no matter what they offered.  People would sign up for the mere joy of being close to them.

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Oh my gosh, goldendoodles?  They found out from breeding labradoodles that you only get a pure poodle type coat with low allergy response a very small part of the time, and that holds true for other breeds mixed with poodles that aren't already low shed.  If she had done a shred of research she'd know that.  It's part of the reason so many end up in shelters.  My friend got a labradoodle as a Guide Dog with the thought that it would be easier on her partner for allergies.  It was terrible, the dog had super long hair (from the poodle) that shed like the labrador.  She spent one night at my house and I was cleaning up clumps of hair two weeks later.  It's a big reason why they stopped using them in her Guide Dog program, they don't breed true with one type of hair or a steady temperament and they washed out as Guide Dogs way too early, so they stopped using them.  Labs are fine, poodles are fine, but mixing them just created too many things that didn't make them better.  It's also why they stopped using them as Guide Dogs in Australia, or stopped using them as much.


She'll be lucky if those goldendoodles grow up with the kind of hair she's hoping for.

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The woman in the shop who was looking at the bathing suits did not seem impressed by what she saw. Seemed like she was bored and faking interest - but wasn't very convincing to me. I think she agreed to a showing just to get free tv advertising for her shop.


I thought the same thing. She seemed like yeah, great stuff.  A bikini top not matching the bottoms and tacky Italian textured fabric.  I also thought the hug at the end was so unprofessional. 

Edited by sasha206
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Agree with this. My speculation is he had an affair. Shannon wanted to forgive him and save the marriage, said she forgave him and that they would move forward, but really can't/hasn't forgiven him so she picks at him constantly. Passive aggressive behavior - I love you, I forgive you, BUT you WILL pay for it for the rest of your life. I too think he's trying to stick it out for the kids. He's probably realizing how long it will be before all their kids are grown and out of the house at which point he will be too old to really start over. I think this is why he said he was getting older and didn't want to waste any more of his life being unhappy.


I think the cycle started before that. I think that Sharron married a blue collar guy with money thinking she could turn him into a diamond. I think she picks and picks and picks and then David withdrawls and cheats. He feels bad, she feels bad. They decide to forgive each other. Except now Shannon is mad so she picks and picks and picks some more until David fights back and the fight gets nasty and/or violent. She forgives him, he feels awful. He withdrawls so to avoid more fights. She feels abandoned and starts picking again. I doubt this is even the first time they've been through this cycle. I think that's what David was alluding to. He never made her happy so she complains, he gets sick of the complaining so he acts out or lashes out, she is hurt by the behavior so she complains more. Some couple just do bring out the worst in each other. And I'm sorry as hard as I try I do not see the basically good person in Shannon. I see a mean spirited, lazy, self centered, spoiled narcissist.

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I'll start by saying I think Tamra was wrong for repeating Shannon's information about the email. She betrayed her 'confidence'. And Heather was wrong for sharing it with a table full of people.

But... Shannon Is upset that others know about the information she told Tamra on camera, right? It was on camera, right?

Reality TV really is interesting.

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I'll start by saying I think Tamra was wrong for repeating Shannon's information about the email. She betrayed her 'confidence'. And Heather was wrong for sharing it with a table full of people.

But... Shannon Is upset that others know about the information she told Tamra on camera, right? It was on camera, right?

Reality TV really is interesting.

I can almost get that, ALMOST. I mean she probably expected her and David to have worked out all their problems by air time (cause they're fine, don't ya know), but how do you get mad at anyone talking about your troubled marriage when you have spent months bringing it up in every conversation? If you don't want people to talk about you stop being the couple that leaves every party in tears. And I can't get over that hearing people think she might get a divorce or that Heather thinks she yells is more upsetting than her husband telling her he's not happy and he doesn't think she is either and he doesn't want to do this anymore. The lengths she will go to to avoid dealing with her actual life are rather impressive.

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I can't even begin to speculate about what caused this rift between Shannon and David.  He looks at her like she's his sister.  I don't believe that she's afraid of losing him because she loves him so much.  I think she just wants to stay married so she won't be single and alone. 

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I'm pretty sure they are poodles (one red, one apricot).  Mine looked exactly like that as a puppy. They're cute, but the family played with them for about 30 seconds, then they went off to eat.  I'm assuming some kind of nanny will be feeding/walking/picking up the poop.  Puppies are a LOT of work!!! 

LOL, your post reminded me of when Luann on RHONYC bought a puppy for her son (I think it was a West Highland terrier) and her maid, Rosie, commented that she (Rosie) would be the one assigned to clean up after the puppy.  


If Heather is as busy as she professes to be and the kids being relatively young, yeah, got to agree that someone OTHER than Heather will be responsible for cleaning up after and training the new puppies.  Although I have to say on some level I'd really enjoy seeing Heather having to pick up dog crap and try to scrub urine stains from the carpet like we "average" folks have to do.  

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David pled guilty to misdemeanor assault, which means he was indeed convicted, probably as a strategy to avoid the risk of a lengthier legal process and more serious felony charge, and that he had to assume culpability in open court for "violence" against Shannon. This happened nine years after OJ, and I personally find it difficult to imagine a case in which a wealthy white man with the support of his wife/victim gets completely railroaded. There are too many ambiguities for me to label David a wifebeater, but, for the same reason, I'm not comfortable assuming Shannon bears culpability alone or primarily for the state of the Beador marriage even though that's what the footage suggests . . . I actually don't think Heather is insecure. Sometimes superciliousness is just earnest superciliousness. I have a friend who dislikes a different friend of mine and the first is in no way threatened by the second; she just enjoys needling her by correcting any errors/mistakes. That characteristic in itself has never bothered my about Heather; it's the selectivity with which she applies it. Double standards, illogical justifications, and strains of reasoning aside, in what world are Alexis and Shannon, however grating they may be, more offensive than Vicki and a woman who, let it never be forgotten, exhorted her son to perpetrate sexual battery on camera on an intoxicated cast mate?

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So financial genius Vicki "inadvertently" moved nearly $100,000 out of Donn's bank account.  Nobody inadvertently takes that much money from their estranged spouse.  She probably felt entitled to it and simply took it.  Or did it as an act of revenge when he requested alimony.  She's lucky she didn't end up in the slammer.



Well, I don't think she'd end up in jail, but she better pay that money back quick.  Wow, what a stupid, sleazy fuckin' move.  OK, gang, so our gal Vicks got some nice edit in this ep.  But did anyone really forget what a vile sleazy character Vicks basically is?  Well, then here's your reminder.  Guess Radar got this story right this time-




Apparently, Eddie thought it would be a good idea to install wood or laminate flooring over a cushion material.  Unfortunately, with people dropping heavy weights on the floor, the planks started separating.  As Tamra described it, it was like placing a jigsaw puzzle on a pillow and then pushing down on part of it.  She seemed to take great pleasure in announcing that Eddie screwed up big time.


Sure, it was a stupid thing to do & Eds is clearly not bright.  But it's Tams' gym, so it's ultimately her responsibility.  And if this costly mistake affects her business, if her fault & hers alone.  Blaming Eds is bullshit.  Actually, I didn't think Ryan came off so badly -- as the preview suggested.  More misleading bullshit (I hate) from the producers, eh?


The woman in the shop who was looking at the bathing suits did not seem impressed by what she saw.



I wasn't either.  When Lizzie comes on, I check out cuz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


I also thought the hug at the end was so unprofessional.


Yeah, it kinda reminded me of having an awful job interview, for a job you'll never get in a zillion years, & then going over to hug the interviewer.  Er, huh?  WTF?  Me thinks Lizzie is about as good in business as Gretchen or Slade or Alexis.  Um, has Lizzie been fired off the show yet?  Only a matter of time.  I'm so tired of her boring shit.  Bring on the other one -- the one married to the gay man.  No, not Tams.  The other one married to a gay man.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Heather's dogs are Goldendoodles which are poodle and Golden Retriever mix. The dogs are good for those with allergies as I know several families who would not be able to own a dog if it weren't a poodle or one of the poodle blends - cockatoo; labradoodle; goldendoodle for those who don't want a garden variety poodle which is also good for those with allergies.

In Australia, we call them Groodles! My daughter had one. Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I'll start by saying I think Tamra was wrong for repeating Shannon's information about the email. She betrayed her 'confidence'. And Heather was wrong for sharing it with a table full of people.

But... Shannon Is upset that others know about the information she told Tamra on camera, right? It was on camera, right?

Reality TV really is interesting.

Thank you ! That's what's killing me for what ? 3 weeks of this storyline.


Imho, everything talked about on camera is fair game except children (not Manzo's age even if they behave like they were 12). Everything. So yes, Tamra blabbing to Heather (never thought I'd say that but for the first time I believe Tamra told Heather for her to back off a little) and Heather gossiping wasn't cool but it's not the big deal Sharon makes it to be.


It makes me laugh out loud when Heather drives Sharon crazy and pushes her to yell when she tells her she yells when she's not. Everytime. I think next week will be a good one for me ! 

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I agree that David is a looker and has a truly magnificent head of hair, but that high-pitched voice is a deal-breaker for me (not that he was offering). He seems like a devoted father and a very nice, hard-working guy, and I feel for him being married to queen of the whiny hen-peckers, but that voice? Oh, no no no no no.

Yeah....that voice is "unusual"....eeekkk

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I absolutely agree.  I think sometimes the general population gets reputable breeders confused with the abomination known as "puppy mills."


I used to breed, raise and show collies about a million years ago.  The puppies offered for sale by reputable breeders are very expensive and the breeders are very selective in to whom they sell the puppies in which they have so much time, money, and love invested.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a particular breed of animal and to obtain it from a reliable source, with an established blood line, and to be able to get it as a puppy when you raise it from a young age and know the ins and outs of its temperament.


I've had rescue dogs (my present love of my life is a rescue chihuahua who was about 8 weeks old when I adopted her) and I've had pedigreed purebred dogs.  All dogs deserve a good and loving home, whether it's as a rescue or purchased from a reputable breeder.


I've also been guilty of buying a Lhasa Apso and a Himalayan kitten from "mills" just to save them from their toxic environments.    


The difference between a reputable breeder and those despicable "mills" (be it kitten or puppy) is night and day.  Just no comparison.


I'd have respected Heather a wee bit if she had simply owned the fact that she wanted a particular breed, wanted to raise them herself from puppyhood, located a breeder, and bought her puppies.  Instead, she tries to bullshit the audience into thinking she'd have done a rescue BUT, you know, allergy problems.  Yeah, right...She would like us to believe she didn't know there have breed-specific rescue organizations and a simple Google will tell the uninformed which breeds of dog are hypoallergenic.  And we're supposed to believe "all-knowing" Heather wasn't aware of this?  I call double bullshit on that one, Heather.  Stop trying to do preemptive damage control because you're not that good an actress.  Ugh.




I wonder if her apparent aversion to David drinking is because perhaps he was inebriated during whatever the fuck went down during that DV charge, perhaps making him do something out of character for sober David.


I'm not jumping onto the Team David bandwagon.  The fact that the DA was going forward without Shannon's cooperation indicates to me that there had to something of substance involved with those charges. I would assume the courts are far too backlogged and resources not ample enough to pursue a "he said/she said" type of situation.  


The public will probably never know exactly what happened, but I'm not waving any Team David pom-poms with the circumstances of that DV charge floating around.    

what exactly does hypoallergenic mean?  what part of the animal are people allergic to....I've always thought it was the dander or skin cells sloughing off....not the actual fur of the animal. 

I'll start by saying I think Tamra was wrong for repeating Shannon's information about the email. She betrayed her 'confidence'. And Heather was wrong for sharing it with a table full of people.

But... Shannon Is upset that others know about the information she told Tamra on camera, right? It was on camera, right?

Reality TV really is interesting.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense that anybody is surprised about everybody knowing his/her business

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I think that Heather had her mind set on what kind of dog she wanted. I see no issue with that at all. Like people do when they are getting ready to make a decision that others will judge, they try to justify their actions. This is pretty much human nature. She is pretty use to folks calling her elitist, and she is trying too hard to get out in front of it. Her problem was in trying to justify it at all. 


I looked into this breed for my MIL who has allergies. My research showed that for the most part, they are good for most folks with allergies. I think they key is in knowing about the dog's parents, which I will assume Heather looked into with whatever breeder she used. This is just one example of articles out there that spell this out:



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David could get it.

Twice daily and 3 times on Sunday. I saw that Hawaii pic with him all shirtless with those abs and gave my husband a strong side eye.

Just kidding. But seriously, in my head, he could get it up, down, sideway, and with a loop-de-loop if I felt a little fancy.

I need to be on the listen for this. To me his voice only seems high pitched when he is trying to placate Shannon. But, I haven't really paid much attention to how it sounds when he is talking to other people.

I wonder if that is something he has picked up from being the only guy in his home or if he just has a naturally high pitched voice? I'm going to have to see if I can find distinctions now.

I agree. It seems like that's his 'soothing' voice - sort of like when you're trying to reason with a child. Shannon definitely has some childish tendencies, so I get it.

He definitely doesn't have a Dr. G Married to Medicine voice though.

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I can almost get that, ALMOST. I mean she probably expected her and David to have worked out all their problems by air time (cause they're fine, don't ya know), but how do you get mad at anyone talking about your troubled marriage when you have spent months bringing it up in every conversation? If you don't want people to talk about you stop being the couple that leaves every party in tears. And I can't get over that hearing people think she might get a divorce or that Heather thinks she yells is more upsetting than her husband telling her he's not happy and he doesn't think she is either and he doesn't want to do this anymore. The lengths she will go to to avoid dealing with her actual life are rather impressive.

I think Shannon was ok with exposing the kinks in her marriage, even in her talking heads. With regards to the email situation, I think she figured she could contain it. Let's face it, they have hundreds of hours of footage. I believe that she felt that if she appealed to Heather, they could come to a consensus that the detail of him wanting to move wouldn't come out. Knowing that Tammy would want to make up for spilling the beans, they could agree not to discuss that issue on camera. She was hurt and felt that without Heather's partnership, she would be even more humiliated on national TV.

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How many times have we heard both Shannon and David emphasize that David rarely drinks? A bunch. Which is odd to me since he has a drink in his hand a LOT. And he sounds half-lit to me 80% of the time.

I know he's being portrayed as the poor victim of his harridan wife, but I'm not buying it. Something's not right with that guy.

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I am eagerly awaiting the reunion at the end of the season.  Liking Heather or not, I want Andy to put together a clip reel of all the times that Heather and Shannon were talking and listen to the dialogue and the spin that Heather puts on the conversation.  I want him to pin these together back to back for about five minutes - maybe three minutes.  Nothing but a continuous reel of Heather spinning Shannon into a 'raging monster'.


Then, when the clip reel is over, say something to Heather like, 'Gee, I didn't see Shannon all that upset' and let Heather try to continue the spin.


I am not a Heather fan.  I think she's a pompous a$$.  I wouldn't have anything to do with her, were she in my circle of friends.


I believe the clip at the end of the episode where Shannon has the meltdown after yet one more 'you're screaming at me' altercation with Heather is on the money - the part where she says 'you'll all see'.  We will all see, but only if Andy does the right thing and throw it in to Heather's face.  Time and again, we've seen this with Heather against Shannon.  Now, with Gossipgate (which happened, unfortunately, off camera), Heather can't really defend herself from the destruction of Shannon.  I think Vicky had it right with her conversation with Tamra, too (who, I agree, will end up with no blame in the Shannon gossip situation) - Shannon needs support from these women and Shannon is getting nothing.  Absolutely nothing.


I frankly, in Shannon's position, would get away from these toxic broads as fast as I could.

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Who is that woman in Mexico with Brooks?   The Vicki I've come to know is a screaming, nonsensical shrew.  This woman that has taken over her body is almost enjoyable to watch.  Almost.


David and Shannon 'down by the river': 


First off, damn that setting was pretty.   


Too bad Shannon never asked David to articulate exactly what she is doing to make him unhappy.  I mean it's obvious to all of us,  but I really was hoping she'd have a self awareness moment.   I had to laugh (that's mean) when David said he was tired of her saying she wants to spend more time with him, so much so that he wanted to spend less time with her.   I felt so evil, but it made me LOL.

According to the gossipy sites online sounds like they are at least attempting to work this out, which makes me happy for their daughters. 


As for Heather and dog-gate - just shut up Heather.   There are rescue groups out there that cater to specific breeds, including labradoodles, goldendoodles etc   if I'm not mistaken I believe schnauzers are hypoallergenic too. 

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How many times have we heard both Shannon and David emphasize that David rarely drinks? A bunch. Which is odd to me since he has a drink in his hand a LOT. And he sounds half-lit to me 80% of the time.

I know he's being portrayed as the poor victim of his harridan wife, but I'm not buying it. Something's not right with that guy.


To be fair, the footage they are showing of him has mostly been in social situations - parties, vacations, etc.


She said he goes to bed at 8:30 to get up at 5 AM or some ungodly hour during the week, so I'd buy that he probably doesn't indulge too much then. 

Edited by Duke2801
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I am eagerly awaiting the reunion at the end of the season. Liking Heather or not, I want Andy to put together a clip reel of all the times that Heather and Shannon were talking and listen to the dialogue and the spin that Heather puts on the conversation. I want him to pin these together back to back for about five minutes - maybe three minutes. Nothing but a continuous reel of Heather spinning Shannon into a 'raging monster'.

Then, when the clip reel is over, say something to Heather like, 'Gee, I didn't see Shannon all that upset' and let Heather try to continue the spin.

I am not a Heather fan. I think she's a pompous a$$. I wouldn't have anything to do with her, were she in my circle of friends.

I believe the clip at the end of the episode where Shannon has the meltdown after yet one more 'you're screaming at me' altercation with Heather is on the money - the part where she says 'you'll all see'. We will all see, but only if Andy does the right thing and throw it in to Heather's face. Time and again, we've seen this with Heather against Shannon. Now, with Gossipgate (which happened, unfortunately, off camera), Heather can't really defend herself from the destruction of Shannon. I think Vicky had it right with her conversation with Tamra, too (who, I agree, will end up with no blame in the Shannon gossip situation) - Shannon needs support from these women and Shannon is getting nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I frankly, in Shannon's position, would get away from these toxic broads as fast as I could.

She already started to spin. On WWHL, someone asked her about this- why does she always say Shannon was screaming/yelling when she wasn't. Heather said something about her emotions/how she was feeling in those moments (i.e. ganged up on) and that was how she perceived Shannon's behavior.

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Apparently, Eddie thought it would be a good idea to install wood or laminate flooring over a cushion material.  Unfortunately, with people dropping heavy weights on the floor, the planks started separating.  As Tamra described it, it was like placing a jigsaw puzzle on a pillow and then pushing down on part of it.  She seemed to take great pleasure in announcing that Eddie screwed up big time.


Isn't it Tamra's gym? Shouldn't see oversee everything and improve something as major as flooring before it happens? I say it's just as much her fault, and good luck getting people to pay $150/month to work out on crappy floors. 

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The woman in the shop who was looking at the bathing suits did not seem impressed by what she saw.

Apparently, they made the sell though. As the store is now carrying Lizzie's line, according to her blog.

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She already started to spin. On WWHL, someone asked her about this- why does she always say Shannon was screaming/yelling when she wasn't. Heather said something about her emotions/how she was feeling in those moments (i.e. ganged up on) and that was how she perceived Shannon's behavior.

So does that make Heather a liar or delusional?  It is kind of like saying someone was falling down drunk because you saw them take a drink.  Why doesn't Heather just say-"it is an unfair characterization and I didn't realize I was deflecting to the degree I have been."  What she really means is-I have a hard enough time getting acting gigs so I really need to ham it up on camera.

Edited by zoeysmom
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When Tamra told the world that Eddie made a $30,000 mistake with the floors, I was shocked. I know she's a bitch and an idiot, but that was really cold and something you don't do when you are in business.

I realize it must be hard to edit yourself all the time when you're being filmed, but why didn't Tamra and Eddie spin the conversation so it went something like this:  "Our facilities are great, but I think we should invest the money to get a top-of-the-line floor."  Whether it's true or not, it sounds a lot better to suggest you're making an improvement rather than fixing a dumb mistake.


Apparently, Eddie thought it would be a good idea to install wood or laminate flooring over a cushion material.  Unfortunately, with people dropping heavy weights on the floor, the planks started separating.  As Tamra described it, it was like placing a jigsaw puzzle on a pillow and then pushing down on part of it.  She seemed to take great pleasure in announcing that Eddie screwed up big time. 

Yeah, that was an unpleasant moment to watch -- if I were Tamra, I'd feel terrible if footage of me belittling my husband was shown on TV.  What was her point in doing that -- other than to drive home the point that Eddie screwed up and she's the victim. 


I think the cycle started before that. I think that Sharron married a blue collar guy with money thinking she could turn him into a diamond. I think she picks and picks and picks and then David withdrawls and cheats. He feels bad, she feels bad. They decide to forgive each other. Except now Shannon is mad so she picks and picks and picks some more until David fights back and the fight gets nasty and/or violent. She forgives him, he feels awful. He withdrawls so to avoid more fights. She feels abandoned and starts picking again. I doubt this is even the first time they've been through this cycle. I think that's what David was alluding to. He never made her happy so she complains, he gets sick of the complaining so he acts out or lashes out, she is hurt by the behavior so she complains more. Some couple just do bring out the worst in each other. And I'm sorry as hard as I try I do not see the basically good person in Shannon. I see a mean spirited, lazy, self centered, spoiled narcissist.

I agree with most of this.  I think Shannon liked the idea of a blue collar guy that she could shape into a perfect husband.  However, you shouldn't marry a person with the idea that you're going to change them.  I especially cringed when she was correcting his grammar and the daughters joined in.  I've seen more overt acts of kindness from him towards her than the other way around.  Not that he's perfect, because I don't think he is.  I just think he's had to put up with a lot from her and I think he's probably stuck it out this long because of (1) the daughters and (2) with their schedules and his early bedtime, they probably don't spend that much time together.


How many times have we heard both Shannon and David emphasize that David rarely drinks? A bunch. Which is odd to me since he has a drink in his hand a LOT. And he sounds half-lit to me 80% of the time.

I know he's being portrayed as the poor victim of his harridan wife, but I'm not buying it. Something's not right with that guy.

I agree with this as well.  I think David wants Shannon to loosen up and not correct every little thing that he says/does, but I would have had a problem if my husband was basically intoxicated at a party for families with kids present that was being held in the middle of the day and he was shouting sexually suggestive comments to another woman.  I would have had a big problem with that.


She already started to spin. On WWHL, someone asked her about this- why does she always say Shannon was screaming/yelling when she wasn't. Heather said something about her emotions/how she was feeling in those moments (i.e. ganged up on) and that was how she perceived Shannon's behavior.


So does that make Heather a liar or delusional?  It is kind of like saying someone was falling down drunk because you saw them take a drink.  Why doesn't Heather just say-"it is an unfair characterization and I didn't realize I was deflecting to the degree I have been."  What she really means is-I have a hard enough time getting acting gigs so I really need to ham it up on camera.

I could see Heather's side on this -- although I generally like Heather, so those that don't can take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt.  I think if someone's berating you, even if they're not raising their voice that much, you might chacterize it -- in retelling the story to others -- as being yelled at.  I think Heather was referring more to Shannon's tone than to the actual volume of the conversation.

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I think if someone's berating you, even if they're not raising their voice that much, you might chacterize it -- in retelling the story to others -- as being yelled at.  I think Heather was referring more to Shannon's tone than to the actual volume of the conversation.

I can buy this. Especially, since we have seen Shannon do the same thing. She accused Heather of yelling at her and kicking her out of her house. When in fact Heather never raised her voice and actually said "please leave." 

In the moment, when you feel like you are being chastised, it can feel as if you are being yelled at even if the person never raised their voice. That is especially true in the case of the Christmas party when Shannon involved herself in an argument between Tamra and Heather. In that situation, I would have felt like Shannon was yelling at me just because it came so out of no where and was totally insulting since Shannon had no dog in that race.


So, i get it. It doesn't mean I like Heather any more than I like Shannon though. I think they both need to get over themselves.

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Is David blue collar?  Just because he grew up in Michigan without crystal massages and owns a construction company doesn't mean he is blue collar (not that there is anything wrong with being blue collar).

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No one has mentioned this, I don't think, but in that segment with Sun Kitten Lizzie peddling her ruched-heinie swimwear, Lizzie wasn't the one who bothered me most. The bikini model was cute as hell, but her fiddling with her hair coquettishly every time she made a cute li'l turn in the suit drove me nuts. Cute turn, place hair in front to one side, another cute turn, place hair in front to the side, and so on. Sheesh. She looked like she was auditioning for something. What, I don't know. 


Also, I have to say that "Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On" is a really dumb name for a suit. I mean, one or two words, OK, but I find that name just dumb, dumb, dumb. And now I'm thinking that Lizzie is a dumb-dumb. If you take a look at her website, it's easy to spot several spelling and punctuation errors. That's not the caliber of work by someone who would have made valedictorian at my high school. And I'd like to think that she took a stab at proofreading the site herself.

Edited by jennylauren123
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