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S07.E10: Everyone Hates Kate


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57 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Since she isn’t on a paleo or keto diet and made a big deal about it I would mock her for it as well.

She didn't make a big deal about it. She started explaining herself to Kevin once she saw how overblown his reaction was to her request. She easily said that she wanted to drink her calories as her reasoning for wanting Keto dish. Simple. The rest wasn't about how serious she was about keeping to her "Keto" diet. What it turned into was her not backing down from Kevin. The Keto detail actually played a really minor role in it all. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Funny we didn't see the stews decide they were going to team up and give Kevin what for even though he constantly undermines Kate and obviously considers the interior inferior. Kevin has overstepped boundaries plenty of times but the women don't then decide to join forces, single him out and give him what for in a ridiculous disrespectful and aggressive manner. meanwhile they DO have legitimate cause to do just that. Hell even when Kate is sharing her grievances with him she isn't wilding out crazily and inappropriately. 

The reason why the stews didn’t team up against Kevin is because as bad as he might be Kate is still much worse.

That’s why as the title tells us “Everyone Hates Kate.”

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5 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

She didn't make a big deal about it. She started explaining herself to Kevin once she saw how overblown his reaction was to her request. She easily said that she wanted to drink her calories as her reasoning for wanting Keto dish. Simple. The rest wasn't about how serious she was about keeping to her "Keto" diet. What it turned into was her not backing down from Kevin. The Keto detail actually played a really minor role in it all. 

Insisting something different be ordered based on a specialty diet or in her case two different diets neither of which she is actually on is making a big deal of it to me.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Insisting something different be ordered based on a specialty diet or in her case two different diets neither of which she is actually on is making a big deal of it to me.

Well I didn't see her go off the rails about the dish. It's kinda obvious what escalated the argument at the table (at least to me it is) and it wasn't about Rhylee losing her mind about eating a non Keto meal. That detail was the excuse and what the men kept harping over. Riley just explained her reasoning but with Rhylee at least it was evident what was annoying her. The rude behavior from Kevin AND Tanner. Rhylees confusion was about why they were taking it to such extreme levels and becoming aggressively rude and we all know Rhylee ain't gonna back down. It's not like she had a melt down over having to eat something she didn't want to. Her push back was about Kevins ridiculous reaction to it all not because GASP she may have had to eat non Keto. 

  • Love 8

Kate has been a super nasty condescending teachers pet throughout her entire tenure on Below Deck.

It is a recurring theme on Bravo shows that an Original Gangster old timer who feels they “own” the show get too big for their britches and have to be put down like a rabid skunk. Vicki Gunvaldson, Nene, Jill Zarin, Caroline Manzo and Bethenny are all examples. Some are jettisoned. Some get a redemption tour. Some hang on with their fingernails as a “friend” of the Housewives.

Kate is in that position now. She is past her sell by date and she is getting rancid and gross. Time for a change.

Amy for chief stew next Season!

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

But where did Brian get off thinking that he had the right to tell Kate off?  After all, no matter how you slice it, she is way above him on the crew totem pole and it most certainly was NOT his place.

Remember this is a TV show, not a real charter situation.

Bravo encourages confrontations.  In any event, Brian will be on the show at most for a season.  Even if they boot him out early -- no cause to other than if his leg prevents him from doing his work -- at worst he can say it was just some reality show and probably find other charters to work.

As for Kate, she's dished a lot of unkind things to other cast members over the years.  Guess she can dish it out but can't take any herself.

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21 minutes ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

Thanks. And yeah, all three spouted similarly weighted garbage. “Put her in her place” just has that very special ring to it

So very condescending.  Next thing you know they will tell her to be barefoot and pregnant...like Ashton told Rhylee she belonged on a fishing vessel.  I'm surprised she didn't throw him overboard herself...and come to think of it, wouldn't Ashton be dead if Rhylee hadn't been standing there watching him last season when he went overboard because he was stupid and not paying attention to the ropes on the deck?  On Deadliest Catch that's one of the first things they tell you - to always watch your feet.

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

and come to think of it, wouldn't Ashton be dead if Rhylee hadn't been standing there watching him last season when he went overboard because he was stupid and not paying attention to the ropes on the deck? 

No. In fact Rhylee didn’t even correctly notify everyone of what happened, he might be dead if the cameraman didn’t drop down his camera, sprint over and cut the line. Rhylee just stood there and didn’t follow protocol for notifying others.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Drunken apologies to a (pissed off) drunk person tend to be useless. Better to wait until both are sober. 

Exactly! And sure she was short with him and cut the interaction short but a person isn't REQUIRED to accept an apology especially when they are still in the middle of feeling the pain the transgression has caused. 

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

No. In fact Rhylee didn’t even correctly notify everyone of what happened, he might be dead if the cameraman didn’t drop down his camera, sprint over and cut the line. Rhylee just stood there and didn’t follow protocol for notifying others.

Yup, all Rhylees fault. LOL..  She radio'd man overboard once instead of 3 times like the Captain explained later on should have been how it was done. Whoops!

This is a TV show with them relying heavily on off camera crew for a big part of the boats functionality. They purposely look for less than stellar crew in order to drive up the odds of getting some good TV. I personally think they play a little too fast and loose with the experience level while casting because with such a job lack of experience can easily translate to lack of safety. 

Riley tried to grab the line before in went completely out, then radio'd man overboard so she didn't just stand there twirling her hair. But no the reason Ashtons alive was because of the quick actions of the cameraman and not Riley 

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

up, all Rhylees fault. LOL..  She radio'd man overboard once instead of 3 times like the Captain explained later on should have been how it was done. Whoops!

No one is saying it was Rhylee’s fault but she did not follow protocol which is in fact hugely important in emergencies everywhere but particularly in life and death events. She did not follow protocol that’s just a fact. Ashton also shouldn’t have been standing between those two lines and also didn’t follow protocol which was also pointed out.

Edited by biakbiak
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11 minutes ago, sadtvjunkie said:

If she hadn't radioed, Capt Lee wouldn't have stopped the damn boat so she's 50% a hero and cameraman is other 50%. The cameraman didn't radio anyone to tell them. In fact they are told explicitly not to interfere with the running of the boat. Ashton's lucky this one did.

The cameraman had already cut the line when Lee was still asking what? Because Rhylee only said it once, slowing down the boat didn’t save him. Hell it didn’t even keep the close enough to get to Ashton who had to swim to the tender.

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My opinion is this show will never be as good as it was for like the first three seasons.  I think we need a new chief stew, maybe a new captain & at least three crew who enjoy the industry & have experience.  This useless drama & mostly fake-seeming charter guests are corny & boring.  I'm an inch away from quitting. 

ETA: Those poolside producer plants, resort guests, dancers were ratchet as the day is long.  In Simone's situation,  i like to think I'd just laugh. At Tanner. Her desperation & clinginess aren't looking attractive. 

Edited by Kdawg82
  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

ETA: Those poolside producer plants, resort guests, dancers were ratchet as the day is long.  In Simone's situation,  i like to think I'd just laugh. At Tanner. Her desperation & clinginess aren't looking attractive. 

Besides that, Tanner can't dance for shit. A drunken tool dancing with that chick who couldn't dance, either!

  • LOL 1
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22 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

Great post! I love how you remind us that Brian had hardly any interaction with Kate all day but had been fed Kate-Hate all day from Kevin (whom I’m growing to HATE) and Ashton. I’m still holding out hope for Ashton but man, he’s got to wake up!

The males on this boat are toxic.

I agree that it's the males on the boat who are the toxic ones.

Edited by sara1025
  • Love 10

I don't hate Kate. She had had her fill of these misogynistic broskis, and I think was genuinely hurt by Brians comment. Since when was being called a yachti an insult? She took a little tantrum, but she was wore down by the sheer douchebaggery collectively of the men.

Ashton and his weird salsa stripper gyrations was still a better dancer than Tanner just humping on the other poor dancer. Had this not been a filmed show I highly doubt that would have been allowed.

Simone is getting what she deserves once she climbed back in that bed with Tanner. He is a pig, he showed  his true self fast, and she is a glutton for punishment.

I continue to have a girl crush on Courtney. I love her dry wit and her complete joy with the elephants. I like that she didn't stand behind Brian's nasty comment to Kate.

Hoping Kate wakes up and shakes off her sadness. And hoping she sees the close ups of her getting ready with her clownish lips and realizes shes gone too far with the fillers.

Please film crew, no more crotch or butt hole shots of Tanners junk! And his mother can go away with her "Ohhh Tanner...." business. She clearly is trying to channel the beloved Collies mom, and she is coming up woefully short.

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Kate and her "I outrank you" bullshit has gotten on my nerves this season, because she's exploiting her position as much as she can - making people wait on her because she's still getting ready, that sort of thing. 

But as the highest-ranking stew, she and Ashton,the bosun, both have a responsibility, I think, to set examples of appropriate behavior - not gossiping, not hooking up with your underlings (ASHTON), not getting outrageously drunk and throwing clothes on the floor, not rooming with your buddy...

That's what I want to see out of someone who outranks me - what to do, instead of how not to be an asshat.

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To throw some support to Kevin, he does outrank Kate as she well knows from previous chef tussles.  Chef can direct service as Chef sees fit.  A walk in fridge is much too cold to store wine without flavor degradation.  And harkening  back to an earlier episode, Simone should have been trained that the breakfast table is set first thing regardless of breakfast time and a pitcher of orange juice should be ready.

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

That chart is for a different set up of crew a d has not been used on either BD and clearly Lee doesn’t see it that way since he said Kevin needs to stay in his lane and leave the stews and service to Kate.

From the article about Below Deck.......

During season two of Below Deck, chef Ben Robinson tells third stew Amy Johnson to manage a romantic dinner for the primary guest, while chief stew Kate Chastain and second stew Kat Held should serve the rest of the guests. Chastain seems annoyed Robinson ordered it this way but follows his direction

I see behind-the-scenes shenanigans. Has production turned on Kate? And perhaps the weary Lee? I can see production pointing the Toxic Jerks at Kate and her being furious about it. And the lengthy shot of her lips was very unflattering.

It seemed as if Lee's failure to charge in and handle the situation in Kate's defense, instead of leaving in search of a cocktail, is what caused Kate to finally cave in to her emotions. (Not to mention fatigue and alcohol)

As others have posted, Kate's getting a taste of her own nasty medicine.

Courtney was reminiscent of old Hollywood in her elegant black maillot and headband.

Tanner is just another boring sloppy drunk. Simone chucked her self-respect overboard.

Edited by pasdetrois
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5 hours ago, luvthepros said:

From the article about Below Deck.......

During season two of Below Deck, chef Ben Robinson tells third stew Amy Johnson to manage a romantic dinner for the primary guest, while chief stew Kate Chastain and second stew Kat Held should serve the rest of the guests. Chastain seems annoyed Robinson ordered it this way but follows his direction

The article also shows that the purser is on the same level as the chef, and states that the chief stew may also be the purser in many cases.

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On 12/11/2019 at 6:19 AM, Jel said:

I didn't take Ashton's "that was Smashton" as a legitimate explanation and excuse for his bad behavior, more like a joke.

I think Kate should have left it at "It was SmashKate"(although I would have preferred "IntoxiKate") and left off the "so that makes it okay". 

With just that SmashKate we could have had all mmhmmed and laughed along with a "sauce for the goose sauce for the gander" moment.  The "so that makes it okay" sounds a little defensive.

IntoxiKate!  Brilliant!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I see behind-the-scenes shenanigans. Has production turned on Kate? And perhaps the weary Lee? I can see production pointing the Toxic Jerks at Kate and her being furious about it. And the lengthy shot of her lips was very unflattering.

It seemed as if Lee's failure to charge in and handle the situation in Kate's defense, instead of leaving in search of a cocktail, is what caused Kate to finally cave in to her emotions. (Not to mention fatigue and alcohol)

As others have posted, Kate's getting a taste of her own nasty medicine.

If the ratings are as good as they've ever been, they won't undermine Kate.

My guess is this is editing, to make it seem like Kate is on the outs or she will quit.

2 hours ago, connieinnc said:

The article also shows that the purser is on the same level as the chef, and states that the chief stew may also be the purser in many cases.

About half the purser duties on BD and BD: Med are with the chief stew. The other half of those duties are with a purser who is actually in production logistics.

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On 12/12/2019 at 10:00 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I’d love to see Amy as chief and her brother, Kelly on either BD or BDM.  

OH GOD NO!  Kelly is an over angry, misogynistic asshole.  Amy is bad too.  Her little speech about how great her brother is to a person who had a boyfriend was awful.  Those two have their own problems.  Kelly blaming Amy for leaving at age 18 when he was still young was all kinds of weird.  Amy's over compensating for her asshole brother is just as weird.  I love my brother too but don't get all gushy and interfere in his business and my brother is a normal, great guy.  The whole twosome is just weird.

Going back to Ben/Amy and the little dinner - Kate let it happen because she knew it was going to be a shit show and it was.  Ben disregarded the primary's preferences and then Amy served it.  We heard about it at the end of the cruise when the guests left.  I was laughing with Kate.

The difference between Kate and Hannah is that Kate works and knows her job.  Hannah is second rate.  Kate works all the time and expects good workers on her crew.  Courtney has really surprised me with her attitude and know-how.  She even irons now.  Simone spoke too highly of herself at their first meeting.  She doesn't know how to even be a introductory waitress, let alone, a top stew.  You do have to look and talk to each person and not just walk through like it's the only way to another part of the boat.  She can't make drinks and took forever to make drinks she does know.

Question for Kevin - would guests be more upset if the wine was warm?  I would think yes.

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16 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Going back to Ben/Amy and the little dinner - Kate let it happen because she knew it was going to be a shit show and it was.  Ben disregarded the primary's preferences and then Amy served it.  We heard about it at the end of the cruise when the guests left.  I was laughing with Kate.

Ben didn't disregard the primary's preferences. That dinner was always going to be a mess with or without Kate. The primary was a gustatorian; his girlfriend was not. He said he wanted fancy challenging food. She didn't. That can be a hard middle path to negotiate when the guy actually paying the bills is a big showy doofus who arrives either by helicopter or jetski and his girlfriend wants a quesadilla. Even if Ben had pulled off some gastronomic reinvention of a regular meal, it's likely the presentation might have turned the girlfriend off, but might not have been seen by the primary as sufficiently fancy. Furthermore, Kate rarely gives Ben meal suggestions because he won't listen to her. That wasn't the issue with that dinner.

The big faux pas in that dinner was that Amy didn't know what uni was and how it was supposed to taste. That's what Kate was laughing about.

This episode caused me to feel a lot of empathy with and sadness for Kate. I don't always love her snarky jabs at others' expense, though I understand that's what the show/fans want from her. However, her calling Brian a "yachtie" seemed like a genuine compliment and I was initially surprised (then I remembered: Alcohol) that he overreacted in such spectacular fashion.

Even when drunk-Kate was trying to explain, using positive terms, Brian automatically degenerated to calling her the B-word. I could honestly see the confusion and hurt on Kate's face. And truthfully, Brian is the last guy on that yacht I would expect such inflammatory language from - he seemed the most level-headed and mature of the bunch. I think he woke up, sobered, and realized he was a putz - but Kate generally doesn't handle criticism/rejection well so, of course, she acted within her standard MO and outright dismissed him while, I'm sure, was scheming to make him look like a fool at some point in the future. 

This show is a huge lesson in Psychology for me. I'm absolutely appalled at the frat boy mentality, the under (and over) stated misogyny, the double standards, the childishness of the crew & guests, and the dramatic effect alcohol has in making everything 100% worse. I'm regularly disgusted, sad, angry and resigned - all in one episode.

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