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S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait

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Interesting that Marge admits this season that the reason the work on her house remains undone is because she is having financial issues.  

In no way do I think a child needs an over-the-top, outrageous party, but, how about putting in a little more effort than Jackie did for her twins!  A disposable tablecloth and a free-for-all in the kitchen to grab some pizza and cake....wow.  It's supposed to be a special occassion, try to set it a bit apart from a regular day in more ways than a cake and expecting guests to bring presents. I can't be the only one curious about the contents of those goody bags after seeing the attitude about the party.

Edited by ichbin
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I think I'm about done with these stoopid women.  Jennifer, you actually considered not even INVITING Jackie OR Marge, and guess what? They BOTH ended up going on the trip to Jamaica, mon, because the dumbass SHOW  pays for these trips you dumbo.Then, she's sooo kind and nice telling Jackie Deboring isn't her friend.

  Teresa is CONSTANTLY having the "worst time in life right now" and shit; I'm tired of that line. How bout.... PAY your freaking taxes! Or whatever reason you and Joe had to go to prison.  I'm a fricking happy clam you both went to prison.

Deboring is just as dumb as a rock. Completely and utterly clueless.

Melissa, good  luck with that "another baby" shit. Who cares?  Hopeless.

Marge Jr AND Marge Sr: Yuck.  Tired.  Used to be funny but now? Naaa...

OK! I've decided.  I'm o-u-t. Damn! That's 3 howives shows I've sworn off in ONE DAMN WEEK!

I'll just stay here with y'all.  BTW, that Moon Palace Resort is really pretty!  Was there in June.

And finally peeps, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Edited by goofygirl
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  On 11/28/2019 at 1:49 AM, ichbin said:

Interesting that Marge admits this season that the reason the work on her house remains undone is because she is having financial issues.  

In no way do I think a child needs an over-the-top, outrageous party, but, how about putting in a little more effort than Jackie did for her twins!  A disposable tablecloth and a free-for-all in the kitchen to grab some pizza and cake....wow.  It's supposed to be a special occassion, try to set it a bit apart from a regular day in more ways than a cake and expecting guests to bring presents. I can't be the only one curious about the contents of those goody bags after seeing the attitude about the party.


 It is like Jackie only cared about filming that day.  Her ass is so lame!

It was more like a party where you drop off your kids.  Not for the parents.

A pinata would have been fun, though.

The only other thing I can think about....is that this was not their real party and done for quickly for HW.

Why is Jennifer making problems?  
She went and told Teresa that Jackie felt bullied by her....but, said it wrong and gave it a worst intention by calling Tre a bully.

And, Tre is a bully!  She is always trying to bully Melissa....with Fam loyalty shit.

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Why was Jennifer's son walking around with a wad of cash in a paper clip? That family is so whack. I wish Jackie would write a blog about THAT. Why not? Jennifer runs and talks smack to Teresa the first chance she gets. 

And in her THs. Denigrating Jackie's twins' birthday party. I actually loved how casual and low key it was. Not everything needs to be a big production. The kids were having a blast; that's all that matters. 

I don't get why these women need to be SO into each other's business. Why is Melissa having a baby??? When was the last time Jackie ate??? Doesn't Delores want a ring??? They must be bored. 

Although, I did cringe when Dolores said, "Let's see if David's gonna miss me" and then she got forwarded to voice mail. 

I think Dolores may actually be my favourite right now. I appreciate the fact that she can say she's not really that close with someone without talking smack about them. She might be the most open-minded of the bunch. 

But, damn, Jennifer - I think YOU just took the award for "Biggest Shit-Stirrer" in the history of HWs. I mean, well played. She's secured HER spot. 

I'm just so over how everyone has to tip-toe around Teresa. Hasn't she been having "the worst time of her life" for about 5 years now? 

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Shut up Jenn and your ridiculous snobbery.  Jackie should reply to your criticism of Jackie's party with maybe your children need to get out into the fresh air and move around a bit.  And Jenn, we all know that you didn't pay for the trip.  So shut up.  You just so full of yourself.  Way to go telling Jackie that Delores doesn't consider her to be a friend.  You think you're a cool girl now.  I say asshole.  Ya man.  Classless. 

Yeah Tre.  It's tough paying for breaking the law but I have no sympathy.

I don't always like Margaret but she does crack me up at times.

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Maybe it is just my opinion, but that birthday party left a bad impression on me.   Not the party itself because the kids were having fun....but, Jackie’s attitude about it. 

Jackie is a horrible hostess.

 Like how she threw the goody bags on the ground still in the Amazon box and basically said....fuck it!

My nature is very over the top and generous hostess like Jennifer.

So, if Jackie and Jennifer have been hanging out with the kids on play dates ......it is Jennifer always doing all the accommodating???  

At her giant fun house........(that Jackie criticized in her article?)

Then Dolores made that comment how people cannot just come to Jackie’s house...???

I thought Jackie was rude to Jennifer’s daughter as well.  Yea, the little girl was a bit pushy.....but, there was no toys to play with.  

Not even a sitting area!

With these scenes.....I can see how Jackie is not fitting in with the girls......despite coming off harmless to us....the audience.

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What was that bullshit? My DVR recorded 1.5 hours of RHONJ and it was only an hour with stupid Cash Cab tacked on. 

The difference I see is that Jackie is constantly talking about Teresa. Whereas Teresa doesn't appear to give Jackie much thought at all, except when the other women continually bring her up. In a way, Dolores just helped Jackie out, by giving her something else to bitch about. 

Margaret's wearing a little thin with me this season. She also could stand to step up her wardrobe (but i guess she can't since she's broke) It looked like she was wearing a negligee at dinner. Her girls need more support. 

No one needed to see Joe Gorga's "sample". 

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  On 11/28/2019 at 2:28 AM, Axie said:

I’m going to guess the “Joe and Melissa want another baby” is just a scripted storyline.  I doubt either one of them want another kid.


When Melissa joined the show, she was emphatic that she was done having babies although another girl would be great, "two boys, two girls, talk about a perfect family!" (neighed in her annoying nasal).  This is just a storyline, but I didn't mind seeing Melissa get poked in the arm for it.

At least Margaret admits she's poor!  I'm not even being tongue-in-cheek; someone is finally saying it about themselves! Note to Marge:  not everyone has "cankles."  That's an insult.  To just casually tell the realtor not to "break a cankle" is not nice.

Jen is really kissing Teresa's ass and it doesn't reflect well.  She told Jackie that Jackie couldn't call Teresa a bully, but Teresa calls Jackie a bitch and it's...crickets?  I hate that shit.  Saying Jackie better behave on the va-cay, but nothing about the Table Flipper?  Fuck that.  I wrote last season that I thought Jen would stand up to Teresa if push came to shove, but I guess I was wrong.  I really don't respect that.

Margaret is a drag.  She's also a hypocrite.  If it had been Teresa and not Jen on that scooter, she would have been laughing her ass off, not criticizing.  Who the fuck is Teresa Giudice that everyone kisses her ass??

Jackie and Teresa seem equally obsessed with each other.  

I don't think Dolores had a duty to stand up for Jackie with regard to Frank, as what he said was mild* and Dolores and Jackie aren't bosom buddies.

*Yes, it was sexist of Frank to say that Jackie, as a female lawyer, would cut Jennifer out of her life forever, but, as a female lawyer myself, I cut people out for less, so perhaps I'm not the best one to push back at that comment. 🙄

I know these trips are fake, but if they're collecting a paycheck and playing along, this is Jen's birthday vacation.  Who the fuck is Melissa to dictate terms that she's going to be "fucking pissed" if Teresa and Jackie fight and then to tell Jennifer that she better not drink like an asshole?  Bitch, stay home with your husband if you don't like the way they act.  Wasn't it two seasons ago that Melissa made an entire storyline about Siggy calling them out for throwing cake in Boca?  For fuck's sake, this bitch is tiring.

And when Margaret made the 21 comment, Melissa's first expression was to...not look like the indignant sister-in-law she pretends to be.  She had the "oh no she didn't, but I'm so glad she did!" face on.  

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I need to stick up for Jackie a little bit.  I understand more of where she was coming from last season with "the article" now that I know she wrote an article for Good Housekeeping about "gender disappointment."  She's an over-sharer.  I get that now.

I also live a regimented lifestyle.  Yes, Dolores, people usually pick up a telephone before they come over...what planet are we on?

I also really felt for Jackie when they showed the picture of her as an unattractive, overweight teen, and she said some guy passed by when she was putting on lipstick and said, 'it won't help."  I'm a little younger than Jackie, but around her age, and that is totally the type of comment that would fly back then in the nineties.  People would say shit like that to me, and I would say it to them, and, in my experience, that is the shit that cuts to the white meat, those little digs.  It's so much worse than being called out of your name or cussed a blue streak.  It stays with you, and I feel bad for her.  I think the cyber bullying stuff that Jackie is spewing is ridiculous, but I do kinda wish young people (myself included) would have been kinder to each other in earlier generations.

I thought "dog with a bone" was a little harsh coming from Dolores.  It wasn't just what she said, it was how she said it.  Too aggressive for my tastes.

I know Jackie isn't a fan favorite--she hasn't been my favorite--but I feel like she's interesting and sensitive and she will be honest to Teresa's face, which takes a lot of guts, and we need more of that on this franchise IMO.  

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  On 11/28/2019 at 2:47 AM, ghoulina said:

Why is Melissa having a baby??? When was the last time Jackie ate??? Doesn't Delores want a ring???


Add Marge and growing up with Marge, Sr. to that mix and the answer is the same for all...they need a storyline.

  On 11/28/2019 at 3:16 AM, Dance4Life said:

So, if Jackie and Jennifer have been hanging out with the kids on play dates ......it is Jennifer always doing all the accommodating??? 


Considering Jenn's daughter said something about wanting to go in and see Jennifer's house, it would appear so.  

Edited by ichbin
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  On 11/28/2019 at 3:51 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

I also really felt for Jackie when they showed the picture of her as an unattractive, overweight teen, and she said some guy passed by when she was putting on lipstick and said, 'it won't help."


About that picture...I have to say that in the greater scope of things, Jackie's weight didn't look much different than a good portion of the girls in any high school I have been in over several decades in a variety of different locations.  She was far from being morbidly obese.  A little over ideal weight but not an outlier, and considering her to be unattractive for that reason seems harsh.

Edited by ichbin
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Oh, I beg to differ.  I never said "obese" or "morbidly obese," but Jackie looked about 30 lbs over her ideal weight in that pic, and, if she's 42 now, she would have been in high school in the early 90s, before the obesity epidemic, and she would have stood out as "a fat girl" (not my words, but these are the words people would have used) where I'm from.  I'm not her exact age, but she and I are from the same region, and in my school, that girl's life--not pretty either, in addition to not having a good body--would have had been hellish, unless she carved out a niche for herself as "funny friend" or "great softball player" or something of which there's no indication.  She certainly wouldn't have a boyfriend.  In the nineties, a schoolmate asked me why I was "so fat" when I was around 123 lbs (in the 2000s, I was told I should put on weight for being 123, so it was a different time then).  Either way, I was told I was fat when I was probably thinner than Teresa and definitely thinner than Dolores.  So...this picture makes me feel a lot of sympathy for that girl.

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  On 11/28/2019 at 1:49 AM, ichbin said:

Interesting that Marge admits this season that the reason the work on her house remains undone is because she is having financial issues.  


I found that refreshing. I don’t really follow NJ off season or in the media so I don’t know the details about her case but it still felt more truthful than most of these women across franchises when it comes to admitting money issues.

Edited by biakbiak
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  On 11/28/2019 at 1:49 AM, ichbin said:

Interesting that Marge admits this season that the reason the work on her house remains undone is because she is having financial issues.  

In no way do I think a child needs an over-the-top, outrageous party, but, how about putting in a little more effort than Jackie did for her twins!  A disposable tablecloth and a free-for-all in the kitchen to grab some pizza and cake....wow.  It's supposed to be a special occassion, try to set it a bit apart from a regular day in more ways than a cake and expecting guests to bring presents. I can't be the only one curious about the contents of those goody bags after seeing the attitude about the party.


It's reverse snobbery and deliberate. I too agree that kids don't need a 10k party, but she clearly feels superior with her IDGAF attitude. Both she and Jennifer are awful because they are making their kids parties all about themselves.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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It's clear that Jackie considers herself the "real mom" and thinks we will all relate to her bday party of basketball and pizza. I totally am in favor of low key bday parties, but throwing  the box of gift bags still in the Amazon box was ott. She should have at least had something like a drink for the parents who hung out. 

As for the trip, that was some bs set up to put 4 of them in a palace and the other two miles away. Of course they were trying to set up a confrontation. Glad Marge and Jackie didnt bite, so far. Everytime Tre bitches about her terrible situation, I just keep adding of your own making" every time she says it. 

Delores' story line of living with her ex is so old it's gone gray. 

Melissa's baby storyline is pure bs. 

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The hotel set up is just wrong.  At the very least, everybody but the birthday girl, take daily turns in the villa. 

Normally, as a guest, I wouldn't care--I just want a clean room, with good water pressure from the shower.  But the other room has it's own pool.

That would make me a tad crabbyish.

I went to Jamaica on a cruise ship in September.  Marijuana is legal there now.  So legal, that every place you go, somebody has a baggie filled with joints, brownies, loose weed or gummi bears for sale.

These ladies need a bag full of gummi bears.....

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  On 11/28/2019 at 2:03 AM, Wicked said:

These shows used to be my guilty pleasure, but I am losing interest.  I can't even get through an episode of the RHOC any more and I just don't care about this group either.  I just want to see wonderful houses and vacations and clothes and food.  I don't want to watch a bunch of fighting.


Right there with you - I missed most of this weeks RHONJ because I was stuck in a youtube wormhole. I did catch bits and pieces. Jennifer can suck it about the bday party. Jackie's sons, and their friends (not counting Jennifer's kids) seemed to be fully enjoying themselves, because the party was about the kids - not the adults. Jennifer is too concerned with impressing HER friends, not her kids. Granted, her full-blow out parties are probably enjoyed by the kids, but so not necessary. Anyway. RHOC's trip to Miami and their terrible hotel rooms this week, are a far cry from seasons past of RH shows where they traveled to fabulous places and showed us all a slice of life most won't experience. 

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Not for nothing, but I see Jackie's point about birthday parties - especially for boys. They just want to run around and have fun, they don't give a crap about "presentation" etc. It reminded me of the birthday parties I went to growing up - no pomp, just fun. And much respect for not feeling the need to be ostentatious about it. 

For the accommodation setup in Jamaica, Jennifer (aka production) should've set up the room/suites as 3-and-3. At least split the group down the middle if not have them all under one roof. That's why I love RHONY because for better or worse, they are always under one roof. Big girls can handle it. 

Both Teresa and Jackie are insufferable with their beef with each other. But Teresa's penchant for holding onto grudges makes it impossible for anyone to ever move forward with her in a positive way... unless you're Beverly (Danielle). Teresa really is a stick in the mud, though.  

I like that Dolores keeps it real. 

Edited by funnygirl
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  On 11/28/2019 at 1:49 AM, ichbin said:

Interesting that Marge admits this season that the reason the work on her house remains undone is because she is having financial issues.  

In no way do I think a child needs an over-the-top, outrageous party, but, how about putting in a little more effort than Jackie did for her twins!  A disposable tablecloth and a free-for-all in the kitchen to grab some pizza and cake....wow.  It's supposed to be a special occassion, try to set it a bit apart from a regular day in more ways than a cake and expecting guests to bring presents. I can't be the only one curious about the contents of those goody bags after seeing the attitude about the party.


I agree...if you don't like throwing kids parties then go to a venue that specializes in this and let them do all the work! There are so many places like this all over the country and they are great! She really showed what a lard ass she is. That was the worst party ever...especially when she came out to the driveway with the Amazon box and threw it down and said "party favors!" good grief...

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  On 11/28/2019 at 3:29 PM, BodhiGurl said:

Right there with you - I missed most of this weeks RHONJ because I was stuck in a youtube wormhole. I did catch bits and pieces. Jennifer can suck it about the bday party. Jackie's sons, and their friends (not counting Jennifer's kids) seemed to be fully enjoying themselves, because the party was about the kids - not the adults. Jennifer is too concerned with impressing HER friends, not her kids. Granted, her full-blow out parties are probably enjoyed by the kids, but so not necessary. Anyway. RHOC's trip to Miami and their terrible hotel rooms this week, are a far cry from seasons past of RH shows where they traveled to fabulous places and showed us all a slice of life most won't experience. 


Jennifer kids are sad. They seem socially awkward and unable to keep up with kids their age. The boys just stood by the sidelines and her youngest daughter is really a mess. I get that she isn't athletic or interested in basketball or any other sport but she just never stopped whining. When her kids are home they run wild in the house and seem out of control. Even though Bravo isn't showing the way Jennifer spoils her kids, especially the youngest, like the way they did last year, you know it's still going on. Just the way one of the boys flashed a hundred dollar bill in front of Jackie and her kids! Yikes!

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  On 11/28/2019 at 4:34 PM, funnygirl said:

Not for nothing, but I see Jackie's point about birthday parties - especially for boys. They just want to run around and have fun, they don't give a crap about "presentation" etc. It reminded me of the birthday parties I went to growing up - no pomp, just fun. And much respect for not feeling the need to be ostentatious about it. 

For the accommodation setup in Jamaica, Jennifer (aka production) should've set up the room/suites as 3-and-3. At least split the group down the middle if not have them all under one roof. That's why I love RHONY because for better or worse, they are always under one roof. Big girls can handle it. 

Both Teresa and Jackie are insufferable with their beef with each other. But Teresa's penchant for holding onto grudges makes it impossible for anyone to ever move forward with her in a positive way... unless you're Beverly (Danielle). Teresa really is a stick in the mud, though.  

I like that Dolores keeps it real. 


I find Dolores obnoxious with the tough Jersey girl "tude"...there really is nothing interesting about her except for her unusual living arrangement. Her boyfriend is creepy and seems boring...she sells herself short by not wanting more from him. She needs to stop the tanning and all the body /face work. It's not attractive and looks very late 1980's.

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  On 11/28/2019 at 5:19 AM, biakbiak said:

I found that refreshing. I don’t really follow NJ off season or in the media so I don’t know the details about her case but it still felt more truthful than most of these women across franchises when it comes to admitting money issues.


I agree. Across all the franchises, there's usually an elephant in the room - some scandal that WE know about, but the Housewives are refusing to admit. Kudos to Margaret for just owning up to it. 

  On 11/28/2019 at 6:50 PM, kicksave said:

I agree...if you don't like throwing kids parties then go to a venue that specializes in this and let them do all the work! There are so many places like this all over the country and they are great! She really showed what a lard ass she is. That was the worst party ever...especially when she came out to the driveway with the Amazon box and threw it down and said "party favors!" good grief...


I actually laughed when she did this. Party favors/treat bags have become the bane of my existence. Every party I go (and we do not have wealthy friends or family) seems to have bigger and more elaborate treat bags. Most of them contain junk my kids have broken, forgot about, thrown out within the week. I HATE them. 

The dropped box at the end of the driveway was perfect. Just grab a toy (or don't) and head out. 

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  On 11/28/2019 at 7:05 PM, kicksave said:

I find Dolores obnoxious with the tough Jersey girl "tude"...there really is nothing interesting about her except for her unusual living arrangement. Her boyfriend is creepy and seems boring...she sells herself short by not wanting more from him. She needs to stop the tanning and all the body /face work. It's not attractive and looks very late 1980's.


Dolores is tragic. She spends her days making bad excuses for terrible people (Tre, Chauvinist Disbarred Frank, and Unspecified Doctor Boyfriend) who give her nothing in return for her blind loyalty.

There really was nothing wrong with the birthday party Jackie had for her kids. This is what birthday parties used to look like before parents started using them to keep up with the Joneses and everyone started stressing out over making everything Pinterest/Instagram perfect.

While Jennifer was bragging about fancy birthday parties for her kids, I kept thinking that other kids come to the parties less as friends and more as opportunists. I bet there are few actual friends in the bunch. Jennifer has hosted fancy parties for her daughter who is now the odd man out among her classmates.

If Jennifer weren’t so terrible herself, she’d know that her kid flashing a money clip with a hundred dollar bill in it was inappropriate.

Edited by brillia79
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I feel, regarding the birthday parties, we have a Goldilocks and The Three Bears scenario: Jen's was too big and Jackie's was too small. There was nothing "just right." 

I'm confused, because when I first watched Jackie's play out, I thought it was a breath of fresh air, but my fellow Primetimers made good points that there should have been some indoor space or at least some shade, and the dropping of the cardboard box in the driveway seemed a little contrived. Plus, it was for two children, so shouldn't they get twice the party, not roughly half?

Jen giving a TH about "whose party is more popular" was not a good look, especially given that Jackie's made it to air and we only saw Jen's in flashbacks, so...Jackie's was technically more popular. 

Maybe because I didn't grow up rich, but where I was from, parents gave their kids the best they had, I am firmly of the mind that if you can afford something for your kids, do it if it makes sense. Buy them the new, safe car at 17 instead of having them drive around in a jalopy. They work for it by being good kids and getting good grades and coming home on time, etc. So while I don't think Jen's son should have had the $100 bill at the party, it doesn't bother me that he has $100 if he's a good kid. Leave it home though. He should have been taught that, yet I have a sneaking suspicion he's being taught the opposite.

It doesn't bode well for the Aidens that this is their second child this season who didn't want to exercise. When I was a kid, we all loved exercise! We were hyper and made up games and never got bored. Bill and Jen really ought to get a handle on that now, or there's are going to be (further) social and health repercussions. It makes me sad. It would have been more interesting if Jackie had chosen to write about that type of spiritual spoiling, instead of material "spoiling" the latter of which really boils down to being withholding for withholding's sake to me.

Dolores always has raggedy storylines, but I find her interesting to watch, much like I found Dina Manzo interesting, even though I hated her. I'm just so very different from them. With me, everything is logic and dialogue.  Dolores seems all hearts and fires, and I don't have much of either of those, so I like to see it play out on TV. Dolores' shelf life is probably coming to an end; I just wish they would have cast her in the beginning, instead of Danielle, probably to see how quickly they'd turn on each other, absent an outsider, mwhahaha!

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  On 11/28/2019 at 7:35 PM, brillia79 said:

Dolores is tragic. She spends her days making bad excuses for terrible people (Tre, Chauvinist Disbarred Frank, and Unspecified Doctor Boyfriend) who give her nothing in return for her blind loyalty.

There really was nothing wrong with the birthday party Jackie had for her kids. This is what birthday parties used to look like before parents started using them to keep up with the Joneses and everyone started stressing out over making everything Pinterest/Instagram perfect.

While Jennifer was bragging about fancy birthday parties for her kids, I kept thinking that other kids come to the parties less as friends and more as opportunists. I bet there are few actual friends in the bunch. Jennifer has hosted fancy parties for her daughter who is now the odd man out among her classmates.

If Jennifer weren’t so terrible herself, she’d know that her kid flashing a money clip with a hundred dollar bill in it was inappropriate.


While I agree that the over the top five figure birthday bashes for privileged children is not only ostentatious but also a pissing contest between parents, I think that Jackie could have done a little more. Come on..at least decorate with some streamers and balloons or have more than a basketball hoop to keep them entertained. As I said in another thread there are some great venues for kids parties that allow the parents to relax and let other people do the work. And they aren't pricey...my three kids went to plenty of ice skating parties, swimming pool parties, bowling parties, trampoline/gym venue parties, etc. etc...and we don't live in a multi million dollar neighborhood. Just a regular middle class town with average incomes and jobs. Jackie didn't have her heart in it.

  • Love 10
  On 11/28/2019 at 6:55 PM, kicksave said:

Jennifer kids are sad. They seem socially awkward and unable to keep up with kids their age. The boys just stood by the sidelines and her youngest daughter is really a mess. I get that she isn't athletic or interested in basketball or any other sport but she just never stopped whining. When her kids are home they run wild in the house and seem out of control. Even though Bravo isn't showing the way Jennifer spoils her kids, especially the youngest, like the way they did last year, you know it's still going on. Just the way one of the boys flashed a hundred dollar bill in front of Jackie and her kids! Yikes!


Agree about the youngest and the boys. Her oldest daughter seems more serious and sensible. But I think that’s probably in spite of Jennifer’s parenting, not because of it. Kind of like how Gia seems to be wiser than both of her parents now. 

The IVF storyline is so lame and forced. Almost as lame as when Luanne tried it in season 5(or 6?). 

I still like Jackie but she does seem to have some control issues. Like, she seems almost overly-regimented in how she eats and exercises. And I was wondering if part of the reason she had the birthday party outside was because she’s very regimented about her house and didn’t want the kids messing it up. 

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  On 11/28/2019 at 10:23 PM, kicksave said:

While I agree that the over the top five figure birthday bashes for privileged children is not only ostentatious but also a pissing contest between parents, I think that Jackie could have done a little more. Come on..at least decorate with some streamers and balloons or have more than a basketball hoop to keep them entertained. As I said in another thread there are some great venues for kids parties that allow the parents to relax and let other people do the work. And they aren't pricey...my three kids went to plenty of ice skating parties, swimming pool parties, bowling parties, trampoline/gym venue parties, etc. etc...and we don't live in a multi million dollar neighborhood. Just a regular middle class town with average incomes and jobs. Jackie didn't have her heart in it.


The only kids I saw complaining were Jennifer’s kids, who were being rude. The other kids were playing and having a good time. Was more heart needed? For who?

  • Love 14
  On 11/28/2019 at 7:48 AM, ShawnaLanne said:

It's reverse snobbery and deliberate. I too agree that kids don't need a 10k party, but she clearly feels superior with her IDGAF attitude. Both she and Jennifer are awful because they are making


That’s exactly the way I read that situation.  Jackie was very pointed about it. That was more like, “C’mon over to my house to hang out in the afternoon. You can eat lunch while you’re there. Oh, yeah, bring a present ‘cause it’s my birthday.” What I saw was just a regular day in the lives of the kids in the neighborhoods where I have lived. None of which had a McMansion in sight.

I was a kid who had and attended birthday parties. My kids had and attended birthday parties. From low key stuff like making slime or party games or scavenger hunts to venues like McDonalds or bowling, or hiring a magician. No one with tons of money to throw or flash around, but there was always something to set the day apart from a regular playdate and involved activities that all the kids could participate in.  The kids always seemed to have fun.   But, and it’s a big but, it took some modicum of effort on the part of the parents to make it a special day.  Kids do care, and not just the girls. Judging by the way the goody bags were handled, I see someone who simply couldn’t be bothered and twisted that to fit her narrative. I suppose it was all too much after laying out the tablecloth, ripping open some snacks to pour in bowls and setting out the drink bottles.

  On 11/28/2019 at 10:21 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

So while I don't think Jen's son should have had the $100 bill at the party, it doesn't bother me that he has $100 if he's a good kid.


I could be wrong, but I thought he did that at his own house when Jackie’s kids were there for the playdate. Regardless, I don’t care if he has the money but flashing cash around is bad form at any age and that type of behavior should be curtailed asap. 

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  On 11/28/2019 at 7:35 PM, brillia79 said:

There really was nothing wrong with the birthday party Jackie had for her kids. This is what birthday parties used to look like before parents started using them to keep up with the Joneses and everyone started stressing out over making everything Pinterest/Instagram perfect.


I agree.  Jackie's twins looked like they loved the party and all the other kids, with the exception of Jennifer's, were having a blast.  I appreciate that Jackie was secure enough to have a normal party for her kids on camera, instead of dropping thousands to show off how much they can go into debt.  It's kinda refreshing.  

Now, where Jackie annoys me is that she won't stop asking about Theresa.  I totally agree with her that Tre is a bully and definitely revels in being the Regina George of RHoJ.  But Jackie knows Tre doesn't like her, and Jackie clearly doesn't like Tre, so let it be; drop it.  Tre ain't never coming around, at least not for another decade (that's about how long it took for her and Beverly to reconnect, right?) or until Jackie decides to kiss her ass.  But I get it; she has a ton of trauma from high school and has decided that she will never back down from or let a bully get the better of her again.  Good for her.  But learn to pick your damn battles.  

  On 11/28/2019 at 8:43 PM, gwen747 said:

Dolores re: Melissa doing in vitro:

"This is a April 'Foos' joke"


Heh!  I caught that too.  She's definitely a long time friend of Theresa's.  They must have celebrated lots of April Foos together.

Edited by luckyroll3
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Come on Bravo - surely you can come to the conclusion that Theresa needs to be demoted to guest housewife ala Vicki G. Her inability to recognize her hypocrisy and/or knee jerk responses to obvious pot stirring has run its course, and is boring. This also goes for the other housewives feeling the need to cater to her bipolar behaviour. I was glad to see Jackie return despite Theresa's threats (during the tell nothing) she would be off the show. I am at the point where I can miss a show yet still tell you what happened because it's the same sh*t in different packaging year after year. Buh-Bye Theresa and take Danielle with you. 

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  On 11/28/2019 at 10:23 PM, kicksave said:

While I agree that the over the top five figure birthday bashes for privileged children is not only ostentatious but also a pissing contest between parents, I think that Jackie could have done a little more. Come on..at least decorate with some streamers and balloons or have more than a basketball hoop to keep them entertained. As I said in another thread there are some great venues for kids parties that allow the parents to relax and let other people do the work. And they aren't pricey...my three kids went to plenty of ice skating parties, swimming pool parties, bowling parties, trampoline/gym venue parties, etc. etc...and we don't live in a multi million dollar neighborhood. Just a regular middle class town with average incomes and jobs. Jackie didn't have her heart in it.


I don't think 11 year old boys care about streamers.

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