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S14.E17: Florida Fun and Fury

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

These bitches better gang up on Tamra at the reunion, after they've had a chance to view this season and see that it's TAMRA who is the shit stirrer and TAMRA who starts basically every argument and confrontation in the group.

That would make me watch the reunion. But I doubt it's going to happen.

Tamra will just scream back at any truthful acccusations made by the other housewives with "I WAS STICKING UP FOR YOU!!! WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?"

And the other HoWives will back down/back off from T Balls. All will be forgotten. As usual. Nobody yet has the balls to take on brainless, twit twat Tamra.

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I can't be Team Tamra or Team Kelly cuz I hate both of them. I was so hoping that Shannon would wake up and and realize that it's Tamra who does most of the shit stirring on the show. 

I just find Brown Wind and her husband uninteresting and weird. I'm just not into them or their storyline. 

Gina is a hot mess and I am getting so sick of her talking about how much her ex loves her and wants to get back together after he did her so dirty. 

I'm not sure what is up with Kelly this season. Either she just hates them all or maybe she is trying to get Tamra ( and maybe Shannon) demoted like she did Vicks last season. She can dream on cuz no way are TPTB gonna let that happen. Tamballs and Shannon are way more valuable to the show than Kelly is. I thought Shannon looked great and I'm not sure what the  heck Kelly was doing going after her that way, unless she was blinded by rage and alcohol or both. She needs to get with the program otherwise she will be out soon. I noticed that she doesn't film alot of events or seems to only want to film with a select few of the other hos. That shit doesn't fly. Ask Jill Zarin how that turned out for her. She refused to film with Beth on NY and she was promptly given the boot.   

I guess I am in the minority because I don't mind Vicks. Cancergate was awful and her love tank issues and big mouth are problems, but she doesn't bother me as much as sneaky Tammy Sue. And I really like Emily. I loled when she saids that Vicks bought her own ring. I don't blame Emily for her little shit of a husband and I'm hoping that sometime during her RH tenure, she kicks him to the curb. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I saw black panties too.  There's no way Tamra isn't fully coiffed down there.  (words I thought I'd never type for a hundred Alex)

I'm going to take "Brazilian Wax" for $900.00 Alex.

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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Kelly was correct saying that Tamra needed to show some decorum, even if only for her grandchildren. I do not need or want to seee her boobs, panties or naked butt every vacation or show. 

All of these women act like college sophomores on Spring Break. How many trips do they have to take this season...good grief! And they all are the same...drunken escapades where they act like assholes and yell at each other. Tamra is just a sad middle aged MILF married to a smug boy toy.

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My takeaway from last night...Kelly has a personality disorder. When she feels threatened in any way she lashes out and attacks someone's appearance and/or their parenting skills or some other issue that sees as a weakness with them..bully behavior for sure. But then, after this, she will start crying and playing the victim card! She is wack.

Shannon's divorce is final...YAY!!!!!!! I don't want to hear anymore about David and his girlfriend or hear anymore about him period!!!

Tamra...ugh. So tired of her.

Braunwyn...she's just an embarrassment to her kids. All the hyper activity, neediness and stripper dancing. Just stop.

Vicki...Steve looks less than thrilled about the engagement. Wow...he looks like he was just sentenced to a prison term...actually he was! Brianna looked good and I'm glad we didn't have to see or hear too much from her gun toting, controlling husband.

Gina...please go to a bonafide stylist and get your hair redone and extensions taken out.

Emily...got nothing this week to say about her.

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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Kelly was correct saying that Tamra needed to show some decorum, even if only for her grandchildren. I do not need or want to seee her boobs, panties or naked butt every vacation or show. 

I agree, and I'll add this isn't Jersey Shore where these women are legit friends.  I don't think anyone needs to be on snatch guard to Tamra.  If she wants to show her whole damn vulva for Club Eleven, they're just going to have to refund admission to the patrons.  Tamra deserves nothing.

17 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

Those were some pretty basic looking hotel rooms Braunschweiger got the ladies in Miami.

Seriously, those rooms skeeved me out.  At least everyone got their own room though! (Reference to RHDallas)

3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

We go to SoBe frequently, and always stay either below 5th or above 17th.  So technically NOT South Beach but close enough.  LOL  

South Beach PSA:  SoFi (South of Fifth) is definitely South Beach.  It's my favorite neighborhood in South Beach.  Also, something I learned recently--some parts of South Beach extend as far north as 25 Street, on the east side of the island, I think, so depending on which part of 17th Street you're on, you very likely could be in South Beach.


Ok.  Now.  I'm going to say one thing nice:  I think they all looked good going to the club.  Really fantastic.

Now that I said that, and I feel like I'm going to turn to sand, I have to say some other things to balance it out:

Braunwyn does not eat.  When the episode started and BW and Kelly met at a restaurant and Kelly said the chips were good, Braunwyn just gave a nervous laugh like, "please, please do not ask me to eat carbs in the middle of the day!"

Braun, your damn chompers are too big; you can barely close your mouth! Lips are only so strong! Be careful, because you're starting to look like this:


  At one point in the episode, Shawn looked like Slade and Braunwyn always looks like a seasoned Gretchen to me, and I was ready to quit. 

I heart the producers.  That flashback clip of Tamra telling Vicki that repeating the rumor is the same as saying it in the first place was everything. It's not my standard, but it's her standard and that, coupled with the other flashbacks of Tarma saying

  1. Kelly pushed her mom down the stairs
  2. Kelly and the train
  3. Kelly broke another woman's hand 

is really everything.  If Kelly can't keep her head cool (and stay sober) long enough to put the two pieces together, then she doesn't deserve it, and Tamra gets to live on.  It's a goddamn syllogism!  It's an if-then statement.  

If repeating something is as bad as saying it, then Tamra said allll kinds of shit about Kelly.  

Or (even easier)

If repeating something is as bad as saying it (proven to be true from Tamra's perspective) and Tamra "repeated" all these things about Kelly's sex life/violence (proven to be true) then Tamra is guilty as sin and she is the weakest link, goodbye!

This doesn't require Aristotelian thinking!

It is funny seeing a softer, gentler Tamra, being besties with Vicki and Shannon when you know it's killing her, because she doesn't want to fight a two-front war.  Tamra gets so physically jumpy when she knows her jig is almost up, but she's like the damn road-runner; always getting another life!  Meep meep, bitch!

Shannon is pathological with David.  He sent you an email saying "attaboy"?  Well, I'll be!  I'd reply with some spam about penis enhancement devices.

It didn't sit right with me when Emily said she felt very Miami with her big butt.  She has no idea what she's talking about.  I'll leave that there.

Gina...is a whore.  She's disgusting.  First, she needs to be in competition with the Miami "bitches," then she needs to meet "hot" Miami guys, then she's thinking in her mind that Vicki's surprise might be getting Gina a new car (!) and then she hates Braunwyn, but she guesses she'll ride in a Masseratti for her.  Aw, how charitable!  I would normally describe someone who acts like Gina as a gold digger, but she strikes me more as a whore, because it seems like she would perform any and all sexual acts to get any of these things.  Her sexuality seems so transactional.  Gold diggers are usually a lot smarter than that.  And what's up with "hot"?  Telling Shannon earlier this season that the men they met needed to be "hot," to "Dr Hottie" (who is probably the meekest, most nebishy doctor in the world) to needing to meet "hot" guys in Miami.  I am close to Gina in age and I haven't heard someone speak of "hot" as a qualification for a partner in over a decade.  This is why you're single, bitch!

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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6 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

Omg I was thinking this the whole time she was bragging how she styled her husband b/c he used to wear overalls.....Her "style" is nothing to brag about...it's tacky if ya ask me!!

Actually, considering the mother she's got, I'd say she's pretty tame.  Her "style" belongs on a 2nd grader, though.  

Most of those women look like an old woman trying desperately to hang onto her youth, and failing miserably. 

I agreed with Kelly about Vicki and what her grandchildren may think, blah, blah, blah, but, so far as we know anyway, Vicki never demonstrated up close and personal to her daughter how a tampon works.   Kelly seems to forget how long her shit's gonna be "out there". 

I'd have been like:  Never mind ma.  A pad will suffice.  😱

Edited by Claire Voyant
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16 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Aww... so cute that Braunwyn thinks her fun party self is just misunderstood outside of Miami. No girl, I think everyone understands what a total try-hard you are. 

Kelly can be such an asshole but the line about Gina having to hold on to her extensions was everything. Gina’s “hair” is so godawful. 

The forced fun of that club... just no. 

Well, except that Kelly has extensions herself which also look pretty shitty. She calls out everything she hates about herself by attacking others. I hope they fire her and put the Ick in her place. Then that humorless pity party Emily can go. I’m quite enjoying watching broke ratchet Gina, though. 

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6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I am really puzzled as to why I am still watching this shit show.  

I don't particularly like Kelly but I will take her side all day long against Tamra.  I despise Tamra so much at this point that even if Tamra is technically in the right, I still won't side with her because I find her such a horrendous sack of suck.  

These bitches better gang up on Tamra at the reunion, after they've had a chance to view this season and see that it's TAMRA who is the shit stirrer and TAMRA who starts basically every argument and confrontation in the group.

Of course we can't have an OC trip without Tamra's top going down or her hemline going up.  What a stellar "Christian" she is.  Please excuse me while I step out to take about a dozen Advil for the eye rolling pain I've now got.  

giphy.gifI was writing a post but... this said it all!

Edited by thesupremediva1
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2 hours ago, kicksave said:

Shannon's divorce is final...YAY!!!!!!! I don't want to hear anymore about David and his girlfriend or hear anymore about him period!!!

Honestly, I thought her divorce was over a long time ago.  Color me surprised to see it all played out again this season.  Ugh.   

4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Tamra will just scream back at any truthful acccusations made by the other housewives with "I WAS STICKING UP FOR YOU!!! WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?"

So true, and there's no telling what info she has on Shannon since she was her support system as she was going through her divorce.  I'm sure Tamra knows a lot of juicy details!  Plus, she'll hold that over Shannon's head about how she was there for her during those dark days.  Emily might have the stones to go up against Tamra, but I don't see any of the other ladies being that brave.  

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20 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Right, Gina. Your ex for sure would never, ever, ever cheat on you again. 

Brawnbore says her husband has no fashion sense at all yet calls him in to the room to help her choose her vacation clothes. 

Tamra standing on the bar wearing that shiny pink dress meant for a 22 yr old and thrusting her vagina back and forth with no panties on. Eddie, are ya still not embarassed of your wife? 

I agree with Kelly, Shannon's hair looked like crap but to yell it through the lobby and then grab Shannon's hair was going way to far. Stop with the ponytails on top of your head, Shan. I guess she wants to show off how nice and tight her face is now after the lift. 

Dear Gina, You bimwit.  Don’t say your husband won’t cheat never ever again.  You don’t know that.  He left you hi and dry with. three little kiddies for some snatch.  I meant dimwit.( guess auto correct doesn’t know slang).

Edited by Silver Bells
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This episode was hard to follow. I agree with the folks who think this season is complicated. It is! I thought Emily and Gina weren't friends. Now they are? And then Vicki is a friend, but she was in the whole episode with her stupid daughter and gross son-in-law. Though the boys trying to smile for the camera was super funny. Some kids don't know how to smile (and I'm not too surprised Brianna's kids don't, probably not a lot of joy in that house).

Brianna seemed smaller but still depressed and negative and unhappy. Her husband must not be in the military anymore if his facial hair looks like that. The bushy beard and t-shirt are the cool look right now, so I don't fault him for catching the trend. I was also glad that we didn't hear him speak. That was a plus.

Gina reminds me of an insecure high school student, talking about how much her boyfriend from a different high school loves her, Eye rolls. 

Brawnyn's mouth is weird, it's like jelly and she seems like she's tweaking all the time. I can't get past the chemical vibe from her. 

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7 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Brianna seemed smaller but still depressed and negative and unhappy. Her husband must not be in the military anymore if his facial hair looks like that. The bushy beard and t-shirt are the cool look right now, so I don't fault him for catching the trend. I was also glad that we didn't hear him speak. That was a plus.

I was at the Target store in the town next to Coto de Caza a couple years ago. Brianna was in line in front of me. She had her husband and the boys with her. This was before her Keto diet. She really didn't look large/fat to me. She just looked like a person with a larger bone/frame structure.

Does she look better now? Yes. But after seeing her in person those couple years ago, I would never consider her fat. IMO

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4 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

This episode was hard to follow. I agree with the folks who think this season is complicated. It is! I thought Emily and Gina weren't friends. Now they are? And then Vicki is a friend, but she was in the whole episode with her stupid daughter and gross son-in-law. Though the boys trying to smile for the camera was super funny. Some kids don't know how to smile (and I'm not too surprised Brianna's kids don't, probably not a lot of joy in that house).

Brianna seemed smaller but still depressed and negative and unhappy. Her husband must not be in the military anymore if his facial hair looks like that. The bushy beard and t-shirt are the cool look right now, so I don't fault him for catching the trend. I was also glad that we didn't hear him speak. That was a plus.

Gina reminds me of an insecure high school student, talking about how much her boyfriend from a different high school loves her, Eye rolls. 

Brawnyn's mouth is weird, it's like jelly and she seems like she's tweaking all the time. I can't get past the chemical vibe from her. 

You got that right.  I watched every episode and am on this board all the time.  I still don’t know who’s friends with who this week.  It keeps changing.  As for Brianna, I think she is afraid of him.  I saw his true colors when he yelled profanity at someone at a party .. one of the housewives.  At least Brianna had a life in California.  She might be in some moth eatin town now, and depressed.  I think he wanted to move, not her.  At least she could have controlled Vikie, but not him.  Then again, who knows?

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Marines are sadistic. I learned this from my friend, a marine, who was surprised that I had a marine friend that I said was nice. Marine's are trained to be ruthless and emotionless. They make more $ and have greater status in the military, but they are very very difficult to live with as a civilian. 

Relevant because Brianna's husband was a marine. He's a psycho. Also, he did a reality show where he got treatment for PTSD awhile back. If Brianna isn't scared of Matt, she should be. 

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Agree with much that has already been said. I've come to the conclusion that I'm out next season. I don't see Tamra getting demoted or fired. That's the biggest reason for me. Second, the very thought of Vicki coming back full time and her wedding being filmed is a big nope from me. Hard pass. The only way I see myself tuning in, is if I hear they cast someone who is legit good at taking Tamra down - and not in that "needs anger management" way that Kelly does. I mean, I appreciate when Kelly goes after Tamra but it's not enough. I need Tamrat running down the sidewalk screaming how we'll never see her again, and then actually never see her again in future episodes/seasons of RHOC. This season has been terrible. I feel compelled to hang in until the reunions out of habit - but, I have ZERO expectations that Tamrat will be called out in any significant manner. 

Re the episode- those hotel rooms were AWFUL. OMG, a step up from a Motel 6. Maybe. I can't believe Vicki didn't complain. OC has gone so far away from a peek into how the wealthy live, we're now just watching aging women who refuse to mature mentally, act like fools. 

Gina's Matt. Is she sure his name isn't George Glass? Is he taking her to the school dance?

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9 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

Omg I was thinking this the whole time she was bragging how she styled her husband b/c he used to wear overalls.....Her "style" is nothing to brag about...it's tacky if ya ask me!!

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - she is heading into Dr Deb territory.

The only reason I am still watching this shit show is to be entertained by all of y'all's hilarious observations.

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11 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I think Gina is lying about the whole Matt thing

YES! I've been thinking, the way she's pushing it with these really fake sounding stories EVERY EPISODE if not 2x per ep, it's revenge for Matt & his mistress. It's so that whenever this airs, all Matt's side pieces will become jealous he "cheated" on them with his wife. Also, serves to make Matt look desperate. 

Edited by Kdawg82
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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

This episode was hard to follow. I agree with the folks who think this season is complicated. It is! I thought Emily and Gina weren't friends. Now they are? And then Vicki is a friend, but she was in the whole episode with her stupid daughter and gross son-in-law. Though the boys trying to smile for the camera was super funny. Some kids don't know how to smile (and I'm not too surprised Brianna's kids don't, probably not a lot of joy in that house).

Brianna seemed smaller but still depressed and negative and unhappy. Her husband must not be in the military anymore if his facial hair looks like that. The bushy beard and t-shirt are the cool look right now, so I don't fault him for catching the trend. I was also glad that we didn't hear him speak. That was a plus.

Gina reminds me of an insecure high school student, talking about how much her boyfriend from a different high school loves her, Eye rolls. 

Brawnyn's mouth is weird, it's like jelly and she seems like she's tweaking all the time. I can't get past the chemical vibe from her. 

Co-sign all of this. Brianna doesn't seem like she's lighting up the world. I never enjoyed her presence on the show, even when she was young and healthy, doing backflips on the beach in Mexico. The OC Angels were where it was at IMO lol. I thought not seeing Brianna would have been a fringe benefit of Vicki being demoted. She's like a human Eeyore.

I never understood why Vicki blew so much smoke Brianna's way, when Michael seemed like an alright kid. Is it cause she was a girl?

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I'm disappointed in Kelly's reactions being so severe. She does fight dirty.  I agree with previous posters, Kelly is right about so much when she gets down to the nitty gritty with these women. But she flies off the handle.  Maybe some mood stabilizers would benefit. I'll still root for her bc Tams is Satan. Vicki is Beelzebub.  

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3 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Shannon could be a sex pot if it wasn’t for all her squawking. It’s so annoying and she is such a kiss ass, so afraid to lose her spot in the tres amigas. And Kelly was right, her hair looks terrible. 

And what's weird is that she didn't squawk in her first season of the show. A fringe benefit of "Fun Shannon," I guess?

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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I was at the Target store in the town next to Coto de Caza a couple years ago. Brianna was in line in front of me. She had her husband and the boys with her. This was before her Keto diet. She really didn't look large/fat to me. She just looked like a person with a larger bone/frame structure.

Does she look better now? Yes. But after seeing her in person those couple years ago, I would never consider her fat. IMO

Having two kids back to back probably turned her metabolism upside down. Also, all the meds she was on for Lupus, which might have included steroids, could have contributed to her weight gain. She must be seeing a specialist from UNC Chapel Hill or Duke University.

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58 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I never understood why Vicki blew so much smoke Brianna's way, when Michael seemed like an alright kid. Is it cause she was a girl?

I think Michael was embarrassed by his Mom.  He ended up moving away and not telling her the address, or something along those lines.  Brianna seemed to stay close to her Mom.  I think Vicki drove her crazy too, but she handled it pretty well.  I do remember Brianna wanting to go into the military, but Vicki was against it.  I feel bad for her that she missed out on something she wanted to do, but she did stick to her guns and became a nurse, and for that, I applaud her!  She's had a lot of medical issues and things were scary for her as they were figuring it all out, so I'm happy to see her feeling better.  I thought she looked happy on this episode.  I'm also glad that she's not letting her Mom guilt her into moving back to California.  She's so much better off to have her family away from this shit show. 

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25 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I think Michael was embarrassed by his Mom.  

He finally escaped to college, and she shows up, "surprise", with cameras, creates a scene with his buddies, proceeds to do some kegger thing, and then has an emotional moment in front of college friends and cameras.

I'm out.

. . . but then he chooses to work for her. Maybe its on his terms, healthy boundaries, he's driving the car into his future . . .

Edited by itsadryheat
remembered he went to work for her, speculation & hope
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12 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I’ll bet these two crummy episodes will secure Icke’s orange full time again.  Oh nuts.  Tamra is probably safe.  Kelly might go to N.Y., and the Tres Amigas will be alive again.  Damn.  What more can they do?  A wedding for Vic and a divorce for Tam & Eddie?  Maybe Emily too?  Maybe Matt will appear being he has no job.

Well, that would just completely ruin my current favorite franchise.  Also, I cannot imagine Kelly fitted in with the ladies of the UES.  

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I agree with previous posters, Kelly is right about so much when she gets down to the nitty gritty with these women. But she flies off the handle. 

Kelly's problem is that she is usually right in what she says, she just has a very shitty way of expressing it. If she could control that, if she could control her anger issues, she'd be much better regarded.


. . . but then he chooses to work for her. Maybe its on his terms, healthy boundaries, he's driving the car into his future . . .

Hey, his mom has a decent business, why not work with her as much as he can? He's doing a better job at it than Tamra's son Ryan who was given similar opportunities.

Edited by Hiyo
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I believe Michael is  VP at Coto Insurance. Now, Vicki may hand out VP titles like candy, but Michael has certainly worked his way up from being an office lackey (remember the scene when Vicki corrected his stapling?). He must be well-compensated to put up with her BS.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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13 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Marines are sadistic. I learned this from my friend, a marine, who was surprised that I had a marine friend that I said was nice. Marine's are trained to be ruthless and emotionless. They make more $ and have greater status in the military, but they are very very difficult to live with as a civilian. 

Relevant because Brianna's husband was a marine. He's a psycho. Also, he did a reality show where he got treatment for PTSD awhile back. If Brianna isn't scared of Matt, she should be. 

No kidding?  He’s scary looking and has that menicing look about him.  Plus, he never would let her take those boys away from him, and she knows it.  Poor thing.

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10 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

He finally escaped to college, and she shows up, "surprise", with cameras, creates a scene with his buddies, proceeds to do some kegger thing, and then has an emotional moment in front of college friends and cameras.

I'm out.

. . . but then he chooses to work for her. Maybe its on his terms, healthy boundaries, he's driving the car into his future . . .

Yeah.  Vikie is continuously peddling backwards to keep in the groove and be young again.  She thinks she’s so cool and a bundle of fun still.  Maybe Steve will calm her down a bit after seeing this episode in Florida.  She must be doing a number in bed with him, hahahaha.  Crazy bitch.  First she has to take off those eight pairs of spanx holding her in.

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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Shannon could be a sex pot if it wasn’t for all her squawking. It’s so annoying and she is such a kiss ass, so afraid to lose her spot in the tres amigas. And Kelly was right, her hair looks terrible. 

Shannon was/ is a classy woman and doesn’t belong with these sluts.  She belongs sitting in the Country Club, especially now that she has a nice respectable job on QVC.  She should stop her screaming and leave the tres amigas.  Shannon is lowering herself by making out with strangers in the bar like the rest of the sluts.  That’s not her.

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I watched this last night, I guess out of habit. Again, Shannon and Emily are the only ones I don't hate, but I am bored by Emily. There was a commercial for NJ, which I haven't watched in years, and it happened to be on right then so I flipped over to it and then back to OC during commercials  Granted, it was one episode, I don't really know the NJ women, other than Teresa and her SIL  but I found the NJ women no worse than the OC bitches. Even Teresa, whom I detest, is no crazier than Kelly and no more vile than Gina, Tamra or Boringwind. It is sad. OC was my first franchise, I live in OC, and this has to be my last season unless they clean house and start over. 

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Would starting over make a difference, given the caliber of women they've been getting over the last few years? I think you'd need to also replace the casting people, showrunners, producers, etc.

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12 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Would starting over make a difference, given the caliber of women they've been getting over the last few years? I think you'd need to also replace the casting people, showrunners, producers, etc.

Good point. It does seem they go from bad to worse, Gina and Boringwind being two of the worst EVER. so, yes, Casting, producers, showrunners, that can remember we like some house porn, but not actual porn. Then bring in a new cast.

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15 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Marines are sadistic. I learned this from my friend, a marine, who was surprised that I had a marine friend that I said was nice. Marine's are trained to be ruthless and emotionless. They make more $ and have greater status in the military, but they are very very difficult to live with as a civilian. 

Relevant because Brianna's husband was a marine. He's a psycho. Also, he did a reality show where he got treatment for PTSD awhile back. If Brianna isn't scared of Matt, she should be. 

Brianna may have cause to be afraid of her husband, but it isn't because he's a Marine. Thankful for the Marines in my life, all of whom are admirable and kind. 

On a superficial note...I only watch this franchise sporadically,  and the change in Gina is shocking. I don't recognize her in some of her talking heads.  I get that she's been through a lot, but the makeup and hair are so awful and cheap. Can no one help her out?

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30 minutes ago, RedInk said:

On a superficial note...I only watch this franchise sporadically,  and the change in Gina is shocking. I don't recognize her in some of her talking heads.  I get that she's been through a lot, but the makeup and hair are so awful and cheap. Can no one help her out?

maybe Emily should take her to get her hair fixed I mean she does expect her friends to pay for her things and that's why shes been pissed at Emily in the past cause she doesn't buy her things like tamra and shannon do lol

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28 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

maybe Emily should take her to get her hair fixed I mean she does expect her friends to pay for her things and that's why shes been pissed at Emily in the past cause she doesn't buy her things like tamra and shannon do lol

So, she’s a taker then.  Why can’t she do her own hair and nails?  Gets good haircut, buy some hot rollers or curling iron and some makeup.  What’s so hard?  Having hair nails and makeup done professionally is very costly, especially when you’re a single mother.

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21 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It didn't sit right with me when Emily said she felt very Miami with her big butt.  She has no idea what she's talking about.  I'll leave that there.

I noticed a LOT of huge fake asses on the beach in Miami last year.  It was weird, because they look like “real” huge butts, so I understood what Emily was saying.

17 hours ago, itsadryheat said:


For me it’s a bad habit that needs to be broken!

Slut shaming is legally allowed if you are a slut or former slut, which I was, so I’m allowed to call people slutty.  😉

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I've watched since episode 1 and Brianna hasn't changed at all.  As a teenager, she was always calm & rational to Vicky's drama. The only thing surprising was her impulsively quick marriage to Ryan bu then again, love makes people irrational. That said, they seem happy. If you follow on social media, it's apparent that she's close to both Vicky & Don, both of whom visit often. She always wanted to be nurse and it seems like she's happier career-wise in NC.

Michael was more embarrassed by his Mom's antics early on.  He's obviously learned to deal with it as he chose to work along side her daily in a small business office.  I'm sure it makes Vicky happy to eventually let him take over when she retires.  Maybe it's nostalgia after watching for so long, but I kinda hope that Vicky gets her orange back next year.  I'm certainly more interested in her and her family than I am Gina or Braunwyn.

Pretty rich of Eddie to make cracks about Vicky's ring. Fairly sure he wouldn't have the gym or live in that house were it not for Housewives $.  Steve is a retired county sheriff with substantial pension, I'm sure he can buy a ring.  Now if it were Brooks, I'd understand the joke.

More than anything, I'd love to see Tamra gone.  She's a one-trick pony with her shit stirring antics and need to be the prettiest girl at the prom. Plus, it would have the added benefit of removing Ryan from my screen permanently. 

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I think Kelly was just hurt when she started talking about Shannon’s hair in the lobby. She seemed upset when Tamra,Vicki,and Shannon were all taking the picture together. She probably wanted to try to fix things a little there with them then. Kelly was really there for Vicki in her first seasons when Tamra and Shannon were mad at her. Then Vicki like switched up on her and started trying to bother her with Michael and other women. Maybe Kelly feels closer to Shannon and feels more comfortable taking her anger out on her. I’m not sure. But Tamra and Vicki definitely seemed to want to be friends more with each other and Shannon and I think Shannon would rather be with them too. I wonder if Kelly leaves the show who’ll they’ll turn on next probably Gina.

I must say I really like Braunwyn and her husband’s relationship. He seems into her and seems to respect her. He also seems affectionate,I like the way he randomly grabbed and kissed her like that haha 

It was fun seeing the girls dance and drink at the club lol reminded me of the New York ladies haha

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