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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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19 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

It should all be riveting television.

Should it? Heh.

LOL at how quickly Michael moved him and Wiley into the gatehouse. What an idiot to interrupt Wiley sleeping! Wait until morning, you knucklehead. Good grief.

Also, Michael, stop confiding your adult feelings to your toddler son. It's inappropriate.

I'm surprised Liesl hasn't said, "Screw it, I'll get rid of Peter myself." 

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"It's time to wake up Maxie and smell the psychopath."  I liked Obrecht reminiscing how toxic her relationship with Faison was and her earrings are gorgeous. On the down side, Maxie's makeup looked like she was getting ready for Hallowe'en.

It was entertaining at first but now I'm officially over WR's creepy routine.

Intercutting Chase telling Brook Lynn how excited he is to be getting back together with Willow with scenes of Willow telling Michael that even as she was talking to Chase, secretly she was loving Michael all the time is just foul. That's not entertaining.

Michael "If you need anything from me ..."  Me: Yes, die. Just die.

Curtis bemoaning that he couldn't make his marriage work was tiresome, he didn't even try.

I don't understand the point of having Jordan/Curtis, Portia/Taggart and Willow/Chase all break up at once, shorting after Anna and Finn broke up and Maxie is trying to end it with Peter. This is "love in the afternoon"? It's not like they have brand

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Let's have Wiley die,

Make. This. Happen. I want Wiley gone and Millow over more even than I want Lu gone.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at how quickly Michael moved him and Wiley into the gatehouse. What an idiot to interrupt Wiley sleeping!

Declaring possession. Pure Corinthos.

All this expounding to Wiley is really boring. I'd rather have an aria in one of the operas Sam holds her nose up at.

Edited by statsgirl
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31 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

There are just absolutely no words about this grossness that is Willow and Michael, in bed and kissing and declaring their love for one another. I rolled my eyes so much that I have a headache now.

I was amused and bemused that after they had finally done the deed, neither one of them looked very happy. Then Michael's fairly emotionless,  sigh-filled confirmation that he'd wanted her all along was underwhelming. I thought an actor's skill was supposed to be to make statements sound sincere, not sound like it was it was someone just repeating lines. 

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26 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at how quickly Michael moved him and Wiley into the gatehouse.

He got worried Willow was going to change her mind after a visit with Chase. He knows he doesn't stand a chance if he doesn't have Wylie right there as a shield. 

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58 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Curtis bemoaning that he couldn't make his marriage work was tiresome, he didn't even try.

He really didn't. He claimed to be okay with Jordan keeping work stuff from him, but it was obvious he wasn't okay with that. I don't think Jordan did a good job of dealing with that—she basically told him to get over it, it was part of the job—but she seemed more open to trying to figure out how to deal with it. Curtis didn't get his way and that was it: Marriage over.

ETA: I do think he's been pretty open about what his problems with Jordan are and that he can't trust her. So from that standpoint, it makes sense he wants to end the marriage. When the trust is gone and you don't think you'll get it back, there's no reason to drag things out longer than necessary.

More ETA: Given how often Wiley's naps and bedtimes are interrupted, no wonder he cries and can't get himself back to sleep, heh. It won't happen, because he's the Golden Child's Golden Child, but I really want Wiley to be the world's biggest brat. If he won't die, he should make his family's life completely miserable.

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BTW! Why doesn’t anyone in Port Charles have finished basements? Where is the big screen tv with the beautiful tile or carpeting? Where is the extra bedroom, bathroom & wet bar? Everyone’s basement looks like the set from The Honeymooners. The real estate in Port Charles leaves a lot to be desired. No wonder Lucy is working at Crimson....I think.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at Finn's bar-warming gift to Curtis of a portable defibrillator. Hee. Have they always been confidants?

I think they became friends after Finn's addiction during his Blackwood's disease storyline.  They also worked together as part of the team that stole Ryan's kidney for Jordan.

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37 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

BTW! Why doesn’t anyone in Port Charles have finished basements? Where is the big screen tv with the beautiful tile or carpeting? Where is the extra bedroom, bathroom & wet bar? Everyone’s basement looks like the set from The Honeymooners. The real estate in Port Charles leaves a lot to be desired. No wonder Lucy is working at Crimson....I think.

Budgets, most likely. Not to mention, holding someone captive in a lavishly appointed basement doesn't have quite the same dramatic punch as one that's got concrete floors and visible wiring. 

24 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I think they became friends after Finn's addiction during his Blackwood's disease storyline.  They also worked together as part of the team that stole Ryan's kidney for Jordan.

No wonder I didn't remember; both of these stories were years ago. 

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I was taking a GH break when Abby the stripper exited the show, and I kept seeing comments here about how she was "killed by a crane." I knew intellectually it was probably the mechanical kind, but I so badly wanted it to be the long-necked bird kind. There would have been a vapor trail behind me as I headed to YouTube for that. 

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Why don’t Anna and Valentin just shoot up Heinrik with Sodium Pentathol to find out who he poisoned  and what/where the antidote? Oh, right. Because that would make sense.

How stupid is Brooke Lynn? WHY is she walking around with the fetal monitor in her purse?

The fast forward button is my friend so I didn’t have to suffer the grossness that was Willow and SLS sex.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

BTW! Why doesn’t anyone in Port Charles have finished basements?

Because it's the same basement set?  The water heater looks familiar.  It used to turn up more often than Carly's kitchen moss bowl.

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9 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

How stupid is Brooke Lynn? WHY is she walking around with the fetal monitor in her purse?

She hid it in her purse to pretend that the technician had done her ultrasound and gone. I guess she's one of those people who never clean out their bags.

1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

BTW! Why doesn’t anyone in Port Charles have finished basements?

In the part of the country where I live (Great Lakes region), basements were never meant to be furnished. They were meant to be storage only

Some people furnish their basements and put in carpeting but since the basement is under the water table, the sump pump works full time and even then the basement can flood and you have to rip out and replace the carpet carpet, panelling and furniture.

Mostly though, an unfinished basement looks scarier.

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It was entertaining at first but now I'm officially over WR's creepy routine.

He is about two or three episodes away from LITERALLY tying someone to train tracks-- so over the top is his villainy.

Here's my question for the two spies, why aren't either of them recording him. He keeps monologging like the cartoon villain that he is. "Someone you care about will DIE if you don't let me GOOOOOOO." I mean, Franco was clever enough to record his confession, but Anna and Valentin aren't, come on show.

And Franco's phone is a bit of a Chekhov's gun. I mean I know Peter deleted it, but shouldn't it be in the cloud somewhere? 

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish we didn't have to suffer through another baby switch so soon after the nightmare that was Wiley. It's probably weird that I like how BL and Maxie's pregnancies are meshing, but the aftermath is going to be completely botched anyway, since the writers are eternally unable to follow through on stories properly.

Hasn't this show been dealing with baby nonsense since Sonny and Ava had creepy crypt sex and she gave birth to little AJ?

5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Get out of my head! That's been running through my mind since I saw it! I need that SO MUCH. I don't know why Anna just doesn't do to Heinrik, what she did to Faison--dump him in a hole in the ground!

Way back when I thought RC was going to tie Faison with Lisa Niles, who terrorized Robin (and left her to die in a hole in the ground), which would have given some symmetry to Anna doing that to Faison and explain why Lisa Niles, who brought so much terror to Robin, only spent a week in a psychiatric ward and got her job back at GH almost immediately.

Knock Off Faison really doesn't live up to the other antagonists that this show has had.

5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Let's have Wiley die, and then we'll see how much you and Willow love each other, Michael. Watching those two be schmoopy is not something I want to watch.

If it's due to the mob then that death might have some weight.

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52 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

He is about two or three episodes away from LITERALLY tying someone to train tracks-- so over the top is his villainy.

LOL. And growing a mustache so he can literally twirl it.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm surprised Liesl hasn't said, "Screw it, I'll get rid of [LWB/FS] myself." 

For real!  Girl, grab a kicky wig and your spare keys to the Wyndemere parapet!

But oh Liesl, LWB/FS has no allure and definitely isn't a "brilliant, dangerous man".  And the parallels the show keeps trying to draw between Faison and LWB/FS only make LWB/FS look more pathetic and goofy as a villainous presence.

In related news, Kathleen Gati looked guh-reat today.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Given how often Wiley's naps and bedtimes are interrupted, no wonder he cries and can't get himself back to sleep, heh. It won't happen, because he's the Golden Child's Golden Child, but I really want Wiley to be the world's biggest brat. If he won't die, he should make his family's life completely miserable.

Jesus, talk about moving at warp speed so Willow can't change her mind.  He probably already got his driver's license address changed, too.  And his ~conversation with Wiley the Wunderkind was creepy as hell.  I half expected him to point to the mattress and explain that's where he and Mommy sealed the deal. 

The worst part of all this is that with Chase collapsing Willow is going to feel too guilty to break up with him and we're going to have to endure the most boring couple in the world stare longingly at each other while fate keeps them apart.  Which is for sure a tried-and-true soap trope, but these two did not earn it. 

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1 hour ago, Lobsel Vith said:

If it's due to the mob then that death might have some weight.

Honestly - you would think so (because Willow is in love with Wiley and whomever has him at the time). but the fact that Micheal was shot in the head, and Morgan was blowed up by a bomb, and she was shot in the head and Carly is still all "WOOHOO! TEAM MOB, LET'S GO!" Willow is probably not gonna go anywhere

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7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at how quickly Michael moved him and Wiley into the gatehouse. What an idiot to interrupt Wiley sleeping! Wait until morning, you knucklehead. Good grief.


It was why he was passive-aggressively having the Gatehouse all fixed up with all the fancy trimmings so that he could eventually get himself livng there with Willow.

Whatever Liesl. I don't recall Faison being all that adoring with you. He used her a plenty and she was still jealous that he was obsessed with Anna and not her.

Jordan is going to give up her marriage over her job. A job that she terrible at. In fact, I think she is the worst police commisioner that the PCPD has ever had. Even more so than Burt Ramsey aka Mr Big.

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29 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Whatever Liesl. I don't recall Faison being all that adoring with you. He used her a plenty and she was still jealous that he was obsessed with Anna and not her.

Liesl can cram it. The whitewashing of her and Valentin's past criminal/psychopathic behavior is ridiculous. Liesl wasn't some poor, innocent lamb led astray by Faison who merely did petty acts to attain his love. She committed many crimes without remorse and took great pleasure in some of it. It's one of the reasons why I don't feel sorry at all when she whines about Peter bringing Faison to town and Faison killing her precious Nathan. if Liesl hadn't been Faison's accomplice and covered up for him so many times, he would have probably been in jail or dead long before he got to Nathan - or anyone else he killed over the years Liesl didn't give a crap about.


33 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Jordan is going to give up her marriage over her job. A job that she terrible at. In fact, I think she is the worst police commisioner that the PCPD has ever had. Even more so than Burt Ramsey aka Mr Big.

Jordan isn't giving up her marriage for her job. Unlike Curtis, she was actually willing to put in the effort to save the marriage, but no, she wasn't willing to abandon her career, and she shouldn't have to. Curtis knew who he was marrying and what her job entailed. If he can't handle the fact that her job comes with having to keep job-related secrets that's his issue.

I also don't see how Jordan is the worst commissioner ever. People like to complain about how bad she is at her job, but the fact is, no commissioner on this show in the last few years has been allowed to do their job competently. The bulk of the characters are criminals of one stripe or another and if the police were allowed to do their jobs competently, 70% of the characters would be in jail.

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54 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Jordan isn't giving up her marriage for her job. Unlike Curtis, she was actually willing to put in the effort to save the marriage, but no, she wasn't willing to abandon her career, and she shouldn't have to. Curtis knew who he was marrying and what her job entailed. If he can't handle the fact that her job comes with having to keep job-related secrets that's his issue.

I also don't see how Jordan is the worst commissioner ever. People like to complain about how bad she is at her job, but the fact is, no commissioner on this show in the last few years has been allowed to do their job competently. The bulk of the characters are criminals of one stripe or another and if the police were allowed to do their jobs competently, 70% of the characters would be in jail.

I agree with you. 
Jordan lied and everything but basically, Curtis saw the first  opportunity to split and he did without taking the time/effort to fix the marriage. to me it just feels like he split so he didn't have to feel guility about mooning over Portia.

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9 hours ago, nilyank said:

Jordan is going to give up her marriage over her job. A job that she terrible at. In fact, I think she is the worst police commisioner that the PCPD has ever had. Even more so than Burt Ramsey aka Mr Big.

Nah. This felt like a condition Curtis was imposing on her without saying the words. Me or your job. I don't care how bad she is at her job, she shouldn't be made to choose between her career and the man she loves. There's nothing fair about it and it's completely outrageous. If Curtis wants to look like a martyr sacrificed by the woman at the altar of her job, when he knew exactly what her job entailed and that there are things she cannot share with him, then that's on him.

He didn't have a problem with any of this until he found out that she lied about Taggert. Then all of a sudden, he has a problem and he wants a divorce. I love Curtis, but this shit with Jordan is not a good color on him. Go be with Portia since this is very clearly why his marriage with Jordan is over.

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Despite the fact that it likely extends Peter’s stay in Port Charles, I’m in for the Maxie/Britt plotting.  There are lots of mini-anvils hinting where this is heading but the two actresses have great friendly/familial chemistry and the plot line is pretty classically soapy. KT just looks to me like she’s having a blast playing Britt this time around.

There’s been no follow-up to Michael’s comment to Jason a week or so ago that he may step up to run the mob in Sonny’s absence; I’m hoping that was just a throwaway line and not a hint of things to come.  That might be Michael’s most improbable role (conglomerate CEO, super-lover) to date.

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18 minutes ago, mbluecpa said:

There’s been no follow-up to Michael’s comment to Jason a week or so ago that he may step up to run the mob in Sonny’s absence; I’m hoping that was just a throwaway line and not a hint of things to come.  That might be Michael’s most improbable role (conglomerate CEO, super-lover) to date.

What?  Michael has no mobbing experience.  I also don't think he has any more idea of what Sonny's business actually does than we do.  He could maybe run the coffee business.  Didn't Jason take over during Sonny's last extended absence?  Why wouldn't he just do that again?

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6 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Didn't Jason take over during Sonny's last extended absence?  Why wouldn't he just do that again?

Until Jason gets out of Pentonville, there's no one handling the mob stuff, which is why Michael is making noises about stepping in. 

And as for having no mob experience, Michael didn't have any experience being the CEO of a multinational business, but that didn't stop him.

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46 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Until Jason gets out of Pentonville, there's no one handling the mob stuff, which is why Michael is making noises about stepping in. 

And as for having no mob experience, Michael didn't have any experience being the CEO of a multinational business, but that didn't stop him.

I forgot he was in jail.  I'm such a moron. LOL.  OTOH, on other TV shows people run criminal organizations quite handily from their prison cells.

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16 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

For real!  Girl, grab a kicky wig and your spare keys to the Wyndemere parapet!

But oh Liesl, LWB/FS has no allure and definitely isn't a "brilliant, dangerous man".  And the parallels the show keeps trying to draw between Faison and LWB/FS only make LWB/FS look more pathetic and goofy as a villainous presence.

In related news, Kathleen Gati looked guh-reat today.

Jesus. SO MUCH THIS. Snidley Whiplash McSmirk is tiresome. Please tell me he's going to be killed off soon,  no matter who the actor is hooked up with in real life.

And what does LWB/FS (LW's boyfriend?) stand for? I assume it's not flattering. Nothing about Peter is. 

Last week, I tweeted that Scotty needs to get some Liesl lovin'. Kathleen Gati LIKED MY POST. Made my day, as if I was being validated by Liesl!



Edited by ChicksDigScars
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27 minutes ago, Katy M said:

OTOH, on other TV shows people run criminal organizations quite handily from their prison cells.

I'm legit surprised this isn't happening. Jason isn't doing much of anything to keep the bidness going except tell Carly not to get involved.

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Things I want them to do:

1: Micheal and Willow and that really annoying child Casa de Quartermaine.
I hate that Micheal is living there, allowing Carly to show up whenever they want. Just give them an apartment that looks like Chase's or something. I get that Monica isn't on that much anymore but it bugs me. he's calling himself a Corinthos, the only time he remembers he's a Quartermaine is when he wants to fling his name to save his gangster daddy - go away).

2: For Jordan to get her groove on. Like not even w/Taggert, just let her get all fun and sexy. have some girls nights out with Anna. Like Curtis can kick a rock. Like i said- I firmly believe he's picking this bone because he wants to be with Portia. He didn't even try. Jordan didn't lie out of spite it was due to her job. like when he was all Detective Black Luke Spenser i wouldn't have expected him to dish all the tea to Jordan. 

3: Chase to have an epic love affair/one true love relationship (classic soapy. Will They/Won't They/Great Eye screwing/they get separated/great love making when they declare their love to another style you know. 90's action 👏) A: he deserves one, and B:  Chase can totally portray that. Even with Covid-ness. let's remember Soaps are all about LOVE in the afternoon and about that angst. (I know people don't like Valentine but i actually kinda want him to have this too. Anna could work. Finola and James spark together)

4: some more social issues stories (but not Covid).  Sometimes I really Miss AMC/OLTL because they always did those stories that made you think and it was really realistic. though they kinda botched the whole alocholic storyline with Alexis but i really do want more stories like that (not rape, we don't need that for a hot minute) but like actual depression, maybe an eating disorder, another coming out story something. 

5: more spies, less mob. (that's just me though)

6: End Peter. Honestly even if you have to write it as "oh this is a twin" (it will be lame or whatever) if you NEED to keep Wes Ramsey on set, but Peter is... it's just over. 

they don't have to be all from AJ/Edward/Lila - but this show needs to bring some of them back y'all. And the Wards. Let's go. 

8: Wiley no longer existing. It will be sad for Nina- but A: i don't want Nina attached to Carly anymore than she has to, and truthfully i wanna know if Micheal/Willows One True Love, It was Always You would exist if Wiley didn't exist. (also i hate that kid (sorry kid, nothing personal), I hate that name). And Willow suffers beause chase is having his Epic Love story while she's with Micheal. 

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Ugh, watching Nina and "Mike" flirt is painful. It's not even flirting, it's so bad. What happened to Nina wanting revenge on Carly? She should be making anonymous phone calls taunting Carly about Sonny being alive.

LOL at Peter's face when Anna said Finn wasn't the one who was sick. I wish they'd stop using the handheld camera for scenes that don't need it. It doesn't amp up the drama or tension. It just makes me think the cameraman is drunk.

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Anna, how about telling Finn that Chase has been given a toxin?  Then he and Portia wouldn't waste their time giving him antibiotics. And as @sacrebleu said, why aren't they secretly recording Peter and the threats he's throwing around? That way when Anna and Valentin play him and he gives Chase the antidote, they can get him on attempted murder. The Heinrik/Peter story turns everyone around him into idiots.

Michael, we all know that you're the bestest parent ever but maybe it's not a good idea to keep Wylie up past his bedtime so he can make Willow feel better. The first rule of parenting is that you put your child first and yourself second. But then, we all knew that Willow comes first with you and only after that Wylie.

6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nah. This felt like a condition Curtis was imposing on her without saying the words. Me or your job. I don't care how bad she is at her job, she shouldn't be made to choose between her career and the man she loves. There's nothing fair about it and it's completely outrageous. If Curtis wants to look like a martyr sacrificed by the woman at the altar of her job, when he knew exactly what her job entailed and that there are things she cannot share with him, then that's on him.

Yeah, it's not like he didn't know that being a police commissioner means keeping things from your civilian spouse. This just looks like he's decided that he wants Jordan so he's nope-ing out of his marriage after just one year.

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Olivia, you could have told Ned you didn't want to live in the Q mansion. Especially given your struggles with the kitchen and your stupid pizza oven. 

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The first rule of parenting is that you put your child first and yourself second.

Look who his parenting models are: Carly and Sonny, who never put anyone but themselves first. Yet another reason Wiley is doomed.

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Has anyone missed Sonny? Did the show miss him? His family thinks he's dead, so they're moving on from him. He could have stayed away until the end of time and I would have been just fine with that. 

This whole Mike storyline is so very very bad. Everything around it is bad. Sonny's attempt at flirting with Nina is so bad. I wish his ass had been dragged out by the current all the way to the ocean.

I have nothing good to say about today's episode. I also don't remember half of it. The bin in my brain works overtime with GH.

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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, watching Nina and "Mike" flirt is painful. It's not even flirting, it's so bad. What happened to Nina wanting revenge on Carly? She should be making anonymous phone calls taunting Carly about Sonny being alive.

The writers seem to be leaning into Nina actually falling for "Mike" because OF COURSE NO WOMAN CAN RESIST SONNY!

Seriously, if they do sleep together he's going to knock her right back out of menopause and she'll be his 5th baby mama (6th if you count Lily and the kid she was pregnant with before she went Clink/Boom!).

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5 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The writers seem to be leaning into Nina actually falling for "Mike" because OF COURSE NO WOMAN CAN RESIST SONNY!

Seriously, if they do sleep together he's going to knock her right back out of menopause and she'll be his 5th baby mama (6th if you count Lily and the kid she was pregnant with before she went Clink/Boom!).

WHYYYYYYY? She knows who he is! They know each other. It's not as if she found this stranger after leaving town to lick her wounds. Aside from being lame and stupid, it's GROSS.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Anna, how about telling Finn that Chase has been given a toxin?  Then he and Portia wouldn't waste their time giving him antibiotics. And as @sacrebleu said, why aren't they secretly recording Peter and the threats he's throwing around? That way when Anna and Valentin play him and he gives Chase the antidote, they can get him on attempted murder. The Heinrik/Peter story turns everyone around him into idiots.

Anna has Peter.  Why doesn't she just start using the taser on him to get the antidote?  Or she could start cutting off fingers.  I'm good with either.

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Jackie, everyone has already forgotten about your family issues being splashed all over the front page of the Invader. Let it go. Oh, and nice job on your due diligence of Peter and the Invader. No one forced you to sign an exclusive contract.

13 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Anna has Peter.  Why doesn't she just start using the taser on him to get the antidote?  Or she could start cutting off fingers.  I'm good with either.

Seriously. Peter understands force. Use it against him! Just kill him and tell Finn what's going on.

Michael, stop using your toddler son as a confidant.

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3 hours ago, ciarra said:
3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Michael, stop using your toddler son as a confidant.

But Wiley is Michael's intellectual peer.

True enough!

What annoys me is that somehow Nina has scarred Wiley for life by telling about Nelle being his mother (something he didn't understand anyway!) yet Michael's midnight chats are totes okay. Ugh. 

I really want Willow to tear Michael a new one for keeping Wiley up after his bedtime, but instead she'll go on about what a good father Michael is. My eyes cannot roll back into my head far enough.

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34 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Anna has Peter.  Why doesn't she just start using the taser on him to get the antidote?  Or she could start cutting off fingers.  I'm good with either.

I’m all for that, along with the duct tape so we don’t have whispergrowl threats.  I will admit to rewinding that original taser scene a couple of times to enjoy the UCG.

7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

instead she'll go on about what a good father Michael is. My eyes cannot roll back into my head far enough.

Yup, filed under the usual “Michael can do no wrong” trope.  I’ll take that over her going on about what a good lover he is.  Blech. 

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Michael, stop using your toddler son as a confidant.

Even a toddler doesn't want anything to do with his nonsense, as Wiley looked totally zoned out during the ~talk.  Also, fuck you, Michael, for portraying Chase as a clingy, won't-take-no-for-an-answer break-up-ey that Willow has to coddle until she can be released.

Speaking of, I know time means nothing on this show, but did the doctors give the antibiotics about 10 minutes to work? 

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29 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, fuck you, Michael, for portraying Chase as a clingy, won't-take-no-for-an-answer break-up-ey that Willow has to coddle until she can be released.

Now imagine if Michael and Chase had never been friends. I mean, remember that time he kicked him in the balls?

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Does anyone know how Michael and Willow are having real love scenes? Isn't this a first since Covid?  I was wondering if the rules changed because of vaccinations or if they are a real life couple.  As far as I knew only real life couples were having love scenes and that was on other soaps. 

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The only characters I care about:  Britt, Liesle,  Chase, Valentin, Gregory, Mac, Robert Scorpio, Ned, Laura, Kevin. UUUUUUUUmmmmm, guess that’s it. 

4 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Does anyone know how Michael and Willow are having real love scenes? Isn't this a first since Covid?  I was wondering if the rules changed because of vaccinations or if they are a real life couple.  As far as I knew only real life couples were having love scenes and that was on other soaps. 

Does anyone even care? Maybe they can give each other Covid. I’ve watched soaps for 45 years and this may be the most boring couple I’ve ever seen on any soap ever. 


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18 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Does anyone know how Michael and Willow are having real love scenes? Isn't this a first since Covid?  I was wondering if the rules changed because of vaccinations or if they are a real life couple.  As far as I knew only real life couples were having love scenes and that was on other soaps. 

So . . . my theory . . . .

The show is clearly invested in Millow.  I have no idea why, but they have wanted Willow for Michael since the beginning, IMO. Chase and Sasha were supposed to be quick pairings, but they never expected ppl to take to Chillow and Michael/Sasha as much as they did. That made it a bit harder to extract Michael and Willow from those pairings, but they did it w/the MOC.

Since Millow has been paired, there has been a rising chorus of ppl (myself included) calling them out for having no chemistry and being dull as dirt, and for thinking they had better chemistry w/their former partners.  Yes, Millow have fans, but there are just as many ppl calling them out for being boring and having no chemistry, and this is on all social media platforms. Their first (COVID) romp did nothing to excite ppl for them whereas the Nava (COVID) romp was ridiculously HOT! 

I think the writers want ppl to buy into Millow so they made sure the actors were vaccinated (I'm assuming) and comfortable doing a "real" soap love scene. I'm thinking they writers were thinking if ppl saw them actually kissing and "making love," they would like them more. On the GH Facebook page, many ppl were still calling them out for being boring and having no chemistry, so I think the experiment failed. I found nothing hot or sexy about those scenes. Millow is strictly FF/mute material for me! So, that's my theory/speculation, which will be confirmed (for me at least) if no one else gets any kisses or love scenes.

But then . . . . . . . . maybe all cast & crew members are vaccinated at this point, so things are back to normal! Primetime has been kissing for a minute now. I don't know, but I'm hoping for some Nava kisses/love scenes soon!!  

Oh, and CD and KM are engaged to other ppl in real life. 

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On YouTube though the Millow clips get way more views and comments than anyone else's. Besides that, I don't think the writers would exempt them from covid protocol. 

Edited by ulkis
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5 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Nava (COVID) romp was ridiculously HOT

Ava and Nik definitely have more chemistry than Michael and Willow (very low bar), but I thought the Ava/Nik's sex scene was ridiculous. They were so hamstrung with what they could do that it took me out of things. I'd rather they'd have gone back to eye-fucking each other, going in for the kiss, and the camera pans away before we see anything, then after the commercial break we see them post coitus. The Nina/Jax Covid love scene was equally ineffective for the same reason.

Just now, ulkis said:

I don't think the writers are so desperate for people to ship Millow that they would exempt them from covid protocol. 

The show could get into trouble with the union (and maybe health officials) if they don't comply with protocol, I think. If nothing else, it would be wildly irresponsible to put a boring, unnecessary love scene above health and safety practices.

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