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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Did anyone else get a chuckle out of Cyrus growling “Son of a BITCH!” while hurling barware?

I hope the bartender was well out of range when Cyrus did that. And I hope Carly mentions charging him for the broken glass the next time she sees him, hee.

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On 1/1/2021 at 5:49 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

I'm meh on the latest Alexis "off-the-wagon" S/L, seems like we've done this a few times now.

That's the worst thing about an alcoholism story on a soap. You know that "off the wagon" will be the go-to from then on, whenever the writers don't have anything else to do with the character. Sue Ellen Ewing's syndrome.  

On 1/2/2021 at 7:08 PM, Laur said:

Finn's 100% going to be Chase's father, so they also could play that out and then just send Finn and Jackie off together into the sunset. I wouldn't miss either of them.

I'd rather take my chances hanging on to Finn than risk a sixth Michael Easton GH character two years down the line, who could be worse. He's already done doctor x2, cop, and vampire. Next time he'd probably be the new mobster.

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Sure, Laura said that Jason "will do", but we best not be denied seeing Laura lay into Carly.

And apparently Carly also brought Bobbie into this?  How about a scene where Lucas lays into Carly too!  And way to learn your lesson, Barbara Jean.

5 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

That's the worst thing about an alcoholism story on a soap. You know that "off the wagon" will be the go-to from then on, whenever the writers don't have anything else to do with the character. Sue Ellen Ewing's syndrome.

All you got to do is look at AJ.

Edited by TeeVee329
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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

but we best not be denied seeing Laura lay into Carly.

The fact that Carly was at Jax's when Laura showed up to talk and ended up with Jason instead, is a clear indication that Carly won't get her knuckles rapped for this.  

Nancy, Marcus and Maura were on fire today.  

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Laura, your 'special relationship' BFF is Sonny. Maybe not be so hypocritical about being anti-Cyrus.

I need Laura to rain hellfire on Carly and on Jason if he's going to continue to protect her.  But also very stupid of Laura to tell Carly that information. Has she not met Carly?  Did they write the parallel of Jax wanting to protect Joss / Jason telling Carly to go upstairs to protect her deliberately?

There are lots of things that Carly has done that are unforgivable but none more so to me than this, maybe because I understand what it is to be old and sick and frail.I know it won't happen but she needs to die in a mob war for this, or at least be in jail permanently.

I didn't realize how nice it was to have a break over the holiday from Jax/Nina.

Who hates MW so much to put Ava in that dress?

3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The world's most laconic mobster. LOL.

It would make a nice change from Mumbles, but he would have to fight Jason for the position.

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I didn't think it could get any worse than Carly kidnapping an old woman, and then she told us BOBBIE is helping her. There is no justification in the world for Bobbie, a nurse, to endorse Carly's actions of taking a sick, innocent woman from her trusted medical care givers. I appreciate that Jason's furious over this scheme, but his fury is undercut by his willingness to take on all the blame and let Carly get away with everything. Hold. Her. Accountable. For. Her. Actions. If she wants to play with the big boys, let her face the consequences and stop cleaning up after her. Jason 100% knows what Carly did is wrong, yet she says she's not sorry and she regrets nothing; if there's any time for Jason to revoke his unconditional loyalty to Carly, this is it. Just imagine if someone had pulled this shit on Mike, man.

I liked Alexis, Nik and Ava's scenes a lot, though it seems maybe a bit quick for Alexis to be planting seeds of doubt into Ava's head. She and Nik have only been a happy legit couple for like a month-ish, and to my knowledge there's no longer any secrets between them, so Alexis going on about deception shouldn't make Ava look quite so wary. Still, it's nice to get some family content between Alexis and Nikolas (lol at his discomfort at her crack about his foreplay with Ava), and I wouldn't mind if we saw more of these three together, especially now that Julian is gone. 

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7 minutes ago, Linny said:

I didn't think it could get any worse than Carly kidnapping an old woman, and then she told us BOBBIE is helping her. There is no justification in the world for Bobbie, a nurse, to endorse Carly's actions of taking a sick, innocent woman from her trusted medical care givers. I appreciate that Jason's furious over this scheme, but his fury is undercut by his willingness to take on all the blame and let Carly get away with everything. Hold. Her. Accountable. For. Her. Actions. If she wants to play with the big boys, let her face the consequences and stop cleaning up after her. Jason 100% knows what Carly did is wrong, yet she says she's not sorry and she regrets nothing; if there's any time for Jason to revoke his unconditional loyalty to Carly, this is it. Just imagine if someone had pulled this shit on Mike, man.

If someone had taken Mike, Sonny might have been moved to actually pull the trigger once or twice. And Carly would be right behind him, screeching that it was more than justified. Once again, the hypocrisy here is staggering. (Though I still think it was a baller move.)

If Bobbie can shred a medical document so that her idiot great-grandson can get elective surgery against his mother's will, she can take care of someone's kidnapped elderly, ailing mother.

Totally agree Carly needs to be the one who faces the consequences of this. 

Joss is now 18?! That was quick.

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On 12/31/2020 at 6:24 PM, ByaNose said:

So, is Sonny in Beecher Corner or in Canada? I can never tell where the bodies land from that foot bridge. 

perhaps he is on the Pennsylvania side of the Secaucus River (yes, I know that isn't possible - I live in NJ - but when has that ever stopped the writers?)

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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Nancy, Marcus and Maura were on fire today.  

They really were.  Nancy was excellent when the scene got to be between Alexis and Ava. 

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

There are lots of things that Carly has done that are unforgivable but none more so to me than this, maybe because I understand what it is to be old and sick and frail.I know it won't happen but she needs to die in a mob war for this, or at least be in jail permanently.

What I found even more appalling was her taunting/bragging to Cyrus that his elderly, ill mother would "find her way back." 

4 hours ago, Linny said:

I didn't think it could get any worse than Carly kidnapping an old woman, and then she told us BOBBIE is helping her. There is no justification in the world for Bobbie, a nurse, to endorse Carly's actions of taking a sick, innocent woman from her trusted medical care givers. I appreciate that Jason's furious over this scheme, but his fury is undercut by his willingness to take on all the blame and let Carly get away with everything. Hold. Her. Accountable. For. Her. Actions. If she wants to play with the big boys, let her face the consequences and stop cleaning up after her. Jason 100% knows what Carly did is wrong, yet she says she's not sorry and she regrets nothing; if there's any time for Jason to revoke his unconditional loyalty to Carly, this is it. Just imagine if someone had pulled this shit on Mike, man.

So true. I'd like to see Bobbie and Carly in adjoining jail cells. Carly looks like she's waiting for Jason to give her a gold star for how she "handled it." She really is so proud of herself, thinking she has Jason's back.

I got a chuckle at Jason's "Are YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" look at Carly when Cyrus accused him of kidnapping Florence.

I kinda laughed when Cyrus said to Carly that she doesn't seem to be so broken up about her husband missing.

Me: "She cried on Christmas Eve -what more do you want from her, man?"

It's hard to feel bad for Jax's frustration about Joss's attitude when he's the one who told (former) Nina "I respect the hell out of Carly." Well, what did you expect would happen. You know Carly is a mob mole,  raising Josslyn to think and act like her. 

In revenge, I would suggest that Cyrus kidnap Carly and baby Donna, but he would have to offer his goons hazard pay for dealing with that mouth of hers for hours on end. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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3 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

perhaps he is on the Pennsylvania side of the Secaucus River (yes, I know that isn't possible - I live in NJ - but when has that ever stopped the writers?)

I totally forgot about the Pennsylvania side which is funny because it was said everyday when Nell “died”. I’m from Philadelphia and in theory he could be in NJ since Port Charles is in NY and NJ is connected. LOL!!!! I must say that foot bridge has amazing landing spots. People land everywhere. That said, is the footbridge that Sonny fell from the same Port Charles bridge that everyone goes to and talks. Like Robyn and Jason and whomever or is this an entirely different bridge? 

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I at least wish we had seen Bobbie agree to help Carly.  See a scene where a panicked and emotional Carly begged her mother for help, after the fact when it was too late to stop Carly from doing it in the first place.  But Carly casually, off-handedly mentioning it does neither character any favors. 

That Jason expressed more concern about Bobbie getting dragged into this than HER OWN DAUGHTER speaks volumes about what kind of monster Carly is.

Edited by TeeVee329
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8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I at least wish we had seen Bobbie agree to help Carly.  See a scene where a panicked and emotional Carly begged her mother for help, after the fact when it was too late to stop Carly from doing it in the first place.  But Carly casually, off-handedly mentioning it does neither character any favors. 

That Jason expressed more concern about Bobbie getting dragged into this than HER OWN DAUGHTER speaks volumes about what kind of monster Carly is.

When did Carly have enough time to get Spinelli to fake the transfer request, talk to Bobbie about taking care of Florence, talked to the guards who didn't check in with Jason, set up the safehouse and then move Florence out of Vermont to safehouse?

Laura went from talking to Carly to then meeting with Marty at the Metrocourt. During that time, Cyrus got the news and went to confront Jason.

That was well cooridinated which is something that I don't expect out of these incompetent criminals.

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I'd like to see Bobbie and Carly in adjoining jail cells.

Carly is a narcissistic asshole, but Bobbie is just a flat-out idiot.  I guess it's actually a blessing that she GOT FIRED FOR CAUSE from her job because now she's got all the free time in the world to indulge in what was previously only occasion law-breaking.

Jason, dare I say, actually look chagrined/pained about facing Laura's wrath.  Though maybe start re-thinking your special friendship with a mob boss, Laura?  How about that?


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On 1/2/2021 at 7:08 PM, Laur said:

Are TJ and Molly the most mature couple on the show? Possibly. That being said, it kind of made for a bit of a lackluster reveal about the whole Brando situation. I'm guessing it's because they're taking Brando in a different direction now that they have him in Sasha's orbit every five minutes? I definitely prefer Brando/Sasha to any of Sasha's other onscreen partners, but they also could head off forever and wouldn't be missed.

The only reason they are written maturely is because they are rarely written. When they are, Molly is randomly hooking up with a stranger before talking to her live-in boyfriend about their relationship. 

I have to give the show this about Carly kidnapping a sick old woman - Laura Wright really nailed Carly's self delusion.

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The tesseract machine must have been at work today. Carly tells Jason that she's taken care of things, Cyrus hears a out it at the Metro Court and before Carly can tell Jason just what she did, Cyrus is at the door. Then Cyrus zips back to the Metro Court to yell at Martin and Laura as Jason is telling Carly keep out of it. In the time it takes Carly to put on her coat and go to nearby Jax's, Laura is at Carly's door.

Bobbie is looking after Florence, but how is she going to get Florence's meds to her? Even if the transfer papers cane qith a list of Florence's medications, she's going to need a doctor  to write the prescriptions. And how did Carly get the medical equipment to the safe house so fast? Those things take time.

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Okay I decided to catch up on these clips (it's so fun talking with you guys!!!) So i went back to when Laura was spilling the tea on Florence. (I'll probably do the Finn/Anna stuff later). 

Notes (on the Carly/Jason Storyline):
 That top on Laura Wright is so wrong. 

2: Dec 30th conversation. Honestly. This isn't best friend-ness show. This is just wanting to have your cake and eat it as well. The words, the music, the looks, the anguish/emotion (which were all kinda well done) - means nothing because it's Jason and Carly. By this point you need to poop or get off the pot. Have them be together or tone down the romantic-esque angst. Write them as best friends.  - or take this time with Sony being "dead" to have them somewhat cross the line. (which would actually be interesting and different). 

  • 2B: when I read comments about how awesome these three are i always have to roll my eyes. but when you hear Carly go, "I had to protect  you, I'd go along etc etc etc"  I really wish someone had a recording when these people go "I'm a good parent!!!" She has like what a 6 month old (at most) at home, and for all intents and purposes - her father is dead. And Carly doesn't care if she flings herself into danger? Like then what is the point  of giving them a new baby? 
  • 2C:  had the shot, but i couldn't take it because you were there. If there was a witness..." What? Jason. if Carly wasn't there, there still woulda been a witness you dumbo. 

3: So is Bobbie just part of the mob now like the hell?  Not to say I wish actual harm on Florence. but a part of me hope she dies because of Carly. Not that Carly would feel any sense of remorse but still. 


This show again constantly weaves little threads. Jason screaming "I always survive a shot. but I couldn't handle it if something happened to do." (that line was missing  like it killed Micheal. but you know. Micheal isn't dead from a shot that shoulda murdered him dead. or you know Carly screaming well no, the last time you were shot you went missing for five years and I can't have that happen again!). 

Portia & Jordan

I have no idea who/what is with this Jordan chick but i don't like her acting choices. Like at all.  Portia (aka Whitney Russell, I see you girl!). was on point with all her dressing downs. I remember that Jordan had something to do with TJ being kidnapped or something so basically it was all over her head anyway. 

that's what i managed to catch
(also, Laura is upset. so she'll wait for Carly. please Lauraslap the taste out of Carly, Laura). 

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18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Who hates MW so much to put Ava in that dress?


Oh I didn't think it was too bad, I thought it could hide a multitude of lockdown sins.  But maybe I was hypnotized from staring at it so much.

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So, basically Carly just threw the Corinthos "Code" out the window. I mean, Sonny insisting that family is off-limits is one of the things that make him a 'good' mobster, right? (that, and the no drugs rule)

Also, something has got to give with this mob war-- Cyrus has been around since before lockdown. I'm pretty sure we're gonna see the Brooke Q/Valentin Cassidine baby before we see a mob war.



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13 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Also, something has got to give with this mob war-- Cyrus has been around since before lockdown. I'm pretty sure we're gonna see the Brooke Q/Valentin Cassidine baby before we see a mob war.


But something did give. Cyrus was trying to get Jason killed and he used Julian and the bomb to get that done. In the processs, Dev was killed and Lulu was placed in a coma. Prior to this, Sonny/Jason had blown up Cyrus warehouse. 

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31 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

So, basically Carly just threw the Corinthos "Code" out the window. I mean, Sonny insisting that family is off-limits is one of the things that make him a 'good' mobster, right? (that, and the no drugs rule)

Also, something has got to give with this mob war-- Cyrus has been around since before lockdown. I'm pretty sure we're gonna see the Brooke Q/Valentin Cassidine baby before we see a mob war.



Not really. Remember, Carly has to frame all of her shitty behavior as somewhat altruistic. As long as Nurse Bobby is there, she didn't do anything wrong, even though round the clock care literally means round the clock and Bobby is one person. My great uncle had team of caregivers rotating during the day and his wife full time, and the rest of my family showed up a few times a week to pitch in.  A young nurse, male or female would have a hard time with this.

Now Jason has decided to "let it play out" instead of returning the woman to the medical facility post haste. He has the benefit not morally getting his hands dirty and treating Carly like a child but with Cyrus under his thumb, never mind this could lead Cyrus to kidnap Jason's children, Michael or Wiley. 

That is why I prefer Sonny and Carly to Jason. There are times on this show where it has to acknowledge they are both shitty people, even if they get no punishment for it. Even when Jason gets members of his family killed, he still presented as an innocent.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Let them build into a good solid couple or even super couple first. 

The problem is that they're limited in what they can do with NAva because of Covid.  If this was a normal year, those two would be in bed every day and twice on Sundays.  We would be seeing the romance side of it play out.  But we can't, so we have to assume that they're doing it like bunnies every chance they get and they're throwing angst at them sooner than they normally would.  


28 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Hahaha like any random person working in a hospital would know who Dante Falconari is

How weird was that.  It would have made more sense if she had asked where Kevin's office was, since she was originally looking for Kevin, and that would be a question you would ask a random hospital employee.  Do better, show.  

Edited by perkie1968
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I have to agree with Carly telling Nina to butt out of things. Joss isn't Nina's daughter or living with her and Jax.

Way to decide someone else's life for them, Jax. Tell Nina who her daughter is and let the chips fall where they may, however inconvenient it may be for you and everyone else. Ugh, it's so patronizing and infantilizing.

I'm a bit surprised Laura doesn't realize Carly is the one who kidnapped Florence. It's not as if Laura is unaware of what Carly is capable of.

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I thought that soap operas were supposed to appeal to women. Seeing Carly as her hypocritical trash self, while Jason and Jax protect her and lying for her, as Sonny would if he were there, doesn't impress me at all.

I wish Laura weren't so quick to assume that it was Jason who ordered Florence's kidnapping. Her blind spots about Sonny and Carly don't do her any favours. And then there's Anna and Maxie's blind spots about Peter. I think the only scenes I enjoyed today were Marty's.

3 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

So, basically Carly just threw the Corinthos "Code" out the window. I mean, Sonny insisting that family is off-limits is one of the things that make him a 'good' mobster, right? (that, and the no drugs rule)

They have to prove how much better Sonny and Jason are even as mobsters than the wimminz..

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19 hours ago, ByaNose said:

That said, is the footbridge that Sonny fell from the same Port Charles bridge that everyone goes to and talks. Like Robyn and Jason and whomever or is this an entirely different bridge? 

same bridge; no way are they spending money on a second one.  Also, looks just like the other one.  I had the same thought.

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39 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm a bit surprised Laura doesn't realize Carly is the one who kidnapped Florence. It's not as if Laura is unaware of what Carly is capable of.

This is the thing that has been driving me nuts. Why Laura would even tell the SheBeast about her connection to Cyrus, or that he had a mother who was frail and in a long-term health facility. She KNOWS her and the kind of things she is capable of. Yes, I still remember them being at odds when Mooby basically told Laura to suck it up and work with his wife on Deception.

How I miss the Mooby-hating Laura, who, in her grief railed at him and called him "Murderer" after she thought she was looking at Lucky's burned to a crisp body in the morgue.

Found it! Starts at 5:32. This is MY LAURA.


Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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48 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Way to decide someone else's life for them, Jax. Tell Nina who her daughter is and let the chips fall where they may, however inconvenient it may be for you and everyone else. Ugh, it's so patronizing and infantilizing.

and effing boring. What are they waiting for? Get this moving already.

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23 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

same bridge; no way are they spending money on a second one.  Also, looks just like the other one.  I had the same thought.

Couldn't they have had Julian hop the train to the suburbs? That tiny bridge with those pastoral surroundings being set in Secaucus was ridiculous.

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*shallow thought*

It was both completely in character and totally hilarious that Sam and Jason have the world's most depressing holiday wreath on their door.

It wasn't even silver, it was grey. Well done set dresser! 

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Laura cannot be this naive. Not when it comes to the SheBeast! I thought for sure when Marty was telling her that Jaysus wasn’t impulsive, that he was very meticulous, that he would have told her that it was SheBeast who was responsible for his mother’s kidnapping! And even if he didn’t, just the words he used should have had a 💡 go off in Laura’s head that she was blaming the wrong person. But noooooo.  I hate it when Laura looks stupid.


The look on Valentin’s face when Marty revealed that Laura was his and Cyrus’ sister had me 😂😂 James Patrick Stuart did such a good job with his eyes in that scene.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I have to agree with Carly telling Nina to butt out of things. Joss isn't Nina's daughter or living with her and Jax.

I'm a bit surprised Laura doesn't realize Carly is the one who kidnapped Florence. It's not as if Laura is unaware of what Carly is capable of.

A) While Nina should stay out of it, she only butted in because of Carly shrieking at Jax for not having blind faith in her about protecting Josslyn,
and Jax raising his voice in return.

B) Yes, I really don't like Laura's plot point stupidity. Same goes for so-called WSB bad ass Anna's plot point stupidity in not recognizing Obrecht because of a wig and mask that doesn't cover her face in the preview for tomorrow.

49 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

 just the words he used should have had a 💡 go off in Laura’s head that she was blaming the wrong person. But noooooo.  I hate it when Laura looks stupid.

I thought the same thing.

Jax: The longer Sonny is missing, the less likely it is he's coming back (paraphrased).

Me: Don't toy with me, Show. That's not a nice way to say Happy New Year.

I liked seeing Elizabeth interact with Dante and then Anna. 

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24 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Jax: The longer Sonny is missing, the less likely it is he's coming back (paraphrased).

When he said that, I had the same reaction as Carly, i.e. storming out of the room.  Except mine was because I don't like being treated like an idiot by the writers because we all know Sonny will be back.

Also, had to laugh when Jason says to Sam that he's there to see Danny and Sam responds "Danny and Scout are at Monica's."  A.) of course they are, seeing as how busy she is just...staring off into space and B.) keep trying to act like Jason is a father to Scout because not only is that untrue, but Jason doesn't seem the least bit interested in the role.  He's barely interested in his biological children. 

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Jax to Carly: Your priorities should be on our daughter's safety
Carly (angry): I don't need you to tell me about my priorities, I know what my priorities are!

Yeup. Kidnapping an old, helpless woman, drooling over Jason,  and pretending to be a mobster instead of being with Donna and Avery. 


5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This is the thing that has been driving me nuts. Why Laura would even tell the SheBeast about her connection to Cyrus, or that he had a mother who was frail and in a long-term health facility. She KNOWS her and the kind of things she is capable of. Yes, I still remember them being at odds when Mooby basically told Laura to suck it up and work with his wife on Deception.

How I miss the Mooby-hating Laura, who, in her grief railed at him and called him "Murderer" after she thought she was looking at Lucky's burned to a crisp body in the morgue.

Found it! Starts at 5:32. This is MY LAURA.


this show needs more of this. (and not just Jax because of the history, or Mac - but much more people).

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9 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

He has the benefit not morally getting his hands dirty and treating Carly like a child but with Cyrus under his thumb, never mind this could lead Cyrus to kidnap Jason's children, Michael or Wiley. 

I so want Cyrus to kidnap Wiley.   Then maybe Willow will get a clue about the family she married into.  

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I loved the quick scene between Elizabeth and Maxie about the wedding--Maxie looked uncomfortable like she didn't want to admit to not inviting Liz and Liz explains that Anna and Finn invited her and Franco--a good nod to character history.

So we're supposed to believe that Dr. O's going to fool super-spy Anna with a mask and blond wig? Alrighty then.


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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

B) Yes, I really don't like Laura's plot point stupidity. Same goes for so-called WSB bad ass Anna's plot point stupidity in not recognizing Obrecht because of a wig and mask that doesn't cover her face in the preview for tomorrow. 


3 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

So we're supposed to believe that Dr. O's going to fool super-spy Anna with a mask and blond wig? Alrighty then.

I’ve not seen the scene yet, but bonus eye-roll points if Liesl doesn’t try to disguise her accent. This is, after all, the show that brought us Denise DiMuccio and Jordan’s inability to identify a face-down murder victim because she failed to turn the body over. 

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On 12/27/2020 at 11:15 PM, Melgaypet said:

I do think switching a living baby for a dead one is the soapier idea. Two live babies being switched is usually the result of an error, like I said, instead of a deliberate act.

Now I'm trying to remember if any soap has done that story. The only one I can think of is CJ Roberts and Al Holden from OLTL, and CJ was presumed dead at birth, so.

I know this comment is from awhile ago and maybe somebody has already responded, but this is precisely what happened with Laura.

Lesley was told that her child was stillborn, but in actuality she has given birth to a daughter. Another woman, Barbara Vining had a stillbirth. The nurse in the maternity ward was paid to switch babies(I had remembered it as Lesley’s father paying her off but the current take is that Gordon Gray did it).  When Laura was about 12 the nurse showed up at GH to make a deathbed confession, and Lesley tracked down Laura. There was some drama of course but eventually they SORASED Laura to be 15 and Genie Francis and she came to live permanently with Lesley.

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FYI: first 15 minutes of GH pre-empted in the DMV area because of special report on protests in downtown DC/evacuations of two Capitol Hill buildings as well as the Electoral College count/objection(s) and debate(s) going on. 

As a result, we missed the Anna-Obrecht scene(s) and most of Anna-Dante.  Dante about when he was undercover as "Dominic" and infiltrated Sonny's business: "Look how that turned out."

However, Obrecht and Britt are face-to-face, with Obrecht still wearing her wig. Britt asking if Obrecht's release is for real.

Laura briefly with Ava and Nikolas at Charley's talking about Cyrus, then Kevin calls and she tells him they'll be right there.

Cyrus gets in Jordan's face because he's pissed off at her nonchalance about his mother missing.

After 10 minutes, GH is again pre-empted in the DMV because of the Capitol on lockdown - breach of first floor. Both Houses of Congress in recess now. 

Did anyone else get to see today's show?

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We here in Toronto got the full episode today.  Looks like Americans will get it all tomorrow.  I write the recap column for the Daytime Confidential website and this is the column for today.  Here it is for anyone who wants to know what happened today. For anyone who wants to stay spoiled for possibly seeing it live tomorrow, please stop reading.....


Anna doesn't recognize Liesl in disguise and she manages to slip away when Dante shows up.  Anna questions Dante about being released from the WSB.  Anna says she's concerned about him and believes Dr Kirk's death wasn't an accident.  Dante says he can't do anything about Kirk's death, but he's determined to make PC safe.  

Liesl bumps into Britt, who very quickly recognizes her mother.  Liesl shows Britt a letter from the WSB, showing she's been exonerated.  She says the evidence against her was fabricated.  Britt asks why she's in disguise, and Liesl says she needs to stay hidden to save Britt from Peter.  
Liesl says she's here to collect proof against Peter but that he can't know she's been released and is back.  Liesl tells Britt not to underestimate Peter, that he'll do anything to protect the family he's created with Maxei.  Britt promises to keep Liesl' return a secret and the two share a hug.

Nikolas helps Ava clean out Julian's belongings from the bar.  Ava finds a note, naming her as the executor of his estate.  Laura joins them and offers her condolences to Ava and tells Nikolas about Martin and Cyrus.  Nikolas is less than thrilled at his new uncles.  

Britt tells Kevin that the hospital has done everything they can for Ryan.  Kevin calls Laura to join him at the hospital, with Nik and Ava.  
Kevin explains to them that Ryan has locked in syndrome which is similar to a stroke.  Kevin says Ryan can move his eyes and think but he's trapped within his body.  Kevin says Ryan is now considered low risk and will be taken to a minimum security facility.  
Ava taunts Ryan and digs her nails in his hand but Ryan doesn't flinch.  Ryan is taken away but smiles as he goes.  

Valentin wants Martin to hire a PI to look into Jax, since he's worried about Nina.  Martin tells him to shove it, that he has to rescue his mother.  Valentin is not amused but Martin tears a strip off of him.  Valentin offers his help so Martin tells him that Jason has kidnapped Florence.  
Cyrus goes to Jordan about Jason, telling her that she needs to reign him in.  Cyrus explains but Jordan says Vermont is out of her jurisdiction and gleefully says there is nothing she can do.  

Cyrus brings up Taggert's death and resurgence.  Cyrus accuses her of faking Taggert's death and tells her to immediately find his mother.  Jordan finds her backbone and tells Cyrus to find Florence himself.  

Cyrus warns that he'll cause problems for Jordan, but she doesn't care.  Jordan says everyone she cares about knows what she did and that Taggert will lie to protect her.  Jordan tells Cyrus that his leverage on her is gone.  Cyrus says his mother is innocent, but Jordan counters that TJ was as well.  Jordan rubs it in hard that he's as helpless as she was.  

Anna talks to Kevin about Dr Kirk and that he was murdered but wants to know about him.  Kevin says Dr Kirk worked as a neuro-psychiatrist and that he was working on treating brain diseases or disorders and that he was military.  Kevin says Kirk was working on ways to condition people.  

Maxie complains to Peter about the shared guest list for the double wedding while shooting the stink eye at Franco and Liz.
Franco complains to Liz about Peter's voice still being in his head and not knowing what to do about it.  Franco's not sure if they should attend the wedding, but Liz is determined to go since Violet is her niece.  

Franco talks to Peter about whether or not to attend the wedding.  Peter convinces him, since he doesn't have many friends in town.  Franco's fine with it, thankful to Peter for saving him from the gunman that he believes Liesl hired.  

Franco mentions to Peter that Drew's memories are coming back.  Peter looks worried when  Franco says he hears Peter's voice in his head.  

Laura tells Cyrus that she doesn't know where his mother is, but that she's safe.  She tells him not to escalate .  

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Liesl's crossed eyes face when Britt pulls off her mask is hilarious.So was her accent and telling Britt to call the WSB to confirm, they have a  1-800 number and everything. Metastatement from Britt about her bangs maybe being a mistake.

Dante looked Anna in the eye and said that he's going to keep Port Charles safe for Rocco's and the other children. Can she say the same?🔥

"She's been kidnapped." " I didn't see that coming."  Marty and Valentin could be a beautiful bromance.

Jordan tell Cyrus that he can't retaliate by kidnapping a Corinthos. The anvil hurts my head.

I'm glad that Ryan is going to be shelved but still around for longterm shenanigans. I wish that Julian were too.

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