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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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26 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

So when Sam says Danny is just like Jason, it doesn’t mean he inherited a Jason’s genes, it just means that he wants to BE Jason. Or at least the Jason he knows. And Sam is right that Danny doesn’t have the experience to fend for himself if he gets into a tricky situation. 

 In scenes after Danny was brought home by the police - before they knew Jason was returning to Port Charles/alive - Sam told first Dante that Danny was being "Jason's son" and then said to Alexis that Danny is "hard-wired" (as in, DNA) to be drawn to danger, and not think through actions, like Jason. Sam did not know 14-year-old healthy Jason Quartermaine, so her repeated statements that Danny is just like Jason are nonsense. I had the same reaction to delusional Carly telling Danny he reminds her so much of his dad. She didn't know 14-year-old Jason Quartermaine, either!  Ladies, dangerous/impulse behavior resulting from traumatic brain injury is not hereditary.

Sam also complained to Elizabeth that Danny doesn't talk much "just like his dad." Elizabeth responded that the not talking is common teenager behavior.

From my perspective, Sam is projecting her remaining anger and hurt toward Jason for how he failed their family, combined with self-disappointment that she chose him despite all the evidence (and warnings from Alexis) he would be bad for her/kids in the long term, onto this Danny/Jason and Danny situation. Sam worrying that Danny now wants to emulate what he perceives as his dad's cool behavior is another story. 

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Nina and Ava were on fire. Given their history, I think they were only "friends" because they were both sooo desperate just to have a friend. Ava was always going to be willing to betray Nina after what Nina did to her, and Nina would not be able to keep blinders on about that forever. 

Drew was very handsy with Willow today, touching her several times ~once on the lower back. True Story: Once I got busted for secretly dating a guy my friend had made clear she was interested in cuz we were all walking together in a group and he unconsciously put his hand on my lower back when a dog startled us. ...Just sayin'. 

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Yeah the vibes with Drew and Willow have me thinking the erstwhile Ryan Lavery is about to get his Tad the Cad on. Please! Blow up that interminable marriage! Give Willow and Nina some actual conflict based on real current behavior. Then have Drew pick Nina and unleash Dark Willow.

Ava and Nina were indeed fire today. So much history and subtext. And honestly the Sonny/Carly stuff wasn't bad either.

And someone remembered to water the sad succulent wall!

Edited by Grinaldi
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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 In scenes after Danny was brought home by the police - before they knew Jason was returning to Port Charles/alive - Sam told first Dante that Danny was being "Jason's son" and then said to Alexis that Danny is "hard-wired" (as in, DNA) to be drawn to danger, and not think through actions, like Jason.

I didn't see those scenes as talking about genes or Jason Quartermaine. YMMV. Hardwired can be a turn of phrase.

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3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

In scenes after Danny was brought home by the police - before they knew Jason was returning to Port Charles/alive - Sam told first Dante that Danny was being "Jason's son" and then said to Alexis that Danny is "hard-wired" (as in, DNA) to be drawn to danger, and not think through actions, like Jason. Sam did not know 14-year-old healthy Jason Quartermaine, so her repeated statements that Danny is just like Jason are nonsense. I had the same reaction to delusional Carly telling Danny he reminds her so much of his dad. She didn't know 14-year-old Jason Quartermaine, either!  Ladies, dangerous/impulse behavior resulting from traumatic brain injury is not hereditary.

Sam also complained to Elizabeth that Danny doesn't talk much "just like his dad." Elizabeth responded that the not talking is common teenager behavior.

Why would Carly have needed to know Jason Q to remark that she thought Danny was just like Jason? Carly wasn't saying he was just like teenage Jason; she was saying he reminded her of the Jason she knows. The same goes for Sam commenting on Danny not talking much. That is very much a Jason Morgan thing. And, at this point, Jason has been Jason Morgan longer than he was Jason Q. Of course when people talk about him being like his dad, Jason Morgan is who they're referring to. 

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If I were Sam, I would let Danny and Jason visit with each other as long as there were at least two body guards/security people present.  Sort of a supervised visitation thing.  As far as Sam's other concern, that Jason could just take off again, just warn Danny it could happen.  Have Jason explain it, too, as well as the danger in being around him and thus the need for security.  Danny shouldn't be denied seeing his father (even if it is Jason 😒).

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I thought today's show was pretty great. I enjoy all the conversation today even the weakest one which was between Maxie and Lois and was only because this seem like the first time Lois ever spoke to Maxie as adult.

While there was little action today, with all the conversations between characters, there was a lot of movement in stories as a result:

  • Sonny continues to isolate himself from everyone. I agree that MB was really good with that line reading about not believing that Carly would ever abandon him
  • Willow and Drew - okay, I guess the show is continuing that they are "close." It was interesting that even though Drew clearly told Nina he wasn't going to help her with Willow and the grandkids, he ended up doing so in a way that wasn't pushy and let Willow to decide what to do with his information
  • All those convos between Jason/Danny, Sam/Kristina, Danny/Kristina, Jason/Sam. That are character driven as they are getting into the meat of the storyline whereby Sam is afraid Danny will be heartbroken because Jason cannot be reliable and Jason knowing she is right but also knowing that Danny isn't going to let that stop from being around his dad
  • Nina & Ava kaput. Good. It never made sense. Yes Ava was thankful to Nina for helping her realize that she wasn't crazy and needed to be in a mental hospital because Nikolas was haunting her. But enough was enough. They are better as enemies than as friends. Better enemies than Nina vs Carly
  • Sonny and Nina kaput - fucking finally. After three long years where I had to watch as my favorite character on the show (yes he is a criminal idiot who doesn't know how to use a condom or gun properly, but he is my criminal idiot). I hated every single second of Nixon Falls and the purest love bullshit that was Sonny and Nina. I was even happy to endure their montage in which they showed Sonny wearing that stupid hat, because the montage/divorce means that they are done

None of this was flashy, but it was pretty good dialogue and I thought the actors did well with the material and some things were resolved in a way that made sense to me.

Now I just hope when we get to May sweeps, we get some of the flashy with the good dialogue/character driven stories. I expect a bunch of somethings happening at Brooklyn/Chase's wedding because they are not going to bringing any real drama.

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I thought ava was right when she said Nina didn't know the real Sonny. 

Who has the most money in Port Charles? Jason got the Metro court back,Nina had  money to pay half, Carly went broke, and Michael had 5 million to bail out Jason.

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Awww, was the awful Gas Man being a big old MEANIE to the SheBeast? That she needed BIG STRONG JASON to convince him to shorten the stoppage to just one day? And oh, look! Instead of no-blinking, deadpan, threatening hitman Jason, we get a courteous and polite one. And Big Old Meanie changes his mind.

Cujo probably trashed the notices, because that would be SO LIKE HER.

GAG ME with her tears over a stupid TATTOO!

I get that I'm supposed to be happy that Anna has finally seen the light as to Mooby. But can she just FUCKING STOP with the WATERWORKS?

First with Laura; then with Fucking MiniSheBEAST! And AGAIN with Molly!!!

I really hate to agree with the miniSheBeast, but she was right in one thing-Anna is hiring Dex as a cop to protect his ass from Mooby, and use him to get Mooby. Not because she thinks he's good cop material.

And heads up, Anna. It's not YOUR JOB or YOUR CALL to tell Molly who she can or cannot prosecute.

Good Lord. What 14 year-old drinks coffee? I know I was supposed to think how sweet and funny that scene with Danny and Kristina was, but it just made me roll my eyes.

Yes, Danny-I-wanna-just-see-and-visit-with-my-cool-dad-Morgan, the way to do that is to sneak up the fire escape and into his room, instead of openly going to see him. Oh right. Don't want Mom to find out. And trying on Jason's jacket? Jeebus Cripes.

Glad that this supposed friendship between Ava and Nina is also done. And sorry, but I was there, Ava DID tell Nina she should report Cujo to the SEC; then later said she shouldn't.  It wasn't some hypothetical thing.

But yes, Nina was wilfully ignorant about who Mooby is.

And lookit Cujo jumping and squealing like a tween at having her hotel back. I had to cover my ears when Olivia joined in the screaming.

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8 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Why would Carly have needed to know Jason Q to remark that she thought Danny was just like Jason? Carly wasn't saying he was just like teenage Jason; she was saying he reminded her of the Jason she knows. The same goes for Sam commenting on Danny not talking much. That is very much a Jason Morgan thing. And, at this point, Jason has been Jason Morgan longer than he was Jason Q. Of course when people talk about him being like his dad, Jason Morgan is who they're referring to. 

The Jason that Carly knows is brain damaged and has spent the bare minimum time with Danny. So in my opinion, Danny could not have learned habits/ways of behaving from Jason. Carly missed Jason and wanted to remember him (not knowing in that moment she would see him very soon), so she decided that Danny's behavior reminded her of Jason. YMMV.

A teenager not talking much to their mom is in no way a sign of being just like another parent. Lots of teenagers internalize things and don't communicate much with their parents. Sam has never raised a teenager before to understand that. She has a history of being angry at/frustrated with Jason for not talking to her about things she wanted him to share, esp. the "Jake is my son" secret. That is why, in my opinion, she is so upset about Danny lately. She got together with Dante having never really worked through her feelings about her relationship with Jason ending and why, so her gut reaction to Danny sneaking out once and drinking is "OMG he's just like Jason this is a crisis situation WHAT DO I DO."   Then of course, Danny lying to his mom because his dad asked him to seems to endorse her fear of Danny being like his dad has come true. 

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10 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

And honestly the Sonny/Carly stuff wasn't bad either.

It wasn't. Like others, I was a bit surprised that Carly hasn't considered that Sonny is off his meds—or that something is going wrong there—but on the other hand, she doesn't live with him anymore, and he's always been mercurial.

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Honestly the only way I ever know whether Sonny's off his meds is that the story tells us. Because he always seems like he is throwing temper tantrums if things don't go his way, medicated or not. I  don't see that much of a difference. 

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Yeah, Sonny's meds are a plot point more than anything else.

But Carly's always made the point that she knows Sonny best, blah blah blah, so when she misses it, it seems more pertinent.

Edited by dubbel zout
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3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The Jason that Carly knows is brain damaged and has spent the bare minimum time with Danny. So in my opinion, Danny could not have learned habits/ways of behaving from Jason. Carly missed Jason and wanted to remember him (not knowing in that moment she would see him very soon), so she decided that Danny's behavior reminded her of Jason. YMMV.

A teenager not talking much to their mom is in no way a sign of being just like another parent. Lots of teenagers internalize things and don't communicate much with their parents. Sam has never raised a teenager before to understand that. She has a history of being angry at/frustrated with Jason for not talking to her about things she wanted him to share, esp. the "Jake is my son" secret. That is why, in my opinion, she is so upset about Danny lately. She got together with Dante having never really worked through her feelings about her relationship with Jason ending and why, so her gut reaction to Danny sneaking out once and drinking is "OMG he's just like Jason this is a crisis situation WHAT DO I DO."   Then of course, Danny lying to his mom because his dad asked him to seems to endorse her fear of Danny being like his dad has come true. 

Danny doesn't have to have spent time around Jason to display traits similar to his or for people who know Jason to think he's acting like him in some ways. It's not an outlandish concept. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Liz also recently remarked about how she thought Jake was like Jason in some way—I can't remember the exact comment.

Some teenagers don't like to talk to their parents, and some do. I think it was a bit odd for one incident to have Sam freaking out about Danny being like Jason, but lately, with seeing Danny more and seeing his already hero worship of Jason, I get her concern a lot more.


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I guess I'm just confused. I thought being Bi-Polar was extreme moods, that swerved from manic behavior to lows?

How Mooby is acting, with Valentin having messing with his meds-is more paranoid and delusional, which, in TV Land* I've been shown were symptoms of those who suffer from schizophrenia? 

But it appears that Show is treating them as if they are interchangeable?

*Law & Order is how this was laid out to viewers.

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Welp, you know there are different writers at play when Kristina gets to call Josslyn on "virtue signaling" and being drunk. 

It's good to see cast integration in two different celebration scenes, where those being celebrated are not Sonny and/or Carly's kids. 

The great-

At BLQ's bridal shower: everything Tracy, Brooklyn's makeup, Lois giving the sweet speech about BLQ, and Kristina being over Josslyn's I-hate-your-dad spiel. No sign of Carly or Sam.

 At the ax throwing thing - Ned finally appearing and welcoming Chase to the family, Dante calling Chase family in front of everyone and the gift, Blaze appearing to raise that sweet toast to Chase, and Chase being appreciative of his family and the rest.

The awful -

Why must Dex be propped at two different parties? I hated that use of the groom and Dante. Why did Curtis and Drew both get mores lines than the bride's father?! Curtis gets to brag to his ex about how well he's doing. Ugh. Drew was out of place there; he may be BLQ's cousin but they don't talk and he does not have a relationship with Chase. Spinelli is the best they could come up with for DJ-ing the party?! I felt bad for BLQ that the idiot thought he should take over the dance floor. He was the only one who could make miss "I'm hot stuff/we Bensonhurt babes are so awesome" Olivia's dance moves look less hideous.  

I understand why LC/Monica wasn't at BLQ's bridal shower, but I hate to miss out on seeing Monica Quartermaine and Lois's mom at a family event yet Carly's brat daughter is invited. 

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Have BL and Trina ever met? Because that scene was weird. Also, Joss and Trina were already dressed for the party, not for that new set.

I don't mind Blaze, but they are really trying to make her happen.

When Spinelli started dancing like a degenerate, Trina should have backed away from that situation.

Michael has no place at Chase's bachelor.

You can miss me with poor Dex not being accepted by the other cops. 

Front desk police officer has been on the show for such a long time and I didn't even know who he was because he was dressed differently. It took me a hot second to connect the dots.

The spa gift was ultra lame.

Joss can go and fall off a cliff anytime now.

All in all, not a bad episode.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I would be drinking copiously at either of those parties. Good lord, how boring. Those idiotic games at BLQ's party!

I wish Stella had been at BL's party and she and Tracy showed everyone how it was done.

5 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Why did Curtis and Drew both get mores lines than the bride's father?!

We barely even saw Ned.

It was nice to have a heartfelt episode for a change.

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43 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I guess I'm just confused. I thought being Bi-Polar was extreme moods, that swerved from manic behavior to lows?

How Mooby is acting, with Valentin having messing with his meds-is more paranoid and delusional, which, in TV Land* I've been shown were symptoms of those who suffer from schizophrenia? 

But it appears that Show is treating them as if they are interchangeable?

*Law & Order is how this was laid out to viewers.

I thought the same but evidently paranoia can be a bi-polar symptom. (Thank you, Dr. Google.)

I only bothered to look it up because I couldn't imagine MB going along with a mistake like that.

Edited by tessaray
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40 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I thought the same but evidently paranoia can be a bi-polar symptom. (Thank you, Dr. Google.)

I only bothered to look it up because I couldn't imagine MB going along with a mistake like that.

Thanks for clarifying, @tessaray

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...and that is why I do not go to bridal showers. 🤣 I am going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume the director told them to dance like alien beings who have never heard music before and have no concept of rhythm and such.  

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Was Lois going to entertain a kid's party later?  Because otherwise I don't understand the stegosaurus hairdo.  And don't get me started on her and Olivia's ~dancing.  Yikes.

Joss: now and forever a brat.  And, oh look, running to Jason tomorrow.  Like mother, like daughter.


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37 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Joss: now and forever a brat.  And, oh look, running to Jason tomorrow.  Like mother, like daughter.

Probably to ask him to protect Dex. 🙄

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I really liked they got most of the cast in those two parties. We haven’t gotten enough of that in the last few years

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I liked the amount of cast together and the leaving out of Carly. 

Ned actually is back. I thought at the rate he wasn't in anything to do with the wedding or Dante's shooting or Jason's return they'd make an excuse he couldn't be at the wedding. 

Curtis suddenly can throw axes when he couldn't walk days before. 

Trina got a random invite and Joss signed her name to her gift was weird. Where's Elizabeth and Sam instead of them? They should be there. 

Curtis and Chase are close enough for him to give a speech? 

Does Joss see her mother or Jason for what they are? What does she expect Kristina to do, he's her father.  

Edited by Artsda
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I loved seeing Tracy, looking fabulous as always, at BLQ's bachelorette party. I fast-forwarded the hatchet-throwing party - I didn't care - although it was nice getting a glimpse of Ned!

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13 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

Honestly the only way I ever know whether Sonny's off his meds is that the story tells us. Because he always seems like he is throwing temper tantrums if things don't go his way, medicated or not. I  don't see that much of a difference. 

Maybe we need a cue for which is which. Like, when he's just growling and snarling, that's lack of meds. When he's throwing barware, that's all Sonny.

I would look sideways at any cops who DID accept Dex into their orbit right away. He's barely rinsed off the mobster dust.

Lois was dressed like a cartoon, but her happy face will never not light up a room. Gorgeous.

Speaking of gorgeous, Tracy. How 'bout that twerking? And I loved seeing her hair in a ponytail rather than the usual bun. With the trademark Tracy side braids, yay!  It feels like Jane Elliot is having more fun lately. Or maybe I'm just projecting because I am.

Willow had a different energy today-- more lively, less clingy.  Turns out all she has to do is get away from Michael for me to not hate her.

Joss was Joss. Shut up and stop trying to ruin someone else's party with your sanctimonious badgering. Kristina can't even enjoy a cocktail, she doesn't need to endure your crap, too.

Was I terrible for hoping an ax would land just a leeetle closer to Drew?

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10 hours ago, TVbitch said:

director told them to dance like alien beings who have never heard music before and have no concept of rhythm and such.  


Do they actually have music playing or is each actor dancing to whatever music is in their head? I always chalk it up to that.

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13 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Joss: now and forever a brat.  And, oh look, running to Jason tomorrow.  Like mother, like daughter.


Kristina needs to realize that she is never going to have a mature discussion about Sonny with a twenty-one year old twit.  Joss is insufferable and she needs more of a storyline then constantly whining about Dex.

And the other cops aren't being nice to Dex?  So?  Every rookie needs to go through some kind of hazing and if Dex is as super-awesome as the show keeps telling us he is, he'll win over the entire police force in a matter of days while solving every case.

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Yesterday wasn’t a real plot-driven episode, but it was certainly nice to see such a large number of the cast interacting within a single episode. Add the handful of extras and this is probably more people than we’ve even seen at recent Nurses’ Balls.  It did look like the performers were really enjoying themselves, which is always nice to watch. Agree with someone above that I’d liked to have seen Stella at the Savoy (“Tracy invited me!”).

I haven’t laughed out loud at intentional GH humor in a while but Lois’ (paraphrasing) “oh god, tell me that’s not our stripper?!?!” did the trick.

Forgive what may be ignorance, but does Laura know that the person Dex was going to off was Cyrus? When Joss and Kristina had their bitch-off, I flashed back to the Laura/Anna scene and I think Anna remained vague on the victim.

Looks like we have a new restaurant set with the surf club?

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Curtis suddenly can throw axes when he couldn't walk days before. 

I really hate how his story has been written. First he whines for months about being in a wheelchair and how weak it makes him feel. Oh, and he's had to look at too many belt buckles. Then he suddenly is able to stand and walk with little to no transition from a cane, and now he's all "I've seen the light and I know now what is important in life!" It's condescending and patronizing at the same time.

13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Does Joss see her mother or Jason for what they are? What does she expect Kristina to do, he's her father.  

Carly and Jason are perfect, of course.

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Why wasn't Liz at the party seeing as she's dating the groom's brother?  Also, someone needs to call Jackie and tell her that her son is getting married so she can drag her butt out of whatever mine shaft she's fallen into and get over here. 

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Yesterday had its highlights (Tracy! Ned sighting!) but a bit of a letdown compared to the day before.

A soap wedding needs a little drama and a few obstacles and Gregory's ALS is just depressing. Any drama connected to Chase just feels like kicking puppies. But at least it's almost over? 

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I agree with Gregory that they shouldn’t cancel the wedding because of him, but demanding that he remain as the officiate no matter what seems a little selfish and makes him look stubborn. At the very least, I think they need a backup just in case

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Did the babysitter just up and leave Gregory and Violet?!

Why does Joss care if Kristina has blinkers on when it comes to Sonny? Kristina can think whatever she wants. Joss is the one making this a thing. She needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her. Though it cracks me up that Joss actually expected Anna to listen to her and not let Dex be a cop.

Do I care that a group of cops are snubbing Dex? Not in the least. 

Sam, things might get better with Danny if you tried to talk to him instead of letting him try to figure things out for himself. Danny says he doesn't want to talk to her and she backs off. Don't back off.

And speaking of talking, Gregory needs to talk to Chase and BL directly, not use Tracy as messenger. What is with people and their reluctance to engage? It's bad drama, IMO, to have all of this passivity.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Did the babysitter just up and leave Gregory and Violet?!

I had the feeling that there was no babysitter, which if that's the case, that's just negligence on Finn's part.  

7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Why does Joss care if Kristina has blinkers on when it comes to Sonny?

Because if Joss hates Sonny than everyone must hate Sonny.  

7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Though it cracks me up that Joss actually expected Anna to listen to her and not let Dex be a cop.

It cracked me up that Joss was talking to Sonny's ex killer about Dex, Sonny's possible new killer.  Geez Jason can you beleieve Sonny ordered Dex to kill one of his enemies.  Have you ever heard of such a thing.

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Joss isn't the only oblivious one. I can't believe Sam was going on and on about what a crappy father Jason is and all Dante gets to say is how he understands Danny wanting to know his dad. Do they even bring up how Sonny deliberately shot him in the chest anymore? Still, at least the camera gave equal time to Dante's sexy, sympathetic face compared to Sam's boobs. 

More chem testing Drew and Jordan? They do look pretty but Nina sparks more. 

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Did the babysitter just up and leave Gregory and Violet?!

I had the feeling that there was no babysitter, which if that's the case, that's just negligence on Finn's part.


Finn had said yesterday that the baby sitter had to leave at midnight (?) , (some specific time) and when he and Chase arrived, he commented that they were 20 minutes later than when the baby sitter had to leave, I didn't catch his excuse for being late.

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GH is certainly one for over-correcting at times. While I'm glad it's not celebrating the mob these days, now the show seems to be wallowing in copaganda. They might as well just call the show PCPD.

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I hope they don't accelerate Gregory's demise too much.  There are too many discussions that haven't taken place yet, and I semi-think the current writing team could do them justice.  In particular, I would savor Gregory and Tracy talking about living, and aging, and dying, and legacy, preferably not all in the same conversation.  There needs to be more with Alexis as well, and with his sons.  It's rare to have such a storyline with such a capable set of actors playing it out, and I hope it doesn't get shortchanged.  

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never fear @JMO, Dr. Joss will swoop on and cure Gregory’s ALS,thus securing her place in GH’s hallowed halls. Why, I bet she’ll even be written up in Harvard Medical Journal and win the Nobel Prize in medicine! All in the next 3 weeks 🙄

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Kristina should know better. 

Joss is complaining to the mob enforcer and man who ran Sonny's organization as long as Sonny about Sonny being bad man? The man who followed Sonny's orders for decades? 

So is Dex going to be Jason's. Since Jason is going to protect him? Lol 


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6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

She needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her. Though it cracks me up that Joss actually expected Anna to listen to her and not let Dex be a cop.

Learn how? She takes after her mother. The sense of entitlement she demonstrated by going to the office without an appointment, calling Anna by her first name, trying to assert her will in the face of a police/city official, etc. is learned behavior from Carly. Carly is just generally louder and more obnoxious whenever she goes/has gone into the PCPD because of Jason being questioned, arrested, etc. 

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I'll offer a counterpoint on Gregory. It's nothing against the actor, and it's nothing from which anyone should infer lack of sympathy on my part for ALS sufferers, but I'm not getting much out of this. It's a typical GH medical story of recent times: dreary, drawn out, and less about the stricken character than about someone in his orbit. See also Oscar's cancer (starring the astonishingly resilient Josslyn) and Mike's dementia (how will Sonny cope?!).

Also, brooding Easton is my least favorite Easton, and "My daddy with whom I've had a troubled relationship is slipping away" is nothing if not a brood-trap. Finn goes down best when he brings the dry humor.

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I personally feel that Brooklyn and Chase Will get married in some makeshift wedding area (Finn’s living room or the Quartermaine home) with very few people and of course Tracy and then, unfortunately, Gregory will pass 😕. I also think Mols is going to go “all kinds of legal” on Joss and file a restraining order because she’s concerned about the baby and the stress with Kristina. I REALLY don’t want to see Gregory go, but I also didn’t want to see Mike go as well. Of course this is just my opinion.

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