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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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The block of wood looks like he may have read what we all think of his acting. He looks like he’s trying to be a bit of a better actor. He had a bit of animation to his face and body movements in yesterdays episode and I thought I saw a hint of highlights added to his hair. 
Also these millions of google ads are making it impossible to read by the constant refreshing of the page and freeze ups. Maddening.

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All I got from yesterday's show was feeling sorry for the set crew who had to dismantle Joss and Trina's dorm room, with its million knick knacks, wall art, etc.  Only to have to put it all up again. 

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7 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

How did Trina fall upwards into Spencer's arms?  She wasn't on a ten foot ladder where a fall would land her on the person beneath her.  It was a two step step stool ladder type.  She falls she ends up on the floor not on someone else.  So dumb.  

They wanted you to swoon and think that scene was romantic.

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1 hour ago, SassyCat said:

these millions of google ads are making it impossible to read by the constant refreshing of the page and freeze ups. Maddening.

worse for me are all the damn pop up videos! I don't remember them being so in-your-face before but I seriously am losing my mind with them!

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Today was a pretty good episode. Anna confronted Valentin, Spencer asked Alexis to look over the Cassadine legal documents, and Blair shows up. (Also we learn that she never filed paperwork for the Deceptor.)

It's amusing that Blair is helping Tracy because she's tired of paying alimony to Martin. That's what greed gets you.

If Valentin was on a plane the night of Anna's fire, he couldn't have set it. Doesn't that let him off the hook for burning her home?

Valentin, maybe not touch the crime scene.

No one hoards grudges like Carly. It's not enough to help Sonny, she has to lay into Ava as well.

If I never hear about Joss and Dex's sex life again, it will be too soon.

Ditto Nik's ranting about the Cassadine family.

Spencer: "I feel the same way about Ace that Esme does."  Puhleeze. Esme is Ace's mother, there is no way you feel the same way she does.

14 hours ago, Artsda said:

When he gave her the first bottle of pills, she was of sound mind. She knew what she was doing and she didn't even read the bottle?  Just blindly took it and started popping them, a recovering drug addict? That's stupid and idiotic. People read labels when they buy things at the grocery store.

People tend to believe what doctors tell them, especially those who don't have a science background. The court-appointed psychiatrist tells Sasha that she needs to take these pills to get better, it's not surprising that she does what she is told.

8 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

 I get that it's a show and they do stupid things for plot point, but do Americans really get bottles of pills from doctors?  Do you not need a prescription to be filled by a pharmacist?!!

Pills in pill bottles, probably not. But doctors do give patients drugs after appointments. Drug reps drop off lots of samples for the doctors to get the patients for free in the hope that they will write a prescription the drugs later. So while it's unusual for a doctor to give a patient pills in a bottle, it's quite normal to be given pills by the doctor during an appointment.

And let's face it, Sasha's not that bright.

In terms of story, it's the only way that Dr. Evil could make sure that Sasha would be taking these pills because if he gave her a prescription for them, the pharmacist would probably catch that they could cause hallucinations and mania.

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Nikolas is a total pos. He is leaving where he's been staying for 6 months because Spencer is about to control everything. He has no interest in his children, has learned nothing. Feels like they're going to make Nikolas full on Cassadine

How are these morons not connecting the dots to Cyrus? His ass is in Pentonville. He is Sonny's enemy. Drew has been in contact with him and none of these people are even looking at him as the prime suspect. 

This show is so aggravating.

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LOL that Trina flashes back to Spencer and her on the Haunted Star, after Victor had kidnapped them! Yes, that was a romantic time.

Josslyn Jacks: Peer sex educator. Clearly the show has forgotten that it was Trina who was advising Joss when Joss was trying to decide if she and Cam should sleep together.

Spencer, if Esmé were going to take Ace and run while Laura and Kevin were gone, she'd have done it by now. 

36 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Anna confronted Valentin

This story is still boring me senseless. Anna now has it from the horse's mouth that Valentin lied to her. Quel shock. Either accept he can't/won't tell you everything or dump him. It's not complicated.

16 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Feels like they're going to make Nikolas full on Cassadine

Someone should be.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Spencer, if Esmé were going to take Ace and run while Laura and Kevin were gone, she'd have done it by now. 

She has no money.  But, if she wants to she has every right.  

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:


How are these morons not connecting the dots to Cyrus? His ass is in Pentonville. He is Sonny's enemy. Drew has been in contact with him and none of these people are even looking at him as the prime suspect. 

Drew performed CPR on Cyrus.  Cyrus was a patient at GH, where he was seen by a number of people; Finn, Martin.  Drew knows that Dr. Austin G-H, with his medical bag, visited a prisoner at Pentonville.  Why is this such a mystery?

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I really really dislike Spencer, and I am not sure who he thinks he is. He does not own Esme, and I wish Alexis hadn't agreed to "check on," meaning help control, her, plus mentioning several times that she is "good" with Ace. Esme isn't good with him, like she was a babysitter, she is a good mother, to her child, not Spencer's child, contrary to his apparent belief.  I think Esme is doing right to move into her own place with the baby and tell Spencer to go pound sand. She probably would be within her rights not even to allow Spencer visitation if she didn't want to.

I think the one who is after Anna is either Victor, who may have faked his death, or someone close to him. They aren't trying to kill her, but make her suffer, and didn't Victor say something like that to her at his memorial thing, or that she hadn't "gotten away" with something?


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39 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Drew performed CPR on Cyrus.  Cyrus was a patient at GH, where he was seen by a number of people; Finn, Martin.  Drew knows that Dr. Austin G-H, with his medical bag, visited a prisoner at Pentonville.  Why is this such a mystery?

It's Drew, who thinks that Carly is the most marvellous creation and needs to be protected from any ill wind or consequence of her own actions.

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11 minutes ago, susannah said:

I think the one who is after Anna is either Victor, who may have faked his death, or someone close to him. They aren't trying to kill her, but make her suffer, and didn't Victor say something like that to her at his memorial thing, or that she hadn't "gotten away" with something?

I had the horrible thought when the message on the mirror was shown that it was Peter back from the dead.

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Ugh, so they are going to further destroy Nik beyond my ability to forgive him. Spencer is no prize either. He is aimless and entitled and isn't even charming anymore. I wonder what will conveniently interrupt his and Trina's big night. 

I vaguely remember Blair from OLTL, but can't remember if she ended up being a decent person or evil. Didn't she give birth to Star? ~in which case, evil then. 🤣

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Feels like they're going to make Nikolas full on Cassadine

Nik isn't smart enough to be full-on Cassadine. The Cassadines were clever and evil. This Nik is just...overbearing.


1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I had the horrible thought when the message on the mirror was shown that it was Peter back from the dead.

No no no no no no no no no no no no. Do not put that suggestion out into the ether.

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This episode was enjoyable to watch.  What fun it is to watch institutional soap actors ply their crafts today.  The writers even spared us the penguin-loving Morgan mention.  At first with Carly going full speed first thing with Ava, I was thinking jeesh, can't they tone it down but she is already doing the pastel thing.  But then I remembered that Carly has a legitimate gripe against Ava. 🙃

NLG works real well with Spenser.  She has three plots going (Gregory, surrogate, and cassadine) and somehow Carly  will seemingly end up with more screentime. While I have never liked FH's pouting fests, she ranks near the top in daytime actors in being able to move so gracefully in her scenes. JdV is no slouch in that category.

EM is ok but not quite skillful enough to carry both Dex and nuTrina in their scenes. I really miss Sydney and Cam.  And the Sasha,Dante, Cody,willow, Maxie, chase, Michael, Brooklyn, coven age group just are not executing their scenes much better than either Joss/Spenser 🥺.  FV is doing subpar with that group. Ymmv.

One-half of an episode was wasted on how dangerous figuring out who  roho met in the prison (why would it not be Cyrus?).  Was it so dangerous that Sonny who just dodged a life sentence at Pentonville, had to accompany Carly inside the prison.  This viewer is looking forward to more cassadine shanagans than the mob stuff.

Didn't Brook get stuff from the hard drive a while ago and the biz wizards let her back in.  Why is she now getting fired?


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10 minutes ago, susannah said:

Please miss, begging pardon, who is Peter?

Anna's supposed son (but it turned out his mother was Anna's twin Alexandra) who was on the show for far too long and when we thought we were finally rid of him (Peter died via stairs and diagnosed as dead by Finn and Liz*) he came back to torment us some more.

He killed Franco and fathered Maxie's youngest daughter Bailey. Nobody missed  him when he died. 

*No explanation on how Pet-ah came back to life - not only was he diagnosed as dead by two experienced medical professionals, they also threw him in a freezer so he should have been dead by hypothermia and/or suffocation if the stairs didn't kill him.

I'm sure other people can provide a more detailed explanation.

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Not sure why they brought Nikolas back for this. No one other than Ava thought he was dead to begin with. I bet Esme manufactures some crisis with Ace so Spencer/Trina don’t end up going. She looked way too upset at the news that they were heading out of town before Spencer/Alexis started talking about her. 

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40 minutes ago, sunnyface said:

Didn't Brook get stuff from the hard drive a while ago and the biz wizards let her back in.  Why is she now getting fired?

They let her back when she said that she just took it so that she could work on their social media accounts. Now they know that she stole it to give to Tracy.

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Random trivia, but this episode features two characters who were originated by Asian actors: Blair and Trina. 

I am pretty sure that Sasha's pill bottle was deliberately mislabeled, and that also the doctor had called them something like "mild anti-anxiety" meds. He certainly didn't hand her them and say "Be sure to take these strong hallucinogenics three times a day."

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34 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

Anna's supposed son (but it turned out his mother was Anna's twin Alexandra) who was on the show for far too long and when we thought we were finally rid of him (Peter died via stairs and diagnosed as dead by Finn and Liz*) he came back to torment us some more.

He killed Franco and fathered Maxie's youngest daughter Bailey. Nobody missed  him when he died. 

*No explanation on how Pet-ah came back to life - not only was he diagnosed as dead by two experienced medical professionals, they also threw him in a freezer so he should have been dead by hypothermia and/or suffocation if the stairs didn't kill him.

I'm sure other people can provide a more detailed explanation.

Thanks for the info! He seems to be a baddie, who also had Rasputin Syndrome, hard to kill? 

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I don't give a rat's behind about Blair.

Lucy losing her money will pressure her into getting Martin to marry her, marriage will kill the $50 grand/month alimony deal with Blair.  Makes no sense to me at all.  He's not going to give up the money for Lucy. 

I was surprised the box in Joss' dorm room didn't have "SKOOL" written on it.

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4 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Lucy losing her money will pressure her into getting Martin to marry her, marriage will kill the $50 grand/month alimony deal with Blair.  Makes no sense to me at all.  He's not going to give up the money for Lucy. 

This whole plotline is dumb, for a variety of reasons and this is one of them. Even if she lost Deception, Lucy could fall back on her real estate career, as she's already floated. She even already has a potential client in Ava, if she ever gets around to putting up Spoon Island and Wyndemere for sale. That'd be a healthy commission. But, also, why would Lucy and Martin have to get married for him to support her, if need be? They wouldn't.

Not to mention Lucy knows Tracy really just wants her ELQ 1%, so that gives her the leverage. Not sure at all why Tracy thinks she's in the catbird seat.

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40 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Lucy losing her money will pressure her into getting Martin to marry her, marriage will kill the $50 grand/month alimony deal with Blair.

Why would Lucy being broke make her want to get married and what’s Martin’s incentive to give up the alimony in order to marry someone who has no money? Also, Blair has the kind of money to get a huge alimony judgement? That’s 600k a year to someone she couldn’t have been married to for that long. Every aspect of this storyline is dumb 

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6 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I vaguely remember Blair from OLTL, but can't remember if she ended up being a decent person or evil. Didn't she give birth to Star? ~in which case, evil then. 🤣

Blair was decent for the most part. She got together with Todd (Roger Howarth aka Austin) when she was your classic soap “bad girl,” but she was never evil. Over the years, she became a downright saint in comparison to Todd! And, yes, Starr is T&B’s kid! 

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4 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Why would Lucy being broke make her want to get married and what’s Martin’s incentive to give up the alimony in order to marry someone who has no money? Also, Blair has the kind of money to get a huge alimony judgement? 

Blair has been very well-off for a long time, but at present she is also most likely either the ex-wife or the widow of Todd Manning who's a multimedia tycoon. She would have a very considerable chunk of change from him alone. But yes, I agree everything about a lot of this except Tracy angling for ELQ is dumb. I would sooner see Blair also actively be trying to take Deception or run it into the ground vs. her own cosmetics company (Melador).

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:
11 hours ago, susannah said:

Please miss, begging pardon, who is Peter?

A character so universally hated that pretty much everyone who watches GH agreed that he must die.

Also known as LWB (Laura Wright's boyfriend). 

And I'd just like to thank you all for putting the Peter thought in my head.  I hadn't gone there and now the horrific thought won't go away!

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7 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also known as LWB (Laura Wright's boyfriend). 

Oh okay! I had read somewhere that her boyfriend had been on the show also. So who was worse in the bad guy sweepstakes, Peter or Victor? Victor was pretty bad!

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11 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Not sure why they brought Nikolas back for this. No one other than Ava thought he was dead to begin with. I bet Esme manufactures some crisis with Ace so Spencer/Trina don’t end up going. She looked way too upset at the news that they were heading out of town before Spencer/Alexis started talking about her. 

Yeah, it's crazy weird.  The only explanation I can think of is they are doing a perm recast, and needed Adam for these filler scenes, to show Nicholas is alive.  And he will return but with someone else playing him.  But I don't know this, it's just the only explanation I can think of. 

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I think they just wanted to close the loop on Nik. He’s alive and well, not abducted and in a coma. I don’t think they have a plan for him just yet. 

In all honesty, I don’t need Nik back anytime soon. I know many thought the time he had Hayden shot was the worst for the character, but I think this last run was! That Hayden/Quartermaine stuff was the most interesting I ever found TC’s Nik. I loved Nik all throughout that craziness but the Esme mess literally had me muting and/or skipping Nik scenes. I adored MC’s Nik too! They ruined Nik the moment they brought him back and continued to destroy him. 

The idea that Nik let Spencer believe he was dead for years was awful and completely unnecessary. Nikolas was shot out of a window. He could have been recovering from a serious injury and had amnesia or something. Why write it so he knew who he was but was just hiding? That was stupid and completely OOC. Despite the new retcons, Nikolas and Spencer were always tight. He wouldn’t have done his son that way, IMO. Then, they just destroyed the Nikolas/Spencer bond and for what? Esme? The cute but completely unneeded Ace? Nava was ruined! And now he slinks off again like a villain or something. It’s annoying. They’ve done Nik super dirty if you ask me! Nik and Lucky are both deadbeats. It’s ridiculous. 

Edited by lala2
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Didn't Nik hint he was going to do something mustache-twirly before he went to Europe? Maybe he'll try to steal Ace while Spencer is away. (In which case, he wouldn't exactly need to set up footage of himself abroad to prove he's alive, but I've given up on GH logic.)

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Pills in pill bottles, probably not. But doctors do give patients drugs after appointments.

Sure.  I've been given samples (mostly BC pills while trying to figure out which ones worked for me) but they were in a sample pack and not a bottle with a pharmacy label on it.  

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6 hours ago, susannah said:

Oh okay! I had read somewhere that her boyfriend had been on the show also. So who was worse in the bad guy sweepstakes, Peter or Victor? Victor was pretty bad!

My vote goes to Peter as worse because by midway through his GH time, he was just boring. Villainously boring, but boring none the less.

5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Sure.  I've been given samples (mostly BC pills while trying to figure out which ones worked for me) but they were in a sample pack and not a bottle with a pharmacy label on it.  

True, but it does prime someone like Sasha to unquestioningly accept whatever pills the doctor gives her.

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I don’t think Peter was the worst villain as far his list of crimes but he was an uncharismatic one who lasted far too long by virtue of who he was dating. The actor was a huge miscast for what the character was supposed to be. I think it’s generally more difficult to play a villain on a soap than a good guy and he didn’t have the chops to pull it off imo

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I didn't enjoy Peter until WR decided to go full-on mustache twirling. The character stayed way too long—which wasn't WR's fault; I'm not going to begrudge an actor a job—but for me, at least the cheese factor made his final couple of months watchable.

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9 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I've given up on GH logic.

It's a losing proposition, isn't it? I mean, some Big Bad had Mason gather up Nicholas to use as leverage against Ava in some ephemeral plot against Sonny, but is now just letting Nicholas go his merry way in spite of all that still being in play? Sure. Totally makes sense.

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Now that the Sasha torture porn is over, I’m back to watching.

Loved the Tracy/Lucy scenes (so much history between the characters) and the Maxie/Brooklyn confrontation.

The Nik plot makes no sense to me (for ex. why doesn’t Austin just tell Ava the truth if he’s willing to have Nik got to PC?) I’m wondering if they won’t kill the character for real this time. They have Spencer who can take over, even with a recast.

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Still catching up…September 7 episode

I ended up liking the talk between Carly and Nina. Carly ended up being honest with Nina about what’s going on with Sonny’s arrest and that the business and criminal elements were stable, and being firm with Nina that staying calm was best for everyone. I think stuff like this shows Sonny needs someone or several someones in town or nearby to help him manage the business and/or be his enforcer or second-in-command like Jason; I don’t think Brick is enough and he seems mostly situated on the West Coast. Good episode overall

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3 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

OK, but which of Maxie's boyfriends was the worst -- Peter or Peter? 😉


Then Peter, I suppose, even if I never saw him. Ditto the Levi guy. I recall neither one was particularly liked.

I did see some of Nathan and liked him. Ditto Coop Barrett [Jason Gerhardt, still looking good today as he just recently subbed for former cast mate, Greg Vaughan, on Days of Our Lives a few weeks back...].

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