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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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9 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Speaking of, Carly yesterday with the "Michael was robbed of this time with Wiley because of Nelle.  Whose mother is Nina!" as if it was Nina's fault that Nelle did that.  Such a fucking Carly move.  You know this asshole probably blames Nina if her coffee isn't hot enough in the morning.

lol i did catch that. I just thought it was her rubbing it in to Sonny that Nina was the EVUL. Proud of Sonny (Gosh what is wrong with me) for not even taking up that bait. Woman needs to channel her inner Elsa and let it go

And that's what i mean that Nina can't win. 
When Nina points out maybe if Nelle had a loving childhood, she wouldn't be that way, it's an excuse. but Nelle being evil is ALSO Nina's fault. 

25 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

That’s why I’m glad he doesn’t change it. Let’s be honest, outside of (offscreen) Monica, he doesn’t give a damn about the Qs or does anything to help them in any way but he’ll name drop when it benefits him. Like when he wanted the AG to charge Nina with a fake crime, wanted the authorities to prioritize the search for Sonny when he fell in the water, or when he thought it would help his custody case with Nelle. Those were just the examples off the top of my head, I’m sure there are more. 

oh for sure. truer words were never spoken when He said "I contemplated changing my name to Quartermaine, mostly because I know it will hurt you." that's why he did it the first time, and that's why he was thinking about it now. he gives crap all about the family. (further emphasied when he + Drew iced out Ned for the stupidest reasons known to man. "You don't know media." like Michael and Drew were wizards at it. both dipsticks don't even know what insider tradiing is. 

but i just mean in general - I would want my children to be far removed from anything "mob tainted as possible. but consiering they all wave it like a badge of honour (and Joss loves threatning people w/mob violence). it doesn't matter to Michael. 


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WIllow can't get the cord blood because she haemorrhaged so much!
shoulda walked into the light faster, girl

actually they didn't really commit to that but honestly, if she had done it a bit sooner though it might not have been an issue. 

the HLA isn't a match either, and Carly is losing her mind 

Edited by Daisy
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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Speaking of, Carly yesterday with the "Michael was robbed of this time with Wiley because of Nelle.  Whose mother is Nina!" as if it was Nina's fault that Nelle did that.  Such a fucking Carly move.  You know this asshole probably blames Nina if her coffee isn't hot enough in the morning.

Not to mention, Carly did the exact same thing, robbing Nina of time with her daughter, Willow. Carly has waaaaay more in common with Nelle than Nina does. ( No one on the show will point that out though) 

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2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

What does HLA stand for?

human leukocyte antigens - the proteins they need to match. 


5 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Why is Carly butting into Michael’s storylines an ongoing thing? He’s in his 30s with kids of his own. She’s talking more in these scenes than Michael and Willow are. 

you know honestly - this is where Willow's mother would be acting. but the mother is the EVUL so... (also. i legit agree)

5 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Not to mention, Carly did the exact same thing, robbing Nina of time with her daughter, Willow. Carly has waaaaay more in common with Nelle than Nina does. ( No one on the show will point that out though) 

because Carly did it out of LOOOVVEEEEEEE

and also show. I do not care that willow has weeks to live. she chose this. CHOSE IT. 

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Willow's only hope is for Amelia to immediately get admitted to medical school and find a cure for leukemia.  Given the rate she's already grown, this should be accomplished in the next six weeks.

But, seriously, what miracle is going to save Saint Willow now?  Is Nelle going to show up on the Pennsylvania side of Port Charles just in the nick of time?

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Just now, Cheyanne11 said:

But, seriously, what miracle is going to save Saint Willow now?  Is Nelle going to show up on the Pennsylvania side of Port Charles just in the nick of time?

Did Lisel get tested? because as of right now she's the only family member that can be who can consent. 

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Donna giving Nina a huge smile and a hug made my day. I hope Carly died inside. 

And Now Willow is crying because she is dying and again. this is supposed to make me feel bad/sad whatever. I am sorry. I do not. you were lucky and caught leukemia at pre-stage one. Terry and Brit told you how lucky you were and you should have started treatment. You chose not to have treatments. I have no time for your tears, Willow. (which is why they should have played this differently)

Edited by Daisy
When you have a Donna and a Sonny, somehow you get Donny and no one knows who you mean
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Lol why are they stretching out this boring cancer SL? It was poorly done from start to finish and we all know she isn’t dying. I just feel sorry for whoever gets stuck saving her 

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I know we're supposed to feel bad for Willow but I just don't. LOL! I just feel nothing for her. She chose to delay treatment until she gave birth, and now, she may die.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Maybe if I thought they might actually kill her, I'd feel bad but probably not even then. I just don't like Willow. 

I do feel bad for Nina. Carly robbed her of months w/her last remaining child. Should Nina have been nicer to Willow in general? Sure, but she wasn't, and if she had known Willow was her kid, she would have altered her behavior w/her months ago. They may have even developed a relationship. Carly is trash. 

Am I the only one side eyeing all this guilt from Elizabeth? She felt no guilt - that I saw - when she was helping Nikolas but is now so guilt-ridden that she must confess. It's overkill and OTT! I could buy that if Esme was hurt or something but she's fine. 

What is it about Finn when he's interacting w/Elizabeth or talking about her that I find so ridiculously annoying? Finn annoys me. Why is he always up in Elizabeth's business? I wish I bought into their love b/c I would buy their scenes more. 

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16 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Donny giving Nina a huge smile and a hug made my day.

I was wondering who the hell Donny was.  lol.  I guess you mean Sonny?  I was going through the (bloated) cast of characters, not him, not him, who?

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4 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I was wondering who the hell Donny was.  lol.  I guess you mean Sonny?  I was going through the (bloated) cast of characters, not him, not him, who?

I thought Donna? That would be awesome.

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33 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I do feel bad for Nina. Carly robbed her of months w/her last remaining child. Should Nina have been nicer to Willow in general? Sure, but she wasn't, and if she had known Willow was her kid, she would have altered her behavior w/her months ago. They may have even developed a relationship. Carly is trash. 

fair that did miss a few months because i wasnt going to watch until  Nina found out (and plot twist nothing mattered so)... but I think Nina was almost always nicer to Willow, and she basically had had enough of being treated like Satan by her especially and snapped. (which rightfully so).

I know the TJ thing is a thing but i mean from Nina's PoV. not knowing the whole skinny i think anyone would pretty much jump to that conclusion if Willow/TJ were sneaky off to be all comforting/supportive like that. AND Willow has cheated before. [and if i was being lambasted for being a cheater and sneaker, I think i  would be all neener neener about it too LOL].

but I agree. and Nina should be PISSED OFF. If anything, Carly should have told Willow, and let Willow decide if she wanted to reach out. I dont even think i'd be that mad if that had been the case [stilll pissed that they'd only use her for spare parts]. Everything Nina has done Carly has done to her over and over and over again and Nina is just supposed to bend over and take it from everyone and honestly Carly has 98 million people. Nina has Lisel, Scottie and Sonny and is facing losing another child she didnt even have a chance to know and If Willow WERE to die (lets just assume). it's yet ANOTHER grandchild she can't even bond with. 

Edited by Daisy
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2 hours ago, Daisy said:
3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Yep I noted that too. Mikey is only a Quartermaine when it's convenient.

because he didn't give up the family name. becuse he wants to show his kids that the Corinthos name means more than just "mobtacular stuff" (per his conversation w/Sonny,

And that's another thing. Who willingly hangs on to the surname of a man who killed their biological father? Just when he's beginning to connect with that man. Clearly speaks to what an irredeemably sick puppy Mikey is.

Oh, and because it can't be said enough: Die Willow Die!!!!!!

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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49 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Did Lisel get tested? because as of right now she's the only family member that can be who can consent. 

I've been saying for months that Michael and Willow should have been organizing a major donor testing campaign instead of wringing their hands and counting on the kindness of strangers on the registry. Good drama as they try to convince people to sign up and a useful PSA.

While my preference is for Willow to go into the light for realz this time, if Liesl does save her, there is no one better to while a backbone into Willow or to guilt her into letting Nina into the children's life.

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've been saying for months that Michael and Willow should have been organizing a major donor testing campaign instead of wringing their hands and counting on the kindness of strangers on the registry. Good drama as they try to convince people to sign up and a useful PSA.

While my preference is for Willow to go into the light for realz this time, if Liesl does save her, there is no one better to while a backbone into Willow or to guilt her into letting Nina into the children's life.

especially because Willow "had no family". Did she ever decide "gee maybe i SHOULD find out who my family was that i was kidnapped fromand do a national appeal or something. 

Truthfully, Austin was right. yeah it was a lot of information but one you deploy the you have weeks to live" card you SHOULD be up front about everything else. They SHOULD be talking about palliative care and quite frankly they should as unfair as it is - if they ARE lucky enough to find a bone marrow transplant, its not a sure fire sign this could work long term. 

Pretty much. and I mean. I don't like willow. AT ALL. but if they can make me tolerate Sonny after all this time, if they give Willow, 

A: a life 
B: the ability to talk down to Carly + Michael
C: let Nina into her life graciously, and bond with her grandchildren
D: MIchael hates Willow and we can move on from this.

it works for me. 

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13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've been saying for months that Michael and Willow should have been organizing a major donor testing campaign instead of wringing their hands and counting on the kindness of strangers on the registry. Good drama as they try to convince people to sign up and a useful PSA.

But then I guess she couldn’t keep her cancer a secret. Better to go the long shot route and secretly search for her parents instead

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27 minutes ago, lala2 said:

She felt no guilt - that I saw - when she was helping Nikolas

Elizabeth might not have felt guilt per se, but she knew what Nik was doing was wrong and she didn't like him dragging her into his mess.

Oh, noes, Willow's insistence on getting treatment for her cancer so late has dire consequences. Who could have predicted that? Is the show never going to have her reckon with the fact that her idiot decisions directly led to this? No one is allowed to say anything about it to her or anyone else.

Here's hoping Liesl tells Willow no bone marrow unless Nina is let back into her life. 

Ugh, Carly is so awful, asking Donna in front of Nina if she wants to get hot chocolate for some mommy-daughter time. Carly turns the knife every chance she gets.

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I’m watching last Friday and Woo Boy…..that scene with Nik and Spencer in the chapel was FIRE…..so good.  NAC was really great.  It’s amazing how shaky he started out and how good he is now.  I wasn’t a fan of this new Nikolas when he temped before but I think he held his own.  And Laura all confused, heh.  Both Laura and Nikolas have been horrible parents at various times so neither one of them can talk about Spencer being too young to be a parent.

Liz doesn’t need to explain herself to Finn.  For some reason Finn really rubs me the wrong way in this pairing, and I usually like him. Probably because I was a Franco/Liz fan and I was pissed with how that ended.

Oh my god is this stupid Chase and Brooklyn story still happening?!  Whatever.  I don’t care.


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10 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

She hired Drew to do some PI work but Carly was sabotaging him at every turn.  

okay i stand corrected on that issue (thanks). but i think a public appeal would have been good too. (and why ask Drew to do PI work... why not... ASK PIs?) (oh right so Drew and Carly could have tension. sure glad that happened for all of 1 episode)


19 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, Carly is so awful, asking Donna in front of Nina if she wants to get hot chocolate for some mommy-daughter time. Carly turns the knife every chance she gets.

a part of me wonders if she said it to give Nina and Sonny a moment so Sonny could tell her in private... but yeah. that was guh. 

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7 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

That baby looks like she's old enough to order steak, potatoes and a nice cold beer for lunch.

Lmao….I thought so too!  She’s an absolutely adorable baby but she’s six months old if she’s a day.  She looks big for a regular newborn baby, let alone a preemie.

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2 hours ago, lala2 said:


Am I the only one side eyeing all this guilt from Elizabeth? She felt no guilt - that I saw - when she was helping Nikolas but is now so guilt-ridden that she must confess. It's overkill and OTT! I could buy that if Esme was hurt or something but she's fine. 

Well, once Rory was killed while Esme was locked up, I think the show did portray her conscience acting up... Talking to Nic about 'public safety' no longer being a motive for keeping her locked up, asking about other suspects etc. 

I also think finding out Nic is wanted her mom to do to Esme, what she did to Liz, messing with her memory, was the bit that made Liz wash her hands of the whole situation. 

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Don't do it, Liesl!


Given how the umbilical cord between Carly and Michael has never been cut its weird she's been accepting of most of his girlfriends. Granted they've generally all been Michael ass kissers but still. 

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3 hours ago, Daisy said:

Did Lisel get tested? because as of right now she's the only family member that can be who can consent. 

It is kind of ridiculous that Lisel didn't get tested already


1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

No one's talking about the most riveting part of today's episode: Alexis and Greg chatting about jobs. 🙄🛌

complete FF

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I don't think Leisl will be a match. It will probably be a last minute save.

I like how clueless Willow now knows about all this oncology stuff that she learned at nursing school. Honestly. Was it because she evacuated her spawn that she regained a couple of brain cells?

Donna is cute. Donna running to hung Nina was even cuter. 

No storyline Carly is of course front and center in someone else's storyline.

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3 hours ago, lala2 said:

Am I the only one side eyeing all this guilt from Elizabeth? She felt no guilt - that I saw - when she was helping Nikolas but is now so guilt-ridden that she must confess. It's overkill and OTT! I could buy that if Esme was hurt or something but she's fine. 

What is it about Finn when he's interacting w/Elizabeth or talking about her that I find so ridiculously annoying? Finn annoys me. Why is he always up in Elizabeth's business? I wish I bought into their love b/c I would buy their scenes more. 

They just haven’t bothered to give Liz suitable motivation for anything the past year. I guess we are supposed to blame it on her vulnerable mental state? I don’t buy that she did it because she cares so much about Nik either, they’ve barely interacted in years. Her guilt makes more sense now, I guess, because her and Nik holding Esme hostage when they knew she wasn’t the Hook meant the police were looking in the wrong direction. But they’re focusing her guilt on Esme, not Rory’s death, so maybe  that means they’re planning to have her interact with the little amnesiac more, which I wouldn’t mind. 

Edited by racked
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On 2/8/2023 at 7:20 AM, Cheyanne11 said:

This show has baby rabies, that's why.  Bad enough that every actor who is pregnant has the story written in, but the writers are basically Oprah at this point ("You get a baby!  And you get a baby!")

Gotta have rolling pregnancies.  At least two or three at any one time.

On 2/8/2023 at 11:16 AM, Daisy said:

I'm not sure why she really didn't fight it

Given the lazy writing in regards to all legal matters in the show, it would be a short bit of dialogue to make it happen.

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5 hours ago, lala2 said:

What is it about Finn when he's interacting w/Elizabeth or talking about her that I find so ridiculously annoying? Finn annoys me. Why is he always up in Elizabeth's business? I wish I bought into their love b/c I would buy their scenes more. 

I’m so glad I’m not the only one!  Most of the time I like his quirky self. I really enjoyed his relationship with Anna. But with Liz it just doesn’t work for some reason. He does come off very controlling and pushing himself in her business. I don’t think it’s nefarious or anything but I’m just not feeling it. 

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I like how clueless Willow now knows about all this oncology stuff that she learned at nursing school


I'm not a nurse but that kind of specific knowledge sounds like something you would learn at an advanced oncology nursing level and especially not in the 3 week nursing school program that Willow was in.

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23 minutes ago, Blackie said:


I'm not a nurse but that kind of specific knowledge sounds like something you would learn at an advanced oncology nursing level and especially not in the 3 week nursing school program that Willow was in.

lol everything medical they say "yeh we learned that in nursing class."  nursing programmes aren't run like Gen-Ed or English 100 in College. the basics yes but knowing what HCT was right off the bat and everything else made  no sense (unless she was like i googled it so i knew what was coming - that would have been more believable)

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If Willow dies, who will get Amelia? Michael may be the father, but he  isn't married to her. Her closest relative is Nina. That conflict could be soapy. 

So I think that means a donor will be found. 

And by the way, have Carly or Michael made any indication that they've had their bone marrow tested or do they expect a compatible match to fall from the sky in a machine???? 

Edited by rur
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That Donna actress--what a cutie pie!  I'm glad they made her physically resemble Sonny.  Carly already has enough clones running around town.  Speaking of, when Terry was telling them how the stem cells weren't a match and also not enough of them, she got the sourest look on her face.  What an odd choice that was.

I hope Liesl is a match and says "oh, I will help you, grand niece, but first you must promise to allow Nina the chance to be in her grandchildren's lives.  I don't think that's to much to ask, yah?" 

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6 minutes ago, rur said:

If Willow dies, who will get Amelia? Michael may be the father, but he  isn't married to her. Her closest relative is Nina. That conflict could be soapy. 


Michael doesn't need to be married to Willow. He is on the birth certificate as the father and he is Amelia's closest relative.

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Michael doesn't need to be married to Willow to get custody of Amelia. He's her father and would get custody. Things would get soapy if Michael was incapacitated and couldn't care for her and didn't have papers appointing a guardian because Carly and Nina, as the grandmothers, would have equal claim.

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2 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I’m so glad I’m not the only one!  Most of the time I like his quirky self. I really enjoyed his relationship with Anna. But with Liz it just doesn’t work for some reason. He does come off very controlling and pushing himself in her business. I don’t think it’s nefarious or anything but I’m just not feeling it. 

YES!! I liked him w/Anna too but w/Elizabeth . . . ugh! He's horrible w/her.

As you said, he comes off very pushing, controlling, and overbearing. He doesn't know the meaning of the word boundaries. He doesn't respect her wishes. It's like she cannot breathe w/o him all up in her face and her business. It's annoying. He acts more like her dad (and given there's a 20-year age difference btw them now I get it - lol) than her boyfriend/partner. 

Granted, I was a huge Friz fan, but I never hated Finn. I thought they tried to hook him and Liz up too fast, but I wasn't opposed to them. If the show had done a better job of showing us their love story, his attitude might not be so offputting to me but they didn't so Finn just comes off like a busybody. Someone on Reddit said, "Doesn't he have a first grade PTA meeting to go to or something," and I laughed! He is always in Liz's business. It's ridiculous. 

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I don't understand why the writers decided to have the woman Liz accidentally killed be Finn's wife. That detail contributed nothing to the story. Maybe the writers thought they were giving us a twist on the story of a Webber daughter accidentally killing her father's mistress and losing her mind decades later. "The viewers might think think this is just a retread of that story we did with Laura and Rick but what they don't know is that the woman who died is - wait for it - FINN'S WIFE!!! It's totally different!!!!"

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7 hours ago, Daisy said:

I know the TJ thing is a thing but i mean from Nina's PoV. not knowing the whole skinny i think anyone would pretty much jump to that conclusion if Willow/TJ were sneaky off to be all comforting/supportive like that. AND Willow has cheated before. [and if i was being lambasted for being a cheater and sneaker, I think i  would be all neener neener about it too LOL].

I certainly would. Willow has been all holier than thou around Nina since she she found out that Nina is the mother of Evul Nelle. And here is Willow sneaking around hallways and hugging TJ, and looking for all the world like they were having an affair.

6 hours ago, ffwbe said:

But then I guess she couldn’t keep her cancer a secret. Better to go the long shot route and secretly search for her parents instead

Willow told Michael when she was out of her first trimester (at 14 weeks) and Amelia was born at 38 weeks. That leaves 24 weeks where they could have been actively searching for a donor, even if it was only a couple of weeks on the show.

6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Here's hoping Liesl tells Willow no bone marrow unless Nina is let back into her life.

If anyone will do it, it's Liesl.

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At least the DieWillowDie! contingent got a reprieve today, however short lived.

I assume Liesel will be a match, because it adds zero drama to the story. I’d rather have Nelle turn up for some twisted bone marrow blackmail.

Amelia? I apologize to anyone with that actual name, but when they say it, all I can hear is “mealy”. As in mealy-mouthed. As in perfect vanilla offspring.  Oh, and shut up, Michael. No particular reason. Just because.

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