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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Well that was a shitty letdown. What would have made for a soapy ending would have been to have Nina match the hearts and learn the necklace was her daughter’s.

Oh My Lord. That stabbing of Dante with Alexis screaming like a banshee was indeed UCG Gold and EMBARRASSING. And to have the drug be Lidocaine?? That’s used to NUMB an area before you’re stuck with a needle. Well at least it was for me when undergoing chemo and they had to stick in the needle in my port. They couldn’t come up with a better drug? Oh wait. I forgot what FAKAKTA show I’m watching these days.

I remember the tension, sitting on the edge of my seat when fake Grant Putnam got bit by the scorpion and how Lesley and nurses rushed and fought to save him and the frustration when the first antidote they brought her was for black widow spider or something. In comparison, any and all hospital scenes are a JOKE.

And Show is just insistent on making Chase look more and more incompetent. He only questions ONE person? Didn’t make any attempts to question everyone else who was there? Just like when Tracy set up Alexis, he just takes the word of one person. The fact that Alexis did it, this time, is beside the point.

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17 minutes ago, ulkis said:

She looks like a floating head when she wears a black turtleneck. It's a pity she isn't the one getting high on something, the character could stand to loosen up a bit.

Lordy, she's barely conscious now-- I can't even imagine what she'd be like stoned.

Edited by sacrebleu
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Sonny has amnesia. What is the point of him overhearing about Nina and the baby? He has no idea who Nina is.

I hope that this is Alexis' bottom and she's going to sober up because it's not fun any more.

30 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well that was a shitty letdown. What would have made for a soapy ending would have been to have Nina match the hearts and learn the necklace was her daughter’s.

Oh My Lord. That stabbing of Dante with Alexis screaming like a banshee was indeed UCG Gold and EMBARRASSING. And to have the drug be Lidocaine?? That’s used to NUMB an area before you’re stuck with a needle. Well at least it was for me when undergoing chemo and they had to stick in the needle in my port. They couldn’t come up with a better drug? Oh wait. I forgot what FAKAKTA show I’m watching these days.

I need this necklace story to be over last month. How long are they going to drag it out?

Yeah, lidocaine shouldn't have had that kind of effect unless Dante was allergic to it. Also, he was wearing a leather coat so that was good targeting Alexis.


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42 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And to have the drug be Lidocaine?? That’s used to NUMB an area before you’re stuck with a needle.

Hey, I just had an allergic reaction to lidocaine.  Swelled up like a blowfish.  It took the wrinkles out of my forehead, though, maybe KMo should try it? 

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

On the other hand, anything that takes time away from Sonny's amnesia and Carly's stupid plotting works for me.

Well, that's probably the best argument for the story's purpose so far.

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The Alexis goes homicidal scenes were so embarrassing that all I'll say is she needs to invest in some waterproof mascara if she's going to have crying fits of regret.

Echoing the Valentin love.  I've always sort of liked the character, but when he's *not* in a romantic relationship and is just sort of floating around town being a listening board/co-conspirator/thorn in people's sides?  Sooooo enjoyable.

29 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Hey, I just had an allergic reaction to lidocaine.  Swelled up like a blowfish.  It took the wrinkles out of my forehead, though, maybe KMo should try it? 

Don't give her any ideas. 

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Well, I thought this episode was fantastic! Lots of soapy goodness. The stuff with the necklace at the Metro Court. The syringe attack stuff at the hospital. The sibling threats and Jason. What was even better is that the other stuff, Curtis/Portia, Amnesia Sonny, Jackie/Willow all tied into those main three stories in some way.

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Excuse my stupidity but why didn’t Jax grab that necklace from Nina and match it up to the one she was wearing? To solve the mystery, you know? Oh goodness gracious me. They are all so stupid and so are we.

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Britt (to LWB/FS): But if it happens again, family or not, I will not only throw you under the bus, I'll be driving it. 


But yeah, the hand shaking this time definitely read as a medical condition versus nerves over mob wars.  I don't think it's Huntington's, though, but probably a get out of jail free card for LWB/FS.  A la Julian, he'll be able to donate bone marrow or something and it'll be enough to keep him alive or whatever.

In other news, my girl Lucy cut Carly a delicious "Crazy B" side-eye that was worth the price of admission alone.

2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yeah, lidocaine shouldn't have had that kind of effect unless Dante was allergic to it.

Hey, we heard during the Ben/Rocco reveal that Dante has a latex allergy.  Alexis should have grabbed some hospital gloves and rubbed them all over his face.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So from Carly's mouth yesterday, Sonny has been gone for 2 months. Yet Forrest Gump Sonny has only been at the bar for 2 days. And he was only in the hospital a couple days. I guess he was lying on the river bank in the snow for 7 weeks!

Also, how does that bar stay in business? So far, the only person that has come in was just there to rob the place. 

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I had somehow missed the fact that Willow wants to become a nurse. With a goal of maybe teaching other people to become nurses. Say what now? Maybe get through a nursing program yourself before deciding you want to train others.


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You know, I had a thought today while watching the show and thinking how much I wanted Carly to fail and fail spectacularly. I LOVED Carly so, soooo much when Sarah Brown played her. So very much. I really liked her when Tamara Braun played her. I hate Laura Wright's version of Carly. I truly, sincerely hate the character.

Thank you for coming to my TedCarly Talk.

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12 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I had somehow missed the fact that Willow wants to become a nurse. With a goal of maybe teaching other people to become nurses. Say what now? Maybe get through a nursing program yourself before deciding you want to train others.

She did say she knew she had a lot of hard work ahead of her. 

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12 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I had somehow missed the fact that Willow wants to become a nurse. With a goal of maybe teaching other people to become nurses. Say what now? Maybe get through a nursing program yourself before deciding you want to train others.


I would usually side eye someone leaving a profession after only a couple years, but with Willow I get it.  Nina tanked her job and she started working tutoring in the hospital, being exposed to the day to day medical world.  And, more importantly, Willow didn't choose to be a teacher.  Shiloh sent her to college to study education for his own culty ends.  When she got away it was the only think she really had to work with.  Now she is finally getting to pick something for herself, and I love that.  Now, thinking about maybe teaching others is just how she sees things, since teaching is her baseline.  

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The inconsistency with Sam kills me. At times, she's civil w/Franco, and other times, she acts like he's the devil! I'm a Franco fan, but I know some will never like or forgive him. If Sam never forgives him, that's fine; I just want her to be consistent. You are either scared of him, or you aren't. I say she's not scared of him at all. Last week, she let him inside her home when he was having a mental breakdown, and again today, when he's having a mental break, she's comforting him (which is fine) and asking him if he's okay. She demands to know what's going on w/his tumor (even though Liz told her about it last week) and then walks away when he's trying to speak to her about it. She's just all over the map. 

Alexis is a whole hot mess. What she did today is inexcusable! I'm assuming this has to be her rock bottom. She practically killed Dante while attempting to kill Franco! She needs to get it together. 

Though I want this horrible, dragged out way too long necklace story to be over . . . . . I must say I would laugh if the necklaces didn't match up tomorrow. Nina had NO right accusing Sasha of having her stupid child's necklace. Those things are a dime a dozen. There is NOTHING special or unique about that particular half-heart necklace. Nina is just so obnoxious about the whole thing. That said, I really do want an end to this story. I'm so sick of this necklace and Nina talking about her kid. I'm just over it. 

I liked Britt's line to Peter about driving the bus over him! Someone needs to do it! I need Peter dead yesterday. He is beyond annoying. 

Willow is so unlikeable. I hate that she's going to string Chase along while pining for boring Michael. She and Michael are such weak cowards. Their interactions have been so juvenile and lame. They clearly want to be together, but just can't admit it! That story is simply not interesting.  Just put them together and then backburner them I say! 

Edited by lala2
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I know Phyllis thinks that she is helping but if she just left "Mike" at the hospital, he would have eventually gotten himself arrested in current manic phase and they would have fingerprinted him and everyone would know that he is Sonny Corinthos.

I wish that Alexis knocked the mission right out of Dante's head with her missed Franco attack. Maybe Dante could be isolated for enough time that Liesl's pen clicking won't work. Poor Rocco.

The only thing that would make the stupid Franco dying story (aside from him actually dying) would be after his miraculous cure for Franco to return to his serial killer ways and the show revealing that the current tumor  caused him to become Not a Danger to Liz and the boys Franco Stepdad personality. Which would be now gone with the removal of the 2nd tumor.

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21 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Nina had NO right accusing Sasha of having her stupid child's necklace. Those things are a dime a dozen. There is NOTHING special or unique about that particular half-heart necklace. Nina is just so obnoxious about the whole thing.

That's not what Nina was saying. If Sasha had done what NIna thought she was doing it would have been REALLY heartless and awful, and Nina's reaction was completely understandable and on point. She didn't think that she had THE necklace, once Jax pointed out that there are tons like those. Of course, when she first saw it, she thought that because it was an instinctive reaction, but the idea that Sasha would go on national television where she knew that Nina would see her wearing that necklace--even if it wasn't actually her daughter's--is incredibly cruel.

Sasha pretended to be her long-thought dead daughter for months. She lied to her for months about a truly devastating secret. And Nina forgave her. Then after Nina had just given her a pep talk, it looked like Sasha was casually flaunting the only physical, tangible reminder that Nina had of her child on national television in Nina's face (because Sasha would know that Nina's watching), yeah, it's really cruel. Again, even if it's not THE necklace, it still looks like it, so it's going to remind Nina not only of her long-lost daughter, and all of the trauma involved in that, but it's also going to remind her of the lies and manipulations that Sasha/Valentine--and that whole disastrous lying upon lying relationship--entangled her in.

So, nope, I don't think that Nina was being even remotely obnoxious in this case... at all. That's why Sasha was apologizing so profusely. Had she done what Nina (again, understandably) thought she had, it would have been a cruel thing to do to Nina, and Nina had EVERY RIGHT to call her out. After what Sasha did to her, Nina has every right to call her out on anything that veers into her long-lost daughter territory that Sasha may step into. Sasha pretended to be her daughter and lied about it for months and months and broke Nina's heart, betraying her horribly. Plus, she didn't tear into her, didn't scream or snarl or yell at her. She didn't throw a Carly-fit at her.

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31 minutes ago, nilyank said:

I know Phyllis thinks that she is helping but if she just left "Mike" at the hospital, he would have eventually gotten himself arrested in current manic phase and they would have fingerprinted him and everyone would know that he is Sonny Corinthos.

They should have fingerprinted him already anyway. Given Sonny's chosen profession, his prints must be on file.

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When are Jason & Britt having couch sex? Can they just have sex so we can move on already. It’s a bad day when little Avery is the only one acting. LOL!!!! I’m assuming everything will come to a head tomorrow.....I think. At least, the Alexis and the syringe was somewhat surprising that it was Dante who got the shot but yes it was otherwise all played out like a 5th grade play. So the couple at the bar aren’t going to get in a computer and see if there are any short Italian men lost? Do they not have WiFi? It is beyond dumb. At least, have him in another country and I could buy the stupid story. 

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Wait, I missed the part about why there was a loaded syringe of anything just laying about for Alexis to attack someone. Which doc/nurse just left that syringe out there for crazy balls Alexis to steal it?

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Which doc/nurse just left that syringe out there for crazy balls Alexis to steal it?

The one who should be fired!


3 hours ago, bybrandy said:

something else that will be cured by Jasperm?



One of two things will happen, either the necklace will match Nina's and we can finally get some movement on this story. Meaning Nina will double her efforts to find "her daughter" who will have been at that cabin around that time. Or two, it won't match and this will be all for naught. Who's putting bets down?!

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5 hours ago, bybrandy said:

So does Britt have huntingtons?  Or is this a red herring where she thinks it is the big H but it is something else that will be cured by Jasperm?

So this is extra gross. And it's Sonny's sperm that cures everything. 

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10 hours ago, driver18 said:

She didn't think that she had THE necklace, once Jax pointed out that there are tons like those. Of course, when she first saw it, she thought that because it was an instinctive reaction, but the idea that Sasha would go on national television where she knew that Nina would see her wearing that necklace--even if it wasn't actually her daughter's--is incredibly cruel.

I understand why Nina was upset. I just didn’t appreciate her assumptions. It reminded me of when Sam accused Brad and then Lucas of stealing her stupid dragon statute. Why come out all accusatory off the bat?!? That’s my point. It is obnoxious to me because Nina didn’t know all the facts and didn’t know if she even had a right to be angry in that moment. 

Why not simply ask a question first?! Nina immediately went to the “how could you do this to me” and “I thought you wanted to be a better person.” It just annoyed me. I know Sasha has done her dirty but that doesn’t mean , to me at least, that Nina has the right to yell and accuse her of crap all the time for the rest of her life. Sasha’s world doesn’t revolve around Nina and her lost child. I just wish more soap characters were less accommodating and more “real.” Sasha is nicer than me because I would have told Nina that she was the last thing on my mind so she could get out of my face with her accusations! 

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4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:
6 hours ago, bannana said:

Which doc/nurse just left that syringe out there for crazy balls Alexis to steal it?

The one who should be fired!

LOL. And why Lidocaine, of all things? The whole thing is hilariously plot-pointy.

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

They should have fingerprinted him already anyway. Given Sonny's chosen profession, his prints must be on file.

Apparently this town Sonny is in still lives in the 1960's, where there's no Internet, no national criminal database, nothing.  Honestly, this is the type of story that just doesn't work anymore, given the amount of technology out there.


Which doc/nurse just left that syringe out there for crazy balls Alexis to steal it?


The one who should be fired!

I'm just waiting for Epiphany to come hollering along and blame it on being short-staffed and therefore it's all Cyrus's fault. 

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2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Apparently this town Sonny is in still lives in the 1960's, where there's no Internet, no national criminal database, nothing.  Honestly, this is the type of story that just doesn't work anymore, given the amount of technology out there.

Seriously. It's insulting to Phyllis and her husband, actually, that they are so stupid about finding out who "Mike" really is. 

It's also stupid that Sonny's disappearance/death hasn't been the main news in Port Charles. It's not as if it's a big secret.

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28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Seriously. It's insulting to Phyllis and her husband, actually, that they are so stupid about finding out who "Mike" really is. 

Everything in the storyline has been insulting to Phyllis and her husband. Their place of business is one step above trash since they apparently don't know how to run it, someone comes to rob them but Sonny is there to save the day because Sonny must hero at all times. He cleans the tables so well that they look like they've just been purchased. If there was an attractive brunette around, he would be batting his eyelashes at her and whoring it up like the good ol' pro that he is.

Maybe he should go work at that hardware store since he is apparently so handy. Maybe a box of hammers will fall in his dumb head and he will regain his memory. 

There better be a good twist to this because this storyline is so far pretty abysmal.

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5 hours ago, lala2 said:

I understand why Nina was upset. I just didn’t appreciate her assumptions. It reminded me of when Sam accused Brad and then Lucas of stealing her stupid dragon statute. Why come out all accusatory off the bat?!? That’s my point. It is obnoxious to me because Nina didn’t know all the facts and didn’t know if she even had a right to be angry in that moment.

Why not simply ask a question first?! Nina immediately went to the “how could you do this to me” and “I thought you wanted to be a better person.”

I don't understand this, I'm sorry. These were the facts that Nina knew:

1. Sasha had just received a pep talk to her about wanting to be a better person.

2. Sasha was doing an interview on national television that she KNEW that Nina would be watching.

3. Sasha was wearing a half-heart necklace.

4. Nina shared a half-heart necklace with her long-lost daughter.

5. Sasha pretended to be her long-lost daughter. When the truth came out it caused a lot of pain and suffering. But Nina did forgive her.

6. Sasha knows how much that half-heart necklace means to Nina as it is the ONLY tangible evidence/reminder of her long-lost daughter.

7. The vast, vast, vast majority of human beings know what jewelry they are wearing.

These are the FACTS that Nina knew. Now, I ask you, in what situation does a person generally NOT know what piece of jewelry they put on? The likelihood that Sasha would NOT know that she was wearing THAT TYPE of necklace is so teeny-tiny that Nina's assumption was absolutely 100% valid considering all of the facts above. So, I state again, in my opinion, Nina was not obnoxious at all. She had every right based on all of the facts before her to make the assumption that she did.

And, once Sasha apologized profusely and explained that she did not know she was wearing it (and why), Nina backed down.

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@driver18 - I just didn't care for the way Nina came at Sasha. She came at her w/accusations from the start instead of asking her questions. If she had said, "Sasha, why are you wearing that necklace" instead of "How could you do this to me? You know how much the half-heart necklace means to me? I thought you were trying to be a better person", it would have played better to me and less obnoxious. 

It was just too much for me. 

Edited by lala2
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44 minutes ago, driver18 said:

7. The vast, vast, vast majority of human beings know what jewelry they are wearing.

I don't know, if I were about to reveal my drug use on national TV, I'd be a bit more worried about things other than my jewelry, which was selected by someone else and put on last-minute.  I can hand wave nerves and not paying attention. 

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I must say, today was the most useful/best Michael has been since he was in his "don't give a fuck" mindset upon finding out Sonny and Carly conspired re: AJ.  Carly looking so nervous and trying to distract Michael as he was innocently providing Nina with much-need info, made me laugh.  "Carly, Stop."  -- The most useful words Jax has uttered in Lord knowns how long. Finally, he stops covering for his bitch of an ex-wife. I think Monday will be the episode you want to see, @GHScorpiosRule 

Shut up, Ned. I liked Robert's grin at how mad and defensive he is, though. So now Olivia is out for grand revenge on Alexis?  Hmmm, has anyone remembered that Kristina exists? Does she even known her father is missing?

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This is a soap and I guess it shouldn't bother me, but I just can't get over how many law and medical professionals have heard Mike say he doesn't know who he is and they STILL have not filed a missing persons or looked into a database. It doesn't matter what state he is in, as long as he is in America they would be able to find this information. Heck, they are so close to Canada, they would have sent a hit to them as well. GOD. The stupid. It hurts 😪. But I bet when he is declared dead everyone in that town will get an Invader notification of his obituary.

So Phylis has mental problems of her own, I see. Mike doesn't know who he is or how he got there. If he has family and friends, a job back home, his health issues, and he has been with her less than a month. So how is it "hurtful" to be called a stranger? 🙄 He's a stranger to himself. Get a grip lady. 😆

Another pain is any conversation involving Jason. I can't imagine how hard it is for the actors that have to be paired with him in a scene as he gives them NOTHING. Liz once again looks ridiculous talking to him about Franco's request. JASON DOESN'T CARE. So much second hand embarrassment.

I am tired of Liz having to reassure Franco of her love and devotion. She stood by him when he confessed to a crime he didn't commit. At this point he could throw Jake off the pier and she would blame it on the new tumor and stand by her man. 

I LOVE that Michael and Avery are the ones blowing up Carly, and they aren't even trying.  😂. "Nelle was at the cabin". "Nelle is from Florida". I hope Jax is really about to tell the whole truth and nothing but. But it just feels like it is too soon. 😪 But I also don't see how he can walk back Carly's statement, so maybe Monday will be the day. This story has dragged on for years and it is finally almost over 🙌👏🤸‍♀️💃

Julian is dead and we still have to hear how horrible he is.

Alexis has been dragged through so much mud that it will be hard to watch Olivia lay into her.

Maybe Dante will wake up deprogrammed and Alexis will get off.

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Oh, lookie there, making its first appearance of 2021 is Jax's spine! He definitely should have found it months ago and prevented Carly from letting this crazy train veer so spectacularly off the rails, but it's nice to know that he's still capable of doing the right thing. Carly will likely escape unscathed here; Nina's so defanged these days that she'll probably yell at Carly a little (like she did before at Nelle's grave) and that'll be that. Jax is the one with the loyalty to Nina and he's the one who ultimately dropped the ball and betrayed her trust. Everyone has been accusing Valentin of driving a wedge between Jax and Nina and now we have Jax admitting he did that himself, even if that wasn't his goal. I'm sure Valentin (who feels like the official voice of the audience nowadays, calling out everyone's hypocrisies and shortcomings) will point that out on Monday, and maybe FINALLY we'll get some fireworks as payoff from slogging through this mess.

Also, that heartbeat pounding in the background as Nina carefully pieced the heart together was so fucking ridiculous and added no suspense to the moment; we've all known the truth for ages and knew this was coming, and how much drama can be found in a grown woman completing a two-piece puzzle, anyway? The show's commitment to the half-heart conceit has never made sense to me and I'd be really happy if we could put it to bed now that the truth's been revealed.

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“I didn’t agree to kill Franco.” “Of course not!”  Like it’s so out of character for Jason to kill someone or be violent. There are not enough eye rolls in the world.

Nancy Lee Grahn does unhinged really well, but I am not moved this time.  I’m over her hysterics and this storyline. Time to move on.

Speaking of moving on, thank god the necklace story is coming to an end.  In other not so happy news, I’m sad to see Tracy go.   I was so with her when she was calling out Monica on her hypocrisy.  What a phony Monica is. Jane Elliott is amazing, looks fabulous, and I hope she comes back soon!

Edited by mostlylurking
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I actually burst out laughing when Michael said that the last person at the cabin before Avery found the necklace was Nelle and Valentin looked at Jax. I really love Valentin when he's single and so smart. Also LW does the "I'm guilty but butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" look so well.

How long does a hospital keep vials of already tested blood around? Also I am SO tired of Phyllis and her guilt about Nina's baby. And stop calling BPAD a "psychological illness".

Monica: "Tracy, you happen to be guilty.:" So was Sonny all those times but Diane still got him off.

Jason to Franco: Why would Dante try to save your life? Me: Maybe because he's got humanity and isn't judge and jury like you.

Is there an actual antidote to lidocaine? I thought they would give him adrenaline or something like Benadryl.

Why do I get the feeling that there are going to be more consequences for Alexis than there were for Luke when he "killed" Jake?

15 minutes ago, Thatoneshow said:

This is a soap and I guess it shouldn't bother me, but I just can't get over how many law and medical professionals have heard Mike say he doesn't know who he is and they STILL have not filed a missing persons or looked into a database

They did look into a database but it was only local. Incompetence is not limited to the PCPD

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4 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

“I didn’t agree to kill Franco.” “Of course not!”  Like it’s so out of character for Jason to kill someone or be violent. There are not enough eye rolls in the world.

to be fair, she went on to say he would never agree to kill franco because it would be admission of guilt lol.

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I went back to watch the scene of Dante being stabbed and I still don't get Jason's conclusion that Dante "sacrificed" himself and Franco's surprise. He simply tried to stop Alexis and got caught on her down swing. Honestly, even if Dr. O hadn't messed with Dante he still would have tried to stop Alexis. A sane Dante is a (mostly) law abiding, upstanding cop. He would not have let Alexis attempt to kill someone, no matter how much he hates that person. I know these are supposed to be clues leading to a story, but I just don't think it should be a surprise to Franco or Jason that Dante would jump to action. Sure he tackled Franco earlier, but that was because he was being a physical threat to his boss. That is what security does. 😆

Also, I hope this is the last "woe is me" story for Franco.

31 minutes ago, ciarra said:

How did Carly manage to mix up the necklaces when one clearly looked like brass?


Not only that, but the hearts looked different and her chain was bigger. It's like she didn't even try. She should have just thrown it away and bought Avery a new one. Tell her it broke at the shop but the new one was magical.

Edited by Thatoneshow
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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

I don't know, if I were about to reveal my drug use on national TV, I'd be a bit more worried about things other than my jewelry, which was selected by someone else and put on last-minute.  I can hand wave nerves and not paying attention. 

Yes, but I think the point was there is no reason Nina would assume that Sasha didn't know what necklace she was wearing because most people do.



8 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

So this is extra gross. And it's Sonny's sperm that cures everything. 

Magical healing spunk is how Jason proves to the 5 families that he's in charge now.  😉


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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

How did Carly manage to mix up the necklaces when one clearly looked like brass?

Because "there's so much going on right now!" (You have to shriek that in the LW voice, either out loud or in your mind.) 

Edited by Asp Burger
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