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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

Btw, is it wrong that I laughed at Sonny at the end of the episode when he was caressing the knife and trying to act all threatening?

I think you joined in with the rest of us. 

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Lucy, girl, why are you handing over chunks of your business willy nilly.  You could make a mutually beneficial deal with Crimson without giving Nina a stake.

And Sasha is Lucy's partner?  That's what people kept saying and it's like...no, girl, no.  Oh it kills me to think how much more I'd like this if Sasha was Serena or Christina.

But at least this is better than Lucy hocking real estate.  And I did enjoy her bursting back in on Maxie and Nina and Neens being all, "Wait, you're still here?".

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NuNik and Elizabeth had a nice easy chemistry together--once again proving Rebecca Herbst works well with everyone.  But, yes, she let Nik off too easily.

Michael was acting like a jealous schoolgirl when Brad suggested Willow help out with Wylie rather than him.  Overstepping doesn't begin to cover the way he's acting.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Lucy, girl, why are you handing over chunks of your business willy nilly.  You could make a mutually beneficial deal with Crimson without giving Nina a stake.

Maybe she thinks she's on Shark Tank?

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How lazy are the set/continuity people that they don't notice the *painting in the treatment room is also being used in the meeting room in back-to-back scenes?  Maybe they got a quantity deal at the Pottery Barn?  "Ugly painting for every room!"

*I assume it's a painting and not a print.

Lucy and Sasha look like more mother and daughter, and it appears that they share the same taste in clothing.


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4 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

What exactly is it that makes Sonny a mobster? No drugs, no guns...so what exactly is it he's trafficking that isn't coffee?


That is all they've ever said. It's so damn stupid that Sonny has dominated decades of this show and is supposed to be the biggest, most feared mobster, but we never get to know what he is actually trafficking. It's like they want us to think it's rainbows or unicorns or something. 

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The reunion scenes as you described them! I wanted Liz to rip into Nik. For fuck's sake, is Laura the ONLY one with a brain? And is the only one calling him out for his selfishness and self-absorption?

I wanted her to really lay on the guilt for the pain he's caused Laura. Elizabeth and Laura are close, so Elizabeth witnessed how Laura suffered thinking her first born was dead and worried over/ took responsibility for Spencer.  She could have spoken of empathizing with Laura's pain because she remembers how she grieved as a mother during the years Jake was believed to be deceased. 

Maybe Elizabeth is just so beat down emotionally from everything that has happened and is happy to have a friend again. In the last three years her friends have consisted of Kim, Drew, and sometimes when the show was desperate, Epiphany.  I strongly believe that her isolation and feelings of loss are partly responsible for her getting together with Franco in the first place. 

Can someone get Robin to visit Port Charles and yell at Nikolas, please? While she's here, she can say hey mom, I really don't care if Peter is my brother or my cousin, hey dad stay out of Mom and Finn's relationship, and ask Uncle Mac to at least try to knock some sense into Maxie over her life choices since Felicia is useless for anything but praise of Maxie.  

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5 hours ago, TVbitch said:


That is all they've ever said. It's so damn stupid that Sonny has dominated decades of this show and is supposed to be the biggest, most feared mobster, but we never get to know what he is actually trafficking. It's like they want us to think it's rainbows or unicorns or something. 

All they needed to do is say that Sonny runs counterfeit goods since it also has a huge illegal market too. 

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13 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I suppose this is hard on Herbst too that TC is having serious personal problems so she has to act with a re-cast. (I remember in an interview she once said, "Tyler will always be Nikolas to me."

I'm not ruling out that she has said this more than once, but if we're thinking of the same interview, it was when she was reacting to pictures of Liz over 20 years, and one came up with her and a Nikolas who seemingly was not well liked by co-stars (Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines). She also said the period when Jacob Young was Lucky and Scott/Martines was Nikolas was a blip in her tenure that's largely forgotten. 

Genie Francis took no pains to hide that she didn't care for Nikolas #2 either. 

I think both of them will give the new guy a chance. 

10 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

NuNik and Elizabeth had a nice easy chemistry together--once again proving Rebecca Herbst works well with everyone.  

Except for the aforementioned duo. They were her kryptonite. Young's Lucky was hands down her worst romantic pairing, and when they teased Liz/Nikolas with the Coltin version, no one was clamoring for it. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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5 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

All they needed to do is say that Sonny runs counterfeit goods since it also has a huge illegal market too. 

That doesn't sound dangerous enough. Sonny scares the entire Eastern Seaboard, you know.

1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

Young's Lucky was hands down her worst romantic pairing,

Shouty McYellerson wasn't a good match for anyone.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny scares the entire Eastern Seaboard, you know.

Yes, but apparently weepy Valentin scared the almighty Helena, so I think the show's definition of "scary" is not the same as the rest of the worlds.  

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12 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Maybe Elizabeth is just so beat down emotionally from everything that has happened and is happy to have a friend again. In the last three years her friends have consisted of Kim, Drew, and sometimes when the show was desperate, Epiphany.

There's also Terry, whose entire reason for being is being "Biz's" pal, though we haven't seen her in a minute, have we.

Edited by TeeVee329
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14 hours ago, TVbitch said:


That is all they've ever said. It's so damn stupid that Sonny has dominated decades of this show and is supposed to be the biggest, most feared mobster, but we never get to know what he is actually trafficking. It's like they want us to think it's rainbows or unicorns or something. 

But but....it's not drugs...because our "Heart of Gold™" little moobster wouldn't ever stoop that low.🙄 Even though IIRC he did  get Karen (Scotty's daughter)hooked on drugs when he had her stripping in his club. Besides...doesn't everyone in PC look up to him?<sarcasm font/bold>

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

There's also Terry, whose entire reason for being is being "Biz's" pal, though we haven't seen her in a minute, have we.

I totally forgot about Terry.  She was brought on to be Oscar's oncologist who also happened to be Liz's childhood friend ... whom neither Elizabeth, either version of Sarah, or Steven Lars had ever mentioned. TPTB invented an old friend of Elizabeth's for convenience sake for certain scenes. Because really, she meant so much to Elizabeth that she never met Liz's kids until Cameron was SORASed, never knew the boys' fathers, was not mentioned as an invited guest to Elizabeth's weddings prior to her marriage to Franco, and has not been present any time Elizabeth was seriously ill or injured and in the hospital. At the "Friz wedding reception" on the Haunted Star, I saw her giving a brief speech as a stand-in for Robin and Emily, who are no longer in town/alive to be Elizabeth's closest girl friends. 

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I just need to complain about Michael, or rather the writing for Michael. It is so heavy-handed that it's bordering on ridiculous.

Michael is going to take a leave of absence from his job to care for Wiley when Brad is RIGHT THERE?!?! What?!!? That's stupid. Brad can't take any time off his job to recover from being in a horrific accident or to care for a sick family member. Do these writers not know about the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)? Brad can certainly take off time to care for Lucas and his son. Michael does not need to be included. We all know why Michael's been forced in Brucas's lives when he NEVER associated or even spoke about them before, but this is just too much for me to take. It's too contrived and fake. I hate plot point writing. 

Now since we've established that Brad apparently cannot parent a child singlehandedly (RME), Michael wants to choose the nanny and decide whether Willow should babysit or not. He's way too involved, and frankly, he cares way too much about any of this. It is not believable. It's all just too much. What godparent cares on this level? 

While still unbelievable given that Lucas has family members in town, if BOTH Lucas and Brad were laid up in the hospital and in comas, then I could possibly understand Michael taking his role as a "godparent" more seriously - again, I would still expect Lucas's mother or sister to step in before Michael - but that scenario would make far more sense than the current one. Brad is fine. He's up and about. He and Lucas are both in the medical profession, and I assume have some money saved up. Brad could hire his own babysitter or nanny. If Lucas dies, then Brad is going to have to figure out how to care for his child. That's not Michael's business or problem. There's no reason for him to take on Brad's problems w/Wiley. 

This story is just lame. Michael never associated w/Brucas until this piece of crap story started. He's now obsessed w/Wiley and seems to want to be his second parent. LOL! I'm so over it. I love Brad. I know many hate him, but I love the character. That said, but I'm beyond ready for the hammer to drop on him and for this story to just be done. Heck, I was hoping Brad would die in the crash and Lucas would be in the coma. They both could have died for all I care. Michael could then unknowingly raise his own child, but I would have written Michael as more reluctant to take on being a parent. That, to me, is an actual story.

At this point, I just want them to give stupid Michael his dumb baby and move on. This crap, OTT, plot point writing is not helping. We all know where this is going, so just get there already. Granted, there's NO STORY to tell w/Michael and a baby but whatever. Michael is a bore and will continue to be a bore. I've lost all hope for his character ever being interesting or entertaining. Let him have his baby and just be done w/it. 

Edited by lala2
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The show wants us to excuse Michael's overstepping because we know that Wiley is really his son, but imagine that he wasn't, his behavior - latching on to his uncle's child/his godson as a release valve for his feelings about his dead child to the degree that he's pushing the actual parents out of the decision-making process - would be unacceptable.  And he's so just so condescending about it too, he really is Carly's child.

Edited by TeeVee329
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32 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

The show wants us to excuse Michael's overstepping because we know that Wiley is really his son, but imagine that he wasn't, his behavior - latching on to his uncle's child/his godson as a release valve for his feelings about his dead child to the degree that he's pushing the actual parents out of the decision-making process - would be unacceptable.  And he's so just so conescending about it too, he really is Carly's child.

See, that's my issue too. I don't care that Michael is actually the father.  That's beside the point. As you said, he's overstepping and is being beyond pushy and annoying when it comes to Wiley. He's not Wiley's father as far as he knows. Wiley has a parent that is up and walking around. 

I also don't find it at all believable that Michael would be this invested in Wiley and what happens w/him. Again, if Brad and Lucas were incapacitated . . . . sure . . . I could buy Micahel stepping up, but that's not the case. Lucas has a mother in town. Bobbie is retired, right? She can't step in and care for Wiley while Brad is at work?!?! Michael is the point of contact at the school?! Really!?!? That is not at all believable. I'm a godmother to a couple of kids, and I know I'm not on any contact lists! Lucas has a mother and sister in town. It would make more sense of either of them to be on the emergency contact list than Michael. 

Edited by lala2
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3 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Michael never associated w/Brucas until this piece of crap story started.

Not just Michael - Carly, Sonny and Josslyn as well.  I believe Carly mentioned once or twice that Lucas and Brad were adopting, but Carly never, ever was in the same scene as adult (recast) Lucas until this storyline kicked off. Sonny barely knew that Brucas existed, and same for Joss. They certainly never spoke to/were in scenes with them all these years. It's all a set-up for future talk of the Corinthos Family getting 'robbed' of the father-son, grandparent-grandson, aunt-nephew relationship building time with Wiley/Jonah because uncle/brother Lucas got duped by evil Nelle and stupid yet devious Brad. Given how Michael and Carly are acting now about Wiley's care when they don't even know the truth yet, I'm expecting minimal sympathy (i.e. "He's MY SON/GRANDSON, OUR FAMILY MAKES THE DECISIONS ABOUT HIM FROM THIS MOMENT ON ... but  Lucas, we do love you and we can see the baby feels attached to you. So you may visit him).

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1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Not just Michael - Carly, Sonny and Josslyn as well.  I believe Carly mentioned once or twice that Lucas and Brad were adopting, but Carly never, ever was in the same scene as adult (recast) Lucas until this storyline kicked off. Sonny barely knew that Brucas existed, and same for Joss. They certainly never spoke to/were in scenes with them all these years. It's all a set-up for future talk of the Corinthos Family getting 'robbed' of the father-son, grandparent-grandson, aunt-nephew relationship building time with Wiley/Jonah because uncle/brother Lucas got duped by evil Nelle and stupid yet devious Brad. Given how Michael and Carly are acting now about Wiley's care when they don't even know the truth yet, I'm expecting minimal sympathy (i.e. "He's MY SON/GRANDSON, OUR FAMILY MAKES THE DECISIONS ABOUT HIM FROM THIS MOMENT ON ... but  Lucas, we do love you and we can see the baby feels attached to you. So you may visit him).

You're right! No one in the Corinthos clan cared about Brucas until Wiley came along, and even then, their contact was still minimal. To me, it's only ramped up in the last couple of months or so. The story would have been so much better in they had always been close. More stakes that way. 

I FF through all things Michael/Wiley/Brucas related, and that has not changed. I just read about Michael over on SoapCentral. I have zero desire to see CarSon and Michael get on their high horses when it comes to Nelle and Brad when this secret is revealed. AFAIC, Carly did the EXACT SAME THING to AJ, and she was never punished for her actions. In fact, she was praised, so I'm not going to listen to a bunch of hypocrites blast Nelle and Brad for the same crap they (or their parents) pulled. I also couldn't care less about Michael, so even though he didn't do the same thing, I don't care that it happened to him. He's a self-righteous, condescending, judgmental jerk.  

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Willow is the only one who's acting with any sense.

2 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I also don't find it at all believable that Michael would be this invested in Wiley and what happens w/him.

I know. I buy his interest in Wiley because Michael is still grieving what he thinks is the loss of his son, but this is overinvolvement on a gross scale. Michael doesn't know Wiley is his, so Michael's behavior isn't excusable on that basis. 

I wish they hadn't made Brad so squirrelly so early about Wiley's paternity. It gives him no place to go. He is sounding unhinged. At least let Julian help out, which Brad seems prepared to do.

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3 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I have zero desire to see CarSon and Michael get on their high horses when it comes to Nelle and Brad when this secret is revealed.

I don't know if we'll all live that long.

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish they hadn't made Brad so squirrelly so early about Wiley's paternity. It gives him no place to go. He is sounding unhinged. At least let Julian help out, which Brad seems prepared to do.

I wish Brad hadn't been made the fall guy in this lame story in the first place. Would the story really have been all that different if a switch had occurred unbeknownst to him? There's a car accident. Brad passes out. Nelle switches the babies and leaves. Same story but w/o unnecessarily (IMO of course) trashing a character. It's not like Michael or his family loves or cares about Brad, so there's no drama there when the secret is revealed. They will want him dead or in jail. Okay.

The only drama comes from Lucas, and since Brucas were literally shoved back into the closet after they got married, and we rarely see them interact anymore, I don't think it means as much to see Lucas leave Brad. Who's gonna care? I love Brad, and I don't even care. LOL! I guess the Brad haters will get something from it, but that's about it. If Brad hadn't been involved, not much changes about this story, IMO. 

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On 1/11/2020 at 3:38 PM, lala2 said:

I wish Brad hadn't been made the fall guy in this lame story in the first place. Would the story really have been all that different if a switch had occurred unbeknownst to him? There's a car accident. Brad passes out. Nelle switches the babies and leaves. Same story but w/o unnecessarily (IMO of course) trashing a character.

You could even have Brad find out halfway through the story about the switch, and by that time, he's bonded to Wiley and doesn't want to lose him and the motive work is much clearer.  That's what I wished for with the whole Britt/Baby Ben thing - that she didn't know it was Lulu and Dante's embryo Dr. O had implanted until after she'd given birth and bonded with Ben.

Because the show, really to Brad's deteriment, showed Brad's guilt, but not his grief about the first Wiley's death.  I remember, on AMC when Jesse and Angie's baby died and Jesse swapped another baby in, Jesse going back to where he had to bury his child and having a breakdown that was so well-done and really made you understand what drove Jesse to do something so terrible.

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10 minutes ago, lala2 said:

AFAIC, Carly did the EXACT SAME THING to AJ, and she was never punished for her actions. In fact, she was praised, so I'm not going to listen to a bunch of hypocrites blast Nelle and Brad for the same crap they (or their parents) pulled.

Actually Carly's behavior hurt AJ as well as Tony. Tony unraveling was directly connected to Carly wanting him to be invested in "our" baby. That all culminated in Tony kidnapping baby Michael and then Robin, who became critically ill. I am hoping Tracy sticks around a while, in part to do some truth-telling to Carly when she inevitably starts screaming about how she and Michael were wronged regarding Wiley.

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Just now, TeeVee329 said:

You could even have Brad find out halfway through the story about the switch, and by that time, he's bonded to Wiley and doesn't want to lose him and the motive work is much clearer.  That's what I wished for with the whole Britt/Baby Ben thing - that she didn't know it was Lulu and Dante's embryo Dr. O had implanted until after she'd given brith and bonded with Ben.

Because the show, really to Brad's deteriment, showed Brad's guilt, but not his grief about the first Wiley's death.  I remember, on AMC when Jesse and Angie's baby died and Jesse swapped another baby in, Jesse going back to where he had to bury his child and having a breakdown that was so well-done and really made you understand what drove Jesse to do something so terrible.

Yes!! That would have been a much better story. In fact, if we had seen Brucas going through various processes to get a child and then losing that child, we might have been able to understand why Brad did what he did w/Nelle. Anything would have been better storytelling, IMO. Instead they just threw Brad under the bus, which bothered me b/c Brad hadn't been featured even semi-regularly in years. He and Lucas were . . . . heck, they still are less than day players on this show. We barely see them. You can't empathize or sympathize w/a character you rarely see and when the writers don't bother to write for him in any meaningful way.  

I loved Britt and also hoped she hadn't known it was Lulu's embryo! They screwed her over too. 

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Jordan’s “Oh hey Jason!” sounded and looked as if Jason was a colleague instead of the murdering thug he is. And then her whining about how she thought they had “moved beyond” or whatever she said, made it sound like they’d just had a difference of how to do things. And the actress is just so bad. There’s no affect. It seems all her line readings are so FLAT.

And NO THANKS! We already had a drug addiction storyline on this show. Two, as a matter of fact. But Alan’s was much better than the STOOPID that was Vaughn’s Lucky.

This whole Wiley needs a nanny because Brad can’t care for him is such nonsense. It’s so ham fisted and stupid. And SLS decided it was necessary not because Brad abandoned or forgot about Wiley at the daycare, which would be cause for concern, but because Wiley was “being fussy.” You know, how babies tend to get. And the morons at the daycare couldn’t handle a fussy child? Aren’t they supposed to be trained to handle that?

Yeah, yeah, it’s all ANVILICIOUS because the viewers know Wiley is his child. 

Others have already stated why it’s so ridiculous so much better.

I hope someone gives these new writers the history on SheBeast because SLS wasn’t the only baby she kept from its father. But I’m not holding my breath.🙄🙄😒😒😒

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And SLS decided it was necessary not because Brad abandoned or forgot about Wiley at the daycare, which would be cause for concern, but because Wiley was “being fussy.”

And also because Brad dropped Wiley off late.  My kid never went to daycare, but are you generally required to drop a kid off at a certain time? I was under the impression there were penalties for picking a kid up late...I didn't realize there was a problem if they arrived late as well.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

She also desperately needs a haircut. It's so long and stringy. It might even change the way we feel about her, the way Lauren's bob did.

I agree that she needs a good haircut.  But it's the bobbing head, acting tics and fake modesty that I really hate. And  now she's just the bestest negotiator ever.

5 hours ago, lala2 said:

Michael is going to take a leave of absence from his job to care for Wiley when Brad is RIGHT THERE?!?! What?!!? That's stupid. Brad can't take any time off his job to recover from being in a horrific accident or to care for a sick family member

 Can Brad afford to take time away from his job? Or hire a nanny?  I thought we were supposed to believe that an ER attending and the chief lab tech don't have enough money to afford a nanny, or have saved up for a rainy day enough that Brad can take some time off to take care of Wylie and visit Lucas.

I've never been able to believe that Michael is the successful CEO of a multinational corporation. I always figured that he has a killer assistant who does all his thinking for him.

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On 1/7/2020 at 8:10 AM, Captanne said:

As for how annoying Lulu is?  She certainly is and so is the actress.  But yesterday's dialogue for Lulu in the Nicholas/Laura scene was so ridiculous it almost served as comic relief so I can only assume the writers are doing that intentionally.


On 1/7/2020 at 7:58 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

I know he's done vile stuff, but I like Valentine. Or at least, I like to watch JPS play him. JPS has that same "yes I know he's done rotten stuff but I still feel for him" thing down pat that most of my favorite actors have.


And this is why it's so impossible for me to ever root for Lulu in the Charlotte situation, because between the writing and acting for both Lulu and Valentin, Valentin wins the "rootworthy" contest hands down, despite the fact that he's supposed to be a deep-dyed villain!  Valentin has already been written as, and JPS has portrayed him as, a man who's redeeming feature is that he loves his child with all his heart.  Lulu has been written as a dimwitted, whiny, entitled twit, and ER plays the role as written.  It's like they went, "We'll write that Charlotte was the product of Lulu's stolen egg, that way she'll be the victim and in the right", without taking into in consideration that Valentin was as much a victim in that situation as Lulu.  Then they do nothing to make Lulu more sympathetic, while reinforcing that Valentin deeply loved Charlotte at every turn.  Finally, when the Nicholas shoe drops, they show Valentin's first reaction is to think about Charlotte first, while Lulu's is, "HA!!! I'VE FINALLY NAILED HIM ON SOMETHING!!!"

I find the whole Charlotte story to be deeply distasteful (I hate child custody storylines in general),.  What I especially hate here is that the writers did so much to make Valentin rootworthy in this one situation and so little to make Lulu rootworthy in, let's face it, ANY situation, plus JPS's strengths as an actor and ER's weaknesses, that it comes off as a story about how an unlucky child was ripped away from the father she adored because her egg donor decided she was entitled to said child.  

I find it hard to believe that this is what the writers intended, but this is what they wrote.

Edited by yowsah1
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I really wish that they would just make Ned the ELQ CEO again and be done with it. At least he was believable in the role and he isn't mayor anymore so he has the time. Even if WK is barely on the show, I'm not sure it matters since there hasn't been an ELQ-related storyline since RC left. We've had 5 years of Michael as CEO and if people still aren't buying it, I don't think it's ever going to happen. 

Edited by ffwbe
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2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I really wish that they would just make Ned the ELQ CEO again and be done with it. At least he was believable in the role and he isn't mayor anymore so he has the time. Even if WK is barely on the show, I'm not sure it matters since there hasn't been an ELQ-related storyline since RC left. We've had 5 years of Michael as CEO and if people still aren't buying it, I don't think it's ever going to happen. 

I would too. He is Edward's namesake and the person that Edward always wanted to run ELQ. Why couldn't Edward leave that in his will instead of the constant redistributing of ELQ shares to his grand and great grandkids.

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10 hours ago, ffwbe said:

We've had 5 years of Michael as CEO and if people still aren't buying it, I don't think it's ever going to happen. 

It doesn't help that we rarely hear about Michael doing much ELQ-related business. I get they don't want to write business stories (which is dumb, but whatever), but at least make it semi-plausible that Michael does more than eat at the MetroCourt with his girlfriend.

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47 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It doesn't help that we rarely hear about Michael doing much ELQ-related business. I get they don't want to write business stories (which is dumb, but whatever), but at least make it semi-plausible that Michael does more than eat at the MetroCourt with his girlfriend.

Or that when Ned was CEO, he would talk about what he was working on and it was “real” talk about the business world instead of vague non specific subjects when Eeyore talks about what he’s doing. Plus he (that would be SLS ) just sounds like he’s playing at CEO and doesn’t sound or look like one, even if he’s wearing a suit.

SO MUCH about the birth and custody fights about this character and the show focused on it for YEARS, destroying and massacring other good characters, and he ends up being a waste of space.😒😒😒😒

And oh lookie! Nik doesn’t even get to react to Liz being married to that serial killer! While I hated the affair these two had years ago, I wouldn’t mind seeing them together again since I could see and feel the chemistry with them. While Becky is a chemistry magnet, I don’t see or feel it with Howarth. But it won’t happen because  I’m not allowed to have nice things. 

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Or hire a nanny?  I

I guess the point is that with both of them working at the hospital and the hospital having a a daycare for it's staff (which apparently is a 24hr/7 day a week thing), there is no need for a nanny.  


17 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And the morons at the daycare couldn’t handle a fussy child? Aren’t they supposed to be trained to handle that?

If the child was fussy because they were sick, then I can see daycare calling someone to pick them up, so as not to pass on whatever sickness to the other childrend in daycare.  But if the kid is being a typical kid, yeah, it's their job to handle it.

Also, why would Michael be on the contact list? 

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19 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Also, why would Michael be on the contact list? 

Apparently Lucas had listed him on the contact list and when they couldn't reach Brad, they called Michael. Although why they didn't call Lucas' mom (Bobbie who works at GH), or Lucas' sisters, I don't know.

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So in the space of a few days Michael went from being deeply suspicious of Ned offering to help out at ELQ (in the job he truly should have and is trained for, but whatever) to saying he's taking a leave of absence and "Ned can handle things."  I get that the show is trying to concuss all of us with the anvils about how connected Michael feels to Wylie so that when the bloody reveal that he's really Jonah happens we'll be further inundated with scenes about Michael telling anyone within earshot about how he just ~knew there was a bond with him and the kid.

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The most irritating thing about Michael and his psychic bond/anvils about Wiley/Jonah is that no one is calling him out on it. Not his parents, his girlfriends, friends or other family members.

He literally wants to stop working in his high-profile job so he could babysit Wiley during the hours that he normally been at daycare before Lucas went to the hospital.

However if this was a woman who was overstepping her role with another child after losing her own child, everyone in Port Charles would be trying to get her into therapy or send her away to Ferncliff. Because bitches be crazy.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Apparently Lucas had listed him on the contact list and when they couldn't reach Brad, they called Michael. Although why they didn't call Lucas' mom (Bobbie who works at GH), or Lucas' sisters, I don't know.

We all know how much Sam loves her own kids and how close she is to them.🤣

Calling Carly would make sense since the kid will just end up in the Corinthos Daycare when Michael finally claims him.

But hey, let's have the contact be the CEO of a multinational corporation instead of Grandma, the nurse who works in the same building.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

The most irritating thing about Michael and his psychic bond/anvils about Wiley/Jonah is that no one is calling him out on it. Not his parents, his girlfriends, friends or other family members.

When does anyone ever call Michael (The Quartermaine that calls Sonny 'Dad'😩) on anything?  It was all Nelle's fault that Michael couldn't wait until the safe birth of his child before egging on Nelle.  Just like it's going to be all Brad/Julian's fault for Wiley/Jonah. 

On 1/10/2020 at 8:53 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

NuNik and Elizabeth had a nice easy chemistry together--

Can't wait to see the endless scenes of the serial killer/rapist being jealous of Nik.

21 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Jordan’s “Oh hey Jason!” sounded and looked as if Jason was a colleague instead of the murdering thug he is.

And it appeared that Jason thought he was being summoned to the police station because they needed this thug's help. again.  Curtis and Drew were fun to watch.  Jax and Curtis are fun to watch.  Jason just isn't fun to watch.  Questions pop up in my mind like "What exactly goes on behind stage that show preferred to bring SBu back instead of keeping BM?" "If dialogue has to be written that emphasizes that parents are going to miss their children - isn't something fundamentally wrong with those characters?" "What parent wouldn't miss being kept away from their young children?"  "If a character is gone from the show for five years, why would separation from his wife during parole be an issue?"  "Why didn't Jason take the fall for Sam and let his kids be without their mother?"   "How can you place a screen shot of Tracy in the previews immediately followed by Spinelli?". 😠

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Maybe Lucas picked Michael because he's his nephew, the baby's godfather, spends a good deal of time in and around the hospital handling board business, and is reliable.  Sam was in prison for a bit there, and on the run with Jason before that and undercover before that and.. not around most of the time, Carly has 4 kids at home that she can't be bothered with, and Bobbie is flighty as fuck.


I mean, we know it's the baby daddy factor, but there are logistical reasons too.

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