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S01.E02: Chapter Two - The Child

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I think my favorite part of this episode is Mando’s frustrations. I’m not sure about how I feel about never seeing his face, but man, Pedro Pascal brought it today. His frustrations were loud and clear.

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Is this show Canon? Because the original ending of movie episode 9 is Leia as the last Jedi. Assuming "baby Yoda" survives into the final trilogy timeline, then he / she would inevitably become a Jedi.

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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Is this show Canon? Because the original ending of movie episode 9 is Leia as the last Jedi. Assuming "baby Yoda" survives into the final trilogy timeline, then he / she would inevitably become a Jedi.

I'm not sure Leia was ever a Jedi.. Force user/sensitive for sure, but not Jedi.
I took the title to refer to Luke, the last person to be named a Jedi.... 

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16 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Man, Disney is going to make a killing whenever they decide to put out their Baby Yoda merchandise!

I'm stunned they haven't gotten it out yet. Ya slippin' Disney, ya slippin'.

I've always been unsure how widespread knowledge of the Force is. You'd think someone as well-traveled as The Mandalorian is would not be that gobsmacked by Baby Yoda's extremely mild and short-lived demonstration.

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8 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

I'm stunned they haven't gotten it out yet. Ya slippin' Disney, ya slippin'.

I've always been unsure how widespread knowledge of the Force is. You'd think someone as well-traveled as The Mandalorian is would not be that gobsmacked by Baby Yoda's extremely mild and short-lived demonstration.

Han didn't believe in the Force either, in ANH. I gather that the Empire spent 20 or so years trying to stamp out all knowledge except for those few allowed in the loop.

I gather that some people have a hard time connecting with the Mando, because we can't see his eyes. Do you have that problem with Vader or C-3PO? For me, there's enough body language to guess at what he'd be thinking. Plus, what would I think in that situation?

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13 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

I've always been unsure how widespread knowledge of the Force is. You'd think someone as well-traveled as The Mandalorian is would not be that gobsmacked by Baby Yoda's extremely mild and short-lived demonstration.

Maybe he was shocked that it was done by a toddler that can't even speak , not necessarily use of the force.

Someone already commented on YT that this show is kinda like an RPG game. Our protagonist completed a sidequest with the egg, now he can comeback to the main  mission and collect the reward:) 

I enjoy this show a lot, though it's kinda hard to get used to such short episodes. And I'm very impressed with how much I already like titular character. You would think it'll be hard to connect with someone who never takes his helmet off, but even when I can't see his face I can still figure out what he feels. Also the atmopshere is great.

And baby notYoda. This is the cutest, most adorable creature I have ever seen on screen. Even if I wouldn't like anything in this show, I'd just watch for him/her.

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Disney needs to get those plush baby Yoda dolls on shelves ASAP, the holiday season is upon us! I would already have one on reserve, baby Yoda is the cutest sweetest little thing in the entire universe. I can already see it happening that the Mandalorian will end up caring more about the baby than the reward and it will be adorable bounty hunter and a super baby story, and I am all for it. I mean, look at that little green cutie, who could resist? 

Those darn Jawas, always sneaking and wheeling and dealing and causing trouble! The two man act between the Mandalorian and the farmer was hilarious, especially as the Mandalorian kept shooting fire at them and refused to put down his weapons while the farmer tried to play good cop. I hope that he shows up again. I have spoken. 

Casting Pedro Pascal as the main character was a great idea, he shows so much personality in just his body language and the tone of his voice, which is really important when you never see your main characters face. I feel more character coming from him in one long suffering sigh than what a lot of characters can express with their whole face and body for a whole season to work with. 

I still love the Western vibe, and the paintings of the episode at the end are really cool. 

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2 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

The Sandcrawler sequence reminded me of the Super Star Wars game on the SNES where Luke has to fight his way up the side and into a Sandcrawler to rescue a stolen R2D2.

It reminded me of the old Adam West Batman series when Batman and Robin would be crawling up the side of a building and someone would open a window and make some comment.  Maybe you have to be as old as I am to remember that :-).

I am really loving this show.  I don't mind the short episodes.  They kind of fit my short attention span.

Favorite line.  "Hey! Spit that out!"

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I feel like this show was custom created for me. It couldn't be more perfect for me. The length fits my attention span; Pedro Pascal is amazing; there's a great mix of humor to lighten up the action; and of course, BABY YODA IS THE BESTEST CREATION EVER!!!!

Like everyone else, I cannot wait for the Baby Yoda plushie merchandise.

Assuming "baby Yoda" survives into the final trilogy timeline, then he / she would inevitably become a Jedi.

Baby Yoda will still be a child by the time of the sequel trilogy--I think maybe the equivalent of a human elementary school child and not even a teen. So I don't think there will be any continuity issues even if Baby Yoda is surviving and thriving in the New Republic. I'm guessing that we'll learn reasons why Baby Yoda's existence will still need to be a secret by Rey's time, though.

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So many thoughts about this episode - 

*Yes, I fully agree that Baby Yoda is the cutest creature in the entire Star Wars universe. 

*My kids have named BabyYoda's flying pod the "Floating Stroller" 😊. Someone needs to create that asap. That would be the coolest piece of baby furniture ever!

*I love that even though BabyYoda is clearly an infant even at 50 years old, he/she looks super wise. It was so funny how he kept coming out of the floating stroller and trying to help The Mandolorian, who just kept picking him up and putting him back in. 

*My kids were slightly perturbed by all of the Jawa killing. 

*I've never been so attracted to Pedro Pascal as I am now. 

* "What does Baby Yoda eat?" "Spit that out" - well that answers that question, lol. 

My entire family is loving this. Disney has set the bar really high with this show, it makes me really excited fro all of the other series that are coming in the future. 

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Back here with more questions: at one point he says the weapons are part of his religion. Does “Mandalorian” refer to a religion, a race of people or a group of trained fighters, or all of the above?

I don't know new canon very well, but yeah, all of the above. They're Human, what we'd consider an ethnicity. However, this is the first time I've heard it called a religion. In the old comics, they started from another species. Even after they ended up mostly Human, they recruited members of other species too.

Any watchers of Rebels here? Do they still recruit from other species? Do they talk about religion?

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On 11/16/2019 at 12:07 PM, Kasienka said:

Maybe he was shocked that it was done by a toddler that can't even speak , not necessarily use of the force.

Manadlorian's aren't Force Sensitive, I think there's only 1 known Force User (Mandalore? Whoever created the Dark Saber). So it was probably something surprising to see in person.

On 11/16/2019 at 12:07 PM, Kasienka said:

Someone already commented on YT that this show is kinda like an RPG game. Our protagonist completed a sidequest with the egg, now he can comeback to the main  mission and collect the reward:)

I texted my friend telling him if he wasn't watching The Mandalorian he was missing out. That it was a Star Wars RPG perfectly brought to life.

I love this show, it's wonderful and as much as I would love to stare at Pedro Pascal's beautiful face he is doing an amazing job without ever seeing his face and barely talking.

This show is so beautifully filmed.

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51 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Manadlorian's aren't Force Sensitive, I think there's only 1 known Force User (Mandalore? Whoever created the Dark Saber). So it was probably something surprising to see in person.

I have no idea, since I have no knowledge about anything in SW that wasn't shown in the movies. That's one of the reasons why I'm so intrigued by this show, can't wait to find out more about Mandalorians as a group.

But considering Luke's probably the only Jedi right now (if I'm getting the timeline right) rest of the galaxy is not very knowledgeable about the force. Han certainly didn't believe it.

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1 hour ago, Kasienka said:

have no idea, since I have no knowledge about anything in SW that wasn't shown in the movies. That's one of the reasons why I'm so intrigued by this show, can't wait to find out more about Mandalorians as a group.

I'm going by what I sort of Remember from Rebels and Clone Wars. Looking it up Darksaber was created by the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi (Tarre Vizla) unfortunately I can't find any mention of other Mandalorian Jedi.

I also (just found out) that Mandalorian's aren't a race (although they once were), they're more a religious group. Huh, you'd think I'd have learned that listening to Canderous in KotOR.

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So far the first couple of episodes had to have about two pages worth of dialogue and that's it. It's really very evocative of the Leone films, the silence of the cahracters and telling the story through the pictures alone. The sequence where he kept putting the baby (agree, by the way, the thing is nonsense level cute) back in the carrier really said a lot about both beings. Even the way Mando said "Hey! Spit that out!" in a light moment of humor said a lot. I di have one complaint, though.

I didn't like how easy it was for two guys to fix the ship at THAT level of disrepair. YOu can have the same exact problem if he gets there right after they take, say, the engines or the fuel cells. They basically stripped it down to the studs and after ac ouple of days, he was like "Yup, I can totally take this into space again." I don't know, it stretched credulity a little far for me. Otherwise, outstanding show. 

And I can't get enough of the painting looking end credit cards. They remind me of a specific type of art from Western children's story anthologies, I wish I knew what they were called. They were in the beginning of each chapter of the Ballad of Buster Scruggs, too.

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Man, the Indiana Jones is strong with this show.  Mando is always getting beat up and dragged around like Indy.  The chase on the sandcrawler was very reminiscent of the tank scene from Last Crusade.  And maybe it’s just me, but I can’t not hear the Temple of Doom score in the main theme for this show. I don’t know if it’s an intentional nod, or just both characters descending from the same archetypes- but I am enjoying the similarities nonetheless.

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This show continues to be a lot of fun.  It covers familiar territory to be sure (the Jawa storyline) but it's fun and I find myself wanting more when an episode ends.

-I'm not usually one for cute but Baby Yoda might just be one of the most adorable things to ever come across the screen.  Seriously, Disney should be making a killing on Baby Yoda merchandise like plush dolls.  Let's get Baby Yoda a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

-Familiar aside, I enjoyed the Jawa sandcrawler chase and just getting to see more of the sandcrawler.  Sandcrawlers from Star Wars to Doctor Who to Star Wars Rebels are just plain cool.

-Not a surprise that Baby Yoda is a Force user but very cool.

-Nolte's character is an awesome addition to the SW Universe and I hope that's not the last time we've seen him this season.  I have spoken.

-This show continues to have a great score and a great look.

-If you want to learn more about the Mandalorians, check out The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.  The new season of The Clone Wars will also deal with the Mandalorians.  Dave Filoni was the supervising director of The Clone Wars and Favreau once voiced a Mandalorian character.

I'm going to post this in spoilers just in case but someone realized something interesting about Baby Yoda...


Baby Yoda was born 50 years ago, apparently the same year that Anakin was born.

Looking forward to Chapter 3!

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Am I alone in hoping that there is no connection above a common species between what we're all calling baby Yoda and actual Yoda? I don't want him to be a clone, or kin in some way. LET THIS JUST BE A WHATEVER YODA WAS. One of the many, many, many sins of the prequels was basically turning the entire galaxy into a town of 500 people where everyone knows everyone else. Hey, Chewie and Yoda are boys together? Cool! Oh, and Anakin made 3P0 and R2 and yet somehow doesn't know them, got it! Also Jedis are morons and Yoda sucks as a mentor! 

We don't need the characters to all know each other. THe better episodes of Clone Wars are the ones without a ton of Obi Wan and Anakin, Rebels was a better show for not having a bunch of run-ins (though they had a few). I don't need Mandalorian to know Yoda's secret love child. 

And couldn't agree more with @benteen, I got like anxious at the end of the last episode because I didn't want it to be over!

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So was this show pitched as: "What if Pacifier, but Star Wars?!" 

Oh which I am so freaking in. 

Maybe because I've watched a lot of Westerns but, that's what it reminds me of. It's like some odd combination of Two Mules for Sister Sara, The Three Godfathers and True Grit with a Little Indiana Jones thrown into the mix

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On 11/18/2019 at 4:31 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

Maybe because I've watched a lot of Westerns but, that's what it reminds me of. It's like some odd combination of Two Mules for Sister Sara, The Three Godfathers and True Grit with a Little Indiana Jones thrown into the mix

The Magnificent Seven, but actually 1 dude with part time sidekicks....

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Did anyone else notice when those two other characters attacked Mando (omg sorry for not knowing any of the species. My star wars ignorance is showing) they also had a beacon to find baby Yoda? I have a feeling the whole galaxy is after this child. 

And yes, baby Yoda is so freaking cute I can't take it!!!!

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1 hour ago, Samwise979 said:

Did anyone else notice when those two other characters attacked Mando (omg sorry for not knowing any of the species. My star wars ignorance is showing) they also had a beacon to find baby Yoda? I have a feeling the whole galaxy is after this child. 

And yes, baby Yoda is so freaking cute I can't take it!!!!

Those were Trandoshans. The best known is Bossk, who popped up for a minute in The Epire Strikes Back. Yes, I know these things without looking. No, I'm not exactly pressed for time. Why do you ask? 🙂

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This show looks stunning. Some absolutely beautiful cinematography, amazing use of locations, and the costumes and effects are everything you'd expect of a major studio movie.

The baby Yoda puppet, in particular, is so great. Cute but also somehow wise. And he's obviously important to a lot of people. I imagine there will be plenty more bounty hunters out looking for him. And of course he's a potent user of the Force. Put me down for hoping he's just another of Yoda's race, not a son or clone or any of that bullshit.

The Mandalorian himself isn't going to get much more chatty than he is at the moment, but the characters around him have potential. The robot that was so eager to self destruct, and the pioneer/rancher guy, are a lot of fun. I hope they both return somehow. And having the straight man, faceless and monotone hero as a babysitter is always a good conceit.

 I suppose we're either on Tatooine, or Jawas aren't strictly native to that planet. Again, there's some heavy nostalgia going on with the sandcrawler, but 21st century effects give us the opportunity to see how effectively the Jawas use it to keep safe. It really is a moving medieval castle. And something else that got me thinking - I guess I always sort of assumed the sandcrawler in A New Hope was something those Jawas had stolen or scavenged, but now we see that it's actually built for/by them, with tiny little window hatches and three foot high ceilings.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I love this show.  Visually, it's stunning.  The storyline doesn't feel slow.  The characters.  The call-backs and Easter eggs.  

Stormtroopers still can't shoot.

I  never knew that I needed a Baby Yoda in my life.  When he looks at Mando, he sees Daddy.  He is always looking for Daddy.  The cuteness overload!

I love Pedro Pascal's voice.  

The Jawas are always so irritating in a good way.  Bring back Nick Nolte's character in future episodes.  

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On 11/18/2019 at 1:27 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

Am I alone in hoping that there is no connection above a common species between what we're all calling baby Yoda and actual Yoda? I don't want him to be a clone, or kin in some way. LET THIS JUST BE A WHATEVER YODA WAS. One of the many, many, many sins of the prequels was basically turning the entire galaxy into a town of 500 people where everyone knows everyone else. Hey, Chewie and Yoda are boys together? Cool! Oh, and Anakin made 3P0 and R2 and yet somehow doesn't know them, got it! Also Jedis are morons and Yoda sucks as a mentor! 

We don't need the characters to all know each other. THe better episodes of Clone Wars are the ones without a ton of Obi Wan and Anakin, Rebels was a better show for not having a bunch of run-ins (though they had a few). I don't need Mandalorian to know Yoda's secret love child. 

I agree with all of this!  However I ain't gonna lie, I want someone from the movies or cartoons to make an appearance.  I'm thinking Hondo would be a perfect cameo. 

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Mr Mandalorian sure does kill a lot of people, but no gore, I guess it’s not TV-PG. People being vaporized are TV-PG. 

Baby Yoda sure looks cute, but he/she can’t really be a baby baby, can he/she? It is controlling the floating bassinet, right? Otherwise the Mandalorian would just leave it in the locked ship with the AC running. 

Montages sure do get things done. 

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22 hours ago, kokapetl said:

Mr Mandalorian sure does kill a lot of people, but no gore, I guess it’s not TV-PG. People being vaporized are TV-PG. 

Baby Yoda sure looks cute, but he/she can’t really be a baby baby, can he/she? It is controlling the floating bassinet, right? Otherwise the Mandalorian would just leave it in the locked ship with the AC running. 

Montages sure do get things done. 

We know his species ages very slowly, since Yoda was around 900 when he died. So yes, he can be a baby. Mando controls the bassinet using a device that's attached to his wrist. I think he wants to keep the baby by his side at all times because he knows there are other bounty hunters looking for him.

Edited by pezgirl7
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On 12/21/2019 at 1:46 AM, pezgirl7 said:

We know his species ages very slowly, since Yoda was around 900 when he died. So yes, he can be a baby.

I can accept that a species could live to 900, I guess it’s the lack of maturity at 50 that bothers me. Developmentally he/she’s like 2 or 3. When Mando dies in 50 years he/she will be 6. Does he/she leave the nest at 300? I can see why such a species would be very rare. 

On 12/21/2019 at 1:46 AM, pezgirl7 said:

Mando controls the bassinet using a device that's attached to his wrist. I think he wants to keep the baby by his side at all times because he knows there are other bounty hunters looking for him.

He could at least close the lid. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 8:10 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

And I can't get enough of the painting looking end credit cards. They remind me of a specific type of art from Western children's story anthologies, I wish I knew what they were called. They were in the beginning of each chapter of the Ballad of Buster Scruggs, too.

They remind me of Wild, Wild, West (the TV show) when the live action would suddenly turn to illustrations.

[Sorry, I'm late to the party -- I clearly had no idea how much I needed Baby Yoda cuteness in my life, despite the Twitter memes.]

Edited by tljgator
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1 hour ago, tljgator said:

They remind me of Wild, Wild, West (the TV show) when the live action would suddenly turn to illustrations.

[Sorry, I'm late to the party -- I clearly had no idea how much I needed Baby Yoda cuteness in my life, despite the Twitter memes.]

It's never too late!  He's so cute in every episode, but I just loved him in this one, as he was struggling to reach Mando and Mando kept putting him back in his little floating orb.  The Baby had such a sad, confused look on his face, as if to say "Why won't you let me help you?"

Then, when Mando was inspecting his ship after the Jawas had stolen everything, the Baby must have climbed out of his bassinet and walked up the ramp to see what was happening, because he was looking around the corner at Mando as Mando groaned and sighed in annoyance.  And then we got that distant shot of Mando walking down the ramp of the ship, holding the baby at a distance, at arm's length, with the floating bassinet at the bottom of the ramp.  lol   That was Mando in his "I'm going to ignore how precious this adorable Baby is and not bond with him" mode. 🤣

Edited by TVFan17
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5 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

The Baby had such a sad, confused look on his face, as if to say "Why won't you let me help you?"

Not gonna lie -- I may have said "Let him help you!" out loud while watching, lol. They do a great job of making Baby Yoda's face so expressive for a puppet (not to mention his tiny little grabby hands).

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3 hours ago, tljgator said:

Not gonna lie -- I may have said "Let him help you!" out loud while watching, lol. They do a great job of making Baby Yoda's face so expressive for a puppet (not to mention his tiny little grabby hands).

The sweet Baby is so lovable.  When he is onscreen, not only am I taken by how utterly adorable he is -- and every single thing he does throughout the season is adorable -- but his face is so expressive, as you said.  I am fascinated by how this fake alien-puppet creature is so endearing and impossible to look away from. 

Between his physical look and size, the way he waddles around, the facial expressions, the cute sounds he makes, the big eyes, the teeny nose, the big ears, the little robe, the tiny hands.... it's hard to believe that this team working on the show created something so lifelike.  He instantly makes viewers care for him.  And I love that he is so loyal, trusting and caring that he wants to heal Mando after not even spending much time with him.  It's not as though Mando is being warm and friendly to him in this episode.  He is staying detached.  He only has the Baby because he is supposed to bring him to the sinister Client.  But the Baby still tries to help him early in the episode, and then later ends up helping him with the mudhorn -- when Mando looked like he was about to lose that battle.

I've seen some people say that they didn't think too much happened in this episode, but I don't even know what that means.  We saw that the Baby has powers.  We saw that Mando was taken by surprise that this Baby -- who was just a job to him -- helped save him.  We saw that other people/creatures were still trying to capture the Baby.  We saw that the ugnaught -- who helped Mando in both Episode 1 and again in this episode -- is a good guy who Mando can trust and rely on.  To me, quite a bit happened!  Not everything has to be a big, splashy, galactic action scene.

Oh, and also, about being late to the party as far as watching this series... I tend to think that there will be waves of people watching the first season as the year goes along and we get closer to Season 2 in October.  Disney+ is going to be available to more countries later in March.  More people will fall in love with Baby Yoda.  The memes will continue.  More Baby Yoda merchandise will be released.  I think that some people avoided watching the show when Disney+ first launched in November, but they will binge Season 1 before Season 2.

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The Baby really is that breakout star. The Animatronic Baby is sold out EVERYWHERE, so the love is real. (And confession: I did order one before Amazon sold out. The prototype at the Toy Fair I saw on YT was just too cute!)

Back to this episode, yes! When the Baby tried to heal Mando, I felt so bad when Mando kept rejecting that help. Of course, Mando wasn't aware of those powers, but still. I love when Baby used the Force to help Mando against that Rhino. I think that was the moment - though he would be loathe to admit it, probably! - that Mando stopped looking at the Baby as a means to a reward and started to care, even as he would continue to fight against it.

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I've watched the entire series 3 times now and still feel badly for the mudhorn, who was minding its own business and got killed because my hawt, beloved bounty hunter didn't lock his Razor Crest nor have anything to trade with the Jawas, who were just jawa-ing really and entertained me, though eating the egg was kinda gross.

I have spoken.

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The bounty hunter costume is a problem. You can tell the actor can't see well when he walks. It's almost like watching a man with a cane, but without a cane. I though he was going to trip at one point.

Also, how does a talented bounty hunter not have some kind of ship protection against Jawas?

Baby Yoda may be cute, but it really gets in the way of the story to have a floating baby follow you around at a distance. I still don't know why Mando cares about this target. Aside from Disney marketing.

I do like the hints at Mandalorian culture.

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I do love a multipurpose weapon – quarterstaff, shock stick and disintegrator. Handy, that.

I guess our protagonist’s heart didn’t grow that much, given how he was blasting away at those Jawas (even if they were robbing him).

Baby Yoda can use the Force! Was not expecting that. Maybe all “Yodas” are naturally Force Sensitive? Though it did seem to take it out of the Child

I thought “The Egg” would prove to be a Sarlacc egg (which would be pretty massive, you’d imagine). And I was not expecting the Jawas to just eat it.

On 11/15/2019 at 9:58 PM, SnoGirl said:

I think my favorite part of this episode is Mando’s frustrations. I’m not sure about how I feel about never seeing his face,

You can do a lot without ever showing somebody’s face. We never saw Darth Vader’s face (well, until the end of RotJ) but you knew he meant business.

On 11/17/2019 at 6:06 AM, nomodrama said:

"What does Baby Yoda eat?" "Spit that out" - well that answers that question, lol. 

I’m surprised he’s not a vegetarian. OK, Baby’s gotta eat, but (supposedly) The Force pervades all living things so you'd think he wouldn't eat animals.

On 11/17/2019 at 12:54 AM, DesiJF said:

It reminded me of the old Adam West Batman series when Batman and Robin would be crawling up the side of a building and someone would open a window and make some comment.  Maybe you have to be as old as I am to remember that :-).

Well I remember! I think it was usually a brief celebrity cameo (I’m sure one time it was Sammy Davis Jr).

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