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  1. I finished Runes of Engagement. The LOTR references didn't abate. There's a clear sequel hook at the end. It was fine. Nothing exceptional, IMO, but nothing terrible.
  2. None of us are made of money, it's not going to be the $4,000 model by any means. :)
  3. Someone has asked for one for their birthday. I'm coordinating with two other people here, it's all a bit complicated. Have to wait for answers, and so on.
  4. Runes of Engagement, by Tobias Buckell and Dave Kletcha. Magic portals open up across the Earth, linking it to some kind of fantasy world. Monsters come through, humans repulse them and go back to the other side. It's about a squad of USMC who are cut off behind enemy lines and have to hoof it to the next portal, while carrying critical intelligence and have enemies after them. It's good, though weirdly a few too many Tolkien references for my liking. There are a zillion fantasy universes out there, you can reference some of them instead. Thing is, I first heard about this book in November, and ordered it from my favourite bookshop. Publication date came and went with no book arriving. I discovered that in Australia, if mainstream chain bookshop Dymocks want more copies of a new book, it comes out of the indie bookshops orders. Well, fuck that. I have not set foot in Dymocks since then and can't see myself doing so possibly ever. It spurs my stubborn and 'support the little guy' instincts. The book finally arrived last week, I nabbed it as soon as I could.
  5. Nope, not me!
  6. What I was getting at, there are models that cost anywhere between $200 and $4000. Exactly what features are worth the money? I suffer from choice paralysis and want to narrow it down somewhat.
  7. I had a funny one last night. For some reason, I'd been picked by Kylie Minogue to do the death metal growls for her upcoming show here. Even though I'm not a musician of any kind and had never put myself out there. I didn't even know her current music! Some people I was with decided the best way to learn her setlist was to listen to commercial radio in the hope they'd play one of her songs. I know where the elements came from. Working retail in a place that plays pop music, Kylie is touring here though I'm not planning to see her, I do listen to death metal. Weird how the brain puts all these things together.
  8. Okay, how would I find one of those? I really have little idea what I'm doing here. :)
  9. On a completely different topic. I've been assigned to look for a treadmill to buy, only I'm not sure what I should be looking for. Anyone know anything about what makes one good or bad, outside price?
  10. This is fun. Star Trek TNG Theme but the theme is coming from the Enterprise-D. What it sounds like. There's also TOS and Voyager, with the others to come.
  11. A live-action D&D show from Shawn Levy. Set in the Forgotten Realms,of course. That's the closest one to the 'classic' Tolkien model. And partially because of the recent D&D movie and Baldur's Gate 3. May as well use the most familiar location. People are down on it being with Netflix, because they have a history of cancelling things after only one or two years. Still, you never know. Though my heart wants Planescape for the WTF factor, followed by fantasy space opera Spelljammer, I realise how much of an ask that is.
  12. And if those opinions get people hurt? Am I allowed to make up baseless and harmful claims about people with the initials MS?
  13. I have enough sense not to harass the kids. Their parents, though, should know better. So should Lithgow. No matter how much money he donates, it won't be enough for enabling hate speech.
  14. Yeah, I see that. But I'm just saying my part. There are so many terrible people, it's hard to keep up. But right now, he's the one that's most fresh. Yeah, I bought the books too. Indirectly, HP was an influence on my own writing. Just a couple of pics that sort of spurred ideas. There's nothing wrong with happy memories, the problem is giving Rowling any attention/money going forward. I'm very much in the no category.
  15. He's in the new HP show, thus promoting Rowling and further spreading her ideology.
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