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S04.E08: Sorry

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14 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Along with the phone incident , I really didn’t think the congressman versus councilman thing was a big deal to mess up in conversation . Now if she were to say that he was the president or a mayor , that I could see giving a second look to . I know they were trying to be subtle in showing the Alzheimer beginnings but I think the things they were trying to get us to see were a little too subtle 

As others have mentioned, I think it was more how non-rational and obsessed she was with finding the phone (and the weird way she was taking pictures of everything), then the fact that she left the phone on a nearby desk, or that she misnamed Randall's elective title.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I actually think I would like Kevin and Cassidy together, but I'd like to see them first build a season long friendship first (like Joey and Pacey on Dawson's creek.) His other ladies I was eh about, but I like his friendship with Cassidy and their three way friendship with the uncle. I could get on board with them eventually being together.

I've said it before , but I cannot stand Beth. She has such a coldness to her and even though I know we're supposed to drool over how amazing she is because Randall does, I just don't like her personality. I wouldn't mind the show getting rid of her (though I know it would never happen) and just have us focus on the rest of their family.

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3 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

As others have mentioned, I think it was more how non-rational and obsessed she was with finding the phone (and the weird way she was taking pictures of everything), then the fact that she left the phone on a nearby desk, or that she misnamed Randall's professional title.

She wasn't being hostile though. She looked like an average person trying to find their phone and getting frustrated that she didn't know where it is. Again, I knew where the story line was headed, but I just didn't think she did anything that was so out of line. I'll admit , the taking pictures of all the walls was weird though. 

A lot of people in my family have/have had alzheimers so I know the beginning stages tend to be becoming hostile and nasty for no reason and short term memory going. So they were right with how they were being subtle about it because it doesn't start off intense, it becomes intense gradually. I just didn't think she was acting any different with the phone than an average person would. But I also think that comes along with knowing the person and Randall knew how she normally acted versus how she was acting in that moment.

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14 hours ago, Mars477 said:

These days entry level position means you've had a few semesters worth of unpaid internships before hand.  But I really don't see any company basing hiring decisions on whether or not you know the type of software that they use, unless it's something ubiquitous like Microsoft Office or you actually have certifications for said software (vs. just knowing how to use it).  Bringing you up to speed on the software is what orientation and training is for.

Also, having one's son speak on one behalf sounds like something that would get you instantly rejected.

I find all of these comments regarding “entry-level” fascinating and amusing. I graduated college in 2013, and I “fondly” remember applying for job that were listed as “entry-level.” Silly me, I thought as long you showed an aptitude for learning the program/software and did notably well in college, you’d be considered for the position as it was “entry-level.” I cannot tell you how many times I was told no because I didn’t know a certain program or software. If knowing a program or software is necessary, then just say that; don’t list the position as “entry-level.” I was also amused by “entry-level” positions that listed you needed 2-5 years of relevant job experience. Surprised they didn’t also ask for the blood of 1000 virgins and a human sacrifice because that makes just as much sense.

Also, I agree that a son going in to advocate for his mom like that would not go over well in the real world. Totally unrealistic.

Edited by PepSinger
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3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I will admit that I believe Randall is still silently fuming to himself that Rebecca should never have moved.  He is upset and hurt that she moved to be near her new grandson.  His house is not the center of the Pearson universe anymore.  I can see this getting pretty ugly going forward.  

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!  Smuggy McFavoriteChild is acting like a spoiled, selfish brat because Mommy decided to help her Distant Second Favorite and her defective spawn instead of always, ALWAYS putting Smuggy first.  I mean, as he imperiously implied to her, Smuggy kept Mommy alive every single day since Daddy died.  How dare she not be appropriately grateful, and how DARE she pay any attention to either of the Other Ones!!!

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17 hours ago, Crs97 said:

Regarding the first solid foods, I think Tony tends to be OTT anyway, but I also think Jack will be their only baby.  Kate already feels like she was selfish for having him, since the doctors had warned her there might be complications.  There is absolutely no worse feeling than walking out of the hospital without your newborn.  It changes you.

My oldest was extremely premature and spent a long time in the NICU before we got to bring him home.  I didn’t even get to hold him for a month after his birth.  I swore I wouldn’t miss those milestones and obsessed about his feedings, sure one misstep would kill him.  Luckily I bought a baby nutrition book that calmed me (the answer to the question about what to do when your baby spends more time throwing food than eating it was “get a dog”).  I didn’t think the writers were too far off on their reactions.

Regarding bananas, second oldest always hated them.  Always.  

LOL on getting a dog.  Luckily, my little guy eats practically everything.  He hates beets (though he'll eat beet and pear crackers (probably because it's processed - LOL)...yes, I feed him SOME processed foods) and likes avocado (but not guacamole - I think it's the lime juice).  My husband missed seeing PRguy, Jr.'s first solids, but we took pictures and sent it to him.  Unlike Kate, I wasn't freaked out about him "missing out." Kate has serious confidence issues and has her entire life.  Had the Big 3 been born a generation later, they'd probably all be getting help for mental health related problems.  

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23 hours ago, lizajane said:

Except that it's not "unwritten rules". It is all written out in the 12 steps in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous". They are not rules or laws, it is a suggested program of recovery from a disease of the  body and mind. Most alcoholics when they get sober have a lot of unresolved baggage, guilt, shame and remorse that they can no longer numb themselves with booze, and have to deal with those issues. Dealing with them and being of service to others is what keeps people sober. Just going to meetings and listening to "drunkalogues" is not a recipe for recovery.

Exactly! Grateful to say it saved mine 17 years ago.

Yep, the old 13th step.

Congratulations on your sobriety!  Thank you for your honesty, and sharing your first-hand knowledge and expertise with AA.  

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6 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Also, what would that doctors appointment actually accomplish.  Dementia is a complicated diagnosis with various treatment options.  Rebecca lives on the West Coast now and one doctor's appointment in Philly is not going to help her in the longterm.  Rebecca needs to see (and maybe she already has) a doctor where she is living, and then she and Miguel can map out the best plan going forward.  Randall needs to take a moment and speak to Miguel and Kate and even Beth about these changes with Rebecca.  Take some time to learn about the disease, and how he can help his mother. 

I've been thinking about this, too.  I don't know the treatment plan for this sort of thing,  maybe  medication can appreciably slow the prognosis, but I can't help but think that the longer we can go without putting a name on it the better it might be.  I fear this so much and a diagnosis would be devastating to me, I would really like to keep telling myself they're senior moments for as long as possible.

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20 hours ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I'm glad someone brought this up because I absolutely HATED what she did to Malik with the bowl of popcorn where she held it out for him to take and then pulled it back. And she didn't just do it once or twice but like 3-5 times! That really annoyed me, I hate it when people do stuff like that to me. If I were in that situation, I would have been like, keep the damn popcorn. I don't want it that bad.

The rest of Beth's behavior seemed okay to me. I'm sure Malik didn't like being grilled but I can see why Beth did it. And really it was partly Deja's fault for running upstairs and refusing to go back down (it showed how immature 14 years old really is, IMO). And I thought it was actually pretty sweet of Beth to give them 30 seconds of alone time.

I think Beth took a tipple in the pantry; that's where she keeps her secret wine, right?

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5 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I think Beth took a tipple in the pantry; that's where she keeps her secret wine, right?

Nah, she had the wine out in the open during the date.  I spied the bottle sitting on the island next to her laptop.  The trip to the pantry was her trying to give the young lovers a moment without prying eyes.

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28 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Nah, she had the wine out in the open during the date.  I spied the bottle sitting on the island next to her laptop.  The trip to the pantry was her trying to give the young lovers a moment without prying eyes.

I missed the wine bottle.  Maybe Beth has a secret stash of pot brownies in the pantry and took a 30-second nibble.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I've been thinking about this, too.  I don't know the treatment plan for this sort of thing,  maybe  medication can appreciably slow the prognosis, but I can't help but think that the longer we can go without putting a name on it the better it might be.  I fear this so much and a diagnosis would be devastating to me, I would really like to keep telling myself they're senior moments for as long as possible.

She might know what she has. I just hope they don't rush it, there is quite a few years between now and when Randall is at Kevin's, so much to have to be done, kids are still young and Kevin still aimless. I hope the show doesn't make it happen to fast, I want to see Rebecca happy. I still feel tests she had long ago are the precursor to this. Nothing is done for no reason at all. Time will tell, but I believe Mandy when she said No dementia and they knew fans would think of that first but I'm glad they will highlight something less common and still devastating.

Rebecca said to Tess how keeping all her emotions bottled up over the years eventually led to chronic pain in her body, she had a cancer scare and tests, so many little clues.

Edited by debraran
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She might know what she has.

She might. She might want to be keeping it to herself for now. It's Thanksgiving. Randall's favourite holiday. She will get to see the entire family happy and not cast a pall over it. If she announces her illness, it will upset the holiday and might even ruin it going forward (every year will be the anniversary).

Unless she needs a donor kidney before the weekend is over, her news can keep. She'd rather see everybody happy around the table than sad or worried or fretting.

Of course, now she has to look at an upset Randall who made a big deal about rushing her to a doctor the next day and wouldn't let her gracefully say "No".

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10 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

When Randall wanted to take Rebecca to the doctor for a full work up-how is that possible? She’s in town for a few days. What doctor has availability like that for a new patient? It’s not like Randall has a long relationship with a doctor that he can ask a favor to get his mom in-he’s new in town also.

I was sitting there yelling at the tv, "No Randall, she'd be going to an Out of Network doctor, and a specialist at that!  It would cost her an arm and a leg!"

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18 minutes ago, kili said:

She might. She might want to be keeping it to herself for now. It's Thanksgiving. Randall's favourite holiday. She will get to see the entire family happy and not cast a pall over it. If she announces her illness, it will upset the holiday and might even ruin it going forward (every year will be the anniversary).

Unless she needs a donor kidney before the weekend is over, her news can keep. She'd rather see everybody happy around the table than sad or worried or fretting.

Of course, now she has to look at an upset Randall who made a big deal about rushing her to a doctor the next day and wouldn't let her gracefully say "No".

I remember my sister's first cancer diagnosis was around Xmas and she waited a few weeks to tell everyone since she didn't want it to ruin the joy. I felt bad for her though that she had to keep it to herself. 

I keep remembering how there was a rumor about a terminal cancer diagnosis on a show that was popular last year. Rebecca had a brain MRI scan but it was so long ago, to have it be something now, I can't see it. But her pain and other subtle symptoms over the years, I think will play out. I'm glad she found Miguel though and although he might be gone later, he also just might not be at Kevin's home yet.

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Finally got to watch this episode. Was "jam" a word 15 year ago? Randall says resumes are his "jam." I guess time flies.

Got a kick out of Kevin having guilt feeling about sleeping with Cassidy AFTER the fact, none before. Like ... DUH. 

I gave Nicky a "Yeay" for shaming Kevin. "Shame on you." Well done, Nicky. And I did a LOL when Nicky called Cassidy and Kevin "morons."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." To quote George Costanza, "Put your sorrys in a sack."

Entry-level position ... what's the big deal, it's just words. Plus they all pay differently, don't they? Even if they don't, do a good job and get promoted. Geesh.

Last week Beth said the girls had their own rooms, but when guests stay, the kids double up. So mom has to make her own bed? What happened to Deja or someone, anyone, doing it for the "guest."

Rebecca's obsession with taking photos of everything and texting/reading texts on her phone is exactly what everyone everywhere is doing, Randall. And the fact she put her phone on a desk in a room full of desks (or someone moved it there) isn't a big deal. TPTB did a poor job of indicating Rebecca is losing her mental faculties by showing her doing what every young person in the country is doing all day long.

Looking forward to the episode when Kate kills and eats her boyfriend. Maybe next week for Thanksgiving? AWESOME!

Edited by saber5055
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It feels that some posters are assuming it's going to be Alzheimer's or dementia.  That's a lot to assume.  Plus how do we know Randall is assuming the same thing? He knows something ain't right, but apparently hasn't come to any theories.  But I agree with the overwhelming sentiment that taking her to a random doctor in Philly makes zero sense.  I'm sure she has a PCP.  Will a doctor see someone in their office with an established PCP?

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16 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

When Randall wanted to take Rebecca to the doctor for a full work up-how is that possible? She’s in town for a few days. What doctor has availability like that for a new patient? It’s not like Randall has a long relationship with a doctor that he can ask a favor to get his mom in-he’s new in town also. 

Randall just has to give a Pearson speech, and the best doctor in Philadelphia will see Rebecca on Thanksgiving Day, pro bono. It's just like getting the last blueberry pie on New Year's Eve. *sarcasm*

As for the entry-level debate, not having work experience is not the same thing as not having relevant skills/credentials. Entry-level doctors need to have finished medical school. Entry-level software engineers need to demonstrate that they can code (in most cases, write working code on a whiteboard during the interview). The job for which Rebecca interviewed may have been less challenging, but it still required a certain skill set that she didn't have. 

Edited by chocolatine
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19 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

I wish they would cut to the chase and kill off young Kate’s asshole boyfriend already. I assume he’s the reason why she gained 400 lbs over the next 20 years of her life, but he hardly seems worth the trauma.

Oh, lord. Are they ever? 🙂

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I would consider late teen Kate to be at a healthy weight. While her boyfriend isn’t the cause for her weight gain, whatever the two of them went through obviously is. When they flashed back to Kevin auditioning for The Manny, she was already at her current weight, and that appears to be only 15 years from late teens Kate. Something very traumatic had to happen between Kate and bf for her to gain so much weight in such a short time. I do agree with you that the entire family should have gone into therapy right after Jack died.  Over twenty years have passed and not one of them can deal with it. 

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8 hours ago, Kirkydee said:

It feels that some posters are assuming it's going to be Alzheimer's or dementia.  That's a lot to assume.  Plus how do we know Randall is assuming the same thing? He knows something ain't right, but apparently hasn't come to any theories.  But I agree with the overwhelming sentiment that taking her to a random doctor in Philly makes zero sense.  I'm sure she has a PCP.  Will a doctor see someone in their office with an established PCP?

Yes.  Some insurance plans do not require a referral to a specialist.  A person can make an appointment without having to state whether they have another physician.  Randall could get her an appointment the same way he got a tee time at a golf course -- he's a councilman.  Money is no object, Kevin and Randall have plenty of it.  She could have cognitive impairment from something else like a brain tumor, but I don't think she'd be surviving 15 or so years into the future with that.  And I am not so sure Miguel is in the know (and/or is in denial) because they traveled cross country separately.  I doubt he would let her navigate an airport alone.

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21 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Yes.  Some insurance plans do not require a referral to a specialist.  A person can make an appointment without having to state whether they have another physician.  Randall could get her an appointment the same way he got a tee time at a golf course -- he's a councilman.  Money is no object, Kevin and Randall have plenty of it.  She could have cognitive impairment from something else like a brain tumor, but I don't think she'd be surviving 15 or so years into the future with that.  And I am not so sure Miguel is in the know (and/or is in denial) because they traveled cross country separately.  I doubt he would let her navigate an airport alone.

A specialist, yes.  I'm talking about internal medicine.  Randall wouldn't know what specialist to go to.  Does he have any inkling that this is neurological, endocrine, cardiovascular,etc.  Seems that he would just be chasing his tail.

So I guess you're right, Randall COULD get her to a doctor.  May not do her good.  Would do himself good by saying I'm the good son and took my mommy to the doctor

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I have a master's degree in urban planning and policy and it took forever for me to find an actual entry-level  planning job due to not having any experience or two years experience in xyz (which is what they usually asked for on the advertisement or during the in-person interview). I think that is ridiculous. I get I cannot use my urban planning degree to apply for an entry-level internist or accountant.

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14 minutes ago, Kirkydee said:

A specialist, yes.  I'm talking about internal medicine.  Randall wouldn't know what specialist to go to.  Does he have any inkling that this is neurological, endocrine, cardiovascular,etc.  Seems that he would just be chasing his tail.

So I guess you're right, Randall COULD get her to a doctor.  May not do her good.  Would do himself good by saying I'm the good son and took my mommy to the doctor

I'm thinking if this is not dementia, then a basic history and physical and neurological exam which can be done by any practitioner is a first step that can happen wherever Rebecca is.  She could have something like TIAs, which are precursors sometimes to major strokes, and that would need to be sorted out fast.  Or some kind of small seizures, or dozens of other things.  Yes, for sure Randall is Type A+++, but he does really care about his mother, and sometimes people end up looking back and thinking I wish I would have acted sooner.  I don't like the way he handled the situation at all, but I don't fault him for wanting to address the problem.  I think I would have done the same in his situation (absent snarky escalation) for my mother. 

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On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 12:50 AM, 3 is enough said:

 My daughter took her first steps while my husband was at work, and he was still thrilled when he walked in the door and she started walking towards him.  Babies do stuff on their own time.

This.  I was still mildly upset, though, when my son's daycare provider fed him his first McDonald's and I couldn't be the one to experience that.  I don't even like McDonald's, lol.

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Yes, for sure Randall is Type A+++, but he does really care about his mother, and sometimes people end up looking back and thinking I wish I would have acted sooner. 

That's why Beth wants him to see a therapist. She regrets not taking action faster the last time he had an episode and she sees the same red flags this time. 

He should understand why his Mom responded this week because he brusquely responded to his wife's concern for him just a few weeks ago (and Beth was far more polite about it). 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

When they flashed back to Kevin auditioning for The Manny, she was already at her current weight, and that appears to be only 15 years from late teens Kate. Something very traumatic had to happen between Kate and bf for her to gain so much weight in such a short time.

It was only ten years. That flashback episode took place on Halloween 2008, so the Big Three were 28. They were 17 when Jack died, and 18 when Rebecca bought the new house; Kate started seeing Marc around that time.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

That flashback episode took place on Halloween 2008, so the Big Three were 28.

Thank you! So Kevin did The Manny for eight years -- from ages 28 to 36? I never had that impression. (Though it would explain his being even wealthier than he appears, and Kate's financial independence.) Can you remind me what established that the pilot taping took place in 2008? 

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Can you remind me what established that the pilot taping took place in 2008? 

During  the "Flip a Coin" episode, Kevin says that he shot the pilot 8 years ago. Since Pilots are usually shot in the spring for a fall pick-up.  Show time tracks real time (Thanksgiving happens every year), that means the pilot was shot in 2011 with a likely pick-up in the fall. Kevin quit in the fall of 2016 (and they film shows well in advance of airing) so he was likely on the show 5.5 seasons.

"I shot that pilot, like, uh eight years ago"

But, at the same time, he said during the filming of the pilot that he had waited ten years for this big break. Since he started trying to be an actor the year he graduated, that would imply the pilot was shot in 2008. Assuming the same spring filming of pilot, fall pick-up of series, he would have been on the show for 8.5 seasons before it was cancelled.

"I have waited ten years for this, okay?  And now the pilot's no good."

Either the show's math is bad or Kevin's math is (or he is rounding).

Television contracts are usually for 5 or 7 years. He had been doing commercials and soaps, so he could have made decent-ish wages on his first contract, but sometimes the studio will renegotiate the contract early as a goodwill gesture if the show is doing very well. It's subsequent contracts where the actor really makes bank. Plus, there is syndication money.

When Kevin quit, he had two years left on his contract and he was making almost $3M per year.

His Agent: "And I got you the commercials,  got you the soaps,  eventually got you a job paying you almost three million dollars a year [...] You're contractually bound to the show for another two years."

If he got $3M a year from the start, he must have already been fairly well known. That's about $136K per episode.  Justin Hartley got paid $40K per episode when he started on "This is Us" and got a pay bump to $250K for the third season.  Actually, all the main cast started making the same in Season 3 (Milo and Mandy started at $85K, Stirling at $75K and Chrissy at $40K). It does indicate how popular "The Mannie" actually was and why he is always getting recognized.

I just wanted to add one of my favourite Kevin moments this episode is when he calmed Nicky before the trial. Kevin had been hating on himself all day, convinced a dude to punch him, gotten shamed by Nicky and was all in his own head, but he still noticed that Nicky needed re-assurance, pulled himself together and was there with positive encouragement for Nicky.

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On 11/13/2019 at 5:48 PM, DakotaLavender said:

OK I am going to say this: I can't stand how Beth and Randall come off as these super parents always saying with patience the textbook psychologically right thing, for instance when Beth went into Deja's room and asked if there was something she wanted to talk about. It is just unrealistic to me. 

Parenting sure has changed over the decades. There is so much over attention given to the needs of the kids. I have seen blogs about this and comparisons of parenting in the 1950s compared to today. The kids of today are so indulged. In the 1950s, I was visiting a friend and she cried because I won a board game and her mother said "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about." Shocked? I can tell you worse stories. 

Now I am not saying that is correct, but all this over indulging makes kids grow in to weak adults who get triggered by every little thing. And this show does NOT have parents who model proper parenting in my opinion. 

I think Beth should have said to Deja: "Get back down there and handle it, you have a guest and if you want him to leave, tell him yourself. I am not the messenger."  

I agree! When Deja was whining that it was so unfair that their "date" was at their home, supervised, my parents would've been like "ok, you don't have to see him at all". I'd have had her cancel the date after that. They weren't comfortable with the relationship anyway, but compromised since they are both good kids. Then to pull that whining crap? Nope, not in my house.

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11 minutes ago, kili said:

I just wanted to add one of my favourite Kevin moments this episode is when he calmed Nicky before the trial. Kevin had been hating on himself all day, convinced a dude to punch him, gotten shamed by Nicky and was all in his own head, but he still noticed that Nicky needed re-assurance, pulled himself together and was there with positive encouragement for Nicky.

I really like the Kevin/Nicky relationship.  They are both getting something out of it which is helping to fill the huge, gaping hole in each of them.  They both need each other, and are slowly becoming better people because of the time spent together.  

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1 hour ago, Pallas said:

Thank you! So Kevin did The Manny for eight years -- from ages 28 to 36? I never had that impression. (Though it would explain his being even wealthier than he appears, and Kate's financial independence.) Can you remind me what established that the pilot taping took place in 2008? 

Tess was born in that flashback, and there were Obama/Biden 2008 signs on some of the lawns in Randall’s neighborhood. It was Halloween, so right before the 2008 presidential election.

36 minutes ago, kili said:

Either the show's math is bad or Kevin's math is (or he is rounding).

Most shows play fast and loose with timelines and hope that nobody notices.

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I don’t think Kevin was auditioning for The Manny in the episode that was a flashback to the Big Three in their twenties (the one where Tess was born).

Kevin’s plotline in that episode was about him being jealous of a friend’s success, and eventually trying to steal his role, and being shamed for it.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

That is parenting through fear.  That is not a good thing.   I am glad society has changed dramatically since then.   Children shouldn't fear their parents.  Children who do fear their parents are unlikely to confide in their parents when they need to.

It may have been parenting through fear, but when I grew up no kids were severely damaged by that style. Now we have kids who think they come first and every little thing triggers them. These days, many students who did not fear their parents never confided in them and did terrible things. In my day, students respected teachers and there was accessibility to guns but there were no school shootings. There is almost no discipline in school or in the home. We have produced a generation of whiners and crybabies. And I think Beth and Randall's style is horrendous. If that was real life, those girls would need years of therapy to deal with the real world. 

ETA: I do not think the daughters could function in real life and handle any stress on the job or handle anybody who did not talk to them in the kind measured way their parents did. If they had a demanding boss, they would break. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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This episode had a thing against bananas. Baby Jack refused to eat one, and Rebecca told Kate a banana was not a good/proper lunch. While I'm thinking, it's common for me to have a banana for breakfast or lunch or dinner. It's better for her than eating a bucket of KFC and a whole pizza.

I wouldn't think of feeding a baby an avocado, even if I grew them in my back yard. But I guess they're fine since Baby Jack obviously is going to live a few more episodes.

Uncle Nicky was looking pretty fine at the end of the episode. I was sort of expecting him to clean up/pick up Kevin's trailer for him.

Kevin doesn't own a vehicle? What's up with that.

Laugh that Kate's boyfriend called Randall "Randy." That's a common thing for people to do when they do not actually KNOW the person whom they are addressing, abbreviate their names. I actually didn't see him being a control freak. So he doesn't like chick flicks. He's probably more of a Fast And Furious or Avengers kind of guy. Lots of guys are like that.

Deja needed her *ss kicked back downstairs to either sit with or tell her boyfriend to go home. He seemed to be having an okay time by himself though, watching the movie and eating popcorn. Good on him!

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Teen Randall and Rebecca- I thought it was very sweet how he wanted to help his mother and his speech to the hiring manager. I would expect such behavior from a teenager (we have to remember he was only 18 in that scene), but what makes it annoying is that he would do something like that at 38. 

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I detest bananas - the texture, the smell, the sound when someone's eating them makes me gag. When my husband or son eats one, I have to leave the room. Oddly, when I was pregnant, I craved them, and ate two a day for months. I don't know how I did that. Twenty three years later, it grosses me out to remember that.

When my parents were alive and came to visit, sometimes I had the bed ready and sometimes not. I never realized there was some sort of rule/etiquette behind the timing of having a room ready. I also never considered my parents 'guests' and they didn't either. But last year, I had a dear friend come stay with me from out of town, and while my house was cleaned and gussied up from top to bottom in anticipation of her arrival, I didn't make the bed in advance - mainly because it's a sofa bed in the room she stayed in, and if I'd opened it up and made the bed before her arrival, we wouldn't have been able to get her suitcase into the room. I myself made the bed once she was settled in to the room. Had no idea I'd committed such a faux pas.

My father had dementia for 20 years until he died. My mother was his primary caregiver until she died and due to his severe physical disabilities on top of the dementia, my sister and I found an amazing nursing home for him, as he truly needed 24/7 care we couldn't provide by that point (he was catheterized, among other things). My stepfather-in-law had Pick's disease, which is under the Alzheimer's umbrella, and that was pretty awful as well - that inevitable decline is brutal for everyone involved. As it does seem that Rebecca is headed down that road, it will be unpleasant to watch but I bet a lot of it will be sanitized somewhat for the TV viewing audience. The reality of dementia is pretty bad. I'm sure many of us have horrific stories from having gone through it with loved ones - and I doubt the writers will "go there" too deeply with Rebecca. I could be wrong.

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8 hours ago, Pallas said:

Thank you! So Kevin did The Manny for eight years -- from ages 28 to 36? I never had that impression. (Though it would explain his being even wealthier than he appears, and Kate's financial independence.) Can you remind me what established that the pilot taping took place in 2008? 

The pilot taping didn't happen in 2008. But there was another episode that took place in 2008 (when Tess was born) and Kate was at her current weight in that episode. It was when she was a waitress and slept with a guy who turned out to be married, and I think that is when she moved to LA. In that same episode, Kevin was having trouble getting work in Hollywood.

The pilot taping was later (exact date not firmly established), and Kate was also at her current weight in that flashback. So she gained a lot of weight and then stayed at about her current weight for ten years.

3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

This episode had a thing against bananas. Baby Jack refused to eat one, and Rebecca told Kate a banana was not a good/proper lunch. While I'm thinking, it's common for me to have a banana for breakfast or lunch or dinner. It's better for her than eating a bucket of KFC and a whole pizza.

I thought the episode just established that Kate really likes bananas. She are them for lunch as a teen and was now trying to feed them to her baby.

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My first thought of Kevin & Soldier Girl having sex is that she gets pregnant later on or she’ll show much later on with baby in tow. Maybe, the end of this season and show up next season just when people had forgotten about her. It’s so soapy. 

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6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

My first thought of Kevin & Soldier Girl having sex is that she gets pregnant later on or she’ll show much later on with baby in tow. Maybe, the end of this season and show up next season just when people had forgotten about her. It’s so soapy. 

People are ultra fertile on TV, doesn't matter age or how often, but I hope not. On a show like Million Little Things it would be a given but I put TIU above a soap to a drama. Sometimes it tows the line but if you watch the other, not really. ; )

Next show is called "So long Marianne" Any ideas why, there is a song called that.

Leonard Cohen wrote it and even if not related, the lyric story was sweet. The woman Marianne he was with and her son, they broke up, but he always loved her.

Though their romantic relationship ended then, Cohen and Marianne Ihlen eventually managed to arrive at a place of affection for each other. When he heard she was dying of leukemia in 2016, he wrote a sweet letter to her, according to the CBC, which read: “Well, Marianne, it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine. And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and for your wisdom … but now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.”

Marianne Ilhen died two days later, on July 29, 2016. Leonard Cohen died three months later, on November 7, 2016, in his sleep, following a fall. He was 82. His song lyrics seem like an appropriate requiem: “Oh, so long, Marianne/It’s time that we began to laugh/And cry and cry and laugh about it all again.”

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14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I wouldn't think of feeding a baby an avocado, even if I grew them in my back yard. But I guess they're fine since Baby Jack obviously is going to live a few more episodes.

Avocado is one of the suggested first foods because the flavor is so mild and the texture (when mashed) is easy for a baby to gum. But, honestly, I'm not sure why she didn't start with a grain cereal in lots of breastmilk (or formula) which is easier especially for picky babies because it's flavorless and all the liquid makes the texture much more like what they're used to and you just keep using less and less of the liquid. Eh, I can't think too much about Kate and this solids thing or it makes me crazy. She makes everything about 100x harder than it needs to be. I think being her husband is a very stressful job. I used to hate Toby's guts and now I feel sorry for him.

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14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Laugh that Kate's boyfriend called Randall "Randy." That's a common thing for people to do when they do not actually KNOW the person whom they are addressing, abbreviate their names. I actually didn't see him being a control freak. So he doesn't like chick flicks. He's probably more of a Fast And Furious or Avengers kind of guy. Lots of guys are like that.

I thought the boyfriend was super rude to abbreviate Randall’s name without permission AND belittle Kate’s movie choice. It’s fine not to want to see Practical Magic (And suggest something they both like), it’s not fine to demean your girlfriend for her desire to see it. There could be situations where the “12yrs old girl” line could be taken as a funny joke, but this wasn’t one of them. Kate was not laughing (genuinely). Alarm bells for me.

I think Rebecca was concerned about the banana because no that’s not a proper meal- Kate’s probably trying to drop weight really quickly that she gained after Jack’s death hence an 80 calorie lunch, and that’s not the healthiest thing either. But fat people cannot win- eat less and people are mad that you’re not eating enough .....but you’ve got to restrict your calories to lose weight!!!

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think Rebecca was concerned about the banana because no that’s not a proper meal- Kate’s probably trying to drop weight really quickly that she gained after Jack’s death hence an 80 calorie lunch, and that’s not the healthiest thing either. 

If Rebecca didn't rag Kate about taking a banana, when I'm guessing Rebecca bought the bananas for everyone to eat (except Kate), maybe Kate wouldn't have gained weight. For all we AND Rebecca know, the banana was just to hold her over until the date took her for a double cheeseburger, fries and malt before they stopped at the chocolate shop for dessert, then headed to the movie for buttered popcorn and cokes. I did not assumed the banana was Kate's total carry-out lunch, it was a snack for heaven's sake. Plus she didn't take one for her dude ... how rude.

I've only seen babies get a Cream Of Wheat-type cereal for their first solid food, and never knew any to refuse it. But it's been a few years.

3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I thought the boyfriend was super rude to abbreviate Randall’s name without permission

I see this all the time, Jacqueline called Jackie, and without permission. Randall should have corrected the boyfriend since Jacqueline always corrects those Jackie people.

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4 hours ago, debraran said:

Next show is called "So long Marianne" Any ideas why, there is a song called that.

Leonard Cohen wrote it and even if not related, the lyric story was sweet. The woman Marianne he was with and her son, they broke up, but he always loved her.

I didn't know anything about this song, so thank you for sharing that.

As far as Rebecca's potential dementia/Alzheimer's diagnosis.  Almost ten years ago my dad started showing symptoms. He would forget things - he forgot his sister's birthday which he NEVER forgot.  And other little things.  My mom suggested he go to the doctor for an exam and he refused.  I'm sure part of it was being scared of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's.   My mom called a little later and said my dad had had a stroke.  He lived and seemed to be doing a little better, but he wasn't "my dad" any longer.  Then about 3.5 months later he was having problems and the occupational therapist suggested he get in to see a doctor. They did a MRI that day and found out he actually had glioblastoma  (yeah, the same cancer that Ted Kennedy, Beau Biden, and John McCain had).  The doctor's didn't realize it was cancer a few months earlier because of all the bleeding in his brain.  So while I think Rebecca's storyline is going to be more dementia/Alzheimer's, I'm still not looking forward to it.  But I can also understand her not wanting to see a doctor.

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21 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

They compromised because they couldn't and can't do anything to stop her from seeing him.  They can tell her all day long not to see him, and when they aren't around there is nothing they can do to stop her from doing just that, seeing him.

What are they going to do if she disobeys?  Spank her?  No chance of that happening.

She's 14. She can't drive, doesn't have a job, they determine when she leaves the house and with whom. They are her parents they absolutely can keep her from seeing him. My parents certainly did in high school

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