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S05.E06: Four Wives in Two RVs

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Did Robyn say, "I think we thought the weather would be cold." ?


OK, so two huge flags here.  First, the word "think" should never be used by any of the Btowns.  The are not capable of lucid thought. And second, has no one ever heard of the weather channel, NOAA or any other readily available weather forecasting service?  They are so stupid that they think the entire company has the same weather as Las Vegas (Meri: I'm wearing sandals.  We came from Las Vegas"!!!!)?


Sorry, you roving band of imbeciles, the world does NOT revolve about the Brown's wants and needs.  You are not the center of the universe;  thus the weather will be what it normally is in the places that you grace with your presence.  Even the Lord High Kody, King on Earth can't change it.


Oh, and one more thing Brain Trust Brown, some advice from a veteran RVer.  You check the waste valves BEFORE you open the holding tank.  Vibrations often open things that were closed.  We love amateurs that contaminate the entire dumping station area with your stupidity - and crap.


The preview was so thoroughly disgusting that I'm not going to waste my time.  I'll just get what I need from the forum.

Edited by Kohola3
  • Love 11

OK, so two huge flags here. First, the word "think" should never be used by any of the Btowns. The are not capable of lucid thought. And second, has no one ever heard of the weather channel, NOAA or any other readily available weather forecasting service? They are so stupid that they think the entire company has the same weather as Las Vegas (Meri: I'm wearing sandals. We came from Las Vegas"!!!!)?

Sorry, you roving band of imbeciles, the world does NOT revolve about the Brown's wants and needs. You are not the center of the universe; thus the weather will be what it normally is in the places that you grace with your presence. Even the Lord High Kody, King on Earth can't change it.

Oh, and one more thing Brain Trust Brown, some advice from a veteran RVer. You check the waste valves BEFORE you open the holding tank. Vibrations often open things that were closed. We love amateurs that contaminate the entire dumping station area with your stupidity - and crap.

The preview was so thoroughly disgusting that I'm not going to waste my time. I'll just get what I need from the forum.

Oh and don't forget - they've done the RV thing before a year or so ago for their trip to Nauvoo where they got the docent to freaking LIE for them and say they weren't allowed in a certain museum (not even owned by the LDS) "because they're plyg". Which was bullshit - they weren't allowed in because they were a large group and the small museum doesn't allow filming/cameras. That really made my blood boil. (Especially since they kept showing that scene in pre-commercial flash-forwards...just goes to show that to 99 percent of regular folks out there, polygamy is a big "meh". Edited by DakotaJustice

Kody states the older kids attitudes can make or break the trip. Is it just me, or was it his attitude that was the most awful?

Christine said, "I don't have my older kids with me, I rely on them soooo much. I don't have them here and I'm at a complete loss.". I find this soooo sad.

Does Robyn ever make sense when she speaks?

Lose the pony tail, Kody.

So, it cost $72. for each of them to do the steak challenge and get a shirt?

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How many times did we see in previews that KoDouche said he wanted no whining or crying? And then, who whined and cried the most? Why, the King, of course. Because he got some doody on his shoe. Yet we are supposed to believe he is this great man because Robyn took one picture of him changing one diaper and put it on Twitter. I seriously hope Hunter left the valves open on purpose and laughed his fool head off the rest of the trip. He has to keep himself entertained somehow, and watching Douchey McBaggerson dodging shit water was damn entertaining!!

  • Love 10

I honestly wish that they would recognize the benefit of getting some good financial counseling.  They just spent $360 to get five t-shirts.    There is no way on earth my father would have let me enter a contest that cost that much.  I would have known better than to even ask.  They are going to need that money when the show ends.  I only hope TLC footed the bill.

Edited by TVFAN
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They just spent $360 to get five t-shirts.    There is no way on earth my father would have let me enter a contest that cost that much.


I thought the same thing about how much money they wasted on that steak eating contest.


I didn't get Robyn's comment about cracking the ice herself or something, but I noticed Janelle flinch when she said it. Bet Janelle would love to muzzle Robyn when she makes stupid comments about polygamy which reflect on all of them.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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So, it cost $72. for each of them to do the steak challenge and get a shirt?

I'm sure either the producers or TLC paid.  I doubt the Big Texan Steak Ranch, who gets OODLES of publicity, comp'd the Browns if they didn't finish.  They're in business to make money not to give product away.  They were just on Conan recently and there's hardly a month that goes by that a rerun of Man Vs. Food or some such show featuring the place is shown on Food Network.

I felt the one bright spot in this episode was the focus on Truely and her birthday....what a sweet little girl she is, she reminds me of a pixie!!  The other thing that stood out for me was when Christine was whining about Mykelti and Aspen not going on this trip and how much Christine relied on them for helping with the younger kids, reminded me of the infamous Duggar 'buddy' system, where an older girl is paired up with a younger child, thereby freeing up mama....but the very best part for me was when Robyn almost lost her shit while yelling about the snow and cold, she really had to reel herself in because she nearly swore...temper, temper, Robyn!!!  Now that made the episode worth watching!!!

  • Love 3

Two comments tonight really sealed for me how dysfunctional this gaggle happen to be. First, Kody says something to the effect of "my wives are freaking out because they have to travel together." WTF? If they are supposedly this symbiotic family unit that lived together in the same house for years and years, why would travelling together be such an issue? Isn't the point of taking a trip to relax and have fun? Why the stress?


Also, Christine saying, "I rely on my older kids sooooo much. I don't know how I will survive without them on this trip." Again, WTF? Don't you have four other adults there who should be responsible authority figures to "help" you? I think they expect too much of the older teens. It isn't their fault they were born into a family like this.

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What a shock that Robyn and Meri got to sleep in the motels while the slave sisters slept in the RVs with the kids.Plus Kody was having a relaxing diner breakfast one morning. Where were the rest?

How is it relatable for the audience when half the time they are poor mouthing it and the other half eating steak dinners and bitching about blue ray players?

  • Love 7

I loved seeing Meri with her two suitcases, saying "I'm ready." Meanwhile, in the other homes, there is a circus of activity going on. Jump in and help, woman!

As much as I dislike Meri, I'd wash my hands of that chaos, too. And then, when the fertile ones were ready, I'd make them wait while I polished my wet bar.

Kody needs Botox on his forehead.

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What a shock that Robyn and Meri got to sleep in the motels while the slave sisters slept in the RVs with the kids.Plus Kody was having a relaxing diner breakfast one morning. Where were the rest?


I'm the first one to say that Meri and Robyn receive preferential treatment, but I wouldn't be surprised if Janelle and Christine chose to stay in the RVs.  Christine loves that sense of adventure, and Janelle is very low maintenance and loves camping.  When they went to Wyoming (before Kody's dad died), the sleeping arrangements (I think) were - Janelle and kids at her mom's house, Kody/Meri at Kody's mom's house, and Christine and Robyn with kids at a hotel/motel.


I loved seeing Meri with her two suitcases, saying "I'm ready." Meanwhile, in the other homes, there is a circus of activity going on. Jump in and help, woman!


I'm torn on Meri.  I used to really dislike her, but this season she's really growing on me.  I'm not sure why, but she's more laid back, and tends to have a good sense of humor.  Meri seems to be the most organized and efficient, and probably made sure she's was packed up ahead of time.  The other four adults get so worked up in these situations, and I think Meri chooses to seek out the quiet, and stay out of everybody's way.


I didn't get Robyn's comment about cracking the ice herself or something, but I noticed Janelle flinch when she said it. Bet Janelle would love to muzzle Robyn when she makes stupid comments about polygamy which reflect on all of them.


I thought she said, "I have to almost break my own eyes", and CC agreed with me.  I have no idea what the hell that means.  She was sort of rolling her eyes at the same time, maybe that's what she was referring to?


I caught Christine's comment about not having her oldest two with her, but I didn't think it was all that bad.  Back when Christine cared for her own and Janelle's, I'm sure the oldest two got into a habit of helping that just never changed with the move.  I absolutely despise how the Duggars enslave their older daughters, and I don't feel the comparison to them is fair.  I've never gotten the impression that Christine is lazy while her kids have to do work.  The Duggar girls actually do almost one hundred percent of all the work.  They sleep with their "buddy" when Michelle rejects them at six months, and do all the getting up in the middle of the night, bathing, feeding, etc.


When Garrison told Isabel to "stop being stupid", what female told Garrison to "stop being stupid"?  At first I thought it sounded like Mykelti,, but now I think it was Janelle.


I don't care if something miraculous happened while the waste was spilling - I do not want to see it TLC.


Hunter isn't my favorite, but seeing him holding Solomon on his shoulders was sweet.  I remember that when Solomon was born, Hunter was not a fan of Robyn's, and she was moved that Hunter chose to hold the baby right after he was born.  I think Truely is just as loved as Solomon - I don't see favoritism.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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  The other four adults get so worked up in these situations, and I think Meri chooses to seek out the quiet, and stay out of everybody's way.

Well that's certainly easy to do when you have no kids and no responsibilities.

I think Meri's life of ease and solitude in her big, empty mansion is the biggest evidence of how their "we're one big, happy family" mantra is such a farce. Why isn't she supporting and helping her sister wives and their gazillions kids in the millions of ways that they need help on a daily basis? Why? Because in actuality, the women are four single mothers with kids, and King Kody is a bed-hopping, part-time father and full-time asshat. And they use their religion and/or polygamy as a cover.

  • Love 15

I think Meri's life of ease and solitude in her big, empty mansion is the biggest evidence of how their "we're one big, happy family" mantra is such a farce. Why isn't she supporting and helping her sister wives and their gazillions kids in the millions of ways that they need help on a daily basis? Why? Because in actuality, the women are four single mothers with kids, and King Kody is a bed-hopping, part-time father and full-time asshat. And they use their religion and/or polygamy as a cover.

Yeah, that's why, as I watch this big ship-o-hypocrites this season, I'm embracing my own growing hypocrisy/confusion/indifference re Meri. It's all a sham. I can't get too terribly worked up if she doesn't jump in and bail them out because they can't handle their own children. Especially if she leaves Queen Robyn hanging.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Two comments tonight really sealed for me how dysfunctional this gaggle happen to be. First, Kody says something to the effect of "my wives are freaking out because they have to travel together." WTF? If they are supposedly this symbiotic family unit that lived together in the same house for years and years, why would travelling together be such an issue? Isn't the point of taking a trip to relax and have fun? Why the stress?


IMO the point of the trip was to film contrived situations in rode to keep the coagulating show sputtering along for as long as possible...I think Truly was the only person who actually was enjoying herself, because she's too young to be pressured by Kody to act for the camera. Edited by DakotaJustice
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Why ONLY Meri and Robyn at the hotel?  Why not take their niece /or a couple of the other girls?   I am pretty sure Meri and Robyn were getting rooms alone, since Kody was going to be there part of the time..  So give Maddie, Mindy (the niece), Aurora or whomever a break from the herd also. 


Kody is the one with the bad attitude.  Ysabel is 10, more than old enough to stand quietly for a prayer.  400 miles was the most they would drive in a day.  Let's see, that's 5 hours of driving.  But they were  getting to the RV park at 1:30 AM.   Just how much time were they wasting at dinner and TH? How  long is this spring break if they were driving 4 days to get there.  Presumably they are driving 4 days back?

  • Love 1

Good point on the lenth of spring break.  I can't image they will fly back, but with this gang, anything is possible.   The folks with the bad attitude were the adults, except for Meri.  She seemed to be taking it in stride.  I wonder if it was because she did not have to worry about her kid having a meltdown, it would all be other wives' kids that might explode in the pressure cooker...I mean vacation.


Robyn was really bad when she stepped out into cold weather.   Nice way to set an example.   When an older boy made that commet to Kodouche about the sargents getting shot by troops, Kodouche took his anger out on the younger boy who just asked if "Dad was driving that RV".   The look on the younger kid's face was priceless.   Kind of said "my father's such a douche" to me.   Also, I like to think that kid was asking so he would rid in the RV dad was not driving.

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Here goes - lots of thoughts/questions after last night's episode.   Does anyone know how many beds are in that sized RV?  How many people they are designed to sleep?  I'm having a hard time imagining that all kids slept comfortably in there, and the  "adults"  wonder why there is tension amongst the kids after a few days?  Really, guys? 


How many times did we see in previews that KoDouche said he wanted no whining or crying? And then, who whined and cried the most? Why, the King, of course.



He complained in just about every single scene.  It was ridiculous.  And not one of the wives told him to knock it off.  He bitches about wanting to be the leader/king of the family, yet has no clue how to lead.  Dumbass.


I loved seeing Meri with her two suitcases, saying "I'm ready." Meanwhile, in the other homes, there is a circus of activity going on



Meri had such a smug face on in that scene in her entryway.  As if to say  "I am ready to go an hour early, I don't know why everyone else is having such trouble?"   Such passive aggressive bitchiness.


Two comments tonight really sealed for me how dysfunctional this gaggle happen to be. First, Kody says something to the effect of "my wives are freaking out because they have to travel together." WTF? If they are supposedly this symbiotic family unit that lived together in the same house for years and years, why would travelling together be such an issue? Isn't the point of taking a trip to relax and have fun?



  And they neglected to mention if Robyn and Meri each had their own motel room.  Ha ha ha ha, as if any of us thought those two should bunk together for an evening.  For a family that spends each episode complaining about money, they have no worries about blowing every single dime (or at least giving the appearance of) they get their greedy little hands on.  How much money blown on the steak eating competition?  And 2 (most likely 3 - Mindy) motel rooms for a minimum of 4 nights just on the way TO the destination?  It is just mind blowing to me.  They can't really be that clueless, can they?  I know they prove it again and again each week, but I just can't wrap my head around this group of idiots wandering through life together.   

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Garrison is my new hero, with his American Revolution comment. Normally I don't care for kids sassing their parents, but since it was Kody I appreciated it immensely. 


I was really over Christine making a giant deal about her two older kids not being there. Without them she had 4 kids. Four. Not 10. Four is a perfectly feasible number and the three older ones are 10 or older, perfectly capable of doing most things for themselves. So stop whining. 


I did find it totally non-surprising that Meri and Robyn were the ones who took the hotel rooms. What, the bonus moms couldn't stay on the RV with their bonus kids and give Jenelle or Christine a night in a hotel? Oh well, I would have been fine. I've always wanted to take an RV trip and I love camping. 


The two best chuckles of the episode - Kody getting shit all over him and Kody skipping like he was "off to see the wizard" at the gym. 

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KoDouche and his skipping in the gym, not checking the valves before opening the waste pipe, whining about his shit shoes, blaming Hunter for the sewage incident, having a kid tell him, "I don't care." when he explained the "I am the general, you are my sergeant" concept... All reasons to turn in his man card. Oh, and that stupid-ass pony tail.

  • Love 8

If you make multiple stops for shooting in a store, restaurant, gym (the hell?), whatever, no wonder a 7 hour trip takes twice as long and everyone is on edge by the end. We travel with our 4 kids fairly frequently and one of the golden rules is limited stops! Multiple loading/unloading is stress inducing and make the worst part of travel (the drive) go on and on.

Once again this show shows how miserable these people are!

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Well that's certainly easy to do when you have no kids and no responsibilities.

I think Meri's life of ease and solitude in her big, empty mansion is the biggest evidence of how their "we're one big, happy family" mantra is such a farce. Why isn't she supporting and helping her sister wives and their gazillions kids in the millions of ways that they need help on a daily basis? Why? Because in actuality, the women are four single mothers with kids, and King Kody is a bed-hopping, part-time father and full-time asshat. And they use their religion and/or polygamy as a cover.

If I were Meri, I would be doing the same thing. She is past that now. Good for her.


edited because passed is different

 than past...lol

Edited by psychnurse
  • Love 3

If you make multiple stops for shooting in a store, restaurant, gym (the hell?), whatever, no wonder a 7 hour trip takes twice as long and everyone is on edge by the end. We travel with our 4 kids fairly frequently and one of the golden rules is limited stops! Multiple loading/unloading is stress inducing and make the worst part of travel (the drive) go on and on.

Once again this show shows how miserable these people are!

THIS!!! We get in the car and we go... we often drive down 95 to Florida (about a 14 hour trip for us). We do it in one day. We stop only we absolutely necessary. The kids have their books and iPods and I pack enough snacks etc to keep them quiet LOL. I can't imagine making all those stops. We'd definitely be on edge by the end. 

Well that's certainly easy to do when you have no kids and no responsibilities.

I think Meri's life of ease and solitude in her big, empty mansion is the biggest evidence of how their "we're one big, happy family" mantra is such a farce. Why isn't she supporting and helping her sister wives and their gazillions kids in the millions of ways that they need help on a daily basis? Why? Because in actuality, the women are four single mothers with kids, and King Kody is a bed-hopping, part-time father and full-time asshat. And they use their religion and/or polygamy as a cover.

ITA. I thought Meri needed that big house so she would have room for when the other kids come and stay at her house... I wonder has this ever happened? It seems that when it's convenient to her and benefits her, she is part of a big family; most of the time, however, she seems focused on her and Mariah's needs/comfort only. She can't have it both ways.

I certainly wouldn't want to have to raise a gazillion other children after my own child is grown, but that is just one reason why I am not in a polygamous relationship. In many ways, I like Meri and feel like I can relate to her; however in the context of her family (and chosen life and identity), she sure seems selfish.

  • Love 5
Meri had such a smug face on in that scene in her entryway.  As if to say  "I am ready to go an hour early, I don't know why everyone else is having such trouble?"   Such passive aggressive bitchiness.



Honestly, though, I'm not sure I blame her.  I wonder if she (consciously or not) sees it as her small little way to "get back" at the other moms who were able to have more than one kid and probably have (overtly or not) held that over her through the years.  Kinda like, 'Yeah, how those 6 kids looking to you now?'


I'd probably do the same thing.

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