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S03.E13: Against All Odds/S03.E14: Tell All

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Caesar is a toe-headed moron.  lol.  I think he's for real.  Maria is (was) obviously scamming him to the max and he made it easy.  I have no sympathy for him at all.  That little clip of him in the suit all "how you like your man now baby?" with the stumpy, badly-tied tie?  OMG...so funny!  He thinks he's got it goin on!  🤣

I really don't like Avery.  At all.

Angela is absolutely awful.  What a horrible person...yuck.

Tim is a weirdo.  I don't think Jeniffer realized how her "freak" comment would come across.  I think she was speaking only in relation to Tim - if HE had been wearing a T with her pic on it when she met him she would have thought HE was a freak.  But some other guy might have been able to pull it off.  

During Emma's little inquisition Darcy kept making this funny, quizzical, confused "where did that come from?" face.  As though she thought Emma was a friend or something.  Even when they were talking at the salsa bar it never seemed to me Emma was honestly trying to help Darcy in any way.  I think she figured Tom would answer "no" to the "are we exclusive?" question...

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
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So Maria claimed that she has traveled all over the world, and just got back from Dubai. Caesars 800$ Per month sure doesn’t support that. I was confused during the scene with her friends; I missed the part that said she was in Kiev and somehow thought she was in LA.  Newsflash, she probably was as she’s an actress. 
Teem and Jeniffer can shut it.  He can’t even have sex and he comes down on everyone else? Ugh. 
When Akinyi said the bit about Ben shaping up, hubby and I were aghast.  Reverse the roles and we’d have warfare. Not ok.  
I know a lot of people.  Of those, I only know one who sometimes carries her phone in her bra.  But only sometimes.  Whomever posted on the live thread about all the stuff, including a Volkswagen, she pulled out of her bra, I love you x 23574468856.

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8 hours ago, sonder said:

I don’t find Zied cute. His so so so stuff annoys me. He buys someone a ring with her own money. He has no job. Rebecca has issues. She says he is perfect with the above qualifications! 

Possibly unpopular opinion. I have never met or known a teacher who participated in an inappropriate student/teacher relationship. But. I think Rebecca and Zied are the closest thing I have seen to it. Subtract 10 years and she would be 37  (ish) and he, 16 (ish). She is obsessed with this young man, who is immature (riding an ATV like a tween anyone?) has an age gap and language barrier and Rebecca holds all the power. Her lies and then turning on the emotion "I don't want to lose this ever" (lose WHAT? Exactly?" is my question.) + putting out. He has no power in the relationship to be who he is or can be. He is young D to Rebecca that she can groom and have all the power over.

It could be argued that this is the same for ALL the couples but in all the relationships I see each individual as having some power, even Mykull to some degree. And Angela isn't smart enough to be predatory. She is all out T Rex for her partner to see. Rebecca is manipulative and motivated by some deep dysfunction that she snakes her way out of. If she were a man I think her predatory motives would look more obvi. I think Zied is too dull / dimwitted to know what he is doing. I think of Baltimore Mark and his teen Aisan bride but still think Rebecca is more predatory. She is off. 

Again I have to go back to those moldy tent walls thinking he was in a 5 star Sahara experience riding ATVs like a 10 year old on their first power wheels. Just because he is a man doesn't mean he is being used. Rebecca is a predator. 

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Teri may seem very emotional now about Avery saying she won't stay here without Omar, but, I recall that Omar had figured a way to hold off the wedding ceremony when they were in Lebanon, only Teri got all riled up and said they were going to make it happen.  I never did understand why she did that. She was the one who then insisted they find the right people and get it done before their last day.  

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Jesse must be thrilled that he has no class Ange defending him.

Both Jeniffer and Akyni have nasty mean streaks. 

I really felt for Terri, the only genuine (I think?) person on the panel. I could see her pain when someone mentioned grandchildren. Could they not emigrate to Canada 🇨🇦? Although to be honest I think Avery is in love with being in love. She has a lot of growing up to do. Omar just wants to be a dentist in America.

Darcy, Get a short pixie haircut.  Humping ten pounds of fake hair everywhere must be exhausting.

The host was useless as usual. It’s frustrating that she never follows up. Although questions are probably fed to her. 

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12 minutes ago, queenbee24 said:

3 more hours of this and I am HERE FOR IT.

Tim, please keep your mouth shut about who is weird and who isn’t, but the fact Rebecca got all butt hurt about it was hilarious.

RIGHT??? Tim minced words when it came to the "obstacles" of "Um do you mean intercourse" but tossed right in with lightning speed on the chocolate panties remark when it came to judging Cesar's speed with intimacy. WTH was that? 

Tim fascinates me, he is on a journey to know himself and who he is and I hope he gets there. If The "LEARNING" Channel wanted to go somewhere with this they could follow Tim and others who need to live their gender unicorn out loud and be who they are in every way. 


I would watch Tim get answers............... he needs some!

**And diva Jesse wanting coffee? BAH! Hilarious! 

** HOLY F***ING SHIT--- MARIA!!!!!! I was yelling and on my feet. Good one TLC! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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10 hours ago, Cammi said:

Caesar is an asshole. Not sorry. 

After seeing his social media with all his “vanilla lover / white women need only apply” bullshit, and his acting profile listing himself as “mixed race”, he can fuck off with his self hating nonsense. Deserves EVERY BIT of grief that Ukrainian cold fish is dishing him.  Wtf he mixed with? Black and...... ? Black? Fucking tool.

And speaking unofficially on behalf of the Ethnic Women’s Delegation, Caucasian women- y’all can have his dumb ass. We sign off! 

Tim making fun of Rebecca’s Zied coffee mug. That mug done seen more action than Jeniffer! Lord Tim, just suck on that e-cig, and pretend it’s a penis. He’s just pissed at Jesse cuz he WISHED he looked half as good. Tim got the Jesse jellies. 

This entire post x100.  

He is no more attractive as a "mixed" man.  He is a physically unattractive man.  Idris Elba isn't mixed* and he is sexy as hell (do not make me post pics to prove it).  Attractive men come in all colors.  Unattractive men too.  

He should be less worried about being black, and more worried about being a 50 year old man giving pedicures and eating ramen.  THAT'S not attractive to any woman.  

But yeah, congratulations vanilla creme ladies.....you can have ceasar, his coupon eggs, ramen, and ability to handle crusty toes.  Is Jenny available?

*- I've never heard he is mixed, but I mostly only look at his pictures.  

*- I also don't think Tim is gay, but I think that you need only show jenniffer a picture of him with pink hair for her to know that he isn't the guy for her. 

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Exactly, where did the 500 dinar go? 

I think Rebecca was in on the ring plot, she forked over the money too easily.  

Did that ring even fit?

Caesar showed the ring to a friend and said "see all those diamonds!" who does he think he is kidding?

LOL, didn't ceasar buy a ring for under $200?  I haven't seen the tell-all and now I can't wait!

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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

In Rebecca’s defense, no one seeing that sweatshirt would realize that was supposed to be her picture.

LOL!  I bet people would think it was Rebecca's daughter.

I don't think the shirt was freakish. (though there are plenty of other freakish things about Zied and Becky with the bad hair.)  More like corny, or dorky, but not one of the top 20 weirdest things we've seen this season.   

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If Maria is real, ceasar should thank his lucky stars she never came to the US.  

She would have been all over his better looking, more intelligent, physically fit, and apparently financially well off friend Jeremy (I think Jeremy drives an infinity...but he has a car so that puts him in an entirely different financial situation).  

It would have been hilarious for me....the viewer at home, but it would have probably sucked for ceasar.  

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10 hours ago, Honey said:

I so much laughed when Darcey said her favorite color is "white or clear"  Yup, she said clear folks.  Up until now when someone asked my favorite color, I said Plaid.  Not anymore, I am stealing Darcey's favorite color of Clear.  It completely makes sense though, if she could wear clear colored clothing, she would.

So obvious her favorite color is white or clear. She wants a wedding gown so badly. It will be a Pnina gown, white with that trashy see thru shit. 

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Just now, A-Lo said:

When she-beast Angela stomped her way into their backstage area at the beginning of the episode looking like she'd spent the night (or several) at a truck stop, all sweaty and bursting out of her tank-top-leggings combo, I had to admire Darcey complimenting her by saying, "Looking sharp!" to her and giving her a hug.  Even if it was the most insincere comment on the planet, I couldn't have pulled that off!

I feel like angelas love can be bought with compliments and cake.  

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2 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

When she-beast Angela stomped her way into their backstage area at the beginning of the episode looking like she'd spent the night (or several) at a truck stop, all sweaty and bursting out of her tank-top-leggings combo, I had to admire Darcey complimenting her by saying, "Looking sharp!" to her and giving her a hug.  Even if it was the most insincere comment on the planet, I couldn't have pulled that off!

I know! I giggled at that comment.  

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4 minutes ago, nytonc said:

So obvious her favorite color is white or clear. She wants a wedding gown so badly. It will be a Pnina gown, white with that trashy see thru shit. 

You may be on to something.....have the fiances go shopping in NYC so they can Say Yes To The Dress! Oh, the drama that could ensure as their loved ones sit on the couch! lol 

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I think reality hit Avery in that lawyer's office.  The meeting that should have happened BEFORE this trip.

I think Avery had an idea that Dr. Omar may have a bit of an issue getting to the states, she may have been playing it up for TV, like when she was facetiming Omar and she put her head down in a woe is me moment.  This cannot be the first conversation these two have had about this.

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1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

So Maria claimed that she has traveled all over the world, and just got back from Dubai. Caesars 800$ Per month sure doesn’t support that. I was confused during the scene with her friends; I missed the part that said she was in Kiev and somehow thought she was in LA.  Newsflash, she probably was as she’s an actress. 
Teem and Jeniffer can shut it.  He can’t even have sex and he comes down on everyone else? Ugh. 
When Akinyi said the bit about Ben shaping up, hubby and I were aghast.  Reverse the roles and we’d have warfare. Not ok.  
I know a lot of people.  Of those, I only know one who sometimes carries her phone in her bra.  But only sometimes.  Whomever posted on the live thread about all the stuff, including a Volkswagen, she pulled out of her bra, I love you x 23574468856.

If that really is Maria and not some actress, she probably has multiple Caesers she is scamming.

Maybe Maria will run into Avery and Omar on her next trip to Dubai, if they move there.

I was thinking that is Avery is really committed to Islam and Islamic culture, she should be more comfortable in a Muslim country, (that isn't in the middle of a horrific war) than in the US.  

Great point about Akini fat shaming Ben.  Besides that, she isn't exactly slender, herself.  I'd say her and Ben are in the same ballpark in terms of fitness.  

While Teem really isn't in a great place to put down others, his comment that of course Caeser was ready to have sex with Maria, with the chocolate panties, was very funny.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think Avery had an idea that Dr. Omar may have a bit of an issue getting to the states, she may have been playing it up for TV, like when she was facetiming Omar and she put her head down in a woe is me moment.  This cannot be the first conversation these two have had about this.

I want to agree with you @Baltimore Betty, cause ya know I love you, but I have a hunch this really was the first time they discussed it.  It is all unicorns and chocolate in Avery's world.

7 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I feel like angelas love can be bought with compliments and cake.  

Be careful - she might hurl it at you!

22 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I don't think the shirt was freakish. (though there are plenty of other freakish things about Zied and Becky with the bad hair.)  More like corny, or dorky, but not one of the top 20 weirdest things we've seen this season. 

I agree.  Freak was too strong a word.  Corny is much better.

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1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I want to agree with you @Baltimore Betty, cause ya know I love you, but I have a hunch this really was the first time they discussed it.  It is all unicorns and chocolate in Avery's world.

I love you too, @MRS. HANSON but I just don't want to believe that Avery is that stupid or unaware about world news, she just can't be, right? 

Much credit to her mother for holding her tongue and not screaming at Avery about how dumb she is, I would not be so nice.

Omar will never have the need for Avery that Avery has for Omar, Mother Avery knows this.

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I think a great show would be to just leave these people in a room together for a few hours. I'd watch that.

Tom's sister was right though. You never heard them talking about anything at all. I thought maybe it was the editing. It's not so much the favorite color, but the fact that all she ever says it, I love you my English man and this place is so beautiful.  How does she love him, she doesn't even know him. Same with Omar and Muslim lady. They don't know each other at all, to leave U.S.A to live with him in a foreign country with a total stranger is a lot. Tom was right about that- she has NO CLUE how hard that would be. It's different if you have spent a fair amount of time in a country and you understand the pros and cons, like I could live in Italy, but I know what I'd be getting into and leaving behind. Just to pick a place like Dubai (which sounds really glamourous) who knows what that is really like to LIVE there I don't and I'm sure Muslim teen doesn't either. 

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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Hubby and I wear matching t-shirts almost every day.  Corny.  Yep, that's us.  But also . . . practical.  If we get separated at Costco or on a cruise ship, we know what the other is wearing, so it's easier to find each other.  LOL.

Also, about the favorite color thing.  When Sister Tom asked Darcey what Tom's favorite color is, I realized that I'm not sure what Mr. AZC's favorite color is (after 55 years of marriage).  So I asked him.  He looked at me and said, "Whatever color you're wearing."  Lord, I love this man!!!!

However, I knew by our third date whether he'd ever been engaged before.  

I was thinking the same thing about the favorite color.  I'm not sure I know what MY favorite color is.

I think things like favorite food, favorite TV show, favorite recording artist, type of music, etc would be better tests.   

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1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

So Maria claimed that she has traveled all over the world, and just got back from Dubai. Caesars 800$ Per month sure doesn’t support that. I was confused during the scene with her friends; I missed the part that said she was in Kiev and somehow thought she was in LA.  Newsflash, she probably was as she’s an actress. 
Teem and Jeniffer can shut it.  He can’t even have sex and he comes down on everyone else? Ugh. 
When Akinyi said the bit about Ben shaping up, hubby and I were aghast.  Reverse the roles and we’d have warfare. Not ok.  
I know a lot of people.  Of those, I only know one who sometimes carries her phone in her bra.  But only sometimes.  Whomever posted on the live thread about all the stuff, including a Volkswagen, she pulled out of her bra, I love you x 23574468856.

I know plenty of women who stash their phones, cigarettes, and money in their cleavage. Back when I was a young un in the 90’s, we would go to music festivals all the time and stashed our cash in our bras. To this day, I have a friend who still totes money in her bra. Her Japanese born husband is appalled at her country ways, but he knew what she was when he married her.

i expected Big Ang to pull Jimmy Hoffa out of her Grand Canyon of cleavage. Think of all the totables she can cram in there. It was like a lightbulb went off with Darcey, realizing she could be toting with her cleavage. That’s at least one rubber outfit she could bring to meet her next foreign fiancée.

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

See, I don't buy it was his sister's money for the ring.  Why would she fork over money to buy a ring for a woman she does not like?  Rebecca bought that ring.  (Why do I care?)  So many missed opportunities:  Calling out Akini for calling Ben pudgy, for changing the rules on him all the time, having him come over to be engaged but really knowing all along he would be getting married. 

Tim and Jeniffer:  kinda snobby.

Rebecca, it IS weird to walk around with your filtered pics on each other's clothing.  Had I shown up and saw someone with my pic on a sweatshirt I would be embarrassed.  Plus it would announce that I sent only filtered pics!  But Rebecca was just as weird with her mugs, clothing and photos around the home.

I think reality hit Avery in that lawyer's office.  The meeting that should have happened BEFORE this trip.

Benjamin and bikini: can you say SHAKE-DOWN?

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7 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Loved the scenes of Maria in Kiev.  If this is a fictional storyline, they at least went whole hog and invented her back story to give us.

I could have sworn one of her "friends" sounded like an American trying to talk with a Ukranian accent and sometime the fake accent slipping. 

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8 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

How did he "scam" her? She didn't give him any money and he's clearly not looking for a green card.

Right! He's vile! And hope this is all real and not a manufactured storyline.

I wonder what transpired btwn the time he left Kenya and the tell all. I hope they go into more detail. Did fail to make his monthly payments to her father or something? (Someone mentioned upthread about an eviction?)

That was so funny to me bc it reminded me of when he said "trumma."

"She threw her Louboutin at my head and gave me a trumma!"😂

Ppl can say what they want about Darcey, but she's a nice person. i've never observed her doing anything intentionally mean or petty. Prbly the ONLY person in this franchise who hasn't.

Darcy has been mean and petty towards Stacey.

My hubby's take on Maria?  She is a high dollar "working girl," the kind that rhymes with looker.

3 minutes ago, RealReality said:

It was kind of like a kid asking his mom for money to buy her a mother's day gift. 

I know some people just love Zied, but he comes off, to me, as a creepy, tubby, smoking, freeloading litterer.  With Jiffy Lube in his hair.

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11 hours ago, Honey said:

Yup, she said clear folks

Pure. She said pure, which is like so much more infinitely to the moon and back worse somehow. And also cringey AF!

10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Once the killer heels came out of the car, you knew it was Darcey.

I DIED. She was wearing peep-toe stiletto booties. HAHAHAHA!

1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

If that really is Maria and not some actress, she probably has multiple Caesers she is scamming.

She flat out said she was talking to a bunch of men. And frankly let her. She's on Anastasia.com (at a minimum) and if stupid men-children can't figure out what's up with that at this stage in the game? I mean  there's no cure for stupid.

Edited by shockermolar
adding so I don't have 50 replies in a row
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4 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Darcy has been mean and petty towards Stacey.

My hubby's take on Maria?  She is a high dollar "working girl," the kind that rhymes with looker.

I know some people just love Zied, but he comes off, to me, as a creepy, tubby, smoking, freeloading litterer.  With Jiffy Lube in his hair.

I don't like either of them.  

But, in Rebecca's defense, some of her social media posts after the show makes me think that she isn't as defensive as others like Devan and Tiffany and realizes that her only entertainment value is in being laughed at. 

I can appreciate that. 

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6 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Darcy has been mean and petty towards Stacey.

No, I think Stacey is always the instigator. Darcey will lash back out at her occasionally, tho. But I have never seen Darcey instigate any meanness toward Stacey or even be in a position to do so, as Darcey is the one who seeks out Stacey's approval (of Jesse and Tom). So far, Stacey always has the upper hand. 

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23 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

How did he "scam" her? She didn't give him any money and he's clearly not looking for a green card.

Right! He's vile! And hope this is all real and not a manufactured storyline.

I wonder what transpired btwn the time he left Kenya and the tell all. I hope they go into more detail. Did fail to make his monthly payments to her father or something? (Someone mentioned upthread about an eviction?)

That was so funny to me bc it reminded me of when he said "trumma."

"She threw her Louboutin at my head and gave me a trumma!"😂

Ppl can say what they want about Darcey, but she's a nice person. i've never observed her doing anything intentionally mean or petty. Prbly the ONLY person in this franchise who hasn't.

I really think Darcey is a good person with no self esteem. She’s always complimenting others, and it feels like she does it to set them at ease, not to manipulate. I’d love to go pick her up and take her to the Everglades for 2 weeks of no phone, no electricity , hunt, live off the land to build her confidence. Of course, we will have to remove the 10 lbs of hair on her head and eyelids first.  Then it’s camo tees, cargo pants, and rubber boots. 

Seriously though, she’d be a whole new person with shoulder length hair, 50% less Botox and fillers, and those implants removed. The long hair and giant foobs make her look heavy. What she’s doing to look younger is making her look older. 

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I wonder how quickly Angela puts that lighter back into her bra after lighting up (every 10 minutes). 

I was surprised to see “Maria” or at least a woman that closely resembled the pictures. The surprise quickly wore off though, it probably wasn’t hard for the producers to get an interview from a woman willing to do most things for a price (if that was the real person). The only useful thing the Cesar storyline brought us was Jeremy, bring him on the tell all, I don’t care for what reason. As long as it is mostly vapid with no substance and nothing new to be told...

They should rename the tell all shows to “participants being shown recycled footage of themselves to get their reaction, and then - ok, moving on”.

Then give Darcy the spin-off she so desires and call that show “producers arranging situations designed to torture Darcy and make her cry”.  I can see them scheming now - what new kind of asshole can we match her up with now? How many places and situations can we put her in to remind her of a wedding, etc. 

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28 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

No, I think Stacey is always the instigator. Darcey will lash back out at her occasionally, tho. But I have never seen Darcey instigate any meanness toward Stacey or even be in a position to do so, as Darcey is the one who seeks out Stacey's approval (of Jesse and Tom). So far, Stacey always has the upper hand. 

Agreed.  Its not fun to watch and I can see why producers would choose Darcy over Stacey.  

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

No, I think Stacey is always the instigator. Darcey will lash back out at her occasionally, tho. But I have never seen Darcey instigate any meanness toward Stacey or even be in a position to do so, as Darcey is the one who seeks out Stacey's approval (of Jesse and Tom). So far, Stacey always has the upper hand. 

We see the interactions the producers want us to see. And they want Darcey to play the victim.

16 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

I wonder how quickly Angela puts that lighter back into her bra after lighting up (every 10 minutes). 

I was surprised to see “Maria” or at least a woman that closely resembled the pictures. The surprise quickly wore off though, it probably wasn’t hard for the producers to get an interview from a woman willing to do most things for a price (if that was the real person). The only useful thing the Cesar storyline brought us was Jeremy, bring him on the tell all, I don’t care for what reason. As long as it is mostly vapid with no substance and nothing new to be told...

They should rename the tell all shows to “participants being shown recycled footage of themselves to get their reaction, and then - ok, moving on”.

Then give Darcy the spin-off she so desires and call that show “producers arranging situations designed to torture Darcy and make her cry”.  I can see them scheming now - what new kind of asshole can we match her up with now? How many places and situations can we put her in to remind her of a wedding, etc. 

Darcey goes out and finds these guys all on her own so she can have a reason to be on a reality TV show. 

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