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S07.E04: Weekend at Brandy's II


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"When the hosts asked (Helen) about her interactions with (Chef) Martin last season, she seemed hurt he mocked her.

“After the episode, he basically ridiculed me about me being in my heels and my nails,” she said. “I can cook and I’m an amazing hostess. I just wanted to be in the kitchen and watch what he did.

And we were having a great time and he steps off the air and says that. I’m like, ‘Are you kidding?’ Like he was having as much fun as I was.” "

Chef Unicorn was just another horny billy goat.

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Insecure much, Kev? He went to the wheelhouse thinking Captain was going to fall  over himself raving about the dinner...he didn’t have. Then proceeded to pout for 24 hours.

I’m with Simone. I don’t know how they drink like that knowing they have to work the next day. I get nauseous just thinking about it.

Edited by pieinmyeye
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Kevin really needs to get over himself.

He should have been fired after turning his back and walking out on the Capt.

Then he doesn't make enough food after "emptying the freezer".

Doctor tells Brandy to stop drinking, so after 12 hours in a coma she wakes up and demands champagne.  Good job Courtney getting Kate on it.  I'm loving her deadpan snark.  The sparkling water was clever.

Abbi tries to drink herself out of a job because she's too chicken to quit.  It's not your boyfriend's sailboat, but he's not paying you $800 a day.

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Go home Kevin!!! How do you forget to feed your boss!? Abbi it’s really simple pumpkin, keep your hair up when working with lines and machinery. And please stop complaining about having to change your uniform. I can’t believe she got so drunk she couldn’t get up to work. I hope that Brandy got the help that she needed. Being passed out drunk during her entire charter wasn’t a good look.

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24 minutes ago, laprin said:

Kevin is a shit. Period. He can leave and be replaced by any of the previous chefs from either Below Deck (with the exception of Mila) and it would be a step up.

And the awful chef with attitude that wanted to serve beef cheeks for every dinner. I wouldn't want to see his face ever again. Besides, he treated my girl Kate like crap. She gave it right back to him, though. Or am I getting my Below Decks confused...maybe he was on Med.....

Edited by bichonblitz
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Brandi was just plain weird...drunk, sober, kinda sober. I like how Courtney and Kate handled her, and helped avoid another exorcism. Her 'friends' seemed very apathetic to her. Why did they even invite her?

You mean to tell me that there was nothing else that Kevin could have whipped up for Captain Lee?  Kevin was so darn arrogant about it too. Then he gets butt hurt over it and sulks a the bar.

  I like how Kate handled the Tanner situation. She went about her business, washed her hair, got made up, and then walked into the galley all cool like.

Ashton gets extremely competitive when he's drunk. He's also not use to getting shut down, and Courtney did precisely that.  😀

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I somehow doubt it. Kevin doesn't seem to know how to plan, nor improvise. 

Brandy would be a perfect candidate for Intervention. It hurt my liver having to watch her in the last couple episodes. 

I think I've muttered those same words that came from Courtney. I don't want to date a guy who spends hours working out and spends more time in the gym than with me and takes mirror selfies. Ugh. I hope she doesn't end up hooking up with any of the guys because it'd be nice to actually not have any relationship drama (I know, what am I saying, this is a Bravo show, but I like when the conflicts don't have to do with sexual tension).

"Two most flaws"?? LOL.

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The new chef is the story for the first quarter or so of this season.

Captain is talking about firing him and he's talking about quitting.

Whatever, get rid of him or keep him on.  The story is boring yet they keep replaying that clip of Lee eating garnish.  They probably will again next episode.

I'm starting to think Jack on BDM had the right idea.  This is a TV show so why bother to work?  Either they will fire him or they won't.  He made himself a story line though with his slacking and then chasing after Aesha.  So the producers kept him on.

I think Brian and Tanner being so thirsty for Courtney and Kate can't be for real.  They needed stories for their characters and this is apparently it, since hookups is good TV on Bravo.  Of course Ashton was chasing Courtney too after he had a couple of drinks.  After he'd said she's not his type.  Sure she's female, young, attractive so how is she not his type?

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That’s exactly right. It’s a TV show with manufactured drama. Very little of it is natural or organic. That’s not to say that it isn’t entertaining.

Some of it does rub me wrong. Captain Lee’s management style of pithy sayings and gruff disengagement just doesn’t cover it. If he has such a big problem with Kevin he should hash it out or fire him. Not stare off in the distance and grunt pithy platitudes. That’s grade A bullshit right there.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I think I've muttered those same words that came from Courtney. I don't want to date a guy who spends hours working out and spends more time in the gym than with me and takes mirror selfies. Ugh. I hope she doesn't end up hooking up with any of the guys because it'd be nice to actually not have any relationship drama (I know, what am I saying, this is a Bravo show, but I like when the conflicts don't have to do with sexual tension).

"Two most flaws"?? LOL.


Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, dsteele said:

By all that is holy, please NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Surely there is one chef somewhere in the world willing to come aboard. And if not, maybe Applebee's can just send a couple of boxes of food 🥮 🍕 🍔 (Survivor fans will understand...)

I wouldn't mind seeing Matt again but for dramas sake I'm thinking Adam would be more to the producers liking as a replacement.  I doubt it would be Ben though. They know we've just come off a season watching him, love him or hate him I doubt the producers would think over saturating their Bravo audience with Ben would be wise. 

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7 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Some of it does rub me wrong. Captain Lee’s management style of pithy sayings and gruff disengagement just doesn’t cover it. If he has such a big problem with Kevin he should hash it out or fire him. Not stare off in the distance and grunt pithy platitudes. That’s grade A bullshit right there.

This. Kevin screwed up and deserved some shit for that, but Captain Lee not even bothering to look at him and then praising every team, but him was some passive aggressive BS. I may be biased since I have been over Captain Lee since the Rocky season. I find him no better or worse than Captain Sandy.

Another unpopular opinion is that I get that Captain Lee and Kate are close, but I do find it a bit concerning that he takes her word over anyone else. Sigh, but what do I know?

Edited by Misslindsey
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12 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Wow, the chef (who sets such high standards for himself) seems like a moron - he can't count how many people he's cooking for? (or plan ahead - didn't order seafood for the "extravaganza").  

And how do you not have a freezer/fridge full of seafood for a trip on a mega yacht?  It's easy to cook, looks impressive, and you're sitting right there on top of the ocean so it sort of goes with the theme of the whole thing.

I'd be surprised if Kevin lasts another week.

Other topics:

Brandy has a significant problem.  That her friends don't react means that they've seen this routine before.  It seems like she's a bit embarrassed now that she's seen herself.  Hopefully, that shocks her into something more than making weak excuses.

I'm confused by the problem with the davit/winch/crane.  The line slipped off the roller.  Ok, the engineer should get the ladder, remove the shroud covering the end of the davit, put the line back on the roller, replace the shroud, then test the device.   It's not brain surgery.  I've seen it done.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

This. Kevin screwed up and deserved some shit for that, but Captain Lee not even bothering to look at him and then praising every team, but him was some passive aggressive BS. I may be biased since I have been over Captain Lee since the Rocky season. I find him no better or worse than Captain Sandy.

Another unpopular opinion is that I get that Captain Lee and Kate are close, but I do find it a bit concerning that he takes her word over anyone else. Sigh, but what do I know?

I'm not a huge fan of Captain Lee's management style either. It's a good thing he is a boat captain because he'd never be able to work in an environment where he has to cooperate with others or work to get consensus with a group of other executives. He only understands old fashioned military style pecking order. 

But I do understand why he takes Kate's word. So far, she has not really steered him wrong in her assessment of people's skills. So if you have an employee that is pretty darn competent or one that has just arrived and you know nothing about, sure you are going to put more stock in the known employee's opinions over others. 

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56 minutes ago, terrymct said:

I'm confused by the problem with the davit/winch/crane.  The line slipped off the roller.  Ok, the engineer should get the ladder, remove the shroud covering the end of the davit, put the line back on the roller, replace the shroud, then test the device.   It's not brain surgery.  I've seen it done.

That whole business confused me too.  He made a mistake not telling Ashton first, but I can understand the adrenaline rush of fear and the desire to just fess up to the captain and get it over with.

We have no idea where Ashton was or what he was doing at the time.

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17 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

That whole business confused me too.  He made a mistake not telling Ashton first, but I can understand the adrenaline rush of fear and the desire to just fess up to the captain and get it over with.

We have no idea where Ashton was or what he was doing at the time.

He did the right thing in going to the Captain, but he should have also told Ashton, if not before, then after.  He should have told Ashton what he did and that he had already spoken to the Captain and taken responsibility for it.  That way, Ashton wouldn't have to hear about it from the Captain, and could be ready with a response (this is how we're going to avoid such things moving forward, etc.)

Not the end of the world, and correctable, since Brian's intentions were in the right place (taking responsibility straightaway).

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In all the talk about Abbi’s hair, I also noticed that Courtney’s hair frequently looks like crap. It’s interesting because she seems like the sort of person who would put a lot of effort into her appearance.

Back to Abbi’s hair my scalp and neck get sweaty just looking at her! During a particularly hot and humid month when I was in Bali I once put my hair into a ponytail and cut it off because it was so heavy and I wasn’t going to go into town for a week or so! 

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It bothers me that beautiful, balanced, witty Simone seems to be "the help" stuck in the laundry room.  She gets zero of the interest seemingly directed at all the other crew women nor do they even show her getting attention when they go out from the locals.

I know,  too each his own as to what some are and are not attracted to and I am not implying anything to do with racism.. it is just an unfortunate optic for me to see.

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Of course it was producer shenanigans. Look the next day after the seafood debacle he finds  a drawerful of prawns? And the mahi mahi? Somebody so anal that he rehoused salt and pepper didn’t know he had that in the freezer? 

This is nonsense.

Look this show follows a formula. Kate has problems with the Chef. She rats him out to the  Captain. Then the Chef quits like Leon or surrenders like Matt or mumbles psychotically under his breath while torturing sea creatures like Adrian. Only Ben was able to survive relatively unscathed because he was more important to the show at the time.

Next Kate picks a stew to “other.” The might not be good at their job but she use it to get the other stew to mean girl her victim.

Add a deckhand who screws up and gets fired and that’s every season so far.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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27 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Of course it was producer shenanigans. Look the next day after the seafood debacle he finds  a drawerful of prawns? And the mahi mahi? Somebody so anal that he rehoused salt and pepper didn’t know he had that in the freezer? 

He had to get two dinner services out of the ingredients he had and that’s how he decided to break things up. 

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12 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Brandi was just plain weird...drunk, sober, kinda sober. I like how Courtney and Kate handled her, and helped avoid another exorcism. Her 'friends' seemed very apathetic to her. Why did they even invite her?

You mean to tell me that there was nothing else that Kevin could have whipped up for Captain Lee?  Kevin was so darn arrogant about it too. Then he gets butt hurt over it and sulks a the bar.

  I like how Kate handled the Tanner situation. She went about her business, washed her hair, got made up, and then walked into the galley all cool like.

Ashton gets extremely competitive when he's drunk. He's also not use to getting shut down, and Courtney did precisely that.  😀

Because she paid for everything! or so she claimed last episode 😉

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